MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am

Page created by Byron Deleon
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
MAYFL WER                                                            Congregaonal Church

     Fa i t h ’s j o u r n e y • G o d i s g o o d • J e s u s s aves • S p i r i t l e a d s

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP                                          February 20, 2022 - 10:30am
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
                              *Indicates please stand if you are able.
                   Bolded text or music score indicates congregational response.
                      Please sign the friendship register located in your pew.

PRELUDE                                   Intrada
                                          Dr. Julia Brown,
                                      by John Ireland
NEWS OF THE CHURCH		                Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson,
MOMENT FOR MUSIC		                              Dr. Brown
INTROIT            The Lord is Here         Chancel Choir
                    by R. Artman
    The Lord is here in the beauty of the morning; O, may we bow our hearts before God.
CALL TO WORSHIP 		                                                                 Scott Bosscher
HYMN #484*       The Church’s One Foundation                                              AURELIA
                      (The ushers will now be collection prayer cards.)
  Rev. Steve Armfield
        Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
            As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
                          world without end. Amen.
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE		                                             Rachael Cooley,
		Director of Outreach and Family Ministries
ANTHEM                   I Will Arise and Go to Jesus            Mayflower Bells
               Southern Harmony, 1835, arr. Cathy Moklebust
SCRIPTURE READING               1 Peter 2:9, 10                    Ginger Young,
                              PEW BIBLE, PAGE 858                     Lay Reader
                      Leader: The Word of the Lord.
                           All: Thanks be to God!
MEDITATION PART 1             What’s New in ‘22:            Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson
                            Knowing who we are
MEDITATION PART 2             What’s New in ‘22:             Rev. Steve Armfield
                             Knowing what to do
MEDITATION PART 3             What’s New in ‘22:            Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson
                         Knowing where we’ve been
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
CALL TO OFFERING		                                                                  Rachael Cooley
OFFERTORY ANTHEM Greater Love                                                         Chancel Choir
 by John Ireland (1879-1962)                                                        Erin Gilbert and
		                                                                               Ryan Potts, soloists
                  Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.
     Love is strong as death. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life
 for his friends. Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, That we, being dead
  to sins, should live unto righteousness. Ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified in the
       name of the Lord Jesus. Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation;
     That ye should show forth the praises of him who hath call’d you out of darkness into his
  marvellous light. I beseech you brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies,
          a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto to God, which is your reasonable service.
 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below;
 Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
DEDICATION OF GIFTS*		                                                               Rachael Cooley
CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER		                                                                Rev. Armfield
CONGREGATIONAL SUNG RESPONSE #570                                                           WHELPTON
                   Hear our prayer, O Lord, hear our prayer, O Lord;
                    Incline Thine ear to us and grant us Thy peace.
		        Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
		      Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
		             Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
		 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
HYMN #547*                        Lord of the Church                   LONDONDERRY AIR
BENEDICTION*		 Rev. Bell Olsson
POSTLUDE                               Fanfare                               Dr. Brown
                                 by Kenneth Leighton
                                  WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS
    Rev. Steve Armfield, Interim Co-Pastor | Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Interim Co-Pastor
                             Dr. Julia Brown, Director of Music
                Rachael Cooley, Director of Outreach & Family Ministries
                                  Ginger Young, Lay Reader
           Scott Bosscher, Choir Director | Abby Brooks, Youth Choir Director
                             Chancel Choir | Mayflower Bells
               Cover Image:
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
Welcome!                                                         We are so glad you
                                                                  joined us today!
Hearing assistance is available on the main floor by using the T-switch on your hearing aid.
         Handheld receivers with earphones are also available from the ushers.

                    Nursery is available for children birth through 1 year. Little Lambs is
                    available for ages 2 and 3 in Room 115. You are welcome to sign your
                    child(ren) in prior to the service and receive a pager if needed.
                    Following the Children’s Message, children will be escorted to their
                    age-appropriate classroom to learn Bible stories, have a snack, and play.
                    - Bible Beginnings & Bible Alive are in lower level Youth Room A/B for
                    4-year-olds through 4th graders. Children in Bible Beginnings and Bible
Alive can be picked up after the service on our lower level in Youth Room A.
- Bridge for 5th-6th graders will meet in the library twice a month during worship as a
transition between Sunday school and worship, equipping students with the skills,
knowledge, and understanding they need to participate in worship.
~ Andrea Koster, CE Director - Bible Beginnings        ~ Amy Wiener, CE Associate - Bible Alive
~ Rachael Cooley, Nursery Director                     ~ Allison Houlihan, Bridge Leader

             This Week: Stuffy Night! - Bring a stuffed anmial friend to join the fun!!
              Dinner: French Toast Sticks with Sausage Link, and Fruit Kabob $5.00
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
E A S T E R       A T      M A Y F L O W E R

                             Choosing the road that leads to the Cross

    Ash Wednesday Service - March 2 - 6:00pm
Join us as we prepare for Lent with the imposition of ashes
           and a blessing for the coming season.
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
Details on upcoming events available at**

                                                                          New Member
                                                                           February 20
                                                                         (following Sunday
GREETERS/                                                               worship in the library)
PROVIDERS                                                                 New member
NEEDED                                                                      induction:
Are you willing
                                                                           February 27
to greet before a
Sunday service or
bring a treat for           The NEXT Church Ladies’ Lunch will be in April.
a Sunday coffee
Dates are now                                NO ELEVATE TONIGHT!
Notify Murry
                                                     See you Feb 27th!
Idema at                                      (Elevate will NOT meet on Sunday, February 20
243-2764.                                           due to the President’s Day break.)
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
616-459-6255 |
                                                                     2345 Robinson Road, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Thank you very mu

Email _______________________
                                                                                   Greg Sco
Phone ______________________                                                    Jessica Ruppert
                                                                             Courtenay Oosterman
                                                                               Ruth Bell Olsson
Name_______________________                                                      Murry Idema
                                                                              Barbara Hoeksema
would offer naming rights for                                                  Barbara Gordon
I/We would be interested in                                                    Rachael Cooley
                                                                                  David Baker
to restore the parlor to its ori
         SAVE THE DATE: SPRING BAZAAR - April 24 - Seeking talented makers and unique
I/We would be interested in                                        or contact the office for more informaon.
         items to raise money for the Mayflower Parlor refresh fund.
                                                               to connect with a member of the Parlor Commiee
          - Handcrafted Items (woodworking, knitted items, paintings, etc.)
                                                                    If you have any quesons, please feel free
          - Donate experiences for a Silent Auction (cottage weekends, football tickets, boat tour
            on Reeds Lake)

  with a mon                                      Rtoring the Mayflower Parl
          - Cake Walk (bake a cake to add to the fun)
          - Rent-A-Member (spring clean-up, sports lessons, dog walking)
to support th                                     to its original elegance
          - Sing-O-Gram (by children or adult choir members)
         SIGN-UP FORMS are in the office - RESERVE A SPOT! - DEADLINE 4/10
     Are yo
       T he Mayflower Parlor
       After many years of wear, unfortunate leaks, and
       deterioration, the dedicated Parlor Committee
hope you will be a part of the effor
       hopes to return it to its original splendor so we can
can re-engage and make new me
       re-engage and make new memories for decades to
Parlor Commiee hopes to return
       come and we hope you will be a part of the effort.
A“er many years of wear, unfortu
       If you have any questions, please feel free to
respite for Bible studies, support g
       connect with a member of the Parlor Committee or
       contact the office for more information. Thank you!
inmate weddings and other celeb
                   ~ Barbara Hoeksema, C
space where groups would meet o           ommittee Chair
The Mayflower Parlor has been a
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am

        Pulpit and Lectern flowers are given in memory of Jean A. Boyden
                 on the anniversary of her birthday by her family.

              Prayers of Celebration or Concern are often requested for our
            Mayflower Church Family and Friends. If you would like to receive
           the detailed Prayer List, please email

                       2345 Robinson Road SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
            Rev. Steve Armfield, Interim Co-Pastor | Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Interim Co-Pastor
        Dr. Julia Brown, Director of Music and Organist | Scott Bosscher, Chancel Choir Director
  Abby Brooks, Children’s Choir Director | Rachael Cooley, Director of Outreach and Family Ministries
Andrea Koster, Christian Education Director | Amy Wiener, CE Associate | Amy Hermen, Office Manager
               Allison Houlihan, Youth Ministry | Courtenay Oosterman, Communications
               Murry Idema, Director of Congregational Care | Andy Ely, Business Manager

   If you, or a family member, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19,
  or you exhibit any of the symptoms associated, or have recently tested positive for COVID-19, please
refrain from attending any Mayflower event until you have been through the proper time of quarantine.
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 10:30am
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