SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association

Page created by Jeff Gordon
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association

October 20 to N ovember 6, 2018
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association
The remote Seychelles in the
Indian Ocean combine dramatic tropical
beauty and wondrous wildlife, comparable
to that found in the Galápagos. The warm,
azure waters are teeming with life, making this
archipelago a superb destination for snorkeling
and diving. The island republic of Madagascar,
renowned as a biodiversity “hot spot,” boasts
some of the most unique endemic wildlife in
the world, including adorable lemurs, colorful
chameleons and fascinating birds. We’ll also
explore the picturesque colonial town of St.
Denis on France’s remote island of Réunion
and ascend to the rim of a volcano on
Mauritius. On this extraordinary voyage, all
aboard will be enraptured by the astonishing
richness of these terrestrial and marine
environments. A feast for the senses awaits—
join us!


Highlights                                                       CAPTION

E N J O Y two full days at           S N O R K E L among           S N A P photos of the       D I S C O V E R a wealth
the magnificent Aldabra              stunning coral reefs and      picture-postcard-perfect    of unusual and endemic
Atoll, a World Heritage site         marvel at rainbow-hued        vistas in La Digue, where   species such as Giant
that has remained largely            fish, manta rays, spinner     granite boulders and        Aldabra tortoises, crowned
untouched by humans                  dolphins, and green and       swaying palms frame         lemurs, Seychelles paradise-
due to its remoteness and            hawksbill turtles.            white-sand beaches.         flycatchers and Madagascar
inaccessibility.                                                                               crested ibises.

SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association
Stanford Faculty Leader
                                      R O B D U N B A R , whose research interests span climate change, marine ecology,
                                      oceanography, glaciology and biogeochemistry, heads a Stanford research group that works
                                      on past, present and future climate change as well as its impacts on oceanic and coastal
                                      environments. He works regularly with the U.S. government as well as the United Nations to help
                                      develop and implement solutions to environmental and resource problems. Professor Dunbar
                                      has been studying coral reefs throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans since 1977. In 2009,
                                      2015 and 2017, he led a group of Stanford undergraduates on a 3,500-mile scientific sailing
                                      voyage from Tahiti through various island groups of the South Pacific. In 2016, he
                                      began a multi-year project working on the reefs of the Chagos Archipelago
“A brilliant scientist!               and Mauritius. During our expedition Professor Dunbar will speak about
                                      the coral reefs and marine environments of the western Indian Ocean
He has so much                        as well as some of the geopolitics of national sovereignty, fishing rights,
                                      and oil and gas exploration issues of the region.
knowledge to
                                            — At Stanford: William Keck Professor of Earth
impart and enjoyed
                                              Science; Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate
sharing that with                             Education; senior fellow of the Woods Institute
                                              for the Environment
every individual.”                          — Recipient of the Richard W. Lyman Award for
                                              exceptional volunteer service to the University
 NANCY ARNDT                                — BS, geology, University of Texas at Austin
 FINKEN, ’56, MA                            — PhD, oceanography, Scripps Institution of
’ 5 7, A N T A R C T I C A
 E X P E D I T I O N , 2 0 17                 Oceanography, UC-San Diego

OR BY PHONE:          (650) 725-1093
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association
Praslin            La Digue
                                             S E Y CHELL ES
                                                                        Poivre                    Mahé

                                        Aldabra      MOUNT AMBER
                                         Atoll Nosy NATIONAL PARK
                                                Hara Diego Suarez

       MOZAMBIQUE                                                               MASOALA                   Indian
                                                  Maroantsetra                  PARK                      Ocean
                                                                                             M AURIT IUS
                                       M ADAG ASC AR
                                                                              F RANCE
                                                                               Réunion                                              MASOALA NATIONAL P

                                        swaying palms enhance the             skink and even two forms of            islands separated by channels.
                                        postcard-perfect white beaches        endemic snail. SILVER DISCOVERER       Because of the atoll’s extreme
                                        of La Digue. Explore this tranquil    (B,L,D)                                isolation, many of Aldabra’s
 S AT U R DAY TO M O N DAY,             island by bike or take a stroll                                              species are endemics. Giant
 O CTO B E R 20 TO 2 2                  along its picturesque, sandy          T H U R S DAY, O CTO B E R 25          Aldabra tortoises—estimated to
 DEPART U.S. / VICTORIA,                                                      POIVRE ATOLL,
                                        roads. As we head for the small                                              number over 100,000—roam wild
 MAHÉ, SEYCHELLES                                                             AMIRANTE ISLANDS
                                        Veuve Nature Reserve, where the                                              on the islands. Tides permitting,
 Depart the U.S. on independent                                               Reaching the Outer Islands of
                                        endangered Seychelles paradise-                                              cruise by Zodiac through the
 flights, transiting through either                                           the Seychelles, our first stop is
                                        flycatcher may be observed in                                                narrow channels to drift through
 Europe or the Middle East and                                                the Amirante Islands, named
                                        its native habitat, pass quaint                                              a landscape of fascinating eroded
 arriving in the Seychelles’ capital                                          in honor of Portuguese admiral
                                        balconied houses and shops,                                                  limestone formations. The tides
 city of Victoria on the island of                                            Vasco da Gama’s visit in 1501.
                                        a vanilla plantation and a copra                                             have sculpted small islets into
 Mahé on Monday. Gather for a                                                 Board Zodiacs for Poivre Atoll
                                        factory en route. Other common                                               fantastical shapes known as
 welcome reception and dinner                                                 to enjoy some beachcombing,
                                        sights at the reserve include the                                            champignons, or mushrooms.
 this evening. EDEN BLEU HOTEL                                                a nature walk or birding and a
                                        yellow bittern, Seychelles swiftlet                                          Watch hundreds of lesser and
 MAHÉ (10/22: D)                                                              visit to a nearby copra plantation.
                                        and common waxbill. Next,                                                    great frigate birds soar overhead.
                                                                              Snorkel or dive over coral gardens
                                        head to one of the world’s most                                              Once on land, search for the
 T U ES DAY O CTO B E R 23                                                    inhabited by brilliantly hued
 VICTORIA / EMBARK                      breathtakingly beautiful beaches,                                            rare Aldabra white-throated rail,
                                                                              tropical fish, as manta rays glide
 SILVER DISCOVERER                      Anse La Source d’Argent, to                                                  the only flightless bird found on
                                                                              through the waters below and
 This morning visit Mahé’s century-     beachcomb, swim or simply                                                    any Indian Ocean island, and
                                                                              black-naped terns soar in the
 old Seychelles National Botanical      take time to soak in the idyllic                                             observe robber crabs, whose
                                                                              skies above. SILVER DISCOVERER
 Gardens for an introduction to 80      surroundings. After lunch visit                                              claws are strong enough to crack
 indigenous plant species, including    Praslin and the enchanting Vallée                                            coconuts, scamper across the
 five palm varieties, the vanilla       de Mai National Park, a World         F R I DAY, O CTO B E R 26
                                                                                                                     turf. Enjoy an exhilarating drift
 orchid and the rare jellyfish tree.    Heritage site. The high-canopied,     AT SEA                                 snorkel during which the incoming
 An abundance of birds inhabits         primeval palm forest is home to       Enjoy a relaxing day at sea            tide whisks us through the pass
 the area as well, including the        4,000 coco-de-mer palms, which        attending lectures on the natural      and into a lagoon populated by
 Seychelles kestrel, the Seychelles     can grow over 100 feet tall and       history of these fascinating islands   turtles and eagle rays. Visit the
 bulbul and the rare, endangered        live from 800 to 1,000 years. The     and enjoying the amenities of our      small scientific research station on
 Seychelles sunbird. Take a short       palm bears the world’s largest nut,   ship. SILVER DISCOVERER (B,L,D)        Picard Island and photograph the
 catamaran ride to the Ste. Anne        weighing from 20 to 40 pounds.                                               mighty tortoises of this magical,
 Marine National Park where we          In this magical valley, we may spot   S AT U R DAY & S U N DAY,              isolated island that few travelers
 have our first opportunity for         many of its notable inhabitants       O CTO B E R 27 & 28                    have the privilege to see. SILVER
 snorkeling. Embark our ship this       such as the Seychelles flying fox,    ALDABRA ATOLL                          DISCOVERER (B,L,D—BOTH DAYS)
 afternoon and set sail. SILVER         the Seychelles blue-pigeon and        Spend two full days at magnificent
 DISCOVERER (B,L,D)                     the rare Seychelles black parrot.     Aldabra, a World Heritage site and     M O N DAY, O CTO B E R 2 9
                                                                              a highlight of our adventure. With     NOSY HARA,
                                        Choose from a variety of walks
 W E D N ES DAY, O CTO B E R 24         to catch sight of other unique        a perimeter of 70 miles, Aldabra
 LA DIGUE / PRASLIN                                                           is one of the largest atolls in the    Today we arrive at the archipelago
                                        animals, such as the bronze-and-
 Giant granite boulders and                                                   world, comprising four major           of Nosy Hara, which consists
                                        green day gecko, the Seychelles
                                                                                                                     of 12 limestone islands with
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association

    white-sand beaches, karst rock           a haven for spotting a wide variety   S U N DAY, N OV E M B E R 4
    cliffs and pristine coral reefs. Board   of wildlife, including black-and-     RÉUNION (FRANCE)
    Zodiacs to explore the fascinating       white ruffed and brown mouse          Today we visit the lush, volcanic
    geology of this region and step
    ashore on secluded beaches for
                                             lemurs, leaf-tailed geckos,
                                             tree frogs and, with luck, the
                                                                                   island of Réunion, an overseas
                                                                                   territory of France. Explore St.       Pre-trip
    nature walks. Spend the afternoon        world’s smallest vertebrate, the      Denis, a small colonial town
    snorkeling and diving to discover        thumbnail-sized dwarf chameleon.      whose pervasive French and
    the amazing diversity of marine          Explore the bustling market in        Creole ambience is captured
    life below the waves. SILVER             Maroantsetra this afternoon, filled   in picturesque town squares. A
    DISCOVERER (B,L,D)                       with vanilla pods, cloves and other   breathtaking drive into the island’s   O CTO B E R 13 TO 21
                                                                                   dramatic mountains brings us to        ( 9 A D D I T I O N A L DAYS )
                                             exotic spices, as well as finely
                                                                                   a volcanic crater with magnificent     KENYA
    T U ES DAY, O CTO B E R 3 0              woven raffia hats and bags. SILVER
    DIEGO SUAREZ                             DISCOVERER (B,L,D)                    views. Enjoy a traditional Creole      Enjoy a classic safari experience
    (ANTISIRANANA) / MOUNT                                                         lunch, then continue on to a           in the Mara Naboisho Conserv-
                                             F R I DAY, N OV E M B E R 2           vanilla plantation to discover the     ancy, a private reserve with
    Disembark in Diego Suarez                                                      history and culture of the precious
                                             MASOALA NATIONAL                                                             a high concentration of wildlife
    (Antisiranana) and board 4x4             PARK                                  vanilla orchid. Birders may spot       and low concentration of
    vehicles for a scenic drive to           Spend today at Masoala,               the endemic Réunion paradise           visitors that is made up of land
    nearby Mount Amber National              the largest national park on          flycatcher, Réunion stonechat and      contributions from 500 Maasai
    Park. Search for rare, localized         Madagascar, enjoying hikes            Réunion harrier. SILVER DISCOVERER     landowners. Visit local villages to
    crowned lemurs, as well as               through pristine forest while         (B,L,D)                                meet the Maasai and learn about
    Sanford’s brown lemurs, striped          searching for red-ruffed lemurs,                                             their culture firsthand. Continue
    mongooses and many birds,                greater hedgehog tenrecs and          M O N DAY & T U ES DAY,                on to the Maasai Mara National
    including endemic Madagascar             ring-tailed mongooses. The park       N OV E M B E R 5 & 6                   Reserve, renowned worldwide
    crested ibises and Amber                 is also home to various species       PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS /
                                                                                   DISEMBARK / U.S.
                                                                                                                          as one of the best places in
    Mountain rock-thrushes. SILVER           of brightly colored mantella frogs,
                                                                                   Disembark Silver Discoverer on         the region to view the amazing
    DISCOVERER (B,L,D)                       extraordinary chameleons of all
                                                                                   Monday and set out on a tour           spectacle of a Great Migration
                                             sizes and many endemic bird                                                  river crossing.
    W E D N ES DAY, O CTO B E R 31           species, including the endangered     of the island’s scenic highlights.
    AT SEA
                                             Madagascar red owl and the            A drive inland takes us up to          Additional details and pricing will
    Spend a restful day at sea                                                     and around the rim of an extinct       be sent to confirmed participants.
                                             Madagascar serpent eagle.
    attending lectures and joining the                                             volcanic crater and then to
                                             SILVER DISCOVERER (B,L,D)
    resident naturalists on deck to                                                the Grand Bassin sacred lake.
    search for sea birds and marine          S AT U R DAY, N OV E M B E R 3        After lunch, visit a waterfall that
    mammals. SILVER DISCOVERER               AT SEA                                cascades over the geologically
    (B,L,D)                                  Relax on deck and attend lectures     unique “seven-colored earths
                                             that highlight our intriguing final   of Chamarel.” In the afternoon,
    T H U R S DAY, N OV E M B E R 1          ports of call. SILVER DISCOVERER      transfer to the airport
                                             (B,L,D)                               for independent homeward
                                                                                   flights, arriving back in the U.S.
    This morning visit Nosy Mangabe,
                                                                                   on Tuesday. (11/5: B,L)
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association


Silver Discoverer                                                                                                                    Program Cost*
The Silver Discoverer is an elegant 124-guest vessel, ideally                                                                        Rates are per person, based on double or single occupancy, as specified.
suited for expedition cruising. Her fleet of Zodiacs allows us to                                                                    CATEGORY                                                    DOUBLE    SINGLE**
explore anywhere nature or curiosity dictates. All staterooms

                                                                                                                                              Cabin                                              $16,980   $21,280
have an ocean view, spacious wardrobe, individually controlled                                                                                Cabin on Deck 3 with two portholes,
heat/air conditioner, personal safe, flat-screen TV, sitting area,                                                                            186 sq. ft.

en  suite bathroom and beds that can be configured as two twins

                                                                                                                                              Cabin                                              $18,280      —
or one queen. Facilities onboard include an elevator servicing
                                                                                                                                              Cabin on Deck 4 with picture window,
all passenger
                               single-seating dining room, two lounges,
                                                                                                                                              181 sq. ft.
                                        Sun Deck

small library,
           Salon &gym, beauty salon and outdoor pool.

                                                                                                                                              Cabin                                              $19,380   $24,280
                                                                                                                                              Cabin on Deck 4 with picture window,
                                                                                                                                              181 sq. ft.

                                                                                                                                              Cabin                                              $21,080      —
                               650   652                        602 604 606 608            610
                                                   Elevator                                            Bridge                                 Cabin on Deck 5 with picture window,
                               651 653                          601 603 605 607
                                                                                                                                              181 sq. ft.

                                                                                                                                              Cabin                                              $25,280      —
                                                                                                                                              Cabin on Deck 6 with two picture
                              Promenade                                                                                                       windows, 269 sq. ft.
                                          Discoverer                       502 504 506 508 510 512 514 516

           Pool                                               Elevator
                                                                                                            E                                 Cabin                                              $30,380      —
                  The Grill                                                501 503 505 507 509 511 513 515
                              Promenade                                                                                                       Cabin on Deck 6 with floor-to-ceiling
                                                                                                                                              windows and private balcony, 280 sq. ft.

                                                                             402 404 406 408 410 412 414 416 418 420 422 424 426              Suite                                              $36,380      —
                                                                                                                                              Suite on Deck 6 with living room, floor-to-

                                          Explorer Lounge

                                                                 Reception 401 403 405 407 409 411 413 415          421 423 425               ceiling windows and private balcony, 408 sq. ft.

                                                                                                                                      *Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers add $300 per person.
                                              Restaurant           E
                                                                             302 304 306 308                                         **Single accommodations are limited at this rate.
                                                                Elevator                                                               Additional singles may be available at 1.6 times the share rate.
                                                                             301 303 305 307 309

                  CATEGORY 1                      CATEGORY 2                           CATEGORY 3                       CATEGORY 4
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association
Information                                                           Terms & Conditions
DATES                                                                 Deposit & Final Payment                        to transportation and ship
October 20 to November 6, 2018 (18 days)                              A $1,000-per-person deposit is                 arrangements and exercise every
                                                                      required to hold space for this                care possible in doing so. However,
SIZE                                                                  program. Deposits for the optional             we can assume no liability for
This program can accommodate a total of 124 participants, in-         pre-trip extension will be paid                injury, damage, loss, accident,
                                                                      directly to Zegrahm Expeditions.               delay or irregularity in connection
cluding travelers from Stanford University, Victor Emanuel Nature
                                                                      Sign up online at alumni.stanford.             with the service of any automobile,
Tours and Zegrahm Expeditions. Single accommodations are
                                                                      edu/trip?seychelles2018 or call the            motor coach, launch or any other
extremely limited; please call for availability.                      Travel/Study office at (650) 725-              conveyance used in carrying out this
                                                                      1093. Final payment is due 120 days            program or for the acts or defaults
INCLUDED                                                              prior to departure. As a condition             of any company or person engaged
1 night of hotel accommodations in Victoria, Seychelles               of participation, all confirmed                in conveying the passenger or in
13-night cruise aboard Silver Discoverer 14 breakfasts,               participants are required to sign a            carrying out the arrangements of
14 lunches, 14 dinners, including soft drinks, beer and wine          Release of Liability.                          the program. We cannot accept
with lunches and dinners Welcome and farewell receptions                                                             any responsibility for losses or
                                                                      Cancellations & Refunds
   Gratuities to guides, drivers, hotel staff and ship crew for all                                                  additional expenses due to delay
                                                                      Deposits and any payments are
                                                                                                                     or changes in air or other services,
group activities All tours and shore excursions as described          refundable, less a $500-per-
                                                                                                                     sickness, weather, strike, war,
in the itinerary Transfers and baggage handling on program            person cancellation fee, until 120
                                                                                                                     quarantine, force majeure or other
arrival and departure days Port fees and embarkation taxes            days prior to departure. After that
                                                                                                                     causes beyond our control. All
Minimal medical, accident and evacuation insurance Educa-             date, refunds can be made only
                                                                                                                     such losses or expenses will have
                                                                      if the program is sold out and
tional program with lecture series and pre-departure materials,                                                      to be borne by the passenger as
                                                                      your place(s) can be resold, in
including recommended reading list, a selected book, map and                                                         tour rates provide arrangements
                                                                      which case a $1,000-per-person
travel information Services of our professional tour manager                                                         only for the time stated. We reserve
                                                                      cancellation fee will apply.
                                                                                                                     the right to make such alterations
to assist you throughout the program
                                                                      Insurance                                      to this published itinerary as may
NOT INCLUDED                                                          Stanford Travel/Study provides                 be deemed necessary. The right
                                                                      all travelers who are U.S. or                  is reserved to cancel any program
International and U.S. domestic airfare Passport and visa fees
                                                                      Canadian citizens with minimal                 prior to departure in which case
  Immunization costs Meals and beverages other than those             medical, accident and evacuation               the entire payment will be refunded
specified as included Independent and private transfers               coverage under our group-travel                without further obligation on our
Trip-cancellation/interruption and baggage insurance Excess-          insurance policy. Our group policy             part. The right is also reserved
baggage charges Personal items such as internet access,               is intended to provide minimal                 to decline to accept or retain
telephone and fax calls, laundry and gratuities for nongroup          levels of protection while you are             any person as a member of the
services                                                              traveling on this program. You may             program. No refund will be made
                                                                      choose to subscribe to optional                for an unused portion of any tour
AIR ARRANGEMENTS                                                      trip-cancellation and baggage                  unless arrangements are made in
                                                                      insurance. Information will be                 sufficient time to avoid penalties.
You are responsible for booking and purchasing airfare to the
                                                                      provided to travelers with their               Baggage is carried at the owner’s
start location of the program and from the end location of the        welcome materials. The product                 risk entirely. It is understood that
program. These air purchases are NOT included in the program          offered includes special benefits              the ship’s ticket, when issued, shall
cost. To assist you in making these independent arrangements,         if you purchase your policy within             constitute the sole contract between
we will send you information with your confirmation materials on      14 days of written confirmation of             the passenger and the cruise
when to arrive and depart.                                            your participation on the trip.                company. The airlines concerned
                                                                                                                     are not to be held responsible for
WH AT TO E XPECT                                                                                                     any act, omission or event during
                                                                      We encourage membership in the
For most activities, a moderate level of exertion is required. You                                                   the time that passengers are not
                                                                      Stanford Alumni Association as
                                                                                                                     onboard their plane or conveyance.
will need to climb into and out of Zodiacs for most excursions.       the program cost for nonmembers
                                                                                                                     Neither the Stanford Alumni
Snorkeling and diving activities may commence off of the Zodiacs      is $300 more than the members’
                                                                                                                     Association, Stanford University
or from the beaches. For excursions on shore, you must be able        price. A person traveling as a paid
                                                                                                                     nor our operators accept liability for
to walk moderate distances unaided                                    guest of a current member will
                                                                                                                     any carrier’s cancellation penalty
                                                                      not be charged the nonmember
over varied and occasionally                                                                                         incurred by the purchase of a
                                                                      fee. To purchase a membership,
rough terrain, such as                                                                                               nonrefundable ticket in connection
beaches and muddy trails                                                                                             with the tour. Program price is based
                                                                      membership or call (650) 725-0692.
                                                                                                                     on rates in effect in September
with exposed roots, and
                                                                      Responsibility                                 2017 and is subject to change
to navigate steps with-                                                                                              without notice to reflect fluctuations
                                                                      The Stanford Alumni Association,
out handrails. Average                                                Stanford University and our                    in exchange rates, tariffs or fuel
daily temperatures will                                               operators act only as agents                   charges.
range from the low to                                                 for the passenger with respect
upper 80s (°F), though
high humidity can                                                     TELEPHONE   (650) 725-1093
make it feel warmer.                                                  EMAIL
We welcome travelers                                                  California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50
12 years of age and
older on this program.                                                         © COPYRIGHT 2017 STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                                               PRINTED ON RECYCLED, FSC-CERTIFIED PAPER IN THE U.S.
SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association
Stanford Travel/Study                     Nonprofit Org.
                                                               Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center        U.S. Postage
                                                               326 Galvez Street                            PAID
                                                               Stanford, CA 94305-6105                  Stanford Alumni
                                                               (650) 725-1093                             Association


O cto b e r 20 to N ove mb e r 6, 2018

“The trip was magical!”
J A N E ( B O R E TA , ’ 8 3 ) A N D B E N G T W A L E L R U D , U LT I M AT E A L D A B R A , 2 0 14

SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association SILVER DISCOVERER October 20 to November 6, 2018 - Stanford Alumni Association
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