MEMORANDUM - Institute of Medical Science

Page created by Nathaniel Bennett
MEMORANDUM - Institute of Medical Science
TO:                      IMS Faculty and Students
FROM:                    IMS Administration
RE:                      IMS Scientific Day – Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Please read this memo carefully, as it contains important information regarding Scientific Day presentations
and is a compulsory component of the MSC1010Y and MSC1011Y course.

1. General Information on IMS Scientific Day
2. Laidlaw Manuscript Competition Information – Deadline: March 4, 2019
3. Alan Wu Poster Competition Information – Deadline: March 18, 2019
4. Data Blitz Student Talks – Deadline: March 18, 2019
5. Call for Judges
6. Mel Silverman Mentorship Award – Call for Nominations
7. Additional Scientific Day Awards

1. General Information

The Annual IMS Scientific Day is the academic highlight of the year. It is designed to highlight student achievements,
teaching excellence and provide opportunities for students to work on presentation skills as well as encourage students
and faculty to interact. The event includes oral and poster presentations, an awards ceremony and the Bernard Langer
Annual Lecture in Health Sciences keynote address. All faculty and students are encouraged to attend.

Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Venue: Chestnut Conference Centre, 89 Chestnut Street

                                Keynote Speaker: This year we are thrilled to have Dongeun Dan Huh, PhD from the
                                University of Pennsylvania.

                                Dr. Huh is the Wilf Family Term Chair and Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at the
                                University of Pennsylvania and Principal Investigator of BIOLines, the Biologically Inspired
                                Engineering Systems Laboratory.

                                Huh’s laboratory aims to develop innovative bioengineering tools and technologies using
                                biologically inspired design principles and micro/nanoengineering approaches to improve
                                human health and promote environmental sustainability. Huh’s research focuses primarily
                                on developing i) microengineered biomimetic models of human organs (organs-on-chips),
                                ii) self-assembled tissue/organ scaffolds, iii) cell-based self-regulating “smart” biomedical
                                devices, and iv) efficient biomimetic transport systems. Huh explores the use of these
                                bioinspired engineering systems for a variety of biomedical, pharmaceutical, and
                                environmental applications.

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Information for Students:

     All MSc and PhD students must, as part of their degree requirements, present their research project at Scientific
      Day at least once.
     All abstracts must adhere to the submission requirements outlined below.
     Students may also request to have their abstract considered for an oral “Data Blitz” presentation (see below).
           o Students will be notified if their abstracts are chosen for the Data Blitz oral presentation.
     Students may also choose to submit their work for the Laidlaw Manuscript Competition (see below).
           o Students who submit a manuscript for the Laidlaw Manuscript Competition must also submit an abstract for
               a poster presentation if they have not already met their degree requirement. Those not shortlisted for the
               Laidlaw competition will present a poster.

  2. LAIDLAW MANUSCRIPT COMPETITION – Submission Deadline: March 4, 2019

  Students are invited to submit manuscripts for the Laidlaw Manuscript Competition. Students shortlisted for the
  Laidlaw Manuscript Competition will be invited to give an oral presentation at Scientific Day on May 14, 2019. Two
  Laidlaw awards are conferred for exceptional manuscripts and presentations.

  Laidlaw Manuscript Instructions:

  Manuscripts for this competition must reflect work completed in the graduate program – published or in press work is
  eligible. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as a PDF file in the format of a letter to “Nature: International
  Weekly Journal of Science”. Manuscripts cannot exceed 4 pages as per Letter to Nature formatting guidelines. This is the
  mandatory format for this competition (even if the content of the manuscript has already been published in other
  journals). Supplemental material is not permitted.

  For information on “Nature” letter formatting, length, etc., please visit:

  If your manuscript contains multiple authors, a letter or email from your supervisor confirming that the majority of the
  work presented in the manuscript is your own must accompany the submission. This letter/email should also specify the
  roles of any co-authors who are not PAC members.

  Laidlaw Competition Submission Instructions:

   Manuscripts must be submitted as a pdf file by March 4, 2019
   The following file saving convention must be used: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_Laidlaw.pdf
   Please identify two themes from the list below that best categorize your work and list them on the top right hand
  corner of the first page of the manuscript submission:

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 Send your electronic (PDF file) submissions to by March 4, 2019.

3. ALAN WU POSTER COMPETITION – Abstract Submission Deadline: March 18, 2019

Students are invited to submit their research for the Alan Wu Abstract and Poster competition. Alan Wu Poster Prizes
are presented to the most outstanding abstract and poster presentation. One prize will be awarded for the best abstract
and poster presentation in each research theme (listed below). All Alan Wu poster competition participants must
prepare an abstract and brief poster presentation to present at Scientific Day on May 14, 2019 (work must have been
completed within the graduate program).

Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline. Failure to present at Scientific Day could jeopardize your ability to
graduate, so please plan accordingly.

Alan Wu Competition Abstract Instructions:

• 1 page (or less), single spaced, 1” margins.
• Arial 11 point font.
• Includes background, purpose, hypothesis, methods, results, conclusions.
• Abstract Title (in ALL capital letters), student’s and supervisor’s names are included at the top of the page in bold.
• Indicate your abstract theme(s) from the list below in the top right hand corner of the abstract submission.
 Do not include jpegs, colour graphs or figures in your abstract. Only text will be included in the booklet that is
  distributed at Scientific Day.

Alan Wu Competition Abstract Submission Instructions:

   Abstracts must be submitted as word doc files.
   The following file saving convention must be used: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_POSTER.doc
   Send your electronic (doc file) submissions to by March 18, 2019.
   PDF and jpeg files will not be accepted.

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Alan Wu Poster Competition Instructions:

  • Students will be given a 3 ft high x 5 ft wide backing to display their individual poster.
  • Poster backings and adhesive will be provided and groups will be assigned on Scientific Day.
  • No more than one poster is permitted per student.
   All posters should be presented in a way that is accessible to any scientist as poster judges may not be content
   Posters are divided into groups; each group is assigned two judges.
   Students are allocated a maximum of 7 minutes for their poster presentation (5 minute talk plus 2-minute question
    period). Students will be timed and not permitted to exceed the time limit.
   Following the presentation, judges rank the abstract, poster, and presentation.
   Based on the ranking, prize winners will be determined.

  4. DATA BLITZ STUDENT TALKS – Abstract Submission Deadline: March 18, 2019

  Scientific Day includes three Breakout Sessions related to the Research Themes in the IMS. Each Breakout Session
  includes a talk from an IMS faculty member as well as talks from 5 students. The Breakout Sessions occur concurrently in
  3 separate rooms. Students have the option to indicate on their poster abstract submission if they would like to be
  considered to give a short oral presentation of their work at one of the Breakout Sessions. Student presenters will have 5
  minutes (3-5 slides) to present their “Data Blitz” followed by 2 minutes for questions. Students chosen to present in the
  Data Blitz will not be required to prepare a poster and will not be eligible for the Alan Wu Awards. Students will be
  chosen for the Data Blitz by the Scientific Day committee based on their abstract submission.

  To be considered for the Data Blitz presentation, follow the instructions for the Abstract Submission and include the
  statement “DATA BLITZ” on the top right corner of the abstract submission, next to the theme.

  An oral Data Blitz presentation counts towards your degree requirements for MSC1010/1011Y.



  The Institute of Medical Science invites IMS faculty members to participate as Manuscript Judges for the Laidlaw
  Manuscript Competition. Participation as a manuscript judge is tracked in your departmental participation inventory
  which is reviewed for faculty renewals, awards and promotions.

  Laidlaw Manuscript Judges are assigned up to 8 short manuscripts (no longer than 4 pages in length each) to review,
  using a standardized CIHR grading scale. All manuscripts are written in language accessible to any scientist and
  manuscript judges are not expected to be content experts. Manuscripts will be distributed to judges in mid-March, and
  judges will have approximately two weeks to return their rankings

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If you are an IMS faculty member and are interested in serving as a Laidlaw Manuscript Judge, please contact


The Institute of Medical Science invites IMS faculty members to participate as poster judges for this year’s Alan Wu
Poster Competition. Serving as a poster judge is approximately a 2 hour commitment on the morning of May 14, 2019.
Your participation in the Alan Wu Poster Competition will be tracked in your departmental participation inventory
reviewed for faculty renewals, awards and promotions.

Please see the Alan Wu Poster Competition instructions for more information. Poster judges will adjudicate in pairs and
be given ranking sheets, judging criteria and a briefing at Scientific Day.

If you are interested in serving as a poster judge please contact


The Mel Silverman Mentorship Award is presented to an IMS faculty member who has
served as an outstanding mentor and role model for graduate students, and who has
contributed in a significant way to the IMS graduate program.

Students may send suggestions for nominations to As
appropriate, the IMS may request detailed letters in support of the candidate, as well
as a copy of the candidate’s curriculum vitae.

Deadline for submission: March 18, 2019


                                                        SIMINOVITCH-SALTER AWARD

                                                        The Siminovitch-Salter Award was established in 1995 to honour
                                                        the contributions of Dr. Lou Siminovitch and Dr. Robert Salter to
                                                        the IMS. It is awarded annually to a recent graduate of the IMS
                                                        PhD program who has made outstanding scholarly contributions.
                                                        The endowment represents contributions by Mount Sinai
                                                        Hospital, the University of Toronto Department of Surgery and
                                                        the IMS. The recipient is nominated by the IMS Graduate

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The Whiteside Award was established in 2003 to honour the contributions of Dr. Catharine
Whiteside to the IMS. It is awarded annually to a recently graduated IMS Master of Science
student who has made outstanding scholarly contributions. The recipient is nominated by the
IMS Graduate Coordinators and the student’s supervisor and final examination committee.


The Roncari Book Prize was established in 1995 to honour the memory of Dr. Daniel Roncari. It is presented to an IMS
student who has made significant contributions to the academic experience of graduate students, based on the
recommendation of the IMS Graduate Coordinators.


The Sara Al-Bader Memorial Award was established by the IMS to honour the
memory of Dr. Sara Al-Bader, an IMS PhD student whose thesis was entitled:
Science-Based Health Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The award is presented annually at Scientific Day to an international doctoral
stream student who shows exceptional academic promise. The scholarship
will be awarded based on the recommendation of the IMS Graduate

THE IMS COURSE LECTURER AWARD – Call for nominations

This award is presented annually for a sustained contribution of three years or more to excellence in lecturing in an IMS
graduate course. If you are interested in nominating a candidate for this award please send a letter of support to by March 18, 2019. Previous winners are not eligible for nomination.

THE IMS COURSE DIRECTOR AWARD – Call for nominations

This award is presented for a sustained contribution of three years or more to excellence in the teaching, administration,
and development of an IMS graduate course. If you are interested in nominating a candidate for this award please send
a letter of support to by March 18, 2019. Previous winners are not
eligible for nomination.

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THE IMS MODULE DIRECTOR AWARD – Call for nominations

This award is presented for a sustained contribution of three years or more to excellence in the development, direction
and facilitation of an IMS module. If you are interested in nominating a candidate for this award please send a letter of
support to by March 18, 2019. Previous winners are not eligible for nomination.

              We look forward to celebrating your academic achievements
                         with you at IMS Scientific Day 2019.

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