Enrollment Guide South Williamsport Area School District - www.mountieacademy.org - Mountie Academy

Page created by Martha Keller
Enrollment Guide South Williamsport Area School District - www.mountieacademy.org - Mountie Academy

       South Williamsport Area School

              Enrollment Guide

515 West Central Avenue                           Phone (570) 327-1581
South Williamsport, PA 17702                        Fax (570) 326-0641
January 2021

Dear Students, Parents and/or Guardians,

Welcome to the South Williamsport Area School District full-time cyber option. The
Mountie Online Learning Academy is the online learning option for students in
Kindergarten through 12th grade. Our web-based courses, in partnership with
the BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 and eQUIP, meet the increasing demand for high quality
student instruction that incorporates proven online learning practices and next generation
software. Enrolling in the Academy means students will have the opportunity to experience
flexible and non-traditional learning options with individualized pacing. Students will learn
from curriculum that is state aligned and rigorous with an emphasis in 21st century skills.
Furthermore, students can continue to be a member of the South Williamsport Area School
District and participate in school events and activities and graduate with a South
Williamsport Area School District diploma.

Students remain enrolled in the South Williamsport Area School District and therefore can
utilize the school as a resource. This enrollment guide will provide you with clear
guidelines on both your responsibilities as online students and the responsibility of the
parent/guardian(s), in addition to the school’s responsibilities. It is important for you to
remember that you have selected a program that is part of a public school and therefore
must comply with various state and federal regulations, including testing and attendance.

We look forward to working with you this school year. Our commitment is to support
student success with a team approach. When you have questions, we are here to help.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Congratulations on joining the Mountie Online Learning Academy! We wish you a
successful school year.


Dr. Mark Stamm

Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Expectations ................................................................................................................................................ 4
   Student expectations are as follows: ..................................................................................................... 4
   Parent/Guardian(s) expectations are as follows: ................................................................................. 4
   South Williamsport Area School District expectations are as follows: ............................................... 5
Calendar ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Advisors and Contact Information ............................................................................................................. 5
Costs ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Equipment.................................................................................................................................................... 6
Transportation ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Internet Reimbursement ............................................................................................................................ 6
Attendance ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Graduation Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 8
Drop/Add/Withdraw .................................................................................................................................. 8
End of Marking Period ................................................................................................................................ 8
Course Completion ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Summer School ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Acknowledgement of Understanding ........................................................................................................ 9

The following eligibility and procedures will be followed by the student and/or
   1. The student must be a South Williamsport Area School District resident.
   2. Parent/Guardian(s) must follow district enrollment procedures, policies, and
   3. Parent/Guardian(s) and student(s) must meet with South Williamsport Area School
       District designated personnel to enroll in the program and review the student’s
       educational record to develop a cyber-program of study.
   4. For any student identified needing special education services, an IEP team meeting
       will be held prior to enrollment to make certain that goals can be met in the cyber
   5. Parent/Guardian(s) and students must sign the South Williamsport Online Learning
       Academy Enrollment Guide.
   6. Attend a South Williamsport Area School District/BLaST IU orientation prior to the
       beginning of the cyber option courses.
   7. Grades earned in approved cyber courses count toward a student’s grade point
       average and eligibility for athletic and extracurricular activities.

Student expectations are as follows:
   1. Meet all established course deadlines.
   2. Actively participate in coursework by meeting the minimum number of assignments
      per week (varies by student).
   3. Make a good faith effort in all academic areas.
   4. Document evidence of active, regular participation in accordance with course
      requirements – compulsory attendance laws apply to all students.
   5. Maintain regular contact with course teachers and South Williamsport Area School
      District personnel.
   6. Take the PSSA or Keystone Exam at the appropriate grade levels.
   7. If progress is not being made, student will be required to check in weekly with a
      representative from the school district.

Parent/Guardian(s) expectations are as follows:
   1. Assure compliance with South Williamsport Area School District requirements.
   2. Provide an appropriate work environment for the student.
   3. Make a commitment to assist and monitor their child when they work at home.
   4. Monitor student progress using the provided login information.
   5. Assure that their student is actively participating – compulsory attendance laws
      apply to cyber school student.
   6. Ensure that student is checking in, if required, with a representative from the school

South Williamsport Area School District expectations are as follows:
   1. Provide the computer-based program without charge, except in the case of damages
      or summer school fees.
   2. Monitor student progress.
   3. Provide students with guidance in regards to credit and course selection.
   4. Track credit towards graduation.
   5. Assure compliance with special education regulations.
   6. Account for the student within child accounting and other state reporting
   7. Provide health, counseling, and other district services.

Online students will follow the district calendar for start and end of the program year as
well as marking period end dates. Each course is divided either into four parts,
representing a marking period of work (9 weeks) or two parts representing a semester
course (18 weeks). On rare occasions, a course will total 9 weeks in length. Students have
access to their work any day or time.

While online students are given the opportunity to take part in school and grade-level
programming, it is the student/parent responsibility to check the district calendar via our
homepage (https://www.swasd.org/events/). Cyber monitors will do their best to remind
students of upcoming events, but there is no guarantee.

Advisors and Contact Information
For the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, the following persons will be your initial
point of contact regarding Mountie Academy coursework, attendance, and information.
Please note the specific grade level assignments.

Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Joella Harvey

7th – 9th Grade
Emmanuel Tsikitas

10th – 12th Grade* and Special Education
Sandi Finnerty
*Emily Wagner will also be in communication with seniors

School Counselors are a pertinent part of your child’s education. If you need to contact
them, here are the grade levels they work with and email addresses.

Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Kelsey Shannon

7th – 9th Grade
Alyson Stoner

10 – 12th Grade
Emily Wagner

You are also strongly encouraged to download the app, Bloomz, for school updates and
communication. The access code to join our group is 7GBVHQ.

The Mountie Online Learning Academy is a South Williamsport Area School District public
school program. There are no enrollment fees, tuitions, or charges for textbooks to the
parent/guardian except for credit recovery programs or summer school programs. Cost of
other materials and supplies would be at the parent/guardian expense.

Acceptable use of equipment is governed by the “Technology Loan Agreement” signed upon
issuance of equipment. Please note that students are not required to use district issued
equipment. Insurance is available for school-issued devices.

Transportation to and from the home to school building for educational opportunities, co-
curricular, athletic, and social opportunities is the responsibility of the parent/guardian,
unless during a regularly scheduled pick-up/drop-off time.

Internet Reimbursement
District reimbursement for up to $100 each semester ($200 per school year) are provided
to families who submit their internet bill and a written request for reimbursements.
Students must be enrolled at the beginning of that semester to qualify.

Reimbursements for the first semester must be postmarked between January 15th and
January 31st and May 15th and June 1st for the second semester. Reimbursements outside of
these periods will be denied. Reimbursements are only available to full-time students who
are enrolled and successfully completing a minimum of 5 courses.

All submissions shall be mailed directly to:

       Attn: Jamie Mowrey, Internet Reimbursement
       515 West Central Avenue
       South Williamsport, PA 17702

Pennsylvania State Law provides that parents/legal guardians are responsible for ensuring
that their student(s) attends school. It is the responsibility of the family to ensure the
student logs onto the courses to maintain appropriate pacing requirements.

   1. Online students are full-time South Williamsport Area School District students who
      are expected to comply with state, district, and school policies and guidelines. As
      online students, they assume a special responsibility to actively participate in the
      courses because of the unique independence that is offered to them. Time spent
      daily on coursework is similar to the time spent in school. The district and its
      partner will monitor a student’s active engagement in courses with the expectation
      that the course will be successfully completed within the time prescribed by the
      district. The expectation is for students to actively participate in coursework by
      completing one assignment per class per school day (varies by student).
   2. Students need to adhere to established deadlines and could incur expenses if
      extended time is used.
   3. Truancy charges are applicable when regular attendance requirements and work
      production deadlines are not met.
   4. Students who are not meeting the required academic progress will be supported
      with an attendance improvement plan. If necessary, students may be required to
      return to the building for additional support.

Students are not required to log in on days the district is closed; however, if a student is
behind in their assignment completion, they must be aware that course deadlines do not
change. Students have access to courses any day or time.

The following serves as a guideline to the number of absences a student may incur, which is
dependent on the number of incomplete assignments in a given week:

       Incomplete Assignments       Days Absent
             5-9                          1
             10-14                        2
             15-19                        3
             20-29                        4
             30+                          5

At the beginning of each quarter, students will receive a copy of their Assignment
Completion Timeline. This should be used as a guideline for completing assignments in a
timely manner, in order to prevent being marked absent or falling behind in coursework.

Graduation Requirements
Course credit is earned starting in 9th grade. Students must meet a minimum of 24 credits
to graduate (approximately 6 credits per year). Specific course requirements include
Algebra I, Biology, Health, and a Physical Education course. Students must take at least 4
credits of English, 4 credits of Social Studies, 4 credits of Math, and 3 credits of Science. The
remaining credit requirements can be fulfilled through elective courses. The Class of 2021
and Class of 2022 requirement to demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra I, Biology, and
Literature Keystone Exams has been waived.

Other local and state requirements include ensuring students are well-prepared for any
post-secondary options. This may involve taking a career-based online course for credit
towards graduation. See our district handbook for more information about our updated
graduation policies.

Students who decide to withdraw from a class, must decide within five days of the start of
the course.

End of Marking Period
The student and parent/guardian assume responsibility for timely work completion. This is
essential for students to remain on track and make progress towards promotion to the next
grade level and graduation.

If a student is not finished with their work by the end of the quarter or semester, actions
will be taken to determine if the student is fit to continue in Mountie Academy.

Course Completion
Online learning is not intended to be a short-term placement; it is a path in which students
continue through to graduation. Transfers between school settings and the online setting
may impact a student’s ability to graduate on time.

Summer School
Unless otherwise stated, online students are to be finished with all course assignments by
the last day of the school year as noted on the district calendar.

If a student fails to complete their course assignments by the last day of school, they are
responsible for paying the summer school rate to continue. Students must return their
school-issued device after coursework is finished as per the “Technology Loan Agreement.”

Acknowledgement of Understanding

Please read and initial next to each of the following policies and procedures:
_____ I am responsible for meeting the required number of assignments per week (one per
class per school day).
_____ If I am not meeting the required number of assignments per week, I will be marked
absent according to the attendance policy.
_____ If necessary, I will meet with a school official for corrective action.
_____ I will respond to all emails, phone calls, or other communication with teachers,
counselors, and Mountie Academy Coordinator within 48 hours.
_____ I am responsible for contacting technical support, should any issues arise.
_____ I acknowledge that I have read and understand the enrollment guide and all it entails.

_____________________________________           ______________________________
Student Name (print)                            Date

Student Signature

Parent Name (print)

_____________________________________           ______________________________
Parent Signature                                Date

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