North Central High School Senior Graduation Guide - Class of 2021 Class Motto "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't ...

Page created by Armando Norman
North Central High School Senior Graduation Guide - Class of 2021 Class Motto "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't ...
North Central High School
Senior Graduation Guide

          Class of 2021
                      Class Motto
                  “If you can’t fly then run,
                 if you can’t run then walk,
                if you can’t walk then crawl,
   but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
                  ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
North Central High School Senior Graduation Guide - Class of 2021 Class Motto "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't ...
North Central Senior Class 2021
                     Keep your focus on Graduation!!!
Attendance:        If your attendance deteriorates, you lose control of your own
Grades:            Maintain focus of your grades. Continue to do the work, do well on
                   tests, etc.
No Surprises:      For you or your parents/guardians! Keep communications going
                   between you, your parents/guardians, and your teachers.
College Admission: If you fail a class or earn a poor grade the last semester in high
                   school, you are putting your college future in jeopardy. Colleges
                   can, at any time, refuse your admission/financial aid/scholarships.

                             Contents of Packet
Important Senior Events/Graduation Deadlines                                         3
Senior Activity/Apparel Requirements                                                 4
Guidelines for Sending Graduation Announcements                                      5
The Legend of the Cap and Gown                                                       6
Ordering Your Final Transcript                                                       7

CLEARANCE SLIP: Teachers wait to sign until they can guarantee that
the student will pass their class.
FEES AND FINES: Due to the Business Office by Wednesday, June 9 @
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Saturday, June 12 @ 4:30 pm at the
             Riverfront Park Pavilion… be in line by 3:45 pm

                       Make your graduation a Class Act!!
North Central Senior Calendar
         Seniors not planning to attend graduation MUST see Ms. Fields in the public office ASAP.
May 3rd & 4th        Senior Class Graduation Presentation during ADVISORY (video)                                        8:00 am
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May 14               High School & Beyond Plan DUE – CCR room, Aaron Baltzell
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June 1st & 2nd       Senior Clearance Forms will be distributed during Advisory
Tuesday/Wednesday    Return all library materials, check for fees and fines at the Business Office
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June 2nd & 3rd       Senior Laptop Return
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June 2nd             First in Family in the Commons                                                                        5:45 pm
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June 9th             Final Exams A Day - regular class length
Wednesday                  Be sure you have turned in all school materials including textbooks
                           You will be fined for any books that are not returned by 8:00 am (fines can be cleared the following day)

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June 9th             FINES/FEES DUE by NOON
                           You can check fees online at
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June 10th            Final Exams B Day - regular class length
Thursday                   Be sure you have turned in all school materials including textbooks
                           You will be fined for any books that are not returned by 8:00 am (fines can be cleared the following day)
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June 11th            Senior Clearance Forms DUE (can be turned into counselor anytime once completed)                      8:00 am
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                     Due to COVID 19 there is limited occupancy for Graduation at the Pavilion.
                     When students turn in their clearance slip to their counselor, they will receive:
                        1.) A wristband (a specific color – they must wear to graduation)
                        2.) Their cap/gown (if they purchased one)
                        3.) Two wristbands for their guests (which will be a different color)
                        4.) A black mask (school color) to wear at graduation
                        5.) Any honor regalia they might qualify for
____________         ____________________________________________________________________________________
June 12              Graduation at the Pavilion, starts at 4:30 pm. Wristband required. No helium balloons, noise
Saturday             makers, or air horns allowed.
                           Seniors report to the backside of pavilion at 3:45 pm for seat assignment and roll call.
                           Seniors will be staged behind the pavilion.
                           FORMAL DRESS REQUIREMENTS:
                           Black Masks: will be provided for all graduates (masks are required)
                           Wristband: will be provide for all graduates (must wear them to attend graduation)
                           Formal Attire: Blouse, skirt, dress, collared dress shirt (ties preferred) and dress slacks meet
                           these criteria. Comfortable dress shoes are recommended. (No tennis shoes or flip flops allowed)
                           Additional adornment or decoration to the standard graduation attire of the cap and
                           gown is not usually permitted unless it has cultural significance. Please submit a written
                           request to add anything to the standard graduation attire of a cap and gown to Mrs. Everman by
                           May 31st.

                           Parents please review the Riverfront Park Pavilion Accessibility Services. If a family
                           member requires special accommodations contact Bethany Fields at 354-6183. There
                           will be a limited amount of chairs, please feel free to bring a blanket to sit on.
                           SENIORS: DO NOT BRING ANYTHING (except an umbrella if raining), THERE IS
Senior Activity/Apparel Requirements

1. Saturday, June 12 – Commencement starts at 4:30 pm, students must be in line by 3:45 pm.
What to wear?
   •   Plan ahead. Dress according to the weather. Bring an umbrella if raining.
   •   Black Masks will be required and provided for all graduates (as part of the formal attire).
   •   Wristband will be required to be worn by all students, guests, and staff who enter the venue.
   •   Formal Attire Required: Blouse, skirt, dress, collared dress shirt (ties preferred) and dress slacks
       meet this requirement. Comfortable dress shoes are recommended. No tennis shoes or flip flops
   •   See your counselor early if you cannot afford dress clothes. Clothing and shoes will be available at
       graduation for those dressed inappropriately.
   •   Have your family or friends keep your valuables such as purses, cameras, etc. There is no
       secure storage available.
Cap and Gown…
   •   Try on cap and gown ahead of time. Make sure they fit.
   •   To remove wrinkles from gown, place in dryer on low temp for 10
       minutes then hang up immediately (caution—gowns are a
       synthetic material). If ironing is necessary, use a cool iron and pressing
       cloth over gown to prevent burning. Remember, you are responsible for the
       safekeeping of your gown.
   •   Caps will be worn as flat as possible with shorter point or seam in front and the tassel on the right
       side. Caps have fiberglass inserts—be careful NOT TO BEND THEM. (Sometimes additional
       securing devices such as bobby pins are needed to keep cap in place.)
   •   Graduation is a formal celebration and additional adornment to the standard graduation attire of
       cap and gown are not usually permitted unless it is has cultural significance.
          o Students must submit a written request to Mrs. Everman in the Public Office to add
            anything to the standard graduation attire of cap and gown by May 31.

Some Cautions…
   •   Please, no gum chewing. Gum chewing is distracting, especially when people become nervous.
   •   Helium balloons and noise makers are not allowed. Please inform your parents not to bring
       helium balloons to the ceremony.
   •   All members of the public will go through a security check entering the Riverfront Park Pavilion.
   •   Attendees must wear mask per guidance from the Regional Health District. Attendees must also
       wear a wristband.
   •   Parking is available at NC at no cost. Downtown parking will cost money.
   •   There is usually another ceremony immediately following ours. Please be considerate of others
       and do not bring any form of celebratory confetti.
   •   Please ask parents and guests to remain seated until all your classmates have marched out.
Accommodations for Special Needs
                     •      Please review the Riverfront Park Pavilion Accessibility Services information
                            if you have a guest requiring special accommodations, please communicate
                            with Bethany Fields 354-6183 as soon as you become aware of an accessibility
                            need. We can work with the Venue Coordinator on accommodations.

                     •      Interpreter for Deaf and Hard of Hearing has been ordered.

                          REMEMBER—The ceremony is for you – THE SENIORS. Make this a special
                          time for you, your family, relatives and friends.


A. Announcements should be mailed about four weeks before graduation. (By May 11)
B. Inside Envelope
       a. Not addressed unless you wish to send the announcement to a family. Only the names appear
          on this envelope. No address.

                    Mrs. And Mrs. McIntosh (no first name)
                    Belinda and Gordon (if children under 21)

      b. People over 21 are sent a separate announcement.
      c. Do not seal.
      d. Place in outer envelope.
C. Outside Envelope
      a. Address in longhand—NEVER TYPE!!!
      b. Use black or blue ink.
      c. Use no abbreviation except Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr.
      d. Write return address on the flap.
      e. Send first class.
      f. Two sisters over the age of 21 may be addressed as:
                           The Misses Sue and Sandra McIntosh (outside envelope)
                           The Misses McIntosh (inside envelope)
      g. Two brothers over the age of 21 may be addressed as:
                           The Messrs. Keith and Ian McIntosh (outside envelope)
                           The Messrs. McIntosh (inside envelope)

Authority:   Amy Vanderbilt – “A Complete Book of Etiquette”
The Legend of the Cap and Gown
Long ago, in ancient Greece, when formal education was for the very rich or the
very determined, a wise old teacher was approached by a group of noblemen.
“Our sons have completed their studies and it is time for them to return to their
homes and live in the style befitting their station. Tomorrow, we will hold a great
banquet in their honor and expect them to be dressed in their finest garments.”

The old man smilingly answered, “They will be there,” and he added,
“appropriately dressed.”

The following day, the banquet hall was filled with royalty and nobility dressed
in dazzling jewels and costly finery. Then came the great moment when the
students entered with their beloved teacher. A startled cry arose from the
crowd, for here were the young men dressed, not in the garment of the noble,
but in simple sackcloth robes, each carrying a mortarboard—the mark of a
common workman.

“Let me explain,” spoke the teacher as he raised his hands for silence. “Your
sons are dressed as masons, for their destiny is to build. Some will build cities,
some will build lives—perhaps one of them may even build an empire. But all will
be builders on the solid foundation of knowledge.”

Thus, over the years, the cap and gown have become a traditional part of
graduation, symbolizing the fact that our young people are builders—of their
own future and the future of the world.

• Make sure you have completed the online FINAL DECISION Survey on
  the NCHS website by May 14. If things change before the end of the
  year, you can go back and retake the survey to update it.

• You can also email Virginia Soderberg and she will make sure they go
  to your desired college/university.

• If you have further questions, please contact Virginia at 354.6304

• During the summer, please contact Bethany Fields at 354.6183 or
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