Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages

Page created by Josephine Gilbert
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)                                                                                    December 16, 2021

               Visiting in LTC during COVID
  Visitors play a crucial role in reducing the risk
                                                                         Visiting requirements are based on Directive #3, and guided
  of infection for the safety of residents and team
                                                                         by policies from the Ministry of Long Term Care (MLTC).
  members. The Ontario Government has
                                                                         Visitors are responsible for adhering to requirements related
  implemented temporary enhanced measures                                to screening, infection prevention and control, personal
  in light of increased COVID-19 cases and the                           protective equipment and other precautions as described
  highly transmissible Omicron variant.                                  within this package and our visitor policy.

                      Types of                                                        Protecting you
                      visitors                                                        and our Village
Essential Caregiver                                                                 COVID-19 testing and screening
A resident and/or SDM may designate in writing essential caregivers                 • Visitors should self-monitor for symptoms prior to
who support the resident with direct care. This may include                           visiting the Village. If feeling unwell, do not visit.
assistance with activities of daily living, meaningful connection,                  • Visitors must complete and pass active screening
decision-making etc. Caregivers must be at least 18 years old.                        on arrival in order to visit.
Example: Family, friend, private caregiver or paid companion.                       • Surveillance testing is an important part of
All unvaccinated essential caregivers must show proof of their first                  screening for COVID-19 and is required for all
dose as of December 20, 2021 and by February 20, 2022, must show                      indoor and outdoor visits for any visitor over
proof of all required doses. Any essential caregivers designated after                the age of one.
December 14 are required to be fully vaccinated to gain entry.                      • Even after a negative test, please continue to
                                                                                      self-monitor for symptoms.
                                                                                    • If you develop symptoms or receive a positive
Essential Support Worker                                                              test result after visiting, please call the Village.
A person brought into the home to perform an essential service for
the home or for a resident. Example: Physician, NP, RD, PT, OT,
external care providers hired by the resident, maintenance, etc.
                                                                                    Washing hands
                                                                                    • Hand washing is the best defence against the
                                                                                      spread of infection.
General Visitor                                                                     • Wash your hands often. Use an alcohol-based
A person who has not be identified as an essential visitor and is                     hand rub or soap and running water.
visiting for social reasons or performing a non-essential service.                  • See page 3 for step-by-step instructions
General visitors under the age of 14 should be accompanied by an
adult and must follow infection prevention and control protocols.
May also include persons attending for the purposes of providing
personal care services and resident activities which may include
hairdressers, entertainers, recreational service providers and animal
handlers. Example: Family, friends or individuals who are
touring the Village to inform decisions regarding their
application to move in.
All general visitors must be fully vaccinated to enter the home.
Outdoor visits are permitted (where feasible) for unvaccinated
individuals. Unvaccinated children under the age of 12 are unable
to visit indoors. Please call ahead or book through our booking site.
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)                                                                        December 16, 2021

     Village access                                           2 metres
                                                                (6 ft.)
                                                                          Physical distancing
     • Essential caregivers are the only visitors                         • Physical distance of two metres must be
       permitted when a resident is in isolation or living                  maintained between visitors and other residents.
       in an area of the home in outbreak. In this case,                  • General visitors who are not fully vaccinated are
       one may visit at a time.                                             required to participate in COVID-19 testing, visit
     • Only visit who you are designated to visit, do not                   outdoors, and should maintain physical distance
       visit with others. Access to Village common areas                    from the resident.
       by caregivers may be limited for safety.                           • Brief hugs are permitted regardless of
     • Designated caregivers who are not fully                              immunization status.
       vaccinated are required to visit their loved
       one in their room only.                                            Personal Protective Equipment
     • Otherwise, visitors may visit either indoors or                    (PPE)
       outdoors. Surveillance testing is required for
                                                                          • Medical masks must be worn at all times
       both indoor and outdoor visits.
                                                                            when visiting the Village and for the duration
                                                                            of the visit.
     Vaccine                                                              • See page 4 for how to wear a mask.
     • To protect you and your loved ones, a                              • Additional PPE is required when residents are on
       3rd dose/booster of COVID-19 vaccine is                              droplet and contact precautions.
       strongly recommended.                                              • See page 7 for how to don and doff PPE.
     • “Fully immunized” means a person has received
       all doses of the approved vaccine series and it
                                                                          Concerned you have COVID-19?
       has been at least 14 days since the final dose.
     • If an essential caregiver and resident are both                    • Separate yourself from others as soon as possible.
       fully immunized, they may;                                         • Stay home and follow the advice of your local
       • have physical contact with each other (i.e. hug,                   Public Health.
          hold hands)                                                     • Monitor symptoms.
       • support resident in the dining room                              • Get rest and stay hydrated.
       • join resident in an activity program                             • Cover your cough and sneezes.
     • If a general visitor and resident are both fully                   • Wash your hands often.
       immunized, they may also have close contact                        • Call ahead to your health care provider if you are
       with each other (i.e., be within 2m and hold hands).                 ill and seeking medical attention
     • Visitors will be asked for proof of vaccination.                   • Avoid sharing personal items.
       Starting January 4, 2022 you will need to present                  • If you have had contact with a loved-one in the
       your QR code as proof of vaccination. The QR                         Village, please call to let us know.
       code can be used digitally or by printing a paper
       copy. Those with valid medical exemptions will
       also be required to have a QR code.
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)                                                                 December 16, 2021

                                     Summary of requirements
                                      General               Essential       Essential      Personal Care
                                      Visitor               Caregiver       Support Worker Services Provider
Number of visitors
Visiting as of December 16, 2021                Indoors maximum of 2             Permitted          Permitted
                                             Outdoors maximum of 4           Number based on
                                                                             Village discretion
Resident in isolation                   Not permitted           Permitted        Permitted        Not permitted
                                                                             Number based on
                                                                             Village discretion
Attest at screening to:
Not being in another home in                N/A                    Yes              No                 No
outbreak or visiting a resident in
isolation in last 14 days
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)                                                                                                            December 16, 2021

   How to
   handrub                                                                  (preferred method)
                                                                                                                                                JUST CLEAN
                                                                                                                                               YOUR HANDS

                                                                             Rub hands for 15 seconds
    1                       2                       3                       4               5                6                7                8

   Apply 1 to 2           Rub hands               Rub in between Rub back of each Rub fingertips            Rub each thumb Rub hands until Once dry, your
   pumps of               together,               and around     hand with palm of each hand in             clasped in     product is dry. hands are safe.
   product to             palm to palm.           fingers.       of other hand. opposite palm.              opposite hand. Do not use
   palms of                                                                                                                paper towels.
   dry hands.

   How to
   For more information, please contact
   or visit
   Catalogue No. 010971 Revised 20M March 2010 © 2010 Queen’s Printer for Ontario   (when hands are visibly soiled)
                                                                                           Lather hands for 15 seconds
                                                                                                                                                JUST CLEAN
                                                                                                                                               YOUR HANDS

   1                       2                       3                       4               5                 6               7                8

   Wet hands with         Apply soap.             Lather soap and         Rub in between   Rub back of each Rub fingertips   Rub each thumb Rinse thoroughly
   warm water.                                    rub hands palm          and around       hand with palm of each hand in    clasped in     under running
                                                  to palm.                fingers.         of other hand.   opposite palm.   opposite hand. water.
   9                      10                       11

  Pat hands dry     Turn off water     Your hands are safe.
  with paper towel. using paper towel.

  For more information, please contact
  or visit
  Catalogue No. 010975 Revised 20M March 2010 © 2010 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
                                                                         Coronavirus COVID-19BC Centre for Diseas
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
                              BC Centre for Disease Control | BC Ministry of Health
                                                                                         December 16, 2021

                                                                     How to We
                                             How –todo
                                  Wearing a mask     Wear   a Face Mask
                                                       it right
                                                                                                                          1                                   2
Disposable medical or                1                                    2                                  3                                   4
procedure masks provide
protection from transmission                                                                                                            OR

of infection through droplets.                      OR

They are required to be worn
for the duration of your visit
outdoors. These masks should                                                                                            Wash your hands with soap            Check the new mask to make
                                                                                                                        and water for 20-30 seconds          sure it’s not damaged.
be thrown away each day or           Wash your hands with soap           Check the new mask to make         Ensure colourorside
                                                                                                                            perform  hand
                                                                                                                                of the    hygiene
                                                                                                                                       mask       with the metallic strip.
                                     and water for 20-30 seconds         sure it’s not damaged.             faces outwards.
                                                                                                                        alcohol-based hand rub Place  it over and mold it to the
after each visit.                    or perform hand hygiene with                                                       touching the face mask.nose bridge.
                                     alcohol-based hand rub before
Cloth masks or face                  touching the face mask.                                                              5                                   6
coverings are reusable and           5                                    6                                  7                                   8
best used when going out in
public to protect yourself and
others. When visiting outdoors,
a medical/procedure mask
or cloth mask/face covering
must be worn.                                                                                                          Place an ear loop around each         Cover mouth and nose fully, mak-
                                                                                                                                                             ing sure there are no gaps. Pull
                                                                                                                       ear or tie the top and bottom
                                     Place an ear loop around each       Cover mouth and nose fully, mak-              straps.
                                                                                                            Press the metallic strip again    Do not touchthe  thebottom of the mask to fully
                                                                                                                                                                   mask while
                                     ear or tie the top and bottom       ing sure there are no gaps. Pull                                     using it, if you do, perform
                                     straps.                             the bottom of the mask to fully    Perform hand hygiene.             hand hygiene.
                                                                                                                                                             Removing the Mas
                                                                          Removing the Mask                                                                   1                         2

                                                                          1                         2                         3                        4


                                                                                                                         AND               OR
                                                                                    OR                                                                            OR

                                     AND               OR

                                                                                                                         Replace the mask if it gets wet       Perform hand hygiene.   Do not
                                                                                                                         or dirty and wash your hands                                  of your
                                     Replace the mask if it gets wet      Perform hand hygiene.    Do not touch the frontagain  after putting
                                                                                                                             Discard          it on.
                                                                                                                                       the mask      Do not
                                                                                                                                                  in a   Perform hand hygiene.         forward
                                     or dirty and wash your hands                                  of your mask. Lean reuse     the mask.
                                                                                                                             waste   container.                                        the ma
                                     again after putting it on. Do not                             forward, gently remove                                                              by hold
                                     reuse the mask.                                               the mask from behind                                                                loops o
                                                                                                   by holding both ear
                                                                                                   loops or ties.

                                                                                                                                                                                   If you h
                                                                                               If you have fever, a new cough, or are
                                                                                               having difficulty breathing, call 8-1-1.                                            Non-medic
                                                                                                                                                                                   (ex. travel,
                                                                                               Non-medical inquiries              1-888-COVID19 (1888-268-4319)
                                                                                               (ex. travel, physical distancing): or text 604-630-0300
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
Do ensure your nose,
                      mask or face covering
                                   hand sanitizer before
                      to protect yourself and
                                                        mouth, and chin are         cannot be washed in a
                                                        fully covered.
                      others.      and after touching the                           garbage bin after use.
                      Do ensure themask
                                   mask is or face covering.

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
                      made of at least 3
                      layers, including 2
                      layers of tightly woven
                                                           Do replace and launder
                                                           your mask after each
                                                           use, or whenever it
                                                                                                             December 16, 2021
                      fabric                               becomes damp or dirty.
                      layers.       Do use the ear loops or
                                    ties to put on and Do  wash your mask

                Wearing a mask – do it right
                                                        with hot, soapy water
                      Do inspect theremove
                                     mask for the mask. and let it dry
                      tears or holes.                      completely before
                                                           wearing it again.

                                                           Do store re-usable
                      Do ensure the mask or                masks in a clean

                      face covering is clean               paper bag until you
                      and dry.                             wear it again.

                     Do wash your hands or
                     use alcohol-based                    Do discard masks that
                     hand sanitizer before                cannot be washed in a
                                    Don’t wear masks
                     and after touching the               garbage bin after use.
                                                                                    Don’t hang mask from
                     mask or face covering.
                                    with exhalation valves                          your neck or ears.
                                    or vents.
                     Do use the ear loops or
                     ties to put on and
                     remove the mask.

            Don’ts                  Don’t wear a                                    Don’t share your mask.
                                    loose mask.
                     Don’t wear masks                     Don’t hang mask from
                     with exhalation valves               your neck or ears.
                     or vents.

                     Don’t wear a
                                                                                     Don’t leave your used
                     loose mask.    Don’t touch the mask
                                                      Don’t share your mask.
                                                                                     mask within the reach
                                    while wearing it.                                of others.

                                                           Don’t leave your used
                     Don’t touch the mask                  mask within the reach
                     while wearing it.                     of others.

                                                                                    Don’t reuse masks that
                                  Don’t remove the mask                             are damp, dirty or
                     Don’t remove to  talk to someone. Don’t reuse masks that
                                  the mask
                     to talk to someone.
                                                       are damp, dirty or
Visiting in LTC during COVID - Schlegel Villages
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)                                                                                                                                       December 16, 2021
              Recommended Steps:
              Putting On Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                      Recommended Steps:                     Putting on PPE
                      Putting On Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                                                   1. Perform Hand
                                                      Hygiene                                                           2. Put on Gown
                                                                                                                             • Tie neck and waist ties
                                                             1. Perform Hand
              5. Put on Gloves                                  Hygiene                                                                    2. Put on Gown
                  • Put on gloves, taking                                                                                                    • Tie neck and waist ties
                    care not to tear or                                                                                                        securely
                    puncture glove
                  • If a gown is worn,
                      5. Put on Gloves
                    the glove fits over
                    the gown’s cuff
                          • Put on gloves, taking                                               2
                            care not to tear or
                            puncture glove                               5
                          • If a gown is worn,
                            the glove fits over
                                                                                                1                                          3. Put on Mask/N95
                            the gown’s cuff                                                 3           A           B
                                                                              4                                 2                             Respirator
                                                                                      5                                                       • Place mask over nose and
                                                                                                                                                under chin
              4. Put on Protective                                                                                                            • Secure ties, loops or straps

                 Eyewear                                                                                    3       A
                                                                                                                                                            3. Put on Mask/N95
                                                                                                                                              • Mould metal piece to your
                                                                                                                                       B        nose bridge
                  • Put on eye protection
                                                                                            4                           D
                                                                                                                                              • For respirators, perform a
                    and adjust to fit                                                               C
                                                                                                                                                seal-check       • Place mask over nose and
                  • Face shield should                                                                                                                            under chin
                    fit over brow
           4. Put on Protective                                                                                                                                 • Secure ties, loops or straps

              Eyewear                                                                                                                                           • Mould metal piece to your
              • Put Steps:
                    on eye protection
                                                                                                                                                                  nose bridge
                                                                                                                    C                   D                       • For respirators, perform a
    Putting On    Personal        Protective Equipment (PPE)
                             and adjust to fit
             • Face shield should
                           fit over brow
              For more information,    Steps:
                                      please contact Public Health Ontario’s Infection Prevention

                                                              Taking off PPE
              and Control Department at or visit
              Taking Off Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                             1. Perform Hand
              1. Remove Gloves                                                                                                        2. Remove Gown
                  • Remove gloves using a        Hygiene                                      A Prevention                  2. Put on Gown
                                                                                                                     • Remove gown in a manner that
                      For more information,
                    glove-to-glove / skin-to-skin please contact Public Health Ontario’s Infection                     prevents contamination of clothing
                    technique                         A            B       C                               B
                                                                                                           • Tie neck and  waist ties
                                                                                                                       or skin
                      and Control Department at or visit
                  • Grasp outside edge near the                                                                                  securely• Starting with waist ties, then neck
                    wrist and peel away, rolling                                                                                            ties, pull the gown forward from
                    the glove inside-out                                                                    C                               the neck ties and roll it so that
    5. Put on• Reach
                     under the second                                                                                                       the contaminated outside of the
                   glove taking
                         and peel away                                                                                                      gown is to the inside. Roll off the
       • Put on gloves,                                                                                                                     arms into a bundle, then discarded
         care not•to tear or
                   Discard immediately into                                                                                                 immediately in a manner that
                   waste receptacle
         puncture glove                                                                                                                     minimizes air disturbance.
       • If a gown is worn,
         the glove fits over
                                                                              11                    2
         the gown’s cuff
              6. Perform                                                                        2                                     3. Perform
                 Hand Hygiene                                       56                                          3                        Hand Hygiene

              5. Remove Mask/                                                     5                 4                                     3. Put
                                                                                                                                    4. Remove    onProtection
                                                                                                                                               Eye  Mask/N95
                                                                                          3         A                   B
                 N95 Respirator
                                                     A                B4
                                                                                                                                        • Arms of goggles and headband of face
                                                                                  C                                                       shields are considered to be ‘clean’
                  • Ties/ear loops/straps are                                                           A                    B            and may •bePlace  mask
                                                                                                                                                       touched withover  nose and
                                                                                                                                                                    the hands
                    considered ‘clean’ and                                                                                                           under chin
                    may be touched with                                                                                                 • The front of goggles/face shield is
    4. Put on Protective
                                                                                                                                                   • Secure
                                                                                                                                          considered          ties, loops or straps
                                                                                                                                                      to be contaminated
            • The front of the mask/
              respirator is considered
                                                                                                                                        • Remove eye    protection
                                                                                                                                                   • Mould
                                                                                                                                          ear loops, sides
                                                                                                                                                                   by piece
                                                                                                                                                              back only
                                                                                                                                                                            to your

       • Put on eyetoprotection
                      be contaminated                                                                                                   • Discard into waste receptacle or into
         and adjust  to fitbottom tie then top
                 • Untie                                                                            C                   D                          • For respirators, perform a
                                                                                                                                          appropriate container to be sent for
                   tie, or grasp straps or ear                                                                                                       seal-check
       • Face shield  should
                   loops                                                                                                                • Personally-owned eyewear may be
         fit over brow
                  • Pull forward off the head, bending                                                                                    cleaned by the individual after
                    forward to allow mask/respirator                                                                                      each use
                    to fall away from the face
                  • Discard immediately into waste receptacle

              This is an excerpt from Routine Practices and Additional Precautions In All
              Health Care Settings (Appendix L) and was reformatted for ease of use.
    For more information, please contact Public Health Ontario’s Infection Prevention
    and Control Department at or visit
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