Leelanau Conservancy Conserving the Land, Water and Scenic Character of Leelanau County
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Leelanau Conservancy Conserving the Land, Water and Scenic Character of Leelanau County 2010 Annual Report and Newsletter A Watershed Year T his winter, one of our conservation easement landowners sent in a sweet little essay about watersheds. Randy Dlugopolski asked us to imagine the journey a drop of water would take after landing on the orchard next to his family’s 66 acres near Northport. He traced the drop’s wanderings through pine trees, its free fall down a wet slope and dalliance in a cedarswamp.Ultimately,thejourneyendsinthesparkingbluewatersofNorthportBay. The essay is posted on our website, and will appear in our next newsletter. It arrived just as we were mulling over ideas for this report. Randy’s musing signifies just how far we have come in the public’s understanding of the importance of Leelanau County’s seven watersheds. Back when we launched something called the Lake LeelanauWatershed Initiative in 2004, our Outreach Committee struggled with what to name this fund- and awareness-raising effort.“The word‘watershed’is so BORING, it sounds too DRY, too SCIENTIFIC,”complained one committee member with an expertiseinmarketing.Werackedourbrainsforacatchphrasethat would resonate. If one existed, we couldn’t think of it. Instead, we digressed, talking about clean, clear water, how it had drawn each of us to Leelanau and the role it played in our love for this peninsula. So what exactly is a watershed? Envision a big funnel or bathtub and you’ve got the picture. (continued on page 4) Leelanau County Watersheds Bar Lakes and Coastal Wetlands Glen Lake/Crystal River Lake Leelanau Lake Terrace Coastal Wetlands Platte River Shalda Creek and Coastal Wetlands West Grand Traverse Bay
Chairman’s Message L ooking ahead to when my time on the Board of Directors comes to an end in October, I have begun to reflect on the impact that the Conservancy has had on my family and myself over these past eight-plus years. We discovered Leelanau County in 1975 after a short vacation at the Homestead and decided that THIS WAS IT! We were taken back by the beauty of nearly every vista that we discoveredandwewereespeciallyenamoredwithLittleTraverse Lake. We decided to look for a place that we could call our own and purchased a lot on Little Traverse. We built a cottage in 1977. I recall the days when we were part-time residents of Leelanau and we would hurry to leave South Bend, Indiana, on Friday afternoons for a weekend Up North. As we drew closer to our cottage our two dogs would start to stir and our kids became more excited. When we were within about 20 miles of our cottage, Freida, our miniature schnauzer, would begin sniffing the air and crying in anticipation. I was no better! After passing the Swanson farm on M-22 I would make the turn onto Little Traverse Lake Road and I would always signal the end of the trip by shouting “Oh my! I Love It Up Here.” As a matter of Chairman Tom Dunfee on his beloved Little Traverse Lake fact our children used to predict among themselves the exact momentwhenmystatementwouldcomeforthandthenproceed purchase price and plan to close within the next 60 days. to mimic me for what seemed like hours. So as you can see dreams of preserving important ThemagnetthatdrewustoLeelanauCountycontinuedto landscapes in Leelanau can and do become a reality. There pull us north until my wife, Gretchen, and I decided to retire to aremanymorespecialplacesaroundLeelanauthathavedeep our special place in 2000.That same year, I began volunteering meaningandcontainhistoryimportanttomanyof you. I hope with the Conservancy out at our natural areas and later as a to see these places preserved in the future. I encourage you to docent. In 2002 I joined the Board of Directors. Since then I have be involved in their protection. relished being involved in preserving many places in Leelanau. I have witnessed many new additions in our quest to preserve See you on the trails! special lands but none more special to me, personally, than the Sonny Swanson farm on Little Traverse Lake. Like many of you, I remember Sonny working in his fields, Tom Dunfee harvestingbroccoliandsweetcorn,strawberriesandcabbages, Chairman of the Board andsellinghisbeautifulproducefromhishistoricyellowroadside stand. His adherence to the honor system for payment for his INSIDE: goodscontinuedthroughouthisstewardshipofhisland.Through Executive Director Message Page 3 the years, Sonny and his farm became an integral part of the Watersheds Page 4 Leelanau landscape and especially around LittleTraverse Lake. Over the years, we have recognized the importance of Numbers Page 8 Sonny’sfarmnotonlyforitsagriculturalsignificancebutalsofor Heritage Society Page 10 itssceniccharacterandtothewatershedthatthefarmprotects.I Founders Society Page 11 havealsocometoknowthatmanyothers,especiallythosearound Donors Page 12 LittleTraverse Lake, were interested in preserving Sonny’s farm and were very willing to support a campaign to raise funds for Volunteers Page 21 its purchase. To date we have secured nearly 90 percent of the Leelanau Preservers Page 23
Thoughts From Our Executive Director Find your place on the With over 2,000 feet of shoreline on Little Traverse Lake, and planet, dig in, and take home to multiple small streams that feed directly into the lake, responsibility from buyingandprotectingSonny’sfarmisagreatinvestmentinthe there. futureofaspecialLeelanaulandscape. Thewetlandsalongthe ~Gary Snyder lakeareflushwithasurprisingarrayofwildlife. ButSonny’sfarm meansmuchmore. Howelsecanweexplaintheoutpouringof T he Leelanau Peninsula is called home by some 20,000 supportforthisproject? Inafewshortmonths,beginninginthe spring of this past year, 168 donors contributed over $800,000 toward the Conservancy’s purchase of Sonny’s Farm. or so people, but it is an If the Conservancy did not exist, Sonny’s farm might emotionaltouchstonefor have changed hands and still been preserved intact. But who many thousands more. knows? The Conservancy allows many different individuals to What happens here is every bit as important to them as civic poolresourcestowardacommongoalofprotectingthebestin engagementintheplacetheyreportontaxformsastheirplace Leelanau. We don’t need to rely on a single wealthy individual, of residence. we don’t need to stand aside and hope that things will all work Talking with some of our most dedicated and long-time out in the end. We can express the larger community’s interest donorsandsupportershasbroughtthissimplefacthometome in seeing an iconic place like Sonny’s farm preserved. And we recently. Visiting folks in Phoenix, or St. Louis, or Columbus haveanorganizationthatworkseverydaytoprotectLeelanau’s - and listening to them tell stories of experiences in Leelanau, treasures. or the people they know and think about often - tells me how Sonny’s farm is just an example of how people who much our peninsula means to them. It’s not uncommon to considerLeelanau“home”canbandtogetherwithanorganization be ushered into a “Leelanau shrine.” Usually this is a den or to make decisions and somecozyhideawayinthehomewherefamilyphotosfromthe invest in the places cottagelinethewalls,wherelandscapesbyfavoritelocalartists that people care most are prominently displayed. There may be a piece of driftwood, about. Together we thenameplateoffthetransomoratrustedfamilyboat,orother can accomplish what quintessential Leelanau memorabilia on display. Folks who nosingleindividualcan spend 50 weeks out of the year living and working elsewhere accomplish.Ouractions nevertheless clearly claim Leelanau as “their place.” areanexpressionofthe I’mtheretothankpeoplefortheirsupport,tofindoutwhat communityactinginits ismostimportanttothem,andtohearwhattheConservancy’s own best interest. workmeanstothem.Itaboutdigginginandtakingresponsibility Aswemovefurther for “our place.” At the end of 2010, in its 22nd full year of into a third decade of operation,aclusterofcompletedprojectsallowedtheLeelanau workingtopreservethe Conservancytosaythatwehavepermanentlyprotectedsome best of Leelanau, this 8,000 acres on this beautiful peninsula. Among those 8,000 investment model will acres are representative examples of all of the landscapes that be deployed again and we all recognize as“essential Leelanau.” There are dunes and again. It is not the beaches,toweringbluffsoverLakeMichigan,sculptedfarmlands, only way, but it’s one swampsanduplandforests,permanentlywildshorelinesonrivers of the most effective and lakes. These lands are“essential Leelanau”and they would ways, for all of us who not be protected today if people who love this place did not, in consider Leelanau as Gary Snyder’s words “take responsibility from there.” hometo“diginandtake A good example of this principle at work is the recent responsibility.” Carol Benner took this photo of the effort to acquire Sonny’s farm and restore it to operation. The Sonny Swanson farm stand. Her letter Conservancyhaslongbeeninterestedinthislandforreasonsthat remembering Sonny will appear in our canbesummedupbythecoldhardfactsofconservationscience. spring newsletter.
If you protect the land in the watershed, and keep this filtering capacity in place, you ensure the future of the lakes. Watershed Year, continued snowmelt collects on the surface, flows directly into streams, The sides of the funnel/tub all drain to a common body picking up sediments and contaminants and bringing them of water, like Glen Lake or Lake Leelanau. Some portions of directly into nearby water bodies. surroundinglandsaremorevaluablewhenitcomestoprotecting If you protect the land in the watershed, and keep this waterquality.Thoseplacesthatfeaturestreamsorgroundwater filtering capacity in place, you ensure the future of the lakes. seeps are the jewels in the crown, and the most vulnerable to “We were given these beautiful, clean, clear lakes and streams,” disturbance. As our Director of Land Protection, Matt Heiman says Executive Director Brian Price. “It’s up to us—on our says, a pristine stream can quickly be turned into “chocolate watch—to make sure they don’t get screwed up, to keep the milk” by a misplaced road culvert or an ATV crossing. soils intact and the vegetation in place so that these lakes will Bufferingwetlandsareequallyasimportant—andplaces be beautiful forever.” wheremiracleshappen.Oilandotherpollutantsthatwashoffour So far, we’re doing pretty well. Some of the lands we roadsandlawnsgeteatenupbymicrobesthatliveinwetlands.In have protected havebeenoutrightpurchases:naturalareasthat are owned and managed by the Conservancy.The majority of the lands we have protected, however, are owned by families who have sold or donated conservation easements to the Conservancy. Conservation easements are legal agreements where the landowner restricts portions of his or her land from development,andmayreceivecompensationortaxbenefitsin doing so. “We don’t want to own all this land, or take it off the tax rolls, but we do want to see it protected,” adds Brian. “Conservation easements are great tools and the most cost- effective way for us to do that.”The Conservancy has secured a numberofgrantsoverthe years,providingthousands of dollars to fund projects where landowners need to be compensated for forfeited development The slight parting in the lush green understory is one of the streams flowing through property protected by Bill Rastetter and Carrie Weed in 2010. values. These grants have helped us to double or thismoist,richenvironment,insectsandlarvaethrive,attracting triple the amount of land andsustainingourmoststunningsongbirdsandprizedfish.Rare protected. plantsappear,thrillinguswiththeirbeautyandcompletingfood Matt Heiman, webs important to a wide variety of species. D i r e ctor of Land Locales known as groundwater recharge areas are less Protection, can talk for obviousbutalsocriticaltowaterquality.Theseareplaceswhere hoursabouttheecological rainandsnowmeltcollect,likesandy-soiledbasinsatthebottom webs that are woven in ofahill,orsandyplateaus.Suchareasarevaluedbecausewater intact forested lands collectsandcanbequicklyabsorbed,cleanedbythesandylayers which protect the small of soil as it flows back into the water table. And wherever the headwaters of tributary watertableagainintersectsthegroundsurface,ininnumerable streams. Such places small seeps and springs, the filtered water makes its way back include Tom Price and to streams and lakes. The percentage of rainfall that actually Cindy Carlson’sTownship is purified by this sand filtration is perhaps the most important property,protectedin2010. Steep slopes on Tom Price and Cindy single factor that protects lakes in Northern Michigan. In most Here, on this private land Carlson’s land, protected in 2010, contain parts of North America heavy clay soils prevent the infiltration protected via conservation several seeps and streams flowing toward and filtration of rainwater. Under such conditions, rainfall and easement, a thick canopy Lake Leelanau.
As always, science guides our work and helps us set priorities. shades the headwaters of several small streams flowing into greatestaccomplishments. nearby Lake Leelanau. Come fall, those streams are choked Along with the Cedar River with fallen leaves. Over the winter, the leaves are shredded by wetlandcomplex,ourefforts macro-invertebrates, which in turn create food for the larvae toprotectshorelinewetlands of the giant mosquito hawk.When this“midge”hatches in the havebeenconcentratedin spring, it becomes food for resident brook trout. twootherareas:theMebert As always, science guides our work, helping to set Creek wetland in Bingham priorities and maximize resources.The following is a summary Township and the east of our work in Leelanau’s watersheds, and a discussion of land side of the Lake Leelanau protection in each watershed. Narrows. At Cedar River, the Conservancy’s initial Watershed Acres Frontage purchase of 120 acres has Protected (stream & lake) beenaddedtofourdifferent Glen Lake/ times, as nearby lands Ingrid Lockhart Crystal River 376 2.6 have come available. The Lake Leelanau 3,578 17.9 most recent purchase, just Lime Lake/ beforetheholidaysin2010, 430 additional feet of shoreline were protected at the Narrows in 2010 . Little Traverse 466 3.0 brought115additionalwetland Grand Traverse Bay/ acres under protection. The Cedar Lake 2,129 6.4 MebertCreekwetlandcomplexincludesfourprojectstotaling Total 6,549 29.9 267 acres. And we can’t talk about Lake Leelanau without mentioning the Narrows. With the help of the Lake Leelanau Association,2010sawthepreservationofacherishedviewand Lake Leelanau Watershed Highlights 430 feet of critical wetlands. This is the third key parcel along Dating back to some of the first land acquisitions of the the shore to be protected in a 10-year period. A total of 68 Conservancy,oureffortstoprotectthewatersofLakeLeelanau acres along the Narrows and 2,875 feet or about a half-mile of have concentrated on two key areas: large wetland areas that frontage now make up this beautiful natural area. flank shorelines, and the headwaters or tributary streams. We have made great progress in protecting contiguous The415-acreCedarRiverNaturalAreacontainsthefinest blocks of private lands in the sensitive Rice Creek and wetland complex on the Leelanau Peninsula.This land can be SharnowskiRoadareas.ThisyearwefinishedPhaseIIoftheLake enjoyedbythepublicanditspermanentprotectionisamongour LeelanauWatershedInitiativewhichencompassedsixprojects andprotected316acrescontaining8,050feetofstreamfrontage. As a result, 21 tons of sediment, 917 pounds of nitrogen and 86 pounds of phosphorous will be prevented from loading in to the Lake Leelanau watershed every year. This year Leland Township and the Conservancy also launched the effort to preserve the Clay Cliffs area, which features 1,700 feet along Lake Leelanau and 1,800 feet of frontage on Lake Michigan. Intotalwehaveprotected3,578acresintheLakeLeelanau Watershed and 17.9 miles of shoreline or stream frontage. The Lake Leelanau Watershed is the largest watershed in Leelanau County, covering 140 square miles and supporting over 40 miles of shoreline. The Cedar River flows through the Solon Swamp before entering Lake Leelanau. Most of the Solon Swamp is a fen, which is a “quaking mat” of tight vegetation over open water. It provides not only a home for a vast array of wildlife, but also filters water entering the lake.
Conservation easements along Plowman Road are home to the endangered Michigan Monkey Flower. Cedar Lake/Grand Traverse Bay Watershed One of our most stunning accomplishments is having protected over one third of the shoreline of Cedar Lake—a preservation effort made even more unusual because the lake Four streams converge on the Swanson property and empty into Little Traverse Lake. Marge Beaver of Photograpy Plus Eachofthesewell-lovedlakesfeaturesignatureprojects that go a long way toward protecting their water quality. On Lime Lake, our 37-acreTeichner Preserve takes in 200 feet of Over a third of the Cedar Lake shoreline has been protected by the Leelanau naturalshoreline.Thisyear,webegantheprocessofremoving Conservancy. In 2010, 269 acres of land within the Grand Traverse Bay Watershed were protected through conservation easements. aroadbedthathadbeenputinthroughthewetlandtoservicea sits right on the doorstep of Traverse City. Our DeYoung plannedhousingdevelopment.Thegoaloftheroadremovalis Natural Area takes in 4,500 feet of shoreline and 145 acres. But toreconnectwetlandhydrology—fourstreamscoursethrough an impressive amount of lakeshore has also been protected by theproperty.Over100truckloadsofwetlandfillwereremoved. private landowners. On Little Traverse Lake we signed an option last fall “Hereyouhaveauniquecombination--premierdevelopment topurchasethehistoricSonnySwansonfarm.Wetlandscover landalongwithlandownerswhowerededicatedtoprotectingthe about 60 percent of the property, which includes 2,000 feet lake,”says Matt.Two projects completed this year protected an of natural shoreline along Little Traverse Lake. It is the largest additional 46 acres and 1,690 feet along Cedar Lake. andlastundevelopedparcelonthelakeandkeepingitnatural TheGrandTraverseBayWatershedencompassesa47-mile will help ensure the water quality of the lake. In total we have radiusandaboutathirdofthebay’sentireshorelineinLeelanau. protected 466 acres and three miles of stream frontage or Itincludeslandwithamyriadofsmallstreamsandgroundwater shoreline in the Lime Lake Little Traverse Lake Watershed. seeps flowing into West Bay from Leelanau County. In2009wereceiveda$416,000granttoprotectlandinthe GT Bay Watershed. We put the funds to work on three projects this year. At year end, we also added 52 acres to our Kehl Lake Natural Area. In total we have protected 2,129 acres in the GT Bay watershed and 6.4 miles of stream frontage and shoreline on Cedar Lake/Lake Michigan. Ed and Mildred Goss along with a neighboring property owner protected 1,690 feet of natural pristine shoreline and 46 acres on The Swanson property, outlined in red, takes in 90 acres and 2,000 feet of Cedar Lake. shoreline. Thanks to photographer John Hall and pilot Larry Webb.
While the sum total of watershed protection can be quantified in front feet and acreage, plant lists and sediment loading, its real value is intangible. Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed Highlights It’sfairtosaythatoneofourmostimportantprojectsever wastheprotectionof104acresand6,300feetalongtheCrystal River. This stunningly beautiful“Oxbow”of the Crystal River was protected in 2005 when the National Park Service and the Conservancy teamed up to buy the land from the Homestead and transfer it to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Infact,thisprojectwasprecededbythepurchaseofsevenacres which protected 1,200 feet of river frontage at the“tip of the Oxbow.”The 2008 purchase of a conservation easement over theStockmanPropertyprotectedanarrowisthmusoflandwhich includes2,446feetofriverfrontage.Othernearbyconservation easementsprotectsome30acresofconiferswampswhichare part of the wetland complex which feeds the river. Otherkeyelementstothewatershedprotectionstrategyat GlenLakeincludeprotectingtheprincipaltributarytothelake, HatlemCreek,andkeepingtheforestedeasternridgeline,with its steep slopes that pitch straight into the lake. Conservation easementsalongPlowmanRoad(SprouseandMacKenzie)are home to marl springs and the federally endangered Michigan MonkeyFlowerwhichthrivesalongthecreekcorridor.Ridgeline conservationeasementsdonatedbytheHoaglandsandtheVan Zoerenshavebeguntoprotectsignificantpartsoftheforested ridgeline near Bow Road. Total land protected in the Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed: 376 acres and 2.6 miles of river/stream frontage. Lime Lake/Little Traverse Lake A conservation easement protects this narrow isthmus of land with 2,446 feet along the Crystal River. While the sum total of watershed protection can be quantified in front feet and acreage, plant lists and sediment loading, its real value is intangible. How can you measure the relief of plunging into cool, clean water on a blisteringly hot day, with minnows nibbling at your shins?The exclamation of visitors seeing the expanse and clean surf of Lake Michigan for the first time? The pride of a child reeling in his first walleye or swimming out to the raft for the first time? Such things can’t be measured, but they are the reasons we allcometogether--sharingourtime,talentandtreasuretoensure Priorities for protection: steep ridgelines seen from Glen Lake as well as that the Leelanau we know will endure for future generations. wetlands surrounding the lake’s major tributary, Hatlem Creek.
Every Number 8,005 is the total number 129 truckloads of wetland fill were removed of acres we have from our Teichner Preserve and protected as of four streams were reconnected the end of 2010, during a road removal project. i n c l u d i n g 376 acres in the Glen Lake Crystal River w a t e r s h e d . (5 1 6 acres protected in 10 acres of invasive autumn olive was cleared from the Lighthouse West Natural Area. 2010 officially, with an additional 500 acres put into motion for protection in 2011 too!) 8 conservation easements were completed this year, bringing our total number of families or individuals 344 is the number who have chosen to permanently of hours that our 18 preserve cherished lands to 135. Bill trail stewards spent Rastetter and Carrie Weed protected monitoring and 61 acres that contains this berry maintaining our natural thicket and 3150 feet of groundwater areas and preserves. streams flowing into Lake Leelanau. 480 Acres of farmland owned by 3 families were protected with the help of a $1.5 million grant. Among them: 80 acres of orchard owned by Jean Sedlacek 4.5 acres of invasive bladder campion, held here by staffer Fields Ratliff, was removed overlooking the Manitou Passage. from critical dune habitat at the Houdek Dunes Natural Area. 1,781 people have received a Leelanau Preservers gift since the program’s beginnings in 2002. 361 people have at least one tile on the Village Green. 30 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline were monitored by stewardship staff 46 hikes were led by docents on Conservancy properties with 525 people and volunteers, who logged 91 volunteer hours documenting the locations of invasive phragmites attending, including a special and other coastline invaders. hike for kids with docent Ann McInnis at our DeYoung Natural Area Dedication. 1 brand new foot bridge was built 3,351 individuals or families made a donation to the Conservancy over the stream at the Chippewa Natural Area with the help of whether it was to support volunteers Lou Ricord land protection, operations or and Leonard Marszalek. stewardship. Thank you, one and all!
Tells a Story 453 tshirts, mugs, bags and other Conservancy wear were sold in 2010—helping 11,976 is the number of views logged on our collection of 8 to spread awareness of our great beautiful YouTube videos created organization! Thanks to everyone by volunteer Julie Weeks. Videos, out there who “represents” like the one focused just on beaches, on behalf of the LC, like the are created from the over 500 grandchildren of our Chairman, photos that have been submitted on Tom Dunfee, shown here. Why Leelanau, including this one by John Koelzer. 1,590 is the number of special postage stamps that Mimi Mullin has donated to the Conservancy since 2002. Mimi uses photos from our natural areas to create these beautiful stamps we use 503 is the number of individuals/ couples who now belong to our on thank-you notes to donors. Thank you, Sustainers Circle. This is the Mimi! group who pledges $500 a year or more to support the operations 2,000 feet of shoreline and of the Conservancy. Shown here are longtime sustainers Jim and Bonnie Scarlett and Laura Deibel at our summer gathering. 90 acres along Little Traverse Lake will be protected along with the historic Sonny Swanson 6 is the number of years Mario Batali has offered his dinner for 12 as a part of our annual Picnic/ farm. Auction. Mario and 130 other donors of items or unique experiences made our annual Auction a huge success. 66 Wi l d f l o w e r R e s c u e volunteers went on 16 digs to 5 locations for a total of 575 hours. 2,170 pots were potted and sold at the 17th annual Memorial Weekend Plant Sale on the Leland Village Green. $19,000 was raised to help 1,440 people now follow us on Facebook including Mark Lindsay care for the Green in perpetuity. who regularly uses Leelanau as a backdrop for his profile pictures. 93 people follow us on Twitter. 2,875 feet of shoreline and 68 acres in total have been protected along the Lake Leelanau Narrows in the last 10 years, including 430 feet 748 people attended our Annual Friends Picnic. The picnic that were preserved in 2010. was held at the beautiful Newton Farm on Jelinek Road; attendees were treated to one 8 people joined our Richard O. Ristine Heritage Society, which honors the 96 members who have shared that the Leelanau Conservancy has been included in their estate plans. of the most spectacular sunsets of the summer as the picnic drew to a close.
RICHARD O. RISTINE Heritage Society TheHeritageSocietyrecognizesdonorswhohavesharedinthemissionoftheLeelanauConservancybymakingagiftthroughawill, bequest,trust,annuity,insuranceorotherplannedordeferredgift.Thisimportantgroupishelpingtoensurethelongtermfinancial capabilities of the Conservancy. Anonymous(17) Mrs. Karen Douma Jack D. Hunter Thomas S. Porter Christie L. and Bruce T. Alton Roland and Diane Drayson Bart and Gail Ingraham Dr. James Rae & Arleen Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Birndorf Nancy R. and Berkley W. Duck Bob Jones Rakas-Mitchell Rae Dale and Joan Blount Tom and Gretchen Dunfee Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Krause Ms. Betty V. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Brant David Edelstein & Jennie Berkson Will and Joan Larson Gwen Rich Dr. R. John Bull John and Gina Erb Mr. and Mrs. George I. Liljeblad Mrs. Richard O. Ristine Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Burchfield Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Fox Dr. R. William Lustig Gary Schultheiss and Barbara Richman Mr. William S. Casier Mr. and Mrs. James W. Frederick Mrs. Mary E. Lyons Jack and Susan Seaman David M. and Cara V. Cassard Ms. Judy L. Frederick Larry Mawby Cathy and Paul Sehnert R. Weston Caughlan Mr. William Y. Gard Elizabeth Melkild Mr. and Mrs. David T. Shelby William J. Charlesworth Bob and Debbie Gilbert Courtney M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Stein Jim and Kay Charter Elizabeth and Richard Gotsch Craig A. and Nancy T. Miller Cheryl Stereff & Dennis Marchese John & Linda Cloud Enid and Rick Grauer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Strobel Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Collins Jeff and Susan Green Diantha C. Naftali Mr. and Mrs. Ben A Tefertiller, Jr. Ms. Marie Eleanor Coppa Mr. Richard A. Grout Frederick C. Neidhardt Mr. Terry Terhune Jeffry & Susan Corbin Mrs. Jane B. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Nielsen Dana K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John G. Davey Mr. William S. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Noling Bruce and Betsy Wagner Gilbert and Annette Deibel Mrs. C.L. Harrison, III Allen Northcutt Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins Mrs. Jane W. Domke Mr. William R. Hoff & Dr. Julienne Hoff Mr. and Mrs. William D. Peace Larry and Marcia Webb Cheryl Donakowski & Frank Misplon Mrs. Jeannette Hunt Randy Petresh Elizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred Wiese Nancy and Stuart Winston GIFTS OF LAND OR DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS This list recognizes people who have made a gift of land or development rights through an outright gift or bargain sale. Thanks inparttothegenerosityofthesedonors,theLeelanauConservancycanensuresignificantlymorelandandwaterconservationfor every dollar raised. The names below reflect all such donors from the time of our founding in 1988. If you notice an error or omis- sion on this list, please notify us. Horace and Barbara Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Eben M. Finger Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kuhn Roy and Ruth Reynolds Estate of Wayne F. Anderson Dr. Max and Mrs. Mary Finton Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Laing Bill and Coralyn Riley Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Lanham Mr. and Mrs. William Sanborn Debra Antzis and Chad Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Fisher Leland Woods Property Owners Assoc. Cecily & Kurt Sanford & Family Luigi Badalamente Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Force Mr. and Mrs. Harrison C. Lingle Mrs. Frances Petty Sargent George A. Ball Ms. Ellen Fred Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. MacKenzie Gary Schultheiss & Barbara Richman Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gans Mr. and Mrs. William F. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin Scott Kristine B. Ball Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ganter Mr. and Mrs. Van W. Martin Ms. Jean Sedlacek Lena Ball Charlotte Giltner Mr. and Mrs. John E. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Seward Peter W. Ball Ms. Barbara M. Goodbody Ms. Lilian P. Mattson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bardenhagen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goss Larry Mawby and Lois Bahle Dayton and Edith Simmons Mr. and Mrs. James V. Bardenhagen Mrs. Claudia D. Goudschaal Lynn McGovern Mr. and Mrs. William Slawson Robert Bartle and Holly Spaulding Mr. and Mrs. John S. Greeno Mr. and Mrs. Doug McInnis Mr. and Mrs. Rossman W. Smith Ms. Karol Berwald Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Grossnickle Allen and Sandra McSweeney Mrs. James C. Soper Ben Bowmaster John D. and Ardis Herrold Mr. Kevin Meisel Ann and Chris Stack Mrs. Alexander M. Bracken John T. and Shirley Hoagland Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Miller Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strunk David Brigham Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hoffman Bernard and Harriet Mitchell Ms. Martha A. Teichner Judy Brown Rose and Stuart Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nance Mr. and Mrs. Viktor G. Theiss Will Case Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hood Coco and Roger Newton Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Ursu Mr. William J. Casier Mrs. Jeannette Hunt Mr. Robert A. Nitschke Mr. Douglas M. Van Zoeren Mr. Lowell C. Cate Charles and Dorothy Johnson Mr. Gerald K. Olsen Joe VanderMeulen & Bronwyn Jones Jim and Kay Charter Mr. F. Randall Karfonta Mr. and Mrs. William Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Phil Von Voigtlander Dr. Priscilla Cogan Ms. Beatrice Kimmerly Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Owsley Ms. Carol L. Waters Gary A. Cook & Sueann Wood Mr. John Kimmerly Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff Palmer Mr. and Mrs. John B. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cook Mr. James Kimmerly Dennis Phillips Lorraine Weber and Mac Lister Ms. Barbara Cruden Mr. Patrick Kimmerly Robert and Ellen Pisor Ben and Cindy Weese Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Kinzie Thomas Price and Cynthia Carlson Mrs. Betty L. West Jeannie and Bill Dennler Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Klein Jean C. Raftshol Dr. Mary C. White Mr. Joseph E. Dlugopolski Mr. and Mrs. Allen Koehler Mr. Curtis Raftshol Mrs. Howard R. Whitney Ms. Dorothy A. Doten Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott Koeze Lynda Raftshol Ms. Constance Whittlesey Ms. Gertrude M. Doyle Mrs. Diana Kohler Mr. Warren Raftshol Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Willard Mr. Bruce Viger David Krumlauf and Joan D’Argo Bill Rastetter and Cary Weed Hamilton and Elizabeth Williams Mr. and Mrs. William L. Elder Robert and Geraldine Krumwiede Mrs. Jean S. Raymond Nona and Jay Windham Erika and Dennis C. Ferguson Ms. Julie Windham 10
2010 Donors Exercise Your Willpower! Where there’s a will, there’s a way to make a bequest to the Leelanau Conservancy. A bequest is a provision in your Last Will and Testament in which a gift or property is transferred from your estate to a charitable organization. Bequests are easily accomplished. You can even add a simple condicil to an existing will. “Jeff and I knew that we wanted to help keep Leelanau ‘the land that we love’ and For more information, please call or email Anne that we could do much more through our estate than we could do in cash or stocks Shoup at ashoup@theconservancy.com or 231- while we were alive. We’re first generation Leelanau folks, but now there are three generations who love this special place. We wanted to set an example to them for 256-9665. Thank you! how to care for the land we all love and to help make certain that their memories of Leelanau are like ours. It seems important to share that link across time—and it made a gift to the Conservancy a gift to them, too.” Susan Green FOUNDERS SOCIETY The Founders Society recognizes those donors whose generous and long term support has resulted in cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000 or more to any variety of funds. Please note, the amounts listed do not contain planned gifts such as Charitable Remainder Unitrusts. Many of the individuals listed have also made plans for significant contributions to the Leelanau Conservancy through their estate plans. $1 million and greater Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Miller John T. and Shirley Hoagland Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gordon Anonymous The Oleson Foundation Mr. George H. Littell Ms. Ann Hall Miss Sally Reahard Mrs. Rose Oudemolen Mr. George Littell, Jr. Mary M. Harrison Philip S. Harper Foundation Larry Mawby and Lois Bahle Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, III $100,000 - $999,999 Dr. James Rae & Arleen Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Olson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hoagland Americana Foundation Rakas-Mitchell Raw Orion Foundation Mr. John Langdon Anonymous (2) Ms. Catharine P. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Owsley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Robertson Porter Family Foundation Frank and Conchita Lockhart Mario Batali & Susi Cahn Rotary Charities of Traverse City Mr. Ralph M. Reahard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Losh Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bracken Clarence and Ruth Roy Robert J. Trulaske Jr. Foundation Dr. R. William Lustig The Carls Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Rorick Mrs. Mary E. Lyons Chormann Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, III Mary Alice Schaff Mahogany Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Collins Ms. Martha A. Teichner Ms. Anne Schermerhorn Mrs. John C. Manix Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Dean Ms. Karen R. Viskochil Mr. and Mrs. David T. Shelby Mr. and Mrs. William F. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Deibel The Wadsworth Family Chris and Ann Stack Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroy Ms. Laura Deibel Ms. Margaret H. Watkins Robert and Stephanie Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. John D. Norris Francie and John O. Downing Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins David and Sally Viskochil Mrs. Gertrude M. Oliver David Edelstein & Jennie Berkson E. Perry and Laurel Wolfe Webb W.K. Kellogg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. William L. Elder Andy and Elizabeth Walters Mr. and Dr. Nels L. Olson Esperance Family Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Ben and Cindy Weese Orion Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher Anonymous (3) Joan and Randy Woods Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MD Mrs. Sue Frank Mrs. Martha B. Baker Jim and Marie Preston George and Frances Ball Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ball $25,000 - $49,999 The Ricord Family George and Mary Ellen Gotshall Mrs. Alexander M. Bracken Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Ristine Enid and Rick Grauer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Rorick Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hackett Mrs. Jane W. Domke Broadleaf Foundation Chris Rowney and Siobhan Cafferty Mrs. William B. Hall Cheryl Donakowski & Frank Misplon David M. and Cara V. Cassard Ms. Carolyn T. Russell The Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Easling Michael and Patti Chetcuti Mrs. Frances Petty Sargent Foundation Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Mrs. Treva N. DeJong Walter and Leslie Schmid John T. and Shirley Hoagland Foundation Dellora A. & Lester J. Norris Foundation Mrs. Louise Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Addison Igleheart Mrs. Bowman F. Elder Gina and John Erb Mr. Robert J. Trulaske, Jr. Andrew V. Kiselius Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Funke Ms. Julia M. Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Verdier Will and Joan Larson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ganter Edward Gergosian & Susan Hoekenga Mr. John B. Watkins Mariel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Gard Mrs. Lurah Gilbert Mrs. Nancy P. Williams Craig A. and Nancy T. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goff Dan and Magee Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Wilson 11
2010 Donors Founder ($10,000+) CareSource Pamela Fortune * Anonymous (4) David M. and Cara V. Cassard * Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Fowler * My family truly appreciates all that you do. Mario Batali & Susi Cahn Colin Gardner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Frank * Our grown children have chosen to raise their Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bracken Richard Cooper & Jan Tennant * Mrs. Patricia M. Ganter * The Chormann Family Foundation Cummings Christensen Family Elizabeth Wood Garber * families here as well; and, now that we have two Ms. Laura L. Deibel * Foundation Jan Garfinkle and Mike O’Donnell * grandchildren your efforts mean even more. David Edelstein & Jennie Berkson * Jeannie and Bill Dennler * Mr. and Mrs. James Gartner This summer, Eva and Myles will have their first Gina and John Erb * Roland and Diane Drayson * Mr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Gits * Esperance Family Foundation * Tom and Gretchen Dunfee * Ellie Golden * walk through the DeYoung Natural Area. Thank Mrs. Janice B. Fisher * J. Richard Emens & Beatrice E. Dan and Magee Gordon * you.—Tim & Cheryl Bloomquist Mrs. Jane H. Fortune Wolper * Mr. Charles A. Greathouse, III * Mr. Jack D. Hunter * Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, III * Dick and Marion Grout * Mr. and Mrs. Addison Igleheart * Dr. Pamela Fraker H. Fort Flowers Foundation Mr. David Patton Dr. and Mrs. James W. Albers Lake Leelanau Lake Association Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Gardner * Mollie and Chuck Hall * Mr. and Mrs. Denis B. Pierce * Mrs. Mary C. Allen * Mr. and Mrs. William Loveless, II Mr. William S. Harper * Curtis Hall and Susan Houseman * Plante & Moran, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Merrill L. Almquist * Mahogany Foundation Mr. Thomas C. Jones * Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Foundation June and Jerry Powley * Peter and Vicki Alpaugh * Mariel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ketterer * Mrs. Agnes Hayden Jim and Marie Preston * David and Suzanne Alpers Mr. and Mrs. Steven Martineau * Leelanau Cellars Susan and Jack Hayes * Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Price * Mr. and Mrs. William Alvin * Larry Mawby and Lois Bahle * Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, III Mr. and Mrs. Max Proffitt * David and Jacqueline Amos * The Oleson Foundation Marlis Mann and Tom Skinner * Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Heslop * Bill Pumphrey & Julie Thomas * William C. and Vicki Anderson * Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Olson Philip S. Harper Foundation Eric and JoAnna Hesse Vance and Catherine Querio * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Angus * Orion Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pool * Justin and Paula Higdon Lori Holstege and David Quimby Anonymous (3) Ms. Molly Phinny * Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. John T. and Shirley Hoagland * Bert and Helene Rabinowitz * Gary and Christine B. Armbrecht * Porter Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rockwood, Jr. Drs. John and Judy Hoeffler * Peter and Kristen Race Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Armbruster * The Ricord Family * Mr. and Mrs. Scot C. Roemer * Mr. and Mrs. Kent N. Holton * Mr. and Mrs. David Redfield * Ms. Jane T. Babbitt Robert J. Trulaske Jr. Family Dr. William C. Scharf * Hoogland Family Foundation David Reinisch and Julie Kiefer * Randy Baidas and Will Reeves Foundation Walter and Leslie Schmid * Paul Howes and Cynthia Johnson * Ms. Betty V. Rhoades * Mrs. Martha B. Baker * Rotary Charities of Traverse City Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Sebaly * Michael Huey and Christian Witt- Mr. and Mrs. James H. Richards * Mr. and Mrs. Adrian N. Baker * Clarence and Ruth Roy Josh and Kaylyn Shelby * Dorring Shawn Ricker and Steven Cacossa * Judy and Bruce Balas * John and Mary Tris Dr. and Mrs. David J. Smith, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hursey Mrs. Paula M. Robertson * Robert & Jeanine Ball * Mr. Larry Viskochil Dr. and Mrs. David E. Spathelf * Daniel Inman and Catherine Little Mr. Thomas M. Rooks * Mr. Andrew S. Bamford The Wadsworth Family * Cherrie and William Stege T. Michael and Joan Jackson * Kati Rooney & Jim Hennessey * Bank of America Foundation Bruce and Betsy Wagner * Ms. Martha A. Teichner Lee Jameson & Barbara Nelson- Marv and Lu Rorick * Mr. and Mrs. David L. Banks Andy and Elizabeth Walters Jameson Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scarlett * Roger and Jan Bauer * Ms. Margaret H. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kabcenell Mary Alice Schaff * Ginny and Scott Beall * Benefactor ($1,000 - $2,499) Jim and Cindy Kacin Joan and Randy Woods * Schneider Electric/Square D Jack and Renee Beam Porter and Anita Abbott * Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kane * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wysocki Foundation Nancy and Joe Belton * Barbara and Bill Alldredge * Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kasper * Christie L. and Bruce T. Alton * Mary Jo Schuld Jill Berkeley & Larry Goldman * Carey and Bill Keller Jack and Susan Seaman * Bob and Julie Berlacher * Anonymous Advocate ($5,000 - $9,999) Todd Kennell * Mr. and Mrs. David T. Shelby * Mr. and Mrs. P. James Bernardo * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Appel * Charles and Joanne Knight * Anonymous Barbara and Frank Siepker * Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bierley * Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Korson Jennifer Baker and Stephen Fishbein * Paul Skiem and Beth Brooks * Dr. and Mrs. David H. Binstadt * Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ball * Mrs. Geraldine B. Krumwiede Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brolick * Ms. Dena Smith Mr. Brian Blood Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barton * Larry and Christy Kuhnke Dellora A. & Lester J. Norris Mr. and Mrs. John P. Snedeker * Dr. and Mrs. Dale M. Blount * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Batts Robert Kurtz and Molly O’Toole Foundation Paul Solli and Kristine Ball * Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Blount * Lori Beuerle Ms. Diane G. Lambert Dole Family Foundation Shandy and Penny Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Bogley * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beuerle Thomas and Bridget Lamont * Mrs. Stephany Dunfee Mark and Amy Spitznagel * Mr. Maurice T. Bolmer * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biggs * Rob Lanphier Mr. Joseph Faggan Ms. Joanne L. Sprouse * Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Bowen * Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bloom Will and Joan Larson * Ms. Julia M. Flowers * Mr. Chris Stack, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brondyk * Kurt M. Bowden & Nancy Dady * Jeff Later & Betsy Donahue * Mrs. Claudia D. Goudschaal Chris and Ann Stack * Guy and Meg Brossy * Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Bracken Dr. and Mrs. Albert LeBlanc Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Steelcase Foundation Trish and Rick Bryan * Caroline F. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lederman * Program Jim and Beth Stephens * Tom and Marsha Buehler * Michael Brom and Sherri Costner Sarah and Matt Lichtel Enid and Rick Grauer * Mr. Richard J Stephenson * Mr. and Mrs. James Bulkley * Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Brooke Mr. George Littell, Jr. * Jeff and Susan Green * Mr. and Mrs. George Strietmann * Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bunn, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Brooks * Little Traverse Lk. Prop. Owners Douglas Hollowell and Linda Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sutfin * Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Burr * Jere and Gail Brown * Association Cipriani * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor * Mr. Jack E. Burton * Dr. R. John Bull * M-22 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Viktor G. Theiss * Mr. and Mrs. Tim Butler Chuck and Susan Cady * Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Mack * Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lindquist Ms. Anne D. Thomas * Mr. and Mrs. David Camiener * Neil Caliman & Monica Stafford Al and Susan Manson * Mr. and Mrs. Randall Mays * Tom’s Food Market Drs. Nancy Cantor & Steven Brechin * Kyle and Betsy Carr * John and Maude March Craig A. and Nancy T. Miller * Mrs. Barbara W. Vilter * Capital Insurance Group Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Cobb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Marik * Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Moran Ms. Karen R. Viskochil * Ms. Lucille Capra * Ms. Sterling H. Cole Drs. Ann and Conrad Mason * Jim and Jan Norris * The W.D. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carlson * Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Collins * Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael May * Richard and Debbie Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Warburton * Ms. Cathryn Carter Jeffry & Susan Corbin * Patrick McCarthy, MD * Chris Rowney and Siobhan Cafferty * Larry and Marcia Webb * Karen L. Chase & David Bellizi * Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Craig * Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroy * The Shelby Family * Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wellman * Mrs. Melissa H. Chenault * Mary Cusick and David Wible * Mrs. Carol McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, III * Tim Werner and Petra von Kulajta Cherry Growers, Inc. Drs. Paul Dechow & Joanne Blum * Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. McKenzie * Robert and Stephanie Sutherland * Mr. and Mrs. Bill White Judy Erwin Unrestricted Fund at the Mrs. Treva N. DeJong * Rick and Sally Meese * Tom Russell Charitable Foundation Mrs. Lucy H. Wick * Chicago Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dick Michelle’s Miracle, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins * Wildlife and Wetland Solutions * Mr. Roy B. Church * Mr. Ron Dickel Dr. and Mrs. David W. Miller * Ms. Martha Welch * Mrs. Nancy P. Williams * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Clarke * Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dow * Courtney M. Miller * Elizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred Mr. Todd Wills Dean Manikas & Susan Cocciarelli Nancy R. and Berkley W. Duck * Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Miller Wiese * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson * Don and Marylou Coe * Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dye * Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Moore * George and Mary Eggenberger * Dr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Wyatt * Mike and Tedi Collier * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris * Dr. Andris A. Zoltners * Mr. and Mrs. William T. Collins, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. William L. Elder * Partner ($2,500 - $4,999) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muladore * Michael and Michelle Connell * Mrs. Carol Y. Emens Neal and Barb Neese Mr. William Bachman Patron ($500 - $999) Marie Eleanor Coppa * Mr. Roger Favorite Northwestern Bank Banc Access Financial Barbara Abbott and Larry Hauser * Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Curtis * Heather Horton Flynn Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Oriel * Gershon and Suzanne Berkson * Barry and Lynn Adler Mr. Jay Dankovich * William Fortune, Jr. & Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Paine * Hy and Nancy Bunn Family * Susan Ager & Larry Coppard * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Darland * Blakley * 12 * Denotes members of our Sustainers Circle, who have pledged to donate a minimum of $500 annually to our Operating Fund
2010 Donors Patron ($500 - $999) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Halbert * Ms. Theresa Maday * Dr. Linda Branstetter & Deborah Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witten, II * Mrs. Katharine M. Davis * Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamilton * Anne and Peter Magoun Rettke * Pauline and Robert Womac Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dean Mrs. Jane B. Hancock * Mr. and Mrs. Themistocles L. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Reynolds Mrs. Jean V. Woodhull * Mrs. Shirley Debelack * Mr. and Mrs. John J. Handloser * Majoros * Mrs. Gwen Rich * Wayne and Sharon Workman * Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Deibel * Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Hanpeter * Ms. Nancy L. Malecki * Ms. Patricia Richardson Marilyn and Gregg Zank * Dennis Hurst & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hanpeter * Mr. and Mrs. Karl Marsh * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Riley * Dennis, Gartland & Niergarth Ms. Dorothy Hanpeter * Mrs. Kristi S. Martin * Bob and Bonny Risbridger * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Devine Mr. Paul Hanpeter * Mr. and Mrs. John G. Martin * Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roberts * Steward ($250 - $499) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Dixon * Mr. Charles P. Harbottle * Marvin and Marlo Matson * William and Pamela Rosenberg * Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Andress Mr. and Mrs. David A. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harold * John and Janet Mattson * Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rossman * Mr. Matt Anhut Mr. and Mrs. August C. Dorando David and Marcia Harris * Bill McCrory & Leslie Maclin * Dr. and Mrs. Todd H. Ryan * Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ashley Mrs. Karen Douma * Mary M. Harrison * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. McGraw * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Samberg Bahle Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Hank Dow Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Hartwick * Mr. and Mrs. Doug McInnis * Mr. and Mrs. Ross G. Satterwhite * Mrs. Lena A. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Hayward L. Draper * Phyllis Hays Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. McNett * Thomas Sawyer & Kate Sawyer Ms. Margaret Bargh Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Drew * David and Betsy Hendricks * Mr. R. Duncan McPherson * Vilter * Mr. Jeffrey R. Bean Harry and Beth Drucker * Mr. and Mrs. David Herr Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McShane Jim and Jayne Schafer Mr. and Dr. Stephen R. Beights Mrs. Judy Drum Frederick and Judith Hill * Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mead * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schleef * Birchwood Shores Preservation Stephanie and Mark Duckmann William and Suzanne Hoff * Dr. Lisa Meils Ms. Joan E. Schleef Assoc. Harriet Dunlop * Mr. Alfred Hoffman * Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Michael * Mr. and Mrs. Milford J. Schuette * Black Star Farms Dr. and Mrs. John P. Dunn * Ms. Libby Hoffman Vina and Phillip D. Mikesell * Gary Schultheiss & Barbara Richman * Mr. Charles M. Boesel Eastern Michigan University Mrs. Nancy Hollowell * Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Miller * Ms. Joan H. Searby * Dr. Amy G. Bolmer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoover * Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller * Jim and Cathy Searing * Richard and Barbara Bowzer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eckerson * Mr. John H. Hoppin, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Miller * Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sedgwick Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Brant Mr. and Mrs. Roger Edgley * Huntington National Bank Mr. Andrew Miller Mrs. Phyllis C. Shafer * Brian Zimmerman & Associates Effective Schools Products, Ltd. Amy F. Iezzoni & Charlie Edson Dr. and Mrs. Jack Mobley * Mr. and Mrs. David N. Shane * Karla and Scott Brown Mr. and Mrs. John B. Elder * Illinois Tool Works Foundation Nancy and Jim Mogle * Ms. Patricia Sharpnack * Judy & Meg Brown & David Ward Aaron and Jennifer Ellenbogen * Bart and Gail Ingraham Bob and Marcia Moglia * Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sheppard * Dr. Frederick W. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott * Mrs. Barbara A. Irwin * Jim and Jeanne Montie * John Shoaff & Julie Donnell * Mark Cantrell & Kathy Rymal Emerson Ms. Catherine E. Irwin * Michael and Theresa Morton * Daniel C. Shoup & Anne Bishop Mr. Timothy P. Carpenter Mrs. Mary Emmett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackman * Mr. and Mrs. John Morton Shoup * Rev. and Mrs. Albert Chaffee Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Engerer * Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jacobson * Ms. Lyn Motlow * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shupert Greg and Barbara Chapman Ms. Judy Erwin Susan and Jerry Janecke Ms. Mimi Mullin * Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shuster * Dr. and Mrs. Jon P. Cowan Gail and Keith Evans Jana Jirak & Karen Holoweiko Karen Mulvahill & Dan Malski * Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith * Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Cutler JonathanFeldandShelleyLongmuir* Mr. and Mrs. H. Wendell Johnson Ann and Don Munro * Mr. Aaron Smith Michael and Dixie Davis Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fellows * Mr. and Mrs. Kalin S. Johnson * Annette and Eric Munson * Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sprandel Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dickson Tom Fenton and Mary Heffron Dr. Jeffrey Johnson Scott and Luvie Myers * Stage Turner Mr. Jeffrey Dietel Erika and Dennis C. Ferguson * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jones * The Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson Darlene Stanley & Harry Zoccoli * Ms. Dorothy A. Doten Mr. and Mrs. Parker Field * Mr. T. Scott Jones * Jr. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Stanton * Russell Dzuba and Karen Kirt Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Finnegan * Ms. J. Jorgenson * Frederick C. Neidhardt * Mike and Marie Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Embertson Rachel Fisher * Jamie and Polly Jo Kemler * Travis and Chai Hung Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Steele Nancy and James Farese Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Fisher * Ms. Sandra K. Kilinski Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Newland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Stein * Mr. Eben M. Finger Mr. Jerrold M. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kinsella Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Nielsen Mrs. Eleanor B. Stephenson Ms. Susan J. Finke Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Fisher * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirt John Nitschke & Jean McLaren * Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Stewart, III * Mrs. Cathleen C. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick * Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kleiner * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Noling * Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Summerwill * Fisher Properties of Indiana, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knighton Allen Northcutt * Sue and Stefan Svensson M. Bradley Flynn & Mary Barr Drs. Robert Foster & Valarie Miner * Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knode * Jim Nugent and Toddy Rieger Mrs. Laura L. Swire * Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Gallup Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Foster Henry and Phyllis Koffler Ms. Kiku Obata Michael and Terry Tarnow * Stephen Gardner, Jr. & Margot Nacey Ben and Judy Fowler * Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Krause * Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Oetting * Mr. and Mrs. Ben A Tefertiller, Jr. * Catherine and Jack Gatto Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Fox * Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Krause * Mr. Charles E. Olson, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tonneberger * Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gleffe Mr. and Mrs. James S. Frazer, IV Mr. and Mrs. Franc Krebs * Sadayoshi & Kathryn Eckert Omoto * Mr. and Mrs. Tom Trumbull * Dr. and Mrs. Jack Gossett Mr. and Mrs. James W. Frederick * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kubert * Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. O’Riordan Rosemary and Reed Tupper * Ms. Maria Gotsch Mrs. Ruth M. French * Kuehn Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Mark Orringer * Dennis and Kathy Turner * Gourdie-Fraser, Inc. David Friar and Rorie Lewis * Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kuras * Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Palmer * Bob and Trudy Underhill * Grand Traverse Organic Landscapes Mrs. Ann G. Fullerton * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuras * Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MD * Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Valade * Mr. and Mrs. David Grauer Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Funke * Mr. and Mrs. John A. Laitala * Mr. and Mrs. William D. Peace * Mr. and Mrs. Bill Valpey * Anne and Jeffrey Grausam Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gahlberg Cpt. Claude Lambert * Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pearson * Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Van Otteren Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Griffith Nancy Gallagher & Kevin Weber * Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Lanham * Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pentiuk Mrs. Mary F. Vanden Belt * Mr. Rod Groleau Drs. Marc and Linda Gallini * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larkin * Ms. Alice B. Peterson * Mr. and Mrs. William VanWesten Jeff and Ilze Hammersley Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gans Lynn and Mark Laughlin Pfizer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Varley * Sherrie and Logan Hardie Mr. William Y. Gard * Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr. * Phillips-Van Heusen - Madison Mr. and Mrs. Phil Von Voigtlander * Charles Harris and Judith Gowing Ms. Judith E. Gass * Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Lewellen Mr. Peter Phinny * Mr. Tom Warburton Dr. John and Barb Harris Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gerben * Bud and Nancy Liebler * Donn and Kathleen Piatt * Mr. John B. Watkins * Gordy and Jeanne Hatt Jeffrey and Georgia Gietzen * Thomas L. and Nancy H. Liley * Robert and Ellen Pisor * Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weaver * Dr. and Mrs. John W. Hays Bob and Debbie Gilbert * Lime Lake Association Dick and Nancy S. Pobst Justice Elizabeth A. Weaver Bev and Dan Heinz Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gilbo * Mr. and Mrs. John Ling * Mr. and Mrs. James T. Poor * Mrs. Doris B. Webb * Ms. Jeanette Herold Steve and Lauran Gilbreath * Mike and Sarah Litch * Charles and Jenny Poor Mr. John Weber * Craig and Lindsay Hine Robert H. and Nancy M. Giles * Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lockhart * Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Potvin * Heidi Weckwert and Maude Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Hosking Mr. David Giles * Frank and Conchita Lockhart * Mrs. Grace C. Price * Babington * Joe and Kathleen Houdek Mrs. Janet E. Goettle Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Lowe * Mr. and Mrs. George J. Quarderer * Julie R. Weeks & Walter Hoegy * Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hurbis Michael Goodell and Mary Northcutt Steven Luebkeman & Sara Later * Ms. Margaret M. Raben Dr. and Mrs. William W. Wells * Mr. and Mrs. Earle S. Irwin Dr. and Mrs. David Gordon * Kurt and Eleanor Luedtke * Jim Rae & Arleen Rakas-Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Westphal * Mrs. Mary E. Jellema Mrs. Doris D. Greenough * Mrs. Eloise E. Lund * Rae * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Whitney * David Johnson and Kim Knowles * Jerry Gretzinger & Meg Staley * Dr. R. William Lustig * The Raftery Family * Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Willard * Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Groves David and Louise Lutton * Bruce Randall & Jeanine Griswold * William Harris Investors, Inc. Mr. Daniel L. Johnson, Jr. Thomas Guback & Sylvia Linde- Dr. and Mrs. James Lutz * Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ray * David Williams & Kim Herbert * The Joyce Foundation Guback Mike and Lori Lyman Polly Rea * Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Williams Ms. Patricia Settles Kann Mr. and Mrs. John Gudritz * Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Lyons * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Reahard Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wills * Mrs. Janet H. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haber Mrs. Mary E. Lyons * Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reid * Barbara and Eric Winkelman * Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kepler Mrs. Ann T. Hackett * Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. MacKenzie Dr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Reinert * Nancy and Stuart Winston * Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrew Kostrevagh 13 * Denotes members of our Sustainers Circle, who have pledged to donate a minimum of $500 annually to our Operating Fund
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