WEXFORD FC Strategic Plan - 2017 2021 "

Page created by Gabriel Gilbert
WEXFORD FC Strategic Plan - 2017 2021 "
Strategic Plan
   2017 """""" 2021
WEXFORD FC Strategic Plan - 2017 2021 "
                                                 Introduction								4
                                                 Mission Statement							5
                                                 "CAN DO" Values							6
                                                 Objectives									7
                                                 STRUCTURE									8
                                                 ACTION PLAN								10
                                                 PArtner clubs								12
                                                 Football for all							13
                                                 Financing Wexford FC into the future        14

2   WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021                                  WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,  r u n  b  y  v  o lu  nteers,
                                                                                                                                                                  a r e  a  c o  m  m  u  n it y c lu b                      f a c il it ie s ,
                                                                                                                                                            We                                          h  e  b e s  t  o f
                                                                                                                                                                 o s e  a im     is t o  p r o v id e t                      t u n it ie s
                                                                                                                                                             wh                                          a n  d  o p  p  o r
                                                                                                                                                                                      v e lo p m e n t

                                                                                                                                                                         in  g ,  d e
                                                                                                                                                               co  a c h
                                                                                                                                                                                               p le  in  t h e  S  o  uth East,
                                                                                                                                                                      fo r y o u n g p e o              t h  e ir p  o  t e n t ia l a n d
                                                                                                                                                                  o  t h a t t h  e y  c a n re a c h                        h  e  c o u n t r y.
                                                                                                                                                                s                                        t  le  v e l  in  t
Wexford launched its first ever SSE Airtricity League of Ireland club in            It is to the credit of all our volunteer staff, that we have achieved
                                                                                                                                                                   f o o t b a ll  a t t h e h ig h e s
2007, and now Wexford Football Club seeks to strengthen itself using the      our successes so far. This is particularly the case in the context of the     p la y
pillars set out in this five-year plan. We aim to consolidate our position    external environment presenting the most challenging economic and
as a progressive, family-friendly and fully sustainable entity at the high-   financial circumstances faced in the history of Irish football. Our am-
est level in Irish football.                                                  bition is to grow and improve holistically as a club for many seasons to
       In our Strategic Plan 2017-2021, we will clearly set out the club’s    come.
goals and action-plan within a framework of five clear values – “CanDo”             This plan is intended as an organic, evolving document and will be
– Community, Ambition, Nurturing, Development, Openness.                      updated regularly to reflect new aims and objectives.

4       WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021                                                                                                                                         WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
                                                                                                    Objectives                                 OF WEXFORD FC
                                                                                                    1. To become known as a truly community club with our facilities           5. To provide the facilities and playing surface to rival any football
                                                                                                       open and available to a wide range of players and participants.            club in the country.
    • Community – to be fully integrated with, to be seen as an asset in, to be embraced and        2. To find, encourage, nurture and develop the best of football talent     6. To cherish and treat all talent equally, regardless of gender, colour,
                                                                                                       in Wexford and the South East, so that they may reach their full           creed or sexuality and become known as an open, inclusive and
      supported by the community we live in.                                                           potential.                                                                 diverse club.
                                                                                                    3. To achieve financial stability and have a sustainable financial model   7. To ensure Wexford FC takes a position at the heart of the social
    • Ambition – To play and be competitive at the highest level possible for each League of           into the future.                                                           community of County Wexford. We will make our club a fami-
                                                                                                    4. To build strong relationships with all the local stakeholders,             ly-friendly and enjoyable place for all people of our locality.
      Ireland team in the club.                                                                        players, their families, our supporters, local junior clubs and the     8. To promote womans soccer in the region and continue to build on
                                                                                                       Wexford Football League, the business community, local influ-              the success of our womens team – 2 times winners of the Conti-
    • Nurturing – To give complete support and nurturing to the large number of volunteers at          encers.                                                                    nental Tyres Womens National League

      the club, to ensure it is run in a professional manner.
    • Development – Every young boy or girl who joins our academy or one of our squads will
      be given every opportunity and encouragement to become a better player and a better
    • Openness & Inclusivity – We cherish all participants equally, regardless of gender, colour,
      creed or sexuality.

6     WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021                                                                                                                                                   WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
    • To be owned within the community, run by a committee of committed,
      hardworking volunteers, who are to be elected/re-elected annually by
    • The annually elected club committee will always keep the best interests
      of the club as a whole at heart, and will not be motivated by self-inter-
    • Committee tasks to be evenly allocated & distributed, with responsibili-
      ties allocated, head & sub-head, in the following key areas:

                      • Secretary and admin
                             • Finance
                           • Operations
                        • Sales & Marketing
                              • Events

8        WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
                                                                                  WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
 •   To convert the club into the co-operative/community owned model, with members to           •   To implement a Sponsorship liaison role to ensure all of our sponsors see and realise a
     contribute a monthly membership fee, which entitles each to one equal vote on elec-            return from their investment in the club, no matter what level. (Objective 3 & 4); Time-
     tions of officers or key strategic decisions via EGM. (Objectives 1 & 3); Timeline – By        line – For the 2018 season.
     Nov 17.
                                                                                                •   To ensure all of our actions and initiatives honour our complete commitment to
 •   To leverage off committed FAI funds, Capital Sports Grants and whatever other                  treat all players equally regardless of gender, colour, creed or sexuality. (Objec-
     grant funding might be available to continuously improve our facilities year on                tive 6); Timeline – Ongoing.
     year. (Objective 5); Timeline - Ongoing.
                                                                                                •   To increase the number of social, inclusive and family-friendly events at our club. To
 •    To seek entry into the FAI Football for All programme and design and implement a              introduce the role of “Events Officer”, who’s sole focus is to host non-matchday events
     coaching/playing programme for children with special needs. (Objective 1); Timeline –          revolving around Wexford FC (Objective 7); Timeline – Ongoing
     By Sept 17.
                                                                                                •    To ensure we continue to expand our fan base and reach to neighbouring coun-
 •   To find, nurture and develop the best of coaching talent and potential in the area,            ties such as Carlow and Wicklow. We have developed partnership agreements
     so that we can maximise the potential of our players at all age groups. (Objective             with various clubs this year and we are seeking to expand on this iniative which
     2); Timeline - Ongoing.                                                                        not only have improved relations with clubs but also helped us to nuture young
                                                                                                    talent (Objective 2) Timeline – Ongoing
 •   To find, nurture & develop the best of players of all age groups in the area. (Objective
     2); Timeline - Ongoing.                                                                    •    We aim to secure long term commercial partners which will help us maintain a steady
                                                                                                    footing and be able to compete with other clubs at national level (Objective 4); Time-
 •   To work with, understand and respect the needs of Wexford Football League &                    line – Ongoing
     Wexford Schoolboys League and use our involvement in the stadium manage-
     ment committee to further our relationships. (Objective 4); Timeline - Ongoing.

10        WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021                                                                                 WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
Partner                                                        Football
  Clubs                                                         FOR ALLTo increase the level of participation the availability of foot-
                                                                ball to all, we will apply to become an FAI Football for All club and
                                                                will commence by, in conjunction with Collective Sensory Group,
        During the 2017 season Wexford FC delivered on          introducing tailored coaching and development for a group of
 one of its key long-term goal – introducing a successful       children with special needs.
 “Partner Clubs” programme. This year, we welcomed                     We consider this an important element of ensuring Wexford
 Vale Wanderers, Wexford Celtic and Gorey Rangers as            FC acts as a positive force in the community of County Wexford &
 members of the Wexford FC football family. We are de-          the South East, and work is already underway to ensuring this is
 lighted to integrate them as partners in our club, and we      executed the highest standard possible with the resources avail-
 hope to improve our programme and include more clubs           able to us.
 in the near future.
        We believe that this programme improves the pro-
 file of Wexford FC in County Wexford and the South-East
 area, as well as introducing more clubs to the highest
 level of football in Ireland – the SSE Airtricity League. We   INCREASING
 believe this is an important and valuable element of our
 club’s operations for 2017-2021.

12        WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021                          WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
FinanciNG                                                    INCOME
 FUTUREIt is vital to the future success of Wexford FC that
 the club is financed sustainably and securely for the
 years to come. We are focused on income generation
 and cost management in an effective and stable man-
 ner. We believe that moving the ownership of the club
 to within the community is crucial to this objective.
       We need to create the environment whereby we
 can focus on long term objectives vs the short term
 cashflow issues. The twin benefits from the co-op-
 erative model, i.e. the monthly contributions from
 members plus the increased appeal to the business
 community from being a publicly owned, not for profit
 organisation, will go a long way to facilitate this.
       For illustrative purposes the following is a repre-
 sentation of the Sources & Uses of club cash based on
 the budget for the current season

14        WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021                   WEXFORD FC Strategic plan 2017 """""" 2021
www.wexfor dfc.ie
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