WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor

Page created by Teresa Gordon
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
ISSUE: 12                                                             SEPTEMBER 2021

                     WSRC CONNECTIONS
                    Hello WSRC Members!
                    How wonderful to be welcoming Fall and the new beautiful
                    autumn weather here in Windsor. We are thankful to be
                    able to continue to offer so many of our exercise programs
                    outdoors while Sonoma County is still in an indoor mask
                    mandate to help keep everyone safe. We are also thankful
                    to those lifeguards that are able to continue work for the
WSRC RECREATION     WSRC and oversee our swimmers while now additionally
(707) 838-1250
                    juggling their school schedules. We are currently recruiting
                    for a Line Dancing Instructor and a Tai Chi Instructor to join
                    the Town of Windsor WSRC staff. These job postings can be
                    found on the Town of Windsor website. - Erin

     Senior Citizens Advisory Council Meeting
Everyone is welcome to             Tuesday, October 26, 2021                  2:30pm
attend in person or watch
                                    Held at the Windsor Senior Recreation Center
via ZOOM and contribute
comments to the SCAC
meetings. You can find
the upcoming Agenda
Items on the TOW
website the Thursday
before the scheduled
meeting at:

      The Senior Citizen Advisory Commission shall have the duty of serving in an
     advisory capacity to the Town Council to support the recreation programs and
            services offered to senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
                         Zoom ID#: 958 0760 9692
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Day: Wednesdays / Miércoles         This class is taught to upbeat music. It
                                    is a non-dance, cardiovascular
Time: 9:00am - 9:50am               workout that includes balance work
                                    and strengthening, as well as overall
Location: Lakewood Meadows Park stretching. You will learn effective
 Basketball Court, 9150 Brooks Road steps that are fun and that make it
                                    easy to enjoy exercise! Class taught by
                                    Lilli Inman.
Age / Edad: 50+
Fee / Tarifa: $6R / $7NR                    Esta clase se enseña con música
                                            alegre. Es un ejercicio cardiovascular
You may pre-register or drop-in to this     sin danza que incluye trabajo de
class. Call 707-838-1250 with questions.    equilibrio y fortalecimiento, así como
                                            estiramiento general. ¡Aprenderá
Puede preinscribirse o solo llegar a esta   pasos efectivos que son divertidos y
clase. Llame al 707-838-1250 si tiene       que facilitan el disfrute del ejercicio!
preguntas.                                  Clase impartida por Lilli Inman.

WSRC Connections                                                 (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Days: Mondays / Lunes                       Enjoy a series of postures designed to
                                            increase flexibility, strength, balance, range
Time: 10:30am - 11:45am                     of motion and stability. Each student is
Location: WSRC Big Room                     encouraged to let their body be their guide
                                            as they move to their gentle edge. No yoga
Masks are required by all participants      experience necessary. Please wear
                                            comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat.
Age / Edad: 50+
                                            Disfrute de una serie de posturas diseñadas
Fee / Tarifa: $5R / $6NR                    para aumentar la flexibilidad, la fuerza, el
                                            equilibrio, el rango de movimiento y la
You may pre-register or drop-in to this
                                            estabilidad. Se anima a cada estudiante a
class. Call 707-838-1250 with questions.    dejar que su cuerpo sea su guía mientras se
Puede preinscribirse o solo llegar a esta   mueven hacia su límite suave. No se
clase. Llame al 707-838-1250 si tiene       necesita experiencia en yoga. Por favor use
preguntas.                                  ropa cómoda y traiga un tapete de yoga.

WSRC Connections                                                  (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Days: Tuesdays & Fridays             This class is designed to utilize and
                                     strengthen major muscle groups and
Dias: Martes y Viernes               has many positive health related
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am               benefits. Some chair work. Basic
Location: Lakewood Meadows Park      equipment will be provided. Class
Basketball Court, 9150 Brooks Road   taught by Lilli Inman.
                                     Esta clase está diseñada para
Age / Edad: 50+                      utilizar y fortalecer los principales
                                     grupos de músculos y tiene
Fee / Tarifa: $6R / $7NR
                                     muchos beneficios positivos para
You may pre-register or drop-in      la salud. Gana fuerza y ​estabilidad
to this class.                       con estos ejercicios de
                                     entrenamiento de fuerza para
Puede preinscribirse o solo llegar   personas mayores. Clase
a esta clase.                        impartida por Lilli Inman.

WSRC Connections                                      (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Days: Mondays, Wednesdays                  This class includes very gentle
and Fridays                                stretching, balance work,
                                           specific muscle toning, and
Dias: Lunes, Miércoles y viernes           range of motion exercises, all
Time: 10:15am - 11:15am                    of which are done primarily
Location: WSRC Patio Area                  seated. Classes taught by Gay
Age / Edad: 50+                            Esta clase incluye estiramientos
Fee / Tarifa: $3.00 per class              muy suaves, trabajo de
                                           equilibrio, tonificación
You may pre-register or drop-in to this    muscular específica y ejercicios
class. Call 707-838-1250 with questions.   de rango de movimiento, todos
Puede preinscribirse o solo llegar a       los cuales se realizan
esta clase. Llame al 707-838-1250 si       principalmente sentado. Clases
tiene preguntas.                           impartidas por Gay Kirichenko.

WSRC Connections                                        (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Day: Thursday / jueves                       Presented by the
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm                   "The Windsor Bingo Club"

Location: WSRC Big Room                There is a break that includes
Masks are required by all                    coffee and a snack
Todas las participantes requieren

Age / Edad: 50+
                                             Presentado por el
Cost: $1 per card
                                          "El Windsor Bingo Club"
Costo: $ 1 por tarjeta
This is a drop-in program             Hay un descanso que incluye café
Este es un programa sin cita previa            y un capricho.

WSRC Connections                                    (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Learn to paint or draw in the
Day: Friday / viernes
                                          medium of your choice or simply
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm                     come to improve your technique.
Location: WSRC Big Room                   With instructor assistance, you will
                                          work on and complete your own art
Masks are required by all                 projects during class. Please bring
participants                              the supplies and materials that you
Todas las participantes requieren         will need for your artwork.
                                          Aprende a pintar o dibujar en el
                                          medio que elijas o simplemente ven
Age / Edad: 50+                           a mejorar tu técnica. Con la ayuda
Fee / Tarifa: $8.00                       de un instructor, trabajarás y
                                          completarás tus propios proyectos
You may pre-register or drop-in to this
                                          de arte durante la clase. Por favor
                                          traiga los suministros y materiales
Puede preinscribirse o solo llegar a      que necesitará para su obra de
esta clase.                               arte.

WSRC Connections                                           (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Day: Wednesday / miércoles
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: WSRC Big Room
Masks are required by all
Todas las participantes requieren

Age / Edad: 50+
This is a drop-in program
Este es un programa sin cita previa

 Day: Thursday / jueves
 Time: 2:30pm
  Location: WSRC Big Room
  Age / Edad: 50+
  Masks are required by all participants
  This is a drop-in program

  Todas las participantes requieren máscaras
  Este es un programa sin cita previa

WSRC Connections                               (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Meetings include the following:
Days:                       Jim will be our meeting moderator: General Q/A, introducing

September 13                speakers, any new news, general updates etc.
                            Erin will give us updates about the Senior Recreation Center,
October 11                  general Q/A about the center and its events.
                            Ross will discuss his Comments from Ross article from the
November 8                  newsletter, and any issues he thinks we should know about.
                            Andrea will discuss article(s) from the newsletter, or issues she
*No meeting in December     thinks we should know about.
                            Jim\Andrea will give tips\tricks on Windows 10, Android and
Time: 3:00 - 5:00pm         iPhones and tablets.
                          Las reuniones incluyen lo siguiente:
                             Jim será nuestro moderador de la reunión: Preguntas y
Age: 50+                     respuestas generales, presentando a los oradores, cualquier
                             noticia nueva, actualizaciones generales, etc.
Fee: Free                    Erin o Jenni nos darán actualizaciones sobre el Centro Recreativo
                             para Personas Mayores, preguntas y respuestas generales sobre
                             el centro y sus eventos.
                             Ross discutirá su artículo Comentarios de Ross del boletín y
                             cualquier tema que crea que deberíamos conocer.
                             Andrea discutirá los artículos del boletín informativo o temas
                             que cree que deberíamos conocer.
                             Jim \ Andrea dará consejos \ trucos en Windows 10, Android y
                             iPhone y tabletas.

  WSRC Connections                                              (707) 838-1250
WSRC CONNECTIONS - Town of Windsor
Days:                 The Windsor Senior Recreation Center will be
                     hosting in person Drop-In Computer, Smart
September 27
                     Phone, I-Pad and Tablet help.
October 25           If you need help with your computer, your
November 22          tablet or your I-Pad, you can come to the
December 13          Windsor Senior Recreation Center and have
                     someone help you in person. Led by Jim Tubb &
Time:                Andrea Antonik
3:00pm - 5:00pm      El Centro de Recreación para Personas
                     Mayores de Windsor ofrecerá ayuda
                     presencial para computadoras, teléfonos
Age: 50+             inteligentes, I-Pad y tabletas. Si necesita
Fee: Free            ayuda con su computadora, su tableta o su I-
                     Pad, puede venir al Centro de Recreación
                     para Personas Mayores de Windsor y pedirle
                     a alguien que lo ayude en persona. Dirigido
                     por Jim Tubb y Andrea Antonik.

  WSRC Connections                            (707) 838-1250
   September - October Pool Program Schedule
    SATURDAYS &                            WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS                               AGES 50+ DROP-IN:
                                                                                                 $4 RESIDENT
      SUNDAYS                   11:00am - 11:40am
                                                                                               $5 NON-RESIDENT
                                SENIOR LAP SWIM

 12:00pm - 12:40pm                                                                           AGES 18 - 49 DROP-IN
                                11:45am - 1:45pm
 SENIOR LAP SWIM                                                                                 $5 RESIDENT
                                SENIOR OPEN SWIM
 (Drop-in program with no                                                                     $6 NON-RESIDENT
 pre-registration. Max of 8
                                2:00pm - 3:00pm            WATER FITNESS
 participants, 2 swimmers per
                                (Pre-registration required, max of 20 participants).
                                                                                            MONTHLY POOL PASS
 lane, 40 minute session.)
                                                                                               $40 RESIDENT
                                3:15pm - 3:55pm                                              $45 NON-RESIDENT
 1:00pm - 5:00pm
                                SENIOR LAP SWIM
 (Self regulated social                                                                  RESERVATIONS OPTIONAL
 distancing drop-in program     4:00pm - 6:00pm
 with no pre-registration.      SENIOR OPEN SWIM
 Capacity maximum of 20
                                                                                             WATER FITNESS
 participants in pool at one
 time.)                          MONDAYS, TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS                           ONLINE:
                                2:00pm - 3:00pm             WATER FITNESS
 PLEASE NOTE: SCHEDULE IS       (Pre-registration required, max of 20 participants).     Log in, click “Activities” and
SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO                                                                 look under the Aquatics
  LIFEGUARD AVAILIBILITY        3:15pm - 3:55pm                                          section.
                                SENIOR LAP SWIM
     WATER FITNESS                                                                       OR CALL THE WSRC:
      LAST DAY IS               4:00pm - 6:00pm                                          707-838-1250
                                SENIOR OPEN SWIM                                         Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM
    OCTOBER 15, 2021

    WSRC Connections                                                                   (707) 838-1250
Days:    Monday - Friday        Reservations
                                recommended but not
Dias:    Lunes - Viernes        required.
Time:    2:00pm - 3:00pm        Se recomienda reservar
                                pero no es obligatorio.
Age: 50+ or
18+ with a physicians note

                                Log in, click "Activities" and
Fee / Tarifa: $6R / $7NR        look under the Aquatics
Instructors / Instructoras:
Monday, Wednesday & Fridays -   Or call the WSRC:
Rene Bosen
Tuesdays - Alan Gottlieb         LAST DAY OF CLASS IS
Thursdays - Judy Giorgi          FRIDAY OCTOBER 15

  WSRC Connections                         (707) 838-1250

                                                   UPCOMING EVENTS
                                                        11am – 12pm
                                                      September 17
                                                         October 1
                                                        October 15
                                                       November 5
                                                  Every 1st and 3rd Friday
                                                        of the month
Redwood Empire Food Bank will be setting up a free drive-up grocery
pick up for Windsor Seniors 60+ or their caregivers at the Windsor
Senior Recreation Center, on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

Seniors do not have to get out of their car, the volunteers will place
the groceries for you in your trunk.

If you or someone you know lives in Windsor, is 60+ and financially
qualifies for this program, we hope to see you.

Redwood Empire Food Bank ha organizado un servicio gratuito de
distribución de comida para mayores de 60+ de Windsor o sus
cuidadores en el Windsor Senior Recreation Center.
Las personas mayores no tienen que salir de su automóvil, los
voluntarios colocarán los alimentos en la cajuela del auto. Este
programa continuará el 1er y 3er viernes de cada mes.

     Older adults, family members and caregivers can find support
       and services for ages 60+ by calling (707) 565-INFO (4636)
Los adultos mayores, los familiares y los cuidadores pueden encontrar apoyo y
     servicios para mayores de 60 aiios llamando al (707) 565-INFO (4636)

                                          Call to talk with a social worker trained to
                                          help you navigate the unique needs, life
                                          changes and challenges of aging. Get
                                          personalized referrals to programs that
                                          offer meals, transportation, public
                                          benefits and more.

                                          Llame para hablar con una trabajadora social
                                          entrenada para ayudar a navegar las
                                          necesldades (micas, las camblos en la vlda y
                                          las desafios del envejecimiento. Obtenga
                                          referencias personalizadas a programas que
                                          ofrecen comldas, transporte, beneficios
                                          publlcos y mas. Conéctese a una llamada de
                                          bienestar diaria de voluntarios amistosos en
                                          el Centro de Servicio a la Gente de Petaluma y
                                          Caridades Católicas.


WSRC Connections       (707) 838-1250
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