November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann

Page created by Dawn Snyder
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
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           November 7, 2021
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
M  y students spend an
                                                                                      excessive amount of
                                                                             time on social media. They
                                                                             are inundated with “expert”
                                                                             opinions on what to buy and
                                                                             how to look and act. But this
                                                                             kind of influence isn’t new.
                                                                                Back in Jesus’s day, the Jews
                                                                             were influenced by prominent
                                                                             members of their society, the

 artists' space                                                              scribes,
                                                                             who lead
  new classroom puts creativity on display                                   lives of
St. Ann Preschool introduced a new art room this year. It’s part of the      hypocrisy.
Parish Life Center building project.                                            In the

A     bowl of fruit sits in a basket    component of the Parish Life         Gospel
      at the center of the room.        Center project.                      today,
The art students study it, carefully      “After two years teaching art      Jesus          Reflection
                                                                                               Emma Marsden
choosing colors and shades to           from a cart, I am thrilled to have a challenges
mimic the post-Impressionist            space for the children to enjoy and us to rethink whose opinion
French painter Paul Cezanne. Their express their creative spirits,” Pell-    and behavior we model
teacher walks around the room,          Krupa said. “My curriculum exposes ourselves after. Are we to follow
making suggestions, providing new the children to different techniques the example of the scribes, or
supplies, imploring them to cover       and the great masters.”              should we look to the most
their noses when they sneeze.             St. Ann Preschool is one of the    vulnerable of our community,
  These are preschoolers after all.     few in the archdiocese that has a    like the widow in this story? Her
  “The children have been a real        dedicated art room, said preschool sacrificial offering is a reminder
joy to work with,” art teacher          Director Nancy Wohlfrom.             that Jesus does not care about
Melissa Pell-Krupa said. “It’s so       Curriculum includes portraits,       fame or popularity. He cares
exciting to see them express            still life paintings, impressionism  about what’s in our hearts.
themselves through art.”                and studying famous artists from        My prayer is that all of us can
  The 130-plus students enrolled        Michelangelo to Matisse. An art      grow to be more like the widow
in St. Ann Preschool christened         show is scheduled for the spring.    and learn to ignore the opinions
a new art room this year, a               “Research has shown the creative of a hypocritical culture in favor
repurposed liturgy office with          side of every child’s brain needs    of the true message of Christ.
wall-mounted easels, buckets of         to be enriched, too,” Wohlfrom
crayons, paints and clay and tables said. “At St. Ann, we celebrate the      Emma Marsden is a Core volunteer
                                                                             with Life Teen and a theology
for creative expression. The new        philosophy that children learn best teacher at Cristo Rey Atlanta
room was part of the remodeling         by doing.”                           Jesuit High School.

bring the message home
Children: When you do something, do you do it so God is proud of you or so others are?
Teens: Do you follow God until it becomes uncomfortable, or do you follow him despite difficulty?
Adults: What values do you use to measure success? Are they in tune with God?
november 7 Readings                              thirty-second sunday in ordinary time
First Reading: 1 Kings 17:10-16: God’s power extends through Elijah to help a woman and her son.
Responsorial: Psalm 146 : Praise the Lord, my soul!
Second Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28: Christ will come again to bring salvation to all who await him.
Gospel: Mark 12:38-44: Jesus praises the sacrifice of the poor widow.
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
Congratulations to all who received the sacrament of
                                  Confirmation! Archbishop Hartmayer and Bishop Konzen
                                     celebrated Masses at St. Ann on Oct. 30 for the 165
                                     parishioners who took this next step in their faith.
                                 Regan Alexander Cochran         Anthony Leonard Jamieson       Morgan Darrah Petroff
                                 Quinn Thomas Coulter            Adelaida Grace Jaramillo       Aidan William Pierce
                                 Logan Patrick Coyne             Carter Stanford Joachim        John Paul Pokorny
                                 Kate Felice Crotty              Ellison Reese Johnson          William Thomas Pool
                                 Clayton Elizabeth Cruz          Michael Jutzin                 Emily Rose Powell
                                 Nancy Jane Davis                Jay Murphy Keating             John Michael Powell
                                 Lucas Francisco Diaz            Grace Katherine Kehoe          Adam Michael Prendergast
Caroline Marie Adams             David Harvey Doyle              Ryan Joseph Kent               Kaylen Danielle Quimby
Megan Louise Adams               Amelie Maria Drescher           Christopher Aiden Kerr         Lauren Elisabeth Reboul
Emma Christen Altermatt          Mimi Yibongka Edjua             Nikola Joseph Klatt            Lydia Chiara Rodrigues
Paul Harmon Altermatt            Ryan Lawrence Elwood            Kyle Joseph Klerk              Anna Scott Rogers
Amanda Lauren Aprill             Owen Ensley                     Sara Kate Lamberson            Francis Thomas Roglan
Allyson Marie Armstrong          Joshua Eugene Everden           Brodie Alexander LaPorta       Giuseppe Roberto Rosone
Maeve Elizabeth Astorga          Ansley Elizabeth Evers          Brooks Edward Leingang         Gabriela Sanchez
Sophia Cristina Balyo            Perrin Marie Evertsen           Nicolas Hall Leonardo          Nicolas Andres Sanchez
Julia Leigh Baribeau             Shannon Margaret Fernandes      Namiah Louissaint              Alessandro Charles Scalfi
Eleanor Addison Barry            Alexander Eric Flores Jr.       Emiliana Maria Lutz            Anna Grace Sertl
Valeria L. Bazan                 Sofia Carolina Fontanillas      Megan Colleen Malachowski      Graham Patrick Sertl
Rowan Henry Behrens              Natalia Cristina Fontanillas    Howard James Mandell           Meghan Hayleigh Shultz
Alexander Joseph Bentley         Juan Pablo Garcia               Grace Elizabeth Manus          Robert Xavier Smith
Janae Veroncia Laniox Bermudez   Delaney Kate Garner             Peyton Scott David Manwaring   Kaitlyn June Solet
Taylor Jo Bertrand               Matthew Douglas Gibbs           Luke Hamilton Marble           Michael Joseph Soule
Keegan Sweeney Bland             Emma Laura Gonzalez-Garza       Kyle Adam Marinko              Adam William Stadelmeier
Timothy Carl Michael Boland      Cristanne Marie Goodwin         Caitlin Maroney                William Douglas Stover
Caden Micah Bolduc               Lily Anna Grasso                Theodore Heinrich Marous       Alexander David Stricklin
Alexandra Bondoc                 Hannah Kate Gray                Ava Catherine McCarthy         Natalie Frances Taylor
Walker Matthew Brayton           Clayton Elijah Griffin          Chandler Patrick McDade        Charles Robert Thomason
Terence Brennan                  Anna Rena Grimes                Anna Kathryn Menzies           Georgia Grace Tibaldi
McKenzie Katherine Brown         William Logan Groover           Charles Thomas Meyer           Sydney Mary Tiffin
Madeline Eva Budreski            Emily Elizabeth Grosskamp       Joseph Michael Minecci         Keeva Margaret Tracey
Daniel Roberto Caiello           Ryan Marcel Grunert             Hannah Grace Moran             Jack Ervin Trowbridge
Sophia Veronica Caiello          Ashley Lee Gue                  Marlee Roberta Morning         Jemileen Sofia Vasquez
Travis David Callahan            Laine Caroline Halloran         Hayden Lane Mulberry           John Davis Veeder
Taylor Bailey Carlock            Charles Hamilton                Alexis Sinachi Muoka           Patrick David Vettickatt
Connor Loren Carlson             Cameron Elizabeth Harris        Katherine Frances Neal         Benjamin Bao Vu
Avary Louise Carter              Charles Preston Haynie III      Matthew Dai Nels               John Warderman Wagner, Jr.
Sarah Isabelle Carter            Emma Kathryn Hickey             Jonah Cuasay Nicpon            Elizabeth Paige Walker
Bryce Forrest Chapin             John Paul Hunter Higginbotham   Mary Caroline Nolan            Charlotte Louise Weeks
Sarah Elise Chauvin              Cole Michael Higgins            Dylan Paul Norris              Mateo Zachary Weeks
Lydia Elizabeth Chernowski       Madeline Marie Hobby            Juliann Mason Northrop         Eliana Wickham
Kennedy Clark                    Daniel Park Hoots               Carys Reagan Nyboer            Nathaniel Rex Wilson
William McAllister Clouse        James Manuel Hostetter IV       Morgan Grace Palazzo           Morgan Grace Zdancewicz
Chandler Thomas Cobb             Helena Elisabeth Huebecker      Alyssa Michele Perry           Matthew Gavin Zerbenski

                  Pray with Pope Francis
                  Each month, Pope Francis announces his prayer intention and requests that we include it in
                  our personal prayers. His November intention is that people who suffer from depression or
                  burnout will find support and a light that opens them up to life.

      The Catholic Church of St. Ann is a La Salette parish family dedicated to reconciliation
                        through worship, word, works and sacrament.
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
together in Faith
  mass schedule                                          Parish welcomes,
Weekend Masses                                           supports new members
Saturday: 5:00pm**                                       on their faith journey
Sunday: 7:00am,                                                At Sunday’s 8:30am Mass (livestreamed at
8:30am**,10:30am,*                                 and the 10:30am family Mass,
12:30pm, 6:00pm                                             this year’s class of inquirers will go through the Rite of
Family Mass: 10:30am                                        Welcome if they are baptized (candidates) and the Rite
Sunday, Nolan Hall Teen                                     of Acceptance if they are not (catechumens). These
Center                            inquirers have been attending OCI (Order of Christian Initiation) sessions since
 outdoor Communion                September and now are ready to publicly declare their desire to continue
available                         towards full initiation into the Catholic Church.
  socially distanced option in      As meaningful as the Rite of Welcome/Acceptance is for the inquirers, it also
Nolan Hall Teen Center            holds rich meaning for parishioners, giving us a chance to reflect on our own
Daily Masses                      journey of conversion and ponder the rich gift of faith. It reminds us of where
Monday-Friday: 9:00am             our love story began with Christ and where it has taken us in our own faith.
Friday: 6:30am                                    A Mass designed for families
                                            Sundays at 10:30am • Nolan Hall Teen Center
Note: Check the website and          Back for the school year is the weekly family Mass, a more relaxed
social media for updates.             environment than the church, where youngsters can see other
                                       youth lectoring, singing, serving and engaging in the liturgy.
    virtual church
                                        It even includes a children’s Liturgy of the Word breakout                       to really bring home the scripture’s message.
A variety of online content
is available for prayer and
reflection.                                                          Vaccine clinic at St. Ann
                                                                     Anyone in need of a Pfizer booster or first
Visit our broadcast library                                          series of the Covid-19 immunization may
at and                                         make an appointment. Available options:
check out our YouTube
channel for recent videos.                                             • Nov. 15: 10:00am-2:00pm
                                                                       • Dec. 6: 10:00am-2:00pm (second of
Browse our religious                                                     series or booster only)
education pages to plug
into activities and find                                             Please contact Rob Jackson at Qualicare
thoughtful articles and                                              Home Care,,
helpful resources.                                                   or 470-632-7400.
Sign up for our weekly
newsletter at                                              Fun and fellowship
                                                                       Nov. 12, 9:30am-noon
      parish staff                                                     East Cobb Park
Our dedicated team is                                                  Join the Mothers’ Guild for a play date at
working to ensure our                                                  the park for kids and fellowship for moms.
parish mission continues.                                              Bring your favorite snacks and drinks and
Visit for the latest                                        reconnect, socialize and have fun!
information and to view                                                Rain location: Donnellan Café. Contact
staff contact details.                                                 Katy Williams,
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
together in Faith
                                                                                 Attending mass
                                                                              Parish protocols are based
                                                                              on recommendations
                                                                              from the Archdiocese of
                                                                              Atlanta and the Centers
                                                                              for Disease Control and
                                                                              • Masks are required for
                                                                              the unvaccinated (ages
     Catholic                                                                 8 and up) and strongly
    Citizenship                                                               recommended for all.
   Essay Contest                                                              • All pews are open. Sit
   This essay contest offers                                                  where you are comfortable.
 an excellent opportunity for                                                 Please be considerate of
  Catholic students to share                                                  those who may already be
 their faith experiences. One       RSVP at              in the pew.
   winner each from grades                                                    • Communion may be
   eight through 12 will be                    Lector training                taken in the hand only.
   awarded a cash prize for                    Nov. 11, 7:00pm, church        • Mary’s Chapel, aka the
 the best essay. Students do                   Lectors proclaim the           cry room, is available
  not need to be attending a                   word of God through the        for families.
  Catholic school. The entry                   reading of scripture. Help     • Socially-distanced
     deadline is Nov. 16.                      is needed at all liturgies.    seating is available for
     See all the details at                    RSVP to Joanne Simpson,        the 5:00pm and 8:30am                       weekend Masses in the
                                                                              Nolan Hall Teen Center.
               Spanish Guild                                                  Masks are required for all .
               morning of reflection                                          Communion is provided.
               Nov. 13, 9:00am-1:00 pm, LaSalette Hall                         outdoor communion
               Acompáñanos a nuestra mañana de reflexión.                     Get comfortable in your car
               Tema: El llamado de la mujer Católica en la familia            and tune into our livestream
               impartido por Alonso Rigg, diácono en formación.               of the 10:30am Sunday
               Contacto: Edilma Rigg, 404-735-1940.                           Mass. A minister will bring
                                                                              the Eucharist to you at
                                Time for turkey                               the red tent in the lower
                                at 50+ luncheon                               parking lot when it’s time
                                Nov. 18, 11:00am, Nolan Hall Teen Center      for Communion.
                               Beginning with a social hour, lunch will
                               include a hot meal of turkey and sides with         watch online
                               wine and other drinks. The ministry will       Multiple cameras, scripture
                               again accept donations at this event for       and lyrics on screen and
                               Adopt-A-Family, St. Vincent de Paul’s annual   great sound. Find the 5:00pm
Christmas giving program. To secure your spot, put $15 in an envelope         Saturday and 10:30am and
addressed to Juanita Alvarez/50+ and deliver it to the parish office by       6:00pm Sunday Masses
Nov. 11. Email questions to or call 770-317-8634.       at
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
together in Faith
                                                                          Holiday food drive
                                                                          Nov. 6, 4:30-6:30pm
                                                                          Nov. 7, 8:00am-12:30pm
                                                                          La Salette Hall
                                                                          St. Vincent de Paul is stocking
                                                                          the shelves to provide food for
                                                                          families at Thanksgiving and
                                                                          Christmas. Scan the QR code to
                                                                          see the list of most-needed items
Stockings for Seniors is back!                                            for the holiday season. Drive
Pick up yours in the narthex Nov. 20-21                                   up with your food donations
Make Christmas special for those in assisted                              and volunteers will be ready
living facilities by shopping for items on their                          to unload your car. If you can’t
lists. Please return the filled stockings to church                       make it over the weekend, just
Dec. 4-5. Contact Jeanice Glennon for details at      leave donations in the wooden boxes in the narthex.                              Please remember to check expiration dates.
                                                      For more information, visit
                            Give a lift to
                            a neighbor
                            My Brother’s Keeper
                            ministry needs help
                            repairing bikes for
                            the homeless. Tools
                            and a work place will
be provided. If you have a working knowledge
of bicycle repair and would like to help, please
contact Bob Hodges, 770-722-0474.

                                                      About the Mission Club
                                                      St. Ann’s priests are in the La Salette religious order.
                                                      The Mission Club supports the efforts of more than
                                                      1,000 La Salette missionaries serving in 27 countries
                                                      around the world. The missionaries are active in
                                                      many areas, from caring for the spiritual needs
                                                      of parish communities to serving as chaplains,
                                                      teachers, youth ministers and counselors.
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
Education & Neighborly
             Formation  compassion:
                                                        Catholic social
                                                        teaching dialogue
                                                        Nov. 16, 7:30-9:00pm
                                                          Join our friends at the Catholic Church of the
                                                         Transfiguration (1815 Blackwell Road, Marietta)
                                                         to hear several of their parishioners speak            about working with immigrants at the Humanitarian Respite Center,
   Classes are in session.       a ministry of Catholic Charities in the Rio Grande Valley. Understand
                                 some of the truths of the refugee situation and discuss how we as
                                 Catholics can faithfully respond. Also speaking will be an Afghan
                                 mother and her four daughters, whom Transfiguration is sponsoring.
                                 Register and find more information at
      Nov. 7-9: Giving
     Nov. 14-16: Service

 Middle School Ministry
  Nov. 8-9: Remembrance
  Nov. 15-16: Time Warp
                                                                        A special way to
                                                                       remember Advent
                                                                            Dec. 5, 11:15am
                                  Advice, strategies                        Donnellan Café
                                    for parents                           Create a family keepsake
                                      of teens                            while learning about the              Wendy Baribeau from Holy                season of Advent.
   Nov. 7: Chaos (part 1)          Family Counseling Center will
   Nov. 14: Chaos (part 2)                                                Cost: $20 per family, which
                                   speak about pressures teens        includes kid-friendly lunch/drinks,
                                 face as well as strategies parents   all materials for an Advent wreath,
                                     can use to encourage teen             plus candles and prayers.
                                  mental wellness. A light dinner
                                  will be served. Space is limited        Making family memories
                                    to 45 people. Registration is              is priceless!

                                        required; please visit           Launch catechist Erin Jolly
 Visit the website for details            will facilitate. Limited to seven
    about programs and                                                 families. Please sign up early at
     Bible study groups.                                           
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
          IN MEMORIAM
              † Jack Anderson
           husband of Amy Anderson
           † Kenneth Anderson                         Offering support at all stages of life, the Pastoral Care team fosters the
              friend of Cathy Philp                   well-being of our community through the integration of faith and health.
                 † Bill Baker                            To add or remove names to/from the prayer list, call x6018.
             husband of Ellen Baker,
     father of Alicia, Janice & Melissa Baker         Protocol for home visits
              † Dennis Farrell                        In-person visits to the homebound and elderly may be
             husband of Susan Farrell,                arranged through the Pastoral Care Office. This includes visits
   father of Courtney Anderson, Laura Fanoe           to healthcare, nursing and assisted living facilities at the at the
           & Dennis Jr. & Jackie Farrell              discretion of the specific location. Please call x6019 for details.
               † Leonard Gall
             brother of Gloria Barker
               † Judith Gates
                                                                         Support group meetings
                                                                         Bereavement: Wednesdays, 5:00pm
   mother of George , Raymond & Cris Gates
              & Mary Coleman                                             Divorced and separated: First and third
                                                                         Tuesdays of each month, 7:30pm
 REMEMBER IN PRAYER                                                      Visit for details.
Baby Patrick Albertson, Rita Anderson, Erin                              RSVP to Anne Birth,
Aquino, Marie Aquino, Deacon Tom Badger,
Chad Beard, Brenda Beaver, Joyce Becker,
Edna Benavides, Father Ray Cadran, Renato             Discarding household items
Carbone, Hena Carreras, Linda Carson, Jennifer        may help improve your health
Chiarulli, Eileen Coalson, Sister Patrice Colletti,
                                                        According to health and medical info provider WebMD,
Tara Collier, Jody Cook, Patricia Coombs, Abbey
Cooper, Lynn Courtwright, Sylvia De Castro,           knowing when to toss everyday items will help prevent
Gloria De Plaza, Art DeCesaro, Bebe Derenzis,         injury or illness. Over time, these things can build up
                                                                                                                         Linda Walsh,RN
Joe DeSantis, Linda Dockery, Bill Downs, Anne         bacteria or simply wear out and not work as designed.              Parish Nurse
Dunlap, Jim Dunn, Camden Erickson, Debbie               Here are some examples:
Felden, Joseph Felicello, Beth Giradeau,                1. Sponges collect bacteria. Discard after a week of use.
Candy Gleason, Kerri Haas, Nancy Hannah,
                                                        2. Pillows absorb body oils, perspiration and skin cells. Replace every
Buddy Hargus, Linda Hawkins, Dani Helgeson,
Kristin Hertel, baby Grace Hester, Tom Holst,               two years if flat, lumpy, or if they hold a fold after being bent in half.
Jean Homer, Bobby Hosack, Bill Hotz, Melissa            3. Air filters collect dust, mold and bacteria. Replace every 60 to 90
Jimenez, Paul Johnston, Whitney Jutzin, Leslie              days.
Kallmyer, Kathy Kasten, Kevin Kelly, Tom Kerber,        4. Damaged extension cords may start fires. Inspect them regularly and
Jackie Koziatek, Daniel Kuttikat, Jessica LeClaire,         replace if damaged.
Parley & Sharon Leemaster, Elaine Machak,
                                                        5. Change removable smoke alarm batteries every six months.
Anita & Anthony Magnetti, Gordon Manning,
Winfred Massey, Maureen Matthews, Loretta                   Replace the entire smoke alarm if it’s older than 10 years.
Mazur, Susan McAfee, Tom McAuley, Mary Reilly           6. Toothbrush bristles wear down over time. For best oral health, get a
McGuire, William McLoughlin, Peggy Meaney,                  new toothbrush every three to four months.
Terry Mennell, Linda Meyer, Fran Michaud, Tim           7. Replace makeup every six months to prevent bacteria growth.
Minster, Luc Mire, Rod Monkman, Harriet Moody,              Replace it right away if you use around infected eyes, skin or mouth if
Wesley Moss, Jeanne Murphy, Anne Norton,
                                                            you have been ill.
Maura O’Brien, Webby Oglesby, Carmella
Papavasilliou, Evelyn Petersen, Anna Pinto, Mary        8. Makeup applicators should be washed regularly with warm water
Elizabeth Powell, Jayme Price, Michael Reale,               and mild soap. Do this once a week if you use them with wet
Paul Rehm, Beverly Rhodes, Terri Rieber, Maria              makeup, twice a week for eye makeup and every month if you use
Rivera, Debbie Rivers, Jan Roberts, Mary Sabaski,           dry makeup.
Daniel Sheppard, Marie Siwek, Carol Smith,              9. Rinse contact lens cases with saline solution after each use and
Jason Smith, Sharon Smith, John Phillip Staffey,
                                                            replace them every three months or immediately if cracked or
Ed Storin, Andrea Strauss, Bruce Tagg, Ted
Teofilak, Joan Tilley, Barbara Todaro, Kelly Todd,          broken.
Nora Turner, Amy Valley, Lalo Villanueva, Gilbert       Remember, a little prevention can help to keep you healthy.
Warner, Cristian Watson, Susan Weber, Elizabeth
Weinberg, Mike Wysocki, Rita T. Yahnke                 View past articles at
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
To request a Mass intention, visit
                                                                                               Catholic Church of St. Ann
                                                                                               4905 Roswell Road
                                                                                               Marietta, Georgia 30062
               or come by the parish office.                                                   770-552-6400
            Monday, Nov. 8
            The prayer intentions of Joseph P. Daugherty, Jr.     RECONCILIATION: Saturdays, 10:00-11:00am
            (Coleen Hosack)                                       Enter via the front doors of the church. You may also contact a
 9:00am † Diane Kohrman (Jim & Joanne Mahon)
                                                                  priest for an appointment.
                                                                  EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-
            Tuesday, Nov. 9                                       10:00pm; Friday, 9:30am-8:00pm; First Friday adoration: 9:30am-
 9:00am † Cruz Vallejo (Art & Carmen Lerma)                       Saturday, 8:00am
                                                                  BAPTISM: Call x6010 or email
            Wednesday, Nov. 10
                                                                  FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST COMMUNION:
 6:30am † Daria Ellen Zaharchuk (Carol & Bob Strong)              Launch Childrenʼs Ministry, x6039
                                                                  CONFIRMATION: Visit
 9:00am † George Bolduc (Claudio & Juanita Alvarez)
                                                                  MARRIAGE: Call x6010 or email
            Thursday, Nov. 11                                     Wedding guidelines are online at
 9:00am † Norris Bailey (Moira McDonough)                         FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: Pastoral Care, x6018,
            Friday, Nov. 12
                                                                  BECOMING CATHOLIC (ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION):
 6:30am † Rafaela Brandi (Marie Weeks & Tonie Vera)               Visit or email
 9:00am † Vince Frese (Laurie Frese)                              NEW PARISHIONERS: You are most welcome to join our
                                                                  community. To register, visit
            Saturday, Nov. 13                                     MEETING SPACE RESERVATIONS: Call x6010 or email
 5:00pm † Daria Ellen Zaharchuk (Jenny & Chris Gibson)  
                                                                  ALTAR FLOWERS: Parish office, x6001
            Sunday, Nov. 14
                                                                  PRAYER REQUESTS: Pastoral Care, x6018
 7:00am † Rafaela Brandi (Marie Weeks & Tonie Vera)               ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Food and financial assistance, x6105
 8:30am † James Atterbury (Joann Mattox)
                                                                              PARISH OFFICE HOURS (x6001)
10:30am In thanksgiving (Eleanor Dudek)                                      Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm
                                                                                 Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
 (Family Mass)
               † Chris Wright (Tuesday Bible study friends)         AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCY NUMBER: 770-557-2690
12:30pm † Brian BaDour (Jenny & Pat Evans)                                            PRIESTS AND DEACONS
 6:00pm Parishioners of St. Ann                                   PASTOR
                                                                  Rev. Raymond Cadran, MS        x6002
                                                                  SENIOR PRIEST
                                                                  Rev. Joseph Aquino, MS         x6005
                                                                  ASSOCIATE PASTORS
                                                                  Rev. John Gabriel, MS          x6021
            † Pauline Parris (John & Jackie Tabellione)
            † Margaret Slader (Terry & Cecile Stretch)            Rev. Robert Zaw Lwin, MS       x6004
               Susan Carey (Frank, Diane & Nona)                  DEACONS
        Teachers & staff of St. Ann (Preston & Jake Tanger)       Thomas K. Badger      J. Nicholas Morning     Bobby A. Jennings
          † Marie Denise Danbreville (Martine St. Urbain)
              † Anthony, Wildia, & Irma Desrouleaux                                           PARISH STAFF
             (Martine St. Urbain & Flore Desrouleaux)             Parish administrator          Jim Herrel             x6006
                                                                  Parish office manager         Linda Field            x6011
                                                                  Finance office                Michelle Powell        x6015
Sunday, november 14                                               Dir. of communications        Susyn Ahern            x6022
Thirty-third sunday in ordinary time                              Dir. of parish engagement Christina Hood             x6032
                                                                  Parish secretary              Teena Kay              x6010
Readings (              Pastoral care                 Linda Walsh, RN        x6019
Daniel 12:1-3 | Psalm 16 | Hebrews 10:11-14, 18 | Mark 13:24-32   Dir. of adult faith formation Stephanie Holden       x6028
Second collection                                                 Dir. of music and A/V         Ed Bolduc              x6017
St. Vincent De Paul Society (                     Remaining staff & departments are at Staff emails
Donate online at                         are the individual's first initial and last name
or text ccstann to 800-950-9952.                                  General questions may be directed to
November 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Catholic Church of St. Ann
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010981 St Ann Church (A)                                                                                  For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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