Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!

Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!

                 Guide                      March 2023

Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our
book club of fellow viral book readers!

             Always wanted to discover the joy of painting?!
              Have we got a program for you... No mistakes,
                                 just happy little accidents.
Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!
March 2023
Issue No. 27
  We would like to, once again, thank the
Friends of the Library for their assistance
  in making programming possible. This
month we are continuing a new program
    made possible by a Tennessee Arts             Locations
   Commission Grant we were awarded                         Main Library
      thanks to the Friends, plus their               433 E. Lafayette St.
   generosity in providing the additional              Jackson, TN 38301
  funds needed. We hope you will join us
                                                 Mon. - Thu.: 9 am - 8 pm
 for Happy Little Accidents Painting hour        Fri. & Sat.: 9 am - 5 pm
                this month!
                                                            North Branch
                                                      8 Stonebridge Blvd.
                                                      Jackson, TN 38305
                                              (Located beside King Buffet)
                                                  Mon. - Fri.: 9 am - 6 pm

                                                  Contact Us

   Jackson-Madison County                        731-425-8600
        Library Board
The Library Board normally meets at
                                                 Fax Main: 731-425-8609
 3:30 pm on the fourth Wednesday                 Fax North: 731-300-0370
  each month in the Library Board
 Room, 433 E. Lafayette Street. All
  meetings are open to the public.               /JMCLibrary
 Mr. Phillip Mullins, Board Chair
  Dr. Susan Francisco, Vice-Chair                @jmcread
   Mr. Greg Parsons, Treasurer
 Ms. Beth Ann Simpson, Member                    @JMCLibrary
  Ms. Olivia Abernathy, Member
     Ms. Sue Vagors, Member
 Ms. Kortney D. Simmons, Member
    Ms. Dinah Harris, Director
Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!
Staff Spotlight
Treaven Mitchell,
Circulation Services
Manager, Main Library
How long have you been at the
I've been working with the Jackson-
Madison County Library since
November 2012.

What do you enjoy most about
your job?
I enjoy putting things in order, so I
enjoy shelving a lot. Organizing is very
calming for me.

   What is your favorite book?
   I have a few favorite books. The ones that come to mind are
   Love Beyond Life, Poet Anderson... of Nightmares, Green
   Heart, and Jurassic Park.

   Tell us about your family, friends, or pets.
   I'm married to my best friend, Sarah, and I have a 9 year old
   daughter. I have 5 pets consisting of 2 dogs and 3 cats.
   Their names are Goku, Speck, Luna, Lana, and Buddy.

   What is something people may not know about you?
   I have been skateboarding for 21 years now. I have made a
   short documentary about myself that won 3 awards at film
   festivals. I even have my own IMDB page showing the film
   projects I have worked on over the years.
Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!
March Children's Programs
      ory Tim
    St       e After-school
                 Celebrate Read Across America Day
                              Story Time for all ages
                 March 2 at 4:00
                                                 Ms. Jennifer will read books about her
Story Time at the Main Library                   favorite characters! We'll have crafts and
Mondays & Tuesdays at 10:30 am                   songs and play time, too. All kids are
Bring the little ones for stories, songs, fun,   welcome to join us!
and new friends. This month's themes are:

March 6-7 National Oreo Cookie Day!
Stories and a special treat of everyone's
favorite black & white cookie!

March 13-14 Learn About Butterflies Day          Pokémon Trading Card Swap
Kick off Spring Time with a story time           March 11 from 11:00 -1:00
devoted to caterpillars and butterflies.         Come to the library to trade cards from
                                                 everyone's favorite pocket monster game,
March 20-21 National Bubble Week                 Pokémon.
Books, songs, crafts, and a bubble
machine. What could be more fun?!

March 27-28 National Sharing Day                 Create-a-Game in the MakerSpace
On this day, we'll share a story time with       March 17 at 3:30 pm
Madison County Parks Dept. who will              In the Library's Makerspace, learn how to
bring a story and fun prize for everyone to      make your own board game. Using parts
take home!                                       of other board games and reskinning them
 Spring Break Programs                           to your interests, you can create
                                                 something new and more fun than the
Spring Break - Game On!                          original! Ages 8+
March 14 - 1:00 - 2:30
Come play board games with your friends           Family Book Club
or make new friends in the Children's             Thursdays at 10:00 am
Department!                                       March 2, 16, 23, 30
                                                  (We will not meet on the 9th)
Spring Break - Crafternoon!
March 15 - 1:00-2:30                              This program is full now, but we will
We'll have a ton of random craft supplies         be adding a second book club
out for kids to create their own art with.        beginning April 6th. Let Ms. Jennifer
Come express your artistic side!                  know if you are interested!
Spring Break - Lego Time!                         Homeschooling families sign up first,
March 16 1:00-2:30 pm                             then read the monthly selection at
Come build with the library's collection of       home as a family and meet weekly for
Lego bricks and Duplo blocks!                     themed discussions, crafts, games,
                                                  and play time.
Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!
March Teen Programs
Teen Homework Help                           Teen Arts and Crafts (for Teens)
Every Tuesday and Thursday                   Every second Saturday at 3:00 pm
March 7, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, & 30            March 11
3:00 pm until 5:00 pm                        Come use our collection of arts and craft
Getting stuck and need someone to walk       supplies to get creative.
you through homework? Come to the Teen
Room to have someone assist you!

Brown Bag Book Club
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
March 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29
Tweens and teens are welcome to bring a
sack lunch and join us for a book club.
                                             Create-a-Game in the MakerSpace
Teen Advisory Board                          March 17 at 3:30 pm
Every First Thursday at 4:30 pm              Learn how to make your own board game
March 2                                      using parts of other board games and
Join TAB to meet other teens, plan events,   reskinning them to your interests!
help choose books and materials for the
Teen Room, and more!
                                             Marvel Club
                                             Every third Saturday at 3:00 pm
Game Nights                                  March 18
Every first and third Thursday at 5:00 pm    Join other Marvel fans for crafts,
March 2 & 16                                 discussion, movie showings, and more.
Join us for board games of all kinds!
Anything from chess and checkers to D&D      K-POP Club
and Settlers of Catan.                       Every fourth Saturday at 3:00 pm
                                             March 25
Library Literacy Lessons                     Come listen to some of your favorite
March 10 at 10:00 am                         K-POP artists with other fans and play
The second of three sessions for students    games, snack, craft, or just hang out!
age 10 & up to get an introduction to the
library and develop library skills. Each     BookTok Book Talks- Good Girl's Guide
session will cover different material.       to Murder
                                             March 28, 6:00 pm
                                             at Starbucks, 2034 N. Highland Ave.
                                             Join us at Starbucks by the mall for our
                                             teen/adult book club featuring titles
Anime Club                                   circulating the world of #BookTok. This
Every first Saturday at 3:00 pm              month's book is Good Girl's Guide to
March 4                                      Murder by Holly Jackson. Get your copy
Come watch anime, talk about manga,          at the library or ask how to read online
play games, craft, and have fun!             before the meeting!
Guide March 2023 Can't stop scrolling BookTok? Join our book club of fellow viral book readers!
March Adult Programs
Friends of the Library Noon Review            Jackson Writer's Club
Every First Thursday at 12:00 pm              Every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 5:30
March 2                                       March 9 & 23
Please join the Friends for Susan Crocker,    Join fellow writers for mini-lessons and
world trekker and engaging speaker as         writing practice. Share your knowledge
she presents “The People You Meet Along       and gain new insight. Writers of any level
the Way”, a travelogue.                       of experience are welcome!

                                              Happy Little Accidents Painting Hour
                                              March 14, 12:00 pm
                                              Learn the "Joy of Painting" with Bob Ross.
                                              All supplies are provided, and registration
                                              is required. To register, call Shayne at
Game Nights
Every first and third Thursday at 5:00 pm     Create-a-Game in the MakerSpace
March 2 & 16                                  March 17 at 3:30 pm
Join us for board games of all kinds!         In the Library's Makerspace, learn how to
Anything from chess and checkers to D&D       make your own board game or adapt the
and Settlers of Catan.                        rules of existing board games in new and
                                              exciting ways.
Arts & Crafts (for Grownups)
Every Monday at 11:00 am                      Computer Classes: Office Productivity
March 6, 13, 20 & 27                          March 24 at 12:00 pm
Join us for an hour of arts and crafts        In this class we will go over the programs
while we listen to music or a podcast.        included in Microsoft Office, such as
                                              Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Computer Classes: Intro to Computers
March 8 at 4:00 pm
In this class we'll be covering some          BookTok Book Talks- Good Girl's Guide
computer basics, addressing common            to Murder
issues for beginners.                         March 28, 6:00 pm
                                              at Starbucks, 2034 N. Highland Ave.
                                              Join us at Starbucks by the mall for our
Tai Chi
                                              teen/adult book club featuring titles
Every Tuesday at 10:00 am
                                              circulating the world of #BookTok. This
March 7, 14, 21 & 28
                                              month's book is Good Girl's Guide to
Tai chi is a Chinese tradition that is now
                                              Murder by Holly Jackson. Get your copy
practiced as a graceful form of exercise.
                                              at the library or ask how to read online
                                              before the meeting!
Stitching Hour
Every Tuesday at 2:00 pm
March 7, 14, 21 & 28
Join others for a cozy session of knitting,
crocheting, embroidering, tatting, or any
other textile skill. Beginners welcome!
                 March 17th
                  3:30 pm

                There's an app for that now!

Space                                        What will
                                            you make?
                        Our MakerSpace is reopened and ready to help
                         fulfill your creative visions! With 3D printing,
 Tuesdays 3 to 6        tools, software at your fingertips, craft supplies
Saturdays 10 to 12         galore, and more! Call for an appointment
                            today or come in during our open hours.

                                                  Alcoholics Anonymous
     Every Mon. & Wed. at 9:00 am
                                                  Weekly meetings at the
                                                         Main Library. For
       Contact AJ Douglas or Pam
                                                   meeting times, please
        Sallee at 731-364-5481 to
                                                   call the library or visit
              register in advance.
March 8th 4:00 pm    Absolute basics of computer use

March 24th 12:00pm   Overview of Microsoft Office

Happy Little Accidents
Painting Hour
            March 14th
             12:00 pm
   Learn the "Joy of Painting" with Bob Ross.
All supplies are provided, and registration is
required. To register, call Shayne at 731-425-
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