Westminster Presbyterian Church - A Telling Presence in the City

Westminster Presbyterian Church - A Telling Presence in the City
Presbyterian Church
          A Telling Presence in the City
Good Friday, April 15, 2022 at Noon

  This is Jesus, King of the Jews, by James Quentin Young, oil on canvas, 1963
  The Westminster Collection

Westminster is the church in the world, online and in person.
 We belong to one another and to God. Thanks be to God!
Prelude Adagio for Strings                                          Samuel Barber, arr. Eddings
                                                                       Joseph Trucano, organ

Welcome                                                      The Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen

Greeting from Greater Minneapolis Community Connections (GMCC)                   Adrienne Dorn
Today’s offering will support the ministries of GMCC.

Opening Sentences

*Hymn No. 221 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, vs. 2 Choir only

The Seven Last Words of Jesus
Prayer for Illumination

The First Word Luke 23:32-35                                                      Abigail Karels
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

    Brief Silence


The Second Word Luke 23:39-43
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

    Brief Silence

    Musical Reflection Improvisation on O Sacred Head                                Joe Sferra
                                                                    Claire Zwiefelhofer, clarinet

The Third Word John 19:25-27
“‘Woman, here is your son!’ Then Jesus said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother!’”

    Brief Silence

    Meditation                                                 The Rev. Alanna Simone Tyler

    *Hymn No. 215 What Wondrous Love is This

*Please stand as you are able.
The Fourth Word Mark 15:33-34
“‘‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

   Brief Silence

   Musical Reflection Surrounded by Thorns                             arr. Kenneth Vigne
                                                                     Kenneth Vigne, piano

The Fifth Word John 19:28-29
“I am thirsty.”

   Brief Silence

   Meditation                                                The Rev. Dr. Matthew Skinner

   Musical Reflection The Crucifixion from Hermit Songs                    Samuel Barber
                                                                     Patty Kramer, soloist
   At the cry of the first bird
   They began to crucify Thee, O Swan!
   Never shall lament cease because of that.
   It was like the parting of day from night.
   Ah, sore was the suffering borne
   By the body of Mary’s Son,
   But sorer still to Him was the grief
   Which for His sake
   Came upon His Mother.

The Sixth Word John 19:30
“It is finished.”

   Brief Silence

   Musical Reflection Crucifixus                                            Antonio Lotti
                                           Westminster Choir; Dr. Amanda Weber, conductor
   (sung in Latin)
   He was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate:
   He suffered and was buried.
The Seventh Word Luke 23:44-46
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

   Brief Silence

   Meditation                                                         The Rev. Alexandra Jacob

   Musical Reflection Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden from St. Matthew Passion           J.S. Bach
   (sung in German)
   When comes my hour of parting, do not Thou part from me.
   As death’s dread hour approaches beside me Thou wilt be.
   And when, in awful anguish, my time of death is nigh,
   Thy cross will then uphold me that steadfast I may die.

Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer                           The Rev. Dr. Meghan Gage-Finn

   Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
   on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we
   forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is
   the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn No. 218 Ah, Holy Jesus


Depart in silence.
Welcome! We are grateful for your presence and invite you
to participate in our worship, mission, and programs.
  Welcome, Children! Westminster welcomes children of all ages to participate in
  our worship. If, for any reason, you and your child need to leave the sanctuary,
  you can visit the Tower Room in the southwest corner off the balcony for a
  kid-friendly space.
  Wednesday Worship Join us Wednesdays in May for a Silence & Song worship
  at 6 pm in Westminster Hall and livestream: westminstermpls.online.church

Get Involved
  The Bible Then and Now: Abundant Life in the Gospel of John
  Mondays, April 18-May 23 | 7-8:30 pm | Garden Room/Zoom
  Join Westminster’s Scholar for Adult Education Matt Skinner to explore portions
  of the Gospel of John that focus on the book’s compelling view of life, connec-
  tion to God, and human flourishing. Register on Realm. (Please note: Zoom
  only class on April 18.)
  Town Hall Forum: Colette Pinchon Battle
  Wednesday, April 27 | Noon | Sanctuary
  Founder of the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy, Colette Pinchon Battle works
  with local communities, national funders, and elected officials in the post-
  Katrina and post-Deepwater Horizon disaster recovery. She will discuss how we
  can respond to climate disasters in positive ways for communities of color.
  Attend a New Member Class
  Sunday, May 1 | 11:45 am | Meisel Room
  Interested in learning more about membership at Westminster? Contact
  Meghan for more information, mgage-finn@wpc-mpls.org.

Westminster Cares
  Births, Adoptions, Baptisms Contact Janice Teliczan, jteliczan@wpc-mpls.org.
  For Pastoral Care Notify Deb Wagner of hospitalization, illness, death, or prayer
  requests, dwagner@wpc-mpls.org.
  Prayer Companions 1st Sundays, 11:30 am, Prayer Room
  Blood Pressure Screening 3rd Sundays, 9:30-10:15 am & 11:30 am-Noon,
  Bates Room
This Week at Westminster | April 17-24
Visit westminstermpls.org/events for more details about events.

Holy Saturday, April 16
9 am | Worship | Westminster Hall *
10 am | Downtown Coalition for Grief | Zoom
Easter, April 17
7 am | Gospel Sunrise Service | Westminster Hall *
8 am-12:30 pm | To the Cross and Beyond | Westminster Gallery
9 am | Worship | Sanctuary *
11 am | Worship | Sanctuary *
Monday, April 18
Church offices closed for Easter Monday
7 pm | The Bible Then and Now | Zoom
Tuesday, April 19
6 pm | Handbell Choir Rehearsal | Great Hall
Wednesday, April 20
9 am | WOW | Zoom
10:30 am | Moms Group | Zoom
Noon | Centering Prayer | Zoom
5:45 pm | Family Fellowship & Children’s Choir | Zoom
6:30 pm | Confirmation and Caregiver Gathering | Youth Room and Garden Room
Thursday, April 21
10 am | Magnet Senior Center: Russia and the US | Bushnell Room
Saturday, April 23
8:30 am | Men’s Retreat | Fellowship Hall and Meisel Room
10 am | Downtown Coalition for Grief | Zoom
Macalester Sunday, April 24
8 am-12:30 pm | To the Cross and Beyond | Westminster Gallery
8:30 am | Worship | Westminster Hall *
9:15 am | Family Matters | Nursery
9:15 am | Church School | In person
9:15 am | Earth Day Joint Forum | Westminster Hall *
10:30 am | Worship | Sanctuary *
Noon | Human Growth & Sexuality Workshop | Courtyard
1 pm | Mia Art Tour | Minneapolis Institute of Art
2:15 pm | Mia Art Tour | Minneapolis Institute of Art
5 pm | FEAST | Plymouth Congregational Church

* May also be viewed via Livestream westminstermpls.online.church
Daily Phone Devotions

April 17............................................ Acts 10:34-43
18..........................................1 Corinthians 5:6b-8
19........................................Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
20....................................................... Luke 24:1-12
21....................................................... Acts 5:27-32
22...........................................................Psalm 150
23................................................. Revelation 1:4-8
The Crucifixion, Text: anonymous, trans. Howard Mumford Jones; Music: Samuel Barber: permission to print this title is obtained

from CCS with license #11181. Streamed with permission under One License #A-704045. All rights reserved.

Permission to stream this title is obtained from CCS with license #11181.

  Giving to Westminster
  You can make a one-time gift or pledge your support for 2022
  online via Realm. To access Realm, point your smartphone
  camera at the QR code below or visit: onrealm.org/westminster

                                            Holy Week at Westminster
       Holy Saturday | April 16
       9 am | Westminster Hall*
         Prayer service with the Revs. Tim and Beth Hart-Andersen
       Easter at Westminster | April 17
       7 am | Westminster Hall* | Sunrise Gospel Service
         The Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen preaching;
         music from Thomasina Petrus and Thom West
       9 and 11 am | Sanctuary* | Worship
         The Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen preaching;
         organ, brass, and choral music
         (Additional parking available in Orchestra Hall)
       * May also be viewed via Livestream westminstermpls.online.church

                                                  1200 Marquette Avenue | Minneapolis 55403
                                                  westminstermpls.org | 612.332.3421

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