Friday 22nd September 2017 - Turnfurlong Junior School

Page created by Victoria Johnson
Friday 22nd September 2017 - Turnfurlong Junior School
Friday 22nd September 2017
                                                                                                Issue 2

Turnfurlong Junior School has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School
Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.

The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in
international education. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the
British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they
need for life work in today’s world.
Sir Ciarán Devane, CEO of the British Council, said: ‘The school’s fantastic international work has
rightfully earned it this prestigious award. The International School Award is a great chance for schools
to demonstrate the important work they’re doing to bring the world into their classrooms. Embedding an
international dimension in children’s education ensures that they are truly global citizens and helps
prepare them for successful lives and careers in an increasingly global economy.’
Thank you to Madame Andrew for all her hard work in helping us achieve this award.

                                         NUT FREE SCHOOL
TJS strives to be a nut free environment and want to remind you about our Nut Free Policy in School.
It is a policy that needs to be taken quite seriously because of its extremely
dangerous consequences. Nut allergies can be life threatening. It takes only the
slightest smell, touch, or ingestion of peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, a
product that ‘may contain trace amounts of peanuts’ or a product that has been
‘processed in a plant that also manufactures peanut products’, to cause a
potential anaphylactic reaction. This can happen so easily – the hands of a friend
who has just finished a peanut butter or chocolate spread sandwich. Again, it
only takes the slightest smell, touch, or ingestion.
That said…we are asking all of you to please, please keep this in mind when
sending in their packed lunches, birthday treats, or any other snacks to school. If you can take a few
seconds to read the labels of any pre-packaged product, or to pick up the phone and give us a quick
call with any questions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Friday 22nd September 2017 - Turnfurlong Junior School
We will be using our electronic parents evening system for parents to book appointments with teachers
online. Should you encounter any problems please contact Mrs Rymer in the school office who will try
and help you rectify it. Manual bookings can also be made via the office, but please try and use the
online system.
A letter and copy of the instructions, are attached to this newsletter and are also available on the TJS
website under ‘News & Events/letters home’

                                          PACKED LUNCHES
At TJS balanced diets are encouraged as part of a healthy lifestyle. Children must bring a packed
lunch to eat. A healthy, enjoyable lunch gives the children the energy they need to learn at school.

Lunchtime is a very important part of our school day. Our Midday Meals Supervisors play a vital role in
ensuring that the highest standards of behaviour are maintained. We aim to make lunchtimes relaxed
and enjoyable, at the same time as providing a well-ordered environment.

Packed lunches SHOULD contain:
 Some starchy food such as bread (sliced bread, pitta bread, wraps, bagels), breadsticks, pasta,
rice, potatoes, couscous (choose wholegrain where possible), hot cross bun, rice cakes, malt loaf,
scone, cream crackers.
 One portion of fruit AND one portion of vegetable or salad.
Some protein e.g. meat, fish, cheese, eggs, beans, pulses, hum-
mus, falafel, tofu.

Packed lunches MAY also contain:
 Fruit or plain yogurt (NOT chocolate or toffee flavoured)
 Jelly
 Custard (not chocolate flavoured)
 Rice pudding
A bottle of water

Packed lunches SHOULD NOT contain:
 Crisps
 Sweets
 Chocolate items including chocolate bars, chocolate cakes or chocolate mousse/yogurts
 Any thing containing NUTS or Nut trace.

UPDATE—The ‘password’ for the French Linguascope WEBSITE has changed. Please now use the
log-on details below:
Username: tjsfrench
Password:   macarons
Friday 22nd September 2017 - Turnfurlong Junior School
On Tuesday 3rd October the school photographer will be in to take individual photos of all the pupils.
Please ensure that children have a school jumper with them, even if it is sunny! If you wish to have a
family photo taken, please bring all family members to the school hall at 8:15 and please ensure that
the Infant school is aware that you could be a little late for registration.

                                     MCMILLAN COFFEE MORNING
On Thursday 5th October the children in Year 6 will be hosting their ‘Coffee & Cake’ morning to raise
valuable funds for Macmillan. All monies raised will go towards helping this charity in their pursuit of a
cure for cancer and continued support for families.
Cakes and bakes will be served in the hall from around 8.45 until 12pm and then again from 1.30 -
4.30. So if you drop off your child, why not pop into the hall to taste one of our delectable delights!
After school, the choir will be performing in the hall, providing
music for the masses.
Please assist us in raising money for this worthwhile cause. In
each of the last two years, our school has raised £1000 each
time –help us beat that target! We look forward to meeting you
and thank you for your support.

                           YEAR 6—SECONDARY SCHOOL APPLICATION

Now the transfer testing has been completed, can you please ensure that you apply for your child's
secondary school place by 30th October 2017. Late applications will hugely affect your allocated
school place. The best way to apply is online, but if you do not have access to a computer please
speak to Mrs Rymer in the school office.
If you are taking your child to visit any secondary school open days during school time, please inform
the office before your visit.
Transfer test results will be released by pupil post at the end of school on Friday 13th October.
Further information is available via :

                            OPEN DAYS FOR CURRENT YEAR 2 PARENTS
If you have a child in Year 2 or know someone locally who is choosing a Junior School place for next
September 2018, our open days will be on Tuesday 10th October 9:15 or 14:15 and Monday 16th
October 9:15 or 14:15. Further details to follow.

                                            SCHOOL LIBRARY
Please be aware that the school library is now open on a Friday after school until 3:30. Library times
are as follows:
Monday to Friday:             8:30 until 8:45—open to everyone
                              3:15 until 3:30—open to everyone

Monday to Thursday:          12:15 until 12:45—Years 5 & 6
                             12:45 until 1:15 — Years 3 & 4
Friday 22nd September 2017 - Turnfurlong Junior School

    Can we please remind parents that children should not be left unattended in
     the school playground before 8:35 a.m. Parents need to be aware that if they
     choose to drop their children off before 8:35 they will be unsupervised and
     they are their responsibility.

    On wet mornings children should enter the school via the Library doors and meet in the school
     hall, no earlier than 8:30.

    Please keep the gateways clear so that the children can easily enter the school grounds. At
     morning drop off, parents should not enter the playground or school building. If a parent needs to
     come into school, or has an appointment please use the main gate and pathway which leads
     directly to the school reception.

    Breaktime snacks—children are only allowed fresh fruit or vegetables Monday—Thursday, but
     are allowed fruit flavoured snacks as a treat on a Friday.

    The school car park is for staff ONLY, please do not park or drop off children in the car
     park without permission or use it as a short cut to and from the Infant school.

    For all up to date information, letters etc. please check the school website on a regular basis.

    Please sign up to our Facebook or Twitter page as this is the most efficient and cost effective way
     of communicating info quickly to parents.

    Please ensure ALL school uniform is named.

Cross-Country competition
Come and run for your school!                                      TJS Sports News
When? Saturday 4th November 2017
Where? Turnfurlong School Field
Why? to represent your school (and you may win a medal!)

Year 6 girls 9:30                           Year 4 girls 10:30
Year 6 boys 9:45                            Year 4 boys 10:45
Year 5 girls 10:00                          Year 3 girls 11:00
Year 5 boys 10:15                           Year 3 boys 11:15

Sports News
Clubs have now started and we have had a super response.
However, we do still have some places in Basketball Club (Tuesdays after school), in Hockey Club
(Monday morning 8-8:30am), in Tuesday’s Cross-Country Club after school and Girls’ (Years 4, 5 and
6) Football on Monday after school.

Inter-House Cross Country
Our annual Inter-House Cross Country competition will take place during curriculum time on
Wednesday 18th October. All pupils will participate and score points for their house. Please ensure they
bring their PE kit into school that day (including their red football socks), and a tee shirt of their house
colour if possible.

Inter-Schools Cross Country
We will be hosting an Inter-schools Cross-Country competition on the morning of Saturday 4th
November. We, traditionally, have a strong reputation in these competitions and would like as many of
our pupils as possible to participate.
Dates for your Diary

22/09/2017   Jeans for Genes Day
25/09/2017   Show my Homework drop-in session for any issues
28/09/2017   Year 6—Amersham Field Trip
29/09/2017   Year 6—Amersham Field Trip
03/10/2017   School photographs—letter attached
06/10/2017   Year 6—Chiltern Open Air Museum
10/10/2017   Open Event for Year 2 parents—9:15 or 14:15
11/10/2017   Parents Evening
12/10/2017   Parents Evening
13/10/2017   Year 6—Transfer Test results distributed by pupil post at 3:15
16/10/2017   Open Event for Year 2 parents—9:15 or 14:15
18/10/2017   Inter-house cross country competition
19/10/2017   Year 3—Chiltern Open Air Museum (AMENDED DATE)
20/10/2017   Years 3 & 4 Flu injections
20/10/2017    LAST DAY OF TERM

30/10/2017   SCHOOL RE-OPENS
15/11/2017   Year 3—Hazard Alley trip
16/11/2017   Year 3 - Hazard Alley trip
27/11/2017   Scholastic Book Fair - All week
30/11/2017   Year 5—National Space Centre trip
19/12/2017   LAST DAY OF TERM

03/01/2017   INSET DAY
04/01/2017   SCHOOL RE-OPENS
School Term and Holiday Dates

                             School Term and Holiday Dates 2017/18
Autumn Term 2017          Wednesday 6 September to Friday 20 October 2017
Autumn Term 2017          Monday 30 October to Tuesday 19 December 2017
Spring Term 2018          Thursday 4 January to Friday 9 February 2018
Spring Term 2018          Monday 19 February to Wednesday 28 March 2018
Summer Term 2018          Monday 16 April to Friday 25 May 2018
Summer Term 2018          Tuesday 5 June to Tuesday 24 July 2018

Monday 4th September 2017
Tuesday 5th September 2017
Wednesday 3 January 2018
Thursday 29 March 2018
Monday 4 June 2018
    Schools will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 7th May 2018.

                             School Term and Holiday Dates 2018/19
Autumn Term 2018          Thursday 6 September to Friday 19 October 2018
Autumn Term 2018          Tuesday 30 to Wednesday 19 December 2018
Spring Term 2019          Thursday 3 January to Friday 15 February 2019
Spring Term 2019          Monday 25 February to Friday 5 April 2019
Summer Term 2019          Wednesday 24 April to Friday 24 May 2019
Summer Term 2019          Tuesday 4 June to Wednesday 24 July 2019

Wednesday 5 September 2018
Monday 29 October 2018
Wednesday 2 January 2019
Tuesday 23 April 2019
Monday 3rd June 2019
   Schools will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 2019.
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