Franklin High School - ASB Elections Packet 2019-2020 - Associated Student Body Truth, Unity, Honor

Page created by Paul Walton
Franklin High School - ASB Elections Packet 2019-2020 - Associated Student Body Truth, Unity, Honor
Franklin High School
   Associated Student Body
     Truth, Unity, Honor

ASB Elections Packet
Franklin High School
                          ASB Elections Packet
Students seeking an office position or appointed position at Franklin High School
      are governed by the principles outlined in the school constitution.

                          General Information
 A candidate for any school office must be a student of Franklin High School and
hold a valid Associated Student Body card. She/he must also have and maintain a
GPA of 2.0 or higher as determined by an official Seattle School District transcript.
  All candidates must also agree to the FHS Associated Student Body Contract
                        contained in this elections packet.

                          Timeline of Elections
May 6              Leadership Meet & Greet & Applications Available

May 17             Applications and references are due by midnight

May 17             Mandatory meeting – 2nd lunch – ASB room

May 18             Mandatory attendance at the FHS 5k Fun Run – 8-12AM

May 29             Perform speeches live to tape. (filmed live be aired on 6/7)

June 7             Election Day (in advisory)
June 10            Announcement of election results to the entire school

Franklin High School
                       ASB Elections Packet
  Offices Available to Eligible Students at Franklin
                     High School
ASB Offices
  •   President
  •   Vice President
  •   Treasurer
  •   Secretary
  •   Apparel Coordinator
  •   Assembly Commissioners
Senior Class Offices
  •   President
  •   Vice President
  •   Treasurer
  •   Secretary
Junior Class Offices
  •   President
  •   Vice President
  •   Treasurer
  •   Secretary
Sophomore Class Offices
  •   President
  •   Vice President
  •   Treasurer
  •   Secretary

Franklin High School
                                           ASB Elections Packet
                                Summary of Elected Positions
All positions are expected to work in cooperation with each other, while each position carries specific duties and
responsibilities, it does not denote the general day-to-day activity of the student occupying that position.


                                              ASB Offices
    •   Presides over all ASB Leadership and ASB Senate meetings as appropriate
    •   Maintain a working relationship with FHS administration and staff
    •   Provide leadership for ASB meetings and in planning ASB activities
    •   Oversee ASB budget and communications to student body, ASB and class officers, and FHS
        administration and staff
    •   Build agendas for ASB meetings and activities
    •   Work with Vice president in planning student activities
    •   Approve ASB expenditures in the absence of the treasurer in cooperation with ASB Executive
    •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings
    •   Abide by the academic eligibility and CODE of Conduct requirements outlined in the ASB
        Leadership Contract

Vice President
    •   Presides over all ASB Leadership and ASB Senate meetings as appropriate during Presidents’
    •   Maintain a working relationship with FHS administration and staff
    •   Assist President in overseeing ASB budget and communications to student body, ASB and class
        officers, and FHS administration and staff
    •   Replace President in the event of president leaving office
    •   Approve ASB expenditures in President’s absence
    •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings
    •   Abide by the academic eligibility and CODE of Conduct requirements outlined in the ASB
        Leadership Contract

  •   Approve all ASB expenditures in cooperation with ASB Executive Council, verify bills, and
      perform any other duties relative to maintain sound ASB finances
  •   Maintain a working relationship with the FHS Fiscal Secretary
  •   Maintain Records of all ASB accounts
  •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
  •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings
  •   Abide by the academic eligibility and CODE of Conduct requirements outlined in the ASB
      Leadership Contract

  •   Maintain records of all FHS activities and meetings, keep minutes of ASB meetings, publish ASB
      meeting minutes to student body and FHS administration and staff, and provide ASB minutes to
      FHS Activity Coordinator
  •   Keep Franklin High School community informed of ASB decisions and activities
  •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
  •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings
  •   Abide by the academic eligibility and CODE of Conduct requirements outlined in the ASB
      Leadership Contract

Apparel Coordinator
  •   Work with ASB in designing and merchandising new Franklin Apparel
  •   Coordinate contests and seek designs for apparel from the student body
  •   Focus on merchandising – promoting the sale of apparel
  •   Maintain a working relationship with vendors
  •   Maintain accurate records of expenses and purchases involving apparel
  •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
  •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student body in decision-making during all meetings
  •   Abide by the academic eligibility and CODE of Conduct requirements outlined in the ASB
      Leadership Contract

Assembly Commissioner
  •   Work actively and constructively to facilitate all logistical and program planning of FHS
  •   Work actively and constructively with all other ASB leaders in planning and actualizing FHS
  •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
  •   Represent the best interests of the FHS student body in decision-making during meetings
  •   Abide by the academic eligibility and CODE of Conduct requirements outlined in the ASB
      Leadership Contract

Class Offices
   •   Preside over all class meetings as appropriate
   •   Maintain a working relationship with FHS administration and staff
   •   Provide leadership for class meetings and in planning activities
   •   Oversee class budget, and communications to class, ASB, and FHS administration and staff
   •   Build agendas for class meetings and activities
   •   Approve Class expenditures in the absence of the treasurer
   •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
   •   Represent the best interests of the FHS student body and respective class in decision-making
       during all meetings

Vice President
   •   Presides over all class meetings as appropriate during Presidents’ absence
   •   Maintain a working relationship with FHS administration and staff
   •   Supervise committees as directed by President
   •   Assist President in overseeing class budget and communications to students body, ASB and class
       officers, and FHS administration and staff
   •   Replace President in the event of president leaving office
   •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
   •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings

   •   Approve all class expenditures, verify bills, and perform any other duties relative to maintain
       sound class finances
   •   Maintain a working relationship with the FHS Fiscal Secretary
   •   Maintain Records of all class accounts
   •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
   •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings

   •   Maintain records of all FHS activities and meetings, keep minutes of class meetings, and provide
       class minutes to FHS Activities Coordinator
   •   Keep Franklin High School community informed of class decisions and activities
   •   Participate and be an active member of all other ASB activities
   •   Represent the best interest of the FHS student Body in decision-making during all meetings

Franklin High School

                                     Campaign Rules
The following rules and guidelines must be followed to assure fair elections. Violation of these
                              rules can result in disqualification.
                                       “When in doubt - ASK.”
   •   Applications must be turned in on the designated due date.
   •   Candidates must attend all meetings listed on the Timeline of Elections (page 3).
   •   Candidates are responsible for following the Timeline of Elections (page 3).
   •   Candidate’s campaign should be a positive promotion of their qualifications.
   •   Campaign materials that may be considered derogatory, vulgar, or degrading may not be used
       during the election.

   •   Campaign materials must be approved prior to the election week. The FHS Activity Coordinator
       must approve and initial all campaign slogans before they are displayed. It is recommended to
       keep all signed copies for your records.
   •   The candidates may form a committee; candidates are responsible for all actions taken by the
   •   Campaigns may not exceed $50.00 in total costs. Your expense report will be turned in with
       your speech. “Gifts” are assigned a market value and included in your expense report.

   •   Candidates may display up to 6 posters (three feet by six feet MAX) and up to 20 8½ x 11” fliers
       on the first day of campaigning. Additional posters may be displayed, with approval from
       Activities Coordinator, on the second day of campaigning.
   •   School paper, paint, tape, copy machines, etc. will NOT be used in the election.
   •   Posters and fliers may not be hung in classrooms, near fire extinguishers, exit signs, in or around
       bathrooms, and locker rooms.

   •   Students must us masking tape to hang their posters.
   •   Stickers, candy, food, and drink may NOT be distributed as campaign materials.

   •   All campaign materials must be removed by 3:00pm day of election (April 3)
   •   Campaign materials cannot cover or obstruct any other candidate’s posters or fliers.

   •   Candidates may run for and hold only one elected or appointed office per school year.
   •   Candidates may apply for an appointed position after election results have been finalized.

If there are any violations of campaigning rules, candidates will be asked to remedy the error
                          or be removed from campaigning for office.

Franklin High School

                    Campaign Speech Rules
• All candidates are invited to give a speech.
• Candidate’s speeches should discuss their qualifications as a student leader.
• Candidate’s speeches will be no longer than one minute and contain
  nothing that may be considered degrading, derogatory or vulgar.
• Candidates must limit their comments to election issues.
• Candidates must turn in typed copy to the FHS Activity Coordinator during a
  mandatory practice session. (April 2)
• Each candidate’s speech must be approved by the FHS Activity Coordinator
  in order to have it presented to the school either by assembly or video.
• Candidates must adhere to the FHS Dress Code on page 7 of the Franklin
  Handbook for Scholars at the QTV production session.
• Candidates will be stopped by Election Officials at one minute.
• Candidate’s speeches will not be deviated from prior approved speech.
  Candidates who deviate from their speech will be stopped by Election
• Candidates who do not meet the above requirements will not be allowed to
  present their speech with the other candidates.
• Candidates may opt out of the speech and continue to run for office.

Franklin High School
                                   ASB Elections Packet

                      Expense Disclosure Statement
Candidate Name: _______________________________

Office Seeking: _________________________________
Please keep this form and log your expenses as you campaign for office.

                    Description of Item(s)                                Cost

                                                     Total Cost:

I, the undersigned, declare the items used in my campaign were limited the items
listed above and the costs listed are accurate.

Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date: _____________

2019-2020 FHS Associated Student Body Leadership Contract
Franklin High School has high expectations for all students, especially Associated Student
                            Body Officers and Class Officers.
Expectations for All ASB Officers and Class Officers:
 All ASB Officers and Class Officers will maintain academic eligibility in order to hold office.
  Any ineligible officers will be put on academic probation for four weeks, and if ineligibility
  persists after four weeks, the officer will then lose their position.
 All members will uphold the highest integrity as a student of FHS, knowing that they are
  seen as role models for the student body. If there is an infraction of school rules, then the
  punishment will be more severe than for the general population. Major infractions could
  result in loss of the ASB position or class position.
 Attendance of all academic classes is expected. Always remember you are a student leader
  and a role model for your fellow students.
 All supplies, equipment, and student store items are to be treated with the utmost respect.
 Under no circumstances may any ASB or Class Officer profit from or gain anything from
  their ASB or class position. Members are expected to pay for all activities and items, the
  same as any other student.
 All ASB Officers and Class Officers must make every effort to enroll in the Student
  Government Class for the entire school year. In the event the officer’s schedule does not
  permit him/her to enroll in the class, the officer must agree and adhere to a written
  meeting schedule with other ASB Officers or Class Officers before the elected officer may
  retain their position.
I, the undersigned, have read, understand, and agree to abide by the expectations for all FHS
ASB Officers and Class Officers for the 2019-2020 school-year. Furthermore, I understand that
a violation of any of the expectations stated in this document or the Franklin High School Code
of Conduct may result in removal from my elected office.

Student Name (printed): __________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________

Parent/Guardian Name (printed): __________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Franklin High School
                                   ASB Elections Packet

         Eligibility Rules for ASB and Class Candidates
   1. Candidates must be currently enrolled at Franklin High School for 3 or more periods per
   2. At the time of application candidates must be passing all classes and have a cumulative
      GPA of 2.0 or higher as evidence by a current official Seattle Public School District
      transcript. Cumulative GPA is defined as the official grade point average of all courses
      taken during all the years that a student is enrolled in high school.
   3. The candidate must read and understand the entirety of the FHS Associated Student
      Body Leadership Contract and agree to comply with its requirements and disciplinary
I ___________________________________(candidate name-please print) have read,
understood and agree to comply with the eligibility and campaign rules found in the Franklin
High School Elections Packet. I further understand that failure to meet or comply with these
rules may be just cause for my removal as a candidate for office.

Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Each of your five responses will be scored using the following rubric. The maximum score for
each question is 25 points.
         Question              Below Expectations       Meets Expectations       Exceeds Expectations
 Familiarity with Franklin    Does not demonstrate     Demonstrates some         Demonstrates deep
 High School - How well do    knowledge of Franklin    knowledge of Franklin     knowledge of Franklin
 you know Franklin High       High School and/or       High School and the       High School and the
 School? Will your ideas      the position’s           position’s                position’s
 and your vision work for     requirements and         requirements and          requirements and
 our student body and our     expectations             expectations              expectations
 Qualifications/experience    Does not present         Presents evidence of      Presents evidence of
 – How are you qualified to   evidence of              possessing necessary      being able to perform
 serve in this position?      possessing necessary     skills to perform         exceptionally well in
 What experiences helped      skills to perform        satisfactorily in the     position, based on
 to qualify you for this      satisfactorily in the    position                  prior experience and
 position?                    position                                           or demonstrated
 Communication – How          Application does not     Application               Application
 will your interpersonal      show the required        demonstrates that         demonstrates that
 and whole-group and your     skills and/or            applicant has required    applicant has required
 verbal and written           experiences to           skills and experiences    skills and experiences
 communication skills help    communicate              to communicate            to likely excel at
 you with this position?      satisfactorily in this   satisfactorily in this    communicating in this
                              position                 position                  position
 Leadership – How will        Does not demonstrate     Demonstrates history      Provides evidence of
 your past leadership         history of and or        of leadership positions   track record of
 experiences prepare you      potential for positive                             successful,
 for this position?           leadership                                         transformative
 Service – How will you       Does not demonstrate     Discusses importance      Provides specific,
 serve the student body of    or mention a             of serving both the       relevant examples of
 Franklin High School and     commitment to            FHS student body          service leadership and
 the larger community?        serving the student      and/or our larger         positive outcomes for
                              body                     community                 the student body
                                                                                 and/or the larger

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