CONTRIBUTIONS - Park Avenue Synagogue

Page created by Margaret Carter
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CONTRIBUTIONS                                                                                    BEIT TEFILLAH,
    January 1–31, 2021 / 17 Tevet–18 Shevat 5781
                                                                                                     A HOUSE OF
                                                                                                     Park Avenue Synagogue seeks to inspire
                                                                                                     you toward living a passion-filled Jewish life
                                                                                                     through the rhythms of the Jewish year. We

     Every gift to Park
                                                                                                     are committed to making the old new and
                                                                                                     the new sacred.

     Avenue Synagogue is
                                                                                                     CLERGY DISCRETIONARY & WELFARE FUND
                                                                                                     Fran Abramson, in memory of Ariel

     greatly appreciated.                                                                            Abraham J. Benyunes, in memory of his
                                                                                                     father, Joseph Benyunes.
                                                                                                     Anna Bloom, in memory of her father,

     These gifts help us
                                                                                                     Julian Jadow.
                                                                                                     Fran & Jeff Cohen.
                                                                                                     Geoffrey Colvin, in memory of his mother,

     continue to provide
                                                                                                     Phyllis Colvin.
                                                                                                     Jane Connors, in memory of her mother,
                                                                                                     Miriam Joyce Harris-Conners.
                                                                                                     Linda & Ronald F Daitz, in memory of Millie

     worship, learning, and
                                                                                                     Smilovich, mother of Milt Zablow.
                                                                                                     Lisa & Glenn Feigin.
                                                                                                     Linda Fish, in memory of her mother,

                                                                                                     Margaret Pullman.
                                                                                                     The Friedman Family, in honor of Rabbi
                                                                                                     Neil Zuckerman.

     opportunities to over
                                                                                                     Warren Friedman, in memory of his mother,
                                                                                                     Mildred Friedman.
                                                                                                     Amy Friedner, in memory of her father,
                                                                                                     George Kaminow.

     1,700 member families.                                                                          Erica & Phil Hermann, in memory of
                                                                                                     Eleanor Schmelterring, mother of Amy

     We provide many ways
                                                                                                     Stephanie & Stephen Levey, in honor of
                                                                                                     Alexandra and Eliana’s Bnei Mitzvah.
                                                                                                     Regina Levine.
                                                                                                     Zev Lewis.

     to make a gift so that you                                                                      Jaya & Yusuf Nahmiyas, in honor of Cantor
                                                                                                     Jaya & Yusuf Nahmiyas, in honor of Rabbi

     may give in a way that
                                                                                                     Jaya & Yusuf Nahmiyas, in honor of Elisa

     best suits your personal
                                                                                                     Jaya & Yusuf Nahmiyas, in honor of Cantor
                                                                                                     Jaya & Yusuf Nahmiyas, in honor of Rabbi

     needs.                                                                                          Cathryn A. J. Devons & Robert Pordy.
                                                                                                     Ilene & William Rome.
                                                                                                     Rabbi Aaron Rubinger, in memory of his
                                                                                                     mother, Charlotte Rubinger.
                                                                                                     Ethel Rubinstein, in memory of her mother,
                                                                                                     Alice Rubinstein.
                                                                                                     Marc Silberberg, in memory of his mother,
                                                                                                     Ann Silberberg.

2                                                  PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E T O D A H !
Esther & Joel Silver, in memory of Fannie
Silver Faiga Bas Reb Aryeh Leib.                     BEIT MIDRASH,                                               BEIT KNESSET,
Terry Solomon, in memory of Eileen
Cutler’s father.
Robin & Michael Taubin, in memory of
                                                     A HOUSE OF                                                  A HOUSE OF
George (Anthony) Gero, husband of Gale
                                                     STUDY                                                       COMMUNITY
Jo-Ann Weingarten, in memory of her                  Park Avenue Synagogue is anchored in                        Park Avenue Synagogue is a vibrant com-
father, William Fox, Jr.                             tradition yet committed to innovation. This                 munity, committed to celebrating together,
Ellen & Bruce Wolfson, in honor of the PAS           mission is expressed in our dedication to                   comforting one another, and doing mitzvot
Clergy.                                              educating all our members, from toddlers                    together.
Pauline & Milt Zablow, in memory of Milt’s           to centenarians!
mother, Millie Smilovich.
                                                                                                                 BIKUR CHOLIM FUND
                                                     ADULT EDUCATION FUND                                        Anonymous.
PRAYER BOOK FUND                                     Barbara & Jeff Lerch.                                       Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in
Darcy Dalton, in honor of Barbara                    Rita & Nathan Moser, in honor of Nathan’s                   memory of Millie Smilovich, mother of Milt
Weinstein & Louis Bernstein and their                birthday.                                                   Zablow.
granddaughters Dakota Robin and Sienna               Rita & Nathan Moser, in memory of Millie                    Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein,
Samantha.                                            Smilovich, mother of Milt Zablow.                           in memory of Nancy Treiger, wife of Ray
Darcy Dalton, in honor of Nadine Habousha                                                                        Treiger.
                                                     Dana & David Shani, in honor of Laurie and
Cohen and her grandaughter Lyla Ellis.               Maury Harris’s 50th wedding anniversary.                    Charlotte Fainblatt, in memory of Martin
Marcia & Howard Gendel, in honor of Paula                                                                        Fainblatt.
                                                     Dana & David Shani, in memory of Millie
& Mitch Gendel.                                      Smilovich, mother of Milt Zablow.                           Harriet & Herbert Feiwel, in honor of
Susan Shevall and Family, Mona and                                                                               Harriet’s birthday.
Douglas Kanter and Family, in memory                                                                             Lori Fodale, in memory of her beloved
of Gerald Greenblatt, father of William              COLLEGE CONNECTIONS FUND                                    father, Martin Fainblatt.
                                                     Judy Lobel, in memory of Solomon Leon                       Lori & Patrick Fodale, in memory of
Ronnie & David Parker, in honor of Ronnie’s          Linder.                                                     Yahrzeit of my beloved father, Martin
birthday.                                                                                                        Fainblatt.
                                                                                                                 Stephanie & Stephen Levey.
                                                     CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL FUND                                  Rita & Nathan Moser, in memory of Nancy
                                                     Gillian Reitman.                                            Treiger, wife of Ray Treiger.
                                                                                                                 Ina & Eli Porth, in memory of Jeff Ettinger,
                                                                                                                 brother of Rosalind Fuchs.
                                                     PENN FAMILY ECC FUND                                        Barbara Weinstein, in memory of her
                                                     Judith Marcus, in memory of her father,                     brother, Ira N. Weinstein.
                                                     Sidney Rich.                                                Barbara Weinstein, in memory of her father,
                                                     Andrea Meislin, in memory of her father,                    Murray Jack Weinstein.
                                                     David Popowich.

                                                                                                                 FOOD PANTRY AND SOCIAL ACTION FUND
                                                     JEWISH CAMPING FUND                                         Anonymous (3).
                                                     Anita & Stephen Comite, in honor of Anita’s                 Fran Abramson, in memory of Annette
                                                     birthday.                                                   Abramson.
                                                     Eva Tekien & Jerrold Klein.                                 Janet Alperstein, in honor of her birthday.
                                                     Judy Lobel, in memory of her father,                        Constance & Bernard Breslin, in honor of
                                                     Seymour Lobel.                                              Constance’s birthday.
                                                                                                                 Miriam & David Brous, in honor of Miriam’s
                                                     LIBRARY FUND
                                                                                                                 Meryl Wiener & Barry Bryer, in honor of
                                                     Hillary & Richard Wolf, in memory of Grace                  Meryl’s birthday.
                                                     Goodman, mother of Mark Goodman.
                                                                                                                 Anne & Paul Corwin, in honor of Barry
                                                     YOUNG FAMILY EDUCATION FUND                                 Anne & Paul Corwin, in memory of Eleanor
                                                                                                                 Boykoff Schmetterling, mother of Amy
                                                     Marc Schwartz, in memory of Louis                           Steiner.
                                                                                                                 Anne & Paul Corwin, in honor of Dana
                                                     YOUTH AND TEEN ENGAGEMENT FUND                              Dorit & Michael Corwin, in memory of Sue
                                                     Felicia & Gary Nachman, in honor of Gary’s
                                                     birthday.                                                   Darcy Dalton, in honor of Paul Corwin on
                                                                                                                 his birthday.
                                                     Wendy & Steven Silver and Family, in honor
                                                     of Cantor Schwartz.                                         Darcy Dalton, in memory of Milton Zablow,
                                                                                                                 mother of Millie Smilovich.

                                             TO MAKE A DONATION TO PAS, PLEASE VISIT PASYN.ORG/GIVING.

                                             J A N U A R Y 1 – 3 1 , 2 0 2 1 / 1 7 T E V E T– 1 8 S H E VAT 5 7 8 1                                             3
Ethel Gardner, in honor of her birthday.        Judith & Allen Kronick, in memory of              Alan Jacobs, in memory of his father,
                                                Jonathan Kronick.                                 Herbert E. Jacobs.
Elaine Gilde, in memory of her mother,
Rena Gilde.                                     Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor of          Susan & Edward Kopelowitz, in honor of
                                                and gratitude for Bud’s birthday.                 PAS Livestreaming.
Bernard Goldberg.
                                                Ilisse Perlmutter, in memory of her mother,       Hannah & Myron Koslow, in memory of her
Vicki Goltz, in memory of her father,
                                                Pearl Perlmutter.                                 mother, Frieda Luss.
Harvey Siegel.
                                                Rosalind S. Rachlin, in honor of Cantor           Susan Wiener Krevat, in memory of her
Joseph Hury, in honor of Dr. Siddhartha
                                                Schwartz and Rabbi Cosgrove.                      father, Edward Wiener.
                                                Linda & Bob Spiegelman, in honor of               Barbara & Jeff Lerch, in honor of the PAS
The Klugman Family, in memory of Gerald
                                                Linda and Bob Spiegelman’s 59th wedding           Livestream.
Greenblatt, father of William Greenblatt.
                                                anniversary.                                      Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in memory of Millie
Debbie & Jeff Kublin, in honor of Barry
                                                Gerry & Carenjean Walter, in honor of             Smilovich, mother of Milt Zablow.
Frankel’s special birthday.
                                                Cantor Schwartz.                                  Jane Opie, in honor of her birthday.
Rosanne & Guy Lander, made in honor of
Barbara Weinstein & Lou Bernstein’s new                                                           Susan K Pallant.
twin grandchildren.                                                                               Laurie & Morris Podolsky.
                                                TIKKUN OLAM FUND
Alison & Alan Levine, in honor of Alan’s                                                          Jeffrey M Resnick, in memory of Zina W
birthday.                                       Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in
                                                honor of Jane Opie.                               Davis.
Joyce & Paul Levine, in honor of Paul’s                                                           Matthew Rumsey.
birthday.                                       Rachel Wish & Robert Blaustein, in honor of
                                                Robert’s birthday.                                Shereen & Howard Rutman, in memory of
Ann Lyons, in memory of her mother,                                                               Eleanor Boykoff Schmetterling, mother of
Gussie Moskowitz.                               Michael Brenner, in memory of his mother,
                                                Bella Brenner.                                    Amy Steiner.
Judith & Jeffrey Poss, in honor of Jeffrey’s                                                      Shereen & Howard Rutman, in memory of
birthday.                                       Harriet & Herb Feiwel, in memory of Nancy
                                                Treiger, wife of Ray Treiger.                     Nancy Treiger, wife of Ray Treiger.
Robin & Rich Pzena, in memory of Gerald                                                           S.J. Sacks.
Greenblatt, father of William Greenblatt.       Gail Furman, in memory of her mother,
                                                Deborah Babus Gorin.                              Linda T. Schreiber, in honor of PAS
Kay Ringel, in memory of Millie Smilovich.                                                        Livestreaming.
                                                Nancy & Joel Hirschtritt, in honor of
Jill Rosenberg, in memory of her father,        Harriet Brownstein.                               Jacqueline & Michael Simmon, in honor of
Melvin Rosenberg.                                                                                 Michael’s birthday.
                                                The Ostilly Family, in honor of Cantor
Jill Rosenberg, in memory of her mother,        Schwartz.                                         Suzi & Brian Stadler, in memory of Grace &
Sydell Rosenberg.                                                                                 Gill Goodman, parents of Mark Goodman.
                                                Lynne Stern.
Sylvan & Joan Schefler, in memory of Nancy                                                        Marjorie & Aron Suna, in memory of Grace
Treiger, wife of Ray Treiger.                   Janet Weisberg-Samuels, in memory of her
                                                father-in-law, Jerome Samuels.                    Goodman, mother of Mark Goodman.
Barbara Julius & Marc Silberberg, in honor                                                        Barbara & Irwin Tenenbaum, in honor of
of Barbara’s birthday.                                                                            Rabbi Cosgrove.
Mina Teitelbaum, in memory of her father,       GENERAL FUND                                      The Zackowitz Family, in memory of
Chaskel Glecer.                                                                                   Eleanor Boykoff Schmetterling, mother of
                                                Anonymous (11).
The Yarden Smith Family, in memory                                                                Amy Steiner.
of Gerald Greenblatt, father of William         Diane Brown, in memory of her mother,
Greenblatt.                                     Ethel Brown.

The Yarden Smith Family, in memory of           Celia Cohen.
Eleanor Boykoff Schmetterling, mother of        Debra Cohen, in memory of her father,
Amy Steiner.                                    Edwin Cohen.
The Yarden Smith Family, in memory of           Phyllis Dee, in memory of Jacob Robert
Millie Smilovich, mother of Milt Zablow.        Dee.
                                                Phyllis & Bernard Feinberg, in loving
                                                memory of Alfred Feinberg.
                                                Annette Fisher, in memory of her husband,
Suzanne & James Aisenberg, in memory of         David W. Fisher.
Eleanor Boykoff Schmetterling.                  Annette Fisher, in memory of her mother,
Suzanne & James Aisenberg, in memory of         Dora Manoach.
Millie Smilovich, mother of Milt Zablow.        Karen & David Freedberg, in memory of his
                                                mother, Ann Freedberg.
                                                Erica Friedman, in memory of her mother,
                                                Judith Roberts.
Deborah Astor.                                  Lenore Friedman, in honor of Erica and
Michael Jay Chernick.                           David Friedman.
Elizabeth Boyd & Eli Cohen, in honor of Eli’s   Alan Frier.
birthday.                                       Paula Gendel, in memory of her father,
Mark & Semé Dewees-Cooper, in honor of          Martin Schwadron.
Cantor Schwartz and Cantor Brook.               Nancy Hodin, in memory of her sister,
Louise Kaminow, in memory of her                Susan Jackson.
husband, George Kaminow.                        Robyn & Tim Hunter, in honor of
Leonie & Jay Kramer, in honor of Cantor         Alexandria Levey.

4                                               PA R K AV E N U E S Y N A G O G U E T O D A H !
THE 5781
Covering a significant portion of our annual
operating expenses, the Kol Nidrei Appeal
allows PAS to remain financially stable and
secure while continuing to provide you
with outstanding worship, educational, and
social opportunities. The success of the Kol
Nidrei Appeal each year also ensures that
no congregant is ever turned away due to
financial need.

Donations to the Half Shekel Campaign will
be listed in the issue of the Todah! being
released on March 16, 2021.

Lisa & Alexander Grinberg.
Diane Wallerstein & John Herfort.
Janet & Arthur Hershaft.
Francine Asher Holtzman & David
Lauren Jupiter.
The Katz Family.
Barton Kogan and Michael Kogan.
Barbara & Louis Perlmutter.
Carol & Lawrence Saper.
Amy & Daniel Seltzer.
David Winter.
Jane & Mark Wilf.

                                          TO MAKE A DONATION TO PAS, PLEASE VISIT PASYN.ORG/GIVING.

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Please mail your check to:

Director of Development
Park Avenue Synagogue
50 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128.

Make checks payable to Park Avenue Synagogue, and please designate a fund on your check.


Please contact the Development Office at


Many companies offer programs that will match gifts that employees and their spouses make to Park Avenue Synagogue.
Please check with your HR department to see if you can take advantage of this program.

For more information about all of the ways to give to PAS, please contact Hadley Rolf,
Director of Development, at 212-369-2600, x138.
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