Improvement plan for 2019 to 2021 - Click to upload school logo - Port ...

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Improvement plan for 2019 to 2021 - Click to upload school logo - Port ...
Improvement plan for
2019 to 2021

                                             Port Lincoln Junior Primary School
School name
                                                      P.O. Box 1785, Port Lincoln South Australia 5606
                                               Telephone: (08) 8682 1226 Email:

                                     Click to upload school logo
Vision statement

                                                                                                                 Page 1 of 40
Plan summary
                                                                                                                                                                                                              This table will be automatically populated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to provide a summary of your plan.

 Goals                            Targets                                                                                                                                             Challenge of practice              Success criteria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Students will be able to work with phonemes in
Improve student achievement   For the cohort enrolled in Foundation in 2019 80% of                                                                                                    By improving the organisation,     words at the following levels with proficiency at age
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         appropriate checking point. (as assessed by PASM
in Reading with a specific    students will achieve 6 areas correct in PASM.                                                                                                          scope & sequence and               screens Term 1 & 3 & the PAST test for identified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         students) : syllable, on-set - rime, phoneme deletion

focus on PHONOLOGICAL         85% of Foundation students achieve 6 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)                                                pedagogy (including Learning       & substitution (initial & final phoneme)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PASM has 6 areas- FOUNDATION - Segment
                              80% of Foundation students reading a Level 9 InitiaLit decodable text by the end of the year.                                                                                              syllables / match & produce rhyme, identify 1st
AWARENESS R to 2.             85% of Yr 1 students achieve 8 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)                                                      Design) in phonological            sounds, blend sounds, 3 sound Segment.
                              70% of all Yr 2 students achieve SEA in term 3 Running Records. (2019 yr 1 group: 34% achieved the SEA)                                                                                    PASM has 8 areas - YEAR 1/2 - all of the above as
                                                                                                                                                                                      awareness we will improve          well as 4 sound segment, delete sounds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Students with specific difficulties will be referred to
                              90% of Foundation students achieve 6 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)
                              85% of Yr 1 students achieve 8 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)                                                      outcomes in R-2 Reading and        early intervention programs and work on a regular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         basis using specific resources for QDTP as
                              95% of Yr 2 wave 2 & 3 learners achieve age appropriate scores / benchmark by the end of Term 3
                                                                                                                                                                                      Spelling (Writing).                recommended by Speech pathology.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Foundation Students will be able to recognize the sounds in
                              For the cohort enrolled in Yr 1 & 2, all students will progress 8 Running Record
Improve student achievement   levels in a 12 month period.                                                                                                                            By improving the organisation,     IntiaLit - 38 (Student data will be tracked using InitiaLit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Year 1 students will be monitored using school based jolly

in Reading with a specific    Aim for 50% of Foundation reaching Lvl 5 of a levelled text (SEA)                                                                                       scope & sequence and               phonics - 44 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         phonic principles with proficiency at agreed / additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         checking points. Student will do, write and say these phonics

focus on PHONICS R to 2.      FOUND: 80% achieve 38 correct sounds on InitiaLit assessment in Term 4. 85% achieve SEA reading a levelled text (RRL 5) - Term 3. 80% of                pedagogy (including Learning       sounds. Yr 1 students will be monitored twice per term.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Visible learning Tool)
                              Foundation students reading a Level 9 InitiaLit decodable text by Term 4.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Year 2 students will be monitored using school based jolly
                              Yr 1: 70% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 80% achieve SEA (RRL 15) - Term 3.
                              Yr 2: 70% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 60% achieve SEA (RRL 21) - Term 3
                                                                                                                                                                                      Design) in systematic synthetic    phonics - 44 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         phonic principles with proficiency at agreed / additional
                                                                                                                                                                                      phonics (including spelling) we    checking points. Student will do, write and say these phonics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sounds. Yr 2 students will be monitored twice per term.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Visible learning Tool)
                              FOUND: 85% achieve 38 correct sounds on Initial Lit assessment in Term 4. 85% achieve SEA - leveled text (RRL 5) - Term 3. 90% of Foundation students
                              reading a Level 9 InitiaLit decodable text by Term 4.
                              Yr 1: 80% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 80% achieve SEA leveled text (RRL 15) - Term
                                                                                                                                                                                      will improve outcomes in R-2       Students with specific reading difficulties WAVE 2 will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         referred to early intervention programs (including MiniLit) and
                              Yr 2: 80% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 85% achieve SEA - leveled text (RRL 21) -      Reading and Spelling (Writing).    will work with SSO's on a regular basis using specific and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         agreed (common) approaches.
                              Term 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By the end of Yr 2 Students will be have sound number fact
                              By end of F students are able to Trust the Count to 10. By the end of Yr 1 all students will
Improve student achievement   have achieved all components of Trust the count diagnostics. By the end of Yr 2 all students                                                            By improving the organisation,     knowledge and/or access to efficient mental strategies for TTC such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         as ... can accurately count to 20 and beyond, understand the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         numbers 0 to 10 in terms of their parts (part-part-whole relations),
                              will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum .
in Mathematics R-2 with a                                                                                                                                                             scope & sequence and               can work flexibly with numerals to 10 without having to model the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         count (trust the count), interpret/ visualize numbers beyond ten in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         terms of 1 ten and 4 more = “fourteen”, skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s

focus on Trust the Count      6 students will be tracked across each class. By end of F these students are able to Trust the Count to 10. By                                          pedagogy (including Learning       (count large collections efficiently.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By the end of Yr 2 show their understanding of the place-value
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         pattern (10 of these is 1 of those) which shows they have efficient
                              the end of Yr 1 all students will have achieved all components of Trust the count diagnostics. By the end of Yr 2
(TTC) and Place Value (PV)    all students will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum .                                                  Design) in Trust the Count and     ways of working with 2 digit numbers and beyond. Students can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         recognise the count of 10 and treat 10 as a countable unit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         rename in terms of place-value parts. Students will use grouping
                                                                                                                                                                                      Plave Value teaching we will       methods to count a large collection efficiently (e.g., by twos, fives or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tens) indicating the extent to which students trust the count of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         particular group chosen and see the group as a countable unit in its
                              By end of F 80% of students will be able to Trust the Count to 10 as determined by diagnostic tool. By the end
                              of Yr 1 85% all students will have achieved all components of Trust the count diagnostics. By the end of Yr 2 all
                                                                                                                                                                                      improve outcomes in R-2            own right (an important pre-requisite for working with multiplication)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By the end of Yr 2 all students will have achieved all components of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum
                              students will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                                      Mathematics and Numeracy .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 2 of 12
2019 to 2021

How to complete this template
• Complete every step. The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this. In addition, your education director will provide support.

• Complete steps 1 to 3 during term 4 of 2018 and have it approved by the principal, governing council chairperson, and education director.

• Email this plan (steps 1 to 3) to your education director.

• Publish your school improvement plan on your school website.

• Work through step 4 (Improve Practice and Monitor Impact) regularly throughout the school year. This step does not need to be published on your website.

• Complete step 5 (Review and Evaluate) in term 4 of each year. This step does not need to be published on your website, though it should inform the
  Improvement Planning and Outcomes section of your annual report to the school community.

• Your school improvement plan will be current for 2019 to 2021 and should be updated in term 4 each year.

For further information and advice,
Shelley McInerney
Review, Improvement and Accountability
Phone: 8226 4297

                                                                                                                                                              Page 3 of 12
Step 1                                                                                                                                                     Analyse and prioritise

Analyse evidence of student learning and answer the question ‘What are our goals for improvement?’ Specify up to 3
goals and annual targets for student learning improvement in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

  Goals                                                                Targets
  Goal 1       Improve student achievement in                                     For the cohort enrolled in Foundation in 2019 80% of students will achieve 6
               Reading with a specific focus on                                   areas correct in PASM.
               PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS R to 2.                                     85% of Foundation students achieve 6 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)
                                                                       2020       80% of Foundation students reading a Level 9 InitiaLit decodable text by the end of the year.
                                                                                  85% of Yr 1 students achieve 8 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)
                                                                                  70% of all Yr 2 students achieve SEA in term 3 Running Records. (2019 yr 1 group: 34% achieved the SEA)

                                                                                  90% of Foundation students achieve 6 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)
                                                                       2021       85% of Yr 1 students achieve 8 areas correct on PASM screen in Term 3. (age appropriate PA skills)
                                                                                  95% of Yr 2 wave 2 & 3 learners achieve age appropriate scores / benchmark by the end of Term 3

  Goal 2                                                                          For the cohort enrolled in Yr 1 & 2, all students will progress 8 Running Record levels in a 12 month period.
               Improve student achievement in                          2019       Aim for 50% of Foundation reaching Lvl 5 of a levelled text (SEA)
               Reading with a specific focus on
               PHONICS R to 2.                                                    FOUND: 80% achieve 38 correct sounds on InitiaLit assessment in Term 4. 85% achieve SEA reading a levelled text (RRL 5) - Term 3. 80% of
                                                                       2020       Foundation students reading a Level 9 InitiaLit decodable text by Term 4.
                                                                                  Yr 1: 70% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 80% achieve SEA (RRL 15) - Term 3.
                                                                                  Yr 2: 70% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 60% achieve SEA (RRL 21) - Term 3

                                                                                  FOUND: 85% achieve 38 correct sounds on Initial Lit assessment in Term 4. 85% achieve SEA - leveled text (RRL 5) - Term 3. 90% of Foundation students
                                                                       2021       reading a Level 9 InitiaLit decodable text by Term 4.
                                                                                  Yr 1: 80% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 80% achieve SEA leveled text (RRL 15) - Term 3.
                                                                                  Yr 2: 80% achieve benchmark score of 28/40 (or above - Fluent decoders) on the Phonics Screen in Term 3. 85% achieve SEA - leveled text (RRL 21) - Term 3

  Goal 3       Improve student achievement in                                     By end of F students are able to Trust the Count to 10. By the end of Yr 1 all students will have achieved all
                                                                       2019       components of Trust the count diagnostics. By the end of Yr 2 all students will have achieved all
               Mathematics R-2 with a focus on Trust                              components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum .
               the Count (TTC) and Place Value (PV)                               6 students will be tracked across each class. By end of F these students are able to Trust the Count to 10. By
                                                                       2020       the end of Yr 1 all students will have achieved all components of Trust the count diagnostics. By the end of Yr 2
                                                                                  all students will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum .

                                                                                  By end of F 80% of students will be able to Trust the Count to 10 as determined by diagnostic tool. By the
                                                                       2021       end of Yr 1 85% all students will have achieved all components of Trust the count diagnostics. By the end of
                                                                                  Yr 2 all students will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 4 of 12
Step 2                                                                                                                Determine challenge of practice

Consider how improvements in teaching practice will help to achieve your improvement goals and answer the
question ‘What areas of practice should we focus on improving to reach our goals?’ Specify your challenge of
practice for each goal in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

                 Challenge of practice                                                                         Success criteria
  Goal 1       By improving the organisation, scope & sequence and pedagogy
                                                                                                         Students will be able to work with phonemes in words at the following levels with proficiency at age appropriate checking
                                                                                                         point. (as assessed by PASM screens Term 1 & 3 & the PAST test for identified students) : syllable, on-set - rime,
                                                                                                         phoneme deletion & substitution (initial & final phoneme)
               (including Learning Design) in phonological awareness we will                             PASM has 6 areas- FOUNDATION - Segment syllables / match & produce rhyme, identify 1st sounds, blend sounds, 3
                                                                                                         sound Segment.
               improve outcomes in R-2 Reading and Spelling (Writing).                                   PASM has 8 areas - YEAR 1/2 - all of the above as well as 4 sound segment, delete sounds
                                                                                                         Students with specific difficulties will be referred to early intervention programs and work on a regular basis using specific
                                                                                                         resources for QDTP as recommended by Speech pathology.

  Goal 2       By improving the organisation, scope & sequence and pedagogy
                                                                                                         Foundation Students will be able to recognize the sounds in IntiaLit - 38 (Student data will be tracked using InitiaLit
                                                                                                         Year 1 students will be monitored using school based jolly phonics - 44 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply phonic principles
                                                                                                         with proficiency at agreed / additional checking points. Student will do, write and say these phonics sounds. Yr 1 students will be monitored
               (including Learning Design) in systematic synthetic phonics                               twice per term. (Visible learning Tool)
                                                                                                         Year 2 students will be monitored using school based jolly phonics - 44 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply phonic principles
               (including spelling) we will improve outcomes in R-2 Reading and                          with proficiency at agreed / additional checking points. Student will do, write and say these phonics sounds. Yr 2 students will be monitored
                                                                                                         twice per term. (Visible learning Tool)
                                                                                                         Students with specific reading difficulties WAVE 2 will be referred to early intervention programs (including MiniLit) and will work with SSO's
               Spelling (Writing).                                                                       on a regular basis using specific and agreed (common) approaches.

  Goal 3       By improving the organisation, scope & sequence and pedagogy
                                                                                                         By the end of Yr 2 Students will be have sound number fact knowledge and/or access to efficient mental strategies for TTC such as ... can
                                                                                                         accurately count to 20 and beyond, understand the numbers 0 to 10 in terms of their parts (part-part-whole relations), can work flexibly with
                                                                                                         numerals to 10 without having to model the count (trust the count), interpret/ visualize numbers beyond ten in terms of 1 ten and 4 more =
               (including Learning Design) in Trust the Count and Plave Value                            “fourteen”, skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s (count large collections efficiently.
                                                                                                         By the end of Yr 2 show their understanding of the place-value pattern (10 of these is 1 of those) which shows they have efficient ways of working
                                                                                                         with 2 digit numbers and beyond. Students can recognise the count of 10 and treat 10 as a countable unit and rename in terms of place-value
               teaching we will improve outcomes in R-2 Mathematics and                                  parts. Students will use grouping methods to count a large collection efficiently (e.g., by twos, fives or tens) indicating the extent to which students
                                                                                                         trust the count of the particular group chosen and see the group as a countable unit in its own right (an important pre-requisite for working with
               Numeracy .                                                                                multiplication) By the end of Yr 2 all students will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 5 of 12
Step 3                                                                                                                                              Plan actions for improvement

Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’ Specify your
actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

                                                Improve student achievement in Reading with a specific focus on PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS R to 2.
  Goal 1
  Challenge of practice                         By improving the organisation, scope & sequence and pedagogy (including Learning Design) in
                                                phonological awareness we will improve outcomes in R-2 Reading and Spelling (Writing).

  Actions                                         Timeline          Roles and responsibilities                                                                      Resources

                                                                  Literacy Senior Leader - attend meeting with Reception and Year 1                              InitiaLit taught with fidelity across all Foundation classes. Initialit assessments will guide interventions
 Implement a clear scope and sequence Term 1                      teachers (individuals & teams)
                                                                                                                                                                 at a class level.
                                                                                                                                                                 Jolly Phonics Yrs 1 & 2 - assessed weeks 3 and 8 every term
 in phonological awareness teaching in R 2020                     Literacy Senior Leader - Plan meeting with Year 2 teachers                                     Australian Curriculum - Literacy progressions
                                                                  Speech Pathologist - Support R-1 teachers implementing oral language                           PASM test - classroom level Term 1 & 3
 -2 by developing a lesson model using                                                                                                                           CELF -5 screener & PAST test - Senior leader to administer on students - limited growth
                                                                  activities based on PASM results passed from Pre-school (Planning                              Team meetings - focus of discussion on PASM data
 Learning Design with timings and to                              meetings)                                                                                      Decodable readers ( InitiaLit - $10,000) at year 1 level.
                                                                                                                                                                 Year 1 & 2 teachers trained in InitiaLit end of 2020. ($$ ??) - possibly trainer to come here??
 include the intentional use of resources                         MiniLit - Term 1 (Year 2 intervention in Semester 1)                                           Model lesson plans and timings- pilot group of teachers to trial and feedback to staff. Foundation
                                                                  Class teachers use 2019 in Term 1 2020 as the basis for programing and                         (Orbis Literacy Teachers)
 recommended from speech pathologists                             planning                                                                                       Data and planning meetings twice per term with senior leader (released)

                                                                  Foundation : establish action plan for 2020                                                    Analysis of the PASM data
 2020 PASM data used to create                   Term 1           Yr 1 teachers - establish targets for 2021 ~students going to yr 2                             Analysis of PAST data for targeted students in Yrs 1 & 2(Wave 2 &
 action plan to address                                           Yr 2 teachers - establish targets for 2021 students going to Yr 3
                                                                  Senior Leader and Speech Pathologist - attend a meeting with teaching
                                                                                                                                                                 3 students are assessed using this tool)
                                                                                                                                                                 Team meetings - purpose to review data against the standard and
 phonological awareness gaps                     Term 3           teams
                                                                                                                                                                 planning for re-teaching to enable students to achieve standard
                                                                  Senior Leader and Speech Pathologist - attend a meeting with yr 2
                                                                  teachers                                                                                       (including Literacy Progressions)
                                                                  Senior Leader, Speech Pathologist, PLPS English & Special Ed                                   Data and planning meetings twice per term with senior leader
                                                                  Coordinator - meet to discuss 2021 Yr 3 data                                                   (released)

                                                                  Principal and Literacy Senior Leader - meet with year level teachers (Rec, Yr1, Yr 2) every    Use of data to target differentiation wave 1, wave 2 and wave 3 (who are
 Develop whole school                            Term 1 - 4       term to discuss student data / progress, discuss differentiation in relation to phonological
                                                                                                                                                                 these students and what are we going to do to support their learning)
                                                                  development and later on reading abilities (Running records)
 expectations in relation to QDTP -                               Deputy - Meet and review all intervention programs every term, present data every term to      SSO to support wave 3 students on a regular basis.
                                                                                                                                                                 Students at Risk (Deputy) to discuss at leadership & provide ongoing
 so that less children are                                        Senior Leader & Deputy - refine PASM tracking and monitoring systems throughout the year
                                                                  Foundation Teachers use InitiaLit with fidelity. Heggarty used for children not making
                                                                                                                                                                 training to up skill SSO's
                                                                                                                                                                 National Literacy Learning progression
 withdrawn.                                                       progress to supplement WAVE 2 & 3 learners
                                                                  Yr 1 & 2 teachers - DAILY 10-15 mins Phonemic Awareness (Heggarty) Wave 1. Wave 2 & 3          Learning Design
                                                                  students have a 2nd session each day.                                                          Literacy Guarantee PD & coaching
                                                                                                                                                                 Data and planning meetings twice per term with senior leader (released)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 6 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                                                   Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 1 continued                     Improve student achievement in Reading with a specific focus on PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS R to 2.

 Actions                                Timeline           Roles and responsibilities                                         Resources

                                                         Team meeting (all teachers) tracking 5 students below benchmarks.
Review cycle of Phonological skills Term 1               Leadership - Block meeting
                                                                                                                             Up to date PASM data
testing in consultation with speech                      Principal / Literacy Senior Leader - source relevant phonological   Phonological awareness training
                                                         awareness training. (Outsourced expertise with Speech Pathology
pathology team. Review Literacy                          background)
                                                                                                                             Up to date resources
assessment schedule .                                    Deputy - Align interventions with assessments.                      Data and planning meetings twice per term
                                                         Consult with Speech pathology about the PAST assessment
                                                                                                                             with senior leader (released)

Team & Co-Teaching model               All Year          Rec teachers - teach lessons and to be observed                     Possible TRT's to support observation release
(introduced in 2020) for team planning                   Yr 1 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed
                                                         Yr 2 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed                    time (2xtrt to release in 2 days = $1,100)
to coach and provide feedback to                         Literacy Senior Leader- to support by releasing teachers to         Partnership Principal Consultant
develop teachers content knowledge -                     participate in observations.                                        Released 3x per term (1 block)
phonological awareness and reading                       Teachers - attend a meeting to discuss their observations
                                                                                                                             Staff Meetings for team planning 3 x term

Make purposeful use of speech      Term 1 - 4            Rec, Yr 1 and Yr 2 teachers - receive additional Dept Speech Pathology support - QDTP
pathologist to develop teachers                          support implementing phonological awareness Literacy Guarantee - PD and coaching
understanding of oral language                           programmes and to develop a repertoire of oral
including the establishment of                           language resources. Support to implement the
whole class language interventions                       english block consisting of the big 6.

                                                                               Total financial resources allocated

                                      Students will be able to work with phonemes in words at the following levels with proficiency at age appropriate checking point. (as assessed by
 Success criteria                     PASM screens Term 1 & 3 & the PAST test for identified students) : syllable, on-set - rime, phoneme deletion & substitution (initial & final phoneme)
                                      PASM has 6 areas- FOUNDATION - Segment syllables / match & produce rhyme, identify 1st sounds, blend sounds, 3 sound Segment.
                                      PASM has 8 areas - YEAR 1/2 - all of the above as well as 4 sound segment, delete sounds
                                      Students with specific difficulties will be referred to early intervention programs and work on a regular basis using specific resources for QDTP as
                                      recommended by Speech pathology.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 7 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                                          Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2                                Improve student achievement in Reading with a specific focus on PHONICS R to 2.

 Challenge of practice                 By improving the organisation, scope & sequence and pedagogy (including Learning Design) in
                                       systematic synthetic phonics (including spelling) we will improve outcomes in R-2 Reading and Spelling

 Actions                                 Timeline       Roles and responsibilities                                   Resources

Evaluate the existing English block Terms 1 - 2 Leadership -attend team meetings discussion and Teacher Self Review Survey - Online survey
investigating whole school                      sharing what do we do in our English block.        (term 4 2019)
approaches to teaching of Phonics               Year   Levels to have a common agreement   on what Quarantined school time for English Block
                                                this looks like.
                                                                                                   Best Advice Big 6 papers
                                                Term 1 - 4 Learning Walks                          Team meetings - releases

Implement a clear scope and sequence in Feb - March Literacy - Senior Leader- attend meetings with                 InitiaLit - Foundation team trained end of 2019
                                                                                                                   Consider InitiaLit training for Yr 1 & 2 end of 2020
phonics teaching in R -2 by developing a 2020       teachers (1:1 and team meetings)                               Australian Curriculum - including phonics literacy progressions)
lesson model (using Learning Design)                Speech Pathologist- Support teachers implementing              Decodable readers
with timings and to include the intentional         oral language activities based on PASM results                 Model lesson plans and timings- pilot group of teachers to trial and
use of phonetic readers and shared                  passed from Pre-school                                         feedback to staff.
                                                                                                                   Data and planning meetings twice per term with senior leader
formats for phonics lessons                         On-Site speech intervention SSO to support students            (released)

Train and support teachers to          Term 1 - 4     Literacy Senior Leader - participate in Team Meetings        TRT releases to attend Phonics screen PD
                                                      Leadership - each term work in year level teams around
adopt pedagogical approaches:                         data and target setting & programming meetings for phonics   InitiaLit - Foundation team trained end of
building knowledge of phonics                         Speech pathology - expertise                                 2019
                                                      Literacy Guarantee Unit                                      Consider InitiaLit training for Yr 1 & 2 end of
                                                      Any teacher yet to attend Phonics Screen Check
                                                      Professional Learning to attend                              2020

                                                                                                                                                                              Page 8 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                                                             Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2 continued                    Improve student achievement in Reading with a specific focus on PHONICS R to 2.

 Actions                               Timeline              Roles and responsibilities                                                   Resources

2020 phonics checklist data used Term 3                   Yr 1 teachers - establish targets for 2021 teachers for their                 Analysis of the phonics checklist
                                                          students going to yr 2                                                        Termly meetings -purpose of meetings is phonics
to create action plan to address                          Literacy Senior :Leader - meets (analysis of data and
phonics gaps - Yr 1 assessed and                                                                                                        data review against the standard and planning for
                                                          planning) with yr 1 teachers
                                                                                                                                        re-teaching to enable students to achieve standard
Yr 2 assessed                                             Literacy Senior :Leader - meets (analysis of data and
                                                          planning) with yr 2 teachers                                                  Data and planning meetings twice per term with
                                                                                                                                        senior leader (released)

                                                          Principal and Literacy Senior Leader - meet with year                         Use of data to target differentiation wave 1, wave 2 and wave 3
Develop whole school expectations Terms 1 - 4                                                                                           (who are these students and what are we going to do to support
                                                          level teachers every term to discuss student progress,
in relation to quality first teaching                     discuss differentiation in relation to phonic development
                                                                                                                                        their learning)
                                                                                                                                        SSO to support wave 3 students on a regular basis.
so that less children are withdrawn.                      and later on reading abilities (using Running record data)                    Deputy - provide ongoing training to up skill SSO's
                                                          Deputy - Meet and review all intervention programs                            National Literacy Learning progression
                                                          every term, present data every term to leadership.                            Data and planning meetings twice per term with senior leader

Team & Co-Teaching model               Term               Team Planning / Co - Teacher model for NIT programme for each year level
                                                                                                                                        Possible TRT's to support observation
                                                          Regular Team planning with Year Level Co Teacher
(introduced in 2020) for team planning                    Rec teachers - teach lessons and to be observed                               release time (4xtrt to release in 2 days =
to coach and provide feedback to                          Yr 1 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed
                                                          Yr 2 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed                              $2,200)
develop teachers content knowledge -                      Literacy Senior Leader - to support by releasing teachers to participate in
phonic and guided reading                                 observations.                                                                 Partnership Principal Consultant
                                                          Teachers - attend a meeting to discuss their observations                     Literacy Guarantee support

                                                                                    Total financial resources allocated

                                     Foundation Students will be able to recognize the sounds in IntiaLit - 38 (Student data will be tracked using InitiaLit
 Success criteria                    Year 1 students will be monitored using school based jolly phonics - 44 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply phonic principles with proficiency at
                                     agreed / additional checking points. Student will do, write and say these phonics sounds. Yr 1 students will be monitored twice per term. (Visible learning Tool)
                                     Year 2 students will be monitored using school based jolly phonics - 44 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply phonic principles with proficiency at
                                     agreed / additional checking points. Student will do, write and say these phonics sounds. Yr 2 students will be monitored twice per term. (Visible learning Tool)
                                     Students with specific reading difficulties WAVE 2 will be referred to early intervention programs (including MiniLit) and will work with SSO's on a regular basis using
                                     specific and agreed (common) approaches.

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Step 3 continued                                                                                                      Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3                              Improve student achievement in Mathematics R-2 with a focus on Trust the Count (TTC) and Place Value (PV)

 Challenge of practice               By improving the organisation, scope & sequence and pedagogy (including Learning Design) in Trust the
                                     Count and Plave Value teaching we will improve outcomes in R-2 Mathematics and Numeracy .

 Actions                               Timeline     Roles and responsibilities                                               Resources

Implement a clear scope and      Term 1, 2        Team Planning                                                             Team planning time (- block release & staff
sequence in Mathematics teaching                  'STEM 500' team                                                           meeting)
in R -2 by developing a lesson                    Yumi Coaches
model (using Learning Design)
with timings

                                                  Team Planning / Co - Teacher model for NIT programme for each year
Team & Co-Teaching model               Term 2     level                                                                     Possible TRT's to support observation
(introduced in 2020) for team planning Term 4     Regular Team planning with Year Level Co Teacher                          release time (4xtrt to release in 2 days =
                                                  Rec teachers - teach lessons and to be observed
to coach and provide feedback to                  Yr 1 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed                          $2,200)
develop teachers content knowledge -              Yr 2 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed
                                                                                                                            Partnership Principal Consultant
                                                  Deputy - to support by organizing to release teachers to participate in
phonic and guided reading                         observations.
                                                  Teachers - attend a meeting to discuss their observations
                                                                                                                            P/Ship SLLIP

Train and support teachers to        Term 1, 2,   SLLIP / Deputy - participate & guide Team Meetings Team Planning time
adopt pedagogical approaches:        3, 4         Leadership - each term work in year level teams
                                                  around data and target setting & programming
building knowledge of TTC / PV
                                                  meetings for TTC / PV
                                                   Professional Learning - staff meeting (SLLIP &
                                                  STEM 500 team)

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Step 3 continued                                                                                                                                  Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3 continued                               Improve student achievement in Mathematics R-2 with a focus on Trust the Count (TTC) and Place Value (PV)

 Actions                                          Timeline                 Roles and responsibilities                                                           Resources

Year level teams / teaching teams to track 6    Term 2                  Teaching Teams (including co-teachers)                                               Team planning time (Block release and staff
students per class across the year, using the
TTC & PV diagnostic tools . Use the data to     Term 4                                                                                                       meeting time)
design learning. Teams to discuss the data to                                                                                                                PAT-M DATA
develop understandings of TTC & PV including
the establishment of whole class Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                             TTC & PV data - diagnostic tools
interventions for the Big Ideas in Number.                                                                                                                   assessment data on the 6 students tracked

Year 2 student PAT-M data is                                            Year level teams                                                                     Team Meeting / staff meeting
reviewed in year level teams                                                                                                                                 PAT-M data

Teacher track 6 students per class Term 1 - 2                           Class Teachers                                                                       Release time (school based release
(2 below, 2 around benchmark, 2                                                                                                                              teachers)
above) using "Big ideas in                                                                                                                                   "Big Ideas in Number" - diagnostic tools -
Number" diagnostic tool.                                                                                                                                     TTC & PV

                                                                                                     Total financial resources allocated

                                                By the end of Yr 2 Students will be have sound number fact knowledge and/or access to efficient mental strategies for TTC such as ... can accurately count to 20 and beyond,
 Success criteria                               understand the numbers 0 to 10 in terms of their parts (part-part-whole relations), can work flexibly with numerals to 10 without having to model the count (trust the count), interpret/
                                                visualize numbers beyond ten in terms of 1 ten and 4 more = “fourteen”, skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s (count large collections efficiently.
                                                By the end of Yr 2 show their understanding of the place-value pattern (10 of these is 1 of those) which shows they have efficient ways of working with 2 digit numbers and beyond.
                                                Students can recognise the count of 10 and treat 10 as a countable unit and rename in terms of place-value parts. Students will use grouping methods to count a large collection
                                                efficiently (e.g., by twos, fives or tens) indicating the extent to which students trust the count of the particular group chosen and see the group as a countable unit in its own right (an
                                                important pre-requisite for working with multiplication) By the end of Yr 2 all students will have achieved all components of Place Value as outlined in Year 2 Maths curriculum

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School improvement plan                     Approvals

Approved by principal

Kathy Davison

November 2019

Approved by governing council chairperson


Approved by education director

Rowena Fox

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