Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA

Page created by Sue Steele
Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA
2021 (Virtual)
Sponsorship Brochure

World Association
of News Publishers
Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA
On 8 June, we will hold                     2021 will continue to be a year of further collaboration
expert discussions on what                  and joint learnings as publishers tackle all the same
publishers need to keep in
                                            challenges around the world.
mind when planning for a
new content management
system in their organization.               On 8 – 10 June, newsroom leaders around the world
An effective CMS solution                   will meet to discuss how newsrooms have changed in
must focus on maintaining                   the past months and their plans for 2021 in leading
an optimal relationship with                remotely while remaining agile.
your customers and used as                  How are publishers adding value for their readers to keep
a means to link your overall                them on board and engaged during these challenging
business goals. Join us and
learn from experts and solution
providers on the steps you
need to take when thinking                  Join us for inspiration and discussions! This year we will
of investing in a new CMS                   devote one day on CMS solutions.
solution in your organization!
                                            INTERNATIONAL NEWSROOM SUMMIT

                                            08-10 Jun • Virtual • 120-150 attendees

                                            Target Audience
                                            Editors-in-Chief, Managing Editors, Digital Editors,
                                            Video Editors, Social Media Editors, Content Officers,
                                            Content Distributors, Mobile Editors, Publishers, General
                                            Managers, Senior Managers, Multimedia Editors, Web
                                            Assistant Editors, Section Heads, Analytics Managers,
                                            Heads of Paid Content and more.

                   Contact us today for all sponsoring possibilities:          1
Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA
*non-members pay an additional 25%

Sponsorship Opportunities:

       PLATINUM                                                                 GOLD
                                                       Host your own 30 min session. Submit a relevant, educational
                                                         topic, provide your own expert speaker and work closely
   Be recognised as the Platinum                        with our staff to get your session up and running. WAN-IFRA
   Sponsor on all marketing and                        reserves the right to decline the topic if it is of little relevance
                                                                           to the event audience.
         communications.                                               -------------------------------------------
                                                       Connect with attendees on the Meeting Hub throughout the
    This sponsorship is tailored                                          conference duration.

      to your needs. Combine                                           -------------------------------------------

     your favorite sponsorship                         Receive attendee contact list including name, title, company
                                                          and email address (subject to their agreement upon
    opportunities or let us know                                             registration).
  how you want to showcase your                                        -------------------------------------------

  brand and we can customize the                        Be featured on the “Meet the Sponsors” mailing where we
                                                        introduce you alongside other sponsors to the attendees.
       opportunities for you.                                          -------------------------------------------
                                                             Corporate profile featured on the Event Website.
   Includes all core entitlements                                      -------------------------------------------
        and 20 event tickets.                            Be featured at the Virtual Exhibition where attendees can
                                                         view and download your company materials (Videos and
                                                                PDFs) throughout the conference duration.
                                                        Be featured on the rotating banner on the top of the event
                                                            Company Logo featured on all marketing (website &
                                                       Complimentary ten (10) event tickets to share with your staff
                                                                              and clients.

           ASK US!                                                              5,000 €*

             Contact us today for all sponsoring possibilities:                                          2
Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA
*non-members pay an additional 25%

Sponsorship Opportunities:

                     SILVER                                                           BRONZE
 Your marketing video will be played at the beginning of the              Corporate profile featured on the Event Website.
                   session - max 30 sec.                                           -------------------------------------------
               -------------------------------------------           Connect with attendees on the Meeting Hub throughout the
 Logo acknowledgement as “Brought to you by” within the                                    conference duration.
    specific session featured on the event programme.                              -------------------------------------------
               -------------------------------------------           Receive attendee contact list including name, title, company
 Connect with attendees on the Meeting Hub throughout the                  (subject to their agreement upon registration).
                    conference duration.                                           -------------------------------------------
               -------------------------------------------            Be featured on the rotating banner on the top of the event
 Receive attendee contact list including name, title, company                                    feed.
    and email address (subject to their agreement upon                             -------------------------------------------
                                                                         Company Logo featured on all marketing (website &
               -------------------------------------------                                 mailings).
 Be featured on the “Meet the Sponsors” mailing where we                           -------------------------------------------
 introduce you alongside other sponsors to the attendees.
                                                                      Complimentary two (2) event tickets to share with your staff
               -------------------------------------------                                  and clients.
      Corporate profile featured on the Event Website.
  Be featured at the Virtual Exhibition where attendees can
  view and download your company materials (Videos and
         PDFs) throughout the conference duration.
 Be featured on the rotating banner on the top of the event
    Company Logo featured on all marketing (website &
 Complimentary four (4) event tickets to share with your staff
                        and clients.

                        3,000 €*                                                            1,500 €*

                           Contact us today for all sponsoring possibilities:                                   3
Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA
WAN-IFRA Connect Portfolio

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Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA Newsroom Summit 2021 (Virtual) - World Association of News Publishers - Sponsorship Brochure - WAN-IFRA
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