Sports Premium Action Plan 2019 2020 - Overall Aim: Palmers Cross Primary School

Page created by Vernon Rivera
Sports Premium Action Plan 2019 – 2020
                                                              Overall Aim:
               “Every child will enjoy increased participation in sporting activities and develop a healthier lifestyle.”
 Palmers Cross Primary School will use its Sports Premium Grant to improve P.E and Sports participation across the school and will
                                             promote healthy lifestyles for all children.
 Palmers Cross Primary School will offer an increasing number of children the opportunity to compete for our school in an increas-
            ing number of sporting events and improve the opportunity to develop the excellence of talented children.

                                             The two main aspects that we will develop are:
                           Improving the quality of teaching and learning in P.E and other relevant subject areas.
 The school will use the Sports Premium grant to raise standard of teaching an learning in PE, through the input from specialist P.E
                               coaches specialising in games; multi skills, football, racket sports etc…
                   Currently this provision is delivered by a Games and Gymnastics teachers and a Dance teacher.
  The P.E teachers will be used to teach P.E across all three key stages each week. This will underpin progression and continuity of
                                                         children’s sporting skills.

                              Increasing participation in sporting activities and high quality PE lessons for all:
Increasing participation in sporting activities and local competition and encourage excellence in a wider variety of sports. Increasing
 the opportunities to take part in inter and intra– school competition will also raise level of motivation and enthusiasm. The Sports
Funding will fund the costs of participation in competitions, but more importantly the ever increasing costs of transport to different
Key achievements to date:                       Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:
 High percentage of children participating in sport during      To raise the awareness of health and well-being across school and
 lunchtimes and after school clubs.                             community.

 Outstanding performances individual and team sport             To invite outside clubs to widen the PE and school sport curriculum.
 achievements. Including representing school in the WASP
 SEN involvement in SMILE festivals.

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety
Percentage of current Year 6 cohort able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a       61%
distance of at least 25 meters?

Percentage of current Year 6 cohort able to use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front      56%
crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?

Percentage of current Year 6 cohort able perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situa-       32%

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for          No
swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have
you used it in this way?
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary
                               school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school
  School focus with clarity on           Actions to achieve:       Funding allo-       Evidence and impact:      Sustainability and suggested
  intended impact on pupils:                                           cated:                                               next steps:
Active Afterschool club to en- TA leads physical activities for £200 for          All thirty students take part TA to be upskilled in a variety
courage more pupils to attend half an hour every afternoon        training and in physical activity during      of activities.
afterschool club and get in-      and planned physical activities equipment club time.
volved in physical activities.    twice a week for two hours

Dinner time Play leaders will  Students will organise and lead £500 for          Play leaders will develop    In the Autumn term Play lead-
promote their love of physical lunchtime activities which will training and      improved leadership skills, ers to be trained by a member
activity to those pupils who   be accessible for all pupils.   equipment         organisation, confidence and of staff.
experience barriers to                                                           promote and spread their
engagement and achievement in                                                    love of physical activity.
sport.                                                                           Encouraged a more active
                                                                                 play time.

Wide range of sporting clubs        Sporting clubs available during £500         With the range of clubs pro-     In the summer term children
available, encouraging increased lunch and after school. Where                   vided 51% of children from       to complete a survey for what
participation in physical activity. possible, these clubs are offered            Years 1-6 participate in after   sport clubs they would like to
                                    free of charge or subsidised for             school clubs.                    see on offer during the next
                                    all children to encourage                    Boys: 46 %                       academic year.
                                    involvement in sport.                        Girls: 53 %
                                                                                 Pupil premium: 42 %
Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

  School focus with clarity on in-        Actions to achieve:      Funding allo-     Evidence and impact:       Sustainability and suggested
     tended impact on pupils:                                         cated:                                             next steps:
 Celebration announcements dur- Achievements celebrated.           None          Children become more in-      Promote and link sporting
ing assemblies to ensure the        Competition results and                      volved and increase in       clubs in the community to
whole school is aware of the im- reports given on website.                       achievement of sporting cel- school website.
portance of PE and sport. This will Celebration board to display                 ebrations. ___% of children
motivate children to become         achievements.                                attending clubs in the com-
more involved in sport inside and                                                munity. To be up dated
outside school.

Role models- Invite local sporting Identify local personalities the £100          Name of local sporting
personalities so pupils can identi- pupils can relate to and invite               personalities who have
fy with success and aspire to be a them into school.                              spoken in assemblies.
local sporting hero.

Promote Walk to School week.       Set up individual trackers     Free re-        More pupils getting involved Continue to work closely with
Encouraging children to walk to    Launch assembly.               sources until   in walking to school. Use in- parents to increase the num-
school in order to receive re-                                    the end of      dividual travel checker to    ber of pupils who walk to
wards.                                                            the academic    keep log.                     school.
                                                                  year.           30% of children physically
School sports council set up     Talk to pupils in assembly clas- None            making their way to school.
                                 ses to select sports council                     Pupils to raise profile and
                                 member. Meet once a term to                      suggest ideas of how to raise
                                 raise profile                                    profile.
Active assemblies. At end of as- Upskill staff to lead brain gym None             Pupils more ready to learn Add a diverse selection of
sembly pupils will be encouraged in assembly                                      when they go back to class. movements to increase pupils
to do 15 mins of brain gym

Parent mornings in school to be    Arrange workshops with spe- £1000              An increase in the number      Continue to work closely with
arranged encouraging both par-     cialist teachers and invite par-               of children participating in   parents in order to promote an
ents and pupils to become more     ents into school                               sports both in school and      active lifestyle
active                                                                            outside of school.
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
School focus with clarity on in-      Actions to achieve:          Funding         Evidence and impact:        Sustainability and sug-
           tended                                                 allocated:                                           gested
      impact on pupils:                                                                                              next steps:
Increase high quality PE teaching TA support Gym and Dance        £13,000 (a    Staff are more confident and   Staff will work together
and learning throughout the       teacher in lessons to enhance subsidy of a   competent in terms of their    and share good practice
whole school through team         confidence and knowledge. higher cost)       knowledge and understand-      which will lead to better
teaching and coaching. Pupils to                                               ing of the PE curriculum.      confidence all round
have use of a Gym teacher and a                                                                               and more staff keen to
Dance teacher but the onus to CPD to be provided for all          £300         Enhanced quality of teaching, get involved thus ensur-
be on internal provision and      members of staff in order to                 learning, delivery and assess- ing the extra activities
teaching.                         up skill their understanding of              ment of PE leads to improve will not only continue
                                  the teaching of PE                           standards with greater and but there will also be an
                                                                               more rapid progress.           expansion.

                                                                               Pupils demonstrate positive Regularly monitor the
                                                                               attitudes to health and well- work of sports teachers
                                                                               being – both inside and out- to ensure that their
                                                                               side of PE lessons - and can teaching and coaching
                                                                               explain accurately and confi- are consistently good.
                                                                               dently how to keep them-
                                                                               selves healthy. They make in-
                                                                               formed choices about healthy
                                                                               eating, fitness and their emo-
                                                                               tional well-being
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
School focus with clarity on intended           Actions to achieve:        Funding          Evidence and impact:       Sustainability and suggest-
            impact on pupils:                                             allocated:                                                ed
                                                                                                                               next steps:
Broad range of sporting activities        Soccer 2000 to deliver an     £500           With the range of clubs pro- Develop the skills of dinner
available for pupils of all ages,        afterschool club and Staff                    vided 51% of children form time staff and Sports Am-
abilities and interests are able to      within school run 2x sporting                 Years 1-6 participate in an    bassadors to continue lead-
                                                                                       afterschool club..             ing sports games at
access a range of sport activities and clubs every week, offering a
                                                                                       Boy: 46 %                      lunchtime
competitions both internally and ex- range of sport clubs.                             Girl: 53%
ternally.                                                                              Pupil premium 42%

Continue to offer a wider range of ac- Invite outside agencies/ local                 Cycling proficiency to be or- Investigate the cost of hav-
tivities both within and outside the clubs to deliver activities be-                  ganised for year 6 and year 2 ing further sports clubs after
                                                                                      pupils. This encourages pupils school
curriculum in order to get more pu- yond the national curriculum.
                                                                                      to cycle to and from school.
pils involved.                                                                                                       Monitor and analysis the
                                       Cool kids run by staff daily
Focus particularly on those pupils                                                                                   groups of children accessing
                                       session for targeted pupils in-
who do not take up additional PE and cluding disabled and those                       Stimulates interests of these these clubs to ensure those
                                                                       £200           pupils.                        who are less active are en-
have been identified as less active.   who have special educational                                                  couraged to join in.
                                       needs, to overcome barriers                    Less sporty but keen pupils
                                       and enjoy the benefits of PE                   taken to Kwick sticks hockey Find further opportunities
                                                                                                                     for all pupils to take part in
                                       and sport.
                                                                                                                     sporting events.
                                       Invite targeted pupils to rep-
                                       resent school in non competi-
                                       tive sporting festivals
                                       Sports personalities to be in-                 Cricket coach to provide Table
                                       vited in to work with SEN pu-                  Cricket sessions to SEN pupils
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport
School focus with clarity on intend-        Actions to achieve:         Funding         Evidence and impact:            Sustainability and suggested
                   ed                                                  allocated:                                               next steps:
          impact on pupils:
Pupils of all ages, abilities and inter- Increase engagement of B       £1500 for       Providing greater range of
ests are able to access a range of       teams.                        transport and competitive opportunities
sport activities and competitions                                      staffing costs. has meant that a larger num-
both internal and externally.                                                          ber of pupils have been able
                                         Sports day held in the Sum-                   to access competition. Also
                                         mer term.                                     by providing A, B teams, pu-
                                                                                       pils of a wide range of abili-
                                                                                       ties have been able to com-
                                                                                       pete. By representing the
                                                                                       school, pupils have an in-
                                                                                       creased sense of pride, team
                                                                                       spirit and improved self es-
Local clubs to come into school and
offer taster sessions and afterschool Form links with local clubs to                  More pupils involved in clubs
clubs to direct pupils into competi- offer support                                    outside of school and keen to
tive clubs                                                                            represent school in inter-
                                                                                      school competitions.
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