Meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and family needs of emergency response personnel internationally

Page created by Megan Paul
Meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and family needs of emergency response personnel internationally
"Meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and
     family needs of emergency response
     personnel internationally “

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” . . . . John 14:6

                        That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weakness,
                        in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
                        For when I am weak, I am strong.
                                                                                                             1st Qtr. 2021

Dear Pray Partners and Friends,

As Spring arrives we are still holding close to home waiting for covid to subside. Meanwhile, we
celebrated Easter and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus with our family. We continue to be restricted
from international travel as both Peru and Ukraine are experiencing repeated surges of the covid virus
along with the variant strains. Both of us have now received both injections of the Moderna vaccine with
no ill effects. We continue to stay busy with various ministry work, and plan to do some supporter visits
this summer.

MELITOPOL, UKRAINE FIRE DONATION                                                              Praising & Praying
We are now in the process of packing the fire equipment for the Ukraine.                        Praising we can now
The shipment has been approved and certified by the Ukrainian
                                                                                                 ship fire equipment
government as a, “Humanitarian Donation”. We are sending 200 sets of
personal protective fire clothing, medical backboards, leg splints, and                          to Ukraine
various tools. One of our supporters graciously provided funds for the
purchase of five fire axes and pile poles. In addition funds were provided
for a re-build kit for Melitopol’s air compressor. This air compressor is                       Praying for covid to
used to fill the department airpacks enabling firefighters to enter a                            just go away
burning building for search and rescue. Their compressor has been
broken down for over a year. We are hoping to have the shipping
container leaving the U.S. by the end of May, with arrival in July.                             Praying for those
MEMORIAL UPDATE                                                                                  grieving loved ones
                                                                                                 lost to covid
We are continuing to make and present
memorials for active duty fallen or passed away
first responders. Our efforts have resulted in first                                            Praying for the
responder services contacting us on a regular                                                    Ukraine firefighters
basis. We are so privileged that the Lord has
provided this opportunity to show the love of
Christ to those that are hurting and grieving for
friends and loved ones.
Meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and family needs of emergency response personnel internationally

The corona virus continues to be alive and well in Iquitos. We were
saddened to learn that a close friend, the fire chief of Iquitos, Chief Rofolfo
Arevalo Acursio passed away from the virus. Rodolfo was instrumental in
facilitating the provision of shipping finances with the local regional
government for the recent fire equipment donation.

Juanita, one of our CMI chaplain wives, came down with the covid virus.
After much prayer and some financial help she recovered fully.

Travel to Peru continues to be severely restricted. If traveling to Peru, a
negative covid test or a 14 day quarantine is mandatory. There is an option
to take a covid test after arrival at the airport, but there would be no
guarantee you would still be allowed to enter the country.


We are in the process of working on gathering fire equipment for assisting the construction of a new fire
station in Lima, Peru. Sharon Garcia, fire captain for the Miraflores fire station, is our point person helping
develop this project. Knowing and working with Sharon has been a joy for 12 years. She proposed the idea of
having her fire training graduating class facilitate the opening of a new fire station.


A mission team is being planned for the summer of 2022. Iquitos, Peru will again be the destination to
minister to first responders, three village churches, two orphanages, and an AIDS orphanage. One of the
village churches, Barrio Florido, is located down the Amazon River, while another, the village of Delfines,
is located in the jungle. Please pray for whomever God will touch to participate on this mission.


Please pray about a possible trip to Ukraine in September or October.


The letter below was a burden the Lord put on my heart to inform our prayer partners and supporters that life
isn’t always fair. But that there is a purpose to everything God does to test us and to bring glory and honor to

                                                   THE GIFT
                                               2 Corinthians 12:10

If you have followed our ministry over the years, many of you know that we’ve experienced quite a
few challenges over the years. Everything from Chris breaking her ankle in Ukraine to having
donated medical equipment stolen in Peru. This brings us to share about a situation that has
developed over the last six years. Some of you do, but many may not know that Mark experienced
throat cancer back in 2008. It was a cancer that was treatable by radiation and chemo. In 2009 we
began to minister in the country of Peru and while there Mark experienced an episode where he
began to slur his words when speaking. Needless to say this was alarming and we contacted his
physician back in the U.S. A reason for this has never been found but this condition has persisted
over the years and happens occasionally and clears up within minutes of onset. We believe this was
a result of the radiation received during cancer treatment.
Meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and family needs of emergency response personnel internationally
Fast forward to fall of 2015. Mark began to have problems with recurrent bouts of pneumonia. After
many visits to his physician he was referred to have an endoscopy procedure. At that procedure his
oxygen saturation level was excessively low and he was immediately hospitalized for acute
pneumonia. It was during that week long hospital stay that we learned his pneumonia was the result
of his epiglottis (the little flap of tissue in his throat) that seals off his windpipe during swallowing was
not working. This meant not eating any food or drink. This was devastating news and he agonized
over how our ministry could take place because food is an important part of developing relationships
in Peru, Ukraine and other parts of the world.

In God’s wisdom and plan everything worked out because Mark now has a permanent feeding tube
which keeps his weight appropriately correct and he takes powdered and liquid formula with him
whenever we travel abroad. But that is not all. During the last six years Marks voice has been
deteriorating. You see, “Radiation is the gift that keeps on giving”. Mark’s vocal cords and neck
muscles were also affected. They have some what deformed to the point where at times his speech
is not understandable and enunciation is difficult. This condition is ongoing and will be permanent.
Injections and implants to enhance his speech has been attempted, but improvement is minimal.
Speech augmentation to help Mark with chaplaincy training, church presentations, and conversation
is currently being explored.

While these things have created significant challenges, it has not dampened the desire and leading
to serve Jesus Christ by loving and helping those of the first responder community around the world.
CMI and Mark will continue to train national pastors to be chaplains, minister to first responders,
gather and donate fire equipment, and lead mission teams.

Mark considers the condition he struggles with a gift from God. A gift that hopefully sends a
message of God’s love, hope and faithfulness through times of darkness. Even though people may
have a disability in some respect, God adapts our skills, talents, and even our struggles to suit the
ministry situation.

We see how the Lord has used and continues to use CMI and have a strong sense that God wants
Mark to continue in this ministry for as long as he physically can, knowing that “His strength is made
perfect in our weakness.”

2 Corinthians 12:10
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in
difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

                                                       God Bless!
                                                    Mark & Chris All
Meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and family needs of emergency response personnel internationally
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