South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB

Page created by Ronnie Mcguire
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
South March Public School
                  SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021
                  Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins
                  Welcome to another great week at South March!

             Parents are required to screen their children daily for symptoms of COVID-19
     ​BEFORE SENDING THEM TO SCHOOL​. Use this​ o      ​ nline tool​ provided by Ottawa Public Health
        to do daily screening​. We all need to work together, to ensure our school remains safe.

S​MPS Families,

I’m finding it hard to believe that we are entering the month of March already. It has been a
long YEAR! On Tuesday, the SMPS school community raised $      ​ 738​ for the Education
Foundation​ ​@EFOttawa​. Great job! You can still donate through the school until March 1st.​ ​After that you can go directly to the Education Foundation website to make a
donation - anytime!

On Wednesday, SMPS students and staff recognized “PINK SHIRT DAY”. A day to recognize the importance of
friendship, compassion, kindness, inclusiveness, and to promote anti-bullying. Mme Szucs put together another video
to promote this message. ​Check out the video: h
                                               ​ ttps://

A HUGE thank you to SMPS School Council​ for their thoughtful and uplifting gesture of
encouragement and appreciation last week. These treats were enjoyed by all staff
including teachers, EAs, ECEs, custodians, bus and van drivers, as well as
crossing-guards. What an awesome community!

“March Break” Spirit Week -​ Looking ahead to the week on March 15-19, SMPS will
hold a Spirit Week to shake things up during this long month. P
                                                              ​ lease see the attached
flyer for more information.

Preparing for September 2021
The OCDSB is planning for the safe return to in-person learning in September 2021.
Parents will be asked to confirm whether their child will return to school in-person or
attend virtual school for the 2021-22 school year.​ Please see the attached information
flyer. An email from the school will be sent out to families soon.
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
NEW- Single-Symptom Screening:
Last week, Ottawa Public Health updated their COVID screening tool for students to reflect stricter requirements from
the provincial Ministry of Health. Students and children with any new or worsening symptoms of COVID-19, even
those with o
           ​ nly one symptom​, must stay home (self-isolate) until:

 ● They receive a negative COVID-19 test result, their symptom(s) are improving, they have no fever, and they are
   feeling well enough to go to school;
 ● OR, if the child does not get tested, it has been 10 days since the onset of their symptom(s), symptoms are
   improving, they have no fever and they ae feeling better.
 ● They receive an alternative diagnosis from a heralth care professional.

As a school community we have been doing REALLY WELL ensuring that students are not sent to school ill and in the
rare case when a child shows signs/symptoms while at school, families have been great at picking up, isolating and
having their child tested. Let's keep this trend going to ensure our school is safe to teach and learn.

If you have any questions about whether you should send your child to school please follow the OPH screening tool
and e​ rr on the side of caution​.

   ●   The updated OPH screening tool can be found here: ​OPH daily screening tool for students
   ●   An information sheet can be found here: U
                                               ​ pdated COVID Screening.pdf

Student Drop-off and Pick-up
A reminder about student drop-off and pick-up – please park in designated areas, wear a
mask, maintain physical distancing and do not linger afterwards.

In the school parking lot I have a few concerns that I need your help with...While in the
parking lot please:

 ➔ Spread out​ while waiting for your child
 ➔ Do not congest/block the ​pathways​ so that people can safely get to their destination
 ➔ Wear your mask​ while on school property
   parking area. This is unsafe.
 ➔ Leave as soon as you have your child ​Unfortunately, the school yard is not open for
   playing before/after school, including the snow hills on school property.​ I would ask
   that you proceed to the city park or other green spaces. Much appreciated.

2020-2021 School Year Calendar Update
The Ontario government, based on the advice of health experts, has delayed the
March Break until April 12-16. As a result, school will continue for all students the
week of March 15-19. To view the updated calendar, visit​ ​OCDSB’s Elementary
Calendar webpage​.

Free Access to French Online Homework Help K-12
FSL Students (Core and Immersion) can get access to Voilà Live’s Virtual Immersion Campus. Every evening from
Monday to Thursday students have access to live Ontario certified teachers online to practice their French and get
homework help in French, English and Math. The Virtual Immersion Campus will be open Monday to Thursday from
5:00 pm. to 8:00 pm. for homework help and French practice.

                            For Parent/Student registration:
                            1. Visit​ h
                                      ​ ttp://
                            2. Click on ‘My school board is registered.
                            3. Complete the form and use the code: OCDSB0.
                            4. You will receive a link to download the platform the next day. Learn more​ ​here​.
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB


                                                                   Hockey Jersey Day
     Florida,    Montego Bay,      Dublin,            Paris,            Sydney,
       USA        JAMAICA         IRELAND            FRANCE            AUSTRALIA

    Disney Day   Tie Die Day    St-Patty’s Day   Dress Fancy Day       Beach Day
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
Friday, March 12th: The 1st stop of our weeklong trip is Toronto, Canada, home
of the Hockey Hall of Fame. Today, you are invited to wear your favorite hockey
jersey to show your Penguin Pride.

Monday, March 15th: Our 2nd stop is Florida, USA, home of Disneyworld! Today,
you are invited to wear your favorite Disney clothing or costume. No costume
masks, props or face paint please.

Tuesday, March 16th: Our 3rd stop is Montego Bay, Jamaica home of tie die
fashion. Today, you are invited to wear all things tie die to show your Penguin

Wednesday, March 17th: Our 4th stop is Dublin Ireland home or the Irish. Today,
you are invited to wear your best green, white, and orange clothing as well as
your favorite St-Patty’s Day accessories to show your school spirit.

Thursday, March 18th: Our 5th stop is Paris France home of Haute Couture.
Today, you are invited to wear your fanciest clothing, but please remember, you
will be going outdoor for activity breaks, so dress warmly.

Friday, March 19th: Our last stop is Sydney Australia, home of some of the most
beautiful beaches in the world. Today, you are invited to wear your favorite but
school appropriate beach attire. Don’t forget, to dress warm for activity breaks.
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
At the OCDSB, we are looking forward to welcoming students and staff safely back to in-
person learning in September 2021. We know that for some families, the return to in-person
learning may be challenging. The Ottawa-Carleton Virtual School is an option that families
can consider. Here is some information and thoughts for consideration as you and your child
determine the best learning path for the 2021–2022 school year.

         IN-PERSON LEARNING                                   VIRTUAL LEARNING
   •   All elementary programs will be                •   50-50 Bilingual Kindergarten, English,
       offered                                            Early French Immersion programs will
   •   COVID-19 safety procedures in place                be offered
       — distancing, masks, hand washing,             •   Middle French Immersion and
       protective equipment for staff                     Alternative Program will not be offered
   •   Cohorting of students and emphasis             •   Students enrolled in specialized
       on smaller class sizes where possible,             program class students who opt for
   •   Staff rotate to classes to reduce                  virtual learning will be integrated in
       student movements                                  regular virtual classroom
   •   Specialized Program Classes will               •   School day parental supervision required
       be offered                                     •   Larger class sizes than in-person
   •   Extended Day Programs available                •   Multi-grade groupings more likely
                                                      •   Students receive 180-225 minutes of
                                                          online (synchronous) instruction/day

Does your child learn better in an online environment or in-person? Although many aspects of
learning can be replicated in an online environment, the social development, peer interactions
through recess, informal interactions can be quite different.
Think about your child’s learning style, their relationships and their need for social interaction.
Consider how their learning and social needs can best be met.

Parental support is always important to learning. However, virtual learning through OCV requires
parental supervision and more direct support during the school day, especially for younger learners
and for some students with special education needs.
Families should consider the schedule and needs of your household and what conditions you must
have in place to support virtual learning.
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
We’re planning for the full school year with as few transitions as possible. Mid-year changes
will be extremely limited; only under the most extenuating circumstance would a move from
virtual to in-person or vice-versa be considered, and this would be space permitting.
Families should determine which learning option best meets their needs for the entire school year.

The OCDSB offers a full range of programs and all of these will be available for in-person
learning. In OCV, only three programs will be offered;

 •   50/50 bilingual kindergarten,
 •   English Program (Grades 1-8) and
 •   Early French Immersion (Grades 1-8).

The EFI program will provide 50% French language instruction in Grade 1-8. English
Alternative and Middle French Immersion will be only provided in person.
Consider the age and grade of your child, their current program and how it meets their needs,
and what impact, if any, a change in program might have.

 Class sizes are based on Ministry requirements and the average class size is calculated ac,
not by school. Similar to this year, class sizes will be larger in OCV in order to help maintain
physical distancing for in-person classes. Kindergarten classes will be up to 29, grades 1-3 up
to 23 and classes in grades 4-8 up to approximately 28 students in combined grade classes
and up to 35 in single grade classes.
Families should consider the learning needs of their child and their experience with class size.

Elementary students attending school in-person will follow the regular school day schedule.
For elementary students in OCV, the school day will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m.
There will be 90 minutes of scheduled nutrition breaks and recesses supervised by families.
Families should consider the school day schedule, other childcare requirements to assess
which best meets the needs of their family.

Students will use technology in both in-person learning and in OCV. Virtual learning is based
on live video instruction with an educator (synchronous learning) and that requires more screen
time. Students in OCV must complete a fixed number of daily online minutes of learning.

 •   In Kindergarten - there will be 180 minutes of synchronous learning and 120 minutes of
     asynchronous time;
 •   In Grades 1-8 - there will be 225 minutes of synchronous and 75 minutes of asynchronous time
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
There will not be any synchronous opt out. Families should consider how their children learn,
the capacity to work independently, ability to maintain focus for shorter or longer periods and
whether and how the learner is affected by extended screen time.

The use of technology is essential to virtual learning. Families requiring a Chromebook for
their child will be provided with one.
Families should consider the student’s comfort level using technology for their learning and
the capacity to support technology issues during the school day.

This year we have learned that the needs of students in specialised program classes are best
met through an in-person model. Specialised program classes (both special education and
ELD) will be offered in-person only.
Families of students presently enrolled in Specialized Program Classes who wish to attend
OCV will be integrated into a regular OCV classroom with online support through an
Education Assistant, Learning Support Teacher and/or Learning Resource Teacher. The
support will be provided as their Individual Education Plan, or through English as Second
Language/English Language Development (ESL/ELD) support.

Creating a sense of school community is important. Next year, there will be increased focus
on building an OCV school community. Students learning virtually will be registered with
OCV, and will join with other OCV students across their family of schools to create an OCV
community of learners. Where possible, Grade 8 students will have the opportunity to
participate in leaving ceremonies with their peers in their home school.
Families should consider their connection to the school community and whether that is a
factor in their decision about learning for the 2021-2022 school year.

As the school year begins there will be limited opportunities for in-person clubs, teams and
events in any of our schools. As we move through the 2021/2022 school year and the COVID
situation changes, our goal will be to resume in-person extra-curricular activities incrementally
and as it is safe to do so. OCV students and staff will be encouraged to pursue virtual and online
opportunities for OCV learners, but will not engage in in-person extra-curricular activities.
Families should consider their child’s extra-curricular interests and how those needs can be
addressed outside of the school day.

Between March 4th and 14th, the school will send a form by email. Please complete one form
for each child and return by 11:59 p.m. on March 14th.
South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB South March Public School - SMPS Family Update - Monday, March 1, 2021 Proud, Positive, Powerful Penguins - OCDSB
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