Page created by Manuel Osborne
S A C R E D H E A R T I S O N T H E F R O N T I E R O F E D U C AT I O N ➤ E X P L O R I N G T H E F U T U R E ➤ A L U M N A E N E W S ➤ A N D M O R E ➤

                                                                                       ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART

                                    Redefining                                                                              Momentum
S A C R E D H E A R T I S O N T H E F R O N T I E R O F E D U C AT I O N ➤ E X P L O R I N G T H E F U T U R E ➤ A L U M N A E N E W S ➤ A N D M O R E ➤

                                                                                                                                                           We give our girls

                    the                                                                                                                                    the faith, freedom and
                                                                                                                                                           encouragement to
                                                                                                                                                           explore and excel.
                                                                                                                                                                                    THE JOURNEY CONTINUES ➤

                                                                                       ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART

                                    Redefining                                                                              Momentum
Message from the Headmistress
                                                                                                                                                            “The higher we want to fly, the greater
                                                                                                                                                             the risk, but that is the glorious part
                                                                                                                                                             of it. The great uncertainties in which
                                                                                                                                                             we trust God, the breathless risks we
                                                                                                                                                             run, with no assurance but our great
                                                                                                                                                             trust in God, that seems to me to
                                                                                                                                                             be of the essence of our life and
                                                                                                                                                             its beauty.”
                                                                                                                                                            - Mother Janet Erskine Stuart
                                                                                                                                                             Former Superior General, Society of the Sacred Heart

                                                                                                                                                             This issue of The Bridge magazine describes “momentum”—            What is in motion tends to stay in motion.
                                                                                                                                                             a quality of progress, motion, and movement usually reserved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What is happening at the Rosary is about the momentum
                                                                                                                                                             for discussions by physicists. Here in our magazine, we leap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of encouragement, the momentum of drive, and the
                                                                                                                                                             into the conversation about momentum to share with our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                momentum of velocity that comes with the spirit of
                                                                                                                                                             readers the energy, force, and motion that is propelling us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                mission. As Mother Stuart observes, flying high comes with
                                                                                                                                                             forward at the Rosary.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                tremendous certainty in God, and it is, indeed, the “essence
                                                                                                                                                             Our times are amazing times.                                       of our life and its beauty.”

                                                                                                                                                             Look into the eyes of a Little Heart at the Rosary, and you see    Momentum is infectious.
                                                                                                                                                             stars: voluminous lights of innocence, of hope, of promise.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In this issue, you will read about our newly designed
                                                                                                                                                             Our youngest students look at you with faith. They look at you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                learning spaces, our new digital portfolio program
                                                                                                                                                             with inquiry. They look at you with openness.
                                                                                     Message from the Headmistress ...................1                                                                                         that documents the journey of our students at Sacred
                                                                                     Redefining Momentum .................................. 2                Higher and higher, we fly.                                         Heart, our new student-produced TV show, the Arctic
                                                                                     Seeing the Bigger Picture.............................12                                                                                   adventures of one of our Middle School teachers, and the
                                                                                                                                                             Just imagine… Our prekindergarten students are learning
                                                                                     Exploring New Frontiers .............................. 14                                                                                  entrepreneurship of our alumnae. You will find yourselves
                                                                                                                                                             Mandarin. Our fourth graders are engineering motorized
                                                                                     NewsflASH ...................................................... 16                                                                        turning each page of this issue with the same wonder and
                                                                                                                                                             lighted streetcars and signs in their class on electricity and
                                                                                     Alumnae Profiles ........................................... 18                                                                            hope of our Little Hearts!
                                                                                                                                                             various forms of energy. Our seventh graders are making
                                                                                     Bicentennial Celebration ............................. 24
                                                                                     New Faces at the Rosary .............................. 26
                                                                                                                                                             robotic hands with our 3-D printers in partnership with a          Our journey continues…
Outside cover photo: Fourth and fifth grade students explore the recently                                                                                    nonprofit who provides them to those who cannot afford
                                                                                     Good Sports ................................................... 28
renovated Katherine and Robert Boh Innovation Lab and Makerspace.                                                                                            prosthetics. Our Upper School students are diving in
                                                                                     Our Milestones ............................................... 32
Inside cover photo: Middle and Upper School athletes utilize the new running track                                                                           submersibles and learning how to launch rockets into space.
                                                                                     Our Events ...................................................... 40
and the Gayle and Tom Benson Sports Field at the Sacred Heart Outdoor Athletic                                                                                                                                                  Sr. Melanie A. Guste, RSCJ, Ph.D. ’70
                                                                                                                                                             Yes, this is Sacred Heart today. Believers. Bold. Brilliant. Our
                                                                                     Our Alumnae .................................................. 48
Complex.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Headmistress
                                                                                                                                                             girls will change the world.
                                                                                     2016-17 Annual Report ................................. 58
Photography by Jackson Hill

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   1
                                                                                                                                                              1   THE BRIDGE | WINTER 2018
B Y C A R O L I N E AV E G N O ’ 0 4 A N D S R . M E L A N I E G U S T E , R S C J ’ 7 0

                                      Exciting things are happening at Sacred Heart as we             “Our 150-year-old history is a long story of how we continue
                                      continue to meet the needs of our students through              to update educational programs to reflect the changing
                                      innovation, propelling them forward on their journey            needs and interests of our students and to reflect the
                                      through life. Our girls are building prototypes using           best practices in education,” Sr. Guste adds. “Together,
                                      advanced design tools. Our average ACT score surpasses          we continue to explore what it means to be on the
                                      state and national averages. We now offer instruction in        ‘frontier of education’ in New Orleans and to live up to
                                      four world languages. We have hosted community service          the highest standards of excellence in education and
                                      projects open to Sacred Heart students across the country.      character formation.”
                                      We have hosted several big-name speakers, such as Sheryl
                                                                                                      Through our comprehensive five-year strategic plan, which
                                      Sandberg, Jane Goodall, and Rick Riordan, as well as
                                                                                                      was launched in November 2016, our focus has been in
                                      numerous events open to the community. Our girls recently
                                                                                                      the areas of curriculum, instruction, and professional
                                      took home their tenth state championship in cross country
                                                                                                      development; educational technology; global education;
                                      in the past 12 years. Our girls are exploring new frontiers
                                                                                                      and community partnerships. Already, our students and
                                      every day, much like one of our founding mothers, St. Rose
                                                                                                      teachers are enjoying the benefits of newly designed,
                                      Philippine Duchesne, did 200 years ago when she brought
                                                                                                      digitally connected learning spaces to the east wing of the
                                      Sacred Heart education to North America.
                                                                                                      building fronting St. Charles Avenue on the Rosary Campus.

    Redefining                 Moment um                                   THE JOURNEY CONTINUES ➤

                                      Some have characterized it as a time of “renaissance” and       Additionally, we have made significant upgrades to our
                                      a time of “metamorphosis,” suggesting that there are            outdoor athletic facilities. These spaces enable our girls
                                      profound shifts in the culture, strategy, and processes         to be scholars, athletes, and artists and give them the
                                      that are underway in the school community to move it            opportunity to reach for the stars.
                                      forward in a holistic way. “And it’s true,” says Headmistress
                                      Sr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ. “Our school community is in a          Take a look at some of the ways our physical
                                      productive period of growth as we continue to renew             spaces have transformed this year. ➤
                                      ourselves through reflection on our mission and vision for
                                      the future!”

                                      Times have changed, and so have we changed to reflect
                                      changing educational standards and practices. As
                                      our pedagogy has evolved in relation to the powerful
                                      inventions, innovations, and insights of the 21st century,
                                      our educational architecture and definition of space has
                                      been altered. The environment surrounding our students
                                      inspires them to create, and we continue to fulfill St. Rose
                                      Philippine Duchesne’s vision to “educate to the life and
                                      times in which we live.”

2   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                            THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   3
                                                                                                                                       THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018    3
21st-century learning between the spaces. Two classes can     “Using the tools in our new I-Lab, fourth
                                                                                                                       be accommodated in the I-Lab at once, which is double
                                                                                                                                                                                      grade students combined their scientific
                                                                                                                       the capacity than was initially envisioned. Fifth and sixth
                                                                                                                       grade students attend regularly scheduled classes in the
                                                                                                                                                                                      knowledge of various forms of energy
                                                                                                                       I-Lab to lay the foundation in design thinking and gain        with acquired engineering and technology
                                                                                                                       knowledge of the new tools. Beyond that, Middle and            skills. Through this process, our girls gained
                                                                                                                       Upper School teachers of all subjects utilize the space for
                                                                                                                                                                                      confidence, improved their problem-solving
                                                                                                                       their classes to collaborate on projects across our STEAM
                                                                                                                       curriculum. But the I-Lab isn’t limited to students on the     skills, and really began to think outside of
                                                                                                                       Rosary Campus—fourth graders too have begun to work            the norm.”
                                                                                                                       on projects of their own.                                      – Jennifer Adams, Lower School Science Teacher

Katherine and Robert Boh Innov ation Lab and Makerspace
This school year, we opened the Katherine and Robert Boh Innovation
Lab and Makerspace, which provides our girls with advanced tools that
teach 21st-century skills, turning their design thinking ideas into realities.

                                Design thinking allows students to manage their ideas and find solutions to real-
                                world issues by creating prototypes, and with the new equipment in the Innovation
                                Lab, also known as the I-Lab, the possibilities are endless.

                                The new I-Lab features a laser cutter, four 3-D printers, two CNC milling machines,
                                two sewing machines, a drill press, a bandsaw, a circular saw, and many other tools.
                                Plus, there are 16 new computers with advanced design software such as Adobe
                                Illustrator, Tinkercad, 123D Design, SketchUp, and Fusion 360. These programs
                                teach students programming, design, and engineering skills and allow them to
                                use the new equipment to build more sophisticated prototypes.

                                With the advanced equipment and technology and efficient layout of the new
                                space, the I-Lab is inspiring more students than ever. A glass wall and door
                                strategically connect the I-Lab to the Mother Soniat Library and Sr. Shirley Miller
                                Courtyard, playing an important role in the fluidity of movement and sharing of
 4   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                                                                                  THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   5
                                                                                                                        5   THE BRIDGE | WINTER 2018
Mother Soniat Library
                                                                                                                      Connected to the Katherine and Robert
                                                                                                                      Boh Innovation Lab and Makerspace,
                                                                                                                      the updated Mother Soniat Library
                                                                                                                      focuses on collaboration and integration
                                                                                                                      with 21st-century technology.

                                                                                                                      Modeled after university libraries, the new space features
                                                                                                                      new seating, shelving, lighting, and carpeting. Several
                                                                                                                      booths and couches provide students a comfortable and
                                                                                                                      inviting space, much like a coffee shop, to work on both
                                                                                                                      group projects and individual assignments. Moveable ta-
                                                                                                                      bles and chairs allow many options for meetings and for
                                                                                                                      classes to collaborate as larger groups. Students also utilize
                                                                                                                      higher table seating and a laptop bar. New, shorter shelves
                                                                                                                      promote easier access and more book displays, adding to
                                                                                                                      the inviting feel. In short, we upped the level of collabora-
                                                                                                                      tion and working space.

                                                                                                                      The updated library is also far more integrated with
                                                                                                                      21st-century technology. The school acquired a col-
                                                                                                                      lege-level database, JSTOR, which provides access to a
                                                                                                                      wider depth of scholarly articles and enables higher-level
                                                                                                                      analytical thinking that prepares students for college-lev-
                                                                                                                      el research. A new moveable A/V unit helps with demon-
                                                                                                                      strations as students learn to use the new database. Plus,

“With the renovations to the Mother Soniat Library, we are better equipped to                                         the librarians have launched a more efficient and stream-
                                                                                                                      lined self-checkout system for Middle and Upper School
support and empower our students in their educational journey to becoming
                                                                                                                      students, as well as increased organization of resources by
lifelong learners. Our new collaborative meeting spaces provide students with                                         genre for easy access.
the opportunity to practice and perfect communication and cooperative skills
that they'll need in their future endeavors.” – Diane Aiken, Middle School Librarian

  6   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                          THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   7
                                                                                       7   THE BRIDGE | WINTER 2018
“I have always thought that the addition of a comprehensive arts center,
including performing and fine arts, makes an educational institution
complete and whole… Art raises the quality of our lives. I am pleased to
be part of all of this, which will bring many opportunities to offer the
students of the Academy of the Sacred Heart for many years to come.”
– Richard “Dick” Colton, Jr., Donor

      Richard C. Colton, Jr. Center for Performing and Fine Arts
                                                                           In October 2017, we officially dedicated the Richard C. Colton, Jr. Center for
                                                                           Performing and Fine Arts (previously known as the Assembly Room).
                                                                           The new space features an art gallery for both student and         “This beautiful new educational space allows our girls to
                                                                           traveling exhibits, as well as new seating and lighting and        share their art with others, to learn about the art inspired and
                                                                           acoustical improvements. The gallery provides the avenue           created by others, and to raise the bar on their theatrical
                                                                           for professional artists to display not only their works of art,   performances with better acoustics and equipment,” says
                                                                           but also to collaborate with our students through commu-           Sr. Guste. “Mostly, they receive the gift of learning to under-
                                                                           nity partnerships. The debut exhibit in the new art gallery is     stand, know, and love the arts—something they will do for the
                                                                           the “Women of the World” art collection initiated and com-         rest of their lives.”
                                                                           piled by Claudia DeMonte. In 2000, DeMonte asked female
                                                                           artists across the globe what it meant to be a woman, and
                                                                           the result is an inspiring collection of works of art from 176
                                                                           nations. Similarly, this collection serves as inspiration to our
                                                                           students to open their minds and let their creativity flow.

  8   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                                                    THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   9
Sacred Heart Outdoor Athletic Complex
                                                     featuring the Gayle and Tom Benson Sports Field

                                                                                         Over the summer, our outdoor
                                                                                         sports area received an extensive
                                                                                         facelift, reflecting the importance of
                                                                                         kinesthetic learning. The new Sacred
                                                                                         Heart Outdoor Athletic Complex is
                                                                                         now open for all to utilize.

                                                                                         At the center of the integrated sports complex is the
                                                                                         Gayle and Tom Benson Sports Field, which has a new
                                                                                         drainage plan, updated irrigation system, and leveled
                                                                                         sod. Surrounding the field is a two-lane running track
                                                                                         that measures 8.75 laps per mile, with long straightaways
                                                                                         for hurdlers and sprinters as well as a long jump pit.
                                                                                         Additionally, the complex features a 4,000-square-foot
                                                                                         turf putting green, reflecting our goal of maintaining
                                                                                         a top golf program in the state. The new space enables
                                                                                         both athletic teams and physical education classes to train
                                                                                         safely outdoors on campus and to up their level of health
                                                                                         and fitness. It will undoubtedly serve as a coveted green
                                                                                         space for many years to come.

                                                                                        “This dynamic facility reflects the
                                                                                         importance of sports in education
                                                                                         and curriculum at Sacred Heart.
                                                                                         The space inspires our athletes
                                                                                         to achieve excellence by elevating
                                                                                         and expanding the ways our
                                                                                         students can safely learn and train
                                                                                         at an elite level.”
                                                                                        – Sarah Reiss, Athletic Director

10   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                            THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   11
                                                        11   THE BRIDGE | WINTER 2018
Early Childhood Division
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Head, Maria Schneider,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    explains Sacred Heart’s
                                                                                                                                    can use her Android device to videotape a student working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    strategies for moving
                                                                                                                                    on an art project, singing, or reciting the alphabet and share
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    forward with the
                                                                                                                                    it with her parents. Shannon Salmon, who teaches three-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    understanding that each
                                                                                                                                    year-olds, explains, “In Little Hearts, we are using Seesaw for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    division has different
                                                                                                                                    Schools to create digital portfolios for each of our students.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    needs based on the ages
                                                                                                                                    Seesaw provides a variety of tools to help capture what the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the girls.
                                                                                                                                    children are learning in the classroom. It creates a wonderful
                                                                                                                                    home/school connection, where parents see what’s taking            • Little Hearts through Lower School will focus on
                                                                                                                                    place inside the classroom in ‘real-time.’ One of my favorite       showing student growth, as well as highlighting the
                                                                                                                                    features of Seesaw is videotaping the girls as they work. I         uniqueness and special talents of each learner.
                                                                                                                                    love how they are able to explain their work or what they           Android devices were purchased for teachers to
                                                                                                                                    have created in their own way.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                        enhance the design portfolio creation.

                                                                                                                                    College Counselor Allie Pierson adds, “More and more, I

                Seeing the Bigger Picture
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Middle School girls will all participate in a technology
                                                                                                                                    am seeing a dependence on a digital representation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        class that includes digital portfolio training. Teachers
                                                                                                                                    applicants in the college admission process.” Earlier this year,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        will empower students to design their own unique
                                                                                                                                    she asked Upper School students to digitally save two pieces
                                                                                                                                                                                                        portfolios. Collaborative projects from the Innovation
                                                                                                                                    from each discipline, including anything relevant in telling
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lab will also be included in portfolios. Students will
                                                                                                                                    their “story." She counseled, “Consider it like you would a
                                                                                                                                    scrapbook.” Examples include research papers and projects,          have access to Chromebooks, iPads, and laptops.
                                                                  “The digital portfolio is a descriptive multimedia narrative of
                                                                  a student’s journey at Sacred Heart,” explains Headmistress       science experiments, speeches, graded papers, or anything
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • In the Upper School, freshmen and sophomores will
                                                                  Sr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ. “Like the scrapbooks of my day, it       a student is proud of or represents her learning. Mrs. Pierson
                                                                                                                                                                                                        spend time in their computer applications class
Launching Digital Portfolios                                      tells a glorious story that opens one to the deeper mystery       tells parents that they may need to help their daughters
                                                                                                                                                                                                        learning about Google Drive and digital portfolios.
                                                                  of life through a collage of photos, awards and recognition,      by including art pieces, game footage, competitions, and
                                     By Liz Manthey                                                                                                                                                     Juniors and seniors will work with the College
                                                                  essays, reports, graphics, and video. Lasting a lifetime, the     recital pieces in their portfolios.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Counselor and faculty members in the construction
                                                                  story is enriched with what we bring to it—year after year,       In today’s fast-paced world, just putting technology                and design of their digital portfolios as a marketing
                                                                  it offers one more meaning and insight. It is a treasure and,     into students’ hands isn't enough. Students need to use             tool. Upper School teachers will continue to work with
At Sacred Heart, we are on a journey to incorporate new           indeed, priceless. We are glad to initiate this opportunity for   it to demonstrate how and what they are learning and                students to help in the selection of pieces that could
technology while preserving the one-on-one experiences            our ASH students.”                                                save it in a digital format which will assist them in how
                                                                                                                                                                                                        possibly be part of their digital portfolios.
that make a Sacred Heart education so valuable. We                                                                                  they are ultimately presenting themselves for college
                                                                  In August 2017, the faculty was provided with professional
continue to discover new tools for connecting teachers with                                                                         and the job market. Sacred Heart has
                                                                  development on digital portfolios and how to use them
students and parents and educate with an appreciation of                                                                            always been on the cutting edge of
                                                                  as tools to connect with students and parents. Digital
what the future will be. Over the past year, we have been                                                                           educational developments.
                                                                  portfolios expand on the repertoire of techniques available
implementing a five-year strategic plan which encompasses
                                                                  for engaging students in learning tasks and developing            When students leave Sacred Heart, they
all four divisions of the school. Our first goal addresses
                                                                  communication skills vital to 21st-century skills application,    will take their portfolios with them, so it
academic rigor and innovation. One component of that
                                                                  such as use of technology and saving projects, artwork,           is crucial that they understand how to
objective is the design and implementation of digital
                                                                  speeches, writing, and more to a digital platform. They also      document their learning and be able to
portfolios for all students. A digital portfolio is a computer-
                                                                  allow students to track and demonstrate their growth and          generate their personal vision, as well as
based collection of a student’s performance over time.
                                                                  unique perspective during their journey at Sacred Heart.          demonstrate their work.
Portfolios make classroom learning more accessible to
parents, teachers, and administrators and provide a window        Parents are given increased access to their child’s work, which
into a student’s learning and development. They are also          helps them to experience what’s happening in the classroom
wonderful conversation starters.                                  via a designated app. For instance, a teacher in Little Hearts

 12   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                        THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   13
EXPLORING                                                                                 NEW FRONTIERS
B Y B R Y N N J O H N S O N , Middle School Mathematics Teacher

I’m often asked, “Ms. Johnson, where are you heading this       voyages in order to raise geographic awareness in their          In August, I traveled just south of Mexico City as a Teach    I returned from these fellowships with a renewed zeal
summer? What adventure do you have planned?” The                classrooms and communities. Our expedition ship, The             Earthwatch Fellow. Earthwatch aims to “engage people          and passion for creating a classroom environment that
truth is, I rarely have an adventure planned per se, but I am   Explorer, circumnavigated around Svalbard, a Norwegian           worldwide in scientific field research and education to       mimics much of what both of these fellowships embodied.
intentional about seeking opportunities to explore new          archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.                                 promote the understanding and action necessary for            I gained an incredible sense of empowerment to be an
frontiers and to be an active, global learner. As an educator                                                                    a sustainable environment.” I worked with a group of          informed and engaged global citizen. Being back on
                                                                No two days were alike, except that every day was an
at Sacred Heart, it is a privilege and a responsibility to                                                                       seven other educators from all over the United States.        Sacred Heart’s campus has only solidified this passion.
                                                                adventure. We hiked, kayaked, went on zodiac cruises,
model lifelong learning. I enjoy putting myself into new                                                                         Our fellowship focused on conserving the Xochimilco           At Sacred Heart, we are supported and challenged to go
                                                                and spent hours looking over the bow of the ship taking
environments and situations that challenge my thinking                                                                           wetlands and traditional agriculture in Mexico. Each day,     beyond the norm and think of the bigger picture. We want
                                                                in the mesmerizing shapes, colors, textures, and sounds of
and push me outside of my comfort zone. We ask                                                                                   we assisted science researchers in collecting data on         all of our girls to have an education where they are able
                                                                the ice. This remote area seemed so stark and isolating at
something similar of our students daily—to stretch out of                                                                        water quality and land use. Each afternoon, we went on a      to develop and become motivated, passionate problem
                                                                times, but it was full of life. We observed walruses, bearded
their comfort zones and open up to new experiences that                                                                          different cultural outing.                                    solvers, who think creatively and empathetically about
                                                                seals, fin whales, beluga whales, arctic foxes, so many birds,
will bend and mold their perspectives.                                                                                                                                                         the world around them, and at Sacred Heart we can truly
                                                                and even polar bears! Each day, National Geographic and          We stayed at Casa Xitla where we experienced an intentional
                                                                                                                                                                                               develop this empathy.
This past summer, I participated in two incredible              Lindblad Expedition experts offered presentations about          and sustainable way of life. Composting was the norm, and
professional development programs. In June, I traveled          the history, culture, and wildlife. Many of our presentations    mindful water consumption was the way. For example, in
to the Arctic with National Geographic and Lindblad             focused on the impact that diminishing sea ice is having         our bathrooms, there was a bucket that we used to catch
Expeditions as a Grosvenor Teacher Fellow. The Grosvenor        on the direct species that depend on it for survival, as well    the extra water from the shower before it had completely
Teacher Fellow Program seeks to empower educators               as the overarching global effects it has for each one of us.     heated up. This extra water was then used to water gardens,
with firsthand experience aboard Lindblad Expeditions’                                                                           flush toilets, or repurposed in another way.

 14   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   15
By Elise Garvey ’18

                                                              In a world increasingly reliant on technology and telecommunications,
                                                             connecting the computer to the classroom is becoming of greater importance.
                                                            The rise of STEM education—science, technology, engineering, and
                                                            mathematics—also points to a need to empower students by giving
                                                           them access to these fields before college, where these skills are often
                                                          already assumed. It is especially important to give young girls access to these
                                                         almost entirely male-dominated fields, and what better place to start this
                                                         breakthrough than at Sacred Heart, where even the school motto boasts how girls
                                                        change the world.

                                                      One way that the school has incorporated technology is through its new semester-
                                                      long multimedia class, taught by Mrs. Mary Lane, a former television producer and news
                                                     photographer. “The focus of the class is to learn how to work and broadcast media and
                                                    learn how to put together a weekly newscast,” she shares. In addition to teaching students
                                                    to be tech-savvy, Mrs. Lane affirms that there are more 21st-century skills that are taught
                                                   through the class, such as working with deadlines and time management, teamwork, public
                                                  speaking, and writing. Mrs. Lane believes that teaching these skills to young girls in particular
                                                 is essential to both empowering them and giving them equal opportunity. The class also
                                                 provides girls with a way to consider a career that doesn’t have as much female representation.

                                               The multimedia class centers around the production of the aforementioned weekly newscast,
                                              affectionately named “NewsflASH” (emphasis on the “ASH”). It is shown during Upper School
                                              assembly, and the fun doesn’t stop there; often, it is talked about for a long time after, as
                                             students share parts of the presentation that made them laugh or topics covered that they found
                                            particularly interesting. Several Upper School students have dubbed the newscast as the “highlight
                                            of [their] week” and something that they always look forward to. The multimedia students, too,
                                           enjoy presenting their weekly show, but there are other projects that the class works on.

                                         Ranging from smaller weekly current event quizzes to large-scale productions, there is never a
                                         shortage of learning opportunities in the multimedia class. In November, students helped produce

                                        the Symphony Chorus of New Orleans’ Street Requiem concert, working alongside Executive Producer
                                       Steve Scaffidi to manage cameras and equipment and gain real-world experience in media. Though
                                      quite an undertaking for the class—especially one with not much prior experience—the production was
                                      successful, described by Mrs. Lane as both “phenomenal” and “wonderful.” The multimedia class had
                                     another opportunity to learn outside of the classroom when they took a tour of a local news broadcasting
                                    station to see exactly how the job is done by professionals. Mrs. Lane plans to provide additional real-world
                                   learning opportunities for her students in the future.

                                  The multimedia class stands out as an interesting, challenging class dedicated to Sacred Heart’s 21st-century
                                 education. It fosters a love of learning where the students live by the “work hard, play hard” mindset; they work
                                 together to produce the weekly newscast that brings laughter and light to the Upper School. By providing real-
                                world learning experiences, Mrs. Lane’s class prepares her students beyond the classroom so that they
                                can go out and change the world.

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                                                    Alison Vega-Knoll ’87
                                                    By Lisette Bayle ’83

                                                                                                                        Alison’s former teachers at ASH dine at Station 6.
                                                                                                                                         From left are Mrs. Becky Ripps,
                                                                                                                           Señora Patti Brechtel, Sr. Jan Dunn, RSCJ,
                                                                                                                                    Alison, Dr. Lynne Neitzchman, and
                                                                                                                                                    Mrs. Phina Schloegel.

            A Taste for Cooking and Leadership
                                Alison Vega-Knoll '87 grew up in a home where her mother was always cooking.            and the friendly staff to the feeling that they are just gathering around a family table,
                                She loved setting the table, planning the menu, cooking, and the whole experience       just like I had while growing up in my home.”
                                of having friends and family gather around the table. It was only natural that she          Alison credits her years at Sacred Heart with giving her confidence, compassion,
                                ended up working in a restaurant. She started waiting tables in college; then one day   and grace. “I have always known that I would achieve my goals because of the
                                when a cook did not show up, she made her way into the kitchen. From that moment        confidence that was instilled in me during my years at Sacred Heart,” she says. “I
                                on, preparing food has been her passion.
                                    Today, Alison, along with her husband, Drew, is the owner/operator/chef
                                                                                                                        learned compassion from the loving faculty. Compassion has been the backbone                 “I have always known
                                                                                                                        of my relationships with people from the many different social and economic
                                at Station 6, which has been described as an updated version of a neighborhood
                                seafood joint, and she is a partner in Cajun Caviar Company. In addition to her
                                                                                                                        backgrounds who are employed in the hospitality industry. And I received the                 that I would achieve
                                                                                                                        gift of grace to be thankful for the blessings I have been given throughout my life,
                                culinary success, Alison is the mother of four very active boys ranging in age from
                                10 to 17 years old.
                                                                                                                        including the opportunity to do something that I truly enjoy.”                               my goals because of
                                                                                                                            Alison adds that she is also thankful for the lifelong friends she has made at
                                    Alison honed her culinary skills working under some of the best chefs in New
                                Orleans. She opened her first restaurant, Vega Tapas, when she was only 27 years
                                                                                                                        Sacred Heart and how her Sacred Heart family continues to support her to this                the confidence that
                                                                                                                                                                         day. She specifically acknowledges
                                old. Choosing to focus on small plates, Alison pioneered a new way of dining in
                                New Orleans with this venture. She and her husband moved to Antigua in 2003 and
                                                                                                                                                                         Dr. Neitzchman, “who visits my              was instilled in me
                                                                                                                                                                         restaurant probably more often than
                                opened a restaurant called the Larder. However, they wanted to be closer to home,
                                so they returned to New Orleans in 2011 and opened Station 6 last year.
                                                                                                                                                                         I used to try to get out of class just to   during my years at
                                                                                                                                                                         visit her,” and Señora Brechtel, “who
                                    When Alison started out in 1992, not many women were leading in kitchens, but
                                she has been in charge for most of her career. She feels she has been given respect
                                                                                                                                                                         patiently taught me Spanish and is          Sacred Heart.”
                                                                                                                                                                         always introducing new people to the
                                in the kitchen because of her calm demeanor and the fairness and attention she has                                                       restaurant.”
                                in return given her staff—listening, helping, and cultivating talent. Living with a                                                          Alison's greatest advice to young
                                houseful of males, she maintains this same disposition at home.                                                                          girls (and anyone really) is to do
                                    When asked what challenges Alison faces as a female in what has historically                                                         what you love, and you will shine.
                                been a male-dominated field, she answers, “There are many stereotypes that you                                                           Considering this question brought
                                hear about when it comes to female chefs in the kitchen, but I have always been                                                          to Alison's mind the fond memory
                                led by my passion for food and family and have been able to avoid many of those                                                          of Sr. Torian playing her guitar and
                                stereotypes. By creating something that I loved, that fit my dream, I have achieved                                                      singing “This Little Light of Mine.”
                                exactly what I wanted.”                                                                                                                  Sr. Torian said, “By letting your light
                                    Alison has accomplished so much throughout her culinary career, but what she is                                                      shine, anything is possible!” Alison is
                                most proud of is that she has employed so many amazing people and created a place                                                        certainly proof of that.
                                where they feel appreciated for who they are and what they offer. “I am very proud of
                                the fact that I have created restaurants where customers can enjoy the food and feel
                                at home—a place where they appreciate the whole experience, from the casual décor

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that donates 100% of the profits to the Steve Gleason Foundation.
                                                                                                                           Additionally, Sarah has created ornaments, pillows, and other items
                                                                                                                           for the home. “Every year, I design new t-shirts, jewelry, and other
                                                                                                                           items that inspire me—I’ve always had a creative mind,” Sarah ex-
                                                      Sarah Sullivan Ott '89

                                                                                                                           plains. “I then work with a graphic designer and printer or jewelry de-
                                                                                                                           signer to transform my ideas into a reality. My designs are for people
                                                      By Caroline Avegno ’04                                               who love New Orleans, whether they grew up here, are transplants, or
                                                                                                                           have moved away.”
                                                                                                                              Sarah never anticipated how much her business would grow. She
                                                                                                                           launched her online store,, in 2011 and continued
                                                                                                                           selling wholesale to a plethora of local boutiques—Fleurty Girl, Feet
                                                                                                                           First, Jean Therapy, Little Miss Muffin, Pippen Lane, and Ruben-

Volunteer. Creative Thinker. Entrepreneur.                                                                                 stein’s, just to name a few. Next up was a brief but successful kiosk at
                                                                                                                           the renovated Riverwalk that opened in 2015. In 2016, she opened
                                                                                                                           her current namesake shop on Maple Street, which is run by a full-time manager.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    During the early days of her business, Sarah and

                 A Mom Who Has It All.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    her husband, Spencer, sold Sarah’s designs at
                                                                                                                          “I never planned on opening a store because my first priority is to be a mom,” says       Avenue Marketplace in 2010.
                                                                                                                           Sarah. “Having an employee enables me to create during non-work hours. I think of
                                                                                                                           ideas while I’m driving or while my kids are at school and then write them down and
                                When it comes to New Orleans style t-shirts and accessories, the designs of                do a quick sketch. Then, I am fortunate to have talented people I work with who
                                Sarah Sullivan Ott ’89 are everywhere. Odds are, you’ve seen her products sported          help to bring my ideas to life, and it all comes together.”                              “My Sacred Heart
                                by Mardi Gras revelers, Saints fans, and anyone who loves to show their NOLA                  Indeed, it has all come together for Sarah. What started out as a parent volunteer
                                pride. Sarah’s locally inspired designs include t-shirts, scarves, jewelry, and various    project for Sacred Heart has turned into an impressive and growing business, thanks
                                                                                                                           to Sarah’s ingenuity and courage to take a risk. Sarah credits her Sacred Heart educa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    education made me
                                items for the home, and since the launch of Sarah Ott, Inc. more than eight years
                                ago, her business has grown from operating out of her garage to selling wholesale to       tion and lasting connections for her success. “My Sacred Heart education made me
                                                                                                                           independent and strong, and the sense of family I gained is empowering,” she shares.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    independent and
                                boutiques and online sales to opening her own storefront in 2016.
                                   It all began at Sacred Heart with a volunteer project. Sarah, who is the mother        “It made me feel like nothing could hold me back, and it set me up to be able to do
                                                                                                                           what I’m doing now. I truly believe that the gift of a Sacred Heart education enables
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    strong...It made me
                                of Ella ’20 and Merritt ’26 as well as a son who attends Newman, was a member of
                                                                                                                           you to change the world.”
                                the inaugural Avenue Marketplace Committee in 2009. When the committee brain-
                                                                                                                              Sarah feels fortunate to be able to pass on the Sacred Heart experience to her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    feel like nothing
                                stormed ideas for something to wear to distinguish themselves as volunteers, Sarah
                                                                                                                           daughters and continues to give back to the school as both a parent and alumna. Re-
                                took the lead. She picked up red t-shirt fabric from a craft store, printed the ASH
                                                                                                                           flecting on her journey as a designer and business owner, Sarah offers advice. “If you   could hold me
                                logo, and hand-stamped it to create custom Sacred Heart scarves.
                                                                                                                           think you have a great idea, don’t let anyone discourage you. Go with your instincts,
                                   The vibrant red ASH scarves were an instant hit at Avenue Marketplace, and
                                Sarah received a request to re-create them for the Sacred Heart bookstore (now the         and keep on pushing through until it comes to fruition.” Sarah certainly is living       back, and it set me
                                ASH Cornerstore). Jean Therapy, a vendor at the event, also took notice and encour-        proof of that.
                                aged Sarah to produce and sell the scarves. “I didn’t know where to begin and didn’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    up to be able to do
                                feel comfortable producing the scarves myself,” Sarah recalls. “I was fortunate that
                                Jean Therapy shared the contact for their screen printer. I went home that weekend,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    what I’m doing now.”
                                mulled it over, and decided to go for it.”
                                   Sarah started small, creating scarves with school logos first for Sacred Heart and
                                then for other schools. A few months later, she broadened her focus to New Orle-
                                ans-inspired scarves with themes such as streetcars, neighborhoods, the Saints, and
                                Mardi Gras. Her new scarves debuted at the 2010 Holiday Home Tour hosted by
                                the Preservation Resource Center and once again caught the eye of a local boutique,
                                Feet First, the first store to sell her products. To this day, wholesale is a paramount
                                part of her business. “Once I began selling wholesale to boutiques, I realized I might                                                                               Sarah’s business began
                                be on to something,” says Sarah. “I started to design t-shirts, and from there, my                                                                                   with a scarf she created for
                                business slowly evolved. It was perfect timing because the city was going through a                                                                                  Avenue Marketplace
                                revival period, and the Saints had just won the Super Bowl.”                                                                                                         Committee members in 2009.
                                   One evolution was Sarah’s jewelry line, through which she gives a portion of her
                                proceeds back to local organizations, such as the St. Bernard Project, Coalition to
                                Restore Coastal Louisiana (CRCL), and Teach for America. She also has a necklace
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“There are so many lessons I
                                                                                                                                                                                                           learned about business and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           starting a business, and mistakes I

                                                                Charlotte Kohlmann Dales ’04
                                                                By Emily Lane ’04                                                                                                                          know not to make anymore.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                           accidentally switched out with another classmate. Though
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Charlotte suspected the score on the other test was not
                                                                                                                                      Charlotte (wearing the pink sweatshirt) with her CAKE team members
                                                                                                                                                                                                           near 98, she brought the switch-up to the attention of Mrs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mattesky. Mrs. Mattesky used her pen to add 20 points to
                                                                                                                                       time you hire someone, or do anything, if it all falls apart,       Charlotte’s grade, rewarding her for her honesty.

Having Her “Cake” and Eating It, Too                                                                                                   it’s all on you. You have employees, and their lives depend
                                                                                                                                       on it. Investors put money in it, and you want them to get
                                                                                                                                       their money back. Your reputation is wrapped around all of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              “That is one of the first times that I learned that,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sometimes, doing the right thing is not the easiest thing, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                           you usually get rewarded in the end,” Charlotte reflects. “So

                                           E very start-up company has its “war stories,” according to Charlotte Kohlmann
                                                                                                                                       those things.”                                                      many times, I wanted to give up. But I would think, ‘That’s
                                                                                                                                            Cake Technologies grew to a company that employed 15           not right to do for my investors and employees. Certainly, if
                                           Dales ’04. She and the other co-founder of CAKE are no exception. “We made every            people and was live in more than 200 restaurants in London.         I can keep going, I will figure it out.’”
                                           mistake in the book,” says Charlotte.                                                       The company was sold to American Express in October 2017.               While the stress was like a tunnel that sometimes seemed
                                               It was 2012 when Charlotte and her business partner, Michelle Songy, got the           “The biggest sensation is relief,” Charlotte says. “And then I       to have only a sliver of light at the end, Charlotte says she
                                           idea for the mobile-paying app, CAKE. The two of them and several other friends             thought, ‘Did we really do this and pull it off?’”                  cherishes the experience of starting her own company and
                                           dined out at a restaurant in Chelsea, London, near where they both lived, to celebrate           Charlotte’s faith–faith in herself, in her company, in         even wants to do it again. “I feel so fortunate. Not many
                                           Michelle’s younger brother’s visit. It took an hour to pay the bill, Charlotte recalls.     God, and in St. Jude–helped push her toward the finish              people get to go through this. Even though it was so hard—I
                                           There had to be a better way, they thought.                                                 line. When she was 12 years old, her mother, Mary Bond              loved my job, every second.”
                                              “Michelle and I both really wanted to do our own thing, and we didn’t want to            Kohlmann, gave her a prayer card with St. Jude, the patron
                                           stay at our current jobs,” Charlotte says. They saw the frustration and the disruption      saint of hopeless causes. The prayer is titled, “Don’t quit.” It
                                           of their dining experience as an opportunity to fill a need through technology.             would become Charlotte’s anthem. “Randomly, a year ago I
                                               Charlotte, who graduated in 2008 from the University of Colorado in Boulder,            thought of it. I read (the card) every day for the past year and
                                           had been living in London for about a year at that point and worked in finance              eventually memorized it,” Charlotte says. “I would recite it
                                           at Deutsche Bank. Michelle, a friend from Atlanta, worked in corporate finance              on the tube on the way to work, repeating it over and over.”
                                           for Coca-Cola. The two had known each other since college when Michelle was                      Growing up Catholic at Sacred Heart planted the roots
                                           roommates with Charlotte’s friend from Sacred Heart, Brooke Parker ’04.                     of Charlotte’s faith, and those years of leaning on her faith
                                               The idea for the app was hatched at the dinner, and the planning began. “We             when the odds seemed stacked against her and her start-
                                           literally started this company sitting on my bedroom floor, writing stuff down,”            up company prevented her from losing hope. “There are
     Charlotte and her business partner,   Charlotte says. For nearly two years, the partners planned on the side while working        so many lessons I learned about business and starting a
     Michelle Songy, started CAKE on her   at their corporate jobs. Then at the end of 2013, they had raised their first batch         business, and mistakes I know not to make anymore. The
     bedroom floor—literally!              of money from investors—mostly friends and family—and quit their jobs. They                 only thing that I knew for sure, the whole time, regardless
                                           devoted their full time and attention to their new company.                                 of what was happening, was that my gut just kept telling me
                                              “It started as a bill-splitting app, but we quickly realized that by integrating with    that I shouldn’t give up when many people probably would
                                           the restaurant’s existing point-of-sale system [computer systems where servers input        have,” says Charlotte. “As my mom says, if you keep putting
                                           customers’ orders], we were connecting all these fragmented systems that existed in         one foot in front of the other, you will keep moving forward.
                                           restaurants,” explains Charlotte. And getting restaurants on board was key.                 It’s your decision to give up or to keep going.”
                                              “By doing that, we were actually collecting data that no one else was collecting,”            In such a competitive atmosphere, doing the right thing
                                           Charlotte adds. That data helps companies develop valuable customer profiles.               often meant doing the hard thing. A lesson Charlotte
                                               While the app aimed to make bill paying a piece of cake, as the name suggests,          received from her sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Mattesky,
                                           starting a technology company from scratch proved a constant roller coaster of              provided a bedrock reminder that doing the hard thing
                                           challenges. “Everyone says when you start your own company, you have to work                pays off in the long run. She recalls receiving a test back                        St. Jude’s prayer “Don’t quit” has served as
                                           really hard. You’re busy, and you’re working a lot,” Charlotte says. “What no one           from Mrs. Mattesky with a score of 98, an A+. When she                            inspiration for Charlotte over the years.
                                           says is how much stress and anxiety you have. The biggest challenge is that every           went back to her desk, she realized that her test had been

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            B I C E N T E N N I A L CELEBRATION                                                                            Isabel Evans ’21 and Katherine Wise ’22 participated in the
                                                                                                                           Bicentennial procession.

                                                                                                                           Here at the Rosary, we commemorated the occasion with a Bicentennial Mass held
                                                                                                                           at St. Louis Cathedral on November 18, the Feast of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne.

                                                                                                                           Celebrated by Archbishop Gregory                              Headmistress Sr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ,                Through our yearlong Bicentennial
                                                                                                                           Aymond, the Mass opened with a                                with a proclamation from the French                  Celebration, we remember Philippine’s
                                                                                                                           beautiful procession that featured                            government honoring Philippine’s                     pioneer spirit as she overcame many
                                                                                                                           Religious of the Sacred Heart, students,                      contribution to Catholic education                   obstacles through faith and perse-
                                                                                                                           alumnae, and other members of the                             in the New World. Following Mass,                    verance to plant the seeds of Sacred
                                                                                                                           Sacred Heart community. Additionally,                         guests continued the celebration at                  Heart education, a spirit that contin-
                                                                                                                           members of the Lower, Middle, and                             a reception at the Old Ursuline Con-                 ues to inspire our girls each day as they
                                                                                                                           Upper School choirs performed during                          vent, a nod to the Ursuline sisters who              explore new frontiers of their own.200
                                                                                                                           the Mass, and Vincent Sciama, French                          offered Philippine hospitality when
                                                                                                                           Consul General in Louisiana, presented                        she first arrived in New Orleans.

              This school year, the Network of Sacred Heart Schools
                is celebrating a milestone—the 200th anniversary of
               St. Rose Philippine Duchesne’s arrival in New Orleans
                      from France and the beginning of Sacred Heart
                                education in North America.

                                                       Elise Khoury ’26 and Amelia Stein ’26 represented Sacred Heart      Headmistress Sr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ ’70, Archbishop Gregory Aymond, and Sr. Sheila Hammond, RSCJ, Provincial of    Bicentennial Committee members Kay Gibbons Favrot ’53
                                                       foundresses St. Rose Philippine Duchesne and St. Madeleine Sophie   the Sacred Heart U.S.-Canada Province                                                                               and Sr. Jan Dunn, RSCJ
                                                       Barat as part of the Bicentennial procession.

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NewFaces at theRosary                                                                                                                                                                                                               NewFaces at theRosary
                        SHARA HAMMET                                                                PEYTON BUSH                                                                 WIL JACOBS                                                             MARK ROMIG
                        Lower School Division Head                                                  Trustee                                                                     Trustee                                                                Trustee
                          Shara Hammet's varied educational                                         Peyton Bush is currently the Chief Investment                               Wil Jacobs originates and manages a                                    Mark Romig is the President/CEO of
                          experiences over the past 25 years have                                   Officer of Bollinger Enterprises, LLC, a single-                            commercial loan portfolio as an officer of                             the New Orleans Tourism Marketing
                          allowed her the opportunity to collaborate                                family investment office in New Orleans. In                                 Hope Enterprise Corporation. He is also                                Corporation (NOTMC) and also serves as
                          with educators in the United States and                                   this role, he is responsible for overseeing all                             proud of his role as Housing Director of                               the volunteer President/CEO of the 2018
                          internationally. She has demonstrated                                     investment activities and asset allocation for                              the Louisiana Recovery Authority, where                                NOLA Foundation, the support arm for the
                          educational and administrative leadership                                 a portfolio that includes publicly-traded debt                              he devised initiatives to restore housing                              City’s 2018 Tricentennial Commission. He is
during her years of work at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in Boston,           and equity securities, hedge funds, and direct investments in both                                   after the hurricanes of 2005. He previously                            the stadium announcer for the New Orleans
where she was responsible for building a team of full-time and per         real estate and private equity. Previously, he was a Vice President at      furnished debt for buyouts and merger and acquisition transactions      Saints at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. As a public relations and
diem trainers. She worked in schools and classrooms across the             LongueVue Capital, LLC, a New Orleans based private equity firm.            in the leveraged finance group of a national bank in the Midwest.       marketing professional, he served as Vice President – Public Affairs
country, delivering and overseeing professional development for            He has also worked at Highland Capital Management, a multi-                 Wil is active in the Fathers’ Club at Sacred Heart and chaired its      for Hibernia National Bank and enjoyed a sixteen-year career at
superintendents, curriculum directors, principals, teachers, and           strategy alternative investment firm in Dallas, TX, with over $30           Mardi Gras fundraising activities during the 2016-2017 school year.     Peter Mayer. Mark is a member of the boards for Covenant House,
parents. Previously, Shara traveled to Singapore to collaborate and        billion in assets under management, and was an Investment Banking           He is the Past Chair of Café Reconcile and serves on the boards of      Legacy Donor Foundation, New Orleans Saints Hall of Fame, and
create a series of quality professional development services for schools   Associate for JP Morgan Securities. Peyton earned a Bachelor of             the Audubon Nature Institute and the New Orleans School Facility        the Fore!Kids Foundation. He is also past Chairman of the Board
and districts adopting Singapore Math in the United States. She            Science from Tulane University and an M.B.A. from Vanderbilt                Finance Foundation. He was a founding board member of the               of The Idea Village and currently serves as Chairman of the Board
currently serves in a consultancy role for Scholastic International,       University, and he served four years as an Intelligence Officer in the      Crescent City Community Land Trust and has also completed service       of the Louisiana Travel Promotion Association. Mark attended the
offering expertise on Singapore Math implementation in U.S.                United States Marine Corps. He is married to Elizabeth Ehrensing            on the boards of Stuart Hall School for Boys and St. Augustine High     University of New Orleans, where he received a B.S. from the School
classrooms. Prior to joining Sacred Heart in July 2017, Shara served       Bush ’94, and they have a daughter, Charlotte ’25, and two sons,            School, his alma mater. Wil holds a B.A. from the University of New     of Business Administration (School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
at Isidore Newman School, where she worked with teachers and               Peyton V and William.                                                       Orleans and an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan and is the        Administration) and was named the program’s outstanding alumnus
administration to build consistency in best practices and instruction.                                                                                 father of a daughter, Isabella ’25, and a son, Nicholas.                in 1984 and again in 2012. In 2008, Mark was honored by the Young
Shara and her husband, Patrick, have three daughters: Lucy ’16,                                    NINA WESSEL ENGLISH ’92                                                                                                     Leadership Council as a Role Model and received St. Elizabeth’s
Virginia ’17, and Martha ’23.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Guild Volunteer Activist Award. Mark’s mother, Janice Margaret
                                                                                                   Trustee                                                                      WILLIAM LUNN, M.D.                             Collins Romig ’50, is an alumna of Sacred Heart.
                                                                                                    Upon graduation from Dartmouth College,                                     Trustee
                         MEGAN BARRY KEPPER ’06                                                     Nina Wessel English went to work for the                                    A graduate of Tulane University, Dr. William
                         Director of Alumnae                                                        Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. She                                   Lunn was recruited to serve as President &
                        Megan Barry Kepper is a native New                                          then moved to the West Coast, earning a                                     CEO of Tulane Health System in August
                        Orleanian and graduated from Sacred Heart                                   law degree from the UCLA School of Law.                                     of 2014. Originally from Texas, he was a
                        in 2006. She attended Louisiana State                                       Nina’s legal career began with a clerkship                                  medical student at the University of Texas
                        University and returned to New Orleans             for Honorable F. A. Little, Jr., the former Chief Judge of the U.S.                                  in Dallas, a resident at Emory University,
                        to begin her career at The Idea Village, a         District Court, Western District of Louisiana. She then practiced                                    and he completed fellowships at Vanderbilt
                        local nonprofit organization. For the last                                                                                     University and Harvard University. Dr. Lunn is the recipient
                                                                           law for several years at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in Los Angeles.
seven years, Megan has gained experience in many roles throughout                                                                                      of numerous awards, including the American College of Chest
                                                                           In 2004, Nina returned to New Orleans with the firm of Gordon               Physicians’ Young Investigator Award and the Fulbright and Jaworski
the organization from external affairs and marketing to technology.        Arata McCollam Duplantis & Eagan, where she became a partner
Most recently, she served as the Director of Development, managing                                                                                     Award for Educational Leadership. He has authored several original
                                                                           practicing commercial litigation and labor and employment                   articles published in various medical journals and book chapters. He
fundraising and relationships for The Idea Village donor base. In
                                                                           law. Two years ago, Nina elected to take a break from law and is            has been guest faculty at numerous courses, as well as national and
2016, Megan returned to Sacred Heart as a parent of Corinne ’33 in
the Little Hearts program and began her role as Director of Alumnae        currently devoting her time to philanthropic pursuits. She serves           international meetings. Dr. Lunn and his wife, Mary Lynn, have three
in July 2017.                                                              as Board Chair for New Orleans People Program and as Board                  daughters: Elizabeth ’16, Emma ’18, and Mary Aliene ’24.
                                                                           Vice-Chair and coach for Girls on the Run, New Orleans. A 1992
                                                                           graduate of Sacred Heart, Nina has remained actively involved
                          CONNIE LA NASA SHANNON ’90                                                                                                                           GRAHAM RALSTON
                                                                           with the Rosary, including serving as a member of the Alumnae
                          Chief Financial Officer                          Board and as Parents Annual Giving Campaign Chair. She and her                                      Trustee
                          Connie La Nasa Shannon received a                husband, Patrick, are the parents of three daughters: Maria ’24,                                    Graham Ralston joined Regions Bank in
                          Bachelor of Science in Management from           Colette ’27, and Emeline ’31.                                                                       2013 as a Commercial Banking Executive for
                          the A.B. Freeman School of Business at                                                                                                               the South Louisiana Market and was named
                          Tulane University. She became a CPA                                                                                                                  New Orleans Market President in early           A FOND FAREWELL: Retiring Trustees Recognized
                          and joined Arthur Andersen LLP in New                                                                                                                2016. Prior to joining Regions Bank, he led a
                                                                                                                                                                               commercial banking group at Whitney Bank        We recognize Byron Adams, Jr., Rachelle Albright, Patrick Hammet,
                          Orleans, where she worked for almost
                                                                                                                                                                               in New Orleans, where he began his career       Octavio Mantilla, and Machelle Payne for their efforts in support
seven years as an auditor and audit manager. After retiring to raise
                                                                                                                                                       in 1997. Graham earned a B.A. in Economics from the University          of the Rosary.
her family of four, Connie returned to the workplace at Holy
Cross School in 2014 as a Controller. She was later promoted to                                                                                        of Texas at Austin and an M.B.A. from Tulane University. He also
the leadership position of CFO, where she was responsible for all                                                                                      earned a CFA Charter in 2006 and is a past President of the CFA
aspects of financial and accounting relationships for the school.                                                                                      Society of Louisiana. Graham is a member of the Business Council
Connie has served on the board as Treasurer of the Junior League                                                                                       of Greater New Orleans and currently serves on the boards of GNO,
of New Orleans, including service on its Finance Council as Chair                                                                                      Inc. and the Regional Loan Corporation. He is the current Board
and Sustaining Advisor. She has volunteered for the Mothers’ Club                                                                                      President of the Preservation Resource Center. Graham and his wife,
at Sacred Heart and is the mother of two daughters, Colette ’25 and                                                                                    Adele Michaelis Ralston ’94, have two daughters, Riley ’26 and
Chloé ’27, and two sons, Collin and Colby.                                                                                                             Emma ’30, and a son, Mears.

 26   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   27
good Sports
                                                                                                        2016-2017                                                      good Sports


  Volleyball, Cross Country, Swimming, Cheerleading, Basketball, Soccer,
  Indoor Track & Field, Outdoor Track & Field, Tennis, Golf
                                                                                                        JV & VARSITY

                                                                                                                                                              4 ❤ State Champion

                                                                                                                                         INDIVIDUAL TITLES
                                                                                                                                                              4 ❤ State Runner-Up
                                                                                                                                                              4 ❤ State Bronze Medalist
                                                                                                                                                              5 ❤ Regional Champion
                                                                                                                                                              4 ❤ Regional Runner-up
                                                                                                                                                              3 ❤ Regional Bronze Medalist
                                                                                                                                                             23 ❤ District Champion

                                                                                                                                                             14 ❤ District Runner-Up

                                                                                                                                                             10 ❤ District Bronze Medalist
                                                              TEAM TITLES
                                  MIDDLE SCHOOL

                                                                            1 ❤ State Champion
                                                                            1 ❤ State Runner-Up

S P O R TS PARTIC IPANT S                                                   2 ❤ State Bronze Medalist
                                                                            4 ❤ Regional Champion
                                                                            7 ❤ District Champion
  28   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                                     THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018   29
                                                                                                        29   THE BRIDGE | WINTER 2018
good Sports                                                                                                                                       good Sports

126                                                                                                              10
                                16 ❤ All-State

                                                                                                                                                     CROSS COUNTRY STATE
                                 7 ❤ All-Metro
                                 1 ❤ Clarion Herald
                                		   Elite Team
                                13 ❤ All-Region
                                 7 ❤ District MVP
                                58 ❤ All-District

 INDIVIDUAL                      1 ❤ All-Academic

 HONORS                                                                                                              IN 12 YEARS
                                23 ❤ All-Academic

                                                      ADDIT ION AL FACILITIES
                                                                 4,000 ❤ new square feet of putting green turf
                                                                 8.75 ❤ laps to a mile on new outdoor
                                                                                                                 The Cardinals were crowned the 2017 Class 3A Cross
                                                                                                                 Country State Champions—their tenth state title in
                                                                                                                 12 years under the leadership of Coaches Greg and Jenny
                                                                                                                 Caro. Mary Nusloch ’19 was the individual state champion,
                                                                                                                 which was her fifth individual state title in either cross
                                                                                                                 country or track, and all seven of the Cardinals’ runners
                                                                                                                 finished in the top 20.

                                                                                                                 Cross Country State Championships
                                                                                                                 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017
                                                                        running track

30   THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018                                                                                                                  THE BRIDGE | SPRING 2018              31
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