3,264 campers served in 2020! - Deliver Your Content at the ...

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3,264 campers served in 2020! - Deliver Your Content at the ...

 WINTER 2021 • Volume 47, Issue 1

                  3,264 campers served in 2020!
It's been a challenging year for so many, especially for the campers that annually attend Camp Courageous. The
camp tried to reach out to many, with visits from small groups that were already isolating together, to virtual
gatherings through Zoom and Facebook. Many signed up for the Camper Boxes that included fun activities.
Camp tried to provide a little bit of normalcy in a very abnormal world.

                    Camp Courageous | 12007 190th St., PO Box 418, Monticello IA 52310
        campcourageous.org | Email: info@campcourageous.org | Phone: 319-465-5916 | Fax: 319-465-5919         1
3,264 campers served in 2020! - Deliver Your Content at the ...
Lowell Freeland’s
Passing Leaves a
                                       Outdoor Music Park project by
                                       Monticello Rotary is underway!
                                                                                                                  New 700’ Zipline project at Camp!
Huge Void at Camp                        Camp Courageous will
                                                                                                                    Camp is excited to announce a new 700’ tandem
                                       be bringing the magic                                                          zipline ride that will be accessible for all!
volunteer Lowell
                                       of music to Camp with                                                       Once securely harnessed in, campers will ascend 700 feet to the
Freeland, passed                       the implementation of an                                                  top of the zipline. This will give the camper a 360-degree open
away Saturday,                         outdoor music park as a new
                                       activity for campers and
                                                                                                                 air view of Camp and the park land and fields surrounding it.
October 17, 2020.                                                                                                The camper will zip back down for a thrilling ride at speeds up to
For many years,                        visitors alike to enjoy. The
Lowell and his                         Rotary Club of Monticello,                                                30 MPH to the original loading platform located at Pitlik-Beckwith-
wife Judith would spend their          Iowa, in celebration of their                                             Johnson-Bader Addition. The camper and their counselor will exit
summers volunteering at Camp           100th Anniversary of giving,                                              to cheering friends and cabin-mates.
Courageous. Judith assisted in         is helping to make this possible.
                                                                                Computer rendered image of
                                                                                 possible park equipment.
the kitchen and Lowell helped          The park will aptly be named the
with mowing and maintenance.

                                       Rotary Music Park.                     Donations of any amount
He was always ready to head out
to do pick-ups or various errands                                             to the Music Park would
for camp. After the completion of                                             be appreciated for this
the camp train, Lowell became the                                                                                                                                                                  Work is currently being done on this new
“conductor,” entertaining campers
                                                                              unique project. Below is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Zipline project, including surveying, bore
and visitors as he assisted them on                                           list of naming rights:
and off the train. Lowell and Judith                                                                                                                                                              samples, and construction of the footings.
spent their winters in Texas, but                                             $500 - Concert Level:                                                                                              Completion is expected in the spring of 2021.
each April, camp was so excited                                               As a member of the audience,
to have them return. After Judith’s                                           you’ll receive two (2) tickets
passing in 2012, Lowell continued        The Rotary Music Park will           to Opening Day, festivities and                                 How you can help make this zipline project a reality…
to make the trip to Texas each fall,   feature durable structures that make   recognition in printed material
but eventually, he decided to make     sound when engaged. Whether it         and on social media.                                             • Naming rights to the new zipline is $100,000. Example: it will
Camp Courageous his permanent          be a large-scale xylophone, drums,     $1,000 - Soloist Level:                                             be referred to as the ‘XYZ’ Zipline and there will be signage
home.                                  wind instruments, or others, music     As a Soloist, you’ll receive                                        throughout the location acknowledging the donor, along with
  For over 20 years, Lowell’s home     parks have gained popularity for       four (4) tickets to Opening                                         all promotional material.
and family was Camp Courageous,        the sensory elements they provide.     Day festivities, listing on site                                 • Zipline tandem seat is $50,000 (two seats, $25,000 each).
where he is fondly remembered                                                 plaque, and recognition in
by thousands of special needs
                                                                                                                                                  Name will be very visible on the tandem seat where many
                                                                              printed material and on social                                      riders will want their picture taken.
campers, camp staff, visitors and                                             media.
volunteers. Lowell and Judith were                                                                                                             • Gifts of $10,000, $5,000 & $1,000 will be permanently
recently chosen to be on the Camp                                             $2,500 - Orchestra Level:                                           engraved and displayed at the site.
Courageous Honorary Board. After                                              As part of the Orchestra, you’ll                                 • ANY AMOUNT is appreciated to help make this project happen!
retirement from their positions,                                              receive naming rights on an
                                                                                                                                               Your name and address (billing address if using credit card):
they lived Camp Courageous 24-                                                instrument, eight (8) tickets to                                    NAME (or name on credit card):

7. Both have left huge voids, but                                             Opening Day festivities, name
what a legacy they leave behind.                                              and logo on site plaque, and                                        ADDRESS (or billing address of credit card):

                                                                              recognition in printed material
                                          Computer rendered image of          and on social media.                  From campers that             CITY:                                                                         STATE               ZIP CODE

                                           possible park equipment.           $5,000 - Maestro Level:            have been coming to              DAY PHONE #:                                       E-MAIL ADDRESS:

                                                                              A Maestro will be able to choose   camp since 1974 to first-
                                         The park will allow campers to       an instrument to include in the
                                       enjoy the outdoors while being                                            time campers… this            Your gift toward new zipline project:                                           Credit Card information:
                                                                              park with naming rights, twelve    new adventure element
                                                                                                                                                  ANY AMOUNT APPRECIATED:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (make checks payable to   CARD NUMBER:

                                       active, and making music all at the    (12) tickets to Opening Day                                          $                                                 Camp Courageous)
                                       same time. Music parks are also        festivities, name and logo on      at Camp will be a thrill                                                                                      EXPIRATION DATE (MM/YY):        3-DIGIT AVS # (BACK OF CARD):

                                       noted for being highly inclusive and   site plaque, and recognition in    for all. It will be a huge    For gifts of $1,000 or more:
                                       accessible for all, which makes it a
                                                                                                                                                 NAME(S) TO BE ENGRAVED OR DESIGNATED:                                         SIGNATURE:

                                                                              printed material and on social     adventure to campers of
                                       perfect fit for Camp Courageous.       media.
Lowell and Judith Freeland pose                                                                                  all ages and abilities!        Mail to: Charlie Becker, PO Box 418, Monticello, IA 52310-0418
after a summer of volunteering
at Camp before they made their
annual winter trip to Texas.           Donations can be made at: www.campcourageous.org/rotary-music-park/        For more details or to give online, go to: www.campcourageous.org/zip-line
2                                                  WINTER 2021 • @campcourageous • www.campcourageous.org                                                                                                      The best investment you can make is in yourself.                                3
Since campers could not come to                                                                                                        The V.F.W. /Aux.
                                                                                                                                       relationship with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Camp Honored to be
Camp for the holidays, Camp Staff                                                                                                      Camp Courageous                                                                           Invited to 99th Iowa
took the holidays to the campers!
                                                                                                                                       started in the mid-
                                                                                                                                       70s, when Gloria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VFW and Aux. Annual
                                                                                                                                       Ford, her husband,                                                                        Convention
                                                                                                                                       Harold,       along
    A message from Diamond, camp’s therapy dog:                                                                                        with VFW/Aux.’s                                                                             We want to
                                                                                                                                       Second District,
       “For months                              puppy therapy. Until, suddenly, the                                                    took the Camp up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 thank the State
     now,     there’s                           camp staff started wrapping, baking,                                                   as their project                                                                          of Iowa Veterans
     been this scary                            counting, sorting, and I could tell                                                    when Camp was just beginning. At 89                                                       of Foreign Wars
     thing     called                           something magical was coming                                                           years-old, Gloria has spent over half                                                     and Auxiliary for
     a     pandemic                             together. They decided since campers                                                   her life involved with Camp... nearly                                                     inviting Camp Courageous to their
     that’s     been                            couldn’t come to camp, and we could                                                    50 years as a Camp Courageous
     keeping all the                            not have our annual holiday parties;                                                   Volunteer. Gloria is Camp’s longest                                                       Ninety-Ninth Annual Convention.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Camp Courageous would like to
     happy campers                              we’d take camp to them. They loaded                                                    serving volunteer. In the past year       thank the American Legion of Iowa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It has been an honor for Camp
     away.        It’s                          me up in the bus with all these holiday    Pictured is camp’s therapy dog              Gloria moved to Western Iowa to be        Foundation and Director Leonard Ernst           Courageous to have attended the
     been     utterly                           gifts and treats, and do you know          Diamond delivering a gift to camper         closer to her family. She was recently    from Bellevue, for personally delivering        past 41 years in a row.
     miserable for                              what we did? We went and found             Randy Muller. Above is a photo of           back in the area for a family wedding     a check to help pay for a multipurpose
     the     world’s                            the missing campers. We went to all        the delivery. He wanted Diamond to          and stopped by Camp to see Harold’s       field at the camp’s Pitlik-Beckwith-
                                                                                           deliver his wish list to Santa Claus.       paver in front of the Navy column at
     best therapy                               these different homes and buildings,                                                                                             Johnson-Bader Addition (PBJB). This
                                                                                           He knew that she could get it to him        the Mainliner Memorial Park. We miss
     dog... me! The                             and out would come so many happy                                                       Gloria, but she is as healthy, happy,
                                                                                                                                                                                 field will be totally accessible for those
     camp has been                              campers who needed puppy therapy.          since his staff told him that the big man                                             using power chairs, walkers, and other
                                                                                           had been working at camp recently.          and full of energy as ever, which makes   special equipment. Church Williams
     so lonely and all the usual places I       It sure set my tail to wagging. I got so                                               everyone at Camp happy for her.
     go for ear scratches and belly rubs        many ear scratches and belly rubs.         Camp received a message from his                                                      introduced Camp Courageous to the
     are empty. I’d been searching all             Oh, how I needed that.”                 staff, Stacy, that read: “Thank you                                                   American Legion of Iowa Foundation
                                                                                           very much for doing this!! Randy loved                                                over three decades ago. Since that
     over camp, but just couldn’t find                                   —Diamond          it! We appreciate this so much! He’s                                                  introduction, they have been loyal
     any campers that needed some                                                          saving his presents til Xmas to open.”                                                supporters of camp each year. Great
                                                                                                                                                                                 group who touch the lives of many               Officers L-R include National
                                                                                                                                                                                 veterans, families, friends, and                Auxiliary 11th District Council Member
                                                                                                                                                                                 communities. We thank each of them              for Iowa and Wisconsin Marla
                                                                                                                                                                                 for their wonderful service to our              Morgan, National VFW Junior-Vice
                                                                                                                                                                                 country!                                        Commander Tim Borland, Auxiliary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Department of Iowa President Sandy
                                                                                                                                       Gloria Ford (L) visits the Mainliner                                                      Weldon, VFW Department of Iowa
                                                                                                                                       Memorial Park with her Granddaughter                                                      Commander Paul Arnold, Auxiliary
                                                                                                                                       and family.                                                                               Department Senior-Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jeanette Henry and VFW Senior-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Vice Commander Michael Braman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 during the 2020 State Convention/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 POW WOW. Due to the pandemic, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 original convention was postponed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and added to the POW WOW they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 have each year in October.

                                                                                                                                                                                 (L-R) Camp Courageous was delighted
                                                                                                                                       J&P Cycles has been a long-time           to have Virginia Bailey, along with
                                                                                                                                       friend of the Camp and recently held      Jessica Pettit, and Sue Pettit visit camp
     Camp reached out to 646 campers                                                                                                   a special fund raiser. Proceeds from      recently. Virginia has been a longtime
    with holiday gifts this year. We hope                                                                                              the sale of a one-of-a-kind T-shirt       advocate and supporter of Camp                  (L-R) Iowa V.F.W. State Commander
    next year the annual Holiday Parties                                                                                               were donated to Camp. Shown here          Courageous. She has generously                  2019-2020 Russell Saffell presents
             can be held again!                                                                                                        presenting the donation is Ray Ropa,      contributed toward the Pineapple Gala,          camp’s friend, Simon Conway, WHO
Camp accepts donations of children’s toys and gifts for                                                                                J&P Cycles Manager. Ray’s brother Al      dietary equipment, picnic tables and            radio in Des Moines (sister station to
 adults such as gloves, blankets, socks, and puzzles,                                                                                  has been attending Camp Courageous        benches, and to almost every building           600AM WMT Radio) the Department
year-round to have enough gifts for the Holiday Parties                                                                                since 1983, rarely missing a year! Many   project. Virginia has certainly always          of Iowa Communications Award.
    in November.​Any donations in preparation for                                                                                      thanks to Ray and J&P Cycles for their    been there for Camp Courageous,                 Simon has been at WHO for many
    next year would be appreciated by sending an                                                                                       continued support of the Camp!            and is as good and caring a person as           years and is a huge supporter of
     E-mail to: program@campcourageous.org                                                                                                                                       anyone could ever meet.                         Veterans and programs for Veterans.

4                                                              WINTER 2021 • @campcourageous • www.campcourageous.org                                                                                        Sometimes it’s better to let the silence do the talking.   5
Stutsman continues                        Morton family leaves
                                                                                                                                           Camp arranges virtual visits with Santa for campers
    support of Camp                           impact on camp in
                                              memory of their son                                                                             One of the biggest worries that young
                                                                                                                                           people have had during this difficult year
                                                 Gregg and Luann Morton’s close                                                            has been, “Am I going to get to see Santa
                                              relationship with Camp Courageous began                                                      this year?” “How’s he going to know what
                                              over 20 years ago when their son, Patrick,                                                   I want for Christmas?”
                                              made his first trip to Camp at the age of                                                       With the assistance of some Camp
                                              about three with his school. By the age of                                                   Courageous staff, Santa and campers met
                                              six he was staying for a week. Thus began                                                    online over Zoom and were allowed to
                                              a relationship where the Mortons became        (L-R) Gregg and Luann Morton with
                                                                                             Camp Courageous Board Member                  share some time together. For Santa it was
    Presenting a check from the Eldon         one of the Camp’s strongest advocates.
                                                                                             and Past-President Jim Foels.                 a chance to come into homes and meet with
    Stutsman Inc. vendors are (L-R)           Patrick died at the age of 13 on January 16,
    Roger Slaughter (Special Project
                                                                                                                                           families in a way he’d never done before.
                                              2009. At his visitation Luann said, “For
    Lead, 44 years); Scott Stutsman                                                          with the C.U.B.S. (Chicago Urban Bicycle      A direct quote from
                                              Patrick, coming to Camp Courageous was
    (CEO, 33 years); Ron Stutsman (Chair,                                                    Society) during RAGBRAI, garage sales,        the Big Guy himself,
                                              like rolling up Christmas                                                                                                                 helper for this online holiday project. Lee   close to 30 years ago at Camp Eastman,
    60 years); and Terry Hurshman (VP                                                        and the list goes on and on. The Mortons      “It was a real ‘feel
    Feed Ingredients, 40 years.)              and his birthday all into                                                                                                                 is from the Burlington, Iowa area. He is a    a Boy Scout Camp in Hamilton, Illinois.
                                                                                             have made a huge difference for Camp          good’     experience
                                              one.”                                                                                                                                     local Scout leader and was a UPS driver for     Camp Courageous is very appreciative
       Although COVID-19 put a damper            From this relationship                      Courageous as they drew many new              to safely be invited
                                                                                             campers and supporters to the Camp.           into these special                           23 years. This is Lee’s 13th holiday season   of Lee taking the time to assist with this
    on the Annual Eldon Stutsman              was born relationships                                                                                                                    being a special helper. His connection to     holiday project. It was great to have Santa
    Inc. Customer Appreciation Golf           with the Power Wagon                             The Mortons are moving to North             people’s homes.”
                                                                                             Carolina right after the first of the year.      Lee    Thompson                           Camp Courageous is through John Geyer,        spend time with the campers and their
    Outing, they didn’t let it impact their   Group, the huge raffle of
                                                                                             They have donated a straight truck load of    is camp’s special                            Respite Care Coordinator, who he met          families.
    ability to do something good for the      ‘Gracie’ the VW, annual
    community. In place of the traditional    memorial birthday parties                      beautiful furniture to the camp. They will
    hole sponsorship, they asked for a        for Patrick, 5K runs,                          be dearly missed here, but WOW, what an
    donation to one of their longtime         celebrations in Fairfield                      impact they have made on thousands.
    favorite organizations to support,
    Camp Courageous. Eldon Stutsman’s
    passion for people and helping others
    led him to love all things Camp            A look back at past holiday parties at Camp Courageous
    Courageous. Dating back to the early
    80s, he would make monthly road
    trips to the camp with a trunk full
    of needed items. This passion has
    continued through generations of the
    Stutsman family and business.                                                                                                                                                       For the past 15 years members of the
       The following Eldon Stutsman Inc.                                                                                                                                                Rachel Circle and Friends from the
                                                                                                                                                                                        Brandon area have traveled to Camp
    vendors graciously donated to Camp                                                                                                                                                  Courageous for a work day at the              (R-L) Kurt Heims (of Heims Awards,
    Courageous: Ossian Inc., Double S                                                                                                      Thanks to the workers from Swick                                                           Manchester, IA) is pictured with
                                                                                                                                           Cable for donation directional boring        camp. Through the years, they have
    Liquid Feed Services, Inc., Pharmgate                                                                                                                                               labeled, stuffed and sealed countless         Andrea Rivera (camp’s Fall 2020
                                                                                                                                           for power improvements at the Pitlik-                                                      Intern) as he shows her a few of the
    Animal Health, SEM Minerals, L.P.,                                                                                                                                                  envelopes for assorted mailings. Due
                                                                                                                                           Beckwith-Johnson-Bader          (PBJB)                                                     signs that he created. Kurt donated
    La Crosse Milling, Phibro Animal                                                                                                       Addition. They are always a pleasure to      to COVID, this year’s group was a bit
    Health, ILC Resources, Biozyme,                                                                                                                                                     smaller, but their enthusiasm and work        his craftsmanship to Camp this year in
                                                                                                                                           work with.                                                                                 the form of these camp signs as well
    Chemorse        Ltd.,    Huvepharma,                                                                                                                                                ethic was on full display as they worked
                                                                                                                                                                                        their way through a large mailing             as Camper Awards. He first contacted
    Hills Bank, Central Life Sciences,                                                                                                     Thank you to                                                                               Camp about a way to give back at a
    Diamond V, Motomco, Alltech, and                                                                                                       Betty Artus of                               task. In addition to volunteering, they
                                                                                                                                                                                        also brought along several bags of            time when we were looking for new
    Church & Dwight.                                                                                                                       Dubuque       who                                                                          ideas for camper awards. Camper
       Eldon C. Stutsman, Inc is a family                                                                                                  collects       pop                           wonderful donations. It’s always fun
                                                                                                                                                                                        catching up with this group, and we           Awards are given to campers after each
    owned business for more than 85                                                                                                        can tabs, card                                                                             week-long session and customized
                                                                                                                                           fronts,        and                           look forward to seeing them every year!
    years. In 1934, Eldon C. Stutsman                                                                                                                                                                                                 to their camp experience. The idea of
    started a milk route, and his neighbors                                                                                                other      needed                                                                          a “Wood Cookie” award came from
    soon asked him to bring supplies back                                                                                                  items for Camp                                                                             the Program staff and Kurt’s expertise
                                                                                                                                           Courageous, the
    from town. As a farmer himself, Eldon
    was glad to oblige. The requests kept
                                                                                                                                           year-round. She                                Sign up now for the                         fit in with the idea. He fit camp’s logo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      onto the award in the form of a wood
    coming and soon a company was
                                                                                                                                           has enlisted the                                Camp Courageous                            burning via a laser. He created 2,000
                                                                                                                                                                                            Weekly E-mail!
                                                                                                                                           help of many                                                                               awards for camp throughout the year.
    born. Today, Eldon C. Stutsman, Inc.                                                                                                   friends, family, her church, hospital, and                                                 Additionally, when looking for a way
    is Eastern Iowa’s largest supplier                                                                                                     other groups in her collecting. Camp is
    of agricultural products, retail, and                                                                                                  grateful for Betty’s many years of help!
                                                                                                                                                                                           Get the latest updates about               to add more signs to locations around
                                                                                                                                                                                           what's going on at the Camp.               Camp, Kurt’s craftsmanship came in
    wholesale. What’s more, Eldon C.                                                                                                       Betty, who is 94-years-old, is like many                                                   handy yet again. A huge thank you to
    Stutsman, Inc. is a multi-generational                                                                                                 her age, who have spent their entire           Sign up on the camp's web page:             Kurt and Heims Awards in Manchester
    business and is still family owned.                                                                                                    lives helping others. Maybe the secret
                                                                                                                                           to longevity is helping others?               www.campcourageous.org                       for his continued support of Camp

6                                                            WINTER 2021 • @campcourageous • www.campcourageous.org                                                                                             Everything happens for a reason. See the bigger picture.      7
thank                                                            Camp Courageous is run on donations, without government assistance, formal

                                                                                                                                                                                                    sponsorship, or paid fund raisers. Everything given to camp, whether it be food,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    time, materials, or financial support, goes directly to benefit the individuals with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    special needs who are served by Camp each year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Listed below are those who have contributed money, time, and/or supplies from
                                                                                                                                                                                                    September 16, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
                                                                                                                                   ADDRESS UNKNOWN                     GREEN VALLEY, AZ                  AURORA, CO                         FORT MYERS, FL                      ADEL, IA                             Clarence Reihmann
Thank you to Rusty Clayton of                                                                                                       Mary Aitchison - In honor of        Doris Steffy                      Zach Gill                          Shirley Blunt                       Carolyn Baldwin                   AMES, IA
Brooklyn, IA for lining up the Brooklyn                                                                                              Kat Monk Felton’s Birthday        MARICOPA, AZ                       David Wicke                       FORT MYERS BEACH, FL                 Fuller Standard Service, Inc.      Rodney and Joyce Brink
                                                                                                                                    Jennie Allworth - In honor of                                                                                                                                                   John and Connie Buss - In
Cruisers to tour Camp Courageous.          Thank you to Scheels in Coralville for                                                    Laura Slobodnik’s birthday
                                                                                                                                                                        Verlene Kelly - In memory of     BOULDER, CO                         David Fischer - In honor of        AGENCY, IA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     memory of Roger Daniels
                                                                                                                                                                         Max Wolfgram                     Shirley Huntbach                    Merry Christmas to Mr. &           Ed Bachman
This wonderful group toured the Durgin/    making Camp Courageous part of their        Dr. Jeannie Collins, DDS with Noelridge      Ian Barnum
                                                                                                                                                                       MESA, AZ                          CASTLE ROCK, CO                      Mrs. Mike Bornhoeft, Merry        AINSWORTH, IA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Carla Dixson
                                                                                                                                    Mary Bartels                                                                                                                                                                    Robin Formaker - In memory of
Mainliner/Lake Todd area, spread out       annual giving campaign. Marketing and       Dental professionally whitened teeth         Judy Bennett                        Judy Morton                       Jon and Judy Manchester - In        Christmas to Mr. and Mrs.          Owen and Norma White                Norma Briden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              James Bornhoeft, and Merry
for a picnic, then headed to base camp     Events Leader Ariel White is shown          at a discounted fee, and 100% of the         Amy Brant                           Leland & Jane Triplitt             memory of Helen Macek
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Christmas to Mr. and Mrs.         ALBURNETT, IA                       Kim Gawley
to wrap up the tour. I met Rusty through                                                                                            Christine and Randy Cairns - In    ORO VALLEY, AZ                    CENTENNIAL, CO                                                          Ken and Shirley Andrews            Fay Gish Hill - In memory of
                                           during their Virtual Day of Giving online   proceeds were split between Camp              memory of Richard Zenishek         Esther Wetlaufer                  Harriet Lorence - In honor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Donald Bornhoeft
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Patrick and Mary Jo Callahan -      Phyllis Green
Ruritan decades ago while giving a         meeting that gathered the dozens            Courageous and providing free                Katrese Carino                     PHOENIX, AZ                         Janet & Walt Schulz’ wedding     FT. LAUDERDALE, FL                    In memory of Jean Sullivan        Samantha Gray - In honor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           anniversary and Louis &           Gary Hughes - In memory of          Jim and Roberta Carver - In
program at their state convention.         of non-profits benefitting from their       dental services for seriously ill and        Daryl Carson - In honor of Scott    Rick Beymer
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Geraldine Stolba’s wedding         Hayden Fry and Bump Elliott         honor of Emily Shaffer’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tye Sodders
                                                                                                                                     Allen’s birthday                   Alan Henderson                                                                                                                              Marjorie Hartman
From that program came not only a          program. Camp appreciates their on-         underprivileged children. This has           Demi Prichard and Cody              Tom and Jane Selling               anniversary and Louis’           GAINESVILLE, FL                       birthday                          Natalie Kerr
long friendship with Rusty, but also       going support!                              been a wonderful fund raiser for Camp         Husemann                           Chris Zachar - In memory of        birthday                          Dr. Kim Kazimour                    David and Sandra Feldmann          Nadine Kramer
                                                                                                                                    Victoria Crouse                      David Justus Rivera              David and Sheila Martin - In                                           Delores Johnson - In memory        Sheila Lundt
future Board Member and Past Board                                                     Courageous and so many children in           Jeffrey Duhachek                                                       honor of Phil & Shirley Martin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HAINES CITY, FL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shirley Shogren - In memory of       of Celia Collins Bingham,         Gordon and Irmgard Miller, Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                       SADDLEBROOK, AZ
President Jim Foels and Honorary                                                       need. What a super team of dedicated         Maddy Gordon
                                                                                                                                                                        Robert and Carol Tibor
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Keith and Angela Nofziger           Kurt Hinschberger                   Gwen Baker, and Keith             Dr. Janet Padgitt
                                                                                                                                    Brian Hall                                                                                                                                    “Sugar” Johnson                   David and Nancy Schultz
Board Member Ralph Palmer. It was                                                      staff at Noelridge Dental who have           Manyee Henderson                   SAN TAN VALLEY, AZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                         CENTENNIAL , CO                    HYPOLUXO, FL                         Kevin and Teri Johnson - In        Brenda Swaim - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Hart Micke - In memory       Norman Meier - In memory of
a gorgeous, warm, sunny Sunday at                                                      touched the lives of many in need for        Janell Holub                        Craig Demoss - In honor of         of Coral Hesse                     Larry Mostaert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  memory of Dale Simmons             Cleo Andreesen
                                                                                                                                    Karla Ice                            current and retired Veterans                                                                            Tim and Rhonda Lange - In
Camp with this super group!                                                            years and has raised thousands of            Andy Irwin - In honor of Scott       and caregivers                  COLORADO SPRINGS, CO               JACKSONVILLE, FL                      memory of James Seevell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mary Wauson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Matthew Wenger - In memory
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Gary Cray - In memory of
                                                                                       dollars for Camp Courageous. We are           Allen’s birthday                  SUN CITY, AZ                        Alberta Cray
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Clifford and La Vonne Graese        Cindy Lundine - In memory of        of Diane Wenger
                                                                                                                                    Michelle Maker - In honor of        Stroberg Diane - In memory of                                         Foundation                          Nancy Dlouhy, Phil Saunders,      Becker Family Foundation
                                                                                       very grateful for this partnership.           Scott Allen’s birthday              Marvin Walton                   DENVER, CO                         LADY LAKE, FL                         Douglas Torson, and Scott         Kreg Tool Product Devel.
Thank you to                                                                                                                        Rachel Maker - In honor of          Donna Harland - In memory of      Doug Hesse - In memory of          Stephen Kahler                       Bubke                              Team - In memory of Charles
                                                                                                                                     Scott Allen’s birthday                                                Coral Hesse                                                           Gene and Jeanie Neighbor            Wuestenberg
LeeRoy and                                                                                                                          Al MArt - In honor of Scott
                                                                                                                                                                         Marvin Walton
                                                                                                                                                                        Linda Harland - In memory of     DENVER , CO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            LARGO, FL                            Richard Ritze - In memory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Thomas and Karen Gargiulo, Jr.                                        ANAMOSA, IA
the late Jan                                                                                                                         Allen’s birthday                    Marvin Walton                    Kenneth and Mary Sue                                                    of Darwin “Chip” Kohl and         Mike and Nancy Bickford - In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            LONGBOAT KEY, FL                      Saloma McCright
Mootz for their                                                                                                                     Pat Mcartor - In honor of Scott
                                                                                                                                     Allen’s birthday
                                                                                                                                                                       TUCSON, AZ                          Coleman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Martin Rich - In honor of Tom       Bill and June Ryan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     memory of Nancy Brokaw
                                                                                                                                                                        Joel Gray                        FORT COLLINS, CO                                                                                           Norma Bildstein
exceptional                                                                                                                         Kyle Meeks - In honor of Scott      Charles and Joselyn Haefner -     James and Julie Allen - In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              & Mary Pat Brooke                 ALLISON, IA                         Wayne Clayton
support                                                                                                                              Allen’s birthday                    In memory of Kay, Ruth, and       honor of Martin Hermes           MARCO ISLAND, FL                     Angie Fishel - In memory of        Duane and Julie Cline - In
                                                                                                                                    Susan Moser - In honor of                                                                                Wayne Mead - In honor of             Micheal R. Fishel                  memory of Bernadette Cline,
of        Camp                             A very special thank you to Stephen                                                       Scott Allen’s birthday
                                                                                                                                                                         Norman Hartwig
                                                                                                                                                                        Catherine Hershberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                         FORT LUPTON, CO                      Warne & Anne Mead                  St. James Lutheran Church           Judy Calderwood, Christopher
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lee and Marlys Kos
Courageous                                 Slobodnik, along with his daughter,                                                      Jay Parsons - In honor of Scott
                                                                                                                                     Allen’s birthday
                                                                                                                                                                        Roger Wyrick - In memory of                                          Joel and Julie Proctor, & Family     WELCA                              Keller, and Robert A. Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                                         GOLDEN, CO
for the past                               Anna, for driving from Mt. Pleasant                                                      Ryan Pfannkuch
                                                                                                                                                                         Hila Nickel
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dale and Linda Baker - In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NAPLES, FL                          ALTA, IA                             Sr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Darwin and Elizabeth Coleman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ole and Mary Passaglia - In         Kimmes Enterprises, LLC
35+years as                                to Camp Courageous to present a                                                          David Roberts                      ANAHEIM, CA
                                                                                                                                                                        Larry and Marie Sears
                                                                                                                                                                                                           memory of Anand Misra              memory of Frank Martell            VFW Auxiliary No 6172               - In memory of Lloyd & Cleta
                                                                                                                                    Shannon Ryan - In honor of                                            Jeff Nickel
owners         of                          check from the Knights of Columbus                                                        Scott Allen’s birthday            CLOVIS, CA                                                           ORLANDO, FL                         ALTOONA, IA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Debbie and Josh Cummings
                                                                                                                                                                                                         IDAHOE SPRINGS, CO
Whiffle     Tree                           Council No. 7294 in Mt. Pleasant.                                                        Philip Sencer                       John Jensen                       Linda George
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dan and Cindy Christoffell - In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              memory of Arlene Nolting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jack and Marilyn Burzacott
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Richard and Patricia
                                                                                                                                    Angela Sievers - In honor of Kat    Richard Kremer                                                                                           Wendi turner - In honor of Tim
Antique Mall in Monticello. LeeRoy         This annual tradition usually found                                                       Monk Felton’s Birthday                                              LOVELAND , CO                      PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL                  Gall
                                                                                                                                                                       CORONADO, CA                                                                                                                                 Frank and Joyce Deutmeyer - In
decided to sell Whiffle Tree, with the     Camp going to them for a program and                                                     Blue Sims                           James and Sondra Seeright - In
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rosemary and Doug Moore            Timothy and Margene Grady          AMANA, IA                            memory of Jerry & Lorena
last day of business being Wednesday,      dinner, but COVID-19 changed things.          Camper Hallie, her mom, and
                                                                                                                                    Beth Slobodnik - In honor of         honor of Pat and Phil Gent      WALSENBURG, CO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ann Blakeslee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PUNTA GORDA, FL                      Ken and Patricia Arp - In           Muller, John Adnreesen, Fay
                                                                                                                                     Laura Slobodnik’s birthday                                                                              Robert T. Campbell                   memory of Everett Kintzel,         Oltmann, Harry McBride,
September 30th, 2020. After that date,     Proceeds come from their annual               grandmother rented the Snoezelroom         Patrick Thielking                  HERMOSA BEACH, CA
                                                                                                                                                                                                         WESTCLIFFE, CO                      Richard Koll - In memory of          Kathie Waln, and Regis             Roger Norton, Lorraine
                                                                                                                                                                        Jacquelyn Jack - In memory of
Whiffle Tree closed for remodeling.        Tootsie Roll drive for Persons with           (sensory) at camp this fall. Hallie was
                                                                                                                                    Britta Volz
                                                                                                                                                                         Steve Story                      Michelle Holmes - In memory         Patricia Koll                       Stallman                           Schnieder, Mary Anne Dunkel,
                                                                                                                                    Gordon and Linda Winkler - In                                          of Trudy Haltof and Robert &      Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Naomi       Connie Baugh
LeeRoy “comes with the inventory”          Intellectual Disabilities. Their donation     so eager to come back to camp she           memory of Dr. Dan Roe             HIGHLAND, CA                        Dixie French                       Zeller - In memory of Pam          Joyce Fels - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Nancy McQuaid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Duaine & Sheila Eden - In
and will still be there as the “hello      is in memory of two of their members          said she didn’t sleep the night before.
                                                                                                                                    Steve and Sandra Zenishek - In      Carol Rankin
                                                                                                                                                                                                         WINDSOR, CO                          Durchenwald                         Henry Meyer, Keith Taylor,         memory of Eden & Marsh
                                                                                                                                     memory of Richard Zenishek                                                                                                                   Lillian Moessner, Wilma
guy” when it reopens. The decision         who passed away in September,                 She enjoyed the newly updated              Camp Courageous Coffee
                                                                                                                                                                       LAGUNA BEACH, CA                   Karen and Thomas Nesler - In      SAINT PETERSBURG, FL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Neumann, Betty Jane Keiper,
                                                                                                                                                                        Beth Kramer - In memory of         memory of Ellie Reeder            Rudy and Wilmarie Bindi                                                Ken Fearing
to sell Whiffle Tree was not an easy       Arthur Holtkamp and Anthony Bentler.          Snoezelroom and then they explored          Fundraiser                          Eric Karsten                                                                                             Carroll “Shorty” Schaul,          Keith First - In memory of
                                                                                                                                    Camp Courageous Haunted                                              GLASTONBURY, CT                    SEBRING, FL
one. However, the time had come to         Stephen has been very involved with           some of the new parts of camp               Trail                             LARKSPUR, CA                       Gladys Rigler                      Janice Bock - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Isabella Schaefer, Helen           Dorothy Gray
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sedmeier, Jenny Huedepohl,        Rick and Angela Greif
pass this business on to new owners.       the camp for decades, as was his              including the Mainliner Memorial           Coffee Basket Fundraiser            Childrens Charities of America
                                                                                                                                                                                                         MIDDLETOWN, CT                       Marilyn Klahn                       Rosalie Henry, Clarence           Richard and Sheryle Griffith
The new owners are Bobby & Heidi                                                                                                    Garrett Family Charitable Fund     LOS ANGELES, CA
                                           father…never knowing that someday             Park and took a walk through the           GQ Entertainment LLC                Mark Hollingsworth
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shirley Champagne - In            ST. PETE BEACH, FL                    Reihmann, David Hougland,         Ron Harms - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           memory of Kate DeSotel            David & Donna Jiruska                Gloria Schropp, Cindy Smith,       Randy J. Rundle
Krum of Amber, IA. The Krums’ have         they would have family members that           Penaluna Tunnel. At the end of their       Jim Macek Garage Sale              OROVILLE, CA                                                                                               and Carole Ann Wallace - In       Margie Hasler - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         PULMAN, CT                         SUMMERFIELD, FL
worked a combined 40 years in retail       would use the camp. Super group!              visit, Hallie’s mom said, “Today was
                                                                                                                                    Merrill Gruber Family Trust         Chaia Lee                         Mary and Paul Cotnoir - In         Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers -        honor of thanks to all who         Josephine Bollwitt
and small businesses. Their passion                                                                                                BURLINGTON, 5260                    PLEASANT HILL, CA                   honor of Ryan Cotnoir              In memory of Larry Guilford         helped with Derecho cleanup       Cecilia Hatcher - In memory of
                                                                                         such a blessing for Hallie and she        APO, AE                              Patricia Von Behren                                                                                      Norman and Rosemarie Geiger         “Cooky” Gray
for local tourism, small towns, and                                                      gives the new sensory room a thumbs        Ian Iverson
                                                                                                                                                                                                         WOODBRIDGE, CT                     THE VILLAGES, FL                      - In memory of Dorothy Gray       Jerry and Chris Holtz
                                                                                                                                                                       RANCHO SANTA FE, CA                Heritage Capital LLC - In honor    Larry Jones
antiques led them to purchase Whiffle                                                    up!!” When asked if she was happy to      HOT SPRINGS, AR                      Gary and Diana Macek - In          of Jon and Sharon Smally         WINTER HAVEN, FL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Arlene Green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gerda Holub - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Charlotte Hoover
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ken and Pam Humpal - In
Tree. LeeRoy and Jan would do                                                            be back at camp                            Gary and Jann Williams - In          memory of Jim Macek, Helen      BONITA SPRINGS, FL                  Nancy Marlette - In memory of        LaVerne Holub                      memory of Gary Pitz
                                                                                                                                     memory of Bud Langhoff              Macek, and Dick Henderson
anything for Camp Courageous, from                                                       she said, “Yes, it                                                             The Estate of Helen Macek - In
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Steve Henderson - In memory         Charlie Wuestenberg                Dolores Kloubec - In memory        Delores Ihlenfeldt - In memory
                                                                                                                                   LITTLE ROCK, AR                                                         of Richard L. Henderson          LAWRENCEVILLE, GA                     of Barb Dohnalek                   of all Covid victims - In honor
continuous professional advice on                                                        is my home away                            Rudy and Laurie Byrne - In           memory of Helen Macek            Dick and Marlyce Young Larson      Everett Paul - In memory of         Mark and Sharron LaGrange -         of the end of 2020
antique items donated to Camp, selling                                                   from home.” Even                            memory of Duaine Bollwitt         ROSEVILLE, CA                       - In memory of Doreen Ayers        Kathleen DeSotel                    In memory of Larry Kubalek,       Jerry and Jeanie Jensen - In
                                                                                                                                                                        FlexCare Medical Staffing                                                                                 Charles Nerison, and Kathleen      memory of Josie Bollwitt
huge numbers of Camp Courageous                                                          though it was not
                                                                                                                                   BUCKEYE, AZ                                                           BRADENTON, FL                      NORCROSS, GA                          “Kate” Waln                       Marty and Richard June - In
                                                                                                                                    Paul and Patricia Bolhous - In     SAN MATEO, CA                      Norbert and Mary Krob              Robert and Jean Ash
Fruitcakes, and, most of all, being                                                      the     traditional,                        memory of Delores Rowe and         Delsin Mills                     CAPE CORAL, FL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Larry and Rosalie Ochs - In         memory of Mary Jane Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AIEA, HI                              memory of Loretta Wright and
genuine friends who would do anything                                                    overnight camp                              Vic Roudell                       WALNUT CREEK, CA                   Mary Lou Stock                     Laurel Solomon - In memory of        Rosalie Henry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Galen Ketelsen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Steve and Mary Kelchen
for Camp Courageous at any hour of                                                       experience she
                                                                                                                                   CASA GRANDE, AZ                      Matt Klinger - In memory of      CELEBRATION, FL                      Phyllis Wilken                     Joan & Hank Stumpff                Marsha Ketelsen - In memory
                                                                                                                                    Mary Joy Shedeck                     C.F. & K. Klinger                Fred and Lyla Broers - In
any day. The precious memories of                                                        loves, she was                                                                WILDOMAR, CA                        memory of Lora D. Broers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HONOLULU, HI                         Donna Trumpold - In memory          of Cooky Gray and Pam
                                                                                                                                   CHANDLER, AZ                                                                                              Rodney Ballou - In honor of          of Max Wolfgram and Betty          Seehusen
this couple’s dedication and love for                                                    happy to be back                           Gary and Sandy Wilharber - In       Marilyn Uecke - In memory of     DUNEDIN, FL                          Earl & Natalie Ballou               Rind                              Dan and Joy Klaassen
Camp in days gone by are priceless…                                                      at camp again.
                                                                                                                                     memory of Raymond Meier             LeDonna Gommels                  Jim Small                         ACKLEY, IA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kari and Todd Viall - In memory    Olga McNamara - In memory of
                                                                                                                                                                       ARVADA, CO                                                                                                 of Barbara Zahradnik               Dorothy “Cooky” Gray
We wish LeeRoy the very best of                                                                                                    FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ
                                                                                                                                                                        Mike and Linda Greco Greco-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ENGLEWOOD, FL                       Cornerstone Presbyterian WIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Amana Refrigeration Retirees       Don and Phyllis Michels - In
                                                                                                                                    D.L. and Blanche Donovan - In                                         Deb Arnold                         Hugs With Stitches
good health and happiness in this new                                                                                                memory of Jerry Muller, C.J.        Sanders - In memory of Leo                                          Lions Club of Ackley-Geneva
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Club - In memory of Henry          memory of Ardith Condry and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Meyer, Gloria Schropp, and
chapter of his life…                                                                                                                 Kehoe, and David Bacon              Greco                                                                                                                                       Galen Ketelsen

8                                                        WINTER 2021 • @campcourageous • www.campcourageous.org                                                                                                                                                   People never forget how you make them feel.                                     9
Dennis and Nancy Mulford - In      ATALISSA, IA                        of all victims of Covid           John and Katie Morrow              Jim and Elsie Foels - In          CASCADE, IA                           Loren and Lori Manternach - In     Cedar Falls Lions Club             Dan and Bibi Chadwick - In        Gary Frett - In honor of Helen   Steve and Kay Jackson             Ryan and Lura McBride
  memory of Steve Davis              Debra DeVore - In memory of       Jenny Litterer                     Jeffrey and Julie Oglesby - In      memory of Robert Price and        Miles Bartels - In honor of           memory of Dave Otting             Scheels All Sports                  memory of Dick Whitters            Schmelz’ 90th birthday         Vernon and Rose Jackson           Marc and Theresa McCoy - In
 Bonnie Mull - In memory of Jay       Viola Dotson and Mike Devore     Diane & Roger Michels - In          memory of Dave & Carolyn           Florence Prendergast                Miles Bartels                      Linus & Shirley McDermott - In     Service Signing, LC                Mary Bess Chester - In memory     Laurie Frisch                    Jon and Norma Jacobsen             memory of Ellie Reeder
  & WIlma Flannagan                                                     memory of Gene Thomas and          Mason                             Craig and Connie Hall - In         John and Sheila Beringer - In         memory of Carol Dolphin, Bob     CEDAR RAPIDS, IA                     of Richard L. Henderson and      Susan Frischkorn - In memory     Mary James - In memory of         Patt and Stacy McDowell
 Brian and Julie Nassif             ATKINS, IA                          William D. Tracy                  Robert and Becky Reiter, &          memory of DeAnn                                                         Hosch, Leonard McCarthy,                                              Helen Macek                        of Pam (Kula) Seehusen          Nancy Brokaw                     Pat and Cindy McElliott
                                     Doug Ayers - In memory of                                                                                                                    memory of Don and Lucille                                             Dr. Johanna Abernathy
 Helen Nassif - In memory of                                           Geraldine Nolting - In memory       Families - In memory of Nancy      McWilliams, Pat Douglas,            Starr                               and John Crocker                  Diane Ackman - In memory           Paul Christenson                  Martha Fruehling - In memory     Jon, Jodie and jonique Janda -    Lorraine McGuigan - In
  Nick Sr. and Nick Jr. Nassif        Doreen Louise Ayers               of Arlene Nolting                  Brokaw                             Charles Hansen, and Gary                                               Dale Mescher                                                          Joe and Diana Cira                  of Eldon Fruehling              In memory of Richard Braley       memory of Max Bachman and
                                     Lisa and Andre Gallet                                                                                                                      Gayle Bries - In memory of                                               of Esther Meeks and Mary E.
 Douglas and Patricia Nauman                                           Steve and Beth Norpel - In         William Rossow                      McClenathan                         John and Jeff Spahr                Mary Neiers - In memory             Villhauer                         Bob and Loretta Claes - In        Joe Fulmer                        and Judith Ann Garbers            Austin Miller
 Jean Neville - In memory of         Carl and Marilyn Gerhold - In      memory of Charles & Richard       Gregory and Cheryl Sly - In        Dean and Becky Roth                                                      of Mary Green - In honor                                              memory of Joseph “Joe” Seda      Thomas Gallagher - In memory     Darrell Jansa - In memory of      Doug McKechnie
                                      memory of Jacqueline                                                                                                                      James and Lynne Conlin                                                  Janet Aldrich
  Bob Neville                                                           Norpel Sr.                         memory of Florence Reedy          Patsy Seye - In memory             Curt Conrad - In memory of            of Bill & Kathy Gehl’s 50th       Scott Allen - In honor of Scott    Barbara Clark - In memory of        of Pamela Rae Durchenwald       Mark Volesky and Leo Koss        William and Judith McNiel - In
 Greg and Nancy Norlin - In           “Jackie” Voelker                 John and Vivian Pitlo              Thiara Smith                        of Shirley Noyes, Carolyn                                               wedding anniversary, Bob &                                            Richard O. Clark                 Charles Gardner - In memory of   Leonard and Marge Jansa - In       memory of Mick and Nora
                                     Frank and Jane King                                                                                                                          Marilyn Klahn                                                          Allen’s birthday
  memory of Steve Graham                                               Max and Mary Reed                  John and Mary Stavnes - In          Huedpohl, Gary McClenathan,       Jane Donovan                          Debbie Green’s 50th wedding       Bruce and Janis Altorfer           Karla Clark                         Viola Thomas                    memory of Darlene Schinker,       McNiel
 Vivian Norton - In memory           Charles and Deanne Popeck         Phyllis Reistroffer                 honor of Charlie Becker            and Jim Scandridge                                                      anniversary, and Matt &                                              Mary Claypool - In memory         Carol Gauger - In memory of       Dan Freese, Bernice Vogel,       Laura Meade
                                     Richard and Mary Louise                                                                                                                    Kevin and Janet Fagan - In                                              Brian Anderson - In memory of
  of Galen Ketelsen and Clete                                          Roger & Eunice Schladetzky         Suzy Ven Horst - In memory of      Brooklyn Ruritan Club                memory of Dave Phillips and         Jean Simon’s 50th wedding          Ellie Reeder                       of Myron Cohrn and Ronald          Helen Macek                     Marilyn Zvacek, Dorothy          Mr. and Mrs. Steve Meehleder
  McNamara                            Schlotterback - In memory        Mina Theisen                        Mildred Ven Horst                                                                                          anniversary                                                           Claypool                         Barbara Gay                       Kirocofe, Regis Stallman,        Richard Meeks
                                      of Dennis Von Ahsen and                                                                               BRYANT, IA                            Ken Green                                                             Cliff and Sherrie Ayers - In
 Jeff and Royce Pitlik                                                 Bellevue Lodge #51                 Gene and Arlene Vincent            Roland and Bette Petersen - In     Kym & Mark Felton - In               Dick and Grace Noonan - In          memory of Doreen Ayers            Jim Colbert - In memory of        Dorothy Gee                       Steve Graham, and David          Paul Meier - In memory of Don
 Charlie Porter                       Kathleen Waln                    St. John’s & St. Paul’s WELCA      Dean and Trish Wendt, &                                                                                     memory of Carol T. Dolphin,                                           George Shearer                   Stuart and Amy Geiger - In        Uthoff                            & Carlene Meier
                                     Jean Semelroth, Jr.                                                                                      memory of Carole Roeder and         memory of Teresa (Tessie)                                             Carol Bacon - In memory of
 Del and Marlene Prout - In                                            St. John’s WELCA                    Family - In honor of many          Dale VonThum - In honor of          Owen, Marilyn Neiers, and           Jean Otting, Mary Green, and       Lloyd Bean                        Steve Cooper                        memory of Lorraine Gray        Carol Johnson                     Mrs. Richard Merritt
  memory of Diann First              Jeanne Vogt - In memory of                                            family blessings                                                                                           David Otting                                                         Gayle Crane                       Faye Gerner                      Gene Ann Johnson                  John and Sally Mescher
                                      Colleen Stauffer, Kathleen      BELMOND, IA                                                             Merry Christmas                     Mary Green - In honor of                                              Virginia Bailey
 David and Betsy Remley - In                                           Nadyne Porter - In memory of       William Whisler - In memory of     Denise Schroeder - In memory         Merry Christmas                    Patrick and Anna Noonan            Roger and Angie Baker              Al and Gail Cummins - In          Jeff and Mary Gibney - In        Connie Kahl                       Emma Mesplay
  memory of Dorothy “Cooky”           Waln, Lawrence Hess, and                                             Maguerite Orcutt                                                                                          Larry Pisarik                                                          memory of Barbara Zahradnik        memory of Dale Wicke           Michael and Rose Marie Kane -     Kent and Grace Meyer
                                      Cynthia Smith                     George Dockwell                                                       of MArgaret Wagemester            Marie Finn - In memory of                                               Frederick and Ruth Balster
  Gray                                                                 Doug and Sandy Steenblock          Dennis and Janet Zahrt             Clinton Chapter OES #65              Annette Menster, Marilyn           Jerry and Jean Rausch - In         Norman and Donna Barnes - In       Louise Cunningham                 Sharon Gillespie                  In memory of Patricia Durfey     Wilmer Mickelson
 Mary Lou Schipper                   Daniel Voss - In memory of                                           Solo Steppers                                                                                               memory of Nick Wolfe and                                             Marge Cutshall                    Mary Gilliam                     Robert and Janis Kazimour         David Miessler-Kubanek
                                      Mark Volesky                      - In memory of George                                               BUCKINGHAM, IA                        Neiers, Betty Woerdehoff, and                                          memory of Ellie Reeder
 Michael Scruggs                                                        Dockwell                          V.F.W. Canfield Hughes Post                                             Mary Green                          Dolores McQuillen                 Steve Barry - In memory of         Dixie Dahl - In memory of         Kent and Sharon Goldsmith        Richard Kells-Pitlik - In honor   Jim Miler
 Norm and Barb Seeley - In           Kathryn Waterman - In memory                                          #9128                             Jason and Candy Johnson                                                 Ed and Darice Recker - In                                              Wayne & Vera Jenkins               - In memory of Pamela Rae       of Merry Christmas to Linda      Dennis and Mary Miller
                                      of Judy Garbers                  Evie Foss White                                                                                          Terry and Jan Frasher - In                                               Elizabeth Barry
  memory of Roger Norton and                                                                             BIRMINGHAM, IA                     BURLINGTON, IA                        memory of Irvin E. Kleitsch,        memory of Ron Kurt, Ida           John Bauck                         Bev Davey - In memory of            Durchenwald and Marlene         Pitlik, Merry Christmas to Jim   Robert E. Miller - In memory of
  Fran Foxen                         Ronald and Mary Wilhelmi - In    BENNETT, IA                                                            Michael Knotts                                                           Breitbach, Delores McQuillen,                                         Richard L. Henderson               Wiedenhoff                      & Jana Pitlik, Merry Christmas    Jerry Lee Miller
                                      memory of Mark Volesky           Caroline Beuthien - In memory      Hugh Shaw - In memory of                                                Rosemary Kremer, Paul                                                 Daniel Bauer
 Kay Smith                                                                                                 Patricia Shaw                     Marda Smith                          Ehlinger, Irene M. Carnahan,        and Lowell Freeland               Betty Jane Bedell - In memory      Robert and Gerda De Camp          Andrew Gordon                     to Janet and Art Erdall, and     Janice Millett
 Colin and Carol Stiffler - In      ATLANTIC, IA                        of Ann Collins                                                       Lee Thompson                                                            Roger and Julie Ripple - In                                           Elizabeth Debrower - In           David and Diane Graham - In       Diane Pitlik & Family            Margie Mitchell
                                                                       Bobbie Conrad-Marion - In         BLAIRSTOWN, IA                                                           Ronald G. “Ron” Kurt,                                                  of Gerald Muller
  memory of Nancy Brokaw             Donald Drennan                                                                                         CALAMUS, IA                           Ida Breitbach, Cheryl A.            memory of Ida Breitbach,          Bradley and Janette Beer - In       memory of Larry Mostaert           memory of Dean Borg and Jo     Douglas Kelly                     Elsimae Mochal - In memory
 Lois Thompson                       Vicki Nordskog                     memory of Marilyn Klahn           Gertrude Boddicker                                                                                          Cheryl McDermott, Robert                                             Jennifer and Nick Decker            Ann Clark                      Steve Kelly                        of Gilbert & Velma DeKlotz
                                                                       Beverly Green - In honor of the    DeWayne and Vivian                 Donnie and Janelle Bousselot         “Cherie” McDermott, Irwin                                              memory of Barbara Zahradnik
 Brian Tracy                        AURORA, IA                                                                                               Doug Bousselot                       M. McDermott, Marilyn M.            “Bob” Hosch, Carol Dolphin,       Diane Beers                        Ken and Frances DeMarce - In      Lonnie and Doris Gray - In       Casey and Tom Keneavy              Family
 Abigail Wagner                                                         Timmerman Family                   Cronbaugh - In memory                                                                                      Annette Kertels, Dolores                                              memory of Barbara Zahradnik        memory of Mary Jo Sullivan     Wendy Kimm - In memory of         Larry and Becky Modracek - In
                                     Richard and Mary Jane             Sharon Kleppe - In memory of        of Iona Dittmer, Cynthia          Norman and Jeannene                  Neiers, Carol Dolphin, Robert                                         John and Cheryl Bell
 Leann Wagner                         Svoboda                                                                                                 Bousselot                           P. “Bob” Hosch, Nicholas L.         McQuillen, Natalie Regan, Tom     Beverly Bendixsen                  Gary and Ruth Anne Denker,        Lance and Liesa Greco, &          Raymond and Wilma Kimm            memory of Barbara Zahradnik
 Mrs. Erven Wells - In memory                                           Marilyn Klahn                      Ohlen, Kathleen Waln,                                                                                      Gable, Mary Green, and Betty                                         Harvey and Eleanor Denlinger -      Family                         Michael and Marta Klavon          Peg Moore
                                    BALDWIN, IA                        Mary Weih - In memory of            and Barb Kellenberger - In        Ruth Braet                           Wolfe, Patsy Ann Hall, Gary                                           Jerry and Deb Berns - In honor
  of Margarett Krug’s sister                                                                                                                 Dick Johnson - In memory of          Pitz, Elizabeth A. “Betty”          Woerdehoff                         of Jim Hilsenbeck                  In memory of Jamie Denlinger     Marlus Grimm - In memory of      Nancy Klein - In memory of        Thomas and Beth Moore
                                     Jim and Shirley DeVore - In        Raymond Meier and Jeanne           honor of DeWayne & Vivian
 Stephen & Christine Williams                                                                                                                 Justin Ilg - In honor of Merry      Woerdehoff, and Delores            Jeanne Sadler - In memory of       Larry and Susan Berns - In         Juanita Dennert                     Glenn & Mark Grimm              Dorothy and Gene Herrington      Robert Moorman
                                      memory of James Wosoba,           Bohnsack                           Cronbaugh’s 59th wedding
 George and Dorothy Wood - In                                                                                                                 Christmas                           McQuillen                           Ida Breitbach, Carol Dolphin,      memory of Father Brian            Karen Denny - In memory of        Dean Gross                       James and Mary Klinger - In       Darlene Morris - In memory of
                                      Stephen & Barbara Miller,        Mike and Julie Wilkins - In         anniverary
  memory of Michael Wood and                                                                                                                 Darlene Kleinsmith - In memory     Gene & Shirley Hoffmann - In          and Mary Green                     Shepley, Orland Keating,           Barbara Zahradnik                Jeremy Gruettner                  memory of Duaine Bollwitt         Dr. Joe Nizolek and Phil Morris
                                      John Lubben, and Pat Burda        memory of Marilyn Klahn           Ron and Mary Tiedemann - In
  Lavern Schafer                                                                                                                              of Verlyn Steines and Florence      memory of Dolores McQuillen        Travis and Amanda Schlemme          Regina DeMeulenaere, and          Gary DeSotel - In memory of       Kirk & Brenda Haefner - In       Virginia Kloubec - In memory      Bob Mulberry
                                     Marilyn Nothstine - In memory     Lowden Amvets Aux. #16              memory of Edward Lanning
 Don and Betty Zimmerman - In                                                                                                                 Reedy                               and Greg Ernst                     Gertrude Sieverding - In            Gladys Hisenbeck - In honor        Kathleen C. DeSotel                memory of Michelle Pettit       of Pat Burke, Marilyn Zvacek,    Ann Mulcahy
                                      of Audrey Upmeyer               BERNARD, IA                         Silver Creek United Methodist
  memory of Duaine Bollwitt                                                                                                                  Duane and Denise Levien            Nick and Deb Holub - In               memory of Marilyn Neiers           of Ruth DeMeulenaere’s            Duston and Jessie Diesing         Cary and Jean Hahn                Barbara Zahradnik, and           Kevin and Joel Mulholland
                                     Dale Schmidt - In memory of       Matthew Decker                      Church - In memory of Herb
 Anamosa Class of 1945 - In                                                                                                                  Judy Olson - In memory of            memory of Paul Ehlinger,           Steve and Jan Supple - In           birthday and Corrine Halse’s      Kathleen Donnelly - In memory     Ronald and Jerilyn Hansen - In    Kenneth Kloubec                  Barbara Munson
                                      John Lubben                      Carl and Patty Puetz - In           Zumbach
  memory of Doris Fulwider - In                                                                                                               Verlyn Steines, Dan Dietfeldt,      Robert Hosch, John Croker,          memory of Duaine Bollwitt          birthday                           of John and Mary Anne              memory of Dick Whitters and    Mary Ann Klouda - In memory       James & Kathleen Nelson - In
  honor of Anamosa Class of         BATAVIA, IA                         memory of Jack Veach,            BLOOMFIELD, IA                       and Natalie Regan                   Delores McQuillen, and             Mr. John Trumm                                                         Donnelly                           Darwin Ammeter, SR              of Mike Klouda and Mary           memory of Joanne Nelson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Karen Billick - In memory of
  1945 Classmates who remain         Pat and Tracy Hammes - In          Leonard McCarthy, Fred            Floyd and Kathy Brown              Dale Thomsen                         Lawrence Koppes                    David and Jean Ann Webber                                             Gerald and Betty Dooley - In      Russ Hansen - In memory of        Dostal                           Duane & Kay Nesetril
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Doug Stulken
  living including Irma Johnson       memory of Jessica Clements        Donovan, Carol Kemp, Ruth         Tom and Paula Robinson                                                Pat and Sandra Howard - In           The Bale Barn                                                          memory of Donald Johnson           Char Hansen                    David and Ethel Knutson - In      Drs. Mary Tarbox and Robert
                                                                                                                                            CALMAR, IA                                                                                                  Mary Billick - In memory of
  Moyer, Dale Nuenaber, Wayne        Wilma Greenig Memorials - In       Durey, Theresa Puetz, and        BLUE GRASS, IA                                                           memory of Ida Breitbach, Paul                                                                            Michael and Janice Drahozal       Nancy Mitchell and Bob Janson     memory of Dorothy Gray            Nicholson
                                                                                                                                             Diane French                                                           CASCADE , IA                         Georgia Schilling
  Schwarts, Joan Story Jack,          memory of Wilma L. Greenig,       Dorothy Schwaegler                David and Joan Martz - In                                               Ehlinger, and Carol Dolphin                                                                               - In memory of Mary Jane,          Hanson - In memory of Terri    Nancy Kodros                      Jim and Colleen Ann Nieman
                                                                                                                                             Roger and Bernice Winter - In                                           Christy Edgell                     Sonya Birkicht - In memory of
  and Robert Swartz                   and Dennis & Dale Iseman         Joe Redmond - In memory of          memory of Charlie                                                    Rosalie Hughes - In memory                                                                                  Doris, and Irving Donohoe          Vaske                          Randy Koehler                     Terri Nigg - In memory of Dan
                                                                                                                                              honor of Duane Lechtenberg                                            CASTALIA, IA                         Larry Davidson
 Citizens Bank - In memory of       BAXTER, IA                          Gene & MaDonna Redmond             Wuestenberg                                                            of Paul Ehlinger, Ronald Kurt,                                        Betty Bockenstedt                  Audrey Drewes                     Nancy Mitchell and Robert        Marion Koontz                      Nigg
  Joyce May, Fay Oltmann, Fran                                         Melissa Schroeder                                                    CAMANCHE, IA                                                             Jeni Melcher                                                          Patricia Drumbarger - In            Hanson - In memory of Tim      Dr. Whealen Koontz                Robert Nissen
                                     Janice Quinn                                                         Scott Wilson                                                            Eda Breitbach, Carol Dolphin,                                         Karen Boddicker
  Foxen, Roger Norton, Carol         Mike and Mary Winders            BETTENDORF, IA                      Rick and Lynn Wohlers              Joy and Karen Anthony                Kathleen Hughes Hoagland,         CEDAR FALLS, IA                     Margaret Boeckenstedt - In          memory of Ma & Pa Black            Tower and Barbara Marshall     Gary and Barbara Kouba            Joseph and Janet Nizolek - In
  Hinrichsen, Cleo Andreesen,                                          Andrew and Tara Bries                                                 Ronald and Evelyn Blatchley          and Mary Green                     Darrel Brandt                       memory of Rawlins Rhodes           at Christmas time, Marge &       Martin Hanus - In memory of      Donald and Wanda Krapfl - In       memory of Joseph Nizolek
                                    BELLE PLAINE, IA                                                     BOONE, IA                           Barbara Brown
  Lorraine Schnieder, Mayme                                            Cindy Brinkman - In memory of                                                                            Joe and Donna Ironside - In          Jan and Dan Brown - In              and Hazel Junge                    Ed Clark at Christmas time,        Dorothy Hanus                   memory of Sharon & Travis        Grace Noonan
                                     Darlene Breja - In memory of                                         Allan and Linda Tedrow             Cheryl Droste - In memory of
  English, Mamye English, and                                           Charlie Wuestenberg                                                                                       memory of Lois Eileen               memory of Cleo Andreesen          Stacy Boston - In memory of         Marge Clark on her Dec. 22nd     Betty and Vernon Happel           Krapfl                           Roger and Mary Norton - In
                                      Donna Worrell                                                       Margaret Uthe - In memory of        Carole Roeder
  Beverly Payton                                                       Lynn Broughton - In memory of                                                                              Lawrence and Richard “Dick”        Thomas Collins - In memory of       James Shanklin                     birthday, Ma Black on her Oct.   Mr. Michael Hardesty             Jeff and Sandra Kuda               memory of Cooky Gray, Larry
                                     Terri Hinschberger - In memory                                        Joe Uthe                          Franklin and Pat Greve - In
 J & P Cycles                                                           Doug McNamer                                                                                              Henderson - In honor of             Karen Collins Kludt               Charles and Janice Boyles           31st birthday, and Ma & Pa       Sally Harms - In memory of       Larry and Marlys Kula - In         Ortgies, and Kay Finn
                                      of Kurt Hischberger                                                 L & M Gas & Grocery                 memory of Raymond “Curly”
 Knights of Columbus Council                                           Jim & Mary Brown - In honor                                                                                Lavern & Dorothy Nagel’s 70th      Rita and Larry Durchenwald         Lori Brendes - In memory of         Black’s wedding anniversary        Allan Harms                     memory of Mary Ann Dunkel,       Daniel & Catherine Nosbish
                                     Mary Kollmorgen - In memory                                          V.F.W. Auxiliary #817               Meier, Charles “Chuck”
  1791                                                                  of Merry Christmas to Bob                                                                                 wedding anniversary                 - In memory of Pamela Rae          Doralee Ainsworth                 Marilyn Duning                    Ronald and Lillian Harrelson      Pamela Seehusan, and Ardith      James and Kathleen Novy - In
                                      of Barbara Zahradnik                                                V.F.W. Francis Steele Post #817     Klinkner, and Gilbert Butt
 Lakeside Estates - In memory                                           and Ann Schley                                                                                          Steve Junk                            Durchenwald                       Douglas and Michele Brock          Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunlap        Tammy Hasler - In memory of       Condry                            honor of Camp Courageous
                                     Eugene Severson - In memory                                         BRANDON, IA                         Dorothy Kellermann - In
  of Hope Taylor                                                       Amy Buccifero                                                                                            Pat and Peg Kearney                  John and Karen Eastland            Dale and Rena Brodt - In           Mike and Cindy Dunn                 Josephine Bollwitt             Sue Kullander - In memory          Staff
                                      of Barbara Zahradnik                                                Karol Smith - In memory of          memory of Phyllis Walker and
 National Motorcycle Museum                                            Kathy & Selah Bucciferro                                                                                 Bruce and Sandy Kedley - In          Timothy and Catherine Hartz         memory of Ralph Palmer            Michelle Dunst                    Dr. Curtis and Judie Hass         of Steve Kullander, Florence     Dorothy and Lan Nowotny
                                     Cindy Weldon - In memory of                                           Jim Seevell, Frank Smith,          Lola Mae Wiese - In honor of
 The Darrel T. Garten Family - In                                      Timothy and Barbara Carstens                                                                               memory of Charles Green            Amelia Gordon                      Danette R. Brooks - In memory      Rebecca Durand - In memory          - In memory of Richard          Penticoff, Mike Fandel, Kathy    Wyatt O’Connor
                                      Michael Trimble - In honor of                                        and Dave & Bonnie Kayser’s         Verda Mae Glahn’s birthday
  memory of Joyce Farrington                                           Shannon Chap - In memory of                                                                              Bernie and Jessie Koob - In          David Hatcher - In honor of Jon     of Robert E. Slaybaugh             of Mary Estella Johnson and        Henderson                       McArtor, and Lloyd Bean          Meg Oberreuter
                                      Jackson Lee Weldon                                                   60th wedding anniversary - In     Linda McConnaughey
 The Estate of Eldon Pfab                                               Mildred Ven Horst                                                                                         memory of Ida Breitbach, Bob        Hatcher                           Katie Brown - In honor of Scott     Marilyn Elizabeth Prouty         Norbert and Kathy Hawes - In     Helen Kupka                       Kathy Ormand
                                     First Congregational Church                                           honor of Madonna & Leo            Murl and Tracey McCulloh - In
ANKENY, IA                                                             Peggy Claussen - In memory of                                                                              Hosch, Ron Kurt, Irene M.          Tom and Ginger Hoag                 Allen’s birthday                  Dennis and Virginia Durbin          memory of Larry Davidson       Jean Kvach - In memory of         Joan Page - In memory of Viola
                                     Grieder Standard Service                                              Roseberry’s 70th wedding           memory of Coral Hesse,
 Faye and Chris Allen                                                   Mildred Ven Horst                                                                                         Carnahan, Marilyn Neiers, and      Patrick and Kimberly Koch - In     Mary Lou Brunkhorst                David Durchenwald - In            Eric & Ann Hearn                  Gary Kvach, Tom Holland, and      Thomas
                                    BELLEVUE, IA                                                           anniversary                        Donna Claussen, Lou                                                     memory of Duane Weiden                                                memory of Pamela Rae             Nancy Heaverlo                    Lorraine “Kay” Finn              Jeff, Connie, Cody and Sara
 Matt and Kristi Allison - In                                          Joe and Mary Ann Connors                                                                                   Dolores McQuillen                                                     Chris and Nicole Bruns - In
                                     Larry and Beverly Clasen -                                           Dawnye Sturtz - In honor of         Behrend, Kay Powstead, and                                             Roger and Barbara Kueter - In                                          Durchenwald                      Mr. and Mrs. John and Carole     Linda Lane                         Palmer
  memory of Luverne Plueger                                            Victor and Judith Dibbern - In                                                                           Jack and Renee Kuriger - In                                              memory of Phil Beelendorf
                                      In memory of Marilyn T.                                              Helen Purdy’s 90th birthday        John McGarry                                                            memory of Alice Bockenstedt                                          Mary Dvorak                         Heefner - In memory of         Greg and Char Lange - In          Marilyn Pansegrau - In memory
 John and Cindy Arbogast                                                memory of Dave Mason                                                                                      honor of Gretchen Kuriger,                                            Sandra Brunscheen - In
                                      Hamilton                                                            Rachel Circle and Friends          Russell and Rae Ann                                                     Barbara Kuhlman - In memory                                           Sue Edmondson                       Richard Henderson               memory of Duaine Bollwitt         of Scott Whitters and Penny
 Craig Bargfrede                                                       Steve and Vicki Engler - In                                                                                Jennifer Kurriger, Andrew                                              memory of Robert
                                     Joe and Janell Daugherty - In                                        VFW Aux. 8884                       Mussmann                                                                of Marlene Wiedenhoff                                                Paul Egger - In memory of         Eldon and Dorothy Hensch - In     and Josie Bollwitt                Whitters
 Gerald Feurhelm                                                        memory of Larry and Sue                                                                                   Kuriger and Lisa Radinitz,                                             Brunscheen and “Big Al” Alan
                                      memory of Rosemary Roling                                          BRIGHTON, IA                        John and Evelyn Shaff                                                   John and Kristie Lehman                                                Rawlins P. Rhodes, Bernie          memory of Twin Brother Elvan   Jerald Lange                      Patricia Paul-Shilhanek - In
 Norma Hanke                                                            Behnke                                                                                                    Jim & Seth Chambers, Kathy                                             Hale
                                      and Elaine Hueneke                                                  Janet Farrier - In memory of       Randy and Debra Weller - In                                             Norman and Kay Lemmon - In                                             Louis Conger, and Dean E.        Jeanne Hepker                    Dennis and Barbara Larsen - In     memory of Kate DeSotel
 Daniel Koos                                                           Mary Ann Francois - In memory                                                                              Kuriger, Frank and Mary Ann                                           Alan Robb and Wendy Buresh
                                     Eugene and Dianne Finzel - In                                         Charlie Wuestenberg                honor of God’s Blessings in                                             memory of James “Jim”                                                 LeClere                          Stanley & Dawn Herkelman          memory of Ronnie Schlicht        Helen Paulsen - In memory of
 Donald and Charlene Lamberti                                           of Dave Mason                                                                                             Miller, Elaine and Robbie                                             Ernest & Joanne Buresh - In
                                      memory of Lester and Kenny                                          Stan and Joann Marner               Life                                                                    Thompson                                                             Charlotte Ehrenberger             Edgar and Patricia Hermann -      and Mark Volesky                  John W. Thomas
 Dennis and Linda Miller                                               Maxine Hansohn - In memory                                                                                 Anderstrom, Rachel and Alexis                                          memory of Dorothy “Cooky”
                                      Michels                                                                                               CAMANCHE , IA                                                            Norma Machacek                                                        Larry and Mary Elgin                In memory of Ellie Reeder      Sven and Carol Larson - In        John and Mary Pearson
 Jean Miller - In memory of                                             of Catherine McClusky, Elsie     BROOKLYN, IA                                                             Palacios                                                               Gray , Mary Ann Paulsen,
                                     Belva Hansen - In memory of                                                                             Barb Bialas                                                             Wayne Magee                                                           Jon Ernberger                     Carol Hess - In memory of         memory of Donald Kouba           Sandy Pereboom
  Dorothy Hanus                                                         Quick, Martha Fiebich, Carol      Virginia Arens - In memory of                                        , and Peter & Sonia Kuriger                                               Dorothy Kiracoce, Larry Elbert,
                                      Donald Lemmer and Peggy                                                                                                                                                        Stacy McGauvran-Hruby - In                                            Randy and Debbie Esbaum - In        William A. Hess                Mark Latta - In honor of          Alex and Joy Perri
 Joan and Greg Moore                                                    Czupka Pereira, Joseph             Bernadette Cline                 CANTRIL, IA                         Pat Kurt                                                                 Ardith Rose Condry, and
                                      Mueller                                                                                                                                                                         memory of Sally McGauvran -                                           memory of Peggy Meek             Ken and Beth Heying               Dolores Latta                    Don and Prudy Petersen
 Tom and Doris Rinker - In                                              Schwertman, Marion                Don Brannian - In memory of        Deb Ames                           Mary Kay Leytem                                                          John Harley “Hank” Davis Jr
                                     Robert and Rosemary Hickson                                                                                                                                                      In honor of Ron McGauvran’s                                          Don and Patty Everist             Irene & Emery Hines - In         James LeMaster                    Geilda Peterson
  honor of Angie Rinker                                                 Henderkott, Patty Anderson,        Boyd Bennett, Robert Price,                                          Ellen Lindauer - In memory of                                            - In honor of Joanne Paulsen
                                      - In honor of the Holiday and                                                                         CARROLL, IA                                                               longstanding support                                                 Mary Evers                          memory of Cleo Andreesen       Joseph and Rebecca Lesnik         Craig and Susan Pettit
 Joe and Sandi Wiltgen - In                                             Joan Jay, and Tom Dierickx         Loren Pat Douglas, and                                                 Duaine Bollwitt, Carol Dolphin,                                        Buresh, the incredible mother
                                      wishing everyone health and                                                                            John and Sally Norgaard                                                  and dedication to Camp                                               Jeannine Evilsizer - In memory    Russel and Patricia Hines        Sharon Lindroth                   Jim and Geri Pettitt - In
  memory of James Shanklin                                             John and Tresha Hoffman             Carolyn D. Huedepohl                                                   Jean McLees, Nick Wolfe, and                                           of Sandra and Wendy
                                      safety                                                                                                 Don Prior                                                                Courageous                                                            of Marilyn Whitney               Garnet Hoffner - In memory of    John and Barbara Lindstrom         memory of Michella L. Pettitt
APLINGTON, IA                                                          John and Carol Muhlhausen -        Rusty and Jeanne Clayton - In                                           Marilyn Neiers - In honor of                                          LaVada Buresh - In memory of
                                     Marilyn Hoffmann - In memory                                                                            Al’s Corner                                                             Alice Meyer - In memory of                                            Randy Faulkner - In memory          Jim Hoffner                    Scott and Kim Loggins             Janice Philipp
 Gwen Wrich                                                             In memory of Florence Reedy        memory of (Donation applied                                            Merry Christmas to Michael                                             Lloyd V. Buresh
                                      of Loren Sieverding and Greg                                                                           Carroll Lions Club                                                       Calvin and Craig Meyer                                                of Lloyd Sylvester and Fred      Wayne and Gay Holstine           Linda Lumsden - In memory of      James and Rose Phillips
                                                                       Jerald and Beverlee Murphy - In     toward the Mainliner Memorial                                          and Justin Lindauer                                                   Alicia Burnett
ARMSTRONG, IA                         Ernst                                                                                                  New Hope Village                                                        Richard and Beverly Michael                                            Williams                         Ed and Becky Holstrom             Alice & Burton Brown, Mary       Bonnie Pisarik
                                                                        memory of Florence Reedy           Park)                                                                Joseph and Jean Lynch                                                   Robert and Jacquie Buschette
 VFW Auxiliary #5232                 Dale and Cheryl Horan - In                                                                                                                                                      Brandon Olson                                                         Mark and Mary Fiala               Marlene Horton - In memory of     Osterhaus, and Virginia & Joe    Diane Pitlik
                                                                       Marlys Johnson                     Larry Cline - In memory of                                                                                                                    Steven and Joanne Carfrae - In
                                      memory of Arlene Nolting                                                                                                                                                       Gary Schaulis                                                         Deborah Finley - In memory of       John R. Horton                  Lumsden                          Judith Poduska
ASBURY, IA                                                             Larry and Ludalle Jones             Loras “Pat” Douglas                                                                                                                           memory of Mary Oxley
                                     Merle and Marilyn Kilburg                                                                                                                                                       Gaylen and Barbara Witzel - In                                         Arlen Meier                      Leona Hotchkiss - In memory      John and Luann Lutkenhaus         Mrs. Dorothy Pomeroy - In

                                                                                                                                                    courier newsletter
 Brian & Amy Becker                                                     - In memory of Charlie            Diane Davidson - In memory of                                                                                                                 Shelli Carradus - In memory of
                                     Wayne and Lois Kilburg - In                                                                                                                                                      memory of Cecelia Mudd and                                           Kelly Fischer                       of Bob Hotchkiss               Julie Magee                        memory of John W. Thomas,
 Ashley Maneman                                                         Wuestenberg                        Robert Price, Jim Scandridge,                                                                                                                 Duaine Bollwitt
                                      memory of Arlene Felter,                                                                                                                                                        Susan Runcke                                                         David Fisher                      Tony and Suzanne Huebsch         Robert Manson - In memory of       Mike Loughren, and Norma
 Gary and Barb Miller - In                                             Bill and Jeanne Kimler              Marion Rehberg, and                                                                                                                          Linda Catlett - In memory of
                                      Ken Michels, John Feller,                                                                                                                                                      Laurie Witzel - In memory of                                          Myrtle Floyd                      Laurie Hughes - In memory of      Jeanne Manson                     Gage
  memory of Lyle Duhme,                                                Sharon Lamar                        Christopher Keller                   Published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) by Camp                                          David Van Houten and Kevin
                                      Rosemary Zeimet, Sally                                                                                                                                                          Cecelia Mudd                                                         Elaine Fox                          Kathleen C. DeSotel            Bill and Ruth Marko               Ann Powers - In memory of
  Rosemary Roling, and Ruth                                            Charles and Jenifer Luckenbach     Norm and Linda DeGeeter               Courageous of Iowa, a non-profit, year-round recreational and                                            Van Houten
                                      Banowetz, Greg Ernst, and                                                                                 respite care facility for individuals with disabilities.             Jessie Wulff                                                          Bruce and Julie Frana             Dawn and Darryl Hysler           Bonita Martin - In memory of       Dorothy Wach
  Casteel                                                              Larry and Carolyn Makoben          Mary DePauw - In memory                                                                                                                       Fred and Julie Cernin
                                      Rosemary Roling - In honor                                                                                                                                                     James and Jean Zarifis - In                                           Lynn Frantz - In memory of        John and Lupe Inskeep             Larry Mostaert                   Larry and Linda Prachar - In
 Theo Smith - In memory of                                              - In memory of Charlie             of Bernadette Cline, Robert            A 501(c)(3) non-profit • Federal I.D. #23-7210932                                                     Joan Chadima - In honor of
                                      of Loren and Karen Kilburg’s                                                                                                                                                    memory of Steven J. Zarifis                                           Christian William Frantz         David and Margaret Ipsan - In    Bob and JoAnn Matthiessen -        memory of Georgia Schilling
  Marilyn Mayer                                                         Wuestenberg                        “Bobby” Price, and Duane                                                                                                                      Dick and Liz Valliere’s 65th
                                      60th wedding anniversary                                                                                  PO Box 418, Monticello, IA 52310-0418 • Ph. 319-465-5916             50613                                                                 Dr. William A. Davis and Kathry     memory of Barbara Zahradnik     In memory of Joyce Hanssen       Audrey Prenosil
 Leonard and Susan Uhal                                                Parke and Jeneane Marshall          Popenhagen                                                                                                                                    wedding anniversary
                                     David Kunzweiler - In memory                                                                                                                                                    Cedar Falls Construction                                               Franzenburg                      Lisa Jackson                      and C.J. Kehoe                   Mary E. Price
                                                                       Al and Carol Menzel

10                                                                                          WINTER 2021 • @campcourageous • www.campcourageous.org                                                                                                                                                                             Do what makes your soul happy and your brain satisfied.                                     11
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