INDOOR TENNIS PROGRAMS 2018-2019 - Birmingham Racquet Club
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2018-2019 MEMBERSHIPS Membership fees listed below are one-time payments that will keep your membership active through August 31, 2019 Individual Membership.......................$180 Family Membership..............................$260 Junior Membership ................................ $90 Daytime Membership*.......................... $90 *Allows court usage weekdays 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. HOURLY COURT FEES Monday - Friday Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am - 9:00 am ....................................$24 7:00 am - 9:00 am.................................... $28 9:00 am - 9:30 pm ....................................$37 9:00 am - 6:00 pm ................................... $37 9:30 pm - 11:00 pm .................................$24 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm ................................ $28 Friday Only 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm ...................... $24 BALL MACHINE One Hour ....... $10 (plus court time) Unlimited Use ..............................$170 Good for one calendar year from date of purchase and doesn’t include court time.
PRIVATE LESSONS Member Rates Guest Rates Hour Lesson..................................$70 - $100 Hour Lesson .................................$75 - $105 Semi-Private Lesson ..................$75 - $105 Semi-Private Lesson..................$80 - $110 Lessons less than 1 hour will be pro-rated based on individual pro’s hourly rate. PRIVATE LESSON PACKAGES Private packages are a fantastic way to save money and enjoy the convenience of not having to pay each time you take a lesson. You may purchase a ten lesson package in advance and receive a 5% discount off your pro’s regular rate. BIRMINGHAM RACQUET CLUB PROFESSIONAL STAFF Tom Ewert Matt Parker Michael Johnson USPTA USPTA USPTA Junior Tennis Tennis Director Director Ben Taylor Mark Reznich USPTA Mike Graff USPTA Danny Krsteski Kelly Smith USPTA John Kanyo Phil Yaccick USPTA CLUB HOURS Monday - Sunday 7:00 am to 11:00 pm Closed on Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Easter and Memorial Day PAYMENT, PRO-RATION, MAKE-UP ANd CANCELLATION POLICIES Full payment is due upon sign up. BRC does not pro-rate programs unless a student is signing up for a program after the start date. Make-up classes are not guaranteed; however, students are permitted 1 make-up class per session if space allows and make-ups cannot carry over to the next session. BRC has the right to cancel or shorten the length of a class if the number of paid participants is less than four people.
2018-2019 JUNIOR INdOOR TENNIS PROGRAMS SESSION I SESSION II SESSION III SESSION IV SESSION V Dates: Sep 4-Oct 21 Oct 22-Dec 21 Jan 2-Mar 10 Mar 11-May 19 May 20-Jun 16 # of Weeks: 7 9 10 9 4 ½ Hour: Member $98 Member $126 Member $140 Member $126 Member $56 Guest $119 Guest $153 Guest $170 Guest $153 Guest $68 1 Hour: Member $161 Member $207 Member $230 Member $207 Member $92 Guest $189 Guest $243 Guest $270 Guest $243 Guest $108 1½ Hours: Member $217 Member $279 Member $310 Member $279 Member $124 Guest $245 Guest $315 Guest $350 Guest $315 Guest $140 2 Hours: Member $287 Member $369 Member $410 Member $369 Member $164 Guest $322 Guest $414 Guest $460 Guest $414 Guest $184 Junior Programs will not be running on the following dates: November 22 - November 25, December 22 - January 1, March 30 - April 5, April 21, May 27 USTA’s 10 & UNdER TENNIS: 10 and Under Tennis format takes a new and better approach to introducing kids to the game. Balls are lower in compression; they bounce lower and don’t move as fast so they are easier to hit. This allows kids time to get to the ball and helps them develop optimal swing patterns. Racquets are sized for small hands, and the courts are smaller and easier to cover. CLINIC dAY TIME Pee Wee (Foam & Red Balls) - Ages 4-6: Your child’s first tennis Monday 4:30-5:00 pm experience establishes a foundation for athletic development including: Wednesday 4:30-5:00 pm hand-eye coordination, basic movement, listening skills, team Saturday 9:00-9:30 am cooperation and athletic tennis skills. It is a fun-filled introduction to the great lifetime sport of tennis. This class is taught on a 36’ court using foam balls and red balls. Red Ball Level 1 - Ages 6-8: This program will focus on the FUNdamentals Monday 4:30-5:30 pm of the game and will introduce partner rallying skills using the red ball Wednesday 5:30-6:30 pm on the 36’ court. Children will learn proper technique and simple tactics Saturday 11:00-12:00 pm to help them with the first stages of cooperative tennis. The children will learn how to initiate a rally, how to move and adjust to the ball, and how to control the racquet at the point of contact. Fun games will be used to introduce basic scoring and match play. Red Ball Level 2 - Ages 7-10: Children will continue to improve their skills Monday 5:30-6:30 pm on the 36’ court and will also be introduced to the orange ball and the 60’ Wednesday 4:30-5:30 pm court. By the end of this program, a child should be able to play on either Saturday 11:00-12:00 pm a 36’ or 60’ court using underhand and overhand serving motions. Players will develop topspin, improved footwork, balance, swing technique and basic competitive strategy. They will be taught how to compete in match play events using proper tennis etiquette and sportsmanship. Orange Ball Level 1 - Ages 8-10: Children will learn the basics of match Monday 5:00-6:30 pm play from the 60’ court for both singles and doubles. This class will focus Wednesday 5:00-6:30 pm on improving the fundamentals of good point play; positioning, racquet Saturday 9:30-11:00 am skills and coordination. Children will further develop their ability to use topspin to aid in directional control, and consistency. The overhand serve will continue to be improved upon and both the serve and return of serve will be covered regularly.
Orange OrangeBall BallLevelLevel2 2- -Ages Ages8-10: 8-10:Players Playerswillwillcontinue continuetotoref refine ref ineine Tuesday Tuesday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm their theirtechnical technicaland andtactical tacticaltennis tennisskills skillsusing usingthe theorange orangeballballand andwill will Thursday Thursday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm also alsobebeintroduced introducedtotothe thegreen greendot dotball. ball.This Thisclass classwill willbebetaught taughtononthe the60’60’ court courtasaswell wellasasthe thefull full78’78’ court. court. Tournament Tournamentdevelopment development(Green(GreenandandYellow YellowBalls) Balls)- Ages - Ages9-12: 9-12:This ThisMonday Monday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm class classwill willbuild buildononthe thetechniques techniquesestablished establishedininthe theOrange OrangeBall BallLevel LevelTuesday Tuesday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm 2 2class classwith withmore moreemphasis emphasisononmatchmatchplay playskills skillsincluding includingtennis tennisrules, rules,Wednesday Wednesday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm positioning, positioning,strategy strategyand andshot shotselection. selection. Sunday Sunday 12:00-2:00 12:00-2:00pm pm Teen TeenBeginner Beginner(Orange,(Orange,Green GreenandandYellow YellowBalls)Balls)- -Ages Ages13-18: 13-18: Sunday Sunday 12:00-2:00 12:00-2:00pm pm For Forteens teenswho whoare arerelatively relativelynew newtototennis. tennis.Learning Learningtotorallyrallyand andplay playis is the thetheme themeofofeach eachclass. class.The Thestudents studentswill willbebeexposed exposedtotoallallthethebasic basicskills skills ofoftennis tennisincluding includinggroundgroundstrokes, strokes,volleys, volleys,overheads overheadsand andserves. serves.The Thegoal goal ofofthis thisclass classis istotoprepare preparelesslessexperienced experiencedplayers playersforforMiddle MiddleSchool Schooland and High HighSchool School Training Trainingclasses. classes. Middle MiddleSchool SchoolTraining Training- Ages - Ages11-14: 11-14:ThisThisprogram programcaters caterstotostudents studentsThursday Thursday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm who whoplay playonontheir theirmiddle middleschool schoolteam teamororaspire aspiretotomake makethe theteam. team.This ThisSaturday Saturday 12:00-2:00 12:00-2:00pm pm training trainingclass classwill willcover covermore moreadvanced advancedstrokestrokeproduction, production,consistency, consistency,Saturday Saturday 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00pm pm serving servingtechnique techniqueand andgame gameplay playinina aless lesscompetitive competitiveatmosphere atmospherethan than the thetournament tournamenttraining trainingclasses. classes. High HighSchool SchoolTraining Training- -Ages Ages14-18: 14-18:This Thisclass classis isforforthethecompetitive competitiveSunday Sunday 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00pm pm player playerwho whois ishaving havingsuccess successinineither eithersingles singlesorordoubles doublesand andis isaspiring aspiring totomake maketheir theirjunior juniorvarsity varsityororvarsity varsityhigh highschoolschoolteam. team.Players Players should shouldbebeable abletotosustain sustaina amedium/high-paced medium/high-pacedrally rallywithwithdirection direction and and depth, depth, recognize recognize short shortballs ballsand andmovemovetotothe thenet,net,and andareare developing developingserves serveswith withboth bothspin spinand andpower. power.ThisThisis isananideal idealgroup groupforfora a player playerwho whowants wantstotoincrease increasetheir theirskills skillsinintime timeforfortheir theirseason. season. Tournament TournamentTraining Training- -AgesAges9-14: 9-14:This Thisclass classis isforforthe thestudent studentwhowhoMonday Monday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm has hasdeveloped developedthe theskills skillsnecessary necessaryforformatch matchplayplayand andis isinterested interestedinina aWednesday Wednesday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pm pm high-paced, high-paced,intense intenseatmosphere. atmosphere.We Wewill willfocus focusonongetting gettingplayers playersready readySaturday Saturday 12:00-2:00 12:00-2:00pm pm totocompete competeininboth bothUSTA USTAtournaments tournamentsand andschool schoolteams.teams.This Thisclass classwill will cover coveradvanced advancedstroke strokeproduction productionand andfootwork footworkand andcompetitive competitivegames games will willbebeused usedtotointroduce introducethe thestrategies strategiesand andtactics tacticsnecessary necessaryforforsuccess successinin competitive competitivetennis. tennis.Tournament TournamentTraining Trainingstudents studentsare areexpected expectedtotoplay playinin USTA USTAtournaments tournamentsduringduringtheir theirsession. session. High HighSchool SchoolElite Elite- -Ages Ages14-18: 14-18:This Thisclass classis isforforthe thestudent studentwho whois is Tuesday Tuesday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pmpm working workingtoward towardororcurrently currentlyplays plays varsity varsityhigh highschool school tennis. tennis.Advanced Advanced Thursday Thursday 4:30-6:30 4:30-6:30pmpm stroke strokeproduction, production,cooperative cooperativeandandcompetitive competitivegames, games,footwork, footwork, conditioning conditioningand andstrategy strategywill willallallbebepart partofofthe theclass classcurriculum. curriculum. Players Playersare areexpected expectedtotomaintain maintaina high a highlevel levelofofintensity intensity atat allall times times and andare are expected expected toto participate participate inin USTA USTAtournaments. tournaments. YOU YOUCAN CANREGISTER REGISTERFOR FORALL ALL *Acceptance *Acceptance into intothis thisprogram programmustmust bebeapproved approvedbybyone one ofofthetheBRC’s BRC’s PROGRAMS PROGRAMS ONLINE ONLINE ATAT professional professionalstaff. staff. Red RedBall/Orange Ball/OrangeBall BallMatch MatchPlayPlayEvents: Events: “Match “MatchPlay” Play” is isananaffordable affordableway waytotoaddaddananadditional additionalday daytotoyour your tennis tennistraining. training.Games, Games,contests contestsandandmatches matcheswill willbebeused usedtotoput putyour yourskillsskillstotothe thetest. test.Players Playersmust mustbebeable able totoself selfstart startallallpoints pointsand andkeep keeptrack trackofofscore. score.Play Playwill willbebesupervised supervisedbybyour ourprofessional professionalstaff. staff.(Junior (JuniorProgram Program Participants Participants$10/ $10/AllAllothers $15) *Contact others$15) *Contactthethe BRC BRC toto bebeputput onon thethe interest interest listlist forfor these these events. events. Event Event dates dateswillwill bebeemailed. emailed. USTA USTATEAM TEAMTENNIS TENNISPRACTICE: PRACTICE:Team Teamtennis tennisparticipants participantswill willhave havethe theopportunity opportunitytotopractice practiceprior priortototheir their weekend weekend matches. matches. Rallying Rallying drills, drills, competitive competitivegames games and andsituational situationalmatch match play play will willbebe used usedtoto improve improve players’ players’ singles singlesand anddoubles doublesskill skillsets. sets.(Member (Member$25$25/ Guest / Guest$30 $30ORORa package a packageofof1010forformember member$220 $220/ Guest / Guest$270) $270) Friday Friday4:30-6:30pm 4:30-6:30pm(starting September14th) (startingSeptember 14th)
2018-2019 AdULT INdOOR TENNIS PROGRAMS SESSION I SESSION II SESSION III SESSION IV Dates: Sept 4 - Oct 21 Oct 22 - Dec 21 Jan 2 - Mar 10 Mar 11 - May 12 # of Weeks: 7 9 10 8 1 Hour: Member $161 Member $207 Member $230 Member $184 Guest $189 Guest $243 Guest $270 Guest $216 1 1/2 Hours: Member $217 Member $279 Member $310 Member $248 Guest $245 Guest $315 Guest $350 Guest $280 Adult Session Programs will not be running on the following dates: November 22 - 23, December 22 - January 1, April 1-5, April 21 CLINIC NTRP dAY TIME Beginner: This clinic is designed for those who have not 1.0-2.0 Monday 8:30-9:30 pm played tennis or have been away from the game and are Tuesday 6:30-7:30 pm ready to sharpen their skills. Wednesday 11:30-12:30 pm Thursday 11:00-12:00 pm Advanced Beginner: Designed for those who have 2.0-2.5 Tuesday 12:00-1:00 pm minimal playing experience but have knowledge of the Tuesday 8:30-9:30 pm basic strokes and are ready to learn how to play. Wednesday 10:30-11:30 am Wednesday 7:30-8:30 pm Thursday 10:00-11:00 am Intermediate: This clinic is designed for those who have 3.0-3.5 Tuesday 7:30-8:30 pm decent stroke fundamentals and have experienced match Wednesday 8:30-9:30 pm play and are ready to take their game to the next level. Thursday 6:30-7:30 pm Thursday 9:00-10:00 am drill and Play: This program combines intensive drilling 2.5-3.5 + Monday 11:30 am-1:00 pm and instruction along with plenty of supervised play. Monday 7:30-9:00 pm Our professional staff will develop not only your strokes, Wednesday 9:00-10:30am but your competitive edge and doubles strategy as well. Cardio Tennis: This group activity features drills to give 3.0 and Up Tuesday 6:30-7:30 pm players of all abilities an ultimate high energy workout. All Levels Friday 12:00-1:00 pm This workout includes a 10 minute warm-up, 40 minute 3.0 and Up Saturday 8:00-9:00 am cardio workout, and 10 minute cool down. (Drop-In All Levels Sunday 9:00-10:00 am Rate: Member $20 / Guest $24) Organized Practices: These heavy-duty workouts 3.0 and Up Saturday 9:00-11:00 am combine intensive training on all strokes with special 3.5 and Up Sunday 10:00-12:00 pm emphasis on doubles strategy. (Member $36 / Guest $40) INdOOR USTA TEAMS OUTdOOR Combo Leagues USTA SUMMER TEAMS Men’s / Women’s - October-december Teams forming Mixed - January-March February 1 Teams are offered at levels of 2.5 through 4.5. Inquire at the club about availability.
AdULT TENNIS LEAGUES All league players must be members of the Birmingham Racquet Club Session I Session II September 10 - December 13 January 7 - May 2 13 Weeks 16 Weeks Omit November 19-23 Omit April 1-5 Session Fees Level day Time I II Women’s 3.0-3.5 Singles Tuesday 1:00-2:30 pm $247 $304 Men’s 3.0-3.5 Singles Monday 9:30-11:00 pm $247 $304 Men’s 4.0-4.5 Singles Wednesday 9:30-11:00 pm $247 $304 Suburban League Practices Ladies doubles Ladder These practices are designed for ladies who You will partner with every player on your participate on our suburban league tennis court, each week, in rotating doubles play. teams. We will cover all strokes with special Weekly match-ups will be based on the emphasis on double strategy. previous week’s results. Come out and enjoy this social yet competitive program. 6.5 Team ............Tuesday ............ 11:00-12:30 pm 7.5-8.0 Teams.....Monday ............... 1:00-2:30 pm 3.0 and Up ............ Wednesday...... 1:00-2:30 pm 7.5-8.0 Teams ....Wednesday .......11:30-1:00 pm 3.0 and Up ............ Thursday........... 1:00-2:30 pm Session I (Drop-In Rate: $28 / 10-Practice Package: $240) Sept 12 - Dec 13 (13 Weeks-Omit Nov 19-23) $247 Session II Jan 9 - May 2 (16 Weeks-Omit Apr 1-5) $304 USTA OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH AT THE BRC USTA TEAM TENNIS USTA JUNIOR TOURNAMENTS We offer USTA Team Tennis during the entire The Birmingham Racquet Club hosts USTA indoor season, with practices beginning sanctioned tournaments throughout the in September and matches starting in calendar year. Participating in tournaments October and running until March. Contact increases your knowledge of the game and the club for more details about how to get showcases your talents against other area involved on a team! juniors. For a complete list of the area’s upcoming tournaments and registration visit: JUNIOR WALK-ON POLICY FOR 2018-2019 INdOOR SEASON Any junior member currently enrolled in a program or camp is entitled to free walk-on court time once a week. No reservations will be accepted for free walk-on court time use. Junior members are welcome to bring guests in to play. Guests are responsible for their portion of the regular court cost plus a $5 guest fee per visit. YOU CAN REGISTER FOR ALL PROGRAMS ONLINE AT
2100 East Lincoln Street Birmingham, MI 48009 248-644-5683 Visit us on the web at:
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