Merlin School e-Safety Policy - The ...

Page created by Justin Castillo
Merlin School e-Safety Policy - The ...
Merlin School

e-Safety Policy
E-Safety Policy

        This policy is written in compliance with:
    •   Keeping Children safe in Education 2020
    •   The London Child Protection Procedures 2010 (4th Edition)
    •   Working together to Safeguard Children 2018
    •   Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education
        (SCSRE)(2007) guidance
    •   Department for Education Guidance (DfE): Dealing with allegations of
        abuse against teachers and other staff (August 2011)
    •   Prevent Duty Guidance 2015
    •   This policy complies with Regulation 3 paragraphs 7a) and b) of the
        Education (Independent School Standards, England (Amendment)
        Regulations 2012
    •   The policy on Child Protection is in accordance with Wandsworth Borough
        Multi Agency Child Protection Procedures.
    •   Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage 2014 DFE-

    •   What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused – March 2015 DFE-

    •   National Curriculum 2013 – updated 2014 – Maths, English and Science

    •   Teaching online safety in school June 2019

•   This policy applies to the whole school including the Early Years
    Foundation Stage ({EYFS) and all teaching and support staff.

Policies & Documents that support the e-Safety Policy in school:

    •   Computing Policy

    •   Child Protection Policy                      Mobile Phone Policy

    •   Behaviour Policy

    •   Acceptable Use Policy for Staff and Children

This policy is made available to parents, staff and pupils via the school
website and on request a copy may be obtained from the Office.
This policy is subject to continuous monitoring, refinement and audit by
the Headmistress and a formal annual review of this policy by no later
than one year from the date shown below or earlier if significant changes
in legislation or regularity requirements so require.

Our link technician at Harrodian School is responsible for :-
  • ensuring that computer systems security will be reviewed regularly
  • ensuring that Virus protection will be updated regularly
  • Overseeing and maintaining records of software licences

The computing teacher is responsible for:-
  • discussing security strategies with WBC : or 02088718373 or
  • ensuring that the following policy is adhered to by all members of

Signed:             Kate Prest                    Date: Sept 2020

Review Date: Sept 2021

                             THE MERLIN SCHOOL
                                E-Safety Policy

The School has installed computers and Internet access to help learning.

The e-Safety Co-ordinator is: Ms Susan Swaby, who is also the computing
teacher in school. She teaches children from Reception to Year 3 and
lessons take place in the dedicated computing suite.

The Merlin School is committed to keeping parents informed as far as is
reasonably possible of current e-Safety advice by means of outside
agencies such as Child Net or Steve Carrick Davies. Likewise this school
is committed to ensuring e-Safety training to all members of staff
ranging from teachers and those with specialist knowledge to admin, TA’s
and catering staff. February and July set aside for E safety training and
Data Analysis.
1. On entry to Merlin the parents are required to sign a document that
   they read through and discuss with their children that details safe
   use of the internet at school. This document is called the Acceptable
   Use Policy and no child will be permitted to use the computers in
   school until this document has been completed and returned to the
   school office. This document will then be revisited and signed again
   every year that the child is in school. The record of this information
   will be stored electronically by the school secretary.

2. All staff must read and sign the ‘Acceptable Computing Use
   Agreement’ before using any computing resources. The school keeps a
   record of all staff and children granted internet access. The record
   will be kept up-to-date, for instance a member of staff may leave or a
   child’s access be withdrawn.

3. Merlin’s computer system may only be accessed with a school login and
   password, which will be kept secret from children. All children to use
   individual passwords, on the PurpleMash Learning Platform, that have
   been introduced from September 2015 to increase their e-Safety
   awareness and learn to keep these private and to never use another
   pupil’s password.

4. It is important to teach pupils about the underpinning knowledge and
   behaviours that can help them navigate the online work safely and
   confidently regardless of the device, platform or app.

5. It is important that the language of security is used right from the
   start in all lessons with all children at Merlin School to encourage the
   development of safe and responsible practice amongst them. It is a
   language that we aim to embed in all curriculum areas at Merlin.

6. The Merlin School we will refer to the ‘Education for a connected
   World Framework’ for age specific advice about the online knowledge
   and skills that pupils should have the opportunity to develop at
   different stages of their lives.

7. Children have access to the internet during computing lessons in the
   computer suite and in the classrooms, only under close supervision by
   the teacher and also in certain classrooms but again, under the close
   supervision of a teacher. Clear objectives for ‘acceptable use’ form
   part of the curriculum (see separate Computing policy).
8. The internet will only be used at school for work by children with adult
   supervision. It is the responsibility of all staff to make a thorough
   search of all web sites they intend to use in their lesson. Staff must
   be aware that using clips from sites, such as ‘You Tube’, will vary from
   each search – you cannot guarantee returning to the same site you
   originally found. Therefore staff must save all sites found online which
   will be used in lessons, in their computers ‘favourites’ bar.

9. If children are permitted to use the email system with a teacher
   these must be via approved email programmes on the school system

10. We seek parents’ opinions of e-Safety and computing issues via a
    questionnaire on an annual basis and offer Parent Drop-ins where
    parents can ask questions and seek advice directly from the e-Safety
    Co-ordinator. We will obviously address issues if they arise in the

11. Children do not use personal email from Merlin; however, they must
    immediately tell a teacher if they receive offensive emails and must
    not reveal personal details of themselves or others in email
    communication or arrange to meet anyone.

12. If children or staff discover an unsuitable web site, it must be
    reported to the e-Safety Co-ordinator and/ or passed on to our
    designated IT technician at Harrodian and record the date on which
    this happened.

13. Staff or children’s personal information will not be published – only
    the school’s personal details will be used e.g. school setting address,
    email address and telephone number.

14. Children must never give out personal details of any kind which may
    identify them or their location. Children do not use social networking
    sites in school.

15. The internet is available for staff to use in lesson preparation and
    research. Any web sites to be used in class must be saved in
    favourites. This shows the children good practice.
16. Staff will ensure that the use of internet material by staff and
    children complies with copyright law.

17. All users of the internet are at risk of being bullied on social network
    sites. The school aims to prevent this by being very vigilant in
    computing lessons where children are on the internet. The school has
    strict firewalls on search engines and login passwords. We educate
    the children in the safe and appropriate use of social network sites.
    Should an incident occur, the following procedures are in place:

          •   If an anti-social remark/photo has been left by one child on
              another child’s social network site the incident will be
              treated as serious and the same procedure will be followed
              as for any other anti-social behaviour incident, as laid out
              under the section ‘Cyber Bullying’ in the Behaviour policy,
          •   All evidence should be preserved; staff should print or
              produce a screen-grab of social network pages, print, save
              and forward to the Head whole email messages.
          •   The Head will lead an investigation and will keep good
              records of all cyber bullying incidents in the Specific
              Incident Book.
          •   The Head will provide information on external reporting
              routes – e.g. mobile phone company.

 Merlin school recognises the potential for adults to become victims of
 cyber bullying, via social network sites. For example: photographs taken
 on the school premises or during hours of work, on trips, or any social
 situations with colleagues during staff celebrations: photographs taken
 in these or similar situations must not be posted on any social
 networking sites or the internet without the consent of those involved.
 Breach of this agreement will result in disciplinary procedures.

 Should a member of staff feel they are a victim of cyber bullying:
 either from a colleague at school or indeed a parent, the issue should be
 taken to the Head who will then follow the Disciplinary procedures as
 outlined in the policy.

18. Any new technologies will be examined for educational benefit and a
    risk assessment carried out before use in a school setting is allowed.

19. The school will work with their service provider BT to ensure systems
    to protect children are reviewed and improved.
20. The school will audit computing provision to establish if the e-Safety
    Policy is adequate and that its implementation is effective.

21. Complaints of internet misuse will be dealt with by a senior member of

22. Homework tasks that involve researching information or looking up a
    recommended web site, the following statement must accompany that

       ‘always ask a known and responsible adult before using the
       computer; make sure your known and responsible adult finds the
       exact site that you want to use before you start your work.....'
       Always remember the smart rules you are taught in school. ‘

23. Any complaint about internet mis-use must be referred to the
    Headmistress. However, complaints of a child protection nature must
    be dealt with in accordance with Child Protection Procedures.

24. E-Safety rules will be posted in all networked rooms and discussed
    with children throughout the year in Computing lessons and also
    PSHEE, Circle time for example.

25. All staff will be given the e-Safety Policy during induction at school
    and data days held in February and July and its importance explained.

26. Staff should be aware that internet traffic can be monitored and
    traced to the individual user. Discretion and professional conduct is

27. Parents and carers attention will be drawn to the e-Safety Policy in
   newsletters and at evening talks held by visitors such as Child Net or
   Steve Carrick Davies where e safety issues can be explored in more

Photography and Videos:

   •   It is Merlin policy not to allow parents, staff or pupils to upload
       films or photographs of any school event (assemblies, plays, choir
       concerts, sports day etc) on to the internet or in any publications
unless direct permission is sought from the parent, staff or

   •   All school cameras are to stay on the school premises apart from
       during school visits and trips. Any photographs that include
       children will not be used with their name anywhere on the school’s
       website. Written permission from parents will be obtained before
       any photos are used on it.

   •   Permission from the Headmistress must always be sought before
       using personal cameras/mobile phones for taking pictures at school.

   •   Any photographs taken at school or on school visits with school
       cameras/mobile phones must be deleted after they have been down
       loaded on to the hard drive of school computers. The school camera
       must stay in school.

Policy Updated July 2020
Next Review – July 2021
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