Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Nambucca Heads High School 8595 - Amazon AWS

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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Nambucca Heads High School 8595 - Amazon AWS
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                 Nambucca Heads High School 8595

Page 1 of 8              Nambucca Heads High School (8595) -2021-2024   Printed on: 31 March, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                 School context
       At Nambucca Heads High School we are committed to preparing students to become                          Nambucca
       independent, lifelong learners and positive contributors to society. We strive to foster                Heads High School on the Mid North Coast has provided quality education from
       meaningful relationships with all students and community members. We inspire students to                Years 7 to 12 in a caring and professional environment since 1992.
       achieve their best through high expectations in a supportive environment where they feel
       known, valued and cared for.                                                                            The
                                                                                                               school's NSW Family Occupation and Employment Index (FOEI) for 2020 is 132 and
                                                                                                               the Australian Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) is 912. Of
                                                                                                               the school population of 450, 27% of students identify as ATSI (Aboriginal or
                                                                                                               Torres Strait Islander). The school's staffing entitlement in 2021 is 51 teaching staff and 13
                                                                                                               non-teaching staff. The school also employs a Head Teacher Administration using equity
                                                                                                               funds. The majority of the school's equity funding will be used to support initiatives
                                                                                                               developed in the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan. Some funds will be used to
                                                                                                               support other activities not embedded in the plan such as ongoing initiatives including our
                                                                                                               Breakfast Program, Year Advisor Structured Support Program and our Green Team
                                                                                                               Outdoor Education Program

                                                                                                               Over the next four years, there will be a focus on continually improving effective classroom
                                                                                                               practice with What Works Best in Practice initiatives being the driver behind all staff
                                                                                                               professional learning aligned to Strategic Direction 1. Deeper understanding and successful
                                                                                                               interpretation of data will be the staff professional learning focus with Strategic Direction 2.
                                                                                                               Creating and moulding Future-Focused students who are ready for the 21st Century
                                                                                                               workforce is our third strategic direction focus.

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                         Initiatives                                                   Success criteria for this strategic direction
       Nambucca Heads High School's purpose is to improve              DATA SKILLS & USE                                              •   Assessments are created/sourced and used on a
       the literacy and numeracy of all students. To achieve this                                                                         regular basis in the school to facilitate consistent and
       teachers review and adapt their practice through quality,       Teachers and Student Learning Support Officers have                comparable judgments of student performance,
       targeted professional learning and use of student               highly developed skills in the analysis, interpretation and        monitor student learning success, and recognise
       assessment data to inform teaching.                             use of internal and external student progress and                  ability gaps for development and extension.
                                                                       achievement data to improve teaching practice.
                                                                                                                                      •   On external measures, school data indicates that
       Improvement measures                                             •   On-going professional learning in data literacy, data
                                                                                                                                          student growth and performance is higher than
                                                                                                                                          students in statistically comparable schools. This is
                                                                            analysis and data use.
       Target year: 2022                                                                                                                  in line with high academic performance and success
                                                                        •   Whole-school review of data, down to item                     on internal initiatives.
        Achievement of 2022 system-negotiated targets:                      analysis/skills level (what students can do, what they
                                                                                                                                      •   In reading and numeracy, valid and accurate
                                                                            have difficulty with?)
                                                                                                                                          evaluation data is obtained, tracked, and thoroughly
       * Top 2 bands NAPLAN reading in Year 7 and 9 increase
                                                                        •   Review of syllabi- map reading, numeracy and                  analysed on a regular basis.
       of 5.9% from the baseline.
                                                                            writing skills required for Key Learning Areas (KLA)
                                                                                                                                      •   The Learning Support Team (LST) works together to
                                                                            subjects (Stage 4)
       * Top 2 bands NAPLAN numeracy in Year 7 and 9                                                                                      develop the skills of all teachers and are an
       increase of 5.7% from the baseline.                              •   Teachers utilise SCOUT and RAP data to improve                important part of whole-school approaches to
                                                                            teaching activities to enhance student performance.           language, literacy, and numeracy.
       Target year: 2023
                                                                        •   Professional learning on Progressions.
          •   Increased percentage of students achieving
              expected growth in Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN              DATA ANALYSIS TO INFORM TEACHING &                            Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
              reading by 8.3% from the baseline.                       LEARNING
          •   Increased percentage of students achieving               Teachers and Student Learning Support Officers analyse,
              expected growth Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN                 interpret and extrapolate data and they collaboratively use   Is Data driving the teaching practice?
              numeracy by 6.4% from the baseline.                      this to inform planning, identify interventions and modify
                                                                       teaching practice.                                            Is the data informed teaching practice improving student
          •   An additional 5.3% of students will achieve in the top
                                                                                                                                     learning outcomes in reading and numeracy?
              3 HSC bands compared to the base line.
                                                                        •   Use of formative and summative assessments
          •   An additional 5.3% of students will achieve in the top        specific to reading, numeracy and writing skills         Data:
              2 HSC bands compared to the base line.                        developed, to inform future planning and delivery.
                                                                                                                                     External student success measures (NAPLAN)
       Target year: 2023                                                •   Explicit teaching of reading, numeracy and writing in
                                                                            the context of syllabi.
                                                                                                                                     Internal student performance measures (Literacy and
       Increase the percentage of Aboriginal students attaining         •   Use of Progressions to track students' progress,         Numeracy Progressions);
       the HSC whilst maintaining their cultural identity, to the           inform Learning Support Teachers and classroom
       Mid-Coast Valleys Network lower bound target of 63.4%.               teachers - differentiation.                              Teaching programmes;

       Target year: 2022                                                •   Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions, as
                                                                                                                                     Classroom observations;
                                                                            well as PLAN2, have been adopted by the entire
       * Increase the number of students attending at least 90%             school.
                                                                                                                                     Student work samples;
       of the time by 6.4 % from the baseline.                          •   Map specific literacy and numeracy skills required to
                                                                            achieve Band 5 and 6 in each KLA.                        Coaching records;

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

                                         Initiatives                                                    Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                          •   Establish systems and professional capacity for           School Excellence Framework evaluations will be
                                              evaluating NAPLAN, HSC, and minimum standard              gathered and evaluated by relevant staff, administrators,
                                              data in order to define and prioritise areas for change   and teams.
                                              around literacy and numeracy.

                                                                                                        Data is analysed and triangulated on a regular basis to
                                                                                                        assess if the target and progress steps have been


                                                                                                        The results of a thorough review of the data to assess
                                                                                                        effect will direct both current implementation and future
                                                                                                        school planning to ensure that students continue to
                                                                                                        advance in their learning.

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Strategic Direction 2: Excellence In Teaching

       Purpose                                                     Initiatives                                                    Success criteria for this strategic direction
       All teachers are committed to using evidence based                                                                          •   In the field of teaching importance and rigour,
       teaching strategies to improve student learning outcomes.   IMPROVING TEACHING PRACTICE TO IMPROVE                              student Tell Them From Me data increases from the
                                                                   STUDENT OUTCOMES                                                    2021 baseline data.
       Improvement measures                                        Using evidence based teaching strategies and setting            •   In teacher collaboration, staff Tell Them From Me
                                                                   high standards for achievement, our school will create an           data increases from the 2021 baseline data.
       Target year: 2022
                                                                   environment that encourages learning and high levels of         •   All staff are using the 8 What Works Best principles
                                                                   student participation.                                              in their everyday classroom and professional
       The school will demonstrate evidence of Sustaining and
       Growing in all themes of the Teaching domain in the                                                                             practice.
                                                                     •   Strengthen collaborative support for teacher
       School Excellence Framework.                                      professional development, cross-faculty                   •   All staff are participating in professional learning
                                                                         partnerships, and evidence-based activities.                  relevant to their professional development goals,
       Target year: 2024                                                                                                               school priorities and student performance data.
                                                                     •   Supporting staff with the practical implementation of
       The school will demonstrate evidence of Excelling in all          the What Works Best framework in all classrooms.
       themes of the Teaching domain in the School Excellence
       Framework.                                                    •   Incorporate the use of formative data collection,        Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                         feedback, and reflection on the efficacy of teaching.
                                                                     •   Teaching and learning programs across the school         Question:
                                                                         show evidence that they are adjusted to address
                                                                         individual student needs, ensuring that all students     Has professional learning enhanced all teachers'
                                                                         are challenged and all adjustments lead to improved      evidence based practice?
                                                                                                                                  Has professional learning of evidence based teaching
                                                                                                                                  practice enhanced student learning outcomes?
                                                                   HIGH IMPACT PROFESSIONAL LEARNING
                                                                   ACTIVITIES                                                     Data:

                                                                   Staff participate in high impact professional learning          •   My PL logs
                                                                   activities to identify and implement effective strategies to    •   Internal Professional Learning Registers
                                                                   improve teaching and learning.
                                                                                                                                   •   Teaching and Learning Programs
                                                                     •   Dedicated professional learning space to be
                                                                                                                                   •   Professional Development Processes
                                                                                                                                   •   Tell Them From Me
                                                                     •   On-going planned professional learning that is linked
                                                                         to Performance Development Plans and the                  •   Suspension data
                                                                         Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
                                                                                                                                   •   SENTRAL referral data - both positive and negative.
                                                                     •   What Works Best and High Impact Professional
                                                                         Learning, such as Teaching Sprints (including             •   Attendance data
                                                                         classroom observations) and whole school
                                                                         professional learning are used to improve teaching
                                                                         practice in identified areas.
                                                                                                                                  To measure student success and achievement,
                                                                     •   Whole School Implementation of Paul Dix 5 Pillars of     coordinate internal and external data, analyse the data to
                                                                         Practice.                                                see how successful the improvement measures were.
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Strategic Direction 2: Excellence In Teaching

                                          Initiatives                                                    Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                           •   Professional Learning on Australian Curriculum
                                               Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)                Implication:
                                               General Capabilities to equip young Australians to
                                               live and work successfully in the twenty-first century.   What effect will this have on our work? What will be our
                                                                                                         next steps and future directions?

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Strategic Direction 3: Creating Indepedent Life-Long Learners

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                                  Success criteria for this strategic direction
       Incorporate a whole-school approach to student wellbeing                                                                   •   Deeper, more meaningful, and innovative learning
       and 21st Century workforce preparation, with school and      PARENT & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TO SUPPORT                          experiences by equipping and empowering teachers
       home working in partnership to achieve positive post         STUDENTS                                                          and parents around future-focused learning and 21st
       school pathways for all our students.                                                                                          Century Skills.
                                                                    Effective partnerships with parents and students in
                                                                    learning means students are supported to deliver their        •   Teachers have improved their ability to teach
       Improvement measures                                         best and continually improve.                                     students who have experienced complex trauma
                                                                                                                                      and/or have behavioural issues.
       Target year: 2023                                             •   Teachers, parents and the community work together        •   Via consistent teaching and reflection of the school's
                                                                         to support consistent and systematic attendance              principles and aspirations, respectful and supportive
       Use pre and post data all students will report they have          improvement processes.
       choice & have a voice in their learning.                                                                                       relationships are apparent in the school.
                                                                     •   Through consultation with families, holistic             •   Holistic knowledge about students' wellbeing and
       Target year: 2023                                                 knowledge about students' wellbeing and learning             learning needs informs learning and post-school
                                                                         needs inform learning and preparation for post-              opportunities preparation.
       All parents and carers are involved and engaged in                school opportunities.
       establishing Future Focused Pathway Plans (FFPP) for
       their students.                                               •   All staff, students, parents and carers are involved
                                                                         and engaged in establishing Future Focused
       Target year: 2024                                                 Pathway Plans (FFPP).                                   Evaluation plan for this strategic direction

       ACARA General Capabilities have lead to students having      INNOVATIVE TEACHING, LEARNING & WELL-BEING                   Question: What impact has a future-focused approach to
       greater overall personal and social capability in that the   PRACTICES                                                    learning in conjunction with the implementation of the 4
       more they understand their own feelings, beliefs, talents,                                                                C's of 21st Century Skills had on the potential of a
       and abilities, the more they can handle their own emotions   There is a strategic and planned approach to develop         student's learning?
       and behaviours, as well as develop and sustain healthy       whole school wellbeing processes for all students so they
       relationships.                                               can connect, succeed, thrive and learn.                      Data:

                                                                     •   Build deeper, more meaningful, and innovative            •   TTFM
                                                                         learning experiences by equipping and empowering
                                                                         teachers and parents around future-focused learning      •   SBAT courses / VET qualifications Stage 6
                                                                         and the 4'Cs of 21st Century Skills.                     •   Post-school destination surveys
                                                                     •   Teachers have improved their ability to teach            •   Positive changes to behaviour data
                                                                         students who have experienced complex trauma
                                                                         and/or have behavioural issues.                          •   100% students achieve minimum standards before
                                                                                                                                      Yr12 completion
                                                                     •   Positive and respectful relationships are evident and
                                                                         widespread among students and staff.                    Analysis: Deep data analysis can direct future school
                                                                     •   Implementation of Learning Hubs in Stage 4              planning, resulting in continuous improvement in order to
                                                                                                                                 enhance the quality of education at Nambucca Heads
                                                                     •   Develop whole school executive roles around: Future     High School.
                                                                         Focused Learning, Data Leadership, Wellbeing,
                                                                         Administration and Student Leadership.                  Implication:

                                                                                                                                 Students graduate from Nambucca Heads High School

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Strategic Direction 3: Creating Indepedent Life-Long Learners

                                                                                              Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                                              with the skills and credentials required to live & work
                                                                                              successfully in the 21st Century.

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