Out of School Hours Care - Summer Vacation Care Programme Thursday 9 - Wednesday 29 January 2020 - Mercedes College

Page created by Brandon Rojas
Out of School Hours Care - Summer Vacation Care Programme Thursday 9 - Wednesday 29 January 2020 - Mercedes College
Out of School Hours Care
 Summer Vacation Care Programme
   Thursday 9 – Wednesday 29 January 2020
              7:20am – 6:00pm
Out of School Hours Care - Summer Vacation Care Programme Thursday 9 - Wednesday 29 January 2020 - Mercedes College
What you need to know: Vacation Care
Our Service caters for children from Reception to Year 7. Your co-operation in complying with the following
expectations will greatly assist us to provide a safe and enjoyable Vacation Care programme for your children.

What to bring every day:                                                 Healthy food
• Recess • Lunch • Drink bottle • Hat •                                  Please help us reduce waste by packing ‘nude
                                                                         food’ in reusable containers and avoid
                                                                         packaging or snap lock bags.
Please do not bring:
• Game consoles • Mobile phone/iPad • Money •                            Lunch will be provided on designated days as
                                                                         stated in the programme, dietary needs will
Clothing and Sun Protection                                              be catered for where possible. If your child
Please ensure your child wears enclosed shoes, no thongs or slip         does not like the option supplied, please
on shoes are permitted. Please label all clothing, lunch boxes           provide them with a packed lunch as an
and drink bottles. At our OSHC service, children and staff are           alternative. Due to health regulations we are
actively encouraged to be sun smart. We follow the College               not able to heat up any food brought from
policy of ‘No hat, no play’ and if children do not have a hat, they      home. Children will be provided with a freshly
will be asked to remain in the shade.                                    baked snack most afternoons.

Hours, fees and cancellations                                            Booking deadline
Our Service operates from 7:20am to 6:00pm every day during              The due date for completed booking forms is
the school holidays (excluding public holidays) as well as on            Friday 13 December. Some days are capped at
Pupil Free days. We close for two weeks over Christmas/New               30, so we appreciate your prompt return of all
Year. Children must be signed in and out of the programme.               forms. Bookings made after this date will incur
                                                                         a $5 late booking fee per day, per child.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, all bookings are             Your booking will be acknowledged via email.
final. We cannot accept cancellations, nor can days be swapped.          In addition to securing your place, booking by
Please phone us by 8.00am if your child is not attending a day           the due date helps us determine availability of
they are booked.                                                         places and staffing.

The cost of Vacation Care (before CCS) is $55 per child per day
plus any additional costs for incursions, excursions or special
materials. Additional costs will be itemised on the booking form
                                                                         Booking forms & contact
and the programme.                                                       Please return completed booking forms to:
Late Collection Fee                                                      Debbie Goss
Parents of children not collected by 6:00pm sharp will be                Mercedes College OSHC
charged a late collection fee of $1.00 per minute.                       540 Fullarton Road, Springfield SA 5062
Child Care Subsidy                                                       E: dgoss@mercedes.catholic.edu.au
Mercedes College is an Approved Provider. If you wish to claim           P: (08) 8372 3248
CCS, you will need to provide us with your Customer Reference            M: 0427 796 425
Number (CRN) from Centrelink. For more information or to
obtain a CRN number please visit – www.humanservices.gov.au

My Time Our Place - National Quality Framework for School Aged Care
All our activities are linked to the framework. If you are interested in finding more information, you are welcome to
speak to one of our Educators or visit – www.education.gov.au/my-time-our-place

My Time, Our Place is part of the Australian Government's National Quality Framework which is
Out of School Hours Care - Summer Vacation Care Programme Thursday 9 - Wednesday 29 January 2020 - Mercedes College
Week 1 What’s on in Summer Vacation Care

                                                       Welcome Back
                                 We hope you enjoyed your Christmas celebrations with
                                  family and friends and are ready for lots of fun as we
                                   embark on our Summer Vacation Care programme!

             THURSDAY                      Mitcham Movies ‘Spies in Disguise’                   Learning Outcome: 2
                                                                                             Children are confident and

                                           When the world's best spy is turned into a     involved learners. Children use a
             9/1                           pigeon, he must rely on his tech officer to
                                           save the world.
                                                                                         range of skills and processes such
                                                                                           as problem solving, inquiry and
                                                                  Suggested by: Kate              experimentation.

              Cost: $55 + $30 = $85          Lunch & Recess: BYO                          Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:10     Afternoon Tea: Dips and Vegetables           10:00am – 12:00pm

                                           Technology Day/Pull Apart Day
             FRIDAY                        Bring in your iPad today and have fun and
                                                                                               Learning Outcome: 4
                                                                                         Children transfer and adapt what
                                           games with friends. Then pull apart some        they have learned from one
             10/1                          of our old tech to see what is inside.           context to another through
                                                                                          connecting with people, place,
                                                                  Suggested by: Xander     technologies and materials.

              Cost: $55 + $10 = $65          Recess: BYO Lunch: Jamie Oliver meal          Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:15     Afternoon Tea: Fruit Platter                  10:00am – 12:00pm
Out of School Hours Care - Summer Vacation Care Programme Thursday 9 - Wednesday 29 January 2020 - Mercedes College
Week 2 What’s on in Summer Vacation Care
            +MONDAY                        Soccer2Sport                                              Learning Outcome: 5
                                                                                                  Children participate in play
                                           Back by popular demand! Participate in             opportunities that promote social
             13/1                          our clinic, building on your fine and gross
                                           motor skills. Lots of fun to be had today!
                                                                                                 interaction with peers. They
                                                                                                 engage in interactions using
                                                                    Suggested by: Rowan        verbal and non-verbal language.

              Cost: $55 + $15 = $70            Lunch & Recess: BYO                              Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:15       Afternoon Tea: Rice Bubble slice                 10:30am – 11:30am

             TUESDAY                       AFL Max                                                   Learning Outcome: 1
                                                                                                 Children openly express their

                                           This state-of-the-art facility brings                  feelings and ideas in their
             14/1                          together the latest technology and                   interactions with others. They
                                                                                              respond to ideas and suggestions
                                           traditional skills development.
                                                                     Suggested by: Xander                respectfully.

              Cost: $55 + $25 = $80            Lunch & Recess: BYO                              Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:10       Afternoon Tea: Potato Wedges                     10:30am – 12:30pm


             WEDNESDAY                     Kids Self Defence Class                                  Learning Outcome: 3
                                                                                                   Children take increasing
                                           Get ready to learn some wonderful                  responsibility for their own health
             15/1                          self- defence skills today in a controlled,           and physical wellbeing. They
                                           safe environment.                                  become strong in their social and
                                                               Suggested by: Educator - Lia         emotional wellbeing.

              Cost: $55 + $15 = $70            Lunch & Recess: BYO                              Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:15       Afternoon Tea: Cornflake Cookies                 10:00am – 12:00pm

             THURSDAY                      Aquatic Centre                                            Learning Outcome: 5
                                                                                                  Children participate in play
                                           Our summertime favourite – the Aquatic             opportunities that promote social

             16/1                          centre! Cool off in the pool and the play
                                           area today…and enjoy a hot chip snack.
                                                                                                 interaction with peers. They
                                                                                                 engage in interactions using
                                                                       Suggested by: Priya     verbal and non-verbal language.

              Cost: $55 + $25 = $80            Lunch & Recess: BYO                              Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:15       Afternoon Tea: Fruit platter                     10:00am – 12:00pm

             FRIDAY                        Foam Printing                                            Learning Outcome: 4
                                                                                              Children transfer and adapt what
                                           Challenge yourself to create a masterpiece           they have learned from one
             17/1                          with foam printing today - with a little
                                           help from friends and OSHC educators.
                                                                                                 context to another through
                                                                                               connecting with people, place,
                                                           Suggested by: Educator - Debbie      technologies and materials.

              Cost: $55 + $10 = $65            Lunch & Recess: BYO                              Time of Main Activity:
              Staff to child ratio: 1:10       Afternoon Tea: Freya’s Apple Cake                10:00am – 12:00pm
Out of School Hours Care - Summer Vacation Care Programme Thursday 9 - Wednesday 29 January 2020 - Mercedes College
Week 3 What’s on in Summer Vacation Care
                                          ‘Rev it Up’
            MONDAY                        Enjoy being a racing car driver today
                                                                                               Learning Outcome: 2
                                                                                            Children develop a sense of
                                                                                         belonging to communities and an
            20/1                          with our friends from Rev it Up. Which
                                          team will win this year?
                                                                                          understanding of the rights and
                                                                                             responsibilities for active
                                                                 Suggested by: Ethan         community participation

             Cost: $55 + $15 = $70         Lunch & Recess: BYO                             Time of Main Activity:
             Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Lemon Slice                      1:30pm – 3:30pm

                                          Double Lane Water Slide
            TUESDAY                       Jump, slide and splash your way
                                                                                                Learning Outcome: 1
                                                                                            Children openly express their
                                                                                             feelings and ideas in their
            21/12                         through the whole day. You are
                                          guaranteed so much fun today!
                                                                                           interactions with others. They
                                                                                         respond to ideas and suggestions
                                                                Suggested by: Evelyn
             Cost: $55 + $15 = $70         Lunch & Recess: BYO                             Time of Main Activity:
             Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Banana Split                     10:30am – 3:30am

                                          Learn, Sense, Grow
            WEDNESDAY                     Start with fine motor skill and
                                                                                               Learning Outcome: 3
                                                                                              Children take increasing
                                                                                         responsibility for their own health
            22/1                          exploratory play and then move to
                                          stations to work on essential skills.
                                                                                            and physical wellbeing. They
                                                                                         become strong in their social and
                                                        Suggested by: Palmer Brothers          emotional wellbeing.

             Cost: $55 + $15 = $70         Lunch & Recess: BYO                             Time of Main Activity:
             Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Toasties                         10:30am – 11:30am

                                          AYT Presents – ‘Seussical Jr’
            THURSDAY                      Watch the talented youth of Adelaide
                                                                                               Learning Outcome: 2
                                                                                            Children develop a sense of

                                                                                         belonging to communities and an
                                          performing a selection of our favourite
            23/1                          Dr. Seuss stories this morning.
                                                                                          understanding of the rights and
                                                                                             responsibilities for active
                                                          Suggested by: Educator - Lia       community participation

             Cost: $55 + $20 = $75         Lunch & Recess: BYO                            Time of Main Activity:
             Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Mini Pizzas                     10:30am – 11:30am

            FRIDAY                        Access thousands of Lego pieces! Join
                                                                                                Learning Outcome: 5
                                                                                             Children participate in play
                                                                                         opportunities that promote social
            24/1                          with friends and use your imagination
                                          to create a unique masterpiece!
                                                                                            interaction with peers. They
                                                                                            engage in interactions using
                                                                                          verbal and non-verbal language.
                                                                  Suggested by: Parsa
             Cost: $55 + $15 = $70         Recess: BYO – Lunch: Aussie BBQ                 Time of Main Activity:
             Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Lamingtons                       10:00pm – 11:30pm
Week 4 What’s on in Summer Vacation Care

       Monday                         Australia Day

       27/1                        ~ Service is Closed

                              Chinese New Year – Year of the Rat
TUESDAY                       Celebrate the beginning of a new 12-
                                                                                 Learning Outcome: 5
                                                                              Children participate in play
                                                                          opportunities that promote social
28/1                          year cycle. Pot seeds for good luck and
                              learn Chinese words and numbers.
                                                                             interaction with peers. They
                                                                             engage in interactions using
                                                                           verbal and non-verbal language.
                                                    Suggested by: Freya
 Cost: $55 + $10 = $65         Recess: BYO Lunch: Fried Rice               Time of Main Activity:
 Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Fruit Platter                10:30am – 11:30am

                              Science Alive
WEDNESDAY                     Make ice cream today and enjoy this
                                                                                Learning Outcome: 4
                                                                          Children transfer and adapt what
                                                                            they have learned from one
29/1                          with your afternoon tea! There will be
                              giant bubbles and slime too.
                                                                             context to another through
                                                                           connecting with people, place,
                                                                            technologies and materials.
                                                    Suggested by: Sadie
 Cost: $55 + $10 = $65         Lunch & Recess: BYO                          Time of Main Activity:
 Staff to child ratio: 1:15    Afternoon Tea: Fruit salad & ice cream       10:30am – 11:30am

                                       Back to school today!
Excursion Details

 Date    Destination                   Time      Travel    Please Note

                                                           Please ensure children have a backpack,
                                                           packed lunch, snacks, hat and refillable
                                                           water bottle.

         Wallis Cinemas
                                       9:30am              Children are required to wear enclosed
         Mitcham Square                          Private
 9/1                                      to               shoes on all excursions.
         MITCHAM                                   Bus
         Phone: 08 8433 1700
                                                           Children will be able to access the Candy
                                                           Bar deal. The cost will be added to your
                                                           OSHC Account.

                                                           Please ensure children have a backpack,
                                                           towel, change of clothes, bathers, lunch,
                                                           snacks, hat and refillable water bottle.

         Adelaide Aquatic Centre                           Children are required to wear enclosed
         Jeffcott Rd, North Adelaide             Private   shoes on all excursions.
 14/1                                     to
         SA 5006                                   Bus
         Phone: 8203 7665                                  Children may access the canteen today.
                                                           Please note that we have set a $10
                                                           maximum spending limit for lunches and

                                                           Ensure children have a backpack, lunch,
                                                           snacks, hat and refillable water bottle.
         AFL Max
         32 Butler Boulevard                     Private
 16/1                                      to              Children are required to wear enclosed
         ADELAIDE AIRPORT 5059                     Bus
                                       12:30pm             shoes on all excursions.
         Phone: 8312 6585

                                                           No spending money permitted
                                                           Ensure children have a backpack, lunch,
                                                           snacks, hat and refillable water bottle.
         Arts Theatre
         Angas Street                            Private
 23/1                                     to               Children are required to wear enclosed
         ADELAIDE 5000                             Bus
                                       1.00pm              shoes on all excursions.
         Phone: 1300 123 528

                                                           No spending money permitted
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