Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School

Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
Havenview Road, Terrigal 2260
Phone: 4384 4599
Fax:   4385 2470                                                Thursday, 6th February 2020

    “Terrigal Public School’s newsletter contains paid advertisements, which assist with the cost of publication.
     The publication of such advertisements does not imply endorsement of any product or service by the NSW
                                Department of Education or Terrigal Public School.”
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School

   Monday 10th            Tuesday 11th         Wednesday 12th          Thursday 19th         Friday 120th
 Kinder finish 2pm     Kinder finish 2pm       Kinder finish 2pm     Kinder finish 2pm    Kinder finish 2pm
 P&C Meeting 7pm       Kinder Parent Info                                                  Zone Basketball
    in Staffroom       Night in the school                                                   Trials B&G
     Yr 2 Tennis               hall

                                          PRINCIPAL’S REPORT

This week we welcomed our 2020 Kindergarten students into our school. We had 126 smiling faces arrive
on Monday and they have settled quickly into class.
Thank you to everyone in our school community for your willingness to work with us during these first few
days of the new year and our new building. Thank you for your patience as we discover the best ways to
work in our new space.

External Validation
Each year our school undertakes a self-evaluation to help inform our directions and decisions for the following
Every four years an external team visits our school to look at our self-evaluation and determine if they agree
with our own assessment of our work.
This external validation team will visit our school towards the end of March. Our staff are working hard to
prepare the information and evidence needed for the external team to do their work.

Staffing 2020
School Executive
 Principal                                      Mr Michael Burgess
 Deputy Principal (5 days a fortnight)          Mrs Toni Formby
 Deputy Principal                               Mrs Tracey McKeown
 Deputy Principal (Relieving)                   Mrs Sandy Knowles
 School Administration Manager                  Mrs Uli Myers
 Instructional Leader                           Mrs Melissa McKay
 Instructional Leader                           Mrs Tamara Slattery
 Assistant Principal (Relieving)                Mrs Brooke Walkaden
 Assistant Principal (Relieving)                Mrs Helen MacDonald
 Assistant Principal                            Mr Mitchell Meldrum
 Assistant Principal                            Mrs Clinton Lowe
 Assistant Principal (Relieving)                Mrs Cindy Martin
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
Teaching Staff
  KB                    Mrs Brooke Walkaden (Relieving Assistant Principal
  KW                    Mrs Karen Woodward
  KN                    Mrs Nicole Davies
  KJ                    Mrs Jo Sartori
  KA                    Mrs Alicia Nugent
  KL                    Mrs Tayla Lythall
  1M                    Ms Kylie McCann
  1W                    Miss Cinead Webb
  1C                    Mrs Kristie Castro
  1T                    Mrs Jody Tosh
  1FG                   Mrs Felicia Horne & Mrs Georgi Doolan
  1/2H                  Mrs Helen MacDonald (Relieving Assistant Principal
  2L                    Miss Liz Summersby
  2SF                   Mrs Bec Smiley & Mrs Nioka Finnelley
  2J                    Mrs Jodie Haydn
  2K                    Mrs Katy Moore
  2R                    Mrs Cassie Read
  3CT                   Mrs Claudia Cooney & Mrs AnneMaree Turner
  3S                    Mrs Dimity Sharpe
  3H                    Mrs Heidi Murphy
  3B                    Molly Bowman
  3/4K                  Mrs Katharine Hurrell
  4E                    Mr Ethan Lenson
  4L                    Mr Karlene Long
  4M                    Mr Mitchell Meldrum (Assistant Principal Years 3 & 4)
  4B                    Miss Courtney Barnett
  5CR                   Mrs Gemma Cooper-Remington
  5R                    Mr Shane Randall
  5J                    Mr James Ridley
  5/6T                  Mr Sharna Tosevic
  6K                    Mr Ben Krisher
  6HD                   Mrs Kylie Haines & Mrs Irene Diamandaras
  6S                    Mrs Belinda Sanderson
  6B                    Mrs Lisa Bolte
  Off Class             Mr Clint Lowe (Assistant Principal Years 5 & 6)
  K – 3N                Mrs Jenny Northall
  3 – 4H                Mrs Amanda Hough
  4 – 6M                Mrs Cindy Martin (Assistant Principal – Support Unit)

Teaching Support Staff
Library                Mrs Kate Ryan, Mrs Cath Wilson, Mrs Amelia Lowe
School Counsellors     Mrs Holly Bray, Mrs Karen Maiden
Release from Face to   Ms Annie Neale, Mrs Joan Gillitt, Mr Clint Lowe, Mrs
Face Teaching          AnneMaree Turner, Mrs Irene Diamandaras
Learning & Support     Mrs Sharon Miller, Mrs Eileen Wyard, Mrs Kirstee Byrne,
Team                   Mrs Kirsten Emrich, Mrs Paige Coe
Student Wellbeing      Mrs Julie Reynolds
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
School Learning Support Officers
 Support Unit                Mr Glenn Atherton, Mrs Sam Jenkins, Mrs Julie Gregory
 Kindergarten                Mrs Kylie Abbott, Mrs Eliza O’Brien
 Stage 1                     Ms Natalie Unger, Miss Beth Munroe, Miss Jane Clulow,
                             Miss Jacqueline Annabel
 Stage 2                     Mrs Karen Hauraki, Mrs Sandy Rope, Mr Ryan
                             Montgomery, Mr Timothy Faulks
 Stage 3                     Mrs Kerry Cole, Mrs Kath Lofts, Mrs Trish Crimmings
 K-6                         Mrs Jo Hutchison

Administration and Facilities Staff
 School Administration Manager         Mrs Uli Myers
 School Administration officer         Mrs Tracey Wilson
 School Administration Officer         Mrs Tracey Shearer
 School Administration Officer         Mrs Helene Annabel
 School Administration Officer         Mrs Nicole Barry
 Casual Administration Officers        Mrs Alanna Edwards, Mrs Nina Scheinhuette
                                       Mrs Rachael Shearer
 General Assistant                     Mr Brendan Palmer
 Casual General Assistant              Mr Kel Jenkin
 Cleaners                              Mrs Maria Albanese, Ms Seonyeong Park, Mr
                                       Jim Ross
 Canteen Manager (P&C)                 Mrs Lyn Loveland

Parents and Citizens Association (P & C) Meeting
Our P & C will hold their first meeting of 2020 this Monday at 7pm in the school staffroom (in the old
administration building).
Our P & C is a great team of parents working hard to keep our school, the school of excellence and learning.
Apart from fundraising for important equipment and improvements the P & C have input into key school policy
and directions. They are currently looking at plans to improve the playground once the demountables are
All parents are welcome to attend. Kindergarten parents and carers are particularly encouraged to join the
P & C.
The AGM of the P & C will be held on Monday 16th March. To vote at the AGM you need to be a member of
the P & C at the previous meeting. So the meeting on Monday is your chance to become a voting member.
If you can’t attend on Monday you can still join by contacting the P & C via the school office.

Parent & Carers Information Evenings
To assist in keeping clear communication with parents and carers we will be holding information
afternoons/evenings on the days and times below.
At these meetings staff will deliver key information about organisation, routines and learning plans for 2020.
There will also be an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher.
All meetings will start in the school hall and then move to your child’s classroom. Meetings will be one hour
in duration.
Kindergarten – Tuesday 11th February at 6pm in the school hall
Years 1 & 2 - Wednesday 19th February at 4pm in the school hall
Years 3 & 4 - Wednesday 19th February at 5pm in the school hall
Years 5 & 6 - Wednesday 19th February at 6pm in the school hall
Please note that these meetings are for general information. If you would like specific information about your
child please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a convenient time to meet.
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
New Building Tours
We will hold tours of the new building at 5pm (for Year 1 and 2 parents) and 6pm (for Year 3 and 4 parents)
on Wednesday 19th February. Year 5 and 6 parents will see the new building during their parent meetings,
which will conclude in the new classrooms. Please note that all parents are welcome to join the 5pm and 6pm

Arrival at School – Not Before 8.30am
School commences at 8.55am. To assist parents and reduce traffic congestion we provide supervision from
Students must not be at school before 8.30am.
If a student happens to arrive at school before 8.30am they will not be supervised. If students arrive before
they should do, they are to sit on the seats outside the school office and wait until the teacher is on duty.

Special Religious Education
Special Religious Education (SRE) (sometimes called scripture) is offered at our school. We have two
providers of SRE – the local Catholic Diocese and Terrigal Uniting Church (who provide a combined local
protestant service). SRE is taught by volunteers from these organisations. They follow a set program
approved by their organisation. Teachers remain in the room to assist in supervision.
SRE is held on Tuesdays between recess and lunch. We have two 30 min sessions. 11.30 – 12.00 for K-2
students and 12.00 – 12.30 for 3-6 students.
Students, whose parents have indicated will not attend SRE, will be supervised in a non-scripture room. They
will undertake private study or quiet reading as per Department of Education policy.

Parking Around our School

These signs mean:
   • You can stop and drop your child off or pick them up;
   • You can stop for no longer than 2 minutes;
   • You may get out of the car to assist your child but you must remain near your car;
Please note that Police and Council Rangers regularly patrol our school zone. Fines start at $191 and 2
demerit points. Other offences can be as high as $500+ and 4 demerit points.

Thanks to Our School Uniform Team
Our School Uniform Team opened the uniform shop on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings last week and
did a roaring trade. Thanks to our volunteers for their work.

The uniform shop is open each Wednesday morning from 8.30am to 9.15am. Alternatively, you can order
online through Flexischools and uniforms will be delivered to your child on Wednesday.

Unfortunately, we ran short of school shirts in particular sizes. We are hoping these will arrive shortly.

Thank you to all families for their efforts to ensure that their child is in correct uniform.

Families are reminded that students need to wear white or grey socks and school hats. Please label your
child’s clothing.

Michael Burgess
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School

Welcome to 2020 at Terrigal Public School. I hope everyone has had a safe and enjoyable break.

We have all settled in in our new office space and look forward to the year ahead.

We are now starting to take payments for book packs and notes have gone home for Kindergarten and Stage
1. Notes for the other Stages will be sent home soon. Copies of notes sent home can also be found on our

Parent Online Payment (POP) is the school’s preferred payment option

                                            To access, please go onto the school’s website and follow the
                                            ‘Make a Payment’ link. This link will direct you to the Westpac
                                            Banking site, where you can make payments directly to the
                                            school. Please feel free to contact the office, if you need some
                                            help or if you want some more information.

Support Unit

Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)
   • Book Pack - $ 50

Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
   • Book Pack - $ 50

Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4)
   • TBC

Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6)

   •   TBC

Ulrike Myers
Admin Manager
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
Thursday, 6th February 2020 - Terrigal Public School
Free foot and leg check

The University of Newcastle Podiatry Clinic at Wyong hospital is offering children age 0-17 free lower limb
assessments. Children will be assessed by final year students, supervised by a podiatrist. Children and their
families can receive advice on footwear, flat feet, and normal development, and receive treatment of foot
                warts, foot and leg pain, walking problems, and night-time ‘growing pains’.

              When: Mondays from 2.45 to 4.30pm from 2nd of March to 1st of June, 2020

                    To make a booking, or for more information, please call 4394 7280
Can you volunteer? - We need your help with the School Banking

Our students really enjoy participating in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program and to keep this
program running we need your help.

The program requires a volunteer School Banking Co-ordinator/s to facilitate the banking and distribution of School
Banking rewards. The School Banking is processed at the same time each week and will only takes a small amount of
your time .The Commonwealth Bank will provide support in how to run the program. Your help with the program
will greatly benefit students as they develop vital saving skills and also help our school with fundraising.

Currently, School Banking day is Tuesday. This can be changed to suit.

If you are interested in volunteering for this great program, please leave your details with the admin ladies.
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