Top 50 New Zealand Schools - For Gaining Entry to Top Universities - Woodford House

Page created by Bradley James
Top 50 New Zealand Schools - For Gaining Entry to Top Universities - Woodford House
Top 50 New Zealand Schools
                     For Gaining Entry to Top Universities

                                                   In line with Crimson’s mission to bring
                                                   transparency to the education journey for
                                                   young Kiwis in helping them find the best
                                                   possible path for their future trajectory, we
                                                   have now launched our 2020 Top 50 New
                                                   Zealand Schools for Gaining Entry into Top-
                                                   Ranked Universities. This is the second year we
                                                   have provided parents with unprecedented
                                                   analysis into schooling options.
                                                   Crimson brings its deep, idiosyncratic
                                                   knowledge of the New Zealand schooling
                                                   landscape serving tens of thousands of
                                                   students nationwide across various ages, cities
                                                   and backgrounds. We also bring extensive
                                                   knowledge in NCEA, CIE and IB as well as
                                                   world-leading experience supporting students
                                                   on their pathway into top global universities
 Jamie Beaton                                      like Stanford, MIT, Harvard and competitive
 Co-founder and CEO of Crimson Education           domestic programs like Medicine.
                                                   Above all, we aim to unveil a rigorous
The world is getting smaller. By that, I           barometer for a truly world class education
mean pathways to top universities and on           so that parents and students can access
to prestigious careers are becoming more           transparency, guidance and clarity when
accessible and less abstract. Now in 2020, it is   making high stakes decisions about which
likely we know of someone who received an          high school is right for them.
athletic scholarship to compete at a college
in the US, or of someone else who is pursuing      While no one ranking captures everything,
a masters in the UK. This presents us with a       we have continued to apply our carefully
problem though - how do we measure a school        designed methodology in consideration of
in New Zealand, based on its ability to prepare    the characteristics sought out by the world’s
students to seize these opportunities on offer     leading universities like Harvard, Stanford and
from top-ranked universities in the US and UK,     other such institutions.
and to go on to make an impact on the global       Our rankings are also designed to support
stage throughout their professional lives? These   school administrators in helping them aspire
are the outcomes parents are now weighing up       towards characteristics for their institution

and have aspirations for, when reviewing high
schools for their children.
I remember the confusing decision for my
family when choosing a high school back in
2008. We had no concrete data to refer to. It      “For students to really excel
was very difficult to determine the academic       at school and gain admission
standings of various schools and the ability to
compare schools’ performance across NCEA,          to top universities, they
CIE and IB was not possible. Compared to many      need highly customised
countries like the US and China, parents in
New Zealand are often left in the dark when it
                                                   and holistic support from
comes to school choice, frequently relying on      academics to extracurricular
anecdotes and insights from friends of friends.    studies and leadership.”
Top 50 New Zealand Schools - For Gaining Entry to Top Universities - Woodford House
that are being consistently recognised by            While we have generally heard of parents
the world’s top universities. As such, we have       frustrated with the transitions to online
been delighted to support many schools in            learning with reports of technology glitches,
understanding the sophisticated methodology          lower quality engagement given the lack of
underpinning the Crimson ranking in                  custom e-learning resources, and variable
considerable detail since the rankings were          workload, we draw attention to the ACG Group
released and we look forward to helping more         for their strong transition to delivering online
schools build understanding as they form their       learning through the COVID period. While it is
strategic plans and development goals.               hard for any physical school to try and teach
                                                     online so rapidly, they have fared better than
In our 2020 rankings, I want to draw attention
                                                     most. To succeed in online learning, a school
to a few interesting trends. The first is Auckland
                                                     needs: teachers specifically trained in online
International College. AIC isn’t as well known
                                                     teaching, a comprehensive technology stack
as some of the classic schools in the New
                                                     that supports diagnostics, interactive quizzes,
Zealand circuit, but achieved 22 40+ IB scores
                                                     parent reporting, engagement tracking,
in the assessment year. While some of the top
                                                     attendance management, online proctoring
private schools invest heavily in marketing,
                                                     and world-class teachers. My research at Oxford
we would caution parents to critically analyze
                                                     on online schooling suggests teacher quality
academic results to figure out what type of
                                                     is substantially more important than class size
real academic results are being generated. St
                                                     and that parent engagement is even more
Cuthbert’s maintains a top-three placement
                                                     important for online schools than brick-and-
from last year’s rankings, however experienced
                                                     mortar schools.
a meaningful decline in university entrance
(UE) rates in the assessment year from 99.3% to      While no ranking is perfect, our ranking
82.3%. Along similar lines, private girl’s school    combines more than 100 years of education
Diocesan, saw a decline from 90% to 84.1% in         experience across Crimson’s consulting team,
its university entrance rate, which is taken into    data science capabilities recognised by Excel
consideration by the final rankings.                 World Championships and is based on a
                                                     rigorous data-collection practice. We hope it
A school that deserves praise is Kristin School.
                                                     can contribute to the nationwide discourse and
Kristin went up from 11th to 4th place, driven by
                                                     inspire the best in our incredibly talented young
25+ 40 IB scores, more than triple St Cuthbert’s
College. Another school on the rise was St
Kents College which saw their UE rate grow           To sky high ambition and transformative
from 89% to 92%. This growth, alongside other        education for New Zealanders,
compelling achievements in NZQA scholarships,
saw them rise from 27th to 7th overall this year.
We also applaud Woodford House, a state-
integrated school that went from 29th to 11th
place this year with UE of 98% (from 94% last
year). Woodford had a higher UE pass rate than       Jamie Beaton
virtually all of the highly regarded Auckland        Co-founder and CEO of Crimson Education
schools this year and deserves recognition
for this incredible achievement.
Top 50 New Zealand Schools - For Gaining Entry to Top Universities - Woodford House
About the
This year brings the second release of the Top 50 New Zealand Schools for Gaining Entry to
Top Universities by university admissions and mentoring company, Crimson Education.
To create this year’s list, schools were evaluated based on a review of secondary schools’
academic performance, extracurricular opportunities and equal access for students - three
factors which contribute to students’ chances of gaining admission to, and thriving at, top
universities around the world.
The list draws on the experience of working with a global pool of top-performing
students who year on year continue to secure admission to the world’s most competitive
universities, including: Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, UChicago, Duke, Oxford, and
Cambridge, among others.

           New Zealand School
           Rankings Methodology
In order to review school performance with consistency, 2018 data was used, given there was
an insufficient amount of 2019 data released at the time of the list’s creation. This follows the
Crimson Top 50 New Zealand Schools rankings in 2019, which used solely 2017 data.
Data was sourced based on a survey and publicly provided information through school
websites. NZQA data was referenced, in order to verify.

  Academic Performance                Diversity, Equity & Process           Extracurricular Activities

 Academics (70%)                                         Extracurricular Activities and Leadership (15%)

 CIE alongside IB, NCEA and NZQA results                 This was considered to signify whether
 which are all weighed equally. Information              students are being prepared for university
 accessed for the 2020 rankings included the             achievement post-graduation. Options
 number of awards made publicly available ie             like sports, performing arts & co-curricular
 via websites as well as government reports.             activities as well as college admissions results
                                                         were weighted equally. Ivy League + other
                                                         top US university admissions results were
                                                         considered because US universities take
 Diversity, Equity, Process (15%)                        extracurricular activities into account when
                                                         admitting students.
 This examined the process of enrolling into
 school and processes within the school to drive
 good outcomes. Diversity in ethnicity was also          Notes:
 considered, based on our belief that students           Extracurricular Opportunities were only
 should learn within a diverse setting, which            evaluated for schools that made the shortlist
 equips them to thrive on global campuses                based on Academic Performance and
 like Harvard.                                           Diversity, Equity & Process.
Top 50 New Zealand Schools - For Gaining Entry to Top Universities - Woodford House
School Rankings 2020

  01    Auckland International College (6)                 26     Queen Margaret College (8)

 02     ACG Parnell College (2)                            27     Wellington College (19)

 03     St Cuthbert’s College (1)                          28     Epsom Girls’ Grammar School (25)

 04     Kristin School (11)                                29     Westlake Girls’ High School (34)

 05     Pinehurst School (16)                              30     St Paul’s Collegiate School (42)

 06     Macleans College (3)                                31    St Mary’s College (Auckland) (15)

 07     St Kentigern College (27)                          32     Takapuna Grammar School (12)

 08     St Andrew's College (26)                           33     Chilton Saint James School (40)

 09     Baradene College of the Sacred Heart (20)          34     Iona College (33)

  10    Scots College (5)                                  35     Western Springs College (36)

  11    Diocesan School For Girls (4)                      36     St Peter’s School (Cambridge) (43)

  12    Woodford House (29)                                37     Hutt International Boys’ School (45)

  13    Auckland Grammar School (7)                        38     Glendowie College (37)

  14    Rangi Ruru Girls’ School (13)                      39     Rosmini College (32)

  15    St Peter’s College (Auckland) (14)                 40     Mount Albert Grammar School (46)

  16    Christ’s College (22)                               41    Sancta Maria College (59)

  17    Rangitoto College (21)                             42     Botany Downs Secondary College (49)

  18    King’s College (18)                                43     Wentworth College (44)

  19    Samuel Marsden Collegiate School (9)               44     Long Bay College (39)

 20     Lindisfarne College (24)                           45     Napier Girls’ High School (51)

  21    Wellington Girls’ College (30)                     46     Hamilton Boys’ High School (50)

 22     St Margaret’s College (10)                         47     Marist College (48)

 23     Carmel College (17)                                48     Columbia College (54)

 24     Westlake Boys’ High School (23)                    49     Kingsway School (38)

 25     Waikato Diocesan School For Girls (28)             50     ACG Strathallan (47)

+ Numbers in the parentheses () represent the 2019 ranking of each school.
Top 50 New Zealand Schools - For Gaining Entry to Top Universities - Woodford House
Trends:                                            Schools that improved
           School Rankings 2020                               in the rankings
+ In the 2020 rankings the top ten schools         + Kristin School went up from 11th to 4th place.
  include eight private schools, one state and       They secured three outstanding scholarships
  one state integrated school. The top ten in        and performed well with IB, with 25 results that
  2019 were eight private schools and two state      were 40+.
  schools. Private schools continue to dominate
  the top ten.                                     + Baradene College of the Sacred Heart went
                                                     up from 20th to 9th place. Despite Excellence
+ In the 2020 rankings top ten, two are single-      dropping they went from 29 scholarships to 51,
  sex girls schools, one is a single-sex             with 4 of those being outstanding scholarships.
  boys and the other seven are co-educational
  schools. In 2019 there were seven                + St Andrew’s College went up from 26th to 8th
  single sex schools with five of them being         place. Excellence went up from 24% to 30%
  girls’, three being boys’, and three               with Three Outstanding / Premier Scholarship
  co-educational schools.                            Award Winners. Their scholarships went up
                                                     from 23 with 3 being Outstanding to 40 with 13
+ Of the Top 50 ranked schools, Napier Girls         as Outstanding Scholarships.
  High School ranked #45 is a Decile 6 school,
  Sancta Maria College ranked #41 is a Decile 7,   + St Kentigern College went up from 27th to 7th
  Mount ALbert Grammar ranked #40 is Decile          place. Excellence went up 17% to 19%. Six IB
  7, Hamilton Boys’ HIgh School ranked #46,          scores were 40+. UE went up from 89% to 92% .
  Decile 7 and Marist College ranked #47 is          Their Scholarships also went up from 35 with 8
  Decile 7. All other Top 50 ranked schools are      of them being Outstanding to 79 with 15 being
  Decile 8 - 10 schools.                             Outstanding. There were also 2 Outstanding/
                                                     Premier Scholarship Award winners, and also 1
+ The smallest school, AIC with a total school       Ivy League admit.
  roll of 206 students, is ranked #1.
                                                   + Woodford House being a state integrated
+ The number of scholarships in general              school performed really well and went
  declined nationwide in 2018 compared               from 29th to 12th place. Excellence went
  to 2017. This can suggest students were            up from 38% to 41%. UE went up 94% to
  academically stronger in 2017 than in 2018 ...     98%. Scholarships went up from 10 with one
  or scholarships were more difficult to obtain.     Outstanding to 14 with 3 Outstanding. They
                                                     also got 2 Outstanding / Premier Scholarship
+ In the 2020 ranking the average in the top         Award winners.
  ten for university entrance rate has gone
  down compared to 2019. In 2019 it was 93.7%
  and in 2020 it is 88.89%
                                                      Additions to the List:
                                                      +   Sancta Maria College #41
                                                      +   Napier Girls’ High School #45

           Hear from top-ranked
           school students

 “ACG Parnell has the most
 determined students who all
 share a passion of achieving the
                                                   “St Cuthbert’s College has not only
                                                   helped me achieve my best in learning,
                                                   but the environment with staff and
 highest standards.”                               peers have created lifelong memories.”

 Yuxi                                              Felicia
 Student at ACG Parnell College, Ranked #2         Student at St Cuthbert’s College, Ranked #3
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