Hutt Valley High School News - Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi

Page created by Ethel Dean
Hutt Valley High School News - Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi
Hutt Valley High School News
                                   Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi

                                Mufti Day - Thursday 9 August
                       Raising money for Leukaemia & Blood Foundation
Dear Parents and Caregivers                                            2018 Strategic Planning
We have begun this week with the sad news of                 You are invited to be part of the conversation and to
bereavement in our community. The news came of the           share your thinking about the sort of school you want
sudden death of a Year 11 student, which has left his        Hutt Valley High School to be.
friends and classmates reeling. Yesterday, Guidance,
                                                             Details and dates below:
Deans and other staff spent the day at three locations in
the school working with a large group of students to help
them work through the early stages of coming to terms
with our loss. We are working with local health agencies
to ensure that there is close co-ordination of support. At
a time like this, studies show that there is a heightened
risk to others in our community, especially those who are
already experiencing anxiety and stress. Families will be
well aware from recent media coverage that student
anxiety is a significant issue for high schools in New
Zealand and we are no different. If parents and
caregivers are concerned about their sons or daughters,
there are links on our website for external support
services. You can contact your child’s Mentor Teacher
who will link with our support staff, or contact Guidance
directly. The important thing here is that we support each
other and our students. Yesterday, we had 75 students
out of class at some point of the day to have
conversations with Guidance, Deans and other staff.
There will be follow-up conversations over the coming
days in addition to the regular guidance work, so it is a
particularly demanding time for all of us.
We have also had a parent bereavement in one of our
families last weekend, and a further group of our students
are coming to terms with a completely different world. A
significant number of students and staff will be attending
farewells this week and the importance of families and
friendships will be very stark. There will be many in our
school this week and beyond whose emotions will be raw
and we will need to look after each other.
Our condolences go out to the families as they cope with
this most difficult time.

Ross Sinclair, Principal

10 August - Issue 20                                                          
Hutt Valley High School News - Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi
Hutt Valley High School News                                                     20 August 2018

Looking Ahead
                                                                Congratulations to:
August                                                     Congratulations to Tyler Fitzjohn 12BE who
9           Australian Mathematics Competition              attended the Brave Thinkers initiative
9           Mufti Day - Shave for a Cure                    at Palmerston North Boys High School during
10          CSW Table Tennis Team Champs                    the holidays. His team took first place and
10          Shave for a Cure                                gained a $2,000 scholarship to Massey.
14          Year 13 Business Studies Trip                  Congratulations to Jasmine Troke 12FE who
20          Year 12 Geography Trip                          has been selected in the Wellington Under 18
20          Annual Music Concert, 7.00 pm                   Girls Rugby Squad for the 2018 season.
24          Scribblers Writing Club Trip                   Congratulations to Abilash Sivasith 9TADN
27-31       Year 13 Production                              who came 2nd in the Junior Table Tennis
28          Year 13 Otago University Visit                  Competition on Friday.
            Board of Trustees Meeting, 5.30 pm
            Tertiary Open Day
                                                           Smokey Blokes have made it to the top 6
                                                            bands in the country for Rockquest, so they
                                                            now travel to Auckland in September for
September                                                   Finals. This band is Simon Buxton 12BT,
3           Mid Term Break                                  Oscar Hazlewood 12BE, with Grace
3-7         Winter Tournament Week                          Ashworth-Lawson (St Oran's) and Yuwei
4           Got a Trade Day in the Hall                     Shen (Chilton). They are a very talented synth
                                                            pop group with loads of energy and superb
4           Year 12/13 Trip to Te Auaha
10-11       Year 12 PE Cycle Trip 1
10          EPro8 Competition
13-14       Year 12 PE Cycle Trip 2
15          Year 13 Leavers Ball                            Kamar Parent Portal Logon
17-21       Year 13 Production                       This is a website that provides a window into our
18          Sports Awards Evening                    Student Management System. By accessing the
20          Winter Sports Photos                     KAMAR portal you will be able to view the daily notices,
                                                     student contact details, student timetables and
21          School Triathlon                         attendance, results, etc.
22-23       Performing Arts Festival
24-28       Year 13 Production                       If you no longer have your username and password
                                                     please email
25          St Mary’s Perth Sports Exchange
26          Board of Trustees Meeting, 5.30 pm       We will check your email is one we have on our system
                                                     and then send your logon and password through.
28          Last Day of Term 3
                                                     The best way to access the portal is to go to our
                                                     website: and use the Kamar
October                                              Parent Portal link on the quick links drop down menu on
15          First Day of Term 4                      the top right hand corner.

                                                          Kamar Parent Portal Payments
       Free Hearing and Vision Clinics for           This is also an easy way to pay for fees and donations
                   Students                          using a credit card. You can select exactly how much
                                                     you want to pay against each charge.
These will be held at Hutt Hospital, High Street,
Lower Hutt (2.00 to 3.00 pm) and Whai Oranga O
Te Iwi Health Centre, 7 The Strand, Wainuiomata                    Term dates - 2019
(morning) on the following days:                      Term 1   Thursday 31 January - Friday 12 April
6 August, 3 October, 5 November and 3                 Term 2   Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
December.                                             Term 3   Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
                                                      Term 4   Monday 14 October - Tuesday 10 December

                     Hutt Valley High School, Private Bag 31 909, Lower Hutt 5040
     Phone +64 4 566 4584 / Fax: +64 4 566 7779 / Absence Line 560 1568 / Web:
Hutt Valley High School News - Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi
Hutt Valley High School News                                                               20 August 2018

                                                              Office and Resource Centre closures
                                                              The Resource Centre will be closed between 9.00
                                                              am and midday on Thursday 9 August for staff training
                                                              on the new updated access it programme.
                                                              The Office and Resource Centre will be closed on
                                                              Wednesday 15 August, 12 September and 26
                                                              September, between 8.30 and 9.30 am due to
                                                              professional development.

                                                               HVHS Past Pupils Movie Fundraiser
                                                                    Tuesday 14 August 2018 @ 8:30pm
                                                                       Lighthouse Cinema, Petone
                                                                   Fundraising for PPFA Student Scholarships
                                                                        Mission Impossible - Tickets $20
                                                                   Includes movie entry and small goodie bag
                                                              Tickets available from the School Office
                                                              Shona or Rachel 5664584

                                                                 HVHS School Triathlon is coming!
                                                              This popular event is going to be held on Friday 21
                                                              September (Week 9).
                                                              The triathlon is Run: 4.2km; Bike 13km; Swim 300m.
                                                              There is also an aquathon option available which is
                                                              Run 4.2km; Swim 300.
    Strategic Planning Consultation                           People can enter as individuals, or in a team. Family
                 Cafes                                        members and ex-students are welcome to enter, with a
                                                              $10 entry fee that is donated to Martin Charitable Trust.
The school has started its three yearly strategic
planning. We will be facilitating a series of consultation    Deadline: Entries close at 3.00 pm 19 September - no
cafes over the next 4 weeks.                                  entries will be accepted after this date.
You are invited to be part of the conversation and to         To enter click here.
share your thinking about the sort of school you want
Hutt Valley High School to be.
See the flyer on page one indicating when and where
the cafes will be held. Here is the link to the online sign
                                                               University Scholarships for Year 13
up form -                             Students
                                                              MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published
  Engineering: Are you considering                            a free guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student
                                                              planning to start university in 2019. The comprehensive
  Engineering as a career pathway?                            list includes scholarships offered by every university as
The Week of Engineering initiative 13-18 August Day is        well as those specifically available to local students. A
all about showcasing engineering and attracting young         list of privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International
people to the profession. The free public expo in             university scholarships completes the list. Applications
Wellington on Saturday 18 August is the perfect               close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars
opportunity for students to have a hands on look at what      available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for
engineers do – and have an inside look at how things          scholarship success.
work! Drones, robots, virtual reality.                        For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit
When - Saturday 18 August                                     the MoneyHub Scholarship page.
Where - Shed 6, 4 Queens Wharf

                   Hutt Valley High School, Private Bag 31 909, Lower Hutt 5040
   Phone +64 4 566 4584 / Fax: +64 4 566 7779 / Absence Line 560 1568 / Web:
Hutt Valley High School News - Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi Hutt Valley High School News - Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi
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