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Message from the President Dear Friends, 100 Purpose Road I hope this edition of Pippa’s Song finds you well Pippa Passes, Kentucky 41844 and blesses you as much as you have blessed us, Pippa’s Song is published for and I am pleased to share our Annual Report friends, alumni, and students of with you. A hundred years ago, Mrs. Alice Lloyd Alice Lloyd College. Third class sent letters to her friends across the country postage is paid at Pippa Passes, Kentucky. to ask for support in order to better equip the future leaders of Appalachia. Today we, as was Spring 2020 | Vol. LXXI No. 1 Mrs. Lloyd, are continually humbled to witness the generosity of our friends across the coun- Institutional Advancement Office try. Your support allows us to be the “light unto of Alice Lloyd College 100 Purpose Road the mountains” as we provide opportunities for Pippa Passes, Kentucky 41844 students at Alice Lloyd College and The June 606-368-6055 | www.alc.edu Buchanan School. Joe Alan Stepp Communication has always been a major focal President point of ALC. From Christian Forum to the Caney Crusaders, Mrs. Lloyd and Miss June motivated their students to think critically and voice their thoughts and opinions. We Robert M. Duncan continue to motivate the students today by providing opportunities such as the James Chairman, Board of Trustees V. Mongiardo Speech Competition and offering a new Communication Studies major to incoming students. Read more about the new major on page 2 as well as the 27th Jim Stepp Executive Vice President annual speech competition, which is made possible due to the generous support of the Mongiardo and DeFillips families, on page 4. Allison Southard Director of Development The traditions of Alice Lloyd College allow students to better appreciate where they have come from in order to provide them with a better purpose, goal, and vision for their Jennifer Hall future. One example of the impact ALC has on students is through ALC graduates Jon- Director of Marketing & athan and Brittany Lyons. They are serving our region with giving hearts along with the Communications; Editor skills they gained at ALC. As an elementary teacher, Brittany spreads an appreciation for the arts to young minds while Jonathan extends care to countless homes as a family Teresa Grender medical doctor. Read more of how our wonderful ALC alumni are utilizing the tools Director of Alumni Relations given to them by ALC to be servant leaders for the region on page 29. Russell Printing Options Recently, our nation has been hit by the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). However, the Printing pandemic is not the first national crisis that ALC has experienced. The 1918-1920 Span- Contributors: ish Flu Pandemic altered Mrs. Lloyd’s model community on Caney Creek by motivating Amanda Clark her to start Caney Junior College in 1923. During the influenza outbreak, Mrs. Lloyd Linda Eastland and Miss June saw the Appalachian community come together to help their neighbors in Priscilla A. Fraley any way possible; we are seeing the same selfless service today which encourages us to Natalie Gibson continue Mrs. Lloyd’s mission. Read more on page 3 where retired history professor Dr. Cindy Hall Stephen Wilson gives a brief overview about the Spanish Flu Pandemic on Caney Creek. Jolene Roberts Roy Salmons During the Coronavirus pandemic, ALC’s primary focus is to keep students, faculty, Margo Sparkman and staff safe while also ensuring that students can complete their semester and grad- Irma Stepp Mindy Thomas uating seniors can still earn their degrees. With many jobs and businesses temporarily Kala Thornsbury closing, low-income areas, such as Appalachia, are having a difficult time maintaining Stephen Wilson their quality of life due to reduced pay. Fortunately, ALC can continue to provide a light unto the mountains and persevere through trials such as these because of the ongoing Student Contributors: support of people like you. For that reason, we’ve dedicated this issue of Pippa’s Song to Callie Chaney you. As you read through the pages, you’ll realize that there are many others who share Jaden Hardin your passion for Alice Lloyd College. Mrs. Lloyd’s mission of one hundred years ago to Kim Lee educate the youth of Appalachia is able to stand against the test of time because of your Elena Mendez Caitlin Sartin support, and for that, we say thank you. Jerri Whitner 2020 Spring
ALC News –1 – 2020 Spring
Alice Lloyd College Announces New Communications Major COMM 320: Small Group Communication, and COMM 350: Communication Theory. Additionally, a few new theatre classes, including THEA 301: Theatre and Film Studies and THEA 380: Directing, will be offered. A benefit of the Communication Studies major is that it is versatile. Dr. Mullins elaborates on the perks of the program by saying regardless of the path pursued, “…when the employer reads a resume and sees ‘Commu- nication Studies’ as the applicant’s major field of study, it is quickly realized that this is a potential employee who isn’t afraid to talk to people; and this person is an effec- tive communicator.” producing leaders for Appalachia Additionally, double majoring can widen the horizon of By Callie Chaney, Student Contributor job opportunities. Pairing a Sports and Fitness Programs Management degree with the Communication Studies In fall 2020, Alice Lloyd College will be offering yet major would be suitable for someone who is interested in another new major: Communication Studies. Recently, sports broadcasting. Double majoring in Criminal Justice the College began offering a Criminal Justice program, and Communication Studies would be ideal for a student which has quickly grown into its second most popular considering law. Pursuing both Business Administra- major. Academic Dean, Dr. Lafie Crum is hoping for tion and Communication Studies would refine the skills the same success with the new Communication Studies necessary to work in Public Relations. “I really think it major: “Communications would be a great program for improves any other program a student is interested in students who know they want to major in communica- pursuing,” said Dean Crum. “You could be the world’s tions, but it could also be a great ‘Plan B’ for students who greatest doctor, lawyer, scientist, or whatever else, but if start off in another major but change their minds.” you can’t effectively communicate your ideas, then your skills are useless.” Dr. Charles K. Mullins, Division Head of Humanities and Social Science, says discussions of implementing a According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the Communication Studies program at Alice Lloyd College demand for media and communication occupations is began prior to his 2016 arrival on campus. The first step projected to grow four percent from 2018 to 2028. Fur- to building this project was to introduce an academic thermore, the 10th fastest growing occupation reported is minor, Speech Communication and Theatre Arts. The a speech-language pathologist with a median income of minor launched in 2018 and Dr. Mullins claims, “[it] has $77,510 per year. proven to be a good fit since ALC has a long and rich tra- dition of oratory and dramatic performance on campus.” Alice Lloyd College has a longstanding commitment Dean Crum, added that Communications immediately to producing the leaders for Appalachia and preparing grew to be one of the College’s most successful minors. them for a successful career. Dr. Mullins says, “Com- munication Studies will help ALC produce and prepare In order to expand the established program to a major, those leaders.” Alice Lloyd College is developing new classes such as COMM 225: Persuasion, COMM 301: Public Relations, 2020 Spring –2 – ALC News
How Another World-wide Pandemic Led to the Founding of Alice Lloyd College By Dr. Stephen Douglas Wilson were sick. I don’t think the flu hurt me very much (she appar- ently had been sick herself). We did not lose any of our imme- In 2020, the world as well as Alice Lloyd College, is having diate family, but 19 others died. to contend with a world-wide pandemic. Yet, Alice Lloyd and June Buchanan also once faced a world-wide pandemic 100 Robert Sloane, a Caney resident at the time, also recorded the years ago, and that pandemic played a role in the founding of epidemic’s unfolding in the Caney Community: the College. Then came the epidemic of influenza ... 69 of the boys and girls Alice Lloyd came to Eastern Kentucky in late 1915 and [at Caney’s primary school] were absent ... sick with the flu. moved to Caney Creek in 1917 where she founded a model Bravely, the scanty numbers assumed the care of the furnaces community, Caney Creek Community Center. The Center and other chores as best they could. At the sawmill of the set- included primary and secondary schools, a village meeting tlement, a coffin a day was made. To the infants and aged alike hall, a nurses’ station, a library, came the death specter. the Pippapass post office, and Neither Mrs. Lloyd nor Nurse Con- even a community sawmill to stance could stop the impact of the construct the largely wooden epidemic. Alice Lloyd, for the first buildings gracing the valley. In time, questioned her mission. Her 1919, June Buchanan arrived to own sawmill produced the wooden help Mrs. Lloyd in her mission. caskets for Kitteneye Slone to place Miss June told a reporter in the the bodies after he had dug the 1980s: “We [Mrs. Lloyd and graves. She must have pondered Miss June] didn’t intend to start the value of a model community a college.” without trained doctors, nurses, Mrs. Lloyd and June Buchanan and medical technicians. were making great progress, but Robert Sloane regarded the flu pan- trouble soon came to Caney. The demic as a turning point in Mrs. “Spanish flu” that first broke out Lloyd’s thinking. Her thoughts in war-ravaged Europe in 1918 turned to higher education. Sloane eventually found its way to Pip- wrote, “To meet such epidemics ... Mrs. Lloyd knew she must papass. The influenza outbreak of 1918-1920 was estimated waste no time in educating young doctors and nurses for con- to have taken between 50-100 million lives world-wide. secrated service among their own people.” The impact of the flu in Eastern Kentucky was devastating. So, in 1920, Mrs. Lloyd transitioned from the focus on a model Former Caney Junior College student, Charlene Hall Park, community to a focus on “leadership training.” The region related: needed teachers, lawyers, business people, and other profes- We didn’t experience it, but our mothers did ... My mother sionals – but especially medical personnel. Mrs. Lloyd began told me she could look out the window and see them carrying to put a special emphasis on her young charges to surrender bodies to the cemeteries. She said when they ran out of cas- to the medical ministry. When young bright college students kets, they would take the doors off the hinges and carry bod- expressed a desire to pursue other callings, she would inter- ies to the cemeteries. They just put them in the grave without ject and tell them, “No, you are going to be a doctor.” Her a casket. My dad lost both a brother and a sister. fund-raising literature often showed pictures of quaint moun- tain villages, but she put a somber message under the photos When the pandemic hit Caney, many of the sick traveled to – “A physician-less mountain valley.” Mrs. Lloyd’s nursing station in Pippapass for treatment and aid. Nurse Constance tried to alleviate her suffering patients, In 1923, Mrs. Lloyd started Caney Junior College (renamed but casualties resulted. Caney resident, Verna Mae Slone, saw Alice Lloyd College in 1962) with only two students. She firsthand the devastation of the disease in the valley when she hoped the next pandemic to hit Eastern Kentucky would have accompanied her father as he dug graves during the epidemic. the medical personnel to combat it. She wrote: One hundred years later, the COVID-19 pandemic has I can’t forget the flu epidemics that followed the war. My gripped the region, but this time, the mountains are staffed father took me with him to help dig so many graves, that I with doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel that began still cannot look at yellow dirt without feeling gloomy. Why their education at Mrs. Lloyd’s college. That training is still did he take me with him? l had no mother, and my sisters going on. ALC News –3 – 2020 Spring
Callie Chaney Grace Driskill Jaleigh Cockrell Alice Lloyd College Holds 27th Annual James V. Mongiardo Speech Competition by Elena Mendez and Jerri Whitner, Student Contributors On February 25th, Alice Lloyd College presented the 27th annual James V. Mongiardo Speech Competition. While attending Alice Lloyd College, Mr. Mongiardo won the “School Debate Competition” and was awarded a twenty-dollar gold piece. His daughter Cecilia Hensel remembers her father reflecting on his time at ALC. She said, “My father referred to his ex– perience at Caney Creek as one of extreme good fortune. He always felt blessed for knowing Mrs. Lloyd and Ms. Buchanan, and for the opportunities that were afforded him.” To continue this tradition, this year’s competition challenged the stu- dents to present a written essay along with their speech deliveries. Judges looked for detailed content of the written essay and a fluid delivery of the speech. The coordinator of this event, Dr. Charles Mullins, shared his thoughts about the importance of a good speech, saying, “Audiences respond to speech presentations that are relevant to them, reflect good research, and are conducted by a speaker with fluency and expressiveness.” From good research to a smooth and creative way of delivering the speech, the contestants are tasked with finding new ways to get the audience’s focus. Every year, the participation of the contestants and audience have greatly increased, and hopefully, will continue to grow in years to come. This year’s contestants were Jaleigh Cockrell, Callie Chaney, Grace Driskill, Daniel Guzman, Trey Moore, and Emily Salisbury. The competitors were tasked with answering the question: “What does a Liberal Arts education teach you? Fur- thermore, explore the value of a liberal arts education in today’s world.” Generous prizes were awarded to the first second, and third, place winners due to the joint sponsorship of the event by the Mongiardo and De Filipps families. The judges were Academic Dean Claude “Lafie” Crum, English Professor Dr. Cindy Salmons, and Art Professor Mr. Michael Ware. The judges had a difficult decision as all the contestants did a fantastic job with their speeches. For the first time, the winners of the competition were all women. First place was awarded to junior Callie Chaney with her speech, “Cultivation of Compassion;” second place went to senior Grace Driskill with her speech, “The Importance of Understanding;” and sophomore Jaleigh Cockrell earned third place with her speech, “Girls Don’t Go to College.” Grace Driskill told the ALC Marketing Department how grateful she was to place in the competition. She plans to use her prize to support a mission trip to Guatemala this summer. “The Lord has always provided for my trips through donations, but this prize money is a tremendous blessing. It will be my third time traveling to Guatemala and serving alongside Cat- alyst Resources International to build homes for families in need in a rural village called Santa Maria de Jesus,” she said. Alice Lloyd College believes that good communication skills are one of the keys to achieving a successful future. Through the James V. Mongiardo Speech Competition, students express their thoughts and have their voices heard. This event would not be possible without the support of the Mongiardo and De Filipps families. Because of their kindness, ALC stu- dents get the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and advance forward to a great future. 2020 Spring –4 – ALC News
2020 JBS Governor’s Cup The June Buchanan School Middle Grade Academic Team has enjoyed a very fruitful 2020 Governor’s Cup season. At the district level, JBS took first place in Quick Recall, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, Arts and Humanities, and Composition. Every Crusader student who participated in Written Assessment placed—for a total of eighteen advancing to region. In overall final standings, JBS took first. The team’s performance at the regional level was also spectacular. With thirteen schools participating, competition at region comes in at an advanced level. The team again went undefeated in Quick Recall—this time in an eight-team field. Because of their victory in this category, twelve students are eligible to compete at the state level in Quick Recall. In Written Assessment, seven students advanced to state competition in their subject areas. JBS even had regional champions in Composition as well as Arts and Humanities. JBS was the Overall Champion of Region 23. JBS’s middle grade students have worked hard since August to be ready for Governor’s Cup competition; as always, they give God the glory for any success they have enjoyed. JBS Career Day JBS News –5 – 2020 Spring
Annual Report 2019 Sources Uses 2020 Spring –6 – Annual Report
Annual Report Alice Lloyd College & The June Buchanan School The 2019 Annual Report reflects gifts received during the 2019 calendar year, beginning January 1st through December 31st, 2019. * Denotes ALC Alumni ~ Denotes JBS Alumni § Denotes ALC Volunteer Legacy Club — $5000 & Up Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Flick Mr. Thomas H. O’Connor, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adkins Mr. John H. Folkomer Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn Oberholtzer *Dr. and Mrs. Brett Darrell Akers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Francis *Mrs. Charlene Park Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Arnold Ms. Carlynn A. Grupp Mrs. Barbara Pritzlaff Pierce Mrs. Mary H. Babcock Ms. Judith L. Hardes Ms. Maura Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Dwight J. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hart, Jr. Ms. Joyce Popham Ms. Sheila Beckert Mr. and Mrs. R. Sam A. Hiatt, Jr. Dr. Shelba Profitt Ms. Mavis M. Benton Mr. and Mrs. John Hieber Ms. Wilma J. Putnam Mrs. Coralen B. Bettinger Mr. Peter Barton Hutt Mr. Fred Rarick Ms. Marian E. Bilvar Ms. Glaphrey Jackson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ratcliffe Dr. Carter R. Bishop Mr. Eugene Jared Ms. Wiley Van Duren Rice Mr. Scott R. Boerke *Mr. and Mrs. Garnie M. Johnson Mrs. Marion Savage *Ms. Delores H. Boleyn *Mr. and Mrs. George F. Johnson, Jr. Mr. John Knox Singleton Mrs. Mary Margaret Bonebrake Mr. George K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook, Jr. Mrs. Jane G. Boss Mr. and Mrs. Greg Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stamler Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bower Mrs. Joyce A. Johnson *Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stamper Mr. David B. Bruns Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Jones *Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lee Stepp Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Buratto Mr. Robert W. Kegley, Sr. *Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stepp Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rodney Keen §Mrs. Irma Derderian Stepp Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gardner Caudill Mrs. Eleanor Lang *Dr. and Mrs. James O. Stepp Mr. Alberto Chalmeta Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Leahy Dr. and Mrs. Joe A. Stepp *Mrs. Mabel L. Childers Mrs. Mavourneen Leeper Ms. Judy L. Stepp Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. LeVay Mr. Albert W. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. William W. Clark, Jr. Ms. Mildred H. MacNaughton Mrs. Patricia Clark Stewart Mr. Walter E. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marsh Mr. and Mrs. William F. Stolte Ms. Carol Cleveland *Dr. and Mrs. Lowell D. Martin Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Adam Collins Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Massimilla Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swenson Ms. Ruth M. Collins Mrs. Margaret McCartan Mr. and Mrs. Marlin R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Conklin Dr. and Mrs. William J. McIntyre Mr. Erving A. Trunk Mr. and Mrs. James M. Crittenden Mr. Thomas S. Miller Ms. Emily Wiley Van Duren Dr. and Mrs. Keith G. Damon Mr. Stephen R. Miraglia Mr. Neil Van Sloun Mrs. Glenda Ford Dangremond Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Molander Ms. Loretta A. VanHorn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis Mr. and Mrs. Dean Moor Ms. Isabelle Wald Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Davis Mr. Willard F. Morris ~*Mr. James Tyler Ward Mr. and Mrs. Willard J. De Filipps Ms. JoAnn Mueller Mr. Donald R. Whitaker Mr. John Desmond Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy Mr. Kenneth W. Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. Galen Dreibelbis Mrs. Emily R. Nashner Ms. Kay Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Newton, Jr. Ms. Pamela Witherspoon Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ellison Mr. John R. Nipher Founder’s Club — $1000-$4999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Anderson Ms. Nan A. Baker Mr. Roger S. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. John E. Arnett Mrs. Pat Barkhuff *Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Adams Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Arnett Mr. Peter Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Adams Mr. Jefferson W. Asher, Jr. Ms. Mary J. Batsakis Mr. John Alexander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. John Bauerlein ~*Dr. Brandon Amburgey and Mr. George Bailey Ms. M. Carolyn Beard Dr. Hillarie Sizemore-Amburgey *Dr. Kendra S. Baker Mr. W. B. Rogers Beasley Annual Report –7 – 2020 Spring
Founder’s Club — $1000-$4999 continued Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Bene Mr. Raymond H. Fredette Mrs. Jeannette Louth Ms. Debbie Lou Benner Mrs. Nancy L. Freeberg Mrs. Judith S. Lyons Mr. Robert D. Bense Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Magala, Jr. Mr. Bill Bishop and Julia Ardery *Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Frost Mr. and Mrs. Alkis C. Makrides Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Black Mr. and Mrs. Carl Galanti Mr. Wallace R. Maples Mrs. Faith Blackard Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gallagher Mr. Anson Mark Mr. and Mrs. John Bernard Blake Mrs. Naomi R. Galyan *Dr. David W. Martin Seetha R. Boyapati Mrs. Catharine Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. Martin The Honorable James E. Bradberry Mrs. Clytice R. Gardner Ms. Gail Mason *Dr. Chad Edward Brashear Mr. Robert W. Garthwait, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Matheny *Mr. and Mrs. Donald Breeding Ms. Beverly George Ms. Mary Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brouwer *Ms. Charmaine Willene Gibson Mr. J. W. McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Browness Ms. Patricia L. Gilkeson Ms. Pauline I. McCabe Mr. Bruce Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gill Ms. Ann McCrady Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Busroe *Dr. Troy Gingerich and Dr. Tammy Gingerich Mr. Thomas P. McMillin Ms. Nancy K. Busroe Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Grasfeder Dr. and Mrs. J. David McNeely Mr. Don M. Byrd Dr. David W. Gray Ms. Ann Fox Miller Mr. and Mrs. James Cain Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Gross Mr. James R. Mitscher Ms. Ann Campbell-Morin *Mrs. Glenna Gross Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Moore Mr. Lee H. Carroll Mr. Joseph E. Grush Ms. Allison E. Morris Mr. Everett Cassel Mr. Kevin J. Hable Mr. and Mrs. Guy K. Mortensen Mrs. Billie Jo Caudill Dr. Billy Haigler Mr. and Mrs. M. Fred Mullinax Dr. Donald W. Caudill Mr. Chris Hall Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munson *Mrs. Launia Caudill Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hamel Mr. Michael Murry and Ms. Lynn Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Caudill Dr. Robert G. Hamilton Mr. Victor R. Neal Mr. and Mrs. John K. Chalmers Mr. Jack Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Preston Newcomer Ms. Hsueh-Rong Chang Mrs. Gail H. Hart Mr. John C. Nix, Jr. Mrs. Dorothea Chaveriat Mr. Willis Haws Mrs. Lynn Padula-Pease Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Clark Mr. Donald H. Henley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parenti Ms. Norma L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herlocker Dr. Ben H. Park Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cleer Mr. Robert Herman Mr. Christopher Park Mrs. Carole Cole Dr. William H. Herrnstein, III *Ms. Edna Parks Mr. Sam Cook Mr. Robert Thomas Hicks *Mr. George Parsons Mr. Edwin Cridland Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hilligoss Mr. and Mrs. James R. Paul Ms. Judith H. Cross Mr. Dwight Hoagland Mr. Joe B. Pauletto, Jr. Mr. George W. Cunningham Mr. Robert Holmes Mr. Andrew Pawlish Mr. Walter F. Cygan *Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendell Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. James H. Perry Ms. Margaret T. D’Albert Mr. Herbert Hopper Ms. Martha J. Perry Mr. Andrew Daniluk Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Houff Dr. Lance Piecoro Mr. and Mrs. Delbert J. Davenport Capt. Douglas Huff Ms. Marian E. Pounder Mr. Hiram T. Davis Mr. Thomas D. Huff *Mr. John M. Preston, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Davis Dr. Robert Louis Ingberg Dr. Janelle S. Pryor Ms. Nancy Bare Davis Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Isaac Mr. Jim Query *Mrs. Alicia Ann Dawson Mr. Coy Jackson, Jr. Ms. Margaret Rak *Mrs. Pamela Dean Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgess Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Raphael Mr. Armen Del Pup Mr. Calvin D. Johnson *Mr. Stephen Michael Ray Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. David R. Johnson Lt. Col. and Mrs. Eric A. Reffett Mr. David Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Rolland F. Regester Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dick *Dr. Marlin S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reynolds Mr. Jack Divine Mr. and Mrs. Omar Johnson *Mr. Michael Reynolds *Mr. Jonathan Corey Dixon Mr. Roger W. Johnson Mr. William A. Rice *Dr. Kimberly Dixon *Mrs. Kimberly Jones Mr. Heman McGuire Riley Ms. Lora H. Donoho Ms. Louise H. Jones Ms. Joan Robinette Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. John V. Juranich Mrs. Sarah S. Robinette Ms. Wanda S. Dowell Ms. Diane J. Kaminski Ms. Elsie A. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Dowse Mr. Louis Katsikaris Mr. Leo J. Rocca Ms. Margaret R. Duflock Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. William E. Romaine Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Duncan Ms. Leona Kern Mr. B. W. Ruffner Mr. and Mrs. George Richard Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Kibbe, Jr. Mr. Warren W. Ruggles Dr. and Mrs. Frank Eastburn Ms. Nora A. King Ms. Kathleen A. Rulon Mr. and Mrs. Orville L. Edgman Ms. Irma Kinsel Ms. Victoria L. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Edick Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Salman Mrs. Linda Edwards Mr. Lester E. Krause Ms. Mildred E. Scheel Mr. Thomas G. Eldred Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Krieger Mr. Victor Scherrer Ms. Karney M. Eldridge Mr. Jerry Kritzer Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. Krygier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schneck Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. England Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kuhl Mr. Michael T. Schueler Ms. Cathy Enlow Ms. Nancy A. Langsan Mr. and Mrs. William D. Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fiedler Mr. and Mrs. C. Eugene Lantz Mr. Harold Seemann and Ms. Marilyn Geist Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Finley, Sr. Mr. Paul Lavins Mrs. Karen R. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Fisher Dr. Robert Lawrence Ms. Elizabeth D. Seroka Mr. and Mrs. James E. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Ledford Mr. Louis C. Setter Ms. Patricia E. Follett Dr. and Mrs. Larry M. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Sharp Mr. Joel Frantzman Mr. Robert Lingeman Dr. Lloyd E. Shaw Ms. Jean W. Frazier Mr. Lawrence J. Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Shepherd 2020 Spring –8 – Annual Report
Founder’s Club — $1000-$4999 continued Mr. Eugene M. Simonson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson Rev. and Mrs. Noel White Ms. Eleanor L. Skinner *Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Thornsberry Ms. Candace S. Wiebener *Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sloane Mrs. Jane Fugate Thorpe Mrs. Sharon Wilhelm *Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Slone Mr. Harold C. Thurm Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilkinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smallman Kelly Townsend Ms. Shirley T. Williams Ms. Sally Smith Mr. Jonathan T. Tullis Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wireman Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth *Mr. Bill W. Tuttle Mrs. Nancy L. Worley Dr. William E. Snowden Mrs. Connie Vanbibber Dr. Ballard D. Wright Ms. Shirley M. Sontheimer Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Vercoe *Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Thomas Yonts *Mr. Ricky Dewayne Sparkman Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Wagoner Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young Mrs. Nancy L. Sperry Mr. Richard Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Young Mr. Michael Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Linwood A. Watson, Jr. Ms. Helen G. Young Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart Mr. Elmo Webb Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Young *Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Clark Stumbo Mr. Richard Weide Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zimmerman Mr. Larrie G. Sutliff Miss Katherine Weir Mr. J. R. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Linden H. Welch Mr. Neil J. Tanis Ms. Virginia Wellman * Denotes ALC Alumni Ms. Rose Carol Taul Ms. Mary T. Wendrick ~ Denotes JBS Alumni Mrs. Loretta Faye Taylor Ms. Margaret H. West § Denotes ALC Volunteer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Telfer Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Westcott Ms. Barbara A. Thomas Ms. Barbara R. White President’s Honor Roll — $500-$999 Anonymous *Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott Cornett Mr. Neil C. Harvey Mr. Larry Dale Adams Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Coscia Mr. Lawrence Heben Dr. and Mrs. S. James Adelstein Ms. Martha J. Cottrill Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hendrix Ms. Elizabeth G. Akaka Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crosley Ms. Sigrid H. Hepp-Dax *Mrs. Avonell Allison Mr. and Mrs. John W. Crown Mr. Alan Hicks Mr. Thayer Allison Mr. Robert L. Croye Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Himebaugh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Alves Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davidson Mr. Hugh G. Hines, Jr. Mr. David M. Amick Ms. Gloria A. Davis Mr. Pete Hinman, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. Willie Anderson, Jr. Mr. Frederick T. Dearborn Ms. Joyce E. Hoffmaster Mr. Michael D. Antonovich Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dehaven Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hopkins *Mr. William Grover Arnett, Esq. Mr. Richard Delaney Mr. James Hornicek Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Arruda Ms. Deborah J. Deterding Mr. John E. Houston *Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas Asbury Ms. Christine Dial Mr. William Hower Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bauer Mr. Reginald Dickson Mr. Raymond J. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bauer Mr. John McGregor Dodds Ms. Nan C. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bean Ms. Jean Dorton Ms. M. Elizabeth Jacka Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beggio Mr. and Mrs. John M. Doublin *Mrs. Afo Jean Jacobs *Mr. Earl Begley, Jr. Mr. Robert Dulskie *Ms. Lydia M. Jacobs *Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Begley, III Ms. Crystal Dupay *Mrs. Mary Lois Jacobs Mr. Richard Bernal Rev. and Mrs. John G. Durkovic *Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Jacobs Ms. Victoria E. Beynon Mr. Philip James Eberl Ms. Evelyn Jacobsen Dr. J. Hunter Black Mrs. Alice L. Elder Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. James Mr. and Mrs. William G. Blewett Mr. Howard Erdman Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jinkerson Mr. Barry H. Bley Mr. Miles Ervin *Mr. Charles D. Johnson Dr. Richard Blocker Mrs. Linda S. Eskew *Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Johnson Mr. Robert Bogenschutz Mr. Andre J. Fatula Dr. Joy Mason Johnson Ms. Annette Branham Mr. Park C. Fike Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Johnson Mr. Orville Branham Mrs. Francille M. Firebaugh *Dr. Philip Byron Johnson Ms. Roberta D. Branigan Mrs. Joyce A. Fletcher Mrs. Elinor J. Jordan *Ms. Brandi Nicole Brashear Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fletcher, Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Jordan Mr. Bruce Briggs Ms. Ellie Florack Ms. Pauline Joyce Mrs. Ellen T. Briggs Mrs. Joyce M. Fowell Mr. Joseph Jurovcik Ms. Sharon A. Brunink Mr. and Mrs. William G. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kagarise Mrs. Susan V. Brunoff Mr. and Mrs. Layman G. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Doug Keegan Ms. Mary C. Bunting Ms. Evelyn Garrett Mrs. Marla J. Keil Ms. Helen Ruth Burch Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Gates Ms. Sandra Kenyon Ms. Audrey L. Busch *Mr. James Donald Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Campbell Ms. Jerri Gibson Mr. Richard Klamer Mrs. Mary Cates Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Knowles Mr. Earl E. Caudill Mr. and Mrs. Yehoshua Josh Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paul Lane Ms. Beulah P. Cheever Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Gonzalez Mr. William Leake Mr. and Mrs. Francis Christie Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gooch Mrs. Kamee A. Lee Mr. Robert H. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Marion W. Griffin Mrs. Hilda Gay Legg-Potter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Claus Mr. Norman J. Griffith Mr. Robert LeMaire Mr. M. Gregory Cochran Mr. and Mrs. William G. Gross Mr. Vincent Lo Mr. William B. Coe Mr. Matt Grostick *Mr. Bobby G. Loughran Anita D. Collins and Christine Wilson Ms. Deena M. Haas Mr. Wilfred G. Mackey *Mr. James David Combs Mrs. Grace C. Harkins *Mrs. Lucinda Jane Maggard Mr. Gene H. Copp *Dr. Crosby Grant Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maggio Annual Report –9 – 2020 Spring
President’s Honor Roll — $500-$999 continued Mrs. Jean Malanaphy Ms. Eileen M. Pelton Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stephens *Dr. Lloyd Michael Marcum Mr. Thomas E. Pelton Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stephey Mr. and Mrs. Townsell G. Marshall, Jr. Mr. Gary H. Perlow *Mr. William Todd Stevens and Dr. Christy Stevens *Mr. and Mrs. R. Donn Martin Dr. Douglas G. Pfeiffer Ms. Mary Schopp Stoner Dr. Ruth D. Martin Mr. Alvin Philibert, Jr. Mr. Carol Szabo Mr. Bobby L. Maupin Mrs. Mary K. Pickitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Szczepanski Mrs. Jere L. McBride Ms. Nancy H. Pierce Mr. Larry N. Taul Ms. Maureen McCabe Mr. Franklin H. Pond Mr. Bob Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. McCarter Ms. Nona R. Porter Major and Mrs. Mark C. Thoman Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McClain Ms. Helen C. Prather Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Tolliver Mr. Gerard F. McFeely Mr. Elbert E. Proctor *Mrs. Pauline Triplett Mr. and Mrs. Don McKinley Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pumphrey *Dr. Clenon Turner Mr. and Mrs. James A. McRae Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Ramsey Mr. Eric Vagle Mr. Pearson D. McWane Mr. and Mrs. David Rawlins Mr. Warren Van Wicklin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Meyer Mrs. Joan J. Rebeck Mr. Cliff Vermilya Mrs. Madeline B. Miles Mr. William J. Reik, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walton Mr. Gary J. Miller Mr. Daniel Remahl Mrs. Velma M. Wardal Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Mills Mr. Karl Reuther Mr. Kenneth W. Wardell Ms. Constance Mitchell *Mr. Jack Rich Ms. Gail L. Warden Ms. Carol Ann Modesitt Mr. Gordon Roberson Mr. John F. Washburn Mrs. Maria R. Molnar Mr. Robert J. Roberts *Col. Clifton E. Washington Mr. Carrington Montague Mr. Timothy J. Robinson Ms. Andrea Wicks Ms. Barbara C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Rogers Mr. Brian S. Wilkerson *Dr. and Mrs. Scott Eric Moore Ms. Tara Romano *Dr. Gina Cheryl Wilkins Ms. Kathryn Ann Morris Mr. Donald M. Roswurm Mrs. Ruth D. Will Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mort, Jr. *Mr. Roy Salmons and Dr. Cynthia Salmons Judge Bruce D. Willis Mr. Joseph B. Moyer Mr. Russell H. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Wilson *Mr. Corbett L. Mullins Mr. James W. Schollerman Mr. James R. Wilson Ms. Mary Jane Myers Mrs. Mary I. Schultz Mr. Harry Wimble Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Nairn Mr. Robert D. Scrivner Ms. Colleene P. Wincele Ms. Mary D. Nelson Rev. Teddy J. Shannon Mrs. Elfriede Winkler Mr. Ross Nese Ms. Deborah J. Sherlock Mr. Arthur E. Woolley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Nevins Ms. Donna Sherman Mr. Paul Wubbena Mrs. Margaret C. Newton Mrs. Jean B. Shockey Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Zanker Ms. Janness B. Niebauer *Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kent Slone Mr. and Mrs. John Zauha Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Nix *Mr. Ronnie Merle Slone Mr. David W. Ziedrich Ms. Patricia Odonnell *Mrs. Melanie Lorene Smallwood Ms. Shirley C. Odwarka Mr. Lloyd Snodgrass Ms. Linda S. Olmos Mr. Lewis A. Sorrese * Denotes ALC Alumni *Dr. Leo Milton Parsons, II *Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sparkman ~Denotes JBS Alumni Mr. John H. Paugh Mr. John R. Stanczak Crusaders’ Club — $250-$499 Anonymous Mrs. Norma Drummond Bellemare Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlin Ms. Joanne Aarseth Mrs. Joan Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carpenter Mrs. Marilyn Ade Mr. David J. Block Mr. Houston H. Carr Ms. Lucille Carolyn Ahearn Mr. Peter Blohm Dr. Raymond Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Allen Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boggs Ms. Virginia Corbett Carroll Mr. Robert Allgood Ms. Molly G. Bonnell Mr. Larry W. Cassady Mr. William J. Alser Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood M. Boudeman Ms. Nell P. Cavenaugh Mr. and Mrs. Fred Altman Mr. Arthur L. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chang *Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chernesky Miss Theresa M. Anderson Mr. Charles Bowyer Ms. Norma J. Christie Mr. and Mrs. David M. Andreoni Mr. Lee A. Boye Mrs. Roberta W. H. Ciucci Mrs. Marilyn S. Antosh Mr. Larry L. Brajkovich Ms. Catherine Clay Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ardis Mrs. Lynn P. Breeding Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Clifton Ms. Sharkey Arnett Mr. Gerald M. Brenchley Ms. Eleanor L. Cobb Ms. Katherine L. Astrom Ms. Lillian Campbell Brewer Mr. Roy Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Aubright, III Mr. and Mrs. William W. Broach, Jr. Ms. Patricia Colbert Mr. Robert Austin Mr. Michael D. Broderick *Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Keith Collins Mr. and Mrs. John Bagby Mr. Richard N. Brooke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collins Ms. Anne Bailey Mr. Gregory A. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. John P. Colvis Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Eddie W. Brown *Dr. Christopher Combs and Dr. Anastasia Combs Mr. and Mrs. William A. Baldauf, Jr. Mr. George G. Browning Mr. Samuel Conn Mr. Alphonse Bankard, III Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bryan Mr. William K. Connor Ms. Joan A. Barlow Mr. Roger S. Buckaloo Mr. Robert T. Coulston Mrs. Betty Barnard Mr. Joseph W. Buckley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Cox Mr. Austin Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burke Mr. George E. Cradick Mr. David Barnes Ms. Theresa Burling Mr. and Mrs. James H. Craig *Mrs. Ellouise Barnette Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burmeister Mr. John R. Craig Ms. Barbara Bateman *Mr. Sherrill Callahan Ms. Carol A. Crandell Ms. Mary C. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Campbell Mr. Walter K. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beckworth Ms. Ellen Campbell Mrs. Sue Prato Crosby 2020 Spring – 10 – Annual Report
Crusaders’ Club — $250-$499 continued Ms. Suzanne R. Culp Mr. Christopher J. Grant Mr. John E. Latta Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cure Ms. Helen V. Guenthel Mrs. Pamela F. Lawson Mr. Roy L. D’Alessandro Mr. Austin E. Guirlinger Mr. William C. Lee Mr. Robert J. D’Elia Mr. Rex Gunther Mrs. Royce Martin Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Harl A. Dalstrom Mr. and Mrs. William R. Guthrie Ms. Rita Marie Lieske Ms. Margaret Lawrence Davis Mr. David W. Hackett Mr. David H. Lin Ms. Marguerite G. Davis Ms. Daphne Hadley Mr. Willard G. Litz Ms. Jean L. Davlin Mr. Daniel C. Hadlock Ms. Alice K. Lloyd Ms. Glenda Gaye Dawson Ms. Ann L. Hall Mr. Dale R. Lockett Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Wilson J. Hall Mr. Ying Chih Loh Ms. Carolyn S. De Boer Mr. Victor Halterman Ms. Sondra Luger Ms. Margaret De Popolo Mr. Gilbert M. Halverson Mr. Bill B. Lyle Mr. Robert W. DeCoursey Mrs. Junella Halverson Ms. Marie G. Lyon Mr. Alan DeFend Mr. Mark Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mac Miller Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Delong Mr. Walter L. Hannum Mr. and Mrs. John Macklin Mr. Dennis Dengel Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Harris *Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Edward Madden Mr. John L. Dewitt Mr. Philip Harsha Mr. and Mrs. James E. Manion Mr. Eugene C. Diamond Ms. Carol E. Hartman Ms. Pamela Marcum Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dillon Ms. Betty S. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Hueston Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Dingus Mr. Robert P. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Martin Mr. and Mrs. George G. Dixon Miss Martha A. Heavrin Ms. Ilo Martin Mr. Richard M. Dom Mr. Walter C. Hebold Mr. Larry L. Martin Mr. Bruce R. Donahue Mr. Charles J. Hedetniemi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Martorana Ms. Sandra Dooley Mr. Alan M. Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Massey Mr. Joseph A. Dorn Ms. Maryanna P. Henkart Ms. Nancy Masterson Mrs. Ann R. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. R. Page Henley, Jr. *Ms. Alisa Dawn May Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Douglas Mrs. Margaret A. Henning Mr. John Mazur Mr. Stephen Downey Mr. F. Staley Hester, Jr. Mrs. Margaret M. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dreas Mr. Howard W. Hoffer Ms. Betty Lou McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dsida Mr. John B. Holland Prof. and Mrs. J. David McCracken Mr. James David Dunham Mr. Lonn W. Holston Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McDaniel Ms. Elizabeth N. Dunson Ms. Marcy Homel Mr. Benny J. McFarland Mr. Haide W. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Hotzler Mr. James T. McGinley Mr. Michael Thomas Earley Mr. Daniel Howard Ms. Jocelyn McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Bob K. Edmondson Ms. Donna Howard Dr. William B. McIlwain Mr. and Mrs. James D. Efinger Mr. Billy H. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. McKee Mr. Marshall England Mr. Frank C. Hu Ms. Barbara R. McKinnon Ms. Stella M. Eshelman Ms. Lynda M. Huey Mr. Don E. McManus Mr. John V. Evans Ms. Leslie D. Hull *Mr. William R. Meade Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fajnor Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutton Ms. Beverly Means Ms. Elsie Fariss Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hykes Mr. Paul A. Meier Mr. Ralph Fennig *Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Darren Hylton Ms. Helen Meinicke Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fields Mrs. Meagan Ingersoll Mr. Robert Melcher Mr. Robert D. Fierick Mr. Phillip J. Ives Mr. Douglas W. Mendenhall Ms. Alice C. Fieth Jabria Jassim Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Mengler Mr. James Finch Mr. Rodney Jenness Ms. Adele Metcalf Ms. Mary G. Finley Ms. Ellen L. Johnson Ms. Margaret Meyette Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fiora Ms. Gail L. Johnson Mr. Steven Neil Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Ron Forester Mrs. Joyce A. Johnson Miss Judith A. Miller Mr. Shane M. Forsyth Ms. Lou P. Johnson Ms. Phoebe Milliken Ms. Diane B. Foster Ms. Sharon Rose Johnson Ms. Helen U. Minder Col. Charles B. Fralick Mr. Malcolm Jordan Mr. Jim Mitchell Mr. Richard L. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Juette Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Morazes Mrs. Pamela Frederick Mrs. Belinda Juran Mr. Richard N. Moseman Mr. John T. Fredrickson Ms. Beth Jurek Ms. Marjorie S. Mosher Ms. Linda L. Freeman Dr. Penniford L. Justice *Dr. Alvin R. Mosley Mr. Richard D. Frette Ms. Yoko Kawachino Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mossel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz Mr. Stanley D. Keen Mr. Thomas R. Muehl Mrs. Janet Fritz Ms. Karen M. Kehoe Ms. Amanda K. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fritz Dr. Leonard Charles Keifer Dr. Gordon Murphy Ms. Bonnie L. Frownfelter Dr. Herman H. Keller Mr. James W. Murphy *Mr. Robert Daniel Fulton Mr. Pat Kennedy Mr. Michael P. Murphy Mr. Jerry L. Fultz Mr. William Kerakos Mr. Alvin M. Myers Mr. Daniel Gainor Mr. Larry King Ms. Catherine S. Nash Dr. J. M. Galloway *Mr. Rick King Ms. Marcia A. Natelborg Mr. Alan L. Gammon Mr. Neil R. Kinney Mrs. Janice C. Neal Mr. Anthony Genuardi Mr. Don Klotz, Jr. Mr. James E. Nealis Mr. Irwin Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Danny A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. James A. Neat Ms. Elsa M. Gibson Mr. William M. Knott Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nees Mr. and Mrs. Dorald L. Giddings Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Komorowski Mrs. Carol Neild Ms. Beverly J. Gillaspie Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Korff Mr. Jonathan R. Nicholson Mr. Walter J. Gillen Mr. Mauri Charles Korhonen Ms. Brigid Noonan Dr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Glindmeyer Ms. Lucia Kristen Mr. Richard E. Norris Mrs. Amalia E. Gnanadesikan Mr. Boyd M. Krout Mr. William H. Norton Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gordon Mr. Barney M. Landry, Jr. Ms. Merilee R. Oakes Ms. Peggy Gott Mr. Sigurd E. Larson Mr. Sean Oconnor Annual Report – 11 – 2020 Spring
Crusaders’ Club — $250-$499 continued Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Olinger Ms. Elizabeth Ford Sayman Ms. Margaret Tocci Ms. Patricia Oneill Mrs. Janet S. Scheevel Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Toeneboehn Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Osborne Mr. Leland Schellinger Mr. and Mrs. Kent Toomey Ms. Neda K. Osterman Ms. Karen R. Schiller Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Trapnell *Mr. Ichiro Ota Mr. Mahlon Schmidt Mr. Larry Trollinger Ms. Laura A. Pacha Ms. Maryann Schultz Mr. James M. Updyke Mr. Fred M. Padgett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Schultz Dr. Louise M. Valine Ms. Lynn Page Ms. Inez Scott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Iten Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Serras Dr. Barbara Nowosielka and Dr. Marshall Van Meter Ms. June Marie Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Sexton Mrs. Ann H. Venneri Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Paul Mr. Darwin E. Sharp Mr. James P. Verscaj Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Pfeiffer Ms. Ruth M. Sharp Dr. Janna P. Vice Ms. Caroline L. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Shepard Mr. Michael Vinopal Ms. Janice E. Phillips Ms. Judith Leilani Shigemura Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vriezen Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pickering Mr. Jeffrey L. Shisler Ms. Jean Wadsworth Mr. Robert Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wagenschein Mr. and Mrs. George C. Piper Mr. Carl Siemianowski Mr. Benjamin W. Walker Prof. Kathryn Stanley Podwall Dr. Ronald Sigler Ms. Charlotte Ward *Mr. Robert Pollard and Dr. Lenore Pollard Mr. John C. Sigona Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Warner Mr. Michael L. Porter Ms. Laura H. Sitterly Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson Mr. John Brandon Price, Jr. Ms. Beatrice Skala Mr. Stephen L. Watson *Mr. Jack D. Profitt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Slone *Dr. and Mrs. Derek Watts Ms. JoAnn Puschnig *Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Slone Mr. Kent H. Weaver *Ms. Ann Mary Quarandillo Ms. Christine C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David D. Weck Mr. Jerry A. Ramsey Mr. Douglas F. Smith Mr. Raymond Wedlake *Mrs. Sheilah Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Smith Mr. Don C. Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Ratzlaff Mr. James Smith Mr. Gerald R. Welch Mrs. Roberta L. E. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Weldy Ms. Robin J. Reeder Ms. Barbara J. Smoody Sarah Werntz Mr. and Mrs. John Reedy Mr. Doy C. Sneckenberger Ms. Betty Jo West Ms. Barbara A. Regard Mr. John W. Snodgrass Mrs. Barbara White Ms. Eileen F. Rehor Mrs. Barbara Snow Mr. and Mrs. Don White Mr. M. David Reid, Jr. Mr. Errol F. Snyder Ms. Kathleen Whitney Mr. Joe D. Reister Mr. Ivan R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wicks Mr. and Mrs. James Andrew Remley Mr. H. Dale Sostad Mr. Leroy D. Wilder Ms. Jeanette M. Rewalt *Ms. Angie Monique Spady Mr. David A. Wilkinson Mr. Herbert M. Rice, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Spangler Ms. Mabel D. Williams Ms. Nancy Richards Ms. Rita F. Spannagel Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Wilson Mr. George W. Richardson Mr. David Sparks Ms. Helen S. Wineland Mr. Jerry T. Ridnour Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Spearman Mrs. Ruth F. Winget Ms. Mary A. Riemann Mr. Michael W. Spence Mrs. Barbara W. Winston Mr. Lee Roark Ms. Violet M. Stalker Ms. Constance A. Wischmann Ms. Lynda J. Robb Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Stathas Ms. Helen M. Witte Mr. and Mrs. John K. Robertson Mr. Roger D. Steele Ms. Lona Wolfe *Mr. Ronnie Gene Robinette Mr. Robert Stein Mrs. Laura Wood Dr. and Mrs. Ray B. Robison Ms. Barbara L. Steinke Mr. Edwin Newhall Woods, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Rodgers Mr. Mark Thomas Stephens Mrs. Patricia M. Wooley Mr. Ernesto A. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Stevens Mr. Alan Wright Ms. Joan P. Roe Ms. Frankie C. Stewart Ms. Jeanne C. Wulbern Mr. James Rogers Mrs. Martha H. Stiles Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wynn Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Roule Mr. John Strupes Ms. Jo Ann Wysocki Ms. Dawn B. Roxby *Mr. Franklin Ray Stumbo Mr. Charles E. Yeager *Dr. Kenneth Darrell Royal Mr. Daniel Sullivan Mr. Richard A. Young *Dr. Jonathan Cain Royalty Mr. John F. Swegart Mr. George Zaki Mr. Robertson Rushton Mr. Loyd Taylor Mr. Edward Zalewski *Mr. Shannon Matthew Russell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Terhune Mr. and Mrs. Clarence David Zimmerman Mr. Richard J. Saccany Mr. David O. Thomas Mr. David J. Zirkle Mr. Yuji Saito Mrs. Lucille R. Thompson Mr. Charles Salyer Mrs. Rosemary J. Thompson * Denotes ALC Alumni Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Saunders Mr. Allen Tice ~Denotes JBS Alumni Century Circle — $100-$250 *Ms. Terri Michelle Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Aden, Jr. Prof. Cynthia H. Almeida Ms. Ann A. Adams Mr. Michael Agrippino Mrs. Dorothy C. Alsup *Ms. Ashley Nicole Adams Mr. James R. Ahrenholz Ms. Christine Alvarado Mr. Bruce A. Adams Ms. Adree Aiken *Mr. Donald Amburgey Mr. John R. Adams Dr. Oluade A. Ajayi *Ms. Jessica Lea Amburgey Ms. Justine Adams Ms. Karen M. Akins Ms. Suzanne M. Ames Mr. Mack C. Adams Mr. and Mrs. H. Steven Allbrooks Mr. and Mrs. James E. Amigh, Jr. Mr. Robert Adams Mrs. Anita Allegaert Mr. Bobby George Amos Mr. Robert J. Adams Mr. Lawrence P. Allen Ms. Leanore T. Anastasio Ms. Shirley Adams Mr. Ray Allen Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn L. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Addicks Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Allen Rev. and Mrs. Paul F. Andersen 2020 Spring – 12 – Annual Report
Century Circle — $100-$250 continued Mrs. Carolyn B. Anderson Ms. Linda M. Bartera Miss Deborah G. Bonell Ms. N. Peggy Burke Mr. Christopher L. Anderson Ms. Elizabeth Bartle Mrs. Martha Greene Boone Mr. Maynard Burkett Mr. Harold A. Anderson Ms. Betty Sue Bartlett Ms. Sheila E. Bopp Mr. Jack Burkich Mr. James Noel Anderson *Mr. Nicholas Cody Bartrum Ms. Lisa Bornert Mr. Malcolm Burleigh Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Anderson Mr. Daniel B. Bates Mr. Anton Bortkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burmood Mr. and Mrs. Rogers H. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Bond M. Bayse Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bouchard Ms. Anna H. Burness Mr. David Andree Mr. and Mrs. L. Bent Baucum Mrs. Myra H. Bowers Ms. Linda Burr Mr. Hector Andreos Mr. Fred L. Bauer Mr. Gerald F. Bowling Mr. Peter M. Burri Mrs. Anne Darlington Andrews Mr. Robert J. Baumer Mr. Alec R. Boychuck Ms. Marjorie Burriack Mr. Roger E. Andrews Mrs. Marilyn O. Baurle Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Boyd Ms. Carol W. Burrough Mr. Frederick Anderle Ms. Joanna B. Baxter Mr. Carl L. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. James B. Burrows Mrs. Susanne Angermeier Mr. Thomas R. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyle Dr. Maurice Bursey Mr. Alberto G. Angustia Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Bradbury Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Burt Ms. Deanne B. Anson Mr. Edward S. Beason Mr. Todd C. Bradbury Ms. Patricia M. Buser Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Anthony Mr. Bobby A. Beaty, Jr. Dr. William Braden, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Antonovich Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beaver *Mrs. Lora Dean Bradley Ms. Hope Zanes Butterworth Mr. Walter Appel Mrs. Susan K. Bechter Ms. Jewel M. Brammer Mr. Eric A. Bye Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Araujo Mr. Herbert H. Beck, Jr. Ms. Beverly A. Branaman Mr. Jerome T. Cabakoff Mrs. Margaret E. Arch Ms. Sidney A. Beck Mr. Carl D. Branch Mr. Otto Cache Mr. Benedict Archer Mr. Alex S. Beckjord Mr. Lester M. Branch Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cahill Ms. Myra J. Argentieri *Mrs. Betty Sue Beckner Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Brand Ms. Jean Watson Cahouet Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Arias Mrs. Judith C. Beeler Mr. David A. Brashear Ms. Lyn H. Cain Mr. Scott Arnold Mr. James Begis Ms. Jeanne M. Braswell Dr. Francesco A. Calabrese Mrs. Beverly Arnstein Mr. Cody Begley Mr. Les W. Brauer Ms. Noma Caldwell Ms. Virginia C. Arthur *Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Belcher Mr. Walter J. Bray Ms. Alice A. Callaghan Ms. Joyce Arvin Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bell Mr. Anthony M. Breen Mr. Thomas F. Callan Mr. Chester T. Ashby Mr. John V. Bell Mrs. Elaine Breen Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Calton Ms. Ines L. Ashcraft Ms. Betty C. Bellamy Mr. Richard Brennen Mr. Larry Caminiti Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Atcheson Mr. Eugene Bellospirito *Mrs. Lori Ann Bricken Miss Nancy Camise Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atherton Ms. Jean Belmonte Ms. Ellen T. Briggs Mr. Richard Camp Mr. Ralph B. Atkins Mr. Fred Benkley, Jr. Mr. Scott E. Brine *Dr. Dustin Scott Campbell Mrs. Donna E. Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Otis Benning *Mrs. Becky Jane Brinkley Ms. Linda Campbell-Davis Ms. Virginia Atwood Ms. Reba A. Benschoter Mr. Thomas Brinkman Mrs. Joanne Canale Mr. Albert Aufforth Mr. Emmanuel Berberian Ms. Connie S. Britt Miss Susan L. Canfield Mrs. G. Sue Augenstein Mr. and Mrs. John Berberian Mr. William O. Brittain Mr. Graziano M. Canini Ms. Janet Ault Mr. Norman D. Berger *Mrs. Nadine Brock Mr. William N. Cannon Mr. John M. Austin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bergstresser Mr. Gerald Brockman Mr. and Mrs. David R. Caparosa Mr. Terry Autry Mr. and Mrs. James T. Berkenstock Mr. David J. Brookmyer Ms. Mary Ann Cardinale Ms. Cheri Avila Mr. Jerome Berman *Mr. Joseph Perry Brooks Ms. Colette Cardwell Ms. Sara Ayala Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bertram Ms. Jeannie M. Broskey Mr. and Mrs. Albin A. Carlson Ms. Susan S. Aydinian Mr. David Best Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Brown Dr. John D. Carlson Mr. Everett D. Ayer, Jr. Mr. Oscar Betancourt Mr. Charles L. Brown, III Ms. Lynne Rundle Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Aynes Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Beyda *Mr. Clennon Ray Brown Ms. Marilyn J. Carlson Ms. Karen L. Bacca Mr. Malcolm Beyer Mr. David H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Carlson Mr. Bruce E. Bachman Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Beyers Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Ms. Patricia A. Carmony Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bacon Mr. James Bicknell Mr. Keith C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Carnahan Mr. Merrill C. Badman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bidwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown Mr. and Mrs. William J. Carney Ms. Stephanie H. Baer Ms. Elena Billing Mr. Roy G. Brown Mr. Norman E. Carpenter Ms. Marjorie Baggett Mr. Bern Binger Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown, III Mr. Paul W. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Bo Baggs Ms. Jennifer M. Binnion Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brownfield Ms. Priscilla Carr Mr. Bernard Bagley Mr. Norrell Birdwell Ms. Ann M. Browning Ms. Ellaison Carroll Mr. Frank Baio Mr. Dion Scott Birney, Jr. Dr. Louis D. Browning, Jr. Mrs. Paula J. Carroll Ms. Vicki L. Baker Ms. Martha Bisaccio Mr. Robert D. Brua Mrs. Sandra L. Carter Ms. Xandria B. Balcer Dr. and Mrs. E. Norman Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. James A. Carton Ms. Carolyn R. Baldwin Ms. Nancy I. Bishop Mr. Richard Brueggemann Ms. Mari Cartwright Mr. Lacy Baldwin Ms. Laverne D. Bjerke Mr. and Mrs. Granville M. Brumbaugh, Jr. Mr. George S. Case, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Ballart Dr. Barbara Ellen Black Ms. Julia Bruning *Mrs. Katherine Sizemore Casebolt Mr. John P. Balogh *Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blair Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brunjes Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cassidy Mr. Roger Banghart *Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Blair Mr. Richard Earl Brunk, Jr. Mr. Victor M. Cassidy Mr. Ed Banks Mr. Raleigh Blair Ms. Marlinda Ruth Bruno Mr. Manuel Castro Ms. Melba Bantay Mr. Hal R. Blanchard Ms. Yolanda M. Bruno *Mrs. Marsha Joycelyn Caudill Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Banter *Mrs. Diane Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryan Mrs. Virginia Caudle Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baptist Mr. Thomas J. Blaser Mr. Ronald Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Caye Mr. Mike S. Barbarotto Mr. Mark A. Blasi Ms. Catherine Bucci-Bryden Mr. Whitt Chaffins, Jr. Mr. Denison D. Barber Ms. Glenda R. Blauch Mr. Jimmy Buchanan Mr. Frank M. Chamberlain Mr. Wayne Barber Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bloch Mr. Daniel J. Buckley Mr. John W. Chambliss Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Barbera Mr. Charles Bobb Mr. David Buckman Mr. George P. Chandler Mr. Anthony Barberia *Mrs. Mitzi Green Boggs Ms. Norma J. Buland Mr. Theodore Chang *Dr. Kayla Danielle Barger Mr. John F. Bohner Ms. Maudlyn Bully Dr. Ken Chapman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barger Ms. Vera Lee Boice *Mr. Jeffrey H. Burchett Ms. Mary B. Chapuisat Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barkehanai Mr. James Boland Ms. Wilma J. Burchett Ms. Anne M. Chavez Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Barker Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bolen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burchette Ms. Judy L. Chestnut Mr. Darren Barnett Ms. Gertrude L. Bollier Mr. Henry Burden Ms. Miria L. Chicke Ms. Susan M. Barnhill Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Bolton *Mrs. Wendy Dawn Burge Fei Pang Ching Mr. G. Harvey Barrett Ms. Jenny T. Bond Mr. John R. Burgin Mr. Victor L. Chinn Annual Report – 13 – 2020 Spring
Century Circle — $100-$250 continued Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Chisholm Mr. Alan B. Crawford Ms. Joan Dijoseph Mr. David C. Engelder Dr. and Mrs. Tim Chrapkiewicz Mrs. Mary Louise Crawford Mr. Ronald Dillow Ms. Coretta L. Engle Ms. Rebecca Christoffel Mr. Walter K. Crawford Mrs. Jennifer Dingle Ms. Judith B. Erickson Ms. Catherine F. Christy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jack Cress Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dixon Mr. Kenneth Erickson Mr. and Mrs. George K. Clapper Mr. Charles R. Crim Mr. William J. Dixon, Jr. Ms. Marie F. Erkes Mrs. Annis C. Clark Ms. Joan Crishal Ms. Hermine Dodge Mr. Robert B. Ervin, II *Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bradley Clark Mr. Stephen R. Crisler Ms. Mary L. Dodge Rev. and Mrs. Phillip D. Erwin Mr. and Mrs. James N. Clark Mrs. Joyce Croft Mrs. Nancy N. Dodge Mr. Irineo C. Estrada Ms. Jeanette Clark Mr. Harold R. Crone Ms. Shirley C. Doering Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ettinger Mr. Joseph O. Clark Mr. William Crone Mr. Charles J. Doherty Mr. R. Marshall Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Clark Ms. Jane Cronin Mr. William B. Doherty Mr. Roger Evans Mrs. Virginia C. Clark Mrs. Treva Croskey Mr. Richard Dominelli Ms. Sharon T. Evans Ms. Shannon Clarkson Mr. William V. Cross *Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donahoe Ms. Hope E. Everhart Ms. Elizabeth Cleino Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Croston Mr. John T. Donnelly Ms. Helen Eves Mr. Wendell W. Clements Mr. Robert K. Crowe Mr. Paul Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Walker L. Evey *Mrs. Jacqueline Cleveland Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Crowell Ms. Mary Lou Dorking Mr. Keith C. Ewing Mr. Jerome Cleveland Ms. Priscilla R. Cuddy Mr. John C. Dorroll Mr. Roger Fain *Mrs. Pina Bowling Click Ms. Jo Ann Culbertson Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Doster Ms. Isabel Falck Mr. Daniel Clifford Ms. Kathy Culver Mr. Charles B. Doty Mr. Glen Hunt Fanelli Mr. Ronald B. Coder Mr. Lester A. Culver Mr. Christopher Doucette Mrs. Lois A. Farler Mr. W. Ronnie Coffman Mr. Norman W. Cummins Mr. Eugene F. Dougher, Jr. Ms. Dawn Luahiwa Farm-Ramsey Mr. Morton Cohen Ms. Ellen Curley Ms. Virginia McFadden Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Farmer Ms. Stephanie Kaplan Cohen Mr. Claude C. Curtis Ms. Joyce L. Doumeng Mr. and Mrs. Banks H. Farris Ms. Kathryn R. Coleman Ms. Xenia Custer Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowis Mr. Russell Farris Mr. Thomas Colgan F. Brockholst Cutting Mr. Stephen Downey Ms. Janet L. Fassler Ms. Belva Collins Mr. Harold W. Cutting Mr. Thomas B. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Bobby M. Favela *Mr. and Mrs. Dan Collins Ms. Martha J. Cutting Ms. Jacqueline J. Draper Ms. Vivian E. Feagan Mr. and Mrs. James S. Collins, II Ms. Lucille W. Daggett *Mr. Homer Draughn *Mrs. Sharon Fecteau Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Dalen Mrs. Elizabeth M. Drew Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fehr Dr. and Mrs. Owen Collins Ms. Margaret A. Daley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Drexler Mrs. Irene K. Fekete Ms. Phyllis C. Collins Mr. Richard Daloe Mr. Joseph Driesse Mr. Myron Feldman Ms. Shannon Collins Mr. Michael M. Daly Mr. David M. Drumm Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fell, Jr. Miss Sonia Colon *Mr. Patrick Keith Damron Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Drumm Mr. Dennis Fennell Ms. Margaret Comaskey *Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sean Damron Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ducommun Rev. Donald J. Fenske Ms. Ethel I. Combs Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Danner Mr. James Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferguson *Mr. Hurst Gene Combs Mr. William P. Dargan Ms. Janet L. Duke Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fero Mrs. Audrey C. Comer Mr. and Mrs. D. G. David *Ms. Eva Marie Duncan Ms. Lucy Ferries Mr. Scott J. Condit Mr. Gerald A. Davies *Mrs. Geneva Duncil Ms. Donna Fessler Ms. Audrey V. Congdon Mr. Gordon P. Davis Ms. Anita R. Dunlap Mr. Donald A. Fetting *Mr. Gary I. Conley Mrs. Helen R. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Dunlap, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Fewkes, Jr. *Mr. Lowell S. Conley Mrs. Patricia Davis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunlop Mr. Louis Field Mr. Roy H. Conley Mr. Ray Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dunn Ms. Jeanine M. Figur Ms. Elizabeth Conlin Mr. Robert C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duplantis Mr. Jack Fincham Mr. William Connell Ms. Ruth Davis Mr. James Dupriest Mr. Grahme Fischer Mr. John M. Connelly Mr. Albert R. Dawson *Mrs. Christine S. Durall Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Fisher Ms. Karen T. Connelly *Mr. Ronald Glenn Day Mr. Murray L. Durant Mr. Ray Fitch Mr. Thomas L. Conner Ms. Pam Dean Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duschinski Mr. Richard L. Flavell Ms. Constance Conrad Mr. Duane D. Deaner Ms. Carol A. Duvall Dr. and Mrs. Kent Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Conrad Mr. Nell L. Deaver Mr. Larry W. Dye Mr. and Mrs. David L. Flores Mrs. Myra M. Converse Mrs. Jacqueline E. DeBrine Mr. Philip Dye Mr. Bill Floyd Ms. Mary Amante Cook Ms. Carla M. Dehmlow Mr. Richard K. Dyer Mr. Robert H. Fonville, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Cooper Ms. Jeanette Dehus Ms. Claire Dyess Ms. Veta R. Foote Mr. Daniel E. Copeland Mr. Lee Deierling Mr. Howard G. Dymond Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Forster Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Del Giudice Ms. Kathleen C. Eareckson Mr. Rick Foster Mr. Larry J. Cordes Mr. and Mrs. John P. DeLeo Mrs. Joan M. Easton Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Foster Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corey Mr. David J. DeMarco Mr. David O. Eaton Ms. Anne H. Fouquet Mrs. Fanchon D. Cornell Mrs. Rebecca J. Demmler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ebenhoeh, Jr. Mr. Joel W. Fouts-Harrod Mr. Peter Cornell Ms. Carol Demuth Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Ebeyer, Sr. Mr. James M. Fowler Mrs. Sue Cornell Ms. Dana E. Denef Mr. Warner G. Eckman Mr. Larry W. Fowler Ms. Yvette Cornett Ms. June Denham Mrs. Theodore P. Edmondson Ms. Betty L. Fox *Mr. Trevor Ryan Corns Mr. Robert J. Dennis Ms. Angelyn P. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David L. Fox Mr. and Mrs. James M. Corray Mr. John Derrick Mr. Chuck Edwards Ms. Frances E. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Correl Mr. Ronald L. Deschatelets Ms. Joanne Ehler Mr. and Mrs. Ruben D. Fox Ms. Mary B. Cottrell Mr. Richard R. Desipio Mr. Albert T. Ehringer *Mr. and Mrs. Don Fraley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cover Ms. Dolores A. DeTroyer Mr. Joseph J. Eibner *Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fraley, Jr. Ms. Mary Cowin Mr. Vincent DeVera, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Eicher *Ms. Jean Francis Dr. C. W. Cowles Mrs. Natalie C. Devlin Dr. and Mrs. Donald V. Eitzman Ms. Carolyn S. Francisco Mr. John Kevin Cox Ms. Charlotte DeWees Ms. Geradine A. Ekblad Mr. and Mrs. James D. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cox Mr. Robert B. Dewey Ms. Janice El Qudsi Ms. Gretchen Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Craft Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Dey, Jr. Mr. Gary Elder Mr. Richard D. Franzen *Mrs. Melvetta Orene Craig Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Dick *Mr. and Mrs. Doug Elkins *Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Frazier Ms. Nancy C. Cramer Mr. Dan Dickson Ms. Cheryl A. Ellefson Ms. Ann J. Freeman Mrs. Salvatrice Cramer Mrs. Mary-Elise Diedrich Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Ellicott Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Freeman Ms. Betty Crary Mr. Donald Diehl Mr. James Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Ted Freemire *Mr. Gary Lynn Crase Ms. Lois Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Elwell Ms. Elisabeth R. French 2020 Spring – 14 – Annual Report
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