MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...

Page created by Troy Fernandez
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
MAYFL WER                                                            Congregaonal Church

      Fa i t h ’s j o u r n e y • G o d i s g o o d • J e s u s s aves • S p i r i t l e a d s

FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT                                                  March 6, 2022 - 10:30am
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
                               *Indicates please stand if you are able.
                    Bolded text or music score indicates congregational response.
                       Please sign the friendship register located in your pew.
PRELUDE               Chorale and Variation on "O Sacred Head"                       Dr. Julia Brown,
                                by Felix Mendelssohn                                         Organist
  Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson,
MOMENT FOR MISSIONS		                 Rachael Cooley and Lucy Houlihan
MODERATOR UPDATE		                                         Susan Jones
MOMENT FOR MUSIC		                                           Dr. Brown
INTROIT           O Come and Worship the Lord            Chancel Choir
                                        by Hal Hopson
O Come and Worship the Lord; bow down to him in praise; for holy is the Lord. Holy, holy, holy
CALL TO WORSHIP 		                                                                   Rev. Bell Olsson
HYMN #1*         O God, Our Help in Ages Past                                                ST. ANNE
OPENING PRAYER* 		                                                   Rev. Bell Olsson
  Almighty and everlasting God, who in your tender love towards all humanity
  sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take up a cross and to suffer death on
  our behalf. May we follow the example of his patience and humility, and may
  we join in the glory of his resurrection. Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord, is alive
  and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
          Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
 As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
CHILDREN'S MESSAGE		        Rachael Cooley,
		Director of Outreach and Family Ministries
  Invitation to Communion		                                                             Ben Ruppert
  Prayer of Invocation		                                                              Braxton Orban
  Words of Institution 		                                                           Corbin DeVilbiss
  Sharing of the Elements 		                                                         Rev. Bell Olsson
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
COMMUNION ANTHEM                        Beautiful Savior               Middle School Handbells
                                         arr. James Klein
LORD’S PRAYER		                                                     Rev. Steve Armfield,
		            Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
		      Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
		             Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
		 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
HYMN #436*                O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee                       MARYTON
SCRIPTURE READING                         Luke 4:16-30                                   Deb Larson,
                                      PEW BIBLE, PAGE 727                                 Lay Reader
                              Leader: The Word of the Lord.
                              People: Thanks be to God!
MEDITATION       Cross Roads: The Road Home                                            Rev. Armfield
CALL TO OFFERING		                                                                  Rev. Bell Olsson
OFFERTORY ANTHEM        The Road Home                                                Chancel Choir
                               by Stephen Paulus (1949-2014)                   Emily Smith, Soloist
  Tell me, where is the road I can call my own? That I left, that I lost, so long ago? All these years
  I have wandered, oh, when will I know there’s a way, there’s a road that will lead me home?
  After wind, after rain, when the dark is done. As I wake from a dream in the gold of day,
  through the air there’s a calling from far away, there’s a voice I can hear that will lead me home.
  Rise up, follow me, come away, is the call, with the love in your heart as the only song;
  There is no such beauty as where you belong: Rise up, follow me, I will lead you home.
  		                                                             (words by Michael Dennis Browne)
 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below;
 Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
DEDICATION PRAYER*		                             Rev. Bell Olsson
HYMN 432*         Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah  CWM RHONDDA
BENEDICTION*		 Rev. Armfield
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
POSTLUDE                        Postludium on "O Sacred Head"                          Dr. Brown
                                    by Hendrik Andriessen
                                     WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS
         Rev. Steve Armfield, Interim Co-Pastor | Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Interim Co-Pastor
                                  Dr. Julia Brown, Director of Music
                     Rachael Cooley, Director of Outreach & Family Ministries
                Scott Bosscher, Choir Director | Abby Brooks, Youth Choir Director
                             Chancel Choir | Deb Larson, Lay Reader
               Ben Ruppert, Braxton Orban, Corbin DeVilbiss, Communion Liturgists

                   Our Lenten Outeach
                   seeks to serve by
                   collecting donations
                   for Safe Haven
                   Ministries, a
                   Grand Rapids based
                   agency offering
services to domestic violence victims
and survivors as well as prevention
and education programs for the
entire community.

Pantry Items:                                                  Hygiene And Cleaning Items:
Cereal                       Canned Spaghettios/Ravioli        Shampoo
Microwave Popcorn            Jello/Pudding Cups                Conditioner
Ramen                        Mandarin Orange Fruit Cups        Deodorant
Cooking Oils                 Fruit Snacks                      Toilet Paper
- Vegetable, Canola, Olive   Individual/Snack Size Chips       Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Condiments                   or Cookies                        Swiffer Wet Mop Pads
- Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo     Crackers - Saltines, Ritz, Club   13 Gal. Trash Bags With Drawstrings
Pasta/Rice Sidedish          Poptarts                          33 Gal. Trash Bags With Drawstrings
Cake/Brownie Mix             Juice Boxes/Pouches               Infant Orajel/ Teething Gel
Frosting                     Drink Packets                     Pull-Ups Size 4t/5t
Pancake Mix                  - Koolaid, Crystal Light
                                                               Baby Wipes
Pancake Syrup                Hot Chocolate Mix
                                                               (Currently we are not in need of
Hot Sauce                    Aluminum Foil                     bar soap or bubble bath)
Bbq Sauce                    Saran Wrap
Ranch Salad Dressing         Ziploc Bags - Quart & Gallon
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
Welcome!                                                     We are so glad you
                                                              joined us today!
Hearing assistance is available on the main floor by using the T-switch on your hearing aid.
                    Handheld receivers with earphones are also available from the ushers.

                   Nursery is available for children birth through 1 year. Little Lambs is
                   available for ages 2 and 3 in Room 115. You are welcome to sign your
                   child(ren) in prior to the service and receive a pager if needed.
                   Following the Children’s Message, children will be escorted to their
                   age-appropriate classroom to learn Bible stories, have a snack, and play.
- Bible Beginnings & Bible Alive are in lower level Youth Room A/B for 4-year-olds through
4th graders. Children in Bible Beginnings and Bible Alive can be picked up after the service
on our lower level in Youth Room A.
- Bridge for 5th-6th graders will meet in the library twice a month during worship as a
transition between Sunday school and worship, equipping students with the skills,
knowledge, and understanding they need to participate in worship.
~ Andrea Koster, CE Director - Bible Beginnings    ~ Amy Wiener, CE Associate - Bible Alive
~ Rachael Cooley, Nursery Director                 ~ Allison Houlihan, Bridge Leader
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
		                       Janet & Steve Armfield             Mary Crane
 Bruce Galloway   Jon & Alex Upleger (Alex not pictured)   Leah Gearhart
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
Lent 2022 - Family Edition

  Kingdom of Heaven is Awsum!
   (Parables of the Kingdom)

                                              Table Talk
                                             Questions of the Week:
                                                 (Matthew 5:1-10)
                                                “Name three of
                                                the Beatitudes”
                                            “What are two ways each
                                                      of us
                                                 are blessed?”

                             SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH
                             Seeking talented makers and
                             unique items to raise money for the
                             Mayflower Parlor refresh fund.
                              - Handcrafted Items
                              - Donate Experiences for a Silent Auction
                              - Cake Walk
                              - Sing-O-Gram
                             SIGN-UP FORMS in the office - GET A SPOT by 4/10
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
Sunday, March 13, 2022 - NOTICE of VOTE
      Mayflower members will vote immediately following the service
             to accept the updated 2022 Mayflower Bylaws.
      -- Printed copies and absentee ballots were mailed to members this week --
       View the Bylaws document online at:

            Usher Team                                        Gardener Group

                       2345 Robinson Road SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
            Rev. Steve Armfield, Interim Co-Pastor | Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Interim Co-Pastor
        Dr. Julia Brown, Director of Music and Organist | Scott Bosscher, Chancel Choir Director
  Abby Brooks, Children’s Choir Director | Rachael Cooley, Director of Outreach and Family Ministries
Andrea Koster, Christian Education Director | Amy Wiener, CE Associate | Amy Hermen, Office Manager
               Allison Houlihan, Youth Ministry | Courtenay Oosterman, Communications
               Murry Idema, Director of Congregational Care | Andy Ely, Business Manager
MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ... MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - Mayflower ...
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