2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School

Page created by Jeffery Robbins
2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Business Plan
In the Pursuit of Excellence
2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Business Plan 2019-2021

Narrogin Primary School has                                                     School Purpose
a proud history of serving the                                                  Narrogin Primary School provides quality education for
Narrogin Community.                                                             all students, based on the Western Australian (WA)
‘In the Pursuit of Excellence’ and in partnership with                          Curriculum, maximising learning opportunities and
the school community, students at Narrogin Primary                              preparing each child for life. Our curriculum caters for
School are supported to achieve their full potential.                           the social, emotional, physical, academic, cultural and
We value cultural and linguistic diversity, difference                          creative needs of individuals in a safe and supportive
and individuality, and use inclusive educational                                environment. We take a personal approach to prepare
practices.                                                                      our students to be life-long learners in the 21st
                                                                                Century and active citizens in the wider community.

    In stating these values we acknowledge that
    words are not sufficient. It is the actions, based
                                                                                Our Aims Are to Make:
    on these values, which are important.                                       Every student, a successful student. Every teacher, an
                                                                                effective teacher.

                                                                                Our school a safe, supportive and positive learning

                                                                          ing through col
                                                                of belong                la b o
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                                                      a                                                  be
                                                  and                                                      tw
                                                y                       Learning
                                            ilit                                                               n
                                       ib      We have a positive approach to learning and


                                                          encourage it in others.

                                         We advance student learning based on our belief that all

                                                   students have the capacity to learn.


                                     We are guided by the principles of inclusivity, flexibility, integration,

                                    a developmental approach to learning and establishing collaborative

                t o bu

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                                                                                                                                     the wider school

                                         We have high expectations of ourselves and our students.
                                      We have set standards of excellence and strive to achieve them.
                                    These standards and expectations challenge all of us to give our best.

             vide the

                                   We have a right to have a school that is free of discrimination, abuse or
                                                                                                                             co m
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                                 We recognise the differing needs and circumstances of our students and are

                                               dedicated to achieve the best outcomes for all.



                                                 We treat all individuals with care. Our relationships are
                                                  based on trust, mutual respect and acceptance of

2         Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019
2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Focus Areas
‘In the Pursuit of Excellence’, we will utilise available
resources to optimise:

 • Student Achievement
 • Teaching Quality
 • Leadership
 • Learning Environment
 • Relationships and Partnerships

  Each of these focus areas shape our day-to-day
  work and in order to deliver them we commit
  to implementing evidence based and best
  practice strategies and to critically reflect on our

Life Long Learners
Students develop the skills to face future challenges
with confidence – critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration and communication.

We seek to build capability in Information and
Communication Technologies so that our students can
become global citizens.

We provide opportunities for students to develop
leadership qualities throughout their schooling.

We promote, monitor and celebrate participation and
success of students in academic, sporting, arts and
cultural activities.

2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Focus Area 1

Student Achievement

     Goal                                          Key Objectives
     Our school motto ‘In the Pursuit of           • Promote, pursue and celebrate
     Excellence’ reflects our belief that every      personal excellence.
     student can be a successful student and a
     life-long learner. Student achievement will   • Build student interest, aspiration and
     be strengthened by a rigorous assessment        capability through innovative and
     and planning cycle, catering for the needs      engaging approaches.
     of all students.                              • Foster skills required for 21st Century
                                                     learners – critical thinking, creativity,
                                                     collaboration and the effective use
                                                     of information and communication

4   Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019
2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Strategies                                             Milestones
• Use available system and school data, such as        • Curriculum Area Plans and Annual Operational
  NAPLAN and Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT)         Plans are published and shared annually.
  to explicitly teach to student needs.
                                                       • Reporting and Assessment Schedules are reviewed
• Provide literacy and numeracy intervention for         annually.
  students ‘at risk’, such as MacqLit and MiniLit.
                                                       • Primary Connections and the Science Laboratory
• Explicitly teach to the requirements of the WA         are utilised from Pre-Primary to Year 6.
  Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework.
                                                       • Teachers of Languages (Indonesian) are trained in
• Continue to develop and implement evidence             the use of the KETAWA Program.
  based whole-school curriculum area plans, with
  supporting resources.
• Facilitate regular teacher moderation sessions       • The percentage of Year 3 and 5 students above
  and access external professional learning to build     the National Minimum Standard in NAPLAN
  capacity in assessment and reporting.                  Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and
                                                         Punctuation, and Numeracy will be equivalent to,
• Moderate Attitude, Behaviour and Effort reporting
                                                         or better than, like schools.
                                                       • Maintain and improve the performance of
• Strengthen opportunities to extend and challenge
                                                         students in each year level on Acer Progressive
  students who have academic, athletic and artistic
                                                         Achievement Tests (PAT) Reading Comprehension,
                                                         Mathematics and Science.
• Provide opportunities for students to develop
                                                       • Teacher grade allocation judgements in
  confidence and capacity in the Arts and Physical
                                                         comparison to NAPLAN distribution data, will be
                                                         comparable to those of like schools.
• Encourage greater interest, aspiration and
  capability in Science, Technology, Engineering and
  Mathematics (STEM).                                   Aspirational Target
• Implement Primary Connections as the basis of a
  whole school Science program.                          • NAPLAN Reading, Writing, Spelling,
                                                           Grammar and Punctuation and Mathematics
• Implement the KETAWA program to teach                    performance to be similar to, or above, WA
  Languages (Indonesian).                                  Public schools.
                                                         • From 2019 to 2021, there is an increasing
                                                           number of student applications for extension
                                                           and scholarship opportunities.

2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Focus Area 2

Teaching Quality

     Goal                                         Key Objectives
     Narrogin Primary School builds on the        • Staff are committed to continually
     culture of high expectations and high          reflect on their own professional
     performance of teachers and support            knowledge, practice and level of
     staff. Staff are committed to ongoing          engagement.
     critical reflection, professional learning
     and excellent teaching practices in order    • Teaching staff follow a rigorous
     to engage students and assist them to          planning and assessment cycle.
     achieve their potential. This encourages,    • There is a culture of analysis in which
     supports and builds staff capacity for         staff routinely diagnose the impact
     teaching excellence.                           of their teaching to drive whole
                                                    school planning and monitor student
                                                    achievement and progress.
                                                  • Research and evidence-based
                                                    programs, strategies and resources are
                                                    used to improve student outcomes.

6   Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019
2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Strategies                                             Milestones
• ICT is embedded throughout the curriculum.           • Establish and maintain a register of professional
                                                         learning and resource sharing.
• All teachers self-assess against the Australian
  Institute for Teaching and School Leadership         • Data analysis is evident in teacher planning.
  (AITSL) Standards.
                                                       • Implementation and analysis of whole school
• Staff engage in annual Performance                     common assessments.
                                                       • CONNECT is used for the electronic distribution of
• Teaching staff engage in Peer Observation and          reports.
• Professional learning is prioritised to align with   Targets
  school priorities and identified performance         • Grade alignment in Semester 2 Year 3 and 5
  management goals.                                      reports, is equivalent to, or better, than the WA
                                                         Public School Mean, in comparison to NAPLAN
• Celebrate staff achievement and excellence.
• Demonstrate clear links between School
                                                       • Maintain positive ratings of 4.0 or above in
  Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA)
                                                         teaching quality areas of the National Schools
  requirements and a comprehensive planning,
                                                         Parents’ Opinion Survey.
  assessment and reporting cycle.
• Refine teaching programs to suit individual and
  groups of students’ needs.                            Aspirational Target
• Analyse available data and moderate teacher
  judgements.                                            • Throughout 2019-2021, one or more
                                                           teacher/s are working towards Level 3 status
• Early childhood teachers implement Play Based            and/or undertaking additional studies to
  and Inquiry Learning.                                    further their qualifications in education.

• Foster opportunities for Education Assistants and
  Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers to
  support student learning.

2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Focus Area 3


     Goal                                        Key Objectives
     The development of a school wide            • There is a shared and unified vision
     focus on improving individual student         that provides clear direction to the
     achievement through a shared vision and       school community.
                                                 • Effective implementation of whole
                                                   school planning is facilitated.
                                                 • Leaders set high expectations and
                                                   standards, and hold staff accountable,
                                                   within a supportive, collaborative

8   Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019
2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Strategies                                              Milestones
• School leaders are responsive to system initiatives   • School planning and policy documents are
  and changes.                                            published.
• Maintain effective workforce planning and             • The Business Plan Staff Handbook is developed,
  performance management processes.                       published and implemented.
• Provide opportunities for staff consultation and      • The Aboriginal and Cultural Standards Framework
  collaboration in whole school planning, policy          is used as a whole school self-reflection tool.
  development and school procedures.
• Record school performance using the Narrogin          Targets
  Primary School (NPS) Electronic School Assessment     • By the end of 2021, Narrogin Primary School will
  Tool (ESAT) collection community on CONNECT.            have met all NQS areas.
• Lead teachers to contribute to the development of     • We maintain positive ratings of 4.0 or above,
  the Business Plan Staff Handbook.                       annually, for areas of leadership in the National
                                                          Schools Parent and Staff Opinion Surveys.
• Identify and build the capacity of leaders within
  the school and the Narrogin Schools Network/
  Wheatbelt Region.
                                                         Aspirational Target
• Fully induct graduate or new staff and provide
  ongoing mentoring.                                      • By 2021, NPS is ‘exceeding’ in a minimum of
• Implement the ‘Keeping Our Workplace Safe                 two areas of the NQS.
• Embed the Aboriginal Cultural Standards
• Implement a Quality Improvement Plan for the
  National Quality Standards (NQS).

2019-2021 Business Plan - In the Pursuit of Excellence - Narrogin Primary School
Focus Area 4

Learning Environment

      Goal                                        Key Objectives
      To provide a safe, welcoming and            • Develop a safe, harmonious, orderly,
      engaging learning environment that            well presented and educationally
      provides optimum conditions for students      focused environment that everyone is
      to learn and develop.                         proud to be connected to.
                                                  • Student and staff wellbeing and
                                                    personal health is supported.
                                                  • To support staff to strengthen student
                                                    engagement and reduce barriers to

10   Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019
Strategies                                               Milestones
• Embed a whole school focus on ‘Mentally Healthy        • Collection and analysis of staff, parent and
  Communities’, utilising the ‘BeYou’ framework            student survey data to inform ‘Mentally Healthy
  and resources.                                           Community’ initiatives.
• Continue to implement the Changing Health              • Development of the Sensory Garden.
  Acting Together (CHAT) program.
                                                         • Students of Educational Needs (SEN) planning is
• Consolidate the Positive Behaviour Support               used for the development of documented plans
  program.                                                 for ‘at risk’ students.
• ‘At risk’ students are identified, provided            • Documented planning is provided at point of
  appropriate intervention and routinely monitored.        need and is regularly reviewed in consultation
                                                           with parents.
• Increase knowledge and understanding of
  Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)        • Interagency meetings are conducted once per
  for students with disability.                            term to support the learning needs of students
                                                           at educational risk and to address barriers to
• Utilise a needs analysis approach for the allocation     learning in the early years.
  of resources to cater for students with disability
  and learning difficulties.
• Allocate resourcing to enable students to
                                                         • By the end of 2020, NPS has been awarded
  participate in external programs that match their
                                                           ‘Silver’ CHAT status.
  interests and needs.
                                                         • Maintain an upward annual trend in regular
• Encourage optimum student attendance.
                                                           attendance for compulsory years of schooling.
• Provide opportunities for whole school and point
  of need transitions.
• Develop and adopt a whole school approach to            Aspirational Target
  environmental sustainability.
                                                           • By the end of 2021, Narrogin Primary School
                                                             has been awarded ‘Gold’ CHAT status.
                                                           • To have equivalent or better than state
                                                             attendance rates.
                                                           • Maintain regular attendance by 70% of
                                                             eligible children.

Focus Area 5

Relationships and Partnerships

      Goal                                        Key Objectives
      To build a safe and supportive culture      • Develop a safe and educationally
      where community involvement is                focused environment that everyone is
      valued, and interagency relationships are     proud to be connected to.
                                                  • Use the expertise of the school
                                                    community, and interagency support,
                                                    to develop and promote school
                                                  • Value cultural diversity, inclusion,
                                                    attendance and engagement.

12   Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019
Strategies                                              Milestones
• Continue to build the school’s positive reputation    • Positive School Board feedback regarding
  within the community.                                   school performance.
• Sustain open, honest and transparent                  • Narrogin Primary School hosts a minimum of
  communication with the school community.                three practicum students per year.
• Increase opportunities for parent and student
  engagement.                                           Targets
                                                        • There will be increasing community response to
• Demonstrate care, understanding and empathy
                                                          and participation in whole school events and
  in interactions with students, colleagues, parents/
  carers and the community.
                                                        • Maintain positive ratings of 4.0 or above in the
• Increase the profile of the School Board by
                                                          areas of relationships and partnerships in the
  providing opportunities for members to be
                                                          National Opinion Surveys.
  recognised and acknowledged in public forums.
                                                        • At the end of 2021, Kindilink attendance and
• Continue to host teaching practicum students
                                                          engagement would have increased by 50% or
  from Notre Dame, ECU, Murdoch and Curtin
                                                          greater of the eligible cohort.
• Foster continued community support for the
  KindiLink program.
• Further build interagency relationships to improve
  outcomes for all students.
• Analyse AEDC data to identify areas for
  interagency collaboration.
• Address concerns as identified in school
  community surveys.


14   Narrogin Primary School Business Plan 2019

22–24 Williams Road, Narrogin WA 6312
Post   PO Box 107, Narrogin WA 6312
Phone 08 9882 1700
Web    www.narroginprimaryschool.wa.edu.au
Email narrogin.ps@education.wa.edu.au
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