Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY

Page created by Kristen Bowers
Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY
Our Lady Help of Christians
         Roman Catholic Church
   “The Heart & Soul of Midwood, Brooklyn”
 1315 East 28th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210

  May 19, 2024        Pentecost Sunday
Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY
Administrator                            SUNDAY COLLECTION– May 12, 2024
                    Rev. Dwayne D. Davis
                       Parochial Vicar                       First Collection:                                        $2,703
                                                             Second Collection: Catholic Education                   $ 322
                 Rev. Joseph Gaspar D. Hugo
                                                             Total:                                                  $3,025
                         In Residence
                    Rev. Ralph J. Caputo                      The second collections for this weekend were
                       Pastor Emeritus
                                                             Air Conditioning & Catholic Communications.
           Kathy Arroyo: Administrative Assistant            The second collection for next weekend is Altar
          Nicole Compagnone: Director of Religious                         Flowers/Grounds.
    Brandon Morel: Director of Youth Evangelization/Social
                                                                            MASS COUNT
                           Media                                      Saturday, May 11, 2024: 50
               Brayam Bravo-Cruz: Sacristan                            Sunday, May 12, 2024: 95
             Justine Manuel: Sacristan Emeritus
                Jeffrey Remulla: Maintenance
                                                                      The Readings for the Week of May 19, 2024
                                                                Sunday                                  Wednesday
       Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm               Acts 2:1-11                             James 4:13-17
                                                                Ps 104:1,24,29-31,34                    Ps 49:2-3,6-11
     Phone (718) 338-5242 Fax (718) 377-8092                    1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 or          Mark 9:38-40
                                                                Galatians 5:16-25
        Web Address: www.olhcbrooklyn.org                       John 20:19-23 or John 15:26-27;16:12-15
           Email: info@olhcbrooklyn.org                         Monday
                                                                                                        James 5:1-6
     Facebook @ourladyhelpofchristiansmidwood                   Genesis 3:9-15,20 or Acts 1:12-14       Ps 49:14-20
                                                                Ps 87:1-3,5-7                            Mark 9:41-50
              For Emergencies Only 917-732-3349                 John 19:25-34

                     Mass Schedule                                                                      Friday
                                                                Tuesday                                 J ames 5:9-12
                Monday-Friday 8:30 am                           James 4:1-10                            Ps 103:1-4,8-9,11-12
              Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 pm                       Ps 55:7-11a,23                          Mark 10:1-12
                   Sunday 10:00 am                              Mark 9:30-37
                                                                                                         James 5:13-20
                 OLHC Church is Open:                                                                    Ps 141:1-3,8
     Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 7:30 am - after Mass                                                    Mark 10:13-16
            Tuesday & Thursday: 8 am -12 pm
        Saturday: 9 am - 12 pm, 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
               Sunday: 8:30 am - 11:30 am                    Consider Leaving a Legacy of Faith… Remember Our Parish in
                                                             Your Will when you next update your estate plan, please consider
                     Confession:                             continuing your lifelong stewardship by leaving a bequest to Our
                                                                             Lady Help of Christian Church.
     Saturday at 4:30 pm before the 5:00 pm Mass
                                                             ‘REGISTER’ officially as a parishioner of Our Lady Help of
                 Holy Days of Obligation                       Christians. It’s easy to do, costs nothing, and has many
                   Holy Day 8:30 am                                                     benefits.
                                                                  CALL THE RECTORY FOR REGISTRATION
                Filipino Ministry Mass:                                            INFORMATION
          First Sunday of the Month 2:00 pm
Scheduled Meetings:                                                 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCE

 Friendship Club meets Thursday in the Rectory              Monday: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the
  Conference Room after the 8:30 am Mass                     Church
 Filipino Arts & Music Ensemble (F.A.M.E.) meets
  Friday in the Church Hall                                  Tuesday: St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions
 Rooted in Jesus Christ (R.i.J.C.) meets the 1st and 3rd
  Saturday of the month from 2:30 to 4:45pm in the           Wednesday: St. Rita of Cascia
  Church Hall.
 Rosary Altar Society meets the 3rd Sunday of the           Saturday: St. Bede the Venerable, St. Gregory VII, St.
  month for 10:00 am Mass followed by a meeting in the       Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, Blessed Virgin Mary
  Rectory Conference Room
Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY
THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS                                            Please pray for the sick in our parish
                                                                        Connie Marzella, Sarah Maldonado, Millie Ricciardi, Alice Sak,
Sunday, May 19th       10:00 am                                         Eileen Lynch, Julia Friel, Sara Beleckis, Baby Leah, Agnes Ford,
Our Lady Help of Christians Feast Day                                   Christina Kurland, Marva McDonald, Catherine Smorto, Sarah
The People of the Parish
                                                                        Quigley, Laurette Champagne, Joseph Losinno, Joseph Bird,
Monday, May 20th        8:30 am                                         Doreen Jennings, Ingrid Jennings, MaryAnn Sayers, Sonia Graves,
Living Birthday: John Carlo Toladro                                     Patricia, Bea Pyatt, McKenzie Paulino, John Marzella, Elacia
Tuesday, May 21st      8:30 am                                          Webb, Natale Collins, Jeanine Burke, Steve Hughes, Barbara Cabe,
Living Birthday: Rob Murphy                                             Ethel Tan, Alice Brillantes, Manny Quesada and Erlinda & Juanito
Wednesday, May 22nd 8:30am                                              If you have a loved one who is sick and you would like us to pray for
Rita Rotiroti                                                            them, lease contact the Rectory no later than Mondays for inclusion
Thursday, May 23rd 8:30am                                                                           in the Bulletin
Eleanor Resnitzky: by Eleanor & Al Kehoe
                                                                          “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every
Friday, May 24th         8:30am                                            affair under the heavens. A time to be born, and a time to die”
Living Intention: Patrick & Alison Murphy                                                             Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
(Wedding Anniversary)                                                        We Remember in our Prayers all of our faithful departed
Saturday, May 25th   5:00pm                                                                        WEDDINGS AT OLHC
Emilia Buro
The Members of Our Parish Purgatorial Society                                                If you need to schedule a wedding, please
Sunday, May 26th      10:00 am                                                          contact the Rectory at least six months before the
Eugenia Tolentino                                                                                         desired date
Virginia Sulit
Deirdre Bergson                                                                                       BAPTISMS AT OLHC
Gladys Villorente                                                                           We have made our Baptism schedule flexible to
Joan McTighe                                                                         accommodate families. Our Baptism class will be on the
Carmela Modica
Joaquin Taitano                                                                     3rd Tuesday of every month. If you need to schedule a
The People of the Parish                                                               Baptism, please contact the Rectory at least a month
                                                                                                     before the desired date
                          HOST & WINE INTENTIONS                                      COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND
                Wednesday, May 22nd: Living Birthday: Joseph                  If you know a parishioner who is unable to attend Mass on the
                             Christopher Diaz                            weekend, or are unable to attend yourself, please contact the Rectory
                                                                        to arrange an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to visit on a
             Friday, May 24th: Living Birthday: Marvin Cabagui           regular basis. Homebound parishioners are very grateful to be able to
                                                                                          receive communion in their homes.
              Saturday, May 26th: Living Intention: Angelina                   Please keep our homebound members in your prayers.
    Francisco-Auguste (in Thanksgiving & Blessings in 2024)

                Our Food Pantry is in need of the following items:         What a gift Jesus promised His disciples! He would send them a
               cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, rice   mighty Advocate, the Spirit of Truth, to be with them forever. The great
                                                                        news is that He meant this for ALL His followers, including us! The
              & dessert items. Donations can be dr opped off at the     Holy Spirit was given to us over 2,000 years ago at Pentecost, the
                  Rectory during normal Rectory business hours.         birthday of our Church. The Spirit of God remains a mighty source of
                    Thank you in advance for your generosity!           power, hope, and transformation, always ready to propel believers
                                                                        toward truth, holiness, God’s Holy Will, and heaven.
          The Rosary Altar Society meeting on Sunday, May 19th             Every Catholic receives the Holy Spirit's gifts and grace when they
            is cancelled. We do not meet in June, July & August.        receive the Sacrament of Baptism. When we are baptized, we experi-
                                                                        ence our own personal Pentecost. This Sacrament and the gifts of the
                           See you in September!                        Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are indelibly bonded to our souls, along
                                                                        with all the promises, powers, and graces given to the early disciples.
                The Readings for the Week of May 26, 2024                   After baptism, and again through confirmation, the Holy Spirit con-
                                                                        tinues to pursue us and draw us closer to the image of God in which
   Sunday                        Wednesday                              we were created. God wants to lavish these gifts upon us, but our
   Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40     1 Peter 1:18-25                        hearts must be open and docile to receive all He freely wants to give
   Ps 33:4-6,9,12b,18-20,22      Ps 147:12-15,19-20                     us. We must cooperate using our free will and reach for these gifts to
   Romans 8:14-17                Mark 10:32-45                          activate them. Prayer, reading Scripture, daily examination of con-
   Matthew 28:16-20                                                     science, and frequently receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and
                                                                        the Holy Eucharist will help us grow in the Spirit of Christ to set the
                                  Thursday                              world on fire with His love, hope, truth, and peace.
   Monday                         1 Peter 2:2-5,9-12
                                                                                     © 2024 by Terry Modica ∙ Catholic Digital Resources
   1 Peter 1:3-9                  Ps 100:2-5
   Ps 111:1-2,5-6,9,10c           Mark 10:46-52
   Mark 10:17-27                                                          **PLEASE REMEMBER OUR CHURCH’S SAINTS’ SHRINES &
                                                                                         VOTIVE CANDLES**
   Tuesday                        Zephaniah 3:14-18 or Romans12:9-16
   1 Peter 1:10-16                Isaiah 12:2-3,4b-6                                                    First Friday of the Month
   Ps 98:1-4                      Luke 1:39-56                                                      Benediction after the 8:30am Mass
   Mark 10:28-31
                                  Saturday                                                     Pray for the Men and Women in our
                                  Jude 17:20b-25
                                  Ps 63:2-6
                                                                                               United States Armed forces and their
                                  Mark 11:27-33                                                              families
Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY Our Lady Help of Christians - May 19, 2024 Pentecost Sunday Roman Catholic Church - Our Lady Help of Christians, Brooklyn NY
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