Page created by Doris Vazquez

                                GOD HAS MADE OF

                                ALL PEOPLES OF THE EARTH.

                                                                   ACTS 17:26
FALL 2020 Volume 91 Number 2
                                                      MAGAZINE                                                                                                     PRESIDENT’S REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                    4 |      A Message from the President
Abbie Tanyhill Darst ‘03, Editor                                  Lyle D. Roelofs, President
Kim Brown, Associate Vice President for Marketing                                                                                                                   6 |      A Message from the Vice President for Alumni and College Relations
   and Communications                                             BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Chad Berry Hon. ‘20, Vice President for Alumni and                                                                                                                 OF ONE BLOOD–DONOR PROFILES
   College Relations
Jackie Collier ‘80, Associate Vice President for Alumni
                                                                  Robert T. Yahng ‘63,              Glenn R. Jennings ‘82
                                                                    Chairman of the Board           Shawn C.D. Johnson                                             18 |      The Test of Time: Charles and Edwena Crowe
Charlie C Campbell, Graphic Designer                              Stephanie B. Zeigler              Ken Koh
Crystal Wylie ’05, Director of Photography and                      Vice Chair of the Board         Nancy “Nana” Lampton                                           20 |      “I Won’t Be Silent:” Toni McNaron
Digital Engagement                                                Vicki E. Allums ‘79               Eugene Y. Lowe Jr.
                                                                  Celeste P. Armstrong ‘90          Betty H. Olinger ‘69                                           30 |      Internalizing Our Common Humanity: Dr. Faramarz Ismail-Beigi
                                                                  Charlotte F. Beason ‘70           Thomas W. Phillips ‘65
Cora Allison ’22, Abbie Tanyhill Darst ’03, Katie Grindstaff,
                                                                  Vance Blade ‘82                   Miriam “Mim” Pride                                             32 |      Help for Generations: Dr. Jan Pearce
Tim Jordan ’76, Jason Lee Miller, Sam Milligan, Michele Pekola
                                                                  Anne Berry Bonnyman               William B. Richardson
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS:                                       Joseph John Bridy                 Dennis R. Roop ‘69                                             34 |      Continuing to Find the Landing Space: Carl and Deborah Thomas
Rui Barros, Jay Buckner, Patrice Johnson, Jennifer Lance ’20,     Stephen Campbell                  Charles Ward Seabury II
Michael McElroy, Art Meripol, Parker Michels-Boyce, William                                                                                                        60 |      Equal Opportunity: Doug Rosenthal
                                                                  David H. Chow                     David E. Shelton ‘69
Earl Neikirk, Tyler Roquemore ’22, Brittany Sidwell, Lance Omar
                                                                  M. Elizabeth Culbreth ‘64         David B. Sloan ‘72                                             62 |
Thurman, David J. Turner, Crystal Wylie ’05
                                                                  Bill Daugherty ‘76                Tyler S. Thompson ‘83                                                    Equity and Belonging: Jessie Ball duPont Fund
COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION                                            Samantha S. Earp ‘86              Rocky S. Tuan ‘72                                              74 |
Lyle D. Roelofs, President                                        John E. Fleming ‘66               Emmanuel Ampofo-Tuffuor ‘88
                                                                                                                                                                             Loyal to Loyalty: Robert Phillips
Jeffrey S. Amburgey Hon. ’10, Vice President for Finance           Michael D. Flowers                Diane Artist Wallace ‘80                                       76 |      Kinship and Service to Others: Joe and Gerry Scardo
Sylvia Asante, Dean of Labor
                                                                  Scott M. Jenkins
Channell Barbour ’91, Vice President for Student Life
Chad Berry Hon. ‘20, Vice President for                                                                                                                            92 |      A Place to Belong: Veronica Mauratic
    Alumni and College Relations                                  HONORARY TRUSTEES
Steve Gowler, Interim Associate Provost                                                                                                                            94 |      By the Grace of God: Sam and Stephanie San
Phillip Logsdon, Chief Information Officer                           James T. Bartlett                Douglas M. Orr
Dwayne Mack, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion   Martin A. Coyle                   David S. Swanson                                               96 |
Matthew Saderholm ’92, Dean of the Faculty                        Elissa May-Plattner               R. Elton White ’65
                                                                                                                                                                             Memory Lane: Cynthia and James Hicks
Derrick Singleton, Vice President for                             Harold L. Moses ‘58               Dawneda F. Williams
    Operations and Sustainability                                                                                                                                  ONE BLOOD STORIES
Scott Steele, Interim Provost
                                                                  Thomas H. Oliver
Teri E. Thompson, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives                                                                                                         47 |      Outside of the Bubble: Joe Saleem ’08
Judge B. Wilson II ’78, General Counsel and Secretary              ALUMNI EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2020-21
                                                                  Sherry McCulley-Hall ’81,         Jackie Collier ’80,                                            48 |      Just Picking Up a Package: Collis Robinson ’13
If you have comments, questions or suggestions                      President, North Carolina         Associate Vice President for
for the Berea College Magazine or would like information about    Joe Saleem ’08,                     Alumni Relations
                                                                                                                                                                   49 |      Finding My Voice: Dayjha Hogg ’23
reprinting any article appearing in the magazine,                   Past-President, Kentucky        Dr. Chad Berry Hon. ‘20,
please contact:                                                                                                                                                    REPORT ON FINANCIAL POSITION
                                                                  Dr. Dwayne Compton ’01,             Vice President for Alumni
                                                                    President-Elect, Kentucky         and College Relations                                        84 |
  Editor, Berea College Magazine
                                                                  Dr. Lyle D. Roelofs,
                                                                                                                                                                             Designation of Funds
  Berea College
  CPO 2142                                                          President of Berea College                                                                     85 |
  Berea, KY 40404                                                                                                                                                            Source of Support
                                                                  MEMBERS-AT-LARGE                                                                                 86 |      Statements of Financial Position
                                                                  Alonzo (Lonnie) Allen, Jr. ’84, Kentucky                                                         87 |
                                                                  V. Eldon Ball ’70, Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                             Statements of Activities
Mail:      CPO 2203, Berea, KY 40404
Phone:     859-985-3104                                           Dr. Geoffrey Bartlett ’93, New York                                                               BEREA COLLEGE HONOR ROLL OF GIVING
           Toll free: 1-866-804-0591                              Raymond Crenshaw ’12, Washington D.C.
Magazine:                                      Dr. Donna J. Dean ’69, West Virginia                                                              8 |      Berea College Honor Roll of Giving
                                                                  Ethan Hamblin ’14, North Carolina
Berea College Magazine (ISSN 1539-7394) is published quarterly    Vallorie Henderson ’79, Kentucky                                                                  8 |      Alumni by Class Year
for Berea College alumni and friends by the Berea College         Jane Miller Hutchens ’71, Kentucky
Marketing & Communications Department. Periodicals postage        Dr. Randy Johnson ’91, Kentucky                                                                  28 |      Alumni Class Rankings
at Berea, KY, and additional mailing offices.                       Zack Johnson ’17, Kentucky
                                                                  Elle Keys ’18, Kentucky                                                                          36 |      Friends of Berea
Postmaster: Send address corrections to the Berea College Office
of Alumni Relations, CPO 2203, Berea, KY 40404.
                                                                  Angie Li ’16, Tennessee
                                                                  Elizabeth (Libby) McCord, Esq. ’73, Ohio                                                         88 |      Memorial Gifts
Berea College is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under        Tran Nguyen ’17, Indiana
federal guidelines.                                               Robert Phillips ’90, Virginia                                                                    98 |      Bequests
                                                                  Mahjabeen Rafiuddin ’97, Florida
                                                                  Carlos Verdecchia ’91, Kentucky                                                                  98 |      In Honor Of
                                                                  ALUMNI TRUSTEES                                                                                  100 |     Corporate Matching
                                                                  Celeste Patton Armstrong ’90, Alabama                                                            100 |     Gifts from Foundations, Corporations and Organizations
                                                                  Bill Daugherty ’76, Kentucky                                       Photo by Jennifer Lance ’20
                                                                  Dr. Betty Hyatt Olinger ’69, Kentucky
                                                                  Diane Artist Wallace ’80, Kentucky
                                                                                                                                                                           PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20                             3


    I am pleased to present this year’s President’s Report on         Racial equity, healing and justice have always been at the
    Philanthropy and commend it for your review. Though a global      heart of the Berea College story. We have not always fully
    pandemic has delivered us unprecedented circumstances,            realized this goal, and there have been setbacks that lasted
    our financial position has remained strong and our sources of     for decades, but the conviction that we are all of one blood
    support have remained steadfast. Thanks to supporters like        has always been key to our identity and continues to inspire
    you and those featured in this report, Berea College continues    us today. Recent events have made it clear there is still a
    with its historic mission despite a challenging environment.      long way to go in terms of race relations in our country, but
    Working toward a world shaped by the power of love over           these same events move us to renew our commitment to
    hate, human dignity and equality, and peace with justice is as    interracial education and to building a beloved community
    essential and urgent today as it has ever been. You have joined   that fosters understanding between people. It is not always
    us in this mission, and for that, we are eternally grateful.      popular, but it is always right. The Berea College story of
                                                                      tomorrow, within which you play a critical part, will be a tale
    The stories in this report reflect the mission envisioned by      of equity and healing as we reach out to one another with
    the Reverend John G. Fee when he founded Berea College            dignity and respect.
    as an interracial institution aimed at promoting the equality
    of the races. He did so at a time when such a vision was          Thank you for being a part of that story. Your support of
    unthinkable to many around him. Yet, he clung to his              Berea College has enabled us to continue Reverend Fee’s
    biblical foundation, reciting for those who opposed him that      mission even into the 21st century. Thanks to you, we
    God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth (Acts          surpassed our goal for the Berea Fund, which completes the
    17:26). At the close of the Civil War, Fee recruited Black        tuition scholarships we give to each aspiring student with
    soldiers from nearby Camp Nelson to come study alongside          capable mind and willing hands. Thanks to you, we have
    white students. Back in town, the families in Berea lived in      been able to offer a complete education to students who
    a “checkerboard” arrangement with alternating Black and           otherwise would not be able to afford it. And thanks to you,
    white homes. The Fees’ mission, above even education, was         we have been able share a message of true kinship with all
    that people come to an understanding of their kinship with        we ecounter. Without your support, the Berea College story
    one another and that each and every one of them was a             would fade into history. Instead, we move, ever faithful, into
    conduit for God’s impartial love.                                 a more just and equitable future.
                                                                                                                     Warm regards,

                                                                                                                       Lyle D. Roelofs
                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Crystal Wylie ’05

4        BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                          PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20         5

    In 2006, when trying to land my dream job at Berea College, I     gladdened by our students today—all peoples of the earth,
    met a person who had once worked there. I was trying to learn     really—and how in recent years our student diversity more
    as much as I could about the College, and I’ll never forget       closely resembles the mix of students in the 19th century.
    what she told me.
                                                                      I would hope the Fees would take approving notice of the
    “Well, it’s important for you to know the impact of Berea’s       myriad ways Bereans connect the present and future to the
    founder,” she said. “The ghost of John G. Fee wafts in and        past to make the power of love over hate, human dignity
    around the mighty oaks on the campus. His is a presence that      and equality, and peace with justice possible. Our effort
    is still felt on a daily basis.”                                  is continuous, and the work of Berea’s founders is just as
                                                                      relevant 165 years later on the same little ridge in the foothills
    I remember thinking that I’d never been part of an organization   of the Appalachian Mountains.
    where the ghost of a founder continued to exert a guiding
    influence. But she was absolutely right, and I often explain      And wouldn’t it be thrilling to take the Fees into the archives to
    to friends and donors how hard we work each day to bring us       show them lists of all those alumni and friends who contributed
    closer to attaining the founders’ vision. The enduring mission    to Berea since Rev. Fee’s death in 1901? Or for a stroll past the
    of John and Matilda Fee and other early Bereans, manifested       Legacy Wall to read the names of those who left the College a
    in the Great Commitments, makes Berea a college unlike any        bequest from their estate? Each name from the past, and every
    other.                                                            one of the names today emblazoned in this inspiring report,
                                                                      would likely fill the hearts of the Fees beyond capacity.
    We work so untiringly that were the Fees able to return to
    campus today, they would be very proud of what they would         All Bereans are also working to make you—a person who has
    see. Those oaks have only grown more majestic, along with         invested in lives of great promise—proud. If you haven’t been
    the campus. And while they would see Acts 17:26 in action,        to campus in a while, or if you have never been to campus, we
    they might wonder what Zoom, email and masks are all about.       invite you to visit as soon as the pandemic recedes. Just as the
                                                                      Fees would be, I venture that you’ll be just as inspired by seeing
    Perhaps most important, I’m sure their hearts would be            a place where mission and values are put in action every day.


                                                                                                                         Chad Berry
                                                                                     Vice President for Alumni and College Relations

                                                                                                                                                             Photo by Tyler Roquemore ’22

6        BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                            PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20       7
BEREA COLLEGE HONOR ROLL OF GIVING                                                                                                                          ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)                                   ✤ Lifetime Giving Society ❡ Elizabeth Culbreth Society ❦ Annual Gift Club ❖ Great Commitments Society

HONOR ROLL OF GIVING                                                                                                                                        CLASS OF 1951
                                                                                                                                                             Contributors: 32
                                                                                                                                                             Berea Fund: $22,362
                                                                                                                                                                                                Leah Ann Alley Kidd ❦
                                                                                                                                                                                                Martha Dendy King ❦
                                                                                                                                                                                                Howard Kuhl, Jr. ❡❦
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Roemelle Stivers Holloway ❡❦
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Glennon B. Ison ❡
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr. H. Milton Jones
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dr. John Y. Lu ❡❦✤
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          C. Eugene McLemore ❡❦
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Carol Ledbetter Miller ❖
 Berea College’s Honor Roll of Giving is one way we celebrate the generous alumni, friends and organizations that make the Berea mission possible.           Total Funds: $68,362               Nadene Wade May ❖                             Mabry Jean Durden King ❖                    Dr. Kenneth W. Moss
 The entire Berea community thanks those listed for their incredible support of Berea students.                                                             Dr. John Alden Auxier ❖❦✤           Mary Henderson Pardue ❡                       Dr. George Ronald Lester ❖❡❦✤               Doris Hinkle Musser ❡
                                                                                                                                                            Dr. George E. Barrier ❖             Dr. John M. Ramsay ❖                          Alan E. Lewis                               Beth Meyer Perry ❖
✤ LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETY                                                       ❦ ANNUAL GIFT CLUB                                                          Raymond Beverly ❡❦                  Reynard Conley Shrewsberry ❦                  John S. Marsh ✤                             Billie Stevens Rayl ❡
      Berea’s lifetime giving societies—named for important figures in             Berea’s annual giving societies recognize those alumni and friends       R. Eugene Bowling ❡❦                Dixie Fair Shugars ❡                          William B. Napier                           Retha Brown Reedy ❡
      Berea’s history—recognize those who have reached a significant level         who have made a gift at giving club levels in the previous fiscal        Mary Ogle Bremier ❖                 Dr. O. Byrne Tinney, Jr ❦                     Dr. James E. Owens                          Dot Rider
      of cumulative giving in support of Berea’s mission. These generous           year. Berea College depends on these annual gifts to support Tuition     Emogene Gilpin Brummitt ❡           Robert L. Westfall ❦                          Don C. Pardue ❡                             Dorothy Gay Rouse
      alumni and friends are important partners in Berea’s work.                   Promise Scholarships and other critical Berea needs.                     Evelyn Hammons Buchanan ❡❦          Maudine Bastin Williams ❡                     Betty Maupin Pogue ❦                        Lois Williams Sanders ❦
                                                                                                                                                            Rebecca O’Daniel Cauble ❡❦                                                        Gunars Potapous ❦                           Jo Ella Nuckols Sink ❦
❡ ELIZABETH CULBRETH SOCIETY                                                    ❖ GREAT COMMITMENTS SOCIETY                                                 Louise Lewis Craft ❖                CLASS OF 1953                                 Joe Douglas Powell ❡❦                       Lucille Metcalf Skaggs ❦
      Berea Trustee M. Elizabeth Culbreth ’64 began giving back to her alma        The Great Commitments Society recognizes those who have included         Gertrude Bremer Crites               Contributors: 27                             James Pugsley ❡                             Nancy Spitzer Snively ❡
      mater in 1965. Her faithfulness and love of Berea inspire us—that’s          Berea College in their will or trust and/or have established life        Louise Archer Davidson ❖❡❦           Berea Fund: $14,390                          Reva Jo Fowler Schumacher                   James Price Stephenson
      why we want to recognize all those who make consecutive annual               income agreements with the College. These planned gifts are the          Jeanne Purkey Deschamps ❡            Total Funds: $23,190                         Fairy Powers Sells                          Eleanore Burchell Sturgill ❖❡❦✤
      gifts to Berea by welcoming them into the Elizabeth Culbreth Society.        foundation of Berea’s endowment and have allowed Berea College to        Lena Marie Dove ❡                   Claude M. Allison ❦                           Nelma Eller Sherrill ❖                      Dr. Peter S. Thoms ❖❡❦
      This support year after year is vital to Berea’s ongoing mission.            continue its operations for more than 100 years. Those listed as Great   Irene Wells Engle                   Frances Farley Barrier ❖                      Eva Franklin Shrewsberry ❦                  Mary Childers Tisinger
                                                                                   Commitments Society members have made the generous decision to           Rev. Floyd William Finch, Jr. ❡     Charles B. Bensenhaver, Jr. ❖❡                Imogene Lewis Soper                         Loring H. Vance, Jr. ❡
                                                                                   support Berea with a planned gift.                                       Beverley H. Fleming ❡               Jane Aulick Bentle                            Bettie Smith Spangler ❡❦                    Margaret Brittain Wetzel ❡❦
                                                                                                                                                            Dorothy Talbott Greenawalt ❡        Iva Sublett Brown                             Delores Ball Tackett                        Billy Edd Wheeler ❦

ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR                                                                           JULY 1, 2019–JUNE 30, 2020
                                                                                                                                                            Dr. O. Glen Hall ❡❦
                                                                                                                                                            Ruby Hurt Hill ❡
                                                                                                                                                            J. Charles Honeycutt ❖✤
                                                                                                                                                                                                D. Sue Lilly Bryant ❦
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ruth Brantley Conn ❖❦✤
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ignacio Torres Cruz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Anna McGee Watts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr. Jack Wayne Weaver ❡
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Joyce Loy Welch ✤
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ann West Williams ❖
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dr. Charles C. York

 Berea College alumni, once the recipient of a Tuition Promise Scholarship, generously pay it forward to present and future Bereans with their giving.      Mary Skidmore Hoskins ❖             Edna Nickell Daniel                           Frieda Meade Wierda ❖❦✤                     CLASS OF 1956
                                                                                                                                                            Rev. Jerry John ❡❦                  Leona Sutherland Finch ❡                      Dorothy Ledford Withers ❖                     Contributors: 57
CLASS OF 1948 AND PRIOR                 Ruth Ferrill Luthringer ✤               CLASS OF 1949                        CLASS OF 1950                          Dr. Douglas Kelley ❖                Dr. Billy W. Friar ❡                          Man-Chong Wong ❡❦                             Berea Fund: $95,063
    Contributors: 44                    Dr. Geneva Metzler Matlock ❖❦✤           Contributors: 20                      Contributors: 18                     Cherry Cook Davenport Kelly ❖       Dr. Robert Lee Glenn ❡❦                                                                     Total Funds: $77,675
    Berea Fund: $27,025                 Helen Yambor McCann-Herbst ❖             Berea Fund: $11,500                   Berea Fund: $67,900                  Betty Dimmick Mattingly ❖❡✤         Mary Hughes Harrelson                         CLASS OF 1955                               Elizabeth Potter Armstrong ❡❦
    Total Funds: $247,807               Mary Ellis McDonald ❡❦                   Total Funds: $14,300                  Total Funds: $83,750                 Nell Jean Lusk McDarris ❖           James Maupin Hubbard ❡❦                         Contributors: 51                          Ramona Leslie Auxier
Roberta Larew Allison ❖❡❦✤              Anne Hayes Montgomery ❡❦                Dr. Robert Auerbach ❖❡❦✤               Summer Reunion Chair:                Eula Jean Lindon Meier ❡❦           Samuel B. Jennings                              Berea Fund: $75,510                       Carolynne Fincher Bobbitt ❖❡❦✤
Lois Speer Baird ❡❦✤                    William James Morgan ❡❦                 Dr. Frederick Lamar Chapman ❡❦          Dr. Steele F. Mattingly             Odell Carlton Miller ❦              Dr. Robert Warren Miller ❖                      Total Funds: $258,707                     Dr. Charles A. Brown ❖❡❦
Betty Jean Shufflebarger Bergman ❡      Dorothy Turpin Morris ❖                 V. Jean Childers ❡❦                  Lola Sholar Cunningham ❡❦              Stokes Royal Pearson ❦              Wanda Honeycutt Miller ❦                        Summer Reunion Giving Chair:              Elizabeth Brown ❦
Dorothy Davis Blackburn ❖               Carl Woodrow Newman ❦                   Alice Hook Colley ✤                  William B. Evans ❖✤                    Ruben D. Recio, Sr. ❖✤              Charles Lewis Morris ❡❦                          Dr. Peter S. Thoms                       Joyce Grogan Bryan ❡❦
Raymond A. Bradbury ❖❡❦                 Katherine Leatherwood Pennington ❖      William Jerome Crouch                Mary Armstrong Hiller                  Glenna Sawyer Rice ❖                William E. Parker ❡❦                          Ledford L. Austin ❡❦✤                       Robert E. Bryan ❡❦
Dr. Warren E. Bulman ❖❡❦✤               Fern Goode Porter ❖                     Dr. James M. Dowdy ❦                 Betty Partin Hurst ✤                   Juanita Clemons Roschi ❡            Mary McWilliams Perry ❡❦✤                     Joan Coy Bates ❡❦                           Gayle Harper Buchanan
Hazel Hughey Canon ❡                    Marian Van Winkle Presnell ❡            Dr. Margareta Johnson Duncan ❡❦      Mary DeLoach John ❡❦                   Earl Stanley Shrader                Peter Lewis Putnam                            Dr. Jesse Leroy Bobbitt ❖❡✤                 Tommy L. Clark ❖
Frances Sanders Carroll ❖❦              Charles C. Rayburn ❖❡❦                  Betty Burgin Freeman ❡❦              Ruby Morrow Kuhl ❡❦                    Dr. Ted Smith ❡                     Louise Austin Roe ❡                           Betty Jo Waldrop Boggild                    Stanley H. Comstock
Donald K. Clark                         Cecilia Stalnaker Repair ❖              Audrey Shaw Gordon ❡❦                Dr. Steele F. Mattingly ❖❡✤            Rubye R. Teague ❖                   John James Rouse, Jr.                         Molly Myles Bundy                           Dr. Darrell Crase ❖❡❦✤
Martha Hutcherson Cochran ❡             Hilda Karlsson Roderick ❡❦✤             Dr. Charles F. Haywood ❖✤            Charles S. McNeer ✤                    Fannie Garrison Westfall ❦          Eleanor Clem Van Horn ❡                       Marilyn Patton Chambers ❡                   Ruth King Cross ❡❦
Juanita Noland Coldiron ❦               Lou Haigler Salter ❖❡❦✤                 Rossie Drummond Kelly ❡❦             Dr. Shirley Baker Meece ❖❦             Martha Salter Wilson ❖❦             Janath Casto Walters ❖                        Sally Jo Ballard Clark ❡                    Dr. Bernard Davis ❡❦
Doris Davies Comer ❖                    Victor E. Scherrer ❡❦✤                  Robert Roy Lang                      James D. Miller, Jr.                   Fred E. Winebarger ❡❦               Rev. Ronald K. Walthall ❦                     Emma Maynard Cooper ❖❡❦                     JoAnn Overton Dawson ❖❡❦
Carl I. Crabtree ❦                      Frances Sturgell Smith ❖❦               Elaine Charles Moore ❡❦              Betty June Parker ❖❡❦✤                                                     Dr. Rosemary Maxie Weddington ❖               C. Dean Cornett ❖❡❦✤                        Thomas L. Dawson ❡❦
Rev. Kern Eutsler ❡                     Carl Daniel Sword                       Mary Alice Neal                      Richard Wilbur Parker, Jr. ❖❡❦         CLASS OF 1952                       Helen Kiser Wheeler ✤                         Martha Marshall Cress                       Elizabeth Sanborne Deuillet
Jennie Westlake Findley ❖❡❦✤            Annie Sue O’Daniel Teeter ❦             Dr. Franklin Parker ❖❡❦✤             Dr. Maxine Bonner Patterson ❖❡❦         Contributors: 23                   Wesley Wilson ❡❦                              William B. Daniel                           Frank Dickerson ❡❦
Maxine J. Funk ❖                        Aileen Saylor Williams ❖                Dr. Eugene Q. Parr ✤                 Velma Watson Pressly ❦                  Berea Fund: $24,941                                                              Lillian A. Ebermann ❡❦                      Floyd G. Estridge, Jr.
Ruth Steinberg Geis                     Gretka Young Wolfe ❡                    Dr. Herman Patterson ❖❡❦             Myrtle Tonne Robinson ❡❦✤               Total Funds: $60,241               CLASS OF 1954                                 Robert Lewis Edwards ❡❦                     Joyce Betler Estridge
Lucille Holmes Gibson ❖                 Margaret Armbrister Worsham             Sheridan L. Risley ❖                 Jacky Hopper Shadowen ❖❡❦              Dorothy J. Alexander ❖❡❦             Contributors: 36                             William H. Farmer                           Erma Reedy Lane Fielden ❖❡❦
Frances Nunley Giles ❖❡❦                Kathleen Mieras Wright ❡                Dr. William H. Roush ❡❦              Effie Taylor Strong ❖✤                 Wilma Adkins Barck ❖                 Berea Fund: $15,695                          Russell G. Gadd ❡                           A. Vernon Flynn, Jr. ❡❦
Dr. Louise Young Gossett                Alice Refo Xiques ❡                     Jeanne Haring Schoonover             Christine Chadwell Vensel ✤            Claranelle Blackburn Bradbury ❖❡❦    Total Funds: $91,560                         Robert B. Goodson                           Ralph G. Fort ❖❡❦✤
Hazel Reynolds Hale ❖✤                  Charles O. Zimmerman ❖                  Betty Isaac Smith                    William C. Webb, Jr. ❦                 Mae Crosswhite Brummitt             Elaine Risk Armstrong ❡                       Dr. Fred H. Greenberg ❖❡❦✤                  Dr. James R. Gaines ❦
Wilma Clarice Miniard Hatcher ❡                                                 Amanda Clark Snider ❖                Charles F. Williams, Jr.               Emily Brittain Carswell             Dempsey Bailey ❡❦                             James Leonard Greer ❡                       Hallie Price Garner ❖
Dr. John D. Haun ❖✤                     NAVY V-12/V-5                           Dale Dedman Wilson ❖❡                Eula Bumgarner Williams                Alexander J. Chalmers ❡❦            Blanche Allison Bakke ❡                       Harold Dean Haga ❡❦                         Viola Couch Glassmann
Eula Turner Holliday ✤                   Contributors: 4                        Josef B. Wilson ❖❡                   Dr. Ohlen Rudolph Wilson ❖❦            Marilyn Arend Duncan ❡              Lydia Galliher Brtan ❡❦                       J. Clyde Hall ❡❦✤                           Dr. Elmer Gray ❡❦
Margaret Frye Holmes ❡❦                  Berea Fund: $136                                                                                                   Dillard Bruce Feltner ❡❦            Mary Cavalier ❡❦                              Rev. Dr. Delmas E. Hare ❡❦                  Gay Looney Grider ❖
Carolyn Keener Howard                    Total Funds: $1,896                                                                                                Helen Knight Finnie ❖               Reba Blevins Cornett ❖✤                       Shirley Purkey Hendrix                      Mabel Herren Hare ❡❦
Patricia Finn Hunter ❡❦✤                Melvin Gordon Satlof, V-12/V-5 ‘44 ❖                                                                                Susan Wiseman Fisher ❡              Mary Ballard Denney ❡                         Willie Jo Traylor Hipp ❖❡❦                  Irene Hoong-Chiung Ch Hsu ❡❦
Norma Vanderheide Johnson               Dr. Robert H. Shipp, V-12/V-5 ‘45 ❖❡❦                                                                               Caroline Atkins Gula ❖              Frances Van Sant Edwards ❡❦                   James Edward Hyder ❡❦✤                      Charles E. Larew ❦✤
Harry W. Kilbourne ❦✤                   Harold Strom, V-12/V-5 ‘43 ❡                                                                                        Doris Parrish Hazlewood ❖           Laura Rachel Farley                           Betty Parker Johnston ❦                     Dorothy Winston Larew ❦✤
Beryl Wilson King ❖❡❦                   Gloria Pfalzer Wanland, V-12/V-5 ‘47                                                                                Bettye Maggard Hensley              Gordon S. Hamilton ❖❡❦                        Dr. Ernest P. Lane ❡❦                       John W. Leeson ❖❡❦
Dr. William R. Ledford ❡❦                                                                                                                                   Betty Ross Hubbard ❡❦               Helen Fillmore Harvey ❖❦✤                     Ann McMurray Larkey ❖                       Jo Ann Marsh
Margie Mantooth Linnartz ❡                                                                                                                                  Ramona Davidson Jones ❡❦            Corine Alley Hegwer                           Jana Lee Gabbard Lewis                      Sarah Gouge McKee ❡

8            BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20                                  9
BEREA COLLEGE HONOR ROLL OF GIVING                                                               ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)                   ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)                                ✤ Lifetime Giving Society ❡ Elizabeth Culbreth Society ❦ Annual Gift Club ❖ Great Commitments Society

CLASS OF 1956 (CONTINUED)        Shirley Rasnake Owens ❡         Joy Phillips Miller ❖❦                 Iva Bowman Ritenour                         Sylvia Barnett Johnson ❡         Janice Mayhall McDaniel                       Sara Standifer Hamilton ❡❦✤                 C. Glenn Ihrig ❖❡❦✤
Cecelia Burnell McKinney ❦       Gerald Parrish ❡                Robert Clell Miller, Sr. ❖❦            William C. Roberson ❦                       Carolyn Kiracofe Joyce           Ambrose C. McDow                              Dr. Ruth Lanier Hays ❦                      Dr. Linda Hall Jackson ❖
Freddafay Haithcoat Michel       Betty G. Penrod                 Royce Brown Miller ❦                   Gail Parsons Ross                           Stanley C. Kramer                Harold Molineu ❡❦                             M. Douglas Hazelwood                        Ruby Sharon Tomberlin Jackson ❖
Daniel Frederick Moore ❦         Colleen Snapp Redman ❡❦         Dr. Harold L. Moses ❡❦✤                Joanne Cornette Schweitzer ❡❦               Shelby Duncan Lane ❡❦            Dorothy Chandler Nieter ❡                     Sylvia Hernandez ❖                          Dr. William R. Kidwell
Larry P. Peercy ❡❦               Forrest Ronald Ross             Carol Colvard Noronowicz ❡❦            George Allen Simmons ❦                      Robert Allen Lawson              Larry George Owen ❡❦✤                         Earlene Hibbard Hopkins ❡❦                  Dr. Carl Clinton Layne ❡❦
Terry D. Poff                    Barbara Weaver Sawyer ❡❦✤       Joyce Hyder O’Keefe ❖❡❦✤               Mable Lewis Starling ❖                      Prof. Robert Gene Lawson ❡❦      Dr. James E. Parks ❡                          Freeman Hughes ❡❦                           Roger F. Leggett
Marguerite J. Ratcliffe ❖❡       Dr. Hershel G. Sawyer ❡❦✤       Mitchell M. Osteen ❦                   John Wesley Turner ❦                        Dr. Ollie J. Lee ❡               Dr. John Vandaveer Payne ❖❡❦                  Geneva Caudill Hughes ❡❦                    Al Martin
Shirley Douty Rion ❡❦            Owen J. Schumacher              G. Keith Parker, Ph.D. ❡               Margie Louise Crawford Weber ❡❦             Emma Deaton Lowe                 Dr. J. Dan Pittillo ❖❦✤                       Dr. Anne Cole Keast ❦                       Evelyn Ritchie Nachman ❡❦
Barbara Ledford Rueger ❡❦        Ellen Harvey Showell ❦          Elizabeth Nelson Peeler                Bettyann Musser White ❦                     Gloria Calfee Martin ❡❦          Carol Ingledew Roland ❡                       Marian Martin Kenner ❖❦                     Diane Martin Nelson
Ron Smith ❖❡❦✤                   Larcenia Singleton Souther      Dr. James Lawrence Powell ❡❦           Shelby Alderman Whitson ❖✤                  Dr. James A. McCool ❖            Nancy Rose                                    Dr. Georgianna Tonne Klein                  Joyce Ross Olinger ❖❡❦
Dr. Daniel Patrick Spangler ❡❦   Helen Baldwin Telfer ❡          Alice Kee Ring ❡                       Dr. Janice Crabtree Wilson ❦                Frances Lewis Meghoo ❡           Jane Gardner Sapp ❖❡❦                         Rosemary DeHart Lawson ❡❦                   Patricia Wolford Porter ❖❦✤
Kathryn Sanborne Spelman         Bill Toy ❡❦                     Frances Stephens Sebastian ❡❦          Dr. Ballard D. Wright ❡❦✤                   James P. Miller                  Kenneth F. Sapp ❖❡❦                           Betty Feltner Leggett                       Theda Rasnick Riemann ❖❡❦
Sylvene Osteen Spickerman ❡❦✤    Allan F. Vinton, Jr. ❦          Charles R. Sheppard ❦                  Charles W. Wykle ❡❦                         Mary Jane Miller ❖               Ival Secrest ❖❡❦                              William M. Lowder ❦✤                        Mary Martha Rose
Dr. Wayne C. Spiggle, Jr. ❦      Dr. Patricia A. Walker          Ardle W. Snapp ❡                       Marion Skipper Zipf                         Fay Picardi ❡                    Sylvia Minnix Shepherd                        Lynda McGraw Martin ❡                       Pauline Correll Roush ❦✤
Christine Greene Thompson ❖❦     Martha Noss Whitis ❖❡❦✤         Franklin Delano Souther                                                            Ronald E. Reed, USAF Ret. ❦      Diane Robertson Sheppard ❖❦                   Dr. Celia Hooper Miles                      Leah Lee Schneider ❡
Renee Dow Toy ❡❦                 Avis Joanne Williams ❖          Elizabeth Guffey Summers ❡             CLASS OF 1960                               Joseph W. Richen ✤               Edward Shull ❡❦                               Cora Boone Payne ❖❡❦                        Dr. Scott B. Scutchfield ❦
Donald R. White ❡                Robert Henry Wolfe ❡❦           Roy N. Walters, Jr. ❖                    Contributors: 59                          Linville C. Robinson, Ph.D. ❡❦   Shirley Unthank Smith                         Royce Lee Pennington ❖                      Patricia Baber Sergent ❦
Dr. Harry Ruff White ❦                                           Agnes Kulungian Woolsey ❡                Berea Fund: $27,008                       Margaret DeHart Simmons ❡        Hazel Tallent Stangis                         Edy Cook Price ❖❡❦                          Betty Sutton Spiggle ❖❦
Jean Musser White ❡              CLASS OF 1958                   Glenn David Wooters ❦                     Total Funds: $76,008                     Faye Adams Turner ❦              Patricia Burd Stiegler ❡❦                     Flay Spencer Price ❖❡❦                      Dr. D. Jack Tate ❡❦
Dr. Peter R. Whitis ❖❡❦✤          Contributors: 59               Joanne Brockman Wooters ❦                Summer Reunion Chair: John Cook           Lucille Rakes Wells              James H. Turner ❖                             Mary Lou Crigger Reed ❦                     Nancy G. Varney
Dr. Connie Willard Williams ❡❦    Berea Fund: $108,043           Betty Jones Zeller ❖❡❦                   Reunion Giving Chair: Mrs. Evelyn Hance   Barbara Baker White ❖            Treva I. Turner                               Dr. James Michael Riemann ❖❡❦               Ronald P. Woodson ❡❦
Sadie Stines York                 Total Funds: $135,971                                                 Ruby Roten Absher ❖                         Susan Hall Williams ❡            Eva McClelland Walter                         Dr. Linda Stewart Rivers ❖❦                 Johnny Grant Wykle ❦
                                 Anna Collins Abrams ❡❦          CLASS OF 1959                          Rose Lee An                                 Carol Burr Woods                 Shirley Gregory Ward ❡                        Charles R. Sanford, Jr. ❡❦                  Kate Austin Wynn
CLASS OF 1957                    Marcella Webb Akers              Contributors: 46                      Royce H. Bailey                             Elizabeth Peterson Wright ❡❦✤    Bobby Eugene Wood ❦                           Linda Seneker Sanford ❡❦                    Robert T. Yahng ❡❦✤
 Contributors: 50                Margaret Boyd Atkins ❖❡❦✤        Berea Fund: $20,590                   Noyce Snow Bischoff ❖❦                                                                                                     Paul M. Sipple ❡
 Berea Fund: $85,179             Marion F. Atkinson ❡             Total Funds: $57,710                  Gayle Cooper Bosma ❡                        CLASS OF 1961                    CLASS OF 1962                                 Sylvia Tyree Smith                          CLASS OF 1964
 Total Funds: $157,433           Suzanne Hile Atkinson ❡         Jack Algon Allen ❡❦                    Sandra Conover Branam ❡❦                     Contributors: 51                 Contributors: 68                             Wayne H. Standifer ❖❡❦                        Contributors: 62
Dr. Emel L. Atkins ❖❡❦✤          Dr. Frances Gabbard Baird ❡❦    Matt B. Benningfield, Jr.              Joseph Franklin Brodrick, III ❡❦             Berea Fund: $29,725              Berea Fund: $27,030                          Robert Arthur Stewart ❡❦                      Berea Fund: $88,975
Kathleen Gibson Bailey ❡❦        Dr. Wallace Baird ❡❦            Dr. Bill F. Best                       Dr. Lloyd M. Browning ❦                      Total Funds: $59,111             Total Funds: $91,691                         Carolyn Farley Stultz ❡❦                      Total Funds: $2,138,298
Donald C. Baucom ❡❦              Marguerite Dyer Bertram         Dan P. Blalock, Jr. ❦                  Dr. Robert N. Compton ❦✤                    Laura Zimmerman Abramson         Kathryn Whitaker Alford ❦                     James R. Terry ❖❡❦                          L. Belle Sexton Altice ❡
Harold Gene Blackburn ❖❡❦        Juanita Rice Blodgett ❡         Dr. Harold F. Branam ❡❦                Winifred Peace Compton ❦                    Maxine Harrison Aldredge ❡       Julie Erdman Atkinson ❦                       Earl S. Trent ❖                             Dr. Barton Scofield Baker ❡❦
Dr. Jack C. Blanton ❦            Basil Borders ❖❡❦               Dr. Ruth W. Burgin                     Vernon Conley                               Anna Thorn Alt                   Ronnie C. Atkinson ❦                          Geraldine Edwards Underwood ❖               Velma Dixon Baldock ❖
Dr. Carroll Ray Bostic           Don R. Buchanan                 Ophelia Weaver Burton ❡❦               John Cook ❡❦                                Ruth Napier Bailey ❡❦            Nancy Norman Austin                           Everette L. Varney                          June Mullins Begley ❖❦
Carrie Holcomb Bottenfield ❡❦    Dr. James S. Burton ❡❦          Louann Parrish Casper                  Arvil Crase                                 Jack H. Blair ❡                  Billy Ray Banks ❡❦                            Dr. John David Walker ❡❦                    Leo Begley ✤
Sammy Ray Bryant ❡❦              F. Howard Campbell, III         Joyce Collins Clarke                   Violet Kisamore Crase                       Larry Blondell ❡                 O. Jack Barrier ❡❦                            James Edward Wilder ❡❦                      Dr. Nancy Hammonds Belcher ❡❦
Paul Roy Claiborne ❡❦            Phyllis Cody Campbell           Marianna Smith Conley                  Patricia Collier Daner ❖                    Marcella Chambers Browning ❦     Dr. Valerie Bauhofer ❡                        George Osborne Wilson, Jr. ❡❦               Willa Peters Benning ❡❦
Donald Clarke                    Richard Darrel Campbell ❖❡❦✤    Pat Pruitt Dash ❡❦                     Ray H. Dash ❡❦                              E. Gene Bundy                    Anna Stewart Beckley ❡❦                       Kathryn Ross Wright ❡❦                      Joyce Thompson Bergen
Ann Walker Collins ❦             Anita Oganecu Casey             Dr. Robert Hedley Dowdy                Elizabeth Tester Davis ❡❦                   Ruby Hampton Bundy               Ollie Williams Belcher ❡❦                     Joel Young ❡                                Rebecca J. Lee Bocskey
JoAnne Collier Davidson          Dr. James Edward Colvard ❡❦     Kent Kelly Felty ❡                     Claude Wallace Derting ❡❦                   Betty Carter Cain ❡              Richard Ray Bellando ❡❦                       Gary G. Zachary                             Doris A. Brooks
Wilma Audrey Dick                Joy Alexander Colvard ❡❦        Johnny Franklin ❖                      Helena R. Derting ❡❦                        Nina Crabtree Cornett ❖❡❦✤       Otis Costello Benning ❡❦                                                                  Ruth Carhart Buterbaugh ❡
Kay Reita Dickson                Janet Miller Derting ❦          Joyce Duncan Franklin ❖                Annette Collins Dowdy                       Elizabeth Rose Cunningham ❡❦     Dr. Carl H. Boatright ❡❦                      CLASS OF 1963                               Joyce Bach Carpenter ❡
Jo An Howard Gaines ❦            Mannon Blevins Eldreth          Dr. Robert Lee Gillespie ❖❡❦           Shelby Cave Edwards ❡                       Dr. Chella David ❖✤              Peggy Wilkerson Boatright ❡❦                    Contributors: 41                          Sharon Carrington Caston ❦
Gwynne Norman Griffith           Dr. George G. Ellis             Shirley Reed Goossen ❖✤                Dr. Thomas L. Edwards ❡                     Rev. Vance P. Davis, Ph.D. ❖❡❦   Dr. John D. Bradley ❖                           Berea Fund: $79,658                       Carole Tuckwiller Clemo ❖❦
Kenneth D. Griffith              Jewell Lee Cardwell Field       Wesley Lowell Harris ❡❦                Joyce McEntire Ellis                        Veda Webb Davis ❦                Nellie Kindle Brodrick ❡❦                       Total Funds: $2,317,803                   Jacqueline Levi Cope ❡❦
Sarah Kincer Hagen ❖             David L. Gillenwater ❖❡❦        Cecil Edward Hatfield                  Fred T. Elswick ❖❡                          Beverly Smith Dean ❡❦            Anna Davidson Burton ❡                        Jean Howard Barrier ❡❦                      Zilpha K. Cornett
Hope Rae Hamilton                Penman R. Gilliam ❖             Sue Troutman Henry                     John William Evans ❡                        Keith Alan Devault               Dr. James L. Campbell                         Dr. Parker Ray Blevins ❡❦                   Elizabeth Culbreth ❖❡❦✤
Betty Jean Gasaway Hartsell ❖✤   Carol Roach Gray ❡❦             Loretta Bishop Hicks ❡                 Elva McCullough Fisher ❡                    Carolyn Messenger Dunford ❡      Billie Jo Bates Caudill ❦                     Rodney C. Bussey ❡                          W. Clyde Draughn ❡
Donald F. Hawkins                Dr. Herbert W. Grubb ❡❦         Clyde R. Hopkins ❡❦                    Barbara Owenby Gaffney ❦                    Violet Johnson Farmer            Hazel Williams Chappell ❦                     Dr. Helen B. Byrd ❡                         Linda Finley Elledge ❡❦
Dr. Miles O. Hayes ❡❦✤           Betty Lou Hollifield Hall ❡❦✤   Norma Salisbury LeDe ❖❦                Wayne A. Geiss ❦                            Jo Thompson Felty ❡              Carl E. Clark ❡❦✤                             Mabel Lim Chang ❡❦                          Carole T. Fiske ❦
Carleen Hemric                   Mary Roberts Harrell ❡          Rev. Reginald Martin ❖❡                Harry W. George, Jr.                        Joyce Barnes Fields ❡❦✤          Milinda Byrd Compton ❦✤                       Dr. Philip W. Conn                          Marjorie Molineu Gautieri
Dr. James Gordon Henry           Angie Scerbo Heiman ❡❦          Reba Salyers McClanan ❦                Carol Schroedel Gillilan ❡❦✤                Truman Ray Fields ❡❦✤            Becky Henderson Cook ❡❦                       E. Ray Cope ❡❦                              Helen Campbell Graves ❡
June Davis Hicks ❖❡❦             Rosalie Reyes Helm              Iris Cole Miracle ❦                    Violett Cheek Givens                        Lowell A. Hamilton ❡❦✤           Laura A. Crawford ❡❦                          Donald L. Davis                             Delphia Rawlings Hampton
Vera McKinney Hyman ✤            Betty Gene Hensley Hibbard ❡    Margaret Williams Nevels ❡             Klena Conley Godbey ❡                       Madge Maupin Haney ❡             Veer E. Devalal                               Joel C. Detchon                             Rachel Berry Henkle
Margaret Landis LaMere ❖         John Holbrook                   Ralph W. Nevels ❡                      Maurice A. Godsey ❦                         Faye Robertson Hensley ❡         Rhonda Watson Duvall                          Wilma Hylton Dippery ❡❦✤                    Larry R. Henson ❖❡❦✤
Shirley Willard Leach ❖          Pauline Shepherd Holsapple ❖    Dr. Charles Geissinger Noss ❦          Dr. Norma J. Baker Gordon ❡❦                James B. Hickman ❦               Dr. Barry W. Elledge ❡❦                       Dr. Wanda L. Dodson ❖❡❦✤                    Danny Clark Hill ❡❦
Carolyn Skeen Ledford ❡          Wesley Franklin Holsapple ❖     Ellen Stubblefield Parrett             Vernon W. Gordon ❡❦                         Howard K. Hicks ❖❡❦              Carl C. Evans ✤                               Virginia Baber Draughn ❡                    Nancy Hicks Hines ❦
Alma Shrewsberry Lusk ❡          Dr. M. Ali Isani ❡              Sharlett Gullett Peercy ❡❦             Gene R. Graves                              Loren Wight Kramer ❡             Rose Mary Evans ❖                             Jonnell Webb Elswick ❖❡                     Gerald Peter Hopper ❡
Dr. James Edsel Marion ❖❡❦       Arthur D. Jones ❡❦              Dr. Alice Chung Phillips ❖❡❦           Uneva Blakely Graves                        Charlotte Crummett Kuykendall    Mary Lu Carhart George                        Lois Lewis Esham ❦                          Dr. Bobby A. Howell ❦✤
Roy Heyward McCall, Jr.          Robert Peyton Judd ❦✤           Mary Elizabeth Powell ❖❡               John David Greene ❡❦                        Marty McCall Lemke ❖❦            Rodney B. Graves ❡                            Charles Noel Fiske ❦                        Larry W. Hudson
Faye Bennett Morris ❡❦           Judy Hacker Kirby ❖             Fay Means Purcell ❡❦                   Melva Upchurch Henninger                    Donald Maney, Jr. ❡❦             Forest L. Greenawalt ❡                        Janis Eckler Fox ❡❦                         Thomas Walker Jennings
R. Mason Morrison                James R. Masters ❖              Dr. James E. Purcell                   Julian Higgins ❖                            Cora Dawn Biddix Markford        Lois Forester Hall ❡❦                         Evelyn Brubaker Glasscock ❡❦                Etta Widener Kidwell
Wilgus Neace                     Rev. J. Oscar McCloud ❦         Georgia Bishop Rachelson ❡             Rebecca Cobb Isani ❡                        Felix McDaniel                   William Robert Hall ❡❦                        Phillip Haney ❡                             Dr. Roger D. Kline ❡❦

10         BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                          PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20                                11
BEREA COLLEGE HONOR ROLL OF GIVING                                                               ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)        ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)                                        ✤ Lifetime Giving Society ❡ Elizabeth Culbreth Society ❦ Annual Gift Club ❖ Great Commitments Society

CLASS OF 1964 (CONTINUED)         Nancy Brumley Crabtree             CLASS OF 1966                      Frances Nichols Rogers ❖         Catherine Wadsworth Roberts ❡❦            Dr. Freida Hopkins Outlaw ❦                  John K. Johnson                             CLASS OF 1970
Wilma J. Lawless                  Dr. Brad Crain ❖❡                   Contributors: 64                  Joe Allen Scardo ❖❡❦             Roberta Morrison Schofield                Nancy Sue Van Sant Palmer                    Peggy Sloan Kemp ❦                            Contributors: 89
Jean Mehaffey Leonard ❖           Mary Back Croucher ❡❦               Berea Fund: $46,427               Robert W. Schneider ❡            Helen Miller Sexton ❡                     Denver Parks ❡❦                              Linda Crawford Kenney ❡                       Berea Fund: $62,160
Loretta Sue Lindsey               Ann Peterson Duncan ❖❦✤             Total Funds: $58,591              Carol A. Selvey ❡❦               Sandra Hale Stewart ❡                     Helen Charles Pennington                     E. Ann Harris Kiviniemi                       Total Funds: $72,750
Myra Nanney Long ❡                Gerald B. Farmer                   M. Nan Baker                       Charles E. Shivel, Jr. ❡❦        Dr. David P. Wesley ❦                     Patrick A. Pfeifer ❡                         Ronald James Kiviniemi                        Summer Reunion Giving Chairs: Carolyn
Donald Howard Lovegrove ❡❦        Wade F. Faw ❦                      Dr. Larry K. Blair ❦               Sharon Lea Stumbo                Linda Wynkoop Whittington ❡❦              Ann Francisco Pinney ❡❦                      Roger Lacy ❡❦                                  Castle, Ronald Carl Dockery
Glenda Shortt Lovegrove ❡❦        Dr. Arnold R. Frazier ❡❦           Linda Wear Blair ❦                 Russ Donald Sword ❡              Charles W. Williams ❦                     Dr. Gary V. Prater ❡)                        Jacqueline Thomas Lipchinsky                  Summer Reunion Chair:
Jack R. Lykins ❡❦✤                Hugh B. Gabbard ❦                  Marilyn Gerbig Borchardt ❖         Iverson Louis Warinner ❖         Carolyn L. Wilson ❡❦                      Dr. E. Gary Raines ❡❦✤                       C. Frank Lovell                                Christine Roelker Conley,
Jannelle Ledbetter Martin         Elba Gillenwater, Jr.              Jean Hornbeck Boyce ❖❡❦            Gordie Ann McConkey White ❖❡❦✤   Helen J. Winkler ❡❦                       Elizabeth A. Rose                            Lois Johnson Lovell                            Dr. James W. Wolfe
Betty Ramey Nanney ❦              C. Luther Gochenour ❡              Dr. Robert Piper Boyce ❖❡❦         Anna Ludwig Wilson ❦             Susan Dutton Woythaler ❡❦                 Tommy J. Sammons ❡                           Jeffrey Lynn Lovins ❡❦                      Geraldine Whitlock Adkins
Clark W. Nanney, Jr. ❦            Bobby L. Hand                      Allene Fitzwater Bridges ❡❦                                                                                   Sharon Van Reenen Sharp                      Beverly Jones Madison                       Ronald E. Amburgey ❡
Betty Jane Nelson ❡❦              Norma Galyean Hand                 Audrey Berry Bryant ❡              CLASS OF 1967                    CLASS OF 1968                             Sandra Gilley Shivel ❡❦                      Paul Hamilton Maymon, Jr. ❖                 James R. Arnett, Jr. ❦
Dr. David Nickel ❡❦               Paulette Alexander Harder ❡❦       Helen Adams Bussey ❡                Contributors: 57                  Contributors: 69                        Connie Spencer-Ackerman ❖❡                   Erma Chestnut McKinney                      Ann Holliday Asbury
Noah E. Perry ❦                   Jo Anna McClelland Hardin ❦        Dr. Wallace Campbell ❡❦             Berea Fund: $29,942               Berea Fund: $41,320                     Don R. Stacy                                 Maj. H. Wallace Meadors ❦                   Betty Ruth Ball ❡❦
David G. Phillips ❡               Thomas G. Hartsog ❡                Bonnie Riddle Carriker ❡❦           Total Funds: $48,930              Total Funds: $237,399                   Vera Napier Stacy                            Wanda Patton Meadors ❦                      Dr. V. Eldon Ball ❡❦
Joy Ritchie Powers ❦              Ellen Carpenter Hellard ❡❦         Catherine Castle ❖❡                Reba Frances Earley Austin       Barbara Thompson Asher                    Richard Wayne Sutherlin ❡                    Billy C. Melton ❖❡❦                         Judy Brown Barr ❦
Raymond B. Reneau, Jr. ❡❦         Charles M. Hollitt ❡❦              Dr. Alfred L. Cobbs ❖❡❦            C. Ray Barrier ❡                 Yvonne Ballew Beasley                     Thomas R. Watts ❖❡❦                          John M. Messer ❦                            Dr. Charlotte Faye Beason ❖❡❦✤
Jenny Whiteaker Richenburg ❦      Dr. Donald W. Hudson ❡❦            Rebecca Clutter Connor ❡❦          Dr. Rodney Kent Bates ❖          Deborah Watts Bedwell                     Dr. Helen Hatley Webb                        Linda White Moore                           Thelma Moore Blair ❡
Jackie Ernest Roush ❦✤            Patricia Pope Hudson               Roger Lee Curry, Sr. ❡             Paula Bohn                       Jackie Gunkler Bingham ✤                  Yvonne Shifflett Williams ❦                  Mary Gillis Moore ❦                         John L. Buckles, Sr.
Geraldine Yeatts Scardo ❖❡❦       Jimmy Lou Jackson ❡                W. Kay Davidson ❡                  Carolyn Lois Keith Brazill ❡❦    Sue Baker Bowers ❖                                                                     Dr. Roy L. Moore ❦                          James E. Burgett ❦
Nancy P. Selvey ❡                 Roslea Johnston Johnson ❖❡❦        Dr. James Dean ❖❡❦✤                Richard Carlton ❡❦               James Glenn Branscome ❦✤                  CLASS OF 1969                                Voe Frances Hines Morris ❖❡❦                Teresa Hensley Burgett ❦
Clara Williams Smith ❖            Sylvia Phelps Jones                Dr. Delmar D. Dingus ❖             Dr. Charles Glyndon Click ❖      Delores Allen Carpenter                    Contributors: 89                            Dr. Patricia Graham Murphree                Rebecca Henson Byford ❡❦
Willard P. Smith ❡❦               Avanelle Kidwell                   Loretta Elledge-Lockett ❡❦         Karon McGuire Click ❖            Richard Wayne Collier                      Berea Fund: $64,934                         Dr. Betty Hyatt Olinger ❡❦                  Carolyn Castle ❦
Laurie Dod Speer ❦                Nancy Wallace Kinder ❡             Patricia Cooper England ❡❦         Chester R. Cole ❦                Marble Delphine Saylor Deaton ❦            Total Funds: $109,849                       David Y. Olinger, Jr. ❡❦                    Ramona Rowe Charles
Donna Posey Trent ❖               Mary Workman Manning ❡❦            Russell H. England ❡❦              Brenda Baldwin Colley ❦          Laura Johnson Dorrer ❖                    Cary Neil Adkins                             Guy Lawrence Olinger ❖❡❦                    Hon. William B. Churchill
Jane Robinson Davis Walters       Anna Barger Matthews ❡❦            Glenna Roberson Farnsworth ❡       Michael A. Colley ❦              Susan Lund Duffee ❡                       Dr. Mark Alley ❡❦                            Sharon F. Parsons                           Joseph L. Cochran ❦
Dr. Alma Watson ❡                 Dr. Joseph A. McKinney ❡           Edna Boggs Faw ❦                   Alma Phillips Collins ❡          Diann Lovett Duvall                       Linda Helleson Appanaitis ❡                  Susan Kiteck Pfeifer ❡                      Lucky Jones Collins ❖
Doralene Brummett Webb ❡          Dr. Zarin R. Mody ❡                Dr. John E. Fleming ❡❦             Alice Gibson Crase ❡❦            James E. Farris ❡❦                        John Daniel Atkinson                         Edward F. Powell                            Dr. Judith Sherrow Conde ❡
Dr. Larry E. West ❡❦              Dr. C. Bruce Myers                 Dyanne Morrell Frazier ❡❦          Dr. Charles E. Crase ❡❦          Carolyn Jackson Ferguson ❖❡❦✤             Charles G. Baldwin                           Peggy Hurt Powell                           Christine Roelker Conley
Suzanne Gibbs West ❡❦             Dr. P. David Nelson ❡❦             Ronald L. Golliday ❡               Russell Damron, Jr. ❡            Dr. James E. Ferguson ❖❡❦✤                Patricia Woodward Barrier ❡                  Patsy Chadwell Puterbaugh                   William Larry Counts
Donald White                      Rebecca Plaster Nelson ❡❦          Martha Ulm Hill ❡❦                 Laura McIntosh Deck ❦            Dr. Barbara Durr Fleming ❡❦               Joyce Spears Beets ❡                         Janice Hill Reid ❡❦                         Dr. Charles Douglas Crowe ❡❦
Joyce Tolliver Wilson             Dr. Jennie Tallent Nickel ❡❦       Sandra Patricia Hill ❡             J. Gary Ferrebee ❡❦              Jean Wilson Giambri ❦                     Gwen Meadows Blackmer ❡❦                     Fredrick Arledge Rivers                     Ronald Carl Dockery ❡
Helen Hayes Wykle ❦               Catherine E. Orton ❡❦              Dr. Floyd J. Hines ❦               C. Monroe Forman ❡               Betty Williams Green ❡                    Anthony L. Blair ❡❦                          Dr. Dennis Russell Roop ❡❦✤                 Joe Dwight Elswick ❡
                                  Ellery Allen Owens ❡❦              Dr. Don Richard Hirschman ❖❡❦✤     Judy Ann Coates Fray ❖❦          Geraldine Bennett Grossman ❡❦             Wayne Reece Boles ❡❦                         Willie Sanders ❖                            George Thaddeus Fain, Jr. ❖
CLASS OF 1965                     Judge Thomas W. Phillips ❡❦✤       Dr. Shirley Ann Holt/Hale ❡        Ellen Leonard Freck ❖❡❦          Dr. Laurence William Grossman ❡❦          Donna Tremaine Bonner ❡                      Dr. David Eugene Shelton ❦✤                 Dr. John R. Frazier ❦
 Contributors: 78                 Marilyn Kindel Powell ❡❦           Phyllis Campbell Hughes ❡❦         Carol Gilliam ❡❦                 Betty Jean Hall ❡❦                        Jane Shivel Campbell ❡❦                      Cdr. Daniel D. Siedschlag ❦                 Patricia Peters Frazier ❦
 Berea Fund: $54,079              Susan Rockwell Price ❡❦            Judy Hensley Hulvey ❡❦             Betty Pettit Gochenour ❡         Joyce Howard Hardy ❡                      David R. Choate ❖                            Jo Ann Marshall Smith ❦                     Gary H. Fricks ❡
 Total Funds: $85,095             David Lee Reber ❦                  Jo Neuber Jenson                   Jeanne Rae Moran Gourley ❡❦      Frederick L. Hatcher ❡                    Christine Conway Collier                     Linda Moss Snyder                           James M. Greene
 Summer Reunion Chair:            Barbara Cranford Rhymes            Howard Leroy Johnson ❡             Rick Van Gunter ❦                Cheri LeMaster Hendrickson                John E. Combs ❖                              Joseph M. Sowder ❦                          Hannah Spurlock Guinn ❡
  Dr. Jimmy W. Viers              Gloria Hyder Richards ❡❦           Dr. Paul E. Lewis ❦                Janice Stephenson Hamilton       Patricia Tipton Hepler                    Betty Miller Counts                          Pamela Thompson Sowder ❦                    Brian E. Hall ❖❡❦✤
Rita Davis Bales ❡                Cyrus B. Richardson, Jr. ❦         Benjamin R. Martin                 Betty Seneker Heiney ❦           Saundra Hillman ❦                         Linda Alder Crane ❦                          C. Tony Spears ❦                            Dr. Jerry W. Hardin ❦
Gracia Chin Barry ❡❦              Dr. Danny R. Robinette ❖           H. Thomas McClure ❖❦               Linda Waters Hershberger ❡❦      Dr. Jo Ann Chappelear Himaya              Dr. Mary Mills Dalton ❖                      Charles Marion Stines                       Norman Carl Hartsog ❡
Dr. Charles D. Bennett, Jr. ❡❦    James R. Shaw ❡❦                   George Fish McKenzie, Jr.          Mickie Byford Hudson ❡❦          James Tildon Hodge ❡❦                     Philip N. Dalton                             Diane Charles Sutton ❡❦                     David Hershberger ❡❦
Robert B. Bingham                 William P. Singleton               Bruce McKinney ❡                   Carol Fletcher Hunter ❖❡❦✤       Linda Martin Hook ❖❡❦                     Dr. Donna Joyce Dean ❖❡❦✤                    Diana Adkins Taylor                         Judy Carol Horne Hicks ❡❦
Rev. Roy Birchard ❡❦              George A. Spiggle ❡❦               Dr. Judith Frances McLaughlin ❖    Dr. David Lee Hunter ❖❡❦✤        Lt. Col. Clyde Boyd Huskey, USAF Ret. ❦   Elizabeth Swan Duncan ❡❦                     Saundra Carter Toussaint ❡                  Nina Jean Looney Hill ❡❦
David Lee Blue ❡❦                 Nancy Forsyth Spiggle ❡❦           Joyce Barnes Mirgle                Mary Caponite Hurley ❖❡❦         Mary Ann Moser Johnstone ❡                James Faulkner Durham                        Marie L. Tychonievich ❡❦                    Raymond Thomas Hill ❡❦
Denny N. Bonner ❡                 Erma Foster Sword ❡                Parker Montgomery                  Thomas Walter Hutchens ✤         Sandra Fredericks Johnstone, RN ❡❦        Ila Robinson Farris ❖❡❦                      Earl L. Varney, Jr.                         Gary Glen Hilton ❡❦
Pam Simmons Brashear ❦            Mary Joann Tanzer                  Edgar G. Moody ❖                   Dr. Flora Hsu Johnson ❡❦         Margaret Jones Kemp ❦                     Dr. R. Louise Floyd ❖❦                       Janice Gross Varney                         Patricia Hall Hinegardner
Dr. Edward T. Bridges ❡❦          Sue Ellen Shelton Tate ❡❦          Shirley Golladay Moyers ❡          Sandra Walker Kurtz ❡❦           Eddie Kennedy                             Bruce R. Garrison                            Anita Martin Wexler                         Annette Hobbs ❖
Harold Lee Brown                  Patsy Dills Tracy ❖                Charles E. Mullins                 Boon T. Lee ❡                    James Kenney ❡                            Dr. Carolyn David Garrison                   Sue White ❡                                 Betsy Hodges ❦
Lorene Boyd Brown                 Doris Enix Vargo ❖❦                Dr. Rita Howard Mullins            Helen LeMay Monk ❦               Glen F. Kirk ❡                            Kenneth Carl Gilbert ❡❦                      Dr. Larry Allen Widner ❖✤                   Bob Hodges ❦
Eugenia Davis Bryant ❦            Dr. Jimmy W. Viers ❦               Donnie R. Murray ❡❦                Charles E. Morgan ❡              Malcolm Edward Kitchen                    Peggy Sisson Gilbert ❡❦                      Hubert D. Wilson                            Linda Shue Hoffman ❦
Sue Witten Butler ❖❦              Virginia ‘Ginny’ McDavid Viers ❦   Alice Anne Noss ❦                  Jean Burgett Morgan ❡            Dr. Juanita Smith Lee ❖❡❦                 Sandi Gilley ❦                                                                           Bruce I. Hovey ❡❦
Rev. James E. Carriker ❡❦         Linda Dunn Wagers ❡                Kenneth M. Palmer                  Jewell Miller Morgan ❡❦          Vicki McKenzie Lovins ❡❦                  Jack F. Goodman ❦                                                                        Thomas Hutchins ❡❦
June Cleek Chard ❖                T. Sammie Wakefield ❡              Douglas Parsons                    Geraldine Webb Olin ❦            Jerry Mitchel Lyall                       Joanne Smith Graves ❡                                                                    Jenny Lovedahl Johnson ❖
Dr. Marisa Yuen Chuang, Ph.D. ❦   R. Elton White ❖❡❦✤                Harriet Smargian Parsons           Donna Dempsey Petras             Maggie Jordan McKinney ❡                  Dr. Joyce Wooten Hamberg                                                                 Dr. Helen Arleen Johnson ❦
Dr. Faye Collett-Sutton ❖❦        Stephen E. Wilson ❦                Lucy Ann Peters Pederson ❡         Robert L. Pinney ❡❦              Capt. Henry E. Montgomery, Jr.            Deana Randall Hazelwood                                                                  Dr. John M. Johnstone ❡❦
Frances Gasperson Collette ❡      V. Veree Thompson                  Linda Chaffin Plunkett ❡           James Robert Porter              Susan Jane Moore ❖❡❦                      Mary Cribbs Heck ❡❦                                                                      Dorothy Logan Lewis ❡
William R. Conley                     Woodbridge ❖❡❦                 Linda Wilson Porter                Dr. Janet Thompson Reagan ❡❦     David Henan Nutter ❡❦                     Frank Vernon Hicks ❡❦                                                                    Rebecca Hollen Lewis ❦
Frank J. Cornett                                                     Mim Pride ❡❦                       Dr. Linda Wallace Reece ❦        James W. Oiler                            Howard G. Hill, Jr. ❦                                                                    Brenda Ernst Lilly ❦
Jerry J. Cox ❖                                                       James E. Ripley ❦✤                 Lula Ann Reynolds ❦              Walter John Olin, Jr. ❦                   Donna Calmes Hubbard                                                                     Fred T. Marcengill ❡
Larry D. Crabtree                                                    Padi McKain Ripley ❦✤              Doug Riffey, Jr. ❦               Kathleen Wiggins Ornelas ❦                Catherine Stewart Johnson                                                                Dr. Janet L. McDaniel ❡❦

12         BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                       PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20                                13
BEREA COLLEGE HONOR ROLL OF GIVING                                                                        ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)               ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR (continued)                              ✤ Lifetime Giving Society ❡ Elizabeth Culbreth Society ❦ Annual Gift Club ❖ Great Commitments Society

CLASS OF 1970 (CONTINUED)        Dr. W. Leon Hisle, Jr. ❡                  CLASS OF 1973                          Linda Lambert Gaddie                   Joanne Strano-Smith                Randy Carlson Dinsmore ❡                  CLASS OF 1979                               Norma Proctor Kennedy
Sally Robinson McEnroe           Jane Miller Hutchens ✤                     Contributors: 40                      R. Gregory Hart ❖                      Dr. Howard Martin Strickler ❦      Dr. Susan Price Dodd                        Contributors: 34                          Dr. Laura Anne Porter Kimble
Dr. Carolyn McMurray McPherson   The Rev. Dr. Linda Catherine Johnson ❡❦    Berea Fund: $17,225                   Regina Poynter Hoskins ❖               Dawn Spurlock Tello ❡❦             Deborah Noble Edwards ❦                     Berea Fund: $13,719                       Barry Alan McKenzie
Margaret Knapp Messer ❦          Leonard William Marr                       Total Funds: $35,495                  Dr. William H. Johnstone ❡❦✤           Rev. Dr. Camille Williams-Neal ❡   Jody Howson Epperson ❡                      Total Funds: $31,285                      Patricia Flynn McKenzie
Linda Johnson Monk ❡             Kazuko Matsumoto ❖                        John Abasiekong                        Dr. Esfandiar Lohrasbpour ❡❦✤          Larry K. Woods ❡❦                  Dr. J. Mark Estepp ❖❡❦                    Clark L. Allison ❡❦                         Fredrick L. McQueen
Dr. Sandra Dotson Moss ❦         James Carlton Monk ❡                      Elaine Dezora Wormley Allen ❦          Darrell Lee Mahone                                                        Patricia Campbell Estepp ❖❡❦              Vicki Elaine Allums ❖❦                      Peggy Neeley McQueen
Gary Russell Mullins ❡❦          Robert Callebs Montgomery                 C. Wayne Barber ❡                      Dr. Robert Darrell Miller ❦            CLASS OF 1976                      Dr. Sumit Kumar Ganguly ❡❦                Cynthia Marie Artist                        Edward Lee Nichols
Paula Stern Mullins ❡❦           M. Willene Moore                          Andrew Lewis Baskin ❡❦                 Dennis R. Moffitt ❖❦                    Contributors: 36                  Regina A. Gilbert ❖                       Amy Rose Bloomfield                         Vicki Rickolt Nichols
Shirley Snider Mustard ❖❡        Dr. Pamela Vickers Moore ❦                Beverly Barclay Bell ❡❦✤               Rev. George Thomas Mustard ❖❡           Berea Fund: $11,929               Jerome F. Grant ❦                         Caren Lynn Caton ❡❦                         Laura L. Parsons ❦
Robin P. Neal                    Dr. Morris David Moss ❦                   Patricia Ann Bias                      Janice Yearout Patton ❡❦                Total Funds: $13,115              Anna Leavell Harrison                     Harold Wade Cox                             Randall Commodore Reynolds ❡❦
Virginia Angell Nutter ❡❦        Linda Pratt Orr                           Paula Meade Blackburn ❡                Michael S. Patton ❡❦                   Linda Gassett Allen ❦              Katherine Beckman Hawks ❖❡                Gerald Evans                                Sarah Peters Reynolds ❡❦
Donna Taylor Oliver ❦            Wm. Paul Phillips ❡                       Sheila Smith Burks ❦                   Mary Hampton Phillippe ❡               Betty Lou McCreary Alspaugh ❡❦     Robert F. Hawks ❖❡                        A. Wade Francis ✤                           Larrey W. Riddle ❖❡❦
Kenneth Wayne Oliver ❦           Teresa Combs Reed ❡                       Virgil Burnside, Jr. ❡❦                Lois Groce Porter                      Colleen Ambrose                    Jewrette Y. Johnson ❖                     Brenda Colvin Griffin                       Mark R. Smith ❖
Katharine Freeman Parker ❡       Paul C. Siedschlag ❦                      K. Darrell Cantrell ❡                  York William Porter, III               Paul David Atkinson                Dr. Ed Kellough ❦                         Dr. Anthony C. Hackney ❖❡❦                  Deborah Byrd Thomas ❡❦
George Peters, III               Ann Wyatt Singleton                       Wanda Dixon Capelle ❡                  Loretta Kirby Powell                   Martha Elizabeth Austin ❡          Monica Satkowski Laramee ❖❡❦              Grant Lee Hafley ❡                          Susan Curtis Vaughn
Larry D. Pigman ❡                Mary Ann Daniel Singleton ❖❡❦             Charles E. Carpenter ❡                 Leatha Couch Quinlan ❦                 Denise Canty Bentley               George Burton Reed, III ❡❦                Vallorie Henderson                          Diane Artist Wallace ❖❡❦✤
Ronald S. Reed ❡                 Pamela Corley Slowkowski ❖                Rebecca Blake Carter ❡                 Teresa Hall Snavely ❡                  Christa Wong Bingham               Susan Bowles Reemelin ❡❦                  Cynthia Hairston Hicks ❦                    Dr. Richard Wanninkhof ❡❦
Betty Hollandsworth Roop ❡❦✤     Manfred Smith ❡❦                          Raymond Caudill ❡❦                     John Stephen Sparkman ❖❡❦              Gorden Bingham                     Robin Bobbitt Rice                        Johnny Horton                               Herbert D. Wilburn
James L. Rousey, Jr. ❦           Candice Shelton Strickler ❡❦              Willa Gaye Chaney ❦                    Thomas Jerry Surber ❦                  Mark F. Boes ❖                     Jo Bumgardner Salmon ❦                    Sue Jennings Johns                          Susie Morgan Wilburn ❖
Ann Seffens ❡                    Dennis J. Strickler ❡❦                    William Thomas Cochran ❡❦              Genenne Wilson ❖                       Marcia Phillips Cantrell ❡         Rev. Rita Ellen White ❖                   Beverly Russell Kellough ❦                  Shane W. Woodson ❖
Donnie R. Singleton ❖❡❦          Vaden R. Tabor, Jr. ❡                     Betty Smith Coffey, Ph.D. ❦            Brenda Wong-Uratani ❡                  Roy Kin-Fai Chan, CPA, ❦           Eddie K. Au Yeung ❡❦                      Lois Kimberly ❖❦
Edward Dean Smith                Diana G. Taylor                           Sharon Wesley Edwards ❦                                                       Kin Wah Chau ❦                                                               Dr. Joseph Leon Korn ❦                      CLASS OF 1981
John M. Smith ❡❦                 Dennis Ray Tolliver                       Jay Fields ❡❦                          CLASS OF 1975                          Laura Ramsay Compton ❦             CLASS OF 1978                             Brenda Williams Lane ❦                        Contributors: 23
Judy Gail Kennedy Smith ❡                                                  Dr. Jerry Walter Froelich               Contributors: 36                      Dr. Ralph E. Compton ❦              Contributors: 34                         Melinda Wilson McDonald                       Berea Fund: $4,905
Linda Looney Smith               CLASS OF 1972                             Rondall K. Garland ❡❦                   Berea Fund: $13,166                   Bill Daugherty, III ❦               Berea Fund: $13,550                      David Levi McFarland                          Total Funds: $8,775
Richard E. Smith                   Contributors: 32                        John Henry Gillette ❡❦                  Total Funds: $17,816                  Seth Dei                            Total Funds: $29,459                     Tessie Brown McNeely ❦                      Guy William Adams ❖❡❦
Dr. Ronald Dale Spangler           Berea Fund: $22,946                     Angeline M. Gilliam ❡                   Summer Reunion Chairs:                Kennett R. Ellis ❖                 John I. Alexander                         Dr. Jill Ann Neff ❖❡❦                       Terry L. Allebaugh ❡❦
Linda Harden Spears ❦              Total Funds: $41,417                    Delphina Hopkins Gillispie, Ph.D ❖❡❦     Anne Hylton Ramsay, Larry K. Woods   John William Fisher ❡              Sharon J. Alexander                       Jacob Evans Opoku                           Dr. Lynn Bivins Anderson
Diane Sandefur Stines            Mary McFee Alton ❡                        Dr. John Lee Grigsby ❡                 Nancy Hairston Abasiekong              David L. Hammonds                  Susan McGuffin Alexander                  Louise Mbarani Opoku                        Sue Ellen Aylstock ❖
Nancy Boothe Stringer ❖          Freda L. Ayers                            Robert J. Grossman                     James Thomas Arnold ❖❡                 Peggy Lou Harper ❡                 Larry Allen ❦                             Judy R. Rafson, RN, MPH, FNP-BC ❡           Patrick E. Ballinger ❡❦
Evelyn Combs Tolliver            Dr. Helen Hicks Baker ❖❦                  Jerry B. Hale ❖✤                       Kimberly Lu Bishop                     James O. Hicks ❦                   Phyllis Atkisson Allison ❡❦               Shawkat Rana                                Jo Cox ❡
Iris Kennedy Waade ❡             Ronald J. Black ❡                         Nancy Walker Hale ❖✤                   Charles Lee Bledsoe                    Timothy W. Jordan ❖❡               Robert E. Anderson, Jr.                   Sandra Blanton Reynolds ❖❡❦                 Beverly Clay Crabtree ❖❡
Charles Edward Ward ❦            Beverly F. Cook                           L. Thomas Horton ❖                     Stephen L. Boyce ❦                     Glenna Mae Justice                 Jearline Matney Bledsoe                   Garland M. Rice                             Beverly Queener Fouts ❡❦
David G. Williams ❡❦             Emma Fultz Cox ❡                          William Jack Hoskins ❖                 Frank Lynn Bush ❡❦                     Billy L. Lane ❦                    Dr. Pam Holmes Chabora                    Janet Hall Smith ❡                          Joan Jarrell Gould ❡
Nancy McCall Wilson ❡❦           Vicki Carter Cox ❖                        Ettie Cyfers Jaynes                    Janet Sue Fore ❡                       Patricia G. Lane ❡❦                Man Sung Co, Ph.D. ❡❦                     Richard W. Smith ❡                          Maroula Haralambidis ❡
Dr. James W. Wolfe ❡❦            Ronald Russell Deaver ❡                   Mary Claiborne Johnson ❡               Theresa Phillips Glore                 Ernestine White Love               Christopher Charles Crum                  Halima Mohidin Tiffany ❦                    Susie D. Hillard ❖
Kay Ramsey Wong                  Terry Dewayne Fields ❡                    Mike E. Johnson ❡                      Darrel Paul Griffin                    Mitchell Vaughn Massey             Susan MacMartin D’Amico                   R. Dale Toms ❖                              Susan Pross Kramer
                                 Nelva Fitzgerald                          Frank Johnstone ❖                      Janice Yeary Grigsby ❡                 Amy Johnson McGrath                Carlotta Duckett Dei                      Karen Thomas Troxler ❡❦                     Robert Frances Lee, Jr.
CLASS OF 1971                    Sue Fleshman ❡❦                           Wayne E. King ❡❦                       Marilyn Todd Grossman                  Karen Willian Miller ❦             June Delaney                              Julia Weatherford ❦                         Stephen Lee Lewis ❦
 Contributors: 43                Jane Adams Frazier ❡❦                     Elizabeth A. McCord, Esq. ❖            Dr. Allan Duane Halbert                Owen Dewitt Parker ❦               Michele Williams Deloach                                                              Sherry McCulley-Hall ❖❦
 Berea Fund: $12,760             Maribeth Yost Hays ❡                      Ann Austin Pannell ❡                   Edie Carroll Hart ❖                    Betty McCracken Poynter ❡❦         Loretta Young DeToma                      CLASS OF 1980                               Sandra Taulbee McFarland
 Total Funds: $16,260            Glenn R. Jennings ❖❡❦✤                    Linda VanWinkle Parsons                Steven Clark Harvey ❖                  George L. Quinlan ❦                Rev. Grace Griffith Hackney ❖❡❦             Contributors: 31                          Sarah Carper Morris ❦
Ms. S. J. Arthur                 Dr. Eugene Kelly ❖❡❦                      Beverly Stamper Peacock                Valerie Stewart Harvey ❖               Jane Wilson Ritter ❡               Jeffrey Price Hutton ❖                      Berea Fund: $9,905                        Valeria Dale Roberson ❡❦
Pamela Baker                     Billy E. Kerns ❡❦                         Pablo Anibal Tello ❡❦                  Elizabeth Hairston Hill                Mary Glover Robinson               Steven Leigh Jones ❦                        Total Funds: $31,485                      Kenny Eugene Walker
Irmgard Schneider Best           Arlene Kindel                             Stephen Randolph Tilson                Shirley Jean Hurt                      Eugenia Lynn Tanner                Esther Teresa Rule Kearns                   Summer Reunion Giving Chair:              Victoria Cunningham Walker
Nell Turner Black ❡              Lawerence W. King                         David Hull Tompkins ❡❦                 Brenda Smith Jackson                   Vicki Jo VanWinkle                 Mary Labus ❡                                 Deborah Byrd Thomas                      Chris Wallhausser
Margaret Ann Boyd                Andrew C. Lam                             Virginia Hubbard Underwood ❖           Timothy Lamont Jackson                 Brenda Weaver ❖                    Linggawatti Laoh ❦                          Summer Reunion Chairs:                    Lorena Rideout Wallhausser
John Carter Browning ❦✤          Jerry Lineberger ❖❡❦                      Shinsaku Uratani ❡                     Edith Carmelita James ❖                                                   Connie N. Manchester ❡                       J. Leon Davidson, Fredrick L. McQueen,   Tamela Presley Warren
Linda Holbrook Browning ❦✤       Nancy Moore Melton ❖❡❦                    Dr. Janet Marie White ❡❦               Brenda Starnes Johnstone ❡❦✤           CLASS OF 1977                      Thomas G. Miles ❦                            Peggy Neeley McQueen                     Mary Beth Sandone Au Yeung ❡❦
Corbett Wayne Byrd ❦             Earlene Hawks Prokopec ❖❦                 Dr. William Michael Yost ❦             Jan Averill Kilbourne                   Contributors: 29                  Ali Mohammadione ❡❦                       Claudia F. Altemus
Rita Hopkins Byrd                Pamela J. Baldwin Ray                                                            Tennant Yvonne Kirk ❡                   Berea Fund: $6,420                Dr. Dayna Cheesman Mohammadione ❡❦        Michael Bonhajo Carr                        CLASS OF 1982
Parke Carter ❡                   Dana Kilbourne Rousey                     CLASS OF 1974                          Caroline Floyd Kpaduwa ❡                Total Funds: $10,120              Ruth Anita Nissley ❦                      Dr. Donald W. Caudill ❖❡❦                     Contributors: 27
Dennis Wade Coffey, Ph.D. ❦      Brian K. Settle ❡❦                         Contributors: 26                      Mary Margaret McCoy Lutes ❡❦           Barry David Adler ❡                Rev. Arvil L. Pennington                  Jayna Cheesman                                Berea Fund: $9,822
William David Col ❡              David B. Sloan ❡❦                          Berea Fund: $18,173                   Wanda Cain Manhanke                    Terry J. Anderson                  Margaret O. Richardson                    Jackie Collier ❖❡❦                            Total Funds: $19,947
Julia Marie Collier              Claudette Schmidt Smith                    Total Funds: $20,991                  Stephanie Tetzloff McCoy               Bonita Baker-Sparks ❦              Carl James Thomas ❡❦                      Justine Conley                              Joan M. Aldrich
Larry Vernon Cornett ❡           June Chrisley Tompkins ❡❦                 Lonnie Bruce Ballinger                 Cheryl Thomas McKinney ❦               Kenneth A. Bradshaw                James Tuan ❡❦                             Rondal D. Crabtree ❡                        Kim Setzer Angermeier
Betty Ridings Dizney             Dr. Rocky S. Tuan ❦                       Patricia Burns Balmer                  Margaret Martini Mishra ❖              Carol A. Bryant ❖                  Anne Elizabeth Weinkam ❡❦                 Steve F. Fouts ❡❦                           Thomas J. Battershell
Gay Nell Duckett ❦               Lt. Col. Wilma Lee Turner ❖❦              Patsy Williams Boyce ❦                 Sherry Addington Parker ❦              Calvin Campbell                    Judge Bradley Wilson, II ❡❦✤              Jill Galbraith ❦                            Zonya Brock Battershell
James A. Duckett ❦               Elizabeth Pansy Waycaster, Ph.D. ❡        Sharon K. Brown                        Dr. Timothy Franklin Phillippe ❡       Betty Sneed Crisp ❡❦               Cora Lee Crandall Wise ❡                  Dr. D. Michael Graham                       Vance Edward Blade ❖❡❦
Scott Edward Fulton              Donna Carter Yost ❦                       Jackie Grisby Burnside ❡❦              Michael Wayne Ridenour                 Marvin Ray Crisp ❡❦                Sharon Kinser Woods ❡❦                    Veronica Trent Grant ❦                      Rhonda Campbell Brandenburg
Joyce Norris Greene, RN, BSN                                               Kathlene Patterson Cratin ❡            Michael Brian Robinson                 Brenda McCurry Crowe ❦             Paul Man-Him Yim ❦                        Amy Elizabeth Hollifield ❖                  Janet Carpenter Brockwell
Betty Haas-West                                                            Rodric Hunter Eslinger                 Dr. Merry Embree Stewart               Sandra Manuel Davis                                                          Linda Owens Jennings ❖❡❦✤                   Douglas E. Cantrell ❖

14         BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                             PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20                                15


                                                    DONOR PROFILES

      F   ounded from the beginning on the
          belief that God has made of one blood
      all peoples of the earth, Berea College
                                                    those of limited means. And as southern
                                                    abolitionists, they also risked their lives
                                                    as they sought to realize their vision.
      was a rare oasis of equal opportunity,        These foundational beliefs still ring true
      racial justice and community like no          today at Berea College and are the reason
      other place in the South. At a time when      so many of our generous donors faithfully
      slavery was still legal in Kentucky, when     support our mission. As you enjoy this
      it was illegal to educate enslaved people     report, please join us in celebrating our
      throughout the South, John and Matilda        donors and their commitment to the goal
      Fee dedicated their lives to ending that      of fostering kinship and to emphasizing
      evil institution. They also believed in the   understanding and equality among Blacks
      right of all persons to education, women      and whites as a foundation for building
      or men, Black or white and especially         community among all peoples of the earth.

                                                                                                                           Photo by Jay Buckner

16   BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                       PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20      17
THE TEST OF TIME                                                                                     BY TIM    JORDAN ’76

     C    harles Crowe’s first day at Berea
          College might have been his last.
     “As I was moving into my room, this
                                                white environment,” he explained. “I
                                                understood that if I competed, it might
                                                require doing my job like everyone
                                                                                           “It changes their lives,” Charles Crowe
                                                                                           added. “There’s a student there right
                                                                                           now who came from a very, what I’d
     white guy comes in and announces           else, but I could be successful.”          say, poor background but has just
     that he was my roommate, and that                                                     blossomed there. I think that there’s
     immediately changed the tone of            Success for Crowe included a 30-year       nothing more important than youth
     everything,” he recalled. “I told my       career with the U.S. Department of         development.”
     parents, ‘I’m not staying here.’”          Energy at Oak Ridge, Tenn. William
                                                Ramsey, Berea’s then dean of Labor,        That commitment to youth development—
     Growing up in an African American          had developed a training program for       at Berea College and in their community—
     community in Johnson City, Tenn.,          one of the nuclear facilities there, and   led Crowe and two of his friends to
     during the Jim Crow era, the prospect      Crowe had worked with Dean Ramsey          establish the Men of Tomorrow Foundation
     of sharing a room with someone so          at Berea.                                  for underprivileged youth in Oak Ridge.
     different unnerved Crowe. He was                                                      What began with a small group of African
     ready to leave—right then—and go           “The minute they saw on my résumé          American young men has expanded,
     home. His father sternly said, “No!”       that Dean Ramsey had been my               and 31 years later it serves a diverse
                                                supervisor, that was huge,” he recalled.   population including women, white
     His parents’ insistence that he stay at                                               people, Latinx people and others from
     Berea College turned him around.           Experiences like these changed             surrounding counties.
                                                Crowe’s life and led him to a lifelong
     “It forced me into a situation where I
     finally understood that we were all the
                                                commitment to the College. Not only
                                                has he received the Distinguished
                                                                                           Their foundation serves students in
                                                                                           grades six through 12 to develop a good     “It takes courage, and Berea has a
     same,” Crowe said. “That’s one of the      Alumnus Award and served on the            self-image, provide positive role models,
     things Berea students carry away that
     students [elsewhere] do not get. When
                                                Alumni Executive Council and as an
                                                alumni trustee for six years, he and his
                                                                                           emphasize academics, and encourage
                                                                                           career and cultural development.
                                                                                                                                       history of stepping out there. This
     you look at what’s going on today, you
     have to listen and learn and be open
                                                wife, Edwena, have chosen to support
                                                the College financially through regular
                                                                                           Successful participants receive a $1,000
                                                                                           scholarship to the school of their choice
                                                                                                                                       is not something new to Berea. To
     minded to actually bring cultures
     together. It takes courage, and Berea
                                                donations. They also have included
                                                Berea in their wills.
                                                                                           and a laptop computer.
                                                                                                                                       do the right thing is where Berea
     has a history of stepping out there.                                                  “We are quite proud of those kids,”
     This is not something new to Berea. To
     do the right thing is where Berea has
                                                “Giving to Berea, you know where
                                                your donations are going, and who and
                                                                                           Crowe said, noting that several
                                                                                           attended Berea and others organized
                                                                                                                                       has always stood tall.”
     always stood tall.”                        what they are supporting,” Edwena          satellite foundation chapters in areas
                                                Crowe said. “It’s that group of kids       across the U.S. “We’ve seen where they
     After graduating in 1970, Crowe            who, otherwise, might not have gotten      come from and what they’ve turned
     realized the value of what he gained       to go to college. There are kids we have   out to be.”
     at Berea. “I was not intimidated by        pointed in the direction of Berea.”
     being the only one (minority) in an all-
                                                                                                                                                                             Photo by Brittany Sidwell

18   BEREA COLLEGE MAGAZINE                                                                                                                            PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON PHILANTHROPY 2019-20        19
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