Spotsylvania Middle School Student Clubs and Activities

Page created by Jimmy Rice
Spotsylvania Middle School Student Clubs and Activities
Spotsylvania Middle School                                                     Bulldog Pride!!
                               Student Clubs and Activities
                                                                 SMS Step-Dance Club
SMS Ambassadors
                                                                 Meet- Thursday 3:00-4:30 by schedule
Meet- As needed throughout the school year.
                                                                 Sponsor Mrs. Gallaway and Mrs. Garcia
Sponsor Mrs. Sainz

Spotsylvania Middle School Student Ambassadors are               Do you like to step? Have you ever wanted to try? Do you
involved in variety of student led programs. They                enjoy dancing? If you answered”yes” to any of these questions
support school-wide initiatives such as anti-bullying and        you should join the SMS step dance club. This club practices
creating a sense of school community.                            weekly and performs at basketball games, Homecoming and
                                                                 the Talent Show !

Debate                                                           SMS Homework Club

Meet- Every Tuesday from 3:00 -4:30                              Meet- Every Thursday from 3:00 -4:00 Room 203

Sponsor Mr. Smith                                                Sponsor- Ms. Grohowski and Mrs. Wallach

Students will complete research, prepare speeches and practice   At homework club, students will be given an opportunity to
                                                                 work on their homework with support from SMS teachers.
debating skills. Students are assigned a topic and will debate   Students will be dismissed from the main entrance of the
in teams of two. The SMS Debate Team will compete in three       school at 4:00 p.m. Each student must have a permission slip
tournaments with other Spotsylvania County middle schools to     in order to stay after school. Permission slips are available in
earn top honors. SMS won the county debate tournament last       the front office and the counseling office.
Spotsylvania Middle School                                                   Bulldog Pride!!
                              Student Clubs and Activities
                                                               activities include French music, films, games, guest speakers
                                                               and MORE !

Math 24 Club                                                   Art Club’s Snack and Paint
Meet Friday Mornings in Room 07                                Meet     Every Tuesday from 3:00-5:00
     from 7:00 am-7:35 am                                               (starting 2nd 9weeks)
     First meeting Sept. 6th

Sponsor SMS Math Department                                    Sponsor       Mrs. Meyer

In 24 club students prepare for the Spotsylvania County        Students will learn the joy of expressing themselves through
Schools 24 spring tournament. What is the “24”game?            creative painting. No experience needed students will have fun
The 24 game is a math card game in which players are shown     learning painting techniques and will bring home works of art
four numbers and then must get to 24. The goal is to use the   to share with family and friends. If you are new to art or have
four mathematical operations (addition, subtraction,           a passion for art this club is for you !
multiplication and division) to get the number 24. This must
be done mentally no pencil, no paper or calculators!           SMS Drama Club

                                                               Meet In the fall -Monday through Thursday 3:00-4:30
French Club
                                                               Sponsor       Mr. Dunn
Meet     Once a month from 3:00 -4:30
                                                               Do you enjoy all things theatrical? Join the SMS drama club
Sponsor Mrs. Perret Dowd                                       and prepare for the fall musical by learning to act, sing, build
                                                               sets, learn about lighting, and design costumes. Are you going
Open to 7th and 8th graders enrolled in French class. Come     to be next Hollywood star?
enjoy the French LANGUAGE and CULTURE! French Club
has French FOOD and LANGUAGE at every meeting! Other
Spotsylvania Middle School                                                     Bulldog Pride!!
                              Student Clubs and Activities
                                                                  Student Council Association SCA
Chess Club
                                                                 Meet     The 2nd Monday of the month, begins in
Meet Daily at Lunch                                                       October.
Sponsor Mrs. Boyette                                             Sponsor      Ms. Carryer
Students who have an interest in Chess can sign up each day in   The Student Council Association (SCA) acts as a school
the library to play chess during their lunch period. No more     government led by the students. SCA is a way for students to
than six students per grade level each day can participate. At   share their ideas, interests, suggestions and concerns with the
the end of the year there will be a chess tournament with        school. We will lead fundraisers, do community services
prizes.                                                          projects, announce school wide events, decorate for dances
                                                                 and present public service announcements. It is the job of the
                                                                 SCA to keep students informed and to connect the student
                                                                 body with the principals and teachers.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes                                 More information about electing homeroom reps will come in
Meet       Wednesday Mornings at 7:00 am
                                                                 Lemon Club
Sponsor Mr. Wood

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a club that meets before     Meet
school once a week. They vary their meetings to include one or
more of the following activity each week: breakfast and          Sponsor      Mr. Highlander & Ms. Garcia-Rios
fellowship, prayer, Bible study, community service, guest
speakers and games.                                              The Lemon Club is dedicated to raising funds for the Alex's
                                                                 Lemonade Stand Foundation to support research for a cure to
                                                                 pediatric cancer and to help in this cause in any other ways
Spotsylvania Middle School                                                     Bulldog Pride!!
                               Student Clubs and Activities
Café Book                                                          STEAM Club
Meet      2nd Semester during lunch for 7th & 8th graders          Meet

                                                                   Sponsor      Mrs. Raulerson
Sponsor      Mrs. Boyette
                                                                   STEM Club gives students the chance to explore aspects of
Cafe Book is a partnership between area schools in the City of     science, technology, engineering, arts and math. Students will
Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford schools and the          learn problem solving skills, team work and about the different
Central Rappahannock Regional Library. Teens at area schools
                                                                   careers available in STEAM fields.
meet in the school library and talk about the latest and hottest
books published for teenagers. After reading their choice/s
from selected titles, the teens share their thoughts with each
other. The ultimate goal is to produce a booklist of each
school's favorite recently published titles!
If a student has read 4 of the 16 books, they can vote for their   Family and Consumer Sciences Club
favorite and go on a field trip to the Snow library.               (FACS)

National Junior Honor Society                                      Meet Tuesdays from 3:00-4:30 by schedule

Meet Mr. Slater will notify members of meeting times.              Sponsor       Mr. Timmerman
Sponsor Mr. Slater
                                                                   Students will focus on choosing and preparing healthy foods
Have you excelled academically and want to get involved in         and also exploring unusual foods.
community service? You might have what it takes to be a
member of the NJHS. 7th graders who have maintained
cumulative 3.55 GPA are invited to apply in the spring prior to
their 8th grade year. See Mr. Slater for more details.
Spotsylvania Middle School                                         Bulldog Pride!!
                           Student Clubs and Activities

Spotsylvania Middle School Sports                         Future Business Leaders of America
A student must have a sports physical and completed the
on-line concussion training prior to trying out.
                                                          Meet By schedule throughout the school year.
Athletic Director Mr. Race

Fall                                                      Sponsor Ms. Donovan

                                                          SMS FBLA members will be involved in community
      Football
      Girls Basketball                                   service projects and fundraisers and helping with the
      Girls Soccer                                       school store.

                                                          Bulldog Block Clubs in the Library
      Boys Basketball
      Wrestling                                          Sponsor Mrs. Boyette
      Girls Volleyball
                                                          A reading program for 6th grade students meeting
      Track and Field
      Girls Softball                                     every other week during Bulldog Block in Library.
      Boys Soccer
                                                          “Exploration Space’

                                                          A time to explore technology and crafts.
Spotsylvania Middle School                                                    Bulldog Pride!!
                              Student Clubs and Activities

Friends Helping Friends Club                                    TSA (Technology Student Association)
Meet    Tuesday and Thursday during Bulldog Block in            Meet 2nd and 4th Friday of each month during BDB. First
                                                                meeting with be September 14th in Room 2.
Room 120

Sponsor        Mrs. Lavoy                                       Sponsor Mr. Stinson
                                                                Students can work individually or as a team in such areas as
Do you want to have a positive impact by a helping student at
                                                                agriculture and biotechnology, website design, dragster design,
SMS? If you are interested talk to Mrs. Lavoy.
                                                                flight challenge, film technology, CAD with 3D modeling, etc.
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