Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools

Page created by Warren Hudson
Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Perth Zoo
and Learning

Programs for schools
      in 2018
Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
For 2018 only              These programs include:
                                  • Zoo entry
 Dinosaurs &                      • entry to a 30 minute interactive performance
                                     Journey back in time

 Megafauna                        • zoorassic activity trail to explore the Zoo
                                  Bookings essential

Zoorassic Park
Journey back in time.…
Cost: $13.50 per student
Years: K–6
8 Oct–20 Nov
Journey back in time with Professor Fossil and
discover why dinosaurs disappeared 65 million
years ago and were replaced by megafauna
like giant kangaroos and wombats! Follow
clues that explain the past and learn what we
can do to prevent further extinctions.

                                             Zoo Fest 2018
                                             Cost: $15 per student
                                             Years: K–6
                                             21 Nov–12 Dec
                                            Celebrate the end of the school year in zoorassic style.
                                            In addition to the Journey back in time performance,
                                            students have the chance to:
                                            • enjoy exclusive access to the Playleozone activity area
                                            • meet one of our special animals up very close!
Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Planning Your Excursion
Education experience
Have one of our experienced educators deliver a 45–60 minute
education experience which links to the Australian Curriculum.
Education Experience (includes entry)         Cost per student
Primary and Secondary (K–12)                  $13.50 (GST exempt)
Tertiary                                      $20.50 (GST exempt)

Manage a self-guided experience yourself.
Self-guided Visit (entry only)                Cost per student
Primary and Secondary (K–12)                  $10.50 (GST exempt)
Tertiary                                      $17.50 (GST exempt)

Book online
Schools are required to make a booking for all Zoo
visits and programs to access our special pricing.

Call: 08 9474 0365 (Mon-Fri)

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Kindergarten-Year 3 Education Experiences                                               Outdoor sessions
                                                                                         have cover options for
    Duration: 45 minutes                                                                 all weather conditions
    Cost: $13.50 per student
                                      Sustainability                                                           Sustainability
    Bush Party Years K–2              Focus                 Magic Rainforest - Asia Years 1–3                  Focus
    Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Inquiry Skills   Science as a Human Endeavour / Science Inquiry Skills
    Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)             Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)
    Geographical Knowledge and Understanding |              Geographical Knowledge and Understanding |
    Geographical Inquiry Skills.                            Geographical Inquiry Skills.
    After hearing an original story, children explore       Students participate in a roleplay using puppets
    the Australian Bushwalk wearing colourful native        and costumes to explore the basic needs of Asian
    animal costumes. Groups report back on how our          species and threats to their survival. They
    native animals meet their basic needs for survival.     discover that protecting trees ensures that
    Students identify actions they can take to help         rainforests stay magical places for both animals
    conserve our bushland habitats. *Modified if            and people.
    weather is inclement.                                                                     Sustainability
                                                            Who Am I? Years K–3               Focus
    Magic Forest - Australia Years 1–3                      Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Understanding
    Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Inquiry Skills   (Biological Sciences) | Science Inquiry Skills
    Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)             In this fun and interactive experience students
    Geographical Knowledge and Understanding |              discover the identity of a mystery creature by
    Geographical Inquiry Skills.
                                                            comparing animal groups and their coverings.
    Students participate in a roleplay using puppets        An understanding of classification gives students
    and costumes to explore the basic needs of our          a better appreciation of biodiversity within animal
    native species and threats to their survival. They      groups.
    discover that protecting trees ensures that forests
    stay magical places for both animals and people.

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Come and learn about the magic of
  animals and where they live.

                                    KINDERGARTEN -YEAR 3

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Years 4-6 Education Experiences
    Duration: 50 minutes
    Cost: $13.50 per student
    Going…Going…Gone?                    Focus              African Safari Terms 3 and 4 only.
    Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Inquiry Skills   Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Inquiry Skills
    Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)             Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)
    Geographical Knowledge and Understanding                Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
    The south-west of Western Australia is a                Come on safari and experience the struggle for
    biodiversity hotspot which needs our protection.        survival in the African Savannah. Investigate
    Students take on the role of a native species in a      adaptions and strategies to improve an animal’s
    high energy game of survival. They also                 ability to eat and avoid being eaten!
    investigate key threats in the region and how to
    create fauna-friendly habitats for local wildlife.      Aussie Walkabout
                                                            Science as a Human Endeavour / Science Inquiry Skills /
    Asian Trek                                              Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)
    Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Inquiry Skills   Explore the unique and well adapted Australian
    Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)             animals that call the bush their home. Learn how
    Take a journey through the Asian Rainforest and         humans and other factors have affected these
    discover the incredible diversity of life that is       animals and ways that science can help ensure
    found there. Identify the animal adaptations and        their long term survival.
    interactions required to survive in this unique

           Outdoor sessions
        have cover options for
        all weather conditions

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
The best possible place for
students to see amazing animal
    adaptations in action.

                                 YEARS 4–6

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Years 7-10 Education Experiences
    Duration: 50 minutes
    Cost: $13.50 per student
    The Danger Games                Focus                     Animal Adaptations
    Science as a Human Endeavour | Science Inquiry Skills     Science Inquiry Skills | Science Understanding (Biological
    Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)               Sciences)
    Geographical Knowledge and Understanding / Geographical   Geographical Knowledge and Understanding / Geographical
    Inquiry and Skills                                        Inquiry and Skills
    Students explore threatening processes and effects        After discovering some of the amazing ways animals
    on WA native species through an interactive game          from around the world have adapted to their
    where they are the decision makers. Which species         environments, students are challenged to create a
    will survive and why? How can the students change         unique species that exhibits ideal adaptations for
    the game to improve the chances of survival for all       survival in Perth in 2100. The speed of human
    species?                                                  induced change and its consequences are discussed
                                                              and we explore what actions students can take to
                                                              reduce impacts.
         Local and global environmental
       education opportunities for students                   Fantastic Beasts and How
                                                              to Name Them Year 7 only
                                                              Science Understanding (Biological Sciences)
                                                              Hierarchical systems and naming conventions are
                                                              used to discover more about a selection of fantastic
                                                              beasts. Students investigate why classification is an
                                                              essential tool for animal conservation highlighted
                                                              through a variety of practical and interactive

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Years 11-12 Education Experiences
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: $13.50 per student

The Cold Shoulder – Homeostatic                          Highly Classified
responses to environmental change                        Biological Science: Unit 1 (ATAR and General)
Biological Science: Unit 4 (ATAR)                        Students explore how classification helps to analyse,
Investigate structural features, behavioural responses   organise and communicate biodiversity data through
and physiological mechanisms that help animals           hands on investigation and discover how classification
maintain a relatively constant internal environment.     is based on differences and relatedness.
Using the stimulus‐response model, students explore
the regulation of temperature, utilisation of water,     Past and Present Primates
production of nitrogenous waste, as well as the          Human Biological Science: Unit 4 (ATAR)
concentration of salts and gases.                        Students examine why humans are classified as
                                                         ‘Primates’ and the evolutionary trends within this order.
Monkey See, Monkey Do                                    Comparative anatomy, physiology and behaviour are
Psychology: Unit 3 (ATAR and General)                    used to identify the similarities and differences between
Psychology: Unit 4 (ATAR)                                the Hominidae (Great Ape) family and traits of early
Students discover how the principles of learning         Hominins are also explored.
(including examples of operant conditioning and
systematic desensitisation) have been applied to the
care and management of zoo animals. Animal social
structure and communication is explored through the
collection and evaluation of data.
Brilliant Biodiversity               Focus
Biological Science: Unit 1, Unit 4 (ATAR and General)
Students investigate measurements of biodiversity,
different monitoring techniques, current threats and
Western Australian conservation action including Perth
Zoo’s involvement in recovery plans.

           Learning experiences                                                                                      YEARS 7–12
           beyond the classroom

Perth Zoo Discovery and Learning - Programs for schools
Zoo Camp

     Duration: 5:00pm – 9:00am
     Cost: $82 per student, $11 adults
     Years: 4–6
     September – March (excluding school holidays)

     Experience a magical night of fun and conservation at the Zoo!
     This fully facilitated overnight camp will help your students
     make memories that will last a life time.

     Book online:                       Explore zoo
                                                 life after dark

     Team Building
     Teaming with Wildlife

     Duration: 1.5 hours
     Cost: $16.50 per student
     Years: 5–12
     A unique leadership and team building program set within
     a conservation context. Students work in teams to find
     imaginative ways to solve animal-related challenges.
     A great program for your student leaders, school sporting
     teams or a reward day for your class.

English as an Additional Language
                                                  Discovering Australia

                                                      Duration: 45 minutes
                                                      Cost: $13.50 per student
                                                      Years: K–12

                                                      Students discover Australian
                                                      animals through hands-on
                                                      activities and learn what makes
                                                      them so unique. Plenty
                                                      of opportunities for group
                                                      discussion and photos.

                                                                                        Zoo CAmp / TEAm BuIlDING / EAl / ED SuppoRT
Education Support
Amazing Animals

Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: $13.50 per student
Years: K–12
We welcome students with diverse learning
needs to discover the amazing animals at
Perth Zoo. Facilitated sessions can be tailored
to suit your group’s needs and ablilities.

School Holiday Programs
     Keeper Kids Ages 5–7
     Keeper Kids go behind-the-scenes with Zoo staff
     and spend a jam-packed morning learning how
     we care for our animals.
     Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
     Cost: $48.00 per participant

     Zoo Crew Ages 8–13
     Participants get up-close-and-personal with zoo
     animals, make special animal treats, meet keepers
     and go into restricted access areas of the Zoo.
     Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm
     Cost: $89.00 per participant
              ($77.50 early bird discount)
Bringing a group
                                                            in the holidays?
                                                            Cost: $10.50 per student
                                                            Suitable for all ages

                                                            Book your group in for a unique, fun and
                                                            interactive day out! We’ve got something
                                                            new to experience every holidays.

Wild Vets Ages 14–18
Designed for animal lovers or those thinking about
working with animals. Spend the day behind-the-scenes
with a Perth Zoo veterinarian. Learn about the health and
care of our amazing animals great and small.

                                                                                                       SChool holIDAY ACTIvITIES
Time: 9:15am – 3:00pm
Cost: $120.00 per participant

      School holiday programs
         designed for the
        animal enthusiast!
Teacher Professional Learning
Want to do something wild on your next school development day?
We tailor workshops to meet your needs.
Learn about:
• incorporating Perth Zoo into the broader curriculum
• sustainability and biodiversity across the Australian Curriculum
All workshops include interactive animal encounters. Team building options are
also available.
Book online
Perth Zoo
Open 7 days 9am–5pm
20 Labouchere Rd                                                                     Are you a fan of Perth Zoo?
South Perth WA 6151                                                                  Keep up-to-date with the latest news on:
ABN 12 249 686 526
Phone: 08 9474 0365 (Mon – Fri)
Email:                                       #perthzoo @perthzoo
Photos by Zoo staff                                                        

                                                                                                                This paper is 100% recycled,
                                                                                                                FSC accredited and sourced
                                                                                                                from sustainable forests.
                      Perth Zoo supports the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity

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