SENIOR TIMES - Anoka Municipal Utility

Page created by Andy Washington
SENIOR TIMES - Anoka Municipal Utility
City of Anoka Senior Center

                                     SENIOR TIMES
        The mission of the Anoka Senior Center is to enhance the lives of older adults by offering a variety of activities and
            programs in a non-discriminatory manner while creating a friendly, warm and welcoming environment.

                                                                                 February, 2020

               We’ve got your 2021 vacation!!                               BEST PERKS EVER!
      Enjoy a Royal Princess 8 day cruise along the California Coast from March 13, 2021 —
       March 20, 2021 through Grand American Cruises. Cost $ 2768.00 based on double
      occupancy for a Balcony Mid-Ship Cabin. Inclu des all cr u ise costs and air far e .
      Sign up by Feb. 28, 2020 and pay only $100 for deposit and receive: FREE
      premier beverage package +FREE unlimited Wi-Fi + FREE prepaid gratui-
     ties. Over $200 in perks! Ports: Los Angeles, San Fr ancisco, Monter ey, San
         Diego and Ensenada, Mexico. Sign up and pay $100 to hold this fantastic deal!!

FACILITY HOURS:                                               Anoka Senior Center presents
We are open                                    Diamond Tour ~ Nashville Show Trip
Monday thru Friday
8:00 am—4:00 pm.
                                                   Sunday, May 17—23, 2020
We serve a nutritious,                 Cost $739 based on double occupancy—add $255 for single.
hot meal Tuesday                           Trip includes: Motor coach trans, 6 nights lodging,
through Friday at noon.             10 meals (6 bkf, 4 dinners) all admissions and tour costs including
Reservations required.             Grand Ole Opry, Delta Flatboats, Country Music Hall of Fame, Belle
                                                    Meade Plantation and much more!
The Anoka Senior
                                        Flyers & registration forms available at the Senior Center
Center is located 6
blocks south of Main
                                       $75.00 + completed registration form will lock in your spot.
Street on 6th Avenue.                                  Balance due March 10, 2020.
We are in a stucco
building at the
intersection of 6th                                           Check out our great selection of
and Washington.                                                beautiful hand made Greeting
Coffee is always available                                       Cards for just $1.00 each.
before noon. Stop in and                                       We also have money/gift card
                                                             holders for .50. You can drop off
                                       your used cards here but please do not cut them apart.
                                         We are not accepting Christmas cards at this time.
SENIOR TIMES - Anoka Municipal Utility
Card games, dice, and more….

Triple Play ~ played on th e second       500 ~ Every Monday from 12:15—3:00 pm.
and third Friday of the month.            New card enthusiasts always welcomed.
Play from 12:30—3:30 pm.
                                          Cribbage ~ Every Wednesday from 12:30—3:30 pm.
Bridge ~ Every Th ur sday at 12:15 pm .   New players always welcomed.
Ends around 3:00.
Call Joan @ 763-712-7362 for more
information regarding the game.

         Fitness Class                               Every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.
Twice per week on Tuesdays &                          a fun group of ladies assemble
                                                       here with their latest knitting
 Fridays we offer a 45-minute
                                                      projects. Come and join them!
    exercise class. The class
  starts at 11:00 a.m. and is a
nice mixture of stretching and
                                                     Blood Pressure Checks
   cardio. Call for more info.
                                                           is here on the
                                                  3rd Tuesday of each month from
                                                     10:30—noon to check your
                                                          blood pressure.

                                           Feb 14—Valentine Day Bingo
                                                  Treats and cash bingo prizes!
                                             Bingo will start after lunch at 12:45.
                                                Consider signing up for lunch
                                              (3 day advance notice required).
                                                      Please register your attendance
                                                          for bingo by Feb. 10 —
                                                              space is limited!
SENIOR TIMES - Anoka Municipal Utility
TAX TIME                                FOOT CARE
  Tax Preparers will be on site every Monday              Enjoy a relaxing foot soak,
morning from 8—11:30 Feb-Apr. to assist in               short massage and nail trim.
 preparing your taxes. We offer walk-in ser-          Receive information for general foot health .
vice only. A sign-up sheet will go outside the     Call the Senior Center at 763-576-4661 to schedule
building early (around 7:00 a.m). Sign in and      your appointment. Laurie will be here the first and
 wait, or go home until we open at 8:00 a.m.                 second Tuesday of each month.
   Bring license/photo ID, health insurance        Her appointments start at 9 a.m. and are scheduled
                                                      every 20 minutes through out the day with a
 card, SS card, copy of last years taxes and all
                                                                  brief break for lunch.
          pertinent 2019 documents.
                                                     Cost is $25.00 ~ payable at your appointment.

                                                      Do not trim your nails before you come.
              Have questions about                     Please bring a large size bath towel.
                 senior resources in
                                                                 No tipping necessary!
                   Anoka County?
                                                           Appointment times are limited.
            Call the Senior Information
                                                                  Sign up early!
              Line #763-783-4707.

 We will provide transportation to Cub / Wal-Mart every Tuesday, Wednesday and
 Thursday wh en our bus is available . On Tuesday and Th ur sday w e w ill
pick up approx. 9:00 am. On Wednesday we will pick up between 12:30 - 1:00 p.m.
   Please call 576-4661 by noon on the day prior to sign up for grocery shopping.
                      Cost for shopping trip is $2.00—payable to the driver.

       Bread & Baked Goods                               Our monthly newsletter will be
  Free, donated bread and baked goods                            assembled on
   are available on Tuesdays and some                       Wednesday, February 19
 Thursdays. Tuesday delivery is usually                            this month.
around 11:30 a.m. Thursday the delivery                    Thank you to all our great
  is earlier, usually by 9:00. The goods                 volunteers who give their time
     are ‘day old’ and donated by area                      and talents every month!
               grocery stores.
        Donations encouraged for
              volunteer drivers.
SENIOR TIMES - Anoka Municipal Utility
Driver Improvement Course                       SENIOR DINING
If you are 55+ this course will save you 10% on
                                                         T-F - Noon - Suggested
your auto insurance for 3 years! No written or
                                                            Donation- $4.00
behind the wheel tests. Come and spend a fun
 afternoon with an instructor from St. Cloud             No meal on Monday’s.
       Driver Improvement Program.                   Come and enjoy a good meal at a great value!
         4-hour Refresher Class
          Cost $22.00 1:30—5:30 p.m.              Please call (763) 427-6646 - 3 days in advance
              Tuesday, February 25.               (before noon) to reserve your meal.
           You must call to register for this
                                                  Be sure to request transportation if needed!
             class. Call #1-888-234-1294.
                                                  If you are signed up for lunch and are sick, call us
                                                  before 10:00 am and we can pack your lunch to
                                                  go. The van driver will deliver your lunch to your
                                                  door for a small fee.
February exercise classes every Tuesday and
           Friday @ 11:00 a.m.                    Menu Highlights for February
    February 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28

Activity Highlights for February
                                                    The VOA menu was not available
2    Running Aces trip—leave at 9:15 a.m.
                                                          at time of printing.
3    Tax Prep here 8—11:30 a.m.
5    LeMusique Room—leave at 11:15 a.m.                The February Menu will be
9    Lakeshore Theater—leave at 11:30 a.m.           available at the VOA desk soon.
10   Tax Prep here 8—11:30 a.m.
11   Foot care by appt.
14   Bingo here at 12:30
15   Lyric Arts trip—leave at 3 p.m.
22   Bingo in Andover—leave at 11:30 a.m.
24   Tax Prep here 8 –11:30 a.m.
SENIOR TIMES - Anoka Municipal Utility
Call 763-576-4661
to sign-up for trips        ADVENTURE SEEKERS
                                                            LeMusique Room presents:
       The winter season is upon us.                    The Music of Patsy Cline
  Please do not venture out in inclement                         Wednesday, Feb. 5
                                                           Cost $30.00—due January 15
  weather unless you know we are open!
                                                 Lunch will be first (extra charge) at Villa Bar &
   If we decide to close, we will have a         Grill in Albertville. Then it’s a short drive to the
  pre –recorded message to indicate that.        Theater for the show starting at 2:00. Leaving
                                                   ASC at 11:15 a.m. Returning approx. 5 p.m.

      Sandhill Center for the Arts presents:
  Paul Imholte “The Stringman”                      Bloomington Center for the Arts presents:
    If is has strings, Paul probably plays it!
                                                   The Bridges of Madison County
                Tuesday, March 10
                                                                Sunday, January 26
            Cost $25.00—due Feb. 25
                                                             Cost $40.00 –Due Jan 10
          Includes show, trans and lunch
                                                 Includes trans and performance. Lunch will be
            Leaving ASC at 10:00 a.m.
                                                 at Culvers first and is an extra charge. This play
           Returning approx. 1”30 p.m.
                                                   is a heartbreaking yet hopeful portrait of one
                                                         woman. Leaving ASC at 11:15 a.m.

                  Lyric Arts presents:
                 Flora & Ulysses                     Andover Saturday afternoon bingo
               Saturday, Feb. 15                              Saturday, February 22
            Cost $30.00—due Feb. 1                   Cost $8.00—due Feb. 14 ~ trans charge.
  Cost includes trans & show—dinner extra.       Enjoy lunch (extra cost) and bingo beginning at
Can a little squirrel change the human heart?    1:00. Approx. $20 for bingo (cash only). Leav-
     A funny and charming unpredictable           ing ASC at 11:30 a.m. Back approx. 4:00 p.m.
 Leaving ASC at 3 p.m. Stopping for an early
dinner at Bakers Square, then the show starts
                                                           Lakeshore Players presents:
  at 5:00 p.m. Returning approx. 7:30 p.m.
                                                     Around the World in 80 Days
                                                                   Sunday, Feb. 9
                                                              Cost $40.00—due Jan. 9
   Sunday Bingo at Running Aces                       Cost includes show & trans.—meal extra
             Sunday, February 2                  Danger, romance and comic surprises abound in
  Cost $10.00—due Jan 24 (trans charge)           this whirlwind of a show as five actors portray-
 You buy your own bingo packets at Running          ing 39 characters traverse seven continents.
 Aces. Approx. cost $14 (cash only). Food is                 Leaving Anoka at 11:30 a.m.
       extra. Leaving ASC at 9:15 a.m.            Lunch at Culvers then the show starts at 2:00.
             Back approx. 2 p.m.                            Returning approx. 5:00 p.m.
Anoka Senior Center                                                            PRSRT STD
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1500 6th Avenue
                                                                               ANOKA MN
Anoka, MN 55303                                                             PERMIT NO. 101

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          Happy Birthday to all of you born in February

                                                  The Senior Center will be closed on
                                                   Monday, Feb 17 in observance of
 763-576-4661     General information (Melissa)
                                                           Presidents Day.
 763-427-6646     VOA dining (Karen)               Have a safe and happy holiday!

 Anoka Senior Center Staff Members:
 Melissa Werra - Program Coordinator
 Van drivers:
         Dave Olavson      Jackie Larson
         David Small       Denny Reihe
         Steve Pratt       Don Rowell
 Lisa LaCasse - Public Services Administrator

 Volunteers of America Staff Member:
 Karen Walsh
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