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IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR SECTION A - ETHOS Mercy Philosophy of Education Inspired by the vision of Catherine McAuley, Mercy education is committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student, particularly those who are disadvantaged or marginalized. It is a process informed and influenced by the teaching and example of Jesus Christ and is conducted in an atmosphere of care, respect and joy. Mercy education is committed to ongoing whole-school development in collaboration and partnership with the Board of Management, Staff, Parents and the wider community. Mission Statement St. Mary’s College is a Catholic Secondary School for girls only, under the Trusteeship of CEIST (Catholic Education an Irish Schools Trust), and welcomes students of all persuasions. We are committed to educating the whole person to her full potential in a caring, supportive and joyful environment in partnership with parents and community. SECTION B – UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES Within the context and parameters of DES (Department of Education and Skills) regulations and programmes, the rights of the Trustees as set out in the Education Act, the CEIST Charter and the funding and resources available, the school supports The principles of inclusiveness Equality of access and participation in the school Parental choice in relation to enrolments Respect for diversity of traditions, values, beliefs, languages and ways of life in society School Resources The financial and teaching resources of the school are provided by a combination of: DES grants and teacher allocations, voluntary contributions and fund raising. Implementation of the school plan and school policy must have due regard to resources and funding available. The school operates within the regulations laid down, from time to time by the DES. The school follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the DES, which may be amended from time to time, in accordance with Sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act 1998. SECTION C – SCHOOL DETAILS ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 2 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR St. Mary’s College is a single sex Voluntary Catholic Secondary School for girls under the trusteeship of CEIST, which is grant-aided by DES. Management Board of Management: 2014-2017 Mr. Jim Furlong - Chairperson Mr. Michael Allen Mrs. Elaine Foxton Mr. Richard Joyce Ms. Elizabeth O’Dea Ms. Joanne Stapleton Ms. Paula McLoughlin Mr. Eamonn Ward A new Board of Management will be appointed from October 15, 2017 and will sit until October 2020. Mr. Aidan Ward– Principal Mrs. Brenda Byrne– Deputy Principal Parent and student organization Parents’ Association Students’ Council Teaching Resources & Curriculum DES Teacher Allocation – 40.44 wte Educational Programmes and Subjects ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 3 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR Junior Cycle Students are encouraged to pursue the higher-level course for the Junior Certificate Examination Senior Cycle All academic subjects available in the school are offered at higher level. Every effort is made to secure a girl’s first preference. Parents/Guardians and girls are advised of subject choices at a specially convened meeting each year. Class and individual advice is also provided by the Career Guidance Teacher. Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, open to all our girls with appropriate subject groupings, prepares students for life after school, for further education, the world of work and the business of making a living. Transition Year Transition Year is optional in St. Mary’s College. As places are limited, preferences will be given to girls who are well motivated and positive in their attitude to school. Physical Education and Sport Physical Education is a fundamental part of the school curriculum and of the overall educational and social development of the girls. Sports: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Camogie, Circuits, Football, Hockey, Rounders, Soccer Volley Ball. Special Educational Needs & Learning Support Services The school has a fully qualified Learning Support Teacher and a Career Guidance ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 4 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR Teacher. SECTION D – PROCEDURES Application Procedures Parents of girls in 6th class in the feeder schools are notified of the Open Day and the information meeting. Others are notified through an advertisement in the local paper and on local radio. Birth Certificate, data consent form, most recent school report, Irish Exemptions and any Psychological Assessments should accompany registration forms. Decision making Process Decisions made in relation to enrolment are made by the Board of Management in accordance with school policy. Decisions will be notified to parents within 21 school days of closing date for receipt of completed application forms and any other relevant information requested e.g. psychological assessments. The Board shall have regard for any relevant DES provisions re class size, staffing provisions and/or any other relevant requirements concerning accommodation, such as physical space or health and welfare of children. DES Rules: Secondary school students must be aged 12 on 1st January in the calendar year following the child’s entry into First Year, and have completed a full primary school course. In the event of over subscription places will be offered to girls as follows:- 1. Siblings 2. Daughters of members of staff 3. Parish of St. Peter and St. Mary’s 4. Traditional feeder schools in the order below i. St. Michael’s G.N.S. Arklow ii. St. Joseph’s N.S. Templerainey iii. St. Patrick’s N.S. Bearnaclea iv. Scoil Íosagáin, Coolgreaney v. St. Kevin’s. Ballintemple N.S. vi. St. Patrick’s N.S. Avoca vii. Sacred Heart N.S. Aughrim viii. St. Bridget’s N.S. Annacurra ix. St. John’s N.S. Redcross ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 5 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR x. St. Mary’s N.S. Barndarrig xi. Castletown N.S. Castletown xii. St. Kevin’s N.S. ,Tara Hill xiii. Scoil Mhuire Réalt na Mara, Brittas Bay xiv. Ballyfad N.S. Ballyfad xv. Our Lady’s N.S. Rathdrum xvi. Kilanerin National School xvii. Carysfort NS xviii. Gael Scoil an Inbhir Mhóir xix. St. Saviour’s N.S. Rathdrum However, preference will be given to applicants who have completed all their primary education in that school. (Those students who transfer into the area for genuine reasons will be given consideration) Parents/Guardians are offered a place for a student on the understanding that they (Parents/guardians and students) accept the ethos of the school. The allocation of Special Needs places is dependent on appropriate resources being in place. Parents have the right to appeal a refusal by the Board to enrol a student (Section 29 Education Act 1998). If during the course of a school year a vacancy becomes available the B.O.M. shall be entitled to fill that vacancy at the discretion of the Board. At the first Board of Management meeting of the academic year the B.O.M. will decide on the maximum intake in First Year for the coming September Special Educational Needs St. Mary’s College welcomes girls with special educational needs and will use the resources, both financial and personnel, provided by the Department of Education and Science, to make reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities or special educational needs up to the nominal cost so that these students are free to participate in the life in the school in so far as is reasonably practicable. While recognizing and fully supporting parents’ rights to have a school of their choice for their daughters, the College’s ability to accept girls with particular needs is dependent on the supply of resources, suitable to the needs of the individual girl, being supplied by the Department of Education and Skills. ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 6 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR St. Mary’s College welcomes applications from girls with special educational needs unless the nature and degree of those needs is such that to enrol the girl concerned would be inconsistent with both the best interests of the girl concerned and the effective provision of education for the other girls with whom the girl concerned is to be educated. The Board of Management must be made aware of any special needs as early as possible, so that these needs can be assessed and addressed where possible. Parents are requested to outline the details of their daughter’s special educational needs on the Application Form. The Board of Management, having gathered all relevant information and professional documentation, assesses how the needs of these girls can be met. Contact will be made with the National Council for Special Education Needs regarding special needs resources to which the girl may be entitled. The Principal may request a meeting with the parents of the girl to discuss the application and the girl’s needs. The parents of the girl may request a meeting with the principal to discuss the student’s educational and other needs. NB: It may take time for the Department of Education and Skills to process such applications. Parents are strongly advised to inform the College as early as possible and discuss their particular situation well in advance of making application. As soon as practicable, but not later than 21 school days, after a parent/guardian has provided all the relevant information, the Board of Management shall make a decision in respect of the application concerned and inform the parents/guardians in writing thereof. (Education Welfare Act Section 19 (3)) Transfers from other second-level schools /Re-admittance Girls may transfer into the school any time subject to: ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 7 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
IA REGINAE FI L St. Mary’s College, Arklow ST . MA W RY ’S C KLO OLLEGE AR The School Admissions Policy The school being satisfied with the reasons for the transfer. Information will be requested from the girl’s former/present school concerning attendance, behaviour, educational progress, disabilities and special needs, etc. The school regarding the move to be in the best interests of the student. Available space. Consultation with the Educational Welfare Officer if appropriate. Right of Board to refuse The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse an application for enrolment in exceptional circumstances. Appeals in accordance with sections 28 & 29 of the Education Act 1998: Parents/Guardians of applicants who are not enrolled in the school may appeal the decision to the B.O.M in the first instance and if necessary to the D.E.S. Code of Behaviour The Board requires parents/guardians to sign and return the Home/School agreement as a condition of enrolment (copy attached). ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, ARKLOW 8 ADMISSIONS POLICY 2017/18
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