JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ

Page created by Byron Daniel
JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
Teaching of the Inner Christ
                  1114 N. Second Street
                El Cajon, CA 92021-5008
         Office: 619-447-7007 / Fax: 619-447-7009

              JUNE, 2022
      The Amazement of Being
                 By Rev. Kayla Carroll
                 A FATHER’S DAY POEM

A father is a person who is loving and kind,
And often he knows what you have on your mind.

He’s someone who listens, suggests and defends –
A father can be one of your very best friends!
(continued on page 3)

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
Dear Beautiful Christ Beings:

                 The month of June is the month that we
honor the persons or the memories of persons who
most represent the expression of Mother-Father Love in
our lives. It is the time when we put our thoughts and
feelings into words and express our love and
       Even as we remember our parents, let us also
expand our thoughts to include others who represent
the expression of love. Have we a special friend,
teacher, relative, or employer who has nurtured or
supported us? Let us write a note or make a telephone
call and express the appreciation we feel.
       There are all kinds of people who act as mothers
and fathers, and all kinds of way to honor the life-
giving power of their love. Perhaps we can think of
some special way to lend a helping hand. Let us find
the way that is right for us and celebrate God’s perfect
       “My Father in heaven is my brother and sister
and mother.” Matthew 12:50
       “I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.”
John 14:20


                                 We genuinely appreciate
April, 2022                       your financial support.
INCOME:   - $4369.76
                               Please remember, if you are
EXPENSES: - $4616.66           absent we are still here, and
                               with your continuous
                               financial support, we always
                               will be.

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
The Amazement of Being – A Father’s Day Poem
(continued from cover)

He’s proud of your triumphs, but when things go
A father can be patient and helpful and strong.

In all that you do, a father’s love plays a part –
There’s always a place for him deep in your heart.

And each year that passes, you’re even more glad,
More grateful and proud just to call him your dad!

Thank you, father, for listening and caring, for giving
And sharing, but especially for just being you!

Happy Father’s Day.

Rev. Kayla Carroll

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
Midweek Uplift Service
             Tuesday June 7, 2022
             2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
        At the Teaching of the Inner Christ
                  El Cajon, CA
Come join us for ---
  • Sharing about what is important to YOUR
    spiritual growth
  • For timely topics
  • Deep meditation
  • Individual prayers tailored to YOUR needs
        Led by L.T./I.C.C. Jennifer Allen-Prather

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
      FEATURED BOOK THIS MONTH • 20% Discount!
         Sale: $17.95 less 20% + 1.18 tx =$15.54
                    The Moses Code
         The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the
                   History of the World.
                  by James F. Twyman

               This isn’t a New Age fairy tale; it’s real
               and true. We need enlightened souls to
               finally manifest the world of our dreams.
               It’s easy to look at the earth and see the
               devastation of unconsciousness
               manifestation. Our planet didn’t arrive at
the brink of such terror on its own but through our
collective decisions. The question now is simply: Will we
choose this again, or will we finally and resolutely decide
to follow the call of the soul rather than the pandering of
the ego? Whatever we genuinely feel, the world and
everything in it will transform in order to match that

Jim Bishop describes the feeling a father had when his
daughter became engaged: “This is the third of four
daughters. Every time it happens, I’m obsessed with
the feeling I’m giving a million-dollar Stradivarius to a

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
5     Sunday Celebration – 10:30 a.m.
       Love Power Circle – 12:15 p.m.

  7    TruthDay Tuesday – 2:30 p.m.

12    Sunday Celebration – 10:30 a.m.
      LBR/IBA 12:15 p.m.

19     CENTER CLOSED due to Annual Spiritual
       Celebration in Temecula, CA
       Happy Fathers’ Day!

26     Sunday Celebration – 10:30                              a.m.
       Potluck Birthday Sunday –
       Bring a Friend

       Short And Sweet Father's Day Quotes
“Dad: A son's first hero, a daughter's first love.” —Unknown
“The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched.” —Justin Ricklefs
“It is a wise father that knows his own child.” —William Shakespeare
“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” —George
“Fathers just have a way of putting everything together.” —Erika

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
From Jesus’ Love
Published by the Brotherhood of the Followers of the
               Present Jesus, page 28

Honor thy father and thy mother, that
thy days may be long upon the earth.
“And this is not the physical source of
your being of which I speak, but the
aspects of mind which create every
thought, every cell of your body, every
phase of your living. For God has two
balanced aspects creating a unified third,
and this is the principle of all of living.
And there is the father and the mother,
and the child. So to each of you in your
thinking, in each thought, there will be
father and there will be mother to create
the finished thought. Let the thought go
back to its balanced source. Let it find
there its truth. So therefore, if you would
make a decision, or you would go forth to
do anything which you see to do in your
life, and you would do this correctly for
you and happily for you, then honor the
creators of this thought and this action.”

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
Donations needed for our Fundraiser
               RAFFLE at Spiritual Celebration.
       Is there a service you could provide?
       Kitchen appliances?
       Do you make jewelry?

    CASH makes GREAT prizes!!

Do you have tickets . . . to a play, movie, game, etc.?

(Items can be new or gently used.) Need by June 5th.

If you live in San Diego, please bring these donations
into the International Center by June 5th along with a
picture or description of your treasure and an
approximate value.

If you live in another area or if you will be bringing
your donation along with you to the Celebration, please
provide the item description by the deadline. The
description is very important so that we can plan what
is needed to display your gift.

For more information contact Kathy: ktirpak@cox.net

Or call: 619-261-9761

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
     SUN      MON         TUE    WED    THU         FRI       SAT
                                 1     2        3         4

5             6       7          8     9        10        11
Celebration           Truthday
10:30 a.m.            Tuesday
Love Power               2:30
   Circle               p.m.
 12:15 p.m.

12            13      14         15    16       17        18
10:30 a.m.
12:15 p.m

19            20      21         22        23   24        25

26            27      28         29    30
10:30 a.m.

                   June 19, 2022

JUNE, 2022 The Amazement of Being - By Rev. Kayla Carroll - Teaching Of The Inner Christ
Sunday Celebration Service! June 5, 2022
                Usher/Video: Kathy Tirpak
      Service Leader: L.T./I.C.C. Jennifer Allen-Prather

Meditation Song: “We Are One” ………………………………….. p. 28
Opening Meditation
Prayer Demonstrations
Prayer Request Form: Fill out prior to meditation
Group Song: “I Believe”………………………………………………… p. 49
Center Events
Music performed by: Ann del Amo
Inspirational Reading … L.T./I.C.C. Jennifer Allen-Prather

             “God As Our Sacred Environment”
                 Rev. Elaine Fuller-Zachey

Offering of Tithes and Gifts
Blessing of the Offering: Abundance is my birthright. I have
always been abundant in money and all God things. I
share it with the Teaching of the Inner Christ as a tithe.
Music: “Lord I Do Give Thee Thanks” ………………………….p. 74

Prayer Request Form Reading (RUCAT)

Meditation Music performed by: Ann del Amo
Meditation and Silence
Affirmation for the coming week: The Christ within me
protects me, guides me and loves me completely. The Christ
power moves through me to bless me throughout each day.

Closing Song: “Love Is the Only Power” ……………………p. 17

           “Fathers are the great gift-givers of the world!”
          – Mrs. John Bruce Dodd, founder of Father’s Day

Sunday Celebration Service! June 12, 2022
            Usher/Video: Jennifer Allen-Prather
            Service Leader: Rev. Mary Ann Kelley

Meditation Song: “We Are One” …………………………………. p. 28
Opening Meditation
Prayer Demonstrations
Prayer Request Form: Fill out prior to meditation
Group Song: “God Is”…………………………………… …………… p. 16
Center Events
Music performed by: Ann del Amo
      Inspirational Reading ……… Rev. Mary Ann Kelley
         “Revering Our Christ/I Am Here on Earth”
                  Rev. Elizabeth Brabant
Offering of Tithes and Gifts
Blessing of the Offering: Abundance is my birthright. I have
always been abundant in money and all God things. I share
it with the Teaching of the Inner Christ as a tithe.
Music: “Lord I Do Give Thee Thanks” ………………………….p. 74

Prayer Request Form Reading (RUCAT)
Meditation Music performed by: Ann del Amo
Meditation and Silence
Affirmation for the coming week: The Christ within me
protects me, guides me and loves me completely. The Christ
power moves through me to bless me throughout each day.

Closing Song: “Love Is the Only Power” ………………………p. 17

         “One father is worth more than a hundred
         – George Herbert

Happy Fathers’ Day! June 19, 2022

Center Closed
           June 16-19

   We are at Spiritual
      Celebration at
Viña de Lestonnac Retreat
   Center in Temecula

  The father of a couple of teenagers called the
  telephone company and announced, “I want to report
  an obscene phone bill.”– Vern McLellan

Sunday Celebration Service! June 26, 2022

                Usher/Video: Judy Holmes
         Service Leader: Rev. Elaine Fuller-Zachey
Meditation Song: “We Are One” …………………………………. p. 28
Opening Meditation
Prayer Demonstrations
Prayer Request Form: Fill out prior to meditation
Group Song: “You’ll Never Walk Alone” ……………………… p. 24

Center Events
Music performed by: Ann del Amo
Inspirational Reading ……… Rev. Elaine Fuller-Zachey
                 “Walking With/Within God”
                   Rev. Mary Ann Kelley
Offering of Tithes and Gifts
Blessing of the Offering: Abundance is my birthright. I have
always been abundant in money and all God things. I share
it with the Teaching of the Inner Christ as a tithe.
Music: “Lord I Do Give Thee Thanks” ………………………….p. 74

Prayer Request Form Reading (RUCAT)
Meditation Music performed by: Ann del Amo
Meditation and Silence
Affirmation for the coming week: The Christ within me
protects me, guides me and loves me completely. The Christ
power moves through me to bless me throughout each day.

Closing Song: “Love Is the Only Power” ……………………p. 17

          Father to teenage son: “No, you can’t use the car—but
          please feel free to use the lawnmower.”
          – Vern McLellan


T.I.C. is Here for You
An Inner Christ Counseling (ICC) assists you in contacting your Inner Christ,
clarifying your life purpose, and verifying your spiritual experiences.
An ICC is a channeling session with your own Inner Christ, assisted by two
Inner Christ counselors. To schedule an Inner Christ Counseling (ICC),
contact one of the ministers, leader teachers/Inner Christ counselors, or
prayer therapists/ICC and an appointment will be arranged for you.
Prayer Therapy sessions assist you in clarifying your desires, healing false
beliefs that cause problems in your life, and manifesting your good
through prayer. The ministers, leader teachers and prayer therapists listed
are available for interviews and prayer work by appointment.
The T.I.C. Prayer Circle is composed of ministers, leader teachers, and
prayer therapists who meet weekly to pray for any person who requests
prayer. Fill out a prayer request form and place it in the prayer box at
our Center. A donation is appreciated and may be enclosed.
        Telephone prayer requests & taped message:
        Dial - A - Healing 24/7  (619) 588-4455

Prayer Circle Leader: L.T./.IC.C. Jennifer Allen-Prather (619) 305-3560
The Prayer Circle will pray for you for two weeks, and is happy to renew
your request until you have a complete demonstration.
World Healing Ministry: Rev. Mary Ann Kelley (619) 200-3639

Prayer Therapists and Counselors
All ministers, leader teachers and prayer therapists are licensed by T.I.C.
and adhere to an established Code of Ethics. They understand and use
the principles of Spiritual Mind Healing safeguards for pure channeling,
and have clear contact with their own Inner Christ.
Teaching of the Inner Christ Center …………… (619) 447-7007
                                Fax …………… (619) 447-7009
Rev. Kayla Carroll, Pastor, M.M.S. ……………… (619) 447-7007
Rev. Elizabeth Brabant, M.A., M.M.S. …............ (858) 451-0031
Rev. Elaine Fuller-Zachey, M.A., M.M.S. ……... (619) 203-4770
Rev. Brigitte Heimers, Ph.D., M.M.S. …….……… (619) 464-1216
Rev. Mary Ann Kelley, M.B.A, M.M.S. ….…….... (619) 200-3639
L.T./.IC.C. Jennifer Allen-Prather ……..……......... (619) 305-3560
       Visit our Website www.teachingoftheinnerchrist.org

Teaching of the Inner Christ      The Teaching of the Inner Christ (T.I.C.) is
1114 N. 2ND ST                    a non-profit, non-denominational spiritual
EL CAJON, CA 92021-5008           teaching which helps you to contact and
619-447-7007                      experience your True Self, your God Center,
Address Correction Requested      your "Christ Self" within, which is your own
                                  individual inner spiritual identity.

                                For those who cannot attend the T.I.C. services, please visit us on our website at
                               www.teachingoftheinnerchrist.org, click “video” and receive the T.I.C. experience.
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