PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks

Page created by Brent Palmer
PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
NOV–FEB 2019–20 • VOL 10 ISSUE 3
PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
 Administration Office
 Hours: Mon–Fri / 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ( Closed weekends & County holidays )
 Office Location: 211 W. Lincoln Avenue, Goshen, IN 46526-3280
 Our Mission Phone: 574-535-6458
 The Elkhart County Parks
 Department mission is to Park Hours ( Subject to change without notice )

 enhance the quality of life,
 Jan / Feb / Nov / Dec Apr / Sept
 preserve the County’s cultural, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
 historical, and natural resources;
 Mar / Oct May / Jun / Jul / Aug
 and provide educational and
 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
 recreational opportunities.
 Note: Boot Lake Nature Preserve closes one hour before all other parks.

 Friends of the
 Elkhart County Parks
 211 W. Lincoln Ave.
 Goshen, IN 46526-3280 Features
 PHONE / 574-535-6458
 FAX / 574-535-6616

 TDD / 574-535-6420

 EMAIL / Flock
 DIRECTOR / Ronda DeCaire Together
 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARK From eagles to owls, cranes to
 OPERATIONS / Bernard J. Cunningham IV
 ducks, experience the soaring
 SERVICES / Dr. Kelby Rose
 beauty of winter birds at one of
 our birding programs or trips.
 Elkhart County
 Parks Board
 PRESIDENT / William Wilson
 VICE PRESIDENT / Larry Andrews
 SECRETARY / John P. Hardy
 MEMBERS / Jeff Burbrink, Karin Frey,
 Karen Mackowiak, Klaus Mueller

 Elkhart County
 Council Members
 DISTRICT 1 / Douglas S. Graham

 / A Winter's Eden by Carrie Kobb
 DISTRICT 2 / Randall D. Yohn
 DISTRICT 3 / Darryl J. Riegsecker
 DISTRICT 4 / David L. Hess
 AT LARGE / John K. Letherman Crossroads
 AT LARGE / Thomas Stump
 Traverse to the next
 AT LARGE / Tina Wenger
 chapter of Elkhart
 County's history.
 Elkhart County Board
 of Commissioners
 PRESIDENT / Mike Yoder
 VICE PRESIDENT / Frank Lucchese
 MEMBER / Suzanne Weirick

 Let's keep
 Friends of the Elkhart
 On the Cover

 County Parks Board
 MEMBERS / Judy Ferrell, Larry Ford,
 Patricia Frank, Kay Bontrager-Singer
 in touch. + /e l k h a r tc o u n t y p a r k s

 vi s it  elk ha r tcou nt y pa rks.o rg
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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks

E lkhart County Parks staff and volunteers have been busy enhancing the visitor experience at
 Boot Lake Nature Preserve since acquiring the property in fall 2017. Some are big and some
are small; here are the improvements you will notice the next time you visit:


 •• Updated upper deck railing on Prairie
 •• Smoother driving on graded entry road
 •• 34 acres of restored prairie maintained by
 prescribed burns


 ••Completely resurfaced trail with 600 tons
 of gravel!
 ••Nearly a half mile of new trail extending to
 the lower prairie
 ••New bench at the end of the trail


 ••New entrance sign, gate, and welcome
 kiosk built by Concord High School
 ••100-foot floating boardwalk on Boot Lake
 ••Nearly one mile of new burn break trails
 ••Newly-designed wayfinding maps and
 kiosks throughout the preserve
 ••Six raccoon-proof trash cans built from
 reclaimed materials
 ••Expanded parking for events at the
 former tree nursery
 ••Last but not least – new permanent
 restroom facility to be installed this fall!

 The museum was very lucky to “I’m not originally from the area Anthropology and History.
 have Elana Moss as a volunteer but I feel very connected to the She is on track to graduate in
 intern for the summer of community through my school 2021 and is already starting
 2019! She was part of the so I especially like that I get to think about grad school.
 team helping with a major re- to dig into local history while “I’m thinking I would like to
 organization of the collections getting practical experience work in Archeology, especially
 center as well as the on-going working with artifacts.” in a museum setting.”
 cataloging and inventory of Elana is a student at IUSB
 the museum’s 30,000 objects. Thanks so much, Elana.
 earning dual degrees in

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks

 The Elkhart County Historical Museum
 opens its newest exhibit, Claiming the Land,
 with a celebration on November 15, 2019.

 C laiming the Land is Phase II of the 3-part
 Crossroads of Elkhart County exhibit
 project. This chapter focuses on the period of
 history from 1671 with the arrival of French
 explorers, traders and missionaries to the Peter Rindisbacher watercolor
 arrival of the railroad in 1851. Claiming the of Voyageurs in a bark canoe
 Land builds on the popular success of Forging
 a Path, which was completed in December
 2018. Phase III is slated to open in mid-2020.

 Did you know that from 1671 to 1851
 numerous cultures claimed the area that
 became Elkhart County? Native groups were
 encountered by European and American
 cultures and major changes occurred in the
 region as each group tried to claim, steal,
 fight for, manage, and control the land. Those
 cultures all left successive marks, especially
 in place names across the County. Claiming
 the Land will help visitors understand the
 complex interactions between groups that
 lived and explored this area. Claiming the
 Land is divided into sections exploring
 Native – specifically Miami & Potawatomi,
 French, British, and American relationships
 and the formation of Elkhart County.
 George Winter sketch of Potawatomi

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
It may be cold out, but don't let that fool you into thinking that birds have flown
the coop. Many of Indiana's most breathtaking birds can only be found during
these colder months – from elegant Tundra Swans to powerful Snowy Owls. So
bundle up, grab some binoculars and a birding buddy–soaring adventure awaits!

 1 2 3

 4 5 6

 7 8 9

1 NOV 2 See Indiana's tiniest 2 NOV 6 See iridescent ducks 5   DEC 7 Learn tips on setting
owl upclose on an exclusive and elegant Sandhill Cranes in up the perfect bird feeder
behind-the-scenes banding detail through a scope at Boot buffet and how to make suet at
program at the Indiana Lake Nature Preserve. [ Pg.10 ] Ox Bow County Park. [ Pg.12 ]
Dunes State Park. [ Pg.10 ]
 4 DEC 4 Enjoy a scenic FE E D YOURSE LF
3 NOV 16 Witness waterfowl walk at Ox Bow County Park 8 JAN 11 Start your morning
migration at its peak at while encountering turkeys, at Ox Bow County Park
Pisgah Marsh Wildlife Area woodpeckers, and owls. [ Pg.12 ] and enjoy a light breakfast
and watch as colorful flocks while watching the birds
soar in at sunset. [ Pg.11 ] 6 JAN 1 Kick off the new enjoying theirs. [ Pg.14 ]
 year on a first day hike with
MA KE IT COUNT the birds at Bonneyville
7   JAN 4 Count birds in Mill County Park. [ Pg.14 ]
your backyard or with a
birding team at sites within
 9 FEB 5 Celebrate the 50th
Elkhart County and help official Wednesday Bird Walk
fuel future conservation at Ox Bow County Park on a
efforts for birds. [ Pg.14 ] fun group challenge to try and
 find 50 bird species. [ Pg.16 ]

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
Winter Fun Winter adventure is all around – with fun ideas waiting to be found.
 If you seek winter fun, we're here to assist – with 7 ideas for your bucket list.

 Explore the picture above, and you will soon find...

 a sled, a flashlight, 4 tracks
 pg13 left behind. pg17
 A frog–currently a pine, it's 4 fallen
 frozen in hibernation pg10 pg15
 and one
 cones, constellation.
After the challenge is done–you've found where each object lies, flip to their event pages to see what they symbolize.

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
The American rural crossroad is an important ON EXHIBIT AT THE ELKHART
part of our cultural fabric. The Smithsonian
exhibit, Crossroads: Change in Rural America,
 FEB 1 – MAR 15, 2020
explores the stories of rural America. In
conjunction with Change in Rural America,
the Elkhart County Historical Museum will SPECIAL HOURS: In addition to regular
present a complimentary exhibit, Profiles in museum hours, Tuesday-Saturday,
Rural Life, centered on Elkhart County. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Crossroads: Change in Rural
 America will be open Sundays, February
 2–March 15, 2020, 1–5 p.m.

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks

 Z Bread Machine Z
 Eatings f
 Bonneyville Mill closes for the 2019 season
 on Thursday, October 31 and the last chance
 Brown Sugar &
 Cinnamon Bread
 2 cups Bonneyville Hard Red Flour
 to stock up on Bonneyville flour is Holiday at
 2 cups regular bread flour
 the Mill on November 9th. Winter is no reason
 ¾ cup packed brown sugar
 to stop enjoying delicious foods made with
 1 package active dry yeast
 our water powered stone-ground products.
 2 tsp cinnamon
 Bonneyville flours and meals can be stored for
 ½ tsp salt
 well over a year in the freezer. Simply place
 the flour into a tightly sealed freezer bag and 1 ¼ cups warm (not hot) water
 store in the freezer until needed. Allow flour ¼ cup softened butter or oil
 to warm to room temperature before each
 Mix all dry ingredients well in a mixing
 use. Enjoy wholesome Bonneyville flour all bowl. Place the mixed dry ingredients into
 winter and prepare for the 2020 mill season the bread machine pan. Place the pan into the
 which begins on Friday, May 1, 2020. bread machine. Add remaining ingredients
 to the pan. Set bread machine to regular loaf
 Here is a simple recipe that can keep you (about 3 hours). Set desired crust setting if
 applicable. Start machine immediately.
 thinking warm Bonneyville thoughts all winter.
 Slice and eat the bread while it is still warm.
 The remaining bread makes excellent
 cinnamon toast or French toast.

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
Nature’s Calendar

 Northern Saw-whet While the ice makes it a challenge
 Owls will be migrating for Great Blue Herons and Belted
 south through our region Kingfishers to find food they still thrive
 this month. These tiny here in Elkhart County. Look for open,
 owls are only about the unfrozen water and try to spot one
 size of a robin, and weigh hunting for fish this month.
 in at less than a pound.

 Some aquatic insects like the stonefly
 Eastern Box Turtles begin a and dragonfly stay active in the winter in
 5‒7 month long brumation (the their immature, nymph stage. They keep
 reptile version of hibernation) in warm by constantly moving deep below
 early November. Box turtles will the water’s surface, while enjoying a
 burrow as deep as 2 feet into the buffet of unlucky hibernating insects.
 soil to wait out the cold.


 The full moon on February 9 will also be a
 super moon, which occurs when the moon is
 January 4th is National both full and at its perigee (its orbit is closest
 Trivia Day. Celebrate by to Earth). Because the heaviest snows usually
 heading over to our website fall this time of year, coinciding with the second
 at full moon of winter, common names for this
 blog to test your knowledge on phenomenon include Storm Moon, Hunger
 Elkhart County trivia! Moon, and Snow Moon.

 Eastern Chipmunks spend the winter
 During the cold of January, hibernating in their burrows,
 food can be scarce for herbivorous awakening every couple of
 mammals, but the Eastern days to eat. This month
 Cottontail Rabbit makes do by is when they emerge
 eating the small twigs and buds of and begin mating, with
 woody trees. Look for their chew litters of 2-5 born in
 marks on stems low to the ground. early spring and another
 litter in late summer.

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PROGR AM GUIDE NOV-FEB 2019-20 VOL 10 ISSUE 3 - Elkhart County Parks
NOV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

 Wednesday Bird Walk: Boot Lake
 While summer songbirds have flown the coop, late fall offers
 tremendous opportunities to see migrating and wintering
 birds of all kinds—from Sandhill Cranes and soaring raptors to
 a dazzling array of waterfowl, including Buffleheads, Hooded
 Mergansers, and Northern Pintails. After a short hike, we'll head
 to the boardwalk to see the waterbirds in detail with the aid of our
 spotting scopes. The group will head out at 8 a.m., so please plan
 travel time accordingly.

 Date: Wed, Nov 6 Cost: Free
 Time: 8–10 a.m. Location: Boot Lake
 Age: 8+ Nature Preserve

2 Herbal Oils & Salves
 Join herbalist Nicole Craig for a fun, hands-on workshop
 on using herbs to make your own oils and salves.
Participants will learn how to acquire the plants (locally foraged, 8
 Pinecone Centerpiece
 Create a beautiful handcrafted pinecone centerpiece for
 your holiday table. All tools and materials will be provided.
grown, or purchased), how to use fresh or dried herbs, and the
beneficial properties of each. Everyone will custom-blend herbal Date: Fri, Nov 8 Register by: Tue, Nov 5
oils to create a salve to take home. Handouts, herbal tea and Time: 6 p.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
treats will also be provided. Age: 12+ Shelter, Ox Bow County Park
 Date: Sat, Nov 2 Register by: Wed, Oct 30 Cost: $6/person (Limit 15)
 Time: 1–3 p.m. Location: Baldwin One-room
 Schoolhouse, Bonneyville Mill

 Age: 18+
 County Park
 Cost: $15/person (Limit 15) Holiday at the Mill
 We're closing out the 2019 milling season at Bonneyville
 Mill with one last hoorah! See the historic Bonneyville Mill

 in action and purchase stone ground products for your holiday
 Saw-whet Owl Banding Trip baking. Participate in various fun holiday-themed activities and
 Join Indiana Audubon and the Indiana Dunes State Park sample baked goods made with Bonneyville Mill flour.
 for a behind-the-scenes program on northern Indiana’s
 smallest owl, the Northern Saw-whet owl. This program will allow Date: Sat, Nov 9 Cost: Free
 participants to arrive earlier than the public for an intimate talk Time: 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Location: Bonneyville Mill
 on the research being conducted. Attendees will get the chance
 to assist staff directly at the mist nets and observe the banding

 process. This program is weather-dependent and will not take place
 under rainy or windy conditions. Crossroads of Elkhart County:
 Claiming the Land Exhibit Opening
 Date: Sat, Nov 2 Register by: Wed, Oct 23 Celebrate the opening of the museum’s newest exhibit:
 Time: 4:15 p.m..–12 a.m. Location: Meet at the Crossroads of Elkhart County: Claiming the Land. Learn how Native
 Service Center (north of main groups in this region encountered European and American groups
 Age: 6+ and the changes that happened to these cultures. Explore how
 entrance), Ox Bow County Park
 Cost: $40/person (Limit 11) Americans moved west, Elkhart County took shape, and the Miami
 and Potawatomi were forcibly removed from the area.

 5 Nature Nuts: The Lorax
 Preschoolers are invited to learn about the importance of
 caring for our natural resources. We will explore themes
 from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and learn through other related
 Date: Fri, Nov 15
 Time: 6–8 p.m.
 Cost: Free
 Location: Elkhart County
 Historical Museum
 activities, such as reenacting the story and planting a seed.

 Date: Tue, Nov 5 Register by: Sat, Nov 2
 Time: 9:30–11 a.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Shelter, Ox Bow County Park Register Online
 Age: 3–5
 Cost: $4/child (Limit 12) VISIT >

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16 Mushing 101
 Heartland Mushers Association Inc. has partnered with
 Elkhart County Parks to offer a crash course on dog
 mushing. Dog owners are invited to bring their own dogs and see if 19
 Hiking Club Awards
 2019 Hiking Club participants are invited to
 attend the annual Hiking Club Awards Night. Light
 they have what it takes to mush through dryland training techniques refreshments will be served. Attendance awards will be distributed
 and trails. and hiking stick medallions will be available for purchase.
 Date: Sat, Nov 16 Cost: $10/person
 (Limit 2 dogs per registrant) Date: Tue, Nov 19 Location: Baldwin One-room
 Time: 1–4 p.m. Schoolhouse, Bonneyville Mill
 Register by: Fri, Nov 15 Time: 6–7 p.m.
 Age: All (kids under 18 must County Park
 be accompanied by an adult) Location: Benton Dam, Cost: Free
 River Preserve County Park

 Tails to Trails
 Explore Ox Bow County Park with your canine
 companion. Signs will be placed along the path, so
 visitors can choose to walk at their own pace with their dogs or join
 the group for a naturalist-led walk. Water and doggy bags will be
 available. All dogs must be on a leash and controlled at all times.

 Date: Thu, Nov 21 Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Time: 6–7 p.m. Shelter, Ox Bow County Park
 Cost: Free

 Pisgah Marsh Trip
 Join the Elkhart County Parks on a wildlife-watching
 trip to the beautiful Pisgah Marsh Area in Kosciusko
 County. This biodiverse region features 445-acres of unique
 wetland, grassland, and upland habitat to explore. After a scenic
 hike through the prairie, our group will head over to the boardwalk,
 where we'll set up scopes, and enjoy phenomenal views of cranes
 and waterfowl soaring onto the marsh. Vans will depart from the
 Service Center in Ox Bow County Park. Be sure to bring hiking
 shoes and dress for activities outdoors.

 Date: Sat, Nov 16 Register by: Wed, Nov 13
 Time: 12–5:30 p.m. Location: Meet at the
 Service Center (north of main
 Age: 8+

 entrance), Ox Bow County Park
 Cost: $20/person (Limit 11) Curator’s Talk: Crossroads of
 Elkhart County: Claiming the Land
 Get an inside look at our newest exhibit. In this tour of

 Crossroads of Elkhart County: Claiming the Land, you’ll learn how
 Ox Bow Volunteer Work Day the exhibit was developed, researched, edited, and much more.
 Volunteers are needed to assist park staff with splitting Participants will also be some of the first to offer valuable feedback
 and stacking firewood behind the Ox Bow Service on the new exhibit, as we plan for Phase III.
 Center. The firewood will be used in future years for winter warming
 houses (Ox Bow Haus & Briar Patch Shelters). Date: Sat, Nov 23 Location: Elkhart County
 Time: 1–2 p.m. Historical Museum
 Date: Sat, Nov 16 Cost: Free Cost: Free
 Time: 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Location: Meet at the
 Service Center (north of main
 Age: 18+
 entrance), Ox Bow County Park

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DEC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7

 Nature Nuts: Pinecones
 Discover the fun and variety of pinecones through fun,
 hands-on activities such as crafts, games and a story.
A themed snack will also be provided.

 Date: Tue, Dec 3 Cost: $4/child (Limit 12)
 Time: 9:30–11 a.m. Register by: Sat, Nov 30
 Age: 3–5 Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Shelter, Ox Bow County Park

4 Wednesday Bird Walk: Ox Bow
 The feeders are filled and wintering birds are flocking to
 Ox Bow to grab a bite. Observe these feathered visitors up-
close at the feeding station and on a morning walk. Species we are
likely to encounter include Pileated Woodpeckers, Cedar Waxwings,

Wild Turkeys, and Barred Owls. After a short hike, we'll warm up by Digitization Workshops
the hearth. Plan to bring hiking shoes and dress for extended time Want to make digital copies of your family photographs but
outdoors. The group will depart at 8 a.m., so please plan travel don’t know where to start? In this workshop, small groups will
time accordingly. get hands-on training and practice using the scanning equipment at
 the Elkhart County Historical Museum. Participants with come away
 Date: Wed, Dec 4 Cost: Free with tips for how to apply these skills to digitization projects at home.
 Time: 8–10 a.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus This 45-minute workshop will have six time slots available.
 Age: 8+ Shelter, Ox Bow County Park
 Date: Sat, Dec 7 Register by: Tue, Dec 3
 Age: 16+ Location: Elkhart County
 Cost: $5/person (Limit 4/class) Historical Museum

 Workshop 1 Time: 10–10:45 a.m.
 Workshop 2 Time: 11–11:45 a.m.
 Workshop 3 Time: 12–12:45 p.m.
 Workshop 4 Time: 2–2:45 p.m.
 Workshop 5 Time: 3–3:45 p.m.
 Workshop 6 Time: 4–4:45 p.m.

6 Animated Pull Toy Workshop
 Looking for a unique gift idea? Build an animated wooden
 dog toy. All parts are pre-cut allowing for easy assembly at
the program. Completed toy stands approximately 7.5 inches tall
 7 Bird Feeding Basics
 Learn the basics of backyard bird feeding, which birds are
 likely to visit your feeders, and what individual species like to
and is 8.5 inches long. eat. We will watch the birds that visit the feeding station at Ox Bow
 Haus and create suet to take home.
 Date: Fri, Dec 6 Register by: Tue, Dec 3
 Date: Sat, Dec 7 Register by: Fri, Dec 6
 Time: 6–7:30 p.m. Location: Baldwin One-room
 Schoolhouse, Bonneyville Mill Time: 9–10 a.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Cost: $8/person (Limit 12) Shelter, Ox Bow County Park
 County Park Cost: $3/person (Limit 20)

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 Park in the Dark
 Discover how the dark can sharpen the five senses you
 use every day on a nighttime prowl at Ox Bow County
Park. This interactive program will explore our understanding
of how our senses work and how our bodies adapt to different
conditions – especially at night. Activities will include a night hike
experiencing our nocturnal senses, the illusion of the disappearing
head, and listening to mysterious sounds of the night.

 Date: Fri, Dec 13 Register by: Thu, Dec 12
 Time: 7 p.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Cost: Free (Limit 25) Shelter, Ox Bow County Park

 Bonneyville Bake Day: Yeast Bread
 Learn the ins and outs of baking with yeast and
 Bonneyville flour. Participants will learn tips and
 techniques to working with yeast recipes from the miller of
 Bonneyville himself. Samples will be provided.

 Date: Sat, Dec 14 Register by: Fri, Dec 13
 Time: 10:30–11:30 a.m. Location: Baldwin
 Age: 18+ One-room Schoolhouse,
 Bonneyville Mill County Park
 Cost: $5/person (Limit 30)

 17 Illuminated Trail Hike
 Join us for a special lighted night hike at Bonneyville Mill
 County Park. Hike a one-mile loop trail with illuminated
 markers guiding the way, and enjoy the sights and sounds of

 Winter Wetland Survival Bonneyville Mill County Park on a winter’s night.
 Did you know some turtles can breathe through their
 Date: Tue, Dec 17 Cost: Free
 skin? Learn how, and discover other techniques wetland
 animals use to survive harsh winters in Elkhart County. Attendees Time: 6 p.m. Location: Main Parking Lot,
 will enjoy a talk by the fire followed by an optional, short wetland Bonneyville Mill County Park
 hike to look for tracks and signs of winter wetland life at Ox Bow
 County Park. Please dress accordingly if you plan to participate in
 the hike.

 Date: Sat, Dec 14 Register by: Fri, Dec 13
 Stories of Elkhart: Native Removal
 As more and more settlers pressed west in the early
 Time: 1–2:30 p.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus 1800s, the Native people who had lived here for
 Cost: Free Shelter, Ox Bow County Park generations were being forced on to smaller and smaller parcels.
 Pressure for land continued to build, and in 1830, President
 Jackson signed into law the Indian Removal Act. Join us as we
 chronicle the removal of Native populations from this region and
 the lasting impacts still felt today.

 Register Online Date: Thu, Dec 19
 Time: 7–8 p.m.
 Location: Elkhart County
 Historical Museum
 Cost: Free

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JAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6

1 Wednesday Bird Walk: First Day Hike
 Get outdoors for your New Year's Resolution and experience
 something new! Join us on a Wednesday Bird Walk as we kick
off the new year with a "First Day Hike." From tiny hummingbird-sized
 1 First Day Family Hike
 Start the new year with your family and friends on a stroll
 through Boot Lake Nature Preserve. Hikers will learn about the
 preserve’s history, what improvements have been made recently and
Golden-crowned Kinglets to swooping Barred Owls, see some of our many of the ways to enjoy this beautiful property in every season. A
county's spectacular birds. After the hike, we’ll warm up around the few natural highlights will be the unique lake feature found on the
hearth with hot drinks, snacks, and shared stories of our adventure. property, what animals are active there in winter and a bit about
Plan to bring hiking shoes and dress for the weather. The group will their winter survival strategies. Entire program will be outdoors,
head out at 8 a.m., so please plan travel time accordingly. please dress for the weather.

 Date: Wed, Jan 1 Cost: Free Date: Wed, Jan 1 Location: Boot Lake
 Time: 8–10 a.m. Location: Briar Patch Shelter, Time: 12–12:45 p.m. Nature Preserve
 Bonneyville Mill County Park Cost: Free
 Age: 8+

 Elkhart County's 22nd Annual

 Ever wanted to be a scientist for a day? Interested in birdwatching?
 Make every Perfect! Join the Elkhart County Christmas Bird Count, part of a nation-
 wide Audubon event centered on the beauty and conservation of birds.
 bird count. During the count, volunteer teams tally all the birds seen and heard
 in their assigned area to help provide a one-day snapshot of bird
 populations across the county. Counters can join a team in the field or
 count from the comfort of home. Participants can choose to gather data
 all day or as little as one hour. Come be a part of this annual event!

 Date: Sat, Jan 4
 Time: Dawn–Dusk To Register: Call 574-535-6458,
 or send an email inquiry to
 Cost: Free
 Location: Throughout
 Elkhart County

 7 Nature Nuts: Animal Tracks
 Preschoolers are invited to investigate clues left behind by
 an animal, such as tracks and scat. We will learn through
 stories, games, and a hike into the woods. All participants will make
 11 Breakfast with the Birds
 Have a breakfast treat in the comfort of the Ox Bow
 warming house while watching overwintering birds at our
 well-stocked feeders. An interpretive naturalist will identify birds as
 a track ID book to take home. they visit the feeders and share facts about our feathered friends.
 We’ll have coffee, hot chocolate, and donuts to enjoy.
 Date: Tue, Jan 7 Cost: $4/child (Limit 12)
 Time: 9:30–11 a.m. Register by: Sat, Jan 4 Date: Sat, Jan 11 Cost: Free
 Age: 3–5 Location: Ox Bow Haus Time: 9–10:30 a.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Shelter, Ox Bow County Park Shelter, Ox Bow County Park

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16 24
 Stories of Elkhart: Museum Matinee: CG Conn
 Myths and Legends Can’t attend our museum programs in the evening?
 Is it true? Is it false? The study of history is full of stories Now you can enjoy programs right before lunch!
that have been accepted as fact but may be more complicated than This first program will feature the life of CG Conn. Learn about
we believe. This program will explore some of the biggest myths his major accomplishments, which include the growth of his band
and legends in the history of our communities, and we’ll reveal if instrument factory – the first major industry in Elkhart.
these stories are real, fake, or somewhere in-between.
 Date: Fri, Jan 24 Location: Elkhart County
 Date: Thu, Jan 16 Location: Elkhart County Time: 11 a.m.–12 p.m. Historical Museum
 Time: 7–8 p.m. Historical Museum
 Cost: Free
 Cost: Free

 Winter Astronomy
 Have fun learning about the exciting world of astronomy
 including the Greek and Roman mythological origins of
the constellations. Weather permitting, there will also be viewing
of the night sky through a Dobsonian reflector telescope. All
participants will make and take a star chart which can be used any
time of year. Refreshments will also be provided.

 Date: Fri, Jan 17 Register by: Thu, Jan 16
 Time: 9 p.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Cost: $4/person (Limit 20) Shelter, Ox Bow County Park

 Beginning Beekeeping
 Steve Lesniak of Peace Bees, LLC has partnered with Elkhart
 County Parks to offer a special Beginning Beekeeping
 course. What is normally three sessions will bee combined into one
 highly educational day! This program is aligned with the traditional
 beekeeping calendar, so upon completion of the course participants
 will have the time and know-how to begin beekeeping for the coming
 season. Participants will leave with expert guidance, handouts, and a
 copy of The New Starting Right With Bees. Lunch included.

 Date: Sat, Jan 25 Register by: Mon, Jan 20
 Time: 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Location: Baldwin
 Age: 12+ One-room Schoolhouse,
 Bonneyville Mill County Park
 Cost: $55/person (Limit 15)

 Winter Tree ID
 Join Bill Minter, Director of Land Management at Merry
 Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College,
as he walks participants through steps in identifying local tree
species in winter. Workshop will include information about different Register O nline
species, identification tips & tricks and a short hike.

 Date: Sat, Jan 18 Register by: Wed, Jan 15
 Time: 2–4 p.m. Location: Baldwin
 Age: 12+ One-room Schoolhouse,
 Bonneyville Mill County Park
 Cost: Free (Limit 20) VISIT >

 elk hartcount y par k s .o rg 15
FEB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7

 1 Exhibit Opening – Get Two for One!
 Join us for the opening of two new exhibits: The 2020 Elkhart
 County Parks Photo Contest Winners and Crossroads: Change
 in Rural America from the Smithsonian’s Museums on Main Street
 program. Enjoy light refreshments as you celebrate the talents of local
 photographers and tour Change in Rural America. The Photo Contest
 will be on exhibit through February 16 and Change in Rural America
 is open through March 15.

 Date: Sat, Feb 1 Cost: Free
 Time: 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Location: Elkhart County
 Historical Museum

 Junior Indiana Master
 Naturalist Course
 Budding naturalists will experience the natural
 resources, places, and professionals Elkhart County has to offer
 through hands-on exploration, fun activities, and unique encounters
 with nature. Each participant will receive their official Jr IMN
 designation from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources
 upon completion of course and six volunteer hours.
40th Annual Elkhart County Parks Dates: Sat, Feb 1, 8, 15 & 22 Locations:
 (first 3 weeks) Baldwin
PH OTO CO NTEST Time: 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
 Age: 9–12
 One-room Schoolhouse,
 Bonneyville Mill County Park
 Cost: $50/person (Limit 15) (4th week) Elkhart County
 Register by: Fri, Jan 24 Historical Museum
 Visit the display of photo entries
 at the Elkhart County Historical

 Museum for the 2020 edition of
 the Elkhart County Parks Photo Nature Nuts: Hibernation
 Contest. Categories will include Explore the phenomenon of hibernation through
 Rural Life, Local Wildlife, and investigation of furs and mounts, building a den to crawl
 Elkhart County Parks themed into, and a short hike into the park. A story, craft, and snack will
 photos. There will be a special also be provided.
 grand opening to celebrate
 Date: Mon, Feb 3 Cost: $4/child (Limit 12)
 the joint Photo Contest and
 Crossroads: Change in Rural Time: 9:30–11 a.m. Register by: Fri, Jan 31
 America exhibitions on Feb 1 Age: 3–5 Location: Ox Bow Haus
 from 10 a.m.–noon. Shelter, Ox Bow County Park
 Regular visiting hours at the

 Elkhart County Historical
 Museum are: Tues–Sat, Wednesday Bird Walk: 50th Birdathon
 9 a.m.–5 p.m. More than 50 species can be found at the park this time of
 the year—from colorful bluebirds and waxwings to majestic
 eagles and owls. Let's see how many we can find! To celebrate our
 Photo Contest Date: Saturday, Feb 1 50th Wednesday Bird Walk, join us for a fun, light-hearted race to
 Reception Time: 10 a.m.–12 p.m. find 50 birds. After the hike, we’ll celebrate at the warming house
 with drinks, bird-themed snacks, and shared memories. Plan to
 Photo Contest Date: Feb 1–16 bring hiking shoes and dress for the weather. The group will head
 out at 8 a.m., so please plan travel time accordingly.
 Exhibition Time: Regular Hours at Museum
 Date: Wed, Feb 5 Cost: Free
 Age: All Location: Elkhart County Location: Ox Bow Haus
 Time: 8–10 a.m.
 Cost: Free Historical Museum Shelter, Ox Bow County Park
 Age: 8+

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7 27
 Zero-Waste Cleaning Stories of Elkhart: Exploring
 Take a new approach to spring cleaning this year, with an Hoosiers & the Places They Reside
 emphasis on environmental consciousness. Cleaning supplies In celebration of Crossroads: Change in Rural
are readily available in stores, but making your own can be much America, political scientist Dr. Chad Kinsella, Ball State University,
cheaper and safer for the environment and your home. Participants will lead a lively discussion exploring Indiana’s rural, suburban
will leave this program with their own zero waste kit, as well as and urban areas are and how opinions about political and social
plenty of resources and recipes to make even more zero waste issues vary by place. Dr. Kinsella appears courtesy of the Indiana
cleaning swaps at home. Humanities Speakers Bureau. Arrive early to visit the Smithsonian
 traveling exhibit, Crossroads: Change in Rural America.
 Date: Fri, Feb 7 Register by: Tue, Feb 4
 Time: 6–7 p.m. Location: Baldwin Date: Thu, Feb 27 Cost: Free
 Age: 6+ One-room Schoolhouse, Time: 7 p.m. Location: Elkhart County
 Bonneyville Mill County Park Historical Museum
 Cost: $4/person (Limit 15)

 Change in Rural America
 with Speaker Chuck Fluharty
 Chuck Fluharty, founder of the Rural Policy Research
Institute, will present a lively program on contemporary issues
facing rural communities in collaboration with Goshen College’s
Yoder Public Affairs Lecture Series. Fluharty is a Clinical Professor
in the University of Iowa College of Public Health and a graduate of
Yale Divinity School. This program is presented in conjunction with
the Smithsonian’s Crossroads: Change in Rural America on exhibit
at the Elkhart County Historical Museum February 1–March 15,
2020. Visit for details.

 27 Tails to Trails
 Date: Tue, Feb 11 Location: Reith Recital Hall,
 Time: 7:30 p.m. Goshen College Explore Ox Bow County Park with your canine
 Cost: Free companion and kick off a new season of Tails to
 Trails. Signs will be placed along the path, so visitors can choose
 to walk at their own pace with their dogs or join the group for a

14 Museum Matinee: E. Hill Turnock naturalist-led walk. Water and doggy bags will be available. All
 dogs must be on a leash and controlled at all times.
 You may have walked past the works and art of E. Hill
 Turnock and not even noticed. Elkhart County’s most Date: Thu, Feb 27 Cost: Free
prominent architect designed private homes, businesses, and public
buildings that are icons in our built environment. Come learn about Time: 6 p.m. Location: Ox Bow Haus
Turnock’s career and see many of the examples of his designs. Shelter, Ox Bow County Park

 Date: Fri, Feb 14 Cost: Free
 Time: 11 a.m.–12 p.m. Location: Elkhart County
 Backyard Maple Sugaring
 Tap into one of Indiana’s sweetest traditions and learn
 Historical Museum
 how to turn your backyard maple trees into “liquid
 gold.” In this hands-on workshop, visitors will learn art of making
 maple syrup—from picking the perfect tree down to techniques on

15 Wildlife Track Trek simmering or “sugarin’” the sap to perfection. To sweeten the deal,
 In winter, wildlife leave stories in the snow with every pancakes, maple syrup, sausages, and drinks will be included in the
 step they take. Each track is a mystery waiting to be program price. Starter kits will also be available for purchase.
 revealed. Come grab a warm drink, gather around the hearth,
 and join fellow wildlife detectives as we explore tips to identify the Date: Sat, Feb 29 Register by: Fri, Feb 28
 tracks and clues hidden in the snow. We’ll bundle up and head Time: 9:30–12 p.m. Location: Baldwin One-room
 out for a short outdoor investigation to crack some of these cold Schoolhouse, Bonneyville Mill
 Cost: $5/person (Limit 35)
 cases and reveal the critters behind the clues. County Park

 Date: Sat, Feb 15 Cost: Free

 Regis t e r Online
 Time: 1–2:45 p.m. Location: Briar Patch Shelter,
 Age: 8+ Bonneyville Mill County Park

 elk hartcount y par k s .o rg 17
park information

 Come experience the Elkhart County Parks! Each site offers fantastic recreational opportunities–from scenic hikes
 to family picnics. Discover more about our park destinations on our website at

 Boot Lake Nature Preserve Ox Bow County Park
 51430 C.R. 3 • Elkhart, IN Acres: 300 23033 C.R. 45 • Goshen, IN Acres: 200
 Experience the natural beauty of Mere minutes from Elkhart and
 Boot Lake now restored to its former Goshen, Ox Bow County Park offers
 natural state of wetland, forest, and countless ways to make the most out
 prairie habitat. The state-dedicated of your visit–from nature programs
 nature preserve hosts a wide variety and woodland hikes to archery and
 of plants and wildlife. disc golf, you’ll be spoiled for choice
 on what to do next.

 Ð è : X
 X )

 Bonneyville Mill County Park Pumpkinvine Nature Trail
 53373 C.R. 131 • Bristol, IN Acres: 222 1302 E. Lincoln Ave • Goshen, IN Miles: 16.5
 A unique blend of regional history The Pumpkinvine Nature Trail is a
 and natural beauty can be found at linear park and greenway on the
 the 222-acre Bonneyville Mill County former Pumpkinvine railroad corridor.
 Park. Gently rolling hills, woodlands, Take a stroll or bike ride through lush
 marshes, and open meadows form a woodland corridors surrounded by
 perfect background for picturesque rolling farmland on this scenic 16-
 Bonneyville Mill. mile trail running from Goshen to

 Ð è ) Ð X
 X è )

 Cobus Creek County Park River Preserve County Park
 30680 C.R. 8 • Elkhart, IN Acres: 84 67380 C.R. 29 • New Paris, IN Acres: 358
 Spend the day by the creek and take in Historic canals, dams, and foundations
 the natural beauty of the region in this blend seamlessly with wild beauty in
 local Elkhart gem. Once farmland, the this vast linear park that runs along the
 park now features a diverse landscape, Elkhart River. Get away from the crowds
 including a Sensory Garden, restored and let your inner-explorer go wild
 prairie, woods, wetlands, and a cold for these timeless landscapes rich in
 water trout creek for which it is named. history and natural splendor.

 X è )
 : ) X

 DeFries Gardens Treasure Island
 17477 C.R. 46 • New Paris, IN Acres: 13 56226 Armour Ave. • Elkhart, IN Acres: 4
 Nestled in River Preserve County Located on the banks of the lower
 Park, DeFries Gardens is a reminder St. Joseph River, Treasure Island
 of our human connection to the offers a place for visitors to relax
 environment. Explore seasonal and enjoy nature. The park is closed
 gardens of ornamental flora and in winter from December thru March
 native plant collections at this (dependent on weather conditions).
 picturesque property.

 ) X

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park information

 Bonneyville Mill Elkhart County Historical Museum
 53373 C.R. 131 • Bristol, IN 304 W. Vistula St. • Bristol, IN
 Mill Hours (open May–Oct) Museum Hours (closed Sun-Mon)
 Wed–Sun • 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Tues–Sat • 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
 Bonneyville is the oldest continually The Museum fosters appreciation
 operating mill in Indiana, producing and preservation of local history and
 quality flour for more than 180 years. culture through exhibits, educational
 Interpretive staff are on duty to lead programs, and an accessible library and
 visitors through the “daily grind.” archives. Come hear the stories of the
 While you are there, purchase freshly many people, places, and events that
 ground flour for a taste of local history. make up the history of Elkhart County.

 X X


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 Boot Lake
 Nature Preserve
 51430 County Road 3
 Elkhart IN, 46514
 ,boot lake
 nature preserve elkhart county
 Bonneyville Mill
 ,cobus creek , historical museum
 County Park
 53373 County Road 131
 Bristol, IN 46507
 county park
 treasure ,
 county park

 Cobus Creek island
 County Park
 30680 County Road 8 MIDDLEBURY
 Elkhart, IN 46561

 17477 County Road 46
 New Paris IN, 46553
 ox bow,
 county park
 Ox Bow
 County Park
 23033 County Road 45
 nature trail
 Goshen IN, 46528

 Nature Trail
 1302 E. Lincoln Ave
 Goshen IN, 46526

 WAKARUSA riv er pres
 pr eserve
 River Preserve MILLERSBURG
 County Park
 67380 County Road 29
 county park
 New Paris, IN 46553 NEW

 Treasure Island
 PARIS ,defr
 56226 Armour Ave.
 Elkhart, IN 46516

 Elkhart County
 Historical Museum
 304 West Vistula Street
 Bristol, IN 46507

 elk hartcount y par k s .o rg 19
 GOSHEN, IN 46526-3280


 FEB 1 – MAR 15, 2020

 SPECIAL HOURS: In addition to regular
 museum hours, Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.,
 Crossroads: Change in Rural America will be open
 0 115 E WARREN ST,
 MIDDLEBURY, IN 46540 Sundays, February 2–March 15, 2020, 1–5 p.m.
 (574) 849-6955
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