Friday 11th June 2021 - Yarrells School

Page created by Carolyn Andrews
Friday 11th June 2021 - Yarrells School
Friday 11th June 2021
Dear Parents,

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school after the half-term break and we’ve certainly hit the ground running
since Monday!

All the children have been busily preparing for their Sports Day events next week and it’s
been wonderful to see the excitement build as we approach the big events. There is,
naturally, so much learning to be gained from sporting pursuits and we talked with all
the children this week about the range of different feelings people experience about
competitive events, particularly at school.

We recognise that many of our children absolutely relish the chance to race; the sense
of competition raises their adrenalin and endorphins flow through their bodies as they
approach the events. The desire to beat their previous personal best times, throws or
jumps motivates them to push harder and we see focused determination in abundance.
It’s exciting to spectate on the side-lines and there have been many times when we’ve
watched with bated breath as children have shaved precious seconds off, or added
precious millimetres on to their records!

On the other hand, we know that many of our children absolutely do not relish the chance to race; the sense of competition
raises their anxiety and nerves, they feel self-conscious and dislike the prospect of the events ahead of them. They doubt
their ability to improve their times or throws and the prospect of Sports Day is not an entirely pleasant one.

We always strive to find the right balance for all our children. I believe that competition is important: we all face competition
in our adult lives, whether it be in finding a job, developing our professional skills or being selected for activities and events
outside our professional lives. Our ability to drive ourselves forward in the face of anxiety or fear is an important skill to
cultivate and nurture. We need to develop in all our children the desire to face challenge as well as the ability to bounce
back from disappointment or failure.

This only comes with very careful management and so whilst we really value and celebrate the competitive side of school
life, we also place enormous significance on participation and sportsmanship. Every child’s participation in their sports days
is celebrated and valued; their participation in each of their events adds points towards their House totals; we recognise
the spectrum of feeling around Sports Day and we are both compassionate and encouraging when we’re working with the
reluctant or anxious child.

Over and above everything else, however, we work hard to ensure that Sports Day is FUN! We want the children to feel
care-free, and enjoy the events as well as the atmosphere of team participation, cheering on both the great athletes
and the less keen. I am always bursting with pride at the behaviour of our children; they are endlessly supportive of each
other and I know that, even though we can’t have as many spectators as we’d ideally like at the events next week, those of
you who are able to come will no doubt feel the same.

On that note, today, Ollie B and William S swam 400 lengths for #Willdoes and, as it stands,
have raised £500. I wrote in the newsletter before half term that they were moved by meeting
Will Paddy’s mother, Lesley, on the 14th of May and wanted to do what they could to help
the charity set up in Will’s name. Well done, boys! We’re enormously proud of you.

Unfortunately, it is very likely that the eagerly awaited lifting of further restrictions on the
21st of June will be delayed and so this will affect the spectating at our swimming galas and
maybe our indoor performances. I will bring everyone news of this as soon as we receive
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confirmation next week. Needless to say, we will adapt our plans and ensure we are able to bring to you as much of your
children’s endeavours as possible.

Enjoy the weekend ahead and I look forward to seeing you at our events next week.

All the very best,
Ms Sally Weber, Head

     NUTKINS                Emily W           Hattie S
     SQUIRRELS:             Edward T          Mason D
     RECEPTION:             Sophia W          Michael F
     YEAR 1:                Isabella M        Sophia P                WILL AND OLLIE’S SWIMATHON AT YARRELLS!
     YEAR 2:                Elizabeth T       River S                      COMPLETED TODAY! Friday 11th June 2021
     YEAR 3:                Ruby K            William M
                                                                      They swam 400 lengths (200 each) of the school
     YEAR 4:                William M-P       Leilah K                    pool supporting the charity #Willdoes!
     YEAR 5:                Fallon D          Barney S                    Please sponsor them by clicking the link below:
     YEAR 6:                Henry N           Miriam C-Y   

     YEAR 7:                Felix W
     YEAR 8:                George B                                           Registered charity no: 1187099

                                       Yarrells School Weekly Diary
                      Date       Start Time      End Time    Description
 Monday               14/06/2021 13:00           15:30       Years 1 & 2 Sports Day - Parents Invited
                                 15:00           17:00       ABRSM Music Exams
 Tuesday              15/06/2021 11:00           11:30       RT and RW Tennis Talent ID
                                 11:30           12:00       Year 1 Tennis Talent ID
 Wednesday            16/06/2021 09:30           12:00       Junior Sports Day - Parents Invited
                                 13:00           16:30       Senior Sports Day - Parents Invited
 Thursday             17/06/2021 09:15           11:15       Nursery to Reception Sports Day - Parents Invited
                                 14:00           15:00       Reception Settling in Session
 Friday               18/06/2021 14:15           16:15       Year 5 Play Rehearsal
                                 15:30           16:30       Canford Swim Training (SP)
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Senior Performances - IMPORTANT DATES                                                                         Mrs S Gill

 Monday 21st June           9:30 - Year 5 'Dragon Days'     14:15 to 16:15 - Year 6
                            performance to the school       rehearsal
 Tuesday 22nd June          9:30 - Year 5 'Dragon Days'     14:45 - Year 5 'Dragon Days'
                            performance to parents          performance to parents
 Wednesday 23rd June        Year 6 rehearsal morning

 Thursday 24th June         11:30 - Year 6 'Olivia'         14:30 - Year 6 'Olivia'         17:30 Year 6 'Olivia'
                            performance to the school       performance to parents          performance to parents
 Friday 25th June           Years 7 & 8 rehearsal           14:30 - Years 7 & 8 'The        Years 7 & 8 'The Mystery of
                            morning                         Mystery of The Missing Mask'    The Missing Mask'
                                                            performance to the school       performance to parents
                                                                                            17:30 welcome drink
                                                                                            18:00 performance begins

 Early Years & Pre-Prep
We returned to Greenwood this week and boarded a pirate ship ready to sail the Seven Seas! This half term’s topic is Pirates
and the ocean, which perfectly coincided with World Ocean Day. We have concentrated on the life under the ocean in our
learning and have discovered just how important the sea is for our planet with themed sensory activities, water fun and by
creating our own sea creatures. In Wild Woods, we explored with floating and sinking on the deck and used natural
resources like shells to make our favourite sea creatures. We have also been super excited this week as we have a new
friend, Mr Cooper. Mr Cooper is a tortoise that we have rehomed and are taking extra good care of.

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Friday 11th June 2021 - Yarrells School
DISCO Time in Year 2!                                                                                         Ms G Robbins

                                                                        Year 2 had a groovy time at their disco party before half
                                                                        term. Their classroom was full of glitz once everyone had
                                                                        dressed up in their sparkly disco outfits. They made mini
                                                                        glitter balls, ate delicious cake, had a disco themed
                                                                        colouring competition and then ended with some
                                                                        fabulous moves on the dance floor.

 Year 6 Study Skills                                                                                      Mrs C Cunningham

This really has become my favourite time of the week and I look forward to hearing every child's presentation. I am so
proud of all the children and extremely impressed with how innovative and creative they have been.

In 6FS, Ben got everyone hooked at the start of his presentation on 'Graffiti' by giving out thick marker pens and paper, for
every pupil to design their own 'tag.' Ben spoke about famous artists such as Fanakapan, Stik and Banksy! The children were
amazed to see the shredding incident! Robert shared some great tips about how to prank siblings in Minecraft and
explained how educational the game can be. Euan gave an extremely informative talk on living with Juvenile Idiopathic
Arthritis (JIA) and shared how he manages with this illness day to day. Some of the children had no idea just how painful
and difficult it has been for Euan. We are so proud of Euan and admire his strength and positivity.

Meanwhile, in 6LM, the class were introduced to another beloved pet, Dolly, the delightful Jack Russell owned by Elsie.
Harry shared his love of skateboarding with the class and informed us all about all the tricks and turns you can do. Finally,
Freddie gave a very moving talk on Jonah Lomu. Not only did he include information about how talented Jonah was in
rugby, but he shared some very interesting, factual medical information about Jonah's kidney disease and transplant. Jonah
was global superstar and his inspirational quotes will be remembered for many years to come. Freddie also shared some
moving tributes about Jonah, who sadly died on November 2015 at aged 40 years old.

Next week sees the final round of talks and I will be sad that they have come to an end!

  For Parents in Year 6: The children were so touched by listening to Euan's personal experience of
  living with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) that they would like to raise some money for the
  charity CCAA, a charity supporting children with JIA in England and Wales.

  Therefore, we kindly ask that you bake cakes that can be sold at our Sports Day on Wednesday
  16th June. Donations for the charity can also be made on the day. We thank you so much for your
  support, as always.

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Rafferty in Year 5 plays for Poole Town Under 10’s and last Sunday
                            the team won the Dorset County Cup!

                            They won 4-0 with Rafferty scoring the first two goals within the
                            first 5 minutes of the game!

                            Rafferty said, “Sunday was the best day of my life!” Well done
                            Rafferty and to the rest of your team!

    ‘Sunday was the best
    day of my life!’

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