CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live

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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
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                            "We're Investing in

I S S U E   N O .   4                              M A R C H / A P R I L   2 0 2 1
CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
The Four Teachings                                                                           Rabbi's Corner
By Rabbi David Kosak

      n the beginning, there was dark-        ability to make a sharp dis-
      ness, and the void. But the spirit      tinction between otherwise
      of God hovered over the face of         similar cases. Diyyuk is the
      the waters, and thus there was          basis of critical thinking.
      light.                                  Rigorous thinking demands
                                              diyyuk. In a certain sense, the
So our Torah begins. And so each of           diyyuk is the source of the
us begins, a small bundle of impulses         Jewish love for questions. It
and desires, swaddled in an unknown           asks why of a given assump-
future. What shapes each life comes           tion. Sustained, deep think-
largely down to the love and education        ing depends on this. Diyyuk
we receive. A loving education gives us       also is a source for creativity.
freedom and order, creativity and struc-      By looking closely enough at
ture. Education is our light, and it always   a problem, we can see the
has been. This edition of The Chronicle       system in which it is embed-
has a focus on education, and so I’d like     ded, and often step outside of
to reflect on some different goals of ed-     those limitations.
                                              Much of the focus of Western
V’Shinantam Levanekha                         education has been limited to these two    and why something is the proper ethical
                                              categories. But it was not always the      behavior. It must teach us how to apply
Within the central Jewish prayer of the       case. Indeed, for a long time, values-     those teachings in the real world for our
Shema, we come across the phrase “and         based education was considered one of      ethics to be effective. It must prepare
you shall teach them [the command-            the chief goals of schooling. In certain   us to make good choices, often when
ments] to your children.” The Shema           ways, American education is again ex-      there isn’t much time to reflect on our
seems to discuss a basic, yet necessary       ploring how to incorporate values into     decision-making process. In some ways,
part of education, in which a body of         education in a multi-cultural society.     musar depends on both critical thinking
belief or practice is transmitted to the      That, of course, has always been one of    skills as well as a body of knowledge.
student. This sort of learning has to         the chief aims of Jewish moral educa-      What distinguishes it is the purpose to
be accepted as is. For example, much          tion.                                      which those tools are used. Musar is the
of our b’nai mitzvah training falls into                                                 relational aspect of education.
this. We want our youth to know how           Musar
to chant the Torah and Haftarah. We                                                      Yirah
want them to have familiarity with our        The root of the word musar means to
ancient prayers. We even want them to         transmit or pass down. In this sense,      Awe and wonder do not hold center
know what the rules are. Other parts of       one might expect it to refer to rote       stage in most contemporary educational
education will deal with the how or why.      learning of a body of knowledge. Yet       settings. Look at the gutting of budgets
The root of v’shinantam implies repeti-       musar refers to the ethical dimensions     in most school's art and music programs
tion, such as in rote learning. While rote    of education, and in particular, how to    for proof of this. Check how little time
learning has taken a bad rap in recent        apply ethics in the messiness of our       is dedicated to inculcating a sense of
decades, it is an essential part of all       lived experience. The Vilna Gaon (18th     awe, wonder, and aesthetic apprecia-
learning. A jeweler must know gems, a         century, Lithuania) once commented in      tion, especially as we age up. Yes, these
chiropractor must know the muscular-          one of his letters that “Reading musar     are hard to test and measure. They also
skeletal systems. There is no expertise       alone does not necessarily move one        don’t seem goal-oriented in the same
without a body of knowledge.                  to act differently. Going out into the     way as the previous forms of education,
                                              world without a good understanding of      nor are they geared to maximizing profit
Diyyuk                                        it defeats the whole purpose.” The Vilna   or extracting value. For Jews, Shabbat
                                              Gaon is highlighting that moral educa-
In Talmud study, a diyyuk refers to the       tion must do more than teach us what                       Continued on next page
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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
Learning, Teaching,                                                                             Rabbi's Corner

Guarding, Doing
By Rabbi Eve Posen

                   e love displaying art      The second half of the quotation
                   in our home, but I         teaches that we are “to keep and
                   only buy pieces that       to do.” It is our sacred obligation to
                   really speak to me. A      guard, preserve, and protect what
                   lot of the works of art    is important to us, and at the same
up on our walls are meaningful because        time to take an active role in living
they were passed down from relatives,         our lives according to these customs
and when I’m selecting new additions,         and laws. In keeping or guarding, we
I’m pretty picky. There is one piece that     spread our beautiful tradition from
I own which represents my own phi-            one generation to the next so that
losophy of education. It’s a print by art-    it will never die. And the “doing”
ist Mordechai Rosenstein that’s taken         part allows this to happen, which
from the prayer Ahavah Rabbah, which          through practice, cements in us
comes before the Shema. It states:            memories that carry us forward.

                                              Judaism is a living religion. Yes, it
                                              is text based, but it is maintained,
which means “to learn and to teach, to        taught, and glorified through dai-
keep and to do.” I picked this piece of       ly practice. Here at Congregation
art – and more importantly this phrase        Neveh Shalom, we not only teach
– because I think it naturally and accu-      Judaism, we promote living the in-
rately teaches the fundamentals of Jew-       spired practice of our heritage. The
ish education.                                education we provide goes well beyond        brought us to this moment today. Rabbi
                                              formal classroom moments in Founda-          Abraham Joshua Heschel said it best
In Hebrew, the word for “teach” and the       tion School, ALIYAH, and adult educa-        when he called on Jews to take a “leap of
word for “learn” come from the same           tion. Our goal is for every shul moment      action,” to do more than we understand
root. That is to say at our core, we are      to fan the flames of a passion for learn-    so that we come to understand more
all learners and teachers. We teach by        ing that can then be practiced in every      than we do. I invite you to join our com-
modeling, and we learn by listening and       aspect of life. Learning and teaching,       munity of practice, a community that
watching. While it’s the job of teachers,     keeping and doing are meant to kindle        does more than we might understand
rabbis, and administrators to formally        the spark within your soul.                  in order to further our understanding of
teach students, every day we have the                                                      Judaism. The Jewish value of learning is
opportunity to be both teachers and           The Torah moves us, both emotion-            a lifelong journey. Walk with Congrega-
students when we share our ideas with         ally and even physically. It tells of gen-   tion Neveh Shalom on your journey, and
one another.                                  erations and how their actions have          let me know how I can help you.

Rabbi Kosak continued from previous page
is the master class for wonder, a day         dote to greed and consumption. It is the     we each continue to shape our lives and
set aside from shaping. A life without        source of curiosity.                         destinies, I hope we will all do so by em-
wonder is a colorless thing; it is heavy                                                   bracing these four sides of education.
and crass. Wonder is what adds poetry,        We are designed to learn. It is our mis-     Together, they make us more complete
joy, and color to existence. It is an anti-   sion. It keeps us alive and growing. As      human beings.
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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
Jewish History As                                                                         Cantor's Corner
Told by My DNA
By Cantor Eyal Bitton

             ot long ago, I took a DNA        ry. My father’s ancestors migrated to
             test to find out a little more   Spain. While there was a Jewish pres-
             about my story, about where      ence in Spain for centuries, the Muslim
             I came from. Here’s what I       conquest of the Iberian Peninsula saw a
             found out: I found out that      growth in the Jewish population. By the
my story is, essentially, Jewish history.     11th century, the region had become
                                              home to a thriving Jewish culture.
Thousands of years ago, my ancestors
lived in Ancient Israel. Following a trans-   Centuries later, under Catholic rule, the
formation of tribal territories into a        Jews faced another calamity: the Span-
kingdom that stood for over 1000 years,       ish Inquisition. Jews were forced to con-
the Romans conquered the Kingdom of           vert, flee, or be killed. My DNA story
Israel in six C.E. and renamed the land       shows that my ancestors fled to Moroc-
the Province of Judea. The Jewish resist-     co. Following the founding of the State
ance against the Roman colonization of        of Israel in 1948, Muslim countries be-
the land resulted in a catastrophic re-       came increasingly hostile to their Jew-     ish state? This is Jewish history and it’s
sponse. The Romans sacked Jerusalem           ish populations. My grandfather and his     my DNA story. It’s a story of survival and
and burned the Temple. Thousands of           family fled in the 1950s with nothing.      of perseverance in the face of persecu-
Jews were crucified and sent into slav-       Both of my mother’s parents escaped         tion, subjugation, and genocide. Jewish
ery. My DNA story reflects this forced        the Holocaust in the 1940s. Moving to       history is the story of a colonized peo-
migration from the Levant into the heart      North America marked the end of a two-      ple dispersed throughout the world for
of the Roman Empire, into what we now         thousand-year diaspora in Central and       2000 years and the story of the rebirth
call Italy.                                   Eastern Europe.                             of its homeland. The story continues.

Some Jews moved from the Roman Em-            Who am I? What are my roots? Where          Watch a video recording of this story at:
pire into central Europe, the Ashkenaz.       did I come from? How did I end up 
This is my mother’s genealogical sto-         here? What’s the significance of a Jew-

    The Chronicle                              Membership inquiries:                      CONTRIBUTORS
    No. 4 ~ March/April 2021                             Rabbi David Kosak, Senior Rabbi
                                                                                          Rabbi Eve Posen, Associate Rabbi
    Supported by the Sala Kryszek              For a full staff list go to:               Cantor Eyal Bitton
    Memorial Publication Fund                              Riley Atkins
                                                                                          Mel Berwin, Director of
    To contact us with ideas, comments, or     Congregation Neveh Shalom                    Congregational Learning
    to become a contributor:                   2900 SW Peaceful Lane                      Glen Coblens, President                   Portland, OR 97239                         Leah Conley, Director of Early
                                               (503) 246-8831                               Childhood Education
    Subscriptions and member news:                           Jenn Director Knudsen
                                               Lead Editor and Graphic Designer:
                                               Brian Rohr

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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
Upcoming B'nai Mitzvah

                           Yahmeet Freundlich | March 6
                           Yahmeet Zoe Freundlich is the daughter of Erika and Ran Freundlich, granddaughter of Jean and Chris
                           Shirkoff, Eva and Uri Freundlich (Hadera, Israel), and great-granddaughter of Michael Halperin (Qiryat
                           Motzkin, Israel). She's a passionate animal lover who loves her dogs, riding horses, baking, reading,
                           snow and water skiing, camping, nature, music (especially Hamilton), her friends, and visiting her
                           cousins in Israel. She's helped her Tata make challah weekly since she was three-days-old. When she
                           was eight, she concocted a plan to visit Israel by herself to see her grandparents and relatives and has
                           continued that tradition yearly since. Yahmeet is in 7th grade at Willamette Connections Academy.

                           Simone Heller-Stading | March 12
                           Simone is the daughter of proud parents Eileen and Kimberly Heller-Stading and the granddaugh-
                           ter of Dr. Sidney and Alys Heller (both of beloved memory) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Ralph
                           and Karen Stading of Woodland, Washington. Simone is the twin sister of Zachary and the little
                           sister of Kaia. Simone is a 7th grader at Twality Middle School. She enjoys soccer, Taekwondo,
                           Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, reading, and cello.

                           Zachary Heller-Stading | March 12
                           Zachary is the son of proud parents Eileen and Kimberly Heller-Stading and the grandson of Dr.
                           Sidney and Alys Heller (both of beloved memory) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Ralph and
                           Karen Stading of Woodland, Washington. Zachary is the twin brother of Simone and the little
                           brother of Kaia. Zachary is a 7th grader at Twality Middle School. He enjoys lacrosse, Brazilian Jiu
                           Jitsu, and holds a second degree black belt in Taekwondo.

                           Ari Fink | April 17
                           Ari Jacob is the son of Naomi and Lawrence Fink, older brother of Lilah and Talia Fink, grandson of
                           Diana and Elliot Lubarsky, Annikki Fink and the late Harvey Fink. Ari enjoys reading, playing video
                           games, spending time with his family and cats, and watching old movies from the 90s with his dad.
                           Ari is also interested in learning about engineering and wants to learn how to snowboard. He is a
                           7th grader at the Beaverton Academy of Science and Engineering (BASE). In addition to the love
                           and support from his family, Ari is grateful to the Neveh Shalom community for all the wisdom and
                           guidance they have provided while embracing him on his path to being a Bar Mitzvah.

                            We are also excited to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Nathan Sax on April 10
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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
Investing in Education—Our Education
Advisory Committee
By Mel Berwin, Director of Congregational Learning

                 hen I think about in-       riences. I’d like to introduce you to these
                 vesting in education,       members so you can get to know them
                 I think about the           as well.
                 dedicated volunteers
                 of our Education Ad-        Rich Lufrano is the Chair of our com-
visory Committee, and my deep grati-         mittee, and author of the blogsite
tude to them.                       He and his wife,
                                             Gina, who is not Jewish, have one daugh-
Our Education Advisory Committee mem-        ter in ALIYAH. “ALIYAH was a lifeblood
bers have gone above and beyond to pro-      before the pandemic struck and has only
vide an essential perspective during this    become more important since. For Erez,
uniquely challenging year, gathering with    stuck in the house with a limited number
me on Zoom to advocate, fundraise, help      of friends for 12 months, the connection
guide our priorities, and provide much-      to a larger Jewish community means she
needed feedback about the important de-      feels a part of something bigger than
cisions to be made at this time.             herself. We’re hoping that relationship
                                             will only grow stronger as the years prog-
This group of parents, though small, rep-    ress and that her connection to CNS and
resents the diversity of our ALIYAH com-     Judaism will provide her a lifetime of joy     Stephanie Portman, Bridget Fahrland, and
munity in many ways. Our committee           and a sense of fulfillment.”                              their daughter, Orly
includes parents of the full age-range of
ALIYAH, parents who are steeped in CNS       Merav Rosenfeld and her husband have          relevant and meaningful for the students
community and those who are newer            three children. Merav says “I want our        and their parents. I have been consis-
and less familiar with its “norms.” The      children to learn their Jewishness in a       tently impressed by how Mel and the
committee includes members with pro-         seriously joyful way. At Rosh Hashanah        teachers meet students where they are
fessional education backgrounds, as          about eight years ago, I went to the kids’    and by addressing issues as they arise.
well as those with a deep love of Jewish     program in the morning at Neveh. In           The ability to pivot so beautifully during
learning, and each person brings their       that crowded room and contrary to my          Covid to a robust program is a testament
own personal hopes and dedication to         usual modus, I left my six-year-old son       to the creative thinking and dedication
their child/ren’s Jewish communal expe-      with my 1.5-year-old son in their chairs      that the ALIYAH team shows.”
                                                     to take my four-year-old daugh-
                                                     ter to the bathroom. When I           Andy Garland-Forshee is Professor of
                                                     returned, a man wrapped in            Early Education and Family Studies at
                                                     a long tallit was standing and        Portland Community College. When
                                                     holding my crying toddler and         asked about investing in Jewish educa-
                                                     smiling. I knew this was the syn-     tion, he says: “I think about [my daugh-
                                                     agogue we should join.”               ter’s] need for compassionate, respon-
                                                                                           sive, and Jewishly literate educators. I
                                                     Stephanie Portman is a teacher        also think about the importance of her
                                                     and History Department Chair in       relationships with others and comfort in
                                                     the upper school of Oregon Epis-      Jewish spaces. I want Ariella (7) to know
                                                     copal School. She says: “I am ap-     and understand her Jewish community
                                                     preciative of the opportunity to      as a place of refuge, life-long learning,
                                                     work with a team who is tasked        deep connections, and exploration. The
                                                     with thinking critically about
              Gina, Erez, and Rich Lufrano           how to make Jewish education                          Continued on next page
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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
From our President                                                                            President's Corner
By Glen Coblens, CNS President

          pring is in the air; can you        Education is of course at the heart of
          feel it? Not just thanks to the     the Jewish identity. My five siblings
          warmer and longer days and          and I all went to college and graduate
          heavenly scent of daphne            school, in business, nursing, law, chi-
          and jasmine but thanks to           ropractic, and in my case Exercise Sci-
our emergence from the Covid pan-             ence and Sports Psychology, while the
demic. Pesach, Lag BaOmer, and Yom            next generation is focused on comput-
Ha’atzmaut will be even more joyous           er science, dentistry, medicine, biolo-
celebrations as more of us get vacci-         gy, sports business, journalism, fitness
nated and we move toward reopening.           management, and sociology. Tracing
                                              back the generations, we find a rare
If there was one thing that was rein-         exception in my maternal grandfather
forced this past year, it’s that learn-       (Joseph ‘Monty’ Montrose), a cham-
ing never stops, neither at home nor          pion boxer and billiard player (playing
at Neveh Shalom. While our excellent          against Minnesota Fats). Growing up
Foundation School, ALIYAH/Tichon              in New York, some of his siblings went
continue for our youth, our adult edu-        into medicine and law and his pool-
cation options have expanded to in-           shark reputation caused such familial        tinued his journey to San Francisco,
clude more offerings in prayer, history,      shame that they pleaded with him             for which my mother offers gratitude
and culture. Check out a class and see        to give it up. He did, but only when         to this day. Living life to the fullest, in
yourself at:           he met my grandmother Lillian. They          other words, is another form of educa-
education.                                    moved to Portland in 1948 and as they        tion. What is your family’s educational
                                              say, the rest is history. Oh, what we will   journey? How has it impacted you?
Like most parents these days, my              do for love!
home has become a literal school; my                                                       This past year has certainly been full of
son Levi’s “classroom door” is clearly        Similarly, my other grandfather (Hy          lessons: both painful and joyful, inter-
marked with a “Room 214” sign. My             Jackson’s father Harry) was less about       esting and frightening, and most of all,
wife, Mia, has found delight working          diplomas and more about survival,            shared with each other and people all
with him, enjoying books read by float-       having recently immigrated from Rus-         over the world. May we emerge stron-
ing astronauts, cultural variations on        sia to Eastern Oregon, where he made         ger and more connected, generous,
classic fables, and wild sock ball con-       a living as a horse trader. Cool story:      and kind as we move forward in 2021,
tests (a.k.a. PE). Myself, I’ve used this     when heading to the 1915 World’s Fair,       the Year of Positivity!
time not only for CNS, but to expand          his horses escaped near Klamath Falls.
my horizons in coaching, training, busi-      In a great example of tikkun olam, a         I look forward to hearing your stories;
ness, and investing.                          Native American tribe corralled the          I invite you to email them to
                                              horses and returned them, so he con-

Mel Berwin continued from previous page
investment isn't simply practical, but im-     them to be comfortable walking into any        the years. She wants them to take pride
mersive and experiential.”                     synagogue and feel like they belong.”          in being Jewish, and to learn how reward-
                                                                                              ing it is to be part of a Jewish community.
Eva Novick has two children in our K-6 pro-    Beth Buck has one child in our Tichon
gram of ALIYAH. She says: “It is important     program and one in 6th grade in ALIYAH.        Many thanks also to Sally Segel, our
for me for my children to know about and       Most important to Beth are the friend-         Board of Directors Liaison to our Educa-
be proud of their Jewish heritage. I want      ships her children have made here over         tion Committee.

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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
Bazooka Gum Was So Much More
Than a Sweet Treat in Gloria
Bacharach’s Gift Shop
By Jenn Director Knudsen

             he gum. That gum and those      League for Conserva-
             kids.”                          tive Judaism, an inter-
                                             national organization
         Sue Axel was referring to the       whose local groups
         individually wrapped pieces         support Jewish women
         of Bazooka chewing gum sold         in their religious, fam-
for decades in the Gloria Bacharach Ju-      ily, and synagogue life.
daica Shop and their intended clients.       Many local Sisterhoods
                                             have followed WLCJ
Axel recently reflected on her long-time     guidelines to operate
friend Gloria Bacharach, z"l, and on her     Judaica shops that sell
own 30-plus years as a volunteer along-      items at just over cost
side the dedicated and creative woman        that are integral to a
for whom Neveh Shalom’s Sisterhood           Jewish home, for ex-
gift shop was named in 2008, the year        ample, Shabbat and
Max Birnbach, z"l, surprised Gloria with     yahrzeit candles and
his naming gift.                             mezuzot scrolls.

Axel said, “No one – no one – was more       Other Judaica items
deserving; she really worked so hard for     sold at retail prices
the congregation, and the gift shop was      help Sisterhood run the             Gloria Bacharach, z"l, with Amayah and Amari
an integral part of the shul.” Gloria died   business in the black
at 96, on Dec. 9, 2020.                      so it can support itself
                                             and donate every year at least $2000 to Gloria instigated Neveh Shalom’s Bazoo-
From roughly the mid-1980s to 2012, Glo-     the Women’s League Religious School ka kosher gum revolution. She knew the
ria helmed Sisterhood’s gift shop, a por-    Scholarship Fund to benefit ALIYAH, kids attending religious school on Sun-
tion of whose annual profits directly ben-   explained Dana Sirkin, Sisterhood past- days, and, later, on Wednesday nights,
efits youth education at the synagogue.      president and shop manager and Jenni- would want a sweet treat…to entice
Her 30-year run marked an era that pre-      fer Kalenscher, co-president.                them into the shop. “Those kids were
dated online shopping and our current                                                     her future customers,” Axel recalled.
global pandemic. Coupled with Gloria’s       Mel Berwin, director of congregation-
know-how, the Judaica store was a stal-      al learning, said, “I deeply appreciate In the store, kids might find just the noisy
wart retail success and community hub.       that Sisterhood has always prioritized, grogger they’d need (in addition to the
                                             among its funding, an annual gift to our pink gum with the indecipherable comic
Times and shopping habits have changed.      education programs for all ages, includ- featuring Bazooka Joe inside the wrap-
Still, the Gloria Bacharach Judaica Shop     ing a contribution to our budget as well per), and their parents often opened
remains a keystone project of Sisterhood     as gifts to our ALIYAH students [like can- their wallets to purchase it for them and
and source of scholarship funds for the      dles and dreidels] each Chanukah.”           possibly something a little more spendy
ALIYAH Education Program.                                                                 for the family.
                                             Children had a special place in Gloria’s
Sisterhood is a member of Women’s            heart.                                       Gloria had four children, and her second

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CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
eldest, Corinne Spiegel, recalled that so        Gloria had chalked up decades of re-          daica Shop, it was located at the main
powerful was the gum, parents often              tail experience, first as a young girl in     entrance.
used it as a reward for attending class. “I      the department store her folks owned
think it was a ritual that the kids expect-      and ran in rural Michigan, and then by        “It was a great way to interface with ev-
ed,” said Spiegel, also a mother of four.        singlehandedly taking over her and her        erybody. People often stopped by to say
                                                 husband’s business, Al Bacharach Inc.,        hi,” Axel said.
A greater ritual was Gloria’s dedication         after Albrecht’s death.
to the shop.                                                                                   Spiegel added, “She was like the unof-
                                                                                                    ficial greeter, often the first face
“We thought she worked there,”                                                                      people saw. It was more than be-
said Aimee Coughlin Johnson, Glo-
ria’s eldest granddaughter, one
                                                 "She was like the unofficial                       ing a retail presence, she helped
                                                                                                    connect people.”
of 11 living grandchildren and 13                greeter, often the first face
great-grandchildren. (Gloria was                                                                     Due to Covid, the physical shop is
predeceased by her husband, Al-                   people saw. It was more                            currently closed to volunteers and
brecht, z"l, who died in 1984 in a              than being a retail presence,                        customers, so Kalenscher and Sir-
tragic car accident, and by grand-                                                                   kin take emails and calls from con-
daughter Jasmine RR Spiegel, z"l,               she helped connect people."                          gregants and community mem-
youngest child of Corinne and hus-                    -Corinne Spiegel                               bers and fill their orders via the
band, Larry Spiegel.)                                                                                Internet. They also recently set-up
                                                                                                     an online shop. Sisterhood’s more
“Turns out, she only volunteered                                                                     than 70 members also run the
there,” Johnson said of the woman she            Axel said that Gloria’s honed skills trans-   popular annual Mah Jongg tournament,
called Oma, Dutch for grandmother, and           lated perfectly to the shop, where her        convenes book talks, and much more,
also her best friend.                            meticulous record-keeping with pen            all to ensure it fulfills its mission and
                                                 and paper – congregants always rec-           earns enough profit to support ALIYAH
Jackie Lesch, the third of Gloria’s children,    ognized Gloria’s handwritten receipts         and provide gifts to every b’nai mitzvah.
said, “You’d have thought the Judaica gift       – was overshadowed only by her great
shop was her own personal business.”             patience with all customers and her pur-      Ultimately, Kalenscher said, “Sisterhood
                                                 chasing expertise.                            runs programs and does activities to
She certainly ran it that way, said Axel, who                                                  bring people together.”
became a gift shop volunteer after Gloria        Axel said of Gloria, “She was really very
not-so-subtly asked her to at the end of a       good at obtaining merchandise [from           With or without the Bazooka kosher
Hadassah meeting in the mid-90s.                 catalogues] at the best price,” a tech-       gum, creating community is entirely in
                                                 nique that served the shop very well in       keeping with the namesake of the Gloria
Gloria’s friends and family recount that         its heyday, when Judaica shops were few       Bacharach Gift Shop.
                                                                  in the Portland area.

                                                                   Lesch, also an active          To support your Sisterhood gift
                                                                   Sisterhood volunteer,          shop, visit
                                                                   said the shop used to          gloria-bacharach-judaica-shop
                                                                   routinely yield up to          to view and purchase merchan-
                                                                   $10,000 in annual prof-        dise. The Sisterhood also recently
                                                                   its.                           moved its store online, there is a
                                                                                                  link to that on the webpage. For
                                                                   “It was a different            more information about the shop,
                                                                   world, totally,” she con-      please contact manager Dana Sir-
                                                                   tinued. “We had a huge         kin at
                                                                   clientele.”                    or (503) 680-5877. Annual Sis-
                                                                                                  terhood dues are $36. Questions
                                                                   Prior to the shul’s 2008       about Sisterhood? Please contact
                                                                   remodel that coincided         Jennifer Kalenscher at jenkal@
                                                                   with the naming of the or (503) 893-0822.
 Rabbi Isaak, Max Birnbach, z"l, and Gloria Bacharach, z"l         Gloria Bacharach Ju-

Page 9   | The Chronicle                          
CHRONICLE "We're Investing in Education" - Yuck Boys Live
Shoshana Bean and the Moskowitz
Family: From CNS to Broadway and Back!
By Riley Atkins

          hoshana Bean at age nine was        tionship that contin-
          precocious, determined and          ues to this day.
          passionate. No one in her fam-
          ily could have imagined this       The path that ulti-
          little girl born in Olympia, WA,   mately led Shosha-
but transplanted to her mother’s home-       na to lead roles on
town in Portland in the late 1980s, would    Broadway in Wicked
one day grace the stages of Broadway.        and Waitress, began
But there were hints. Shoshana would         with her Olympia, WA
occasionally disappear into the bath-        paternal grandmoth-
room, carrying a large hairbrush that        er, Marcheta Bean,
served as her “microphone,” and per-         z"l, an amateur jazz
form in front of the mirror, singing at the  singer and inspiration
top of her nascent lungs. As her uncle       to Sho. Sho’s first pro-
and aunt, Marci and I wondered if she        fessional role came            Sylvia and Ed Moskowitz (with Rachel Shemarya - Sylvia's
                                                                              mother) at Felice's Bat Mitzvah, 1962, Ahavai Shalom
shouldn’t play outside more!                 as a nine-year-old in
                                             Sunday in the Park With
As parents of three children then un- George, performed at the Winningstad Sylvia brought their then two daughters,
der age four, we were busy. But when Theater in Portland. Felice shuttled Sho Felice and Marci, to Portland in 1955,
Marci’s sister Felice decided to return to to rehearsals and performances while and joined Congregation Ahavai Shalom
Portland with Sho, we invited them to getting a second teaching credential in on Portland’s Southwest 13th Street.
join us in a Garden Home rental house dance at PSU.                                        Geri (Luxenberg) would be born in Port-
while we built a new home. Our three                                                       land the following year. Felice had her
little ones were in awe of their “big” It was a treat to see Sho on stage as a lit- bat mitzvah there, but Marci and Geri
cousin Sho, and the bonds formed that tle girl, but nothing prepared us for the would have their ceremonies after the
year created a devoted, sibling-like rela- cavernous Gershwin Theater on Broad- merger with Congregation Neveh Zedek
                                                             way in 2005 when Sho at our current CNS Dosch Road/Peaceful
                                                             took the stage to a thun- Lane home.
                                                             derous ovation in Wicked,
                                                             before she had even sung Ed and Sylvia’s union was a “mixed mar-
                                                             a note. The couple next to riage”, as they claimed only partially in
                                                             us from Alabama looked jest. Ed was an Ashkenazi Jew from The
                                                             concerned when they Bronx, recently home from service in
                                                             saw tears in our eyes, the Aleutian Islands during World War
                                                             but understood when we II, and Sylvia was a first generation Sep-
                                                             shared, “we are her aunt hardic girl from Seattle whose parents
                                                             and uncle.”                   were both from the Island of Rhodes,
                                                                                           Greece, and primarily spoke Ladino.
                                                             Shoshana’s       maternal
                                                             grandparents, Ed and The young Moskowitz family immersed
                                                             Sylvia Moskowitz, z"l, themselves in shul activities, including
                                                             both left our family far Men’s Club and Sisterhood. Ed served
                                                             too soon and never saw as President of the Men’s Club for many
                                                             Shoshana perform, but years and later chaired the Cemetery
                                                             they doted on her as their Committee. He also served as CNS Vice
      Shoshana Bean's Bat Mitzvah at Neveh Shalom            first grandchild. Ed and President. Middle daughter Marci would

Page 10   | The Chronicle                     
member, but was often        fact Sho continues to take pride in her
                                                                required to perform the      CNS roots, and tirelessly supports local
                                                                lead roll of Tracy and       music education programs, would un-
                                                                others at a moment’s         doubtedly have made them proud.
                                                                notice. Sho performed
                                                                with the cast for two        Shoshana will perform and join Cantor
                                                                years before earning         Bitton and CNS youth at our largest an-
                                                                the lead role of Elphaba     nual fundraiser supporting ongoing CNS
                                                                in Wicked which she          programs on April 11. See you there!
                                                                played from 2004-06.
                                                                After her initial years
                                                                on Broadway, Sho cre-
                                                                ated three independent          CNS Spring Fundraiser 2021:
                                                                solo albums that have           An Evening of Broadway with
                                                                all topped the iTunes            Shoshana Bean and Friends
                                                                R&B and Blues charts in
                                                                                                  Sunday, April 11, 5:00pm
                                                                the US and the UK, with
                            Shoshana Bean                       the most recent, SPEC-                           We are so ex-
                                                                TRUM, debuting at #1                             cited to an-
eventually work at CNS for 19 years in a     on the Billboard Jazz Charts. Sho returned                          nounce     our
myriad of capacities. Upon Ed’s death in     to Broadway in 2019 as Jenna, the lead                              2021 CNS Fun-
1985, the family room at Neveh Zedek         role in Waitress.                                                   draiser. This
                                                                                                                 year, we invite
Cemetery was dedicated to the couple’s
                                                                                                                 you to a won-
memory. The Moskowitz Fund was es-           In recent years, Sho has produced and                               derful evening
tablished by the family in their honor to    performed at three fundraisers for the             of Broadway melodies and songs
support worthy CNS religious projects        Beaverton High School performing arts              with CNS Alumna Shoshana Bean.
without designated funding. The fund         department. A key feature of these
has procured the white High Holy Day         events has been Sho’s efforts to show-             Registration and more info at:
Torah covers used in the main sanctuary      case talented youth at Beaverton and     
and additional Megillah prayerbooks for      the other district high schools. Between           Funds from this year's event will
Purim, among other worthy causes.            75-90 kids have been given the oppor-              benefit Neveh Shalom's education
                                             tunity to share the stage with Sho and             programs: Foundation School,
As a Beaverton High School student,          perform for a large audience, a once-              ALIYAH/Tichon, and Adult Educa-
Shoshana blossomed on stage in their         in-a-lifetime experience. In addition,             tion, which have supported our
outstanding performing arts program.         Sho continues to teach classes to young            children, families, and congre-
The former little girl with the hair-brush   people interested in the performing arts           gants through such an unprec-
                                                                                                edented year.
microphone developed new skills in           in underserved areas of Los Angeles and
musical theater. She became a familiar       wherever she trav-
figure at sporting events as well, singing   els. Sho has per-
the national anthem at BHS and Port-         formed for live au-
land Trail Blazer games. Sho also per-       diences around the
formed with the Bobby Torres Ensemble        world and currently
as a teen, but had to step outside be-       makes her home in
tween sets because she was still a mi-       Los Angeles, with
nor! But the professional performer she      frequent visits to
would become was on display even ear-        family in Portland
lier at CNS, as some may recall Shoshana     and Seattle.
leading the Confessional (Viddui) at Yom
Kippur for several years.                    What would grand-
                                             parents Ed and Syl-
Sho received her degree from the Uni-        via have thought
versity of Cincinnati, College Conserva-     today of Shoshana,
tory of Music, and made her Broadway         their famous first
debut in Hairspray in 2002, as a chorus      grandchild?    The          Felice Moskowitz, Shoshana Bean, Geri Luxenberg, and Marci Atkins

Page 11   | The Chronicle                     
Passover in a Pandemic
(The Sequel)
                                                  age group you want to engage and              ble like their seder plate or their can-
                                                  call it good. You do NOT have to en-          dlesticks and the meaning or memory
                                                  gage every age and stage at every             behind it. Maybe you ask a question
                                                  moment of the seder.                          that each person can answer at some
                                                                                                point during the seder. We like to have
                                              3. Invite your guests to prepare ahead            each family act out part of the Mag-
                                                 of time. Since Zoom can sometimes              gid—the actual story of Pesach….
                                                 feel a little isolating because we can-
                                                 not really sing together or interact       3. Haggadah and maggid both mean
                                                 fluidly, have your seder participants         “telling,” referring to the obligation
                                                 prepare a part or decoration or               to TELL THE STORY of the Exodus.
                                                 something ahead of time. That sim-            But ironically, most Haggadot don’t

                                                 ple act of knowing you’ve got an im-          actually lay out the story! They tell
                                                 portant part to play can change the           stories about the story and about
            rom Rabbi Eve Posen: I have a        entire atmosphere of a Zoom seder.            the observance of Passover. You
            hard time wrapping my head                                                         might want to act out the story,
            around the idea that we are       Looking forward to joining together in           watch a video version of the story,
            about to celebrate our second     celebration and growth!                          ask each family to tell one part of
            Passover in a pandemic. Last                                                       the story… but if you want the story
year we were just a month into the stay       From Mel Berwin: Last year Passover              told, it takes a little forethought.
home, stay safe orders and creativity         was REALLY different from all other
and energy abounded. While it was a bit       nights. This year, we’re all thinking, “Re-   4. Which brings me to the last idea. Pre-
tenuous to get supplies and clean the         ally, again with the seder during Covid?!”       pare ahead, and prepare your guests.
house with people home ALL THE TIME,                                                           If you want your friends or fam-
it also felt fun to join seders with family   But the questions for creating a mean-           ily to “bring” something to the seder,
across the world. And Zoom was a new          ingful seder this year are the same, Co-         whether they’re answering a ques-
toy, it felt somewhat freeing to connect      vid or not. Here are four big questions/         tion or showing-and-telling or leading
in this new way. A year later…my feel-        ideas to help you prepare:                       a blessing or a skit—make sure to give
ings are mixed.                                                                                them plenty of time to prepare!
                                              1. What is most important to you, THIS
As I look back on what I learned from            year, about the seder? What do             Helpful resources for the Seder:
last Passover that I want to benefit from        YOU need for this year’s seder to be
this year I think of the following.              meaningful? Build your seder from          PJ Library, includes video of Passover
                                                 there, starting with the guests and        Story in 10 scenes: (search
1. You do not have to do it all. Give            the platform. Do you need a small,         passover)
   yourself permission not to become             immediate family seder and a break
   a slave to the holiday. Whether that          from Zoom? Or to gather with your          Conservative Movement Passover
   means editing your menu to the                extended family and to hear your           Resources: (search passover)
   “must haves,” or paring down your             uncle/niece/cousins sing the four
   seder creativity to one or two cre-           questions, even if that means the          Make a personalized Haggadah:
   ative pieces. Passover is the festival        awkwardness of setting a table with
   of freedom; do not let it enslave you.        a laptop and screen, again?
                                                                                            The actual text of the Passover story:
2. Have a purpose to your gatherings.         2. Then make it personal. Find a way for (search Pesach Haggadah)
   Yes, the seder itself is the purpose,         each person to contribute. Maybe
   but also think about who you want             each guest has a seder part or each        Bim Bam videos:
   to engage. Pick one activity for each         show and tell a ritual item on their ta-
Page 12   | The Chronicle                      
The Value of Our Values
By Leah Conley, Director of Early Childhood Education
                                                Let me break it down.                           Recently, the LRP committee intro-
                                                                                                duced the synagogue’s new Mission,
                                                Itai is not only the caretaker of this build-   Vision, and Values, which included the
                                                ing but also my son’s Hebrew tutor through      thoughts, feedback, and tapestries of
                                                the ALIYAH program. Every Thursday night        so many in our community. We landed
                                                they Zoom together and through this rela-       upon five core values that express who
                                                tionship, my 10-year-old son Elliot is learn-   we are and who we strive to be:
                                                ing the ancient language of our people.
                                                                                                    •   community (kehillah),
                                                Brian Rohr is our communications special-           •   innovation (chidush),
                                                ist at CNS and I work with him to create a          •   Jewish life (l’dor v’dor),
                                                wide variety of materials that support my           •   inclusivity (k’lal),

                                                work both in Foundation School and for              •   transformative learning (talmud
                                                the Long Range Plan. Brian’s son, Gabriel               Torah).
     t’s 5am on Wednesday morning. I            who is now six, is also one of my favorite
     wake up and the first thing I do is look   friends who I got to know quite well over       For me, my story and my life at Neveh
     out my window to check for snow.           the course of his four years at Foundation      Shalom includes a deep and profound
     Yesterday it snowed during Foun-           School. AND Brian’s wife Sarah was the          sense of each of these. This kehillah is
     dation School pick up and I want to        ALIYAH teacher at CNS for kindergarten          my home. The unique opportunities of
make sure the roads (and our parking lot!)      for both of my children, Elliot and Amelia.     my professional and personal life here
look safe enough to open school early this                                                      have allowed me to collaborate and in-
morning. I go downstairs and run on my          Mel Berwin, Rabbi Eve, and I have been          novate with amazing staff and lay lead-
treadmill because it’s too early to text Itai   collaborating for years at CNS which has        ers. My interfaith family feels welcomed
Dewar, wonderful caretaker of our CNS           been one of the most intellectually sat-        into this inclusive community in a way
building, to check on how the conditions        isfying parts of my professional life at        I have not found in other Conservative
look at Neveh. At 6:30am I text him and he      Neveh. AND I know both of Rabbi Eve’s           Jewish synagogues. From my relation-
gives me the all-clear.                         kiddos very well through Foundation             ship with Rabbi Stampfer, z"l, whose
                                                School and both she and Mel know my             office was next to mine for years to
When I get to work I check my email and         children very well through ALIYAH.              the children I work with in Foundation
respond to messages in my inbox from                                                            School, I see l’dor v’dor in action in our
Mel Berwin, Director of Congregational          Stephanie, Nathan, and I began work-            building every day. With my children
Learning and Brian Rohr, Communica-             ing together last year as part of the LRP       in ALIYAH and my work in Foundation
tions Director as well as the dedicated         and I love both of them so much they            School, I see talmud Torah live.
chairs of this year’s long range plan,          have rapidly become two of my favorite
Stephanie Arnheim and Nathan von                people in this community and hopefully          Neveh Shalom is not just the people of
Colditz. I read an email from Rabbi Eve         my lifelong friends. Nathan’s son Zev is        our congregation right now in this mo-
about planning for Purim for Shoreshim          also my best friend through Foundation          ment, it is the values that breathe life
and Foundation School.                          School (I have a ton of best friends who        into our choices and guide us. This is the
                                                are three and four!).                           real value of our values.
Why does all this detail matter?
                                                I hope by now you can see where I am            How have you experienced these shared
I have the privilege of having a multitude      going.                                          values? How do you hope to see these
of different and complex relationships                                                          shared values in action within the kehil-
with all these people that are both per-        This is my tapestry, and my guess is that       la of Neveh Shalom? Please feel free to
sonal and professional and the lines be-        each of you reading this has your own           send me moments you have seen these
tween them often blur together like an          that lives inside of what we call our           values come to life at Neveh by emailing
exquisite watercolor painting in the best       Neveh Shalom kehillah, and all of our           me at I hope
way. And this is the lens through which I       tapestries weave together to become             to share more of our communities' sto-
see our CNS community, our kehillah.            this amazing community.                         ries over the course of this year.
Page 13   | The Chronicle                        
Neveh Shalom Happenings
Please enjoy this sampling of what is being offered at Neveh Shalom. The best way to get the latest information is through our
weekly eblasts. You can sign up at: Please visit the website for links at:

Women's Torah Study                         experiences as a young American               Stay tuned for Passover information!
Sat, March 6, 20 & April 3, 17, 12:00pm     volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces.
Join Mel Berwin for an hour of uplifting                                                  Morning Minyan and Shabbat Services
study and conversation. All levels of       CNS Sisterhood Book Group                     Please visit the website for links at:
experience welcome.                         Mondays, 7:00pm                     
                                            3/22: The Color of Love, by Marra B. Gad
The Torah of Today: Two Sundays w/ Rav D    4/26: Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson              Morning Minyan
3/7, 4pm: What Judaism Can Teach            RSVP:                     Mon-Fri, 7:15am | Sun, 9:00am
America—Wealth, Equality, Community,
and the Individual.                         Neveh Shalom Blood Drive                      Kabbalat Shabbat Service
3/23, 4pm: What Judaism Can Teach           Wed, March 24, 10:00am-4:00pm                 Fridays, 6:15pm
America: Law and the Human Soul.
                                            Men's Club Yom Hashoah Candle Drive           Saturday Morning Shabbat Service
Neveh Shalom Sisterhood Happy Hour          Up Distribution                               Saturdays, 9:30am
Sunday, March 14, April 11, 4:00pm          Sunday, April 4, 10:00am-12:00pm
Join Sisterhood in a casual discussion      Join Men's Club in remembering Yom            Downstairs Minyan Shabbat Service
about the day's or week's events. All       Hashoah on April 8 by picking up a Yellow     2nd, 4th, 5th Saturdays, 9:30am
welcome. RSVP to        Candle in the synagogue turnaround.
                                            One per family at no charge. Reserve a        Unity Shabbat
Musical Midrash Project Join Mark           candle at:            Sat, Feb 20 & Mar 20, 9:30am
Sherman as he shares his original songs                                                   Join us for these special once-a-month
based on the weekly Torah reading. More     Israel360: Tour of Jerusalem: Divided         Shabbat programs featuring guest faith
info at:         and Reunited                                  leaders from around the city.
* Concert from the Exodus Cycle -           Thursday, April 29, 8:30-9:30pm
  Mon, March 15, 7:00-8:00pm Mark           Jerusalem was a divided city for 19           Young Families
  will present the songs inspired by the    years. While it is now reunited, security     Please visit the website for links at:
  Book of Exodus                            remains very complex. In this tour, we For
* Weekly Workshop - Songs of Leviticus      review the history of Jerusalem divided       more information, please contact Rabbi
  - Sun, 8:00am & Mon, 6:00pm Each          and reunited, examine the expansion           Eve at:
  week, a new song is shared to make        of the city’s borders following the Six
  a strong, musical connection to the       Day War, peer over the security barrier       Kiddush Club
  weekly parsha.                            into Bethlehem, and delve into the            1st & 3rd Saturdays, 9:30am
                                            context, challenges, and successes of         Morah Sarah Rohr and Moreh Gershon
Men's Club talk w/ Judy Margles of OJMCHE   the barrier’s construction. $10.              Liberman alternate leading Kiddush
Sunday, March 21, 10:00am                                                                 Club.
Judy Margles will discuss the work and      Exercise with Coach Glen Coblens
mission of OJMCHE, Yom HaShoah, and         Wednesdays, 10:30-11:15am                     Tot Shabbat
OJMCHE's ongoing efforts to provide         A dynamic and fun online workout for          1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:30am
Holocaust education in Oregon public        all. Guaranteed to be a stress reducer        Join Morah Levia as she leads our Tot
schools per the recent state law.           and energy builder. No previous athletic      Shabbat service.
                                            ability required. Focus will be on build-
Israel360: Lone Soldier Interview with      ing core strength.                            4th Fridays Sing-a-Long with Rabbi Eve
Naomi Shapiro (Rabbi Isaak’s Niece)                                                       4th Fridays, 5:15pm
Sunday, March 21, 11:00am                   Through a Lens of Fire: Hasidic Insights on   Join Rabbi Eve as she leads our Shabbat
IDF servicemen and women without            Torah with Rav D–Weds, 12:30-1:30pm           service for families on Zoom. We’ll do a
immediate family in Israel are honored      The Hasidic approach to Torah utilizes        bit of singing, a story, and blessings.
in Israel as Lone Soldiers. Naomi Shapiro   a sophisticated psychological approach
recently completed her service as a         that was ahead of its time.                   CNS Family Camp at Home
Lone Soldier. Hear about her unique                                                       April 23-25 - More info to come!
Page 14   | The Chronicle                    
Member News
                                                                    We are sorry to inform you of the passing on December 9th
 Kvell With Us                                                      of Gloria Jane Bacharach, z"l at the age of 96. Gloria was pre-
                                                                    ceded in death by her husband, Albrecht Bacharach, z"l and
 Mazel tov to Stephanie Arnheim and John Sheldon on                 granddaughter Jasmine RR Spiegel, z"l. She is loved and
 their marriage this past November 29th. They have been             remembered by daughters Elaine (Jonathon Lietz) Cough-
 in a loving relationship for the past 25 years and may it          lin, Corinne (Larry) Spiegel, Jackie (Harold) Lesch, son Alan
 continue for many years to come.                                   Bacharach, grandchildren Craig (Emiko) Coughlin, Aimee
 Mazel tov to Charlotte and Ofir Fatal (and big brother             (Aaron) Johnson, Jody (Matt) Greene, Sam Spiegel, Joel Spie-
 Ezra) on the birth of a baby boy, Isaac Theodore Fatal, born       gel, Nathan Spiegel, Jacob (Reba) Lesch, Aaron Lesch, Zach
 at 5:52pm on 12/06/2020, weighing 7 lbs 14oz. The family           (Nina Simons) Lesch, Ari Bacharach, Dana Bacharach, Lind-
 is healthy and doing well.                                         say Culver (Noah), Jeremy Lietz and 13 great-grandchildren.

 Mazel tov to Gershon (Gary) and Esther Liberman on the             We regret to inform you of the passing of Meyer M. Ruimy,
 birth of their grandchild. New baby Stephanie Liberman             z”l (Michel to family and Michael elsewhere since living and
 was born Dec. 13th to proud parents Micah and Samara               working in the U.S.) in New Jersey on December 23, 2020. He
 Liberman in Portland, OR.                                          was 73 years of age. Michel is loved and remembered by his
                                                                    brother, longtime CNS member Daniel (Roberta) Ruimy, as
 Mazel tov to Steve Sirkin on becoming the Regional Chair-          well as three additional brothers, two sisters, and many niec-
 person for the USCJ’s Northern Pacific Region, a position          es and nephews.
 that also has him serving on the USCJ (The United Syna-
 gogue of Conservative Judaism) Board. The region encom-            We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Will Wilkes, z”l,
 passes Conservative synagogues from Northern California,           husband of Linda Wilkes, father of Neveh Shalom’s Finance
 Oregon, Washington, and the two western provinces of               Director Allyson Wilkes (Scott) Quirico, and Lindsey (Ed)
 Canada.                                                            LoPresti, and grandfather to Cassandra, Sophia, Clara, and
 Mazel Tov to our ALIYAH Inclusion Specialist Matthew
 Cuda, his wife Dede, and new big brother Micah on wel-             We regret to inform you of the passing in South Africa of Mi-
 coming new baby Emerson Rose to their family!                      chael Rosenfield, z”l, loved and remembered by his son Barry
                                                                    (Wendy) Rosenfield and their daughters, Allison and Samantha.
                                                                    We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Samuel Miller,
Yihi Zichram Baruch – Our condolences to CNS                        z"l on January 4, 2021 at the age of 92. In addition to being
members who have recently lost loved ones.                          a long time CNS member and daily minyan regular, Sam is
                                                                    loved and remembered by his dear wife Jo Ellen, and daugh-
We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Frieda Tobin,          ters Robin (Steve) Rayel, Cheryl (Bud) Peizner and Jody (Rob)
z”l on December 9th at the age of 98. Frieda was preceded in        Twain as well as seven grandchildren (Stephen Rayel, Lauren
death by Louis Tobin, her husband of 58 years. She is loved and     Rayel, Elise Alexander, Aaron Peizner, Gabriel Peizner, Mad-
remembered by daughters Dale (Earl, z”l) Oller and Wendy            elyn Twain and Eli Twain).
(Steven) Shain, son Phil (Patricia) Tobin, grandchildren Sarah
(Oller) Scott, Joshua Oller, Rachel (Tobin) Anderson, Marc          We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Michael Hasson,
Tobin, z”l; Nathan Shain, Leah (Shain) Burns and seven great-       z"l. Michael is loved and remembered by his daughters Mi-
grandchildren.                                                      chelle, Lauren, and Jenna Hasson, his brother Barry Hasson,
                                                                    and his dear mother Marilyn Hasson.
We regret to inform you of the passing of long-time Cantors
Assembly member, Chaim Feifel, z”l on Shabbat Hanukkah,             We are sorry to inform you of the passing of Helen Black, z”l
December 12, 2020. As long time CNS members will remem-             on January 12, 2021 at the age of 93. Helen was predeceased
ber, Cantor Feifel, served as Hazzan here at Congregation           by her husband Morris Black, z”l, and is lovingly remembered
Neveh Shalom. His funeral took place at Zichron Yaakov.             by her daughter, Ella Hess, four grandchildren, and two great-
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing
of longtime Morning Minyan regular David Singer, z”l on De-         We are sorry to inform you of the passing on January 19th in
cember 19, 2020 at the age of 99. Beloved father of Michael         Northridge, CA of Marilyn Shenker Alkin, z"l. Marilyn was the
(Susan Cohen) Singer and Ellen (Richard) Cohen, grandfather         dear sister of Arden (Lois) Shenker, and is also loved and re-
of Tali Singer, Shoshi (Gabi Weinberg) Singer and Anissa Co-        membered by her husband, two children and six grandchildren.
hen. He was preceded in death by his wife Reva, z”l. David
buried at the Shaarie Torah Cemetery.

Page 15   | The Chronicle                   
The congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions:

Adult Education Fund               Cemetery Fund                   Robert & Jeannie Rosenthal:       General Synagogue                Steve Caplan:
Rena Ziegler:                      Larry Chusid:                   In memory of Nellie & Morris                                       In memory of Robert Caplan
                                                                   Levenson                          Fund                             In memory of Sandra Caplan
In memory of Dorothy Spiro         In memory of Bea & Monte                                          Allan & Susan Abravanel:
                                   Chusid                          In memory of Julius Levenson                                       Roy Carmen:
                                                                   & Ruth Leveton                    In memory of Frieda Tobin        In memory of Rita Carmen
                                   Norman & Kathy Chusid:                                            Shari Adams
ALIYAH Donation                    In memory of Hannah Kalen-      In memory of Ruth Gordin                                           Susan Chess:
Jerry & Lisa Eckstein:                                                                               Stan Adams:                      In memory of Martin Chess
                                   scher                           Feldstein Library Fund            In memory of Robert Adams
In honor of Mel Berwin             Delphine Davis:                 Elliot & Suzanne Axel:                                             In memory of Gay Chess
Vivian & Henry Fliman:                                                                               Ilene Aginsky:                   In memory of Gloria Chess
                                   In memory of Leah Nepom         In memory of Beatrice Gold-       In memory of Miriam Kornberg
In honor of Mia Schoenkerman       In memory of Phil Gladstein     berg Richman                                                       In memory of Samuel Chess
                                                                                                     Nelly Altotsky:                  Norman & Kathy Chusid:
                                   In memory of Frieda Tobin       Martha & Glenn Decherd:           In memory of Pesya Khaya Katz
                                   Rosalie Goodman:                                                                                   In memory of Gloria Bacharach
Annual Giving                                                      In memory Sylvia Mae Becker       Dianne Arensberg:                Margarete Collier:
Candace & Danit Rothstein:         In memory of Lorraine Lippoff   Ron & Rebecca Eiseman:            In memory of Ida Toff
                                   In memory of Ray Goodman        In memory of Eugene Eiseman                                        In memory of Simon Bursztyn
In appreciation of Nora & Fred                                                                       Stephanie Arnheim & John         Jacqueline Constantine:
Rothstein                          Bari Isaacson:                  In memory of Frank H. Eiseman     Sheldon:
                                   In memory of Lorraine Lippoff   Elizabeth Gold:                                                    In memory of Gloria Bacharach
Ted Scheinman:                                                                                       In memory of Gloria Bacharach    In memory of Bob Rudolph
In appreciation of Congrega-       Ron & Marcy Morris:             In memory of Leo Schwartz         Riley & Marci Atkins:
                                   In memory of Frieda Tobin       In memory of Judy Gold-Woods                                       Mitch Cooper:
tion Neveh Shalom                                                                                    In memory of Gloria Bacharach    In memory of Arthur Cooper
                                   Allison Mudrick:                Robert & Jeannie Rosenthal:       In memory of Frieda Tobin
                                   In memory of Rebecca Mudrick    In memory of David & Lillian                                       Delphine Davis:
                                                                                                     Rochelle Atlas:
Banasky Chapel Fund                Arne Rosencrantz:               Weiner                            In memory of Regina Atlas
                                                                                                                                      In memory of Michael Hasson
Joel Semler:                       In memory of Betty Rosen-       Ruby Sachter:                                                      Marc & Deborah Dinkin:
                                                                                                     Elliot & Suzanne Axel:           In memory of Gloria Bacharach
In memory of Jerome Semler         crantz                          In memory of Frances Eckstein     In honor of the birth of Eli
                                   Nancy Slifman:                  In memory of Sam Miller                                            Renee Dubroff:
                                                                                                     Asher                            In memory of Milton Konecke
                                   In memory of Louis Slifman      Bruce & Susan Winthrop:           In memory of Sam Miller
Becky Menashe Book-                Laura Vilderman:                In memory of Frieda Tobin                                          Beverly Eastern:
                                                                                                     Jeff & Sandy Axel:               In memory of Sol Sax
shelf Fund                         In memory of Eugene Vilderman                                     In honor of the birth of Eli
Abby & Richard Menashe:            Marvin & Barbara Wolf:                                                                             Alan Ellis:
In memory of Jack Menashe          In memory of Bella Hoffman      Foundation School                 In honor of Stephanie Arnheim
                                                                                                                                      In memory of Anne Ellis
                                                                                                                                      Stephen Fass:
Vicki Zidell:                      In memory of Brauna Horn-       Fund                              & John Sheldon                   In memory of Martin Fass
In memory of Frieda Tobin          stein & Charisse Stein Laity    Peter & Maddie Andrews            In memory of Don Stephens
In memory of Svetlana Astra-                                                                                                          Laurie Fendel:
                                                                   Bonnie Berry:                     In memory of Hannah Kalenscher   In memory of Nathan Zitch
khan                               CNS:150 Funding Our             In memory of Elanor Wilber        In memory of Riesha Levy         Joan Fraser:
In memory of Jack B. Menashe                                       Judy Blauer:                      In memory of Dianne Hoffman
In memory of Arnold Frisch         Future                          In memory of Sol Sax
                                                                                                                                      In memory of Harry Mandrow
                                   Jerry & Lisa Eckstein:                                            In memory of Frieda Tobin        Howard Freedman:
                                                                   Barbie, Mike & Gary Enkelis:      In memory of Gloria Bacharach
                                   To go toward CNS mortgage                                                                          In memory of Sam Miller
Camp Solomon                       Carolyn & Gary Weinstein:
                                                                   In memory of Gloria Bacharach     In memory of Sam Miller          Ami Frydman:
                                                                   In memory of Frieda Tobin         Emilia Baram:
Schechter Fund                     Get well wishes for Rabbi
                                                                   The Fortgang Family:              In memory of Natan Ratner
                                                                                                                                      In memory of Harry Friedman
Samuel Gottlieb & Carolyn          David Kosak                                                                                        Carole Furie:
                                                                   In memory of Frieda Tobin         Jerome Barde:
Gorin:                             In memory of Marilyn Shenker                                                                       In memory of Alfred Furie
                                                                   Rosalie Goodman:                  In memory of Sam Miller
In honor of Samuel Hartoch         Alkin                                                                                              Stanley Geffen:
                                                                   In memory of Michael Hasson       Stuart & Jacqueline Barthold:
Wendi & Sanford Menashe:                                                                                                              In memory of Anne Geffen
                                                                   In memory of Marilyn Shenker      In memory of Matthew
In memory of Gloria Bacharach      Community Enrich-                                                                                  Tina Genesina:
                                                                   Alkin                             Barthold
Mark Rosenberg & Ilene                                                                                                                In memory of Boris Telengator
Safyan:                            ment Award Dinner               Lisa Katon & Noah Kressel:        In memory of Anne Barthold       Bernice Gevurtz:
                                   Jeffrey Menashe & Wendy         In memory of Michael Rosenfield   In memory of Grayce Greenwald
In memory of Rabbi Joshua &                                                                                                           In memory of Harry Rosenfield
                                   Gutmann:                        Irving Leopold:                   In memory of Rose & Martin
Goldie Stampfer                                                                                                                       In memory of Jack Ehrlich
                                   In memory of Rabbi Joshua       In memory of Pearl Leopold        Glick
David & Carol Twain:                                                                                                                  Harry & Mary Goldhammer:
                                   Stampfer                        Vic & Toinette Menashe:           Cantor Eyal Bitton:
In memory of Sam Miller                                                                                                               In memory of Frieda Tobin
                                                                   In memory of Jerry Newmark        In memory of Hannah Kalenscher
Peter Wigmore & Randy Katz:                                                                                                           Isaak & Sima Govshiyevich:
                                                                   Ron & Marcy Morris:               Alan Blank & Ellyn Sternfield:
In memory of Gloria Bacharach      Community Enrich-                                                                                  In memory of Roman
                                                                   In memory of Henry Rothstein      In memory of Frieda Tobin        Govshiyevich
                                   ment Fund                       Linda Ostomel:                    In memory of Gloria Bacharach    Peter Grant:
Cantor’s Discretionary             Karen & Manuel Berman:          In memory of Frieda Tobin         Jo-Ann Bleich:                   In memory of Charlotte Grant
                                   In memory of Frieda Tobin       Ruth Oxman:                       In memory of Robert Rudolph
Fund                                                               In memory of Lena Lieberthal      Mark Braverman:
                                                                                                                                      Kay Gumbert:
Peter & Rita Bedrick:                                                                                                                 In memory of Esther Feldstein
                                                                   Jeanette Philan:                  In memory of Yetta Buckman
In honor of Cantor Eyal Bitton     Donna Jackson Mem-              In memory of Don Stephens         In memory of Frances Braverman
                                                                                                                                      In memory of Morrie Gumbert
Cantor Eyal Bitton:                                                                                                                   Kenneth Gurian:
                                   bership Enrichment              In memory of Hannah Kalenscher    Marlene Brenner:                 In memory of Gloria Gurian
In honor of The Abrahamic                                          Sandy Platt:
Thanksgiving                       Fund                                                              In memory of Robert Rudolph      Wendy & Steven Kahn:
                                   Donna Jackson:                  In memory of Eugene Strull        In memory of Frieda Tobin
Andrew & Rosy Levy:                                                                                                                   In memory of Hannah Kalenscher
                                   In memory of Betty Silver       In memory of Dorothy Strull       In memory of Florence Bookman
In appreciation of Cantor Eyal                                                                                                        Lisa Kama:
                                                                   Gail Semler:                      In memory of Robert Greene
Bitton                                                                                                                                In memory of Gloria Bacharach
                                                                   In memory of Esther Zusman        In memory of Michael Hasson
Barbara Atlas:                                                                                                                        Julian Kaufman:
                                   Elaine & Gloria Schil-          Elisa Weger:                      In memory of Sam Miller          In memory of Sharon Kagna
In memory of Sidney Atlas                                          In memory of Alexander Raskin
In memory of Regina Atlas          ler Fund                                                          In memory of Shirley Trademan    Hannah Lauer:
                                   Thelma Geffen:                                                    Joni Cady & Jane Rosevelt:       In memory of Ellen Perlman
Sharyl & Rick Vagy:
                                   In honor of Jo-Ann Bleich                                         In memory of George Stubbs       Simon
In memory of Frieda Tobin
                                   In memory of Anne Geffen                                          Pam Calvo:                       Burton Leventhal:
In appreciation of Cantor Bitton
                                                                                                     In memory of Edward Kay          In memory of Kenneth Leventhal

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