Gifted and talented education program - Sydney Square, Sydney - St Andrew's Cathedral School

Page created by Pauline Dixon
Gifted and talented education program - Sydney Square, Sydney - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Gifted and talented
education program
At St Andrew’s we seek to ensure every learner is engaged and growing
every day. This forms the basis of our learning model which demonstrates
the attributes of our graduates.
Sydney Square, Sydney
Gifted and talented education program - Sydney Square, Sydney - St Andrew's Cathedral School
students given
every chance
to thrive
St Andrew’s recognises    Identification
the educational need to   of Giftedness
                          While psychometric testing like WISC IV or V
cater for gifted students or Stanford Binet 5 are important tools in
of high or exceptional    the identification of gifted and high ability

academic ability within a students,   they are not the only measure
                          used at St Andrew’s. Multiple criteria
mixed ability cohort. We identification procedures are used to
                          identify students who display potential
aim to cater for highly   giftedness and display high aptitude in                                Staff (qualified and experienced in
able and exceptional      domain specific areas.                                                 Gifted Education)
students by providing     For a formal identification of giftedness,                             We have a number of highly
                          a student’s abilities are identified by a                              qualified and experienced staff
specialised educational   WIAT or Woodcock Johnson assessment.                                   with post graduate qualifications
programs and learning     It is preferred that they also have a formal                           in Gifted Education:
                          IQ assessment (WISC or Stanford Binet).
environments.             In the Middle School gifted program,                                   Mrs Penni Maher
                                                   students included in extension class          Director of Specialised Learning K – 12
From our core values, we believe it is             programs must continue to show high           Masters of Special Education (USYD)
important to develop the talents of                performance in standardised and other
academically gifted students, just as we do        tests of academic ability.                    Mrs Rhonda Robson
any other student who may possess
                                                                                                 Deputy Head of School (Primary)
sporting, musical or other talents.                Scholarships                                  (Previously a Coordinator
                                                   Academic Scholarships and Music               of Gifted Education)
Definition of                                      Scholarships are offered at a number of       Certificate of Gifted Education (UNSW)
Giftedness and Talent                              entry points across the school. Information
                                                   about these scholarships is available on      Mrs Emily Edwards
Gagnè’s definition states that:                    the school website.                           Coordinator of Gifted Education K-6
“Giftedness is the potential to perform at                                                       Masters of Gifted Education (UNSW)
a level considerably superior to one’s age
peers in one or more domains of ability.                                                         Dr Yvonne Hammer
                                                                                                 Leader of Learning, Gifted Education 7 - 12
Talent, by contrast, is defined as significantly      What is meant by
                                                                                                 Certificate of Gifted Education (UNSW)
superior achievement or performance in                “Twice Exceptional”?                       PhD Children’s and Young Adults Literature
one or more fields of human performance.
                                                      At St Andrew’s we recognise                (Macquarie)
Comprehensive research supports providing             that some high ability students
high ability students with advanced curricula         may require specific support due           Teachers with a Masters of Gifted
in core learning areas or domains at an               to diagnosed disabilities and              Education or Certificate
accelerated rate.” (Van Tassel Baska 2007).           learning issues.                           of Gifted Education (UNSW)
                                                                                                 Mrs Kate Robertson (Junior School music)
                                                      In order to assist the twice exceptional
High ability students’ needs                                                                     Mrs Lucy Birts (Junior School)
                                                      learner, we examine each student’s
are met through:                                      profile and focus upon developing
                                                                                                 Ms Teegan Colusso (Secondary School)
                                                                                                 Mrs Emily Adcock (Junior School)
1.	The development of appropriate                    the whole student through the
                                                                                                 Dr Kaye Chalwell (Junior School)
    content, processes and learning                   following provisions: executive
    environments                                      functioning support, assistance in
                                                      scaffolding tasks, research support,
2.	The delivery of academically rigorous
                                                      and adjustments for examinations
    curricula that challenges and enhances
                                                      and assessments.
    talent development in core learning areas
3.	The fostering of a caring and
    compassionate approach to the
    affective development of high ability
    and exceptional students.
Gifted and talented education program - Sydney Square, Sydney - St Andrew's Cathedral School
How we cater for students                          •	widen curriculum content to enhance            Challenging
                                                      the learning experience of students
of high academic ability                                                                             opportunities offered
                                                   •	place emphasis on encouragement
Junior School program                                 and positive expectation, with an              to St Andrew’s
                                                      emphasis on success and not failure
At St Andrew’s Junior School we ensure all                                                           students include:
                                                   •	prepare student programs in units
students are challenged at their ability level,
                                                      that can be accessed by students
with differentiated spelling, reading and
                                                      independently or in small groups
maths groups within each class. School-
wide assessment and screening processes            •   allow open-ended contracts
occur regularly, tracking the progress of all
                                                   •	organise units of work that branch into
students to identify those students who may
                                                      supplementary content and research             Junior School
need individualised assistance or benefit by
                                                      support when necessary
extension programs or provisions beyond                                                              Advanced placement homework
the core curriculum.                               •	encourage educational and academic             Accelerated classes
                                                      stimuli, with real, active and varied
Those high ability students assessed as                                                              Communication Problem Solving
                                                      choices for student participation.
being in the gifted category are placed in                                                           Curriculum compacting
year group or stage-based high ability
                                                   Gifted Education                                  Above level testing
classes, called Accelerated Classes (also
known as opportunity classes) from Year 3          and the IB MYP                                    Gifted and Talented profiles
to Year 6. The Gifted Education Committee          A focus on the International Baccalaureate        Grade skipping
decides which students would benefit most          Middle Years Programme (MYP) inquiry-based        Drama mentors
by placement in the Accelerated Class or           learning model is a major feature of our Middle
                                                                                                     Engaging with the experts
cluster groupings. Accelerated Classes focus       School (Year 7-9) curriculum. This prepares
on creating momentum in learning, meaning          students well for either the International        Philosophy
the curriculum is compacted and students           Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or the
learn at a faster pace, with less repetition,      Higher School Certificate in Senior College.      Extra-curricular academic
alongside like-minded students.
                                                   Within the MYP framework, we encourage            opportunities
St Andrew’s believes the social and                organisational skills, individual research with   Budding Shakespeares
psychological benefits of placing like-minded      both interdisciplinary and global connections.
students together in a classroom is just as        The MYP also creates inquisitive learners         ICAS Examinations – full suite
important as the academic outcomes for these       who integrate their own passion for learning      IPSHA and ISDA Debating
students. They are offered a plethora of           in a holistic way. In Middle School the
                                                                                                     Harbourside Network
opportunities to excel, seize, soar and compete.   subjects of English, Maths, Science, Music
                                                   and Language have extension classes to            Future Problem Solving
St Andrew’s has broken new ground in
facilitating grade skipping for exceptional        allow students of high ability to be extended.    Da Vinci Decathlon
all-rounders and single subject acceleration       These classes can change to allow for students
                                                   who show growing talent in a certain subject      Gateway 8
for those who excel in one or more areas.
Students will only be accelerated if the           area and the classes are regularly reviewed       HICES G & T Camp
school believes it to be in the best interests     by the Leader of Learning ensuring students
                                                                                                     Interschool Chess Competition
of the student.                                    are best placed.
                                                                                                     Mathematical Olympiad
                                                   In Year 9 the students undertake the MYP
Secondary School program                           Personal Project, lasting 9 months, which         Maths Challenge Camp
Through differentiated academic programs,          is both demanding and rewarding. It is            Parent information evenings
gifted or high ability and exceptional students    externally moderated by the International         with guest speaker
are enriched, extended and accelerated at          Baccalaureate ensuring high global standards.
                                                   It allows high ability students to follow an      Rubik’s Cube Club
St Andrew’s. Teachers are trained to develop
subject specific, academic curricula that          area of passion to a high academic level they     Writers festival
challenges students and increases talent           may not have had the opportunity to study
development. Programs are differentiated           within their subject areas. Skills associated
by the use of:                                     with in-depth study of unit modules are
                                                   promoted by MYP learning processes.
•   Compacted curricula
•   Faster pace delivery of content
•   Acceleration                                                                                     Secondary school extra-curricular
•   Enrichment and extension work                                                                    academic opportunities
•   Individual Learning Plans                                                                        Da Vinci Decathlon
•   Inquiry Based Learning                                                                           ICAS Examinations – full suite
•   PBLs                                                                                             HICES Interschool Debating
•   Differentiated learning
                                                                                                     Sydney Writers Festival
                                                                                                     Maths Olympiad
Curriculum differentiation is achieved in
mainstream classes when teachers:                                                                    Australasian Philosophon

•	allow for the different abilities of gifted                                                       Australasian Maths Competitions
   students, by providing curriculum                                                                 Gateway 8
   compacting, acceleration, and diversity
   in teaching approaches,
St Andrew’s:
St Andrew’s Cathedral School is a coeducational K-12
Anglican school, located in the heart of Sydney’s CBD.

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St Andrew’s Cathedral School
Sydney Square, Sydney NSW 2000
ABN 34 429 367 893
phone +61 2 9286 9500
fax   +61 2 9286 9550
CRICOS Registration: The Council of
St Andrew’s Cathedral School 02276M
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