              This donor report reflects
              donations made between
              January 1 and December 31,
              2017. Thank you for supporting
              our mission.

   Giving by Designation
   This chart shows all donations by category.
                                             10%                                                area of greatest need

                      2%            7%



                                     2%                                                         waterfront

   Giving by Constituency                                                           * major will provisions not included

   This chart shows all donations by relationship to the Academy.

                                                                      2%                        graduate/alumnus

                                                          6%                                    current/past parent




                                                                                                current/former faculty-staff

                                                                                    * major will provisions not included
   Giving by Society
   These charts break down alumni, parents, and friends into giving levels.

   Alumni                                                 Parents				Friends
                                          flying bridge                             flying bridge         2%                   flying bridge

                                          sextant                     6%            sextant                     5%             sextant
                      19%                                        8%                                       8%
        10%                               mariners                                  mariners                          36%      mariners
                                                           13%                                      11%

                                          compass                                   compass                                    compass

                                          century          13%                      century                                    century

              16%                                                           36%                                39%
                                          donor                                     donor                                      donor

2 |
Class Year    Years Out   5 Cents/Day   % Compliance   Lifetime ($)     Lifetime (%)
1962          55          $1,004        12.14%         $28,105          9.29%
1963          54          $986          9.93%          $27,101          1.99%
1964          53          $967          9.15%          $26,116          5.23%
1965          52          $949          8.09%          $25,149          5.78%
1966          51          $931          0.00%          $24,200          7.50%
1967          50          $913          18.45%         $23,269          2.38%
1968          49          $894          6.04%          $22,356          1.34%
1969          48          $876          9.68%          $21,462          6.45%
1970          47          $858          8.70%          $20,586          6.21%
1971          46          $840          7.41%          $19,728          4.94%
1972          45          $821          11.11%         $18,889          2.12%
1973          44          $803          3.93%          $18,068          3.37%
1974          43          $785          6.17%          $17,265          4.32%
1975          42          $767          4.79%          $16,480          2.13%
1976          41          $748          4.61%          $15,713          3.69%
1977          40          $730          21.84%         $14,965          5.83%
1978          39          $712          5.78%          $14,235          6.22%
1979          38          $694          7.05%          $13,523          5.39%
1980          37          $675          6.84%          $12,830          5.98%
1981          36          $657          5.79%          $12,155          6.18%
1982          35          $639          13.89%         $11,498          5.56%
1983          34          $621          3.96%          $10,859          5.73%
1984          33          $602          4.74%          $10,238          4.74%
1985          32          $584          8.72%          $9,636           3.21%
1986          31          $566          10.21%         $9,052           4.68%
1987          30          $548          7.48%          $8,486           4.67%
1988          29          $529          2.88%          $7,939           5.29%
1989          28          $511          4.14%          $7,410           3.55%
1990          27          $493          4.17%          $6,899           3.13%
1991          26          $475          4.79%          $6,406           1.80%
1992          25          $456          12.18%         $5,931           3.21%
1993          24          $438          6.60%          $5,475           6.09%
1994          23          $420          5.96%          $5,037           5.05%
1995          22          $402          4.72%          $4,617           4.72%
1996          21          $383          4.49%          $4,216           4.49%
1997          20          $365          17.32%         $3,833           5.59%
1998          19          $347          6.67%          $3,468           3.33%
1999          18          $329          3.93%          $3,121           3.93%
2000          17          $310          6.07%          $2,792           7.48%
2001          16          $292          2.04%          $2,482           3.57%
2002          15          $274          6.25%          $2,190           4.55%
2003          14          $256          5.10%          $1,916           8.16%
2004          13          $237          3.37%          $1,424           2.81%
2005          12          $219          7.01%          $1,424           7.48%
2006          11          $201          8.46%          $1,205           9.95%
2007          10          $183          6.02%          $1,004           6.48%
2008          9           $164          7.01%          $821             5.14%
2009          8           $146          3.57%          $657             5.10%
2010          7           $128          10.50%         $511             15.50%
2011          6           $110          4.39%          $383             7.80%
2012          5           $91           8.56%          $274             6.76%
2013          4           $73           10.40%         $183             12.38%
2014          3           $55           5.56%          $110             7.69%
2015          2           $37           8.86%          $55              10.13%
2016          1           $18           6.61%          $18              8.26%
                                                                      Donor Report 2017 | 3
   The Ethel N. Babson Society
   This society honors the legacy of Ethel N. Babson and her son, James A. Babson ’44, whose gifts have touched, and continue to touch, the lives of
   thousands of Kings Pointers. We are proud to thank donors whose cumulative lifetime giving is $1,000,000 or more through December 31, 2017.
   James H. Ackerman ’44                John Brooks ’44                      Phillip LeBoutillier                 Paul H. Sonnen ’53
   James A. Babson ’44                  J.S. Johnson                         Arlyne O’Gara                        Dean V. White ’45
   Raymond J. Bartoszek ’86             J. Smith Lanier II ’50               William R. O’Gara ’50                James H. Yocum ’47
   Albert B. Baxter ’50

   The Nathaniel B. Palmer Society
   A celebrated 19th century shipmaster, Nathaniel Palmer’s versatility ranged from exploration and trading to yachting and ship design. His memory
   is honored at Kings Point where a building is named for him through this society. We are proud to thank donors whose lifetime giving reached
   $750,000 or more through December 31, 2017.
   Norman A. Anderson ’44               Jack A. Baker ’46                    Dean F. LeBaron                      Eugene W. Landy ’55
   Ethel N. Babson                      Kenneth H. Hofmann ’44               Daniel E. Meehan ’51                 James F. Zievers ’47

   The James Harvey Tomb Society
   This society honors the Academy’s first Superintendent, James Harvey Tomb, who oversaw the physical construction of the Academy. The James
   Harvey Tomb Society honors his legacy and those benefactors whose lifetime giving reached $500,000 or more through December 31, 2017.
   Loraine Ackerman                     Michael S. Greenwald                 Petro Kulynych ’43                   Ralph R. Peachman
   Prestley S. Blake                    Erika Hessler-Bonnabel               Melvin M. Lawrence ’54               Ellsworth L. Peterson ’46
   Henry J. Bonnabel III ’44            Caswell F. Holloway, Jr. ’44         Sumner A. Long ’42                   Maria Trotta, Estate
   Louis J. Carr, Jr. ’61               Marie B. Holloway                    John A. McCrane ’46                  Ralph U. Whipple
   Jay Ecklund

   The Giles C. Stedman Society
   Giles C. Stedman was the Academy’s second Superintendent, who was known for his commitment to excellence. The society honors that
   commitment and those individuals whose lifetime giving reached $250,000 or more through December 31, 2017.
   Leo V. Berger ’43                    John A. Georges                      Harry W. Marshall ’44                Dominick Porco
   Ira B. Brown ’49                     Edward F. Glassmeyer                 John P. McConville ’57               Karl C. Powell ’66
   Myra D. Brown                        Eugene R. Harris ’46                 Lauren S. McCready                   Henry M. Quincannon, Jr. ’64
   Richard S. Cowan                     Charles J. Hill ’65                  Frank K. Moore ’48                   James P. Sinclair
   Robert E. Crabtree ’48               Mac R. Hogle ’48                     Walter Neumann                       Thomas J. Smith
   Ralph E. Crump ’46                   Frank L. Hussey, Jr. ’46             John D. Noonan ’78                   Edward E. Stribling ’67
   Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Duffy             Richard G. Kent ’67                  Denis B. O’Donnell ’44               Adrian Zaccaria ’66
   Donald W. Forster ’61                Bevin D. Koeppel                     Carl Olsson

   The Howard Payne Conway Society
   As the Academy’s first graduate killed by enemy gunfire, Howard Payne Conway’s memory is honored through this society. We are pleased to
   recognize individuals whose lifetime giving reached $100,000 or more through December 31, 2017.
   Dominic Alfieri                      Mario Fishera                        Bernadette M. Kelly, Estate          David Osborne ’65
   James M. Ames ’49                    Arthur A. Fleming ’60                James B. Kelly ’49                   Basil J. Paparone ’53
   Julian Armstrong                     Robert S. Gates ’45                  James W. Kelly ’50                   Daniel J. Price ’59
   George F. Baker                      Charles Gay                          John H. Kilbourne                    Peter J. Rackett ’61
   Frank L. Bartak ’46                  John J. Geany ’51                    Robert F. Klausner ’62               Kenneth J. Randall ’42
   Ronald E. Baughman ’85               John R. Graham ’52                   Dwight H. Koops ’62                  George E. Ratcliffe ’49
   Russell M. Blair, Jr. ’51            James B. Grant                       Dan C. Labry                         James B. Richardson
   Kavark G. Bournazian ’47             Hartford N. Gunn, Jr. ’48            Edward V. Lahey                      Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Schlegel
   Donald P. Brennan                    Gregory Hadjieleftheriadis           Robert J. Lavinia ’70                Flora Showalter
   Leo J. Brennan ’48                   George E. Hall ’82                   Steven Lever                         Roger E. Showalter, Sr. ’51
   Constance L. Buhl ’81                Robert A. Hansen ’45                 William J. Littler                   Clifton L. Smith ’61
   Robert P. Burke ’81                  Robert W. Harbut ’42                 Dale L. Livi ’80                     H. Kerner Smith, Jr. ’66
   John D. Cameron, Jr. ’71             Douglas H. Headley ’52               Marilyn A. Livi ’82                  Thomas L. Stark
   Robert Cochran ’45                   Ronald S. Hickman ’49                Eliot H. Lumbard ’45                 Joel Sterling
   Bettyna Collins                      Virginia L. Hickman                  Marie E. Magee                       Joseph T. Stewart, Jr. ’51
   George S. Coumantaros                Paul Hoffmann                        Robert P. Magee, Jr. ’69             Theodore H. Teplow ’50
   George A. David                      Louise J. Hopkinson, Estate          Julie A. Maggart ’87                 John A. Tompkins ’65
   Kenneth A. DeGhetto ’43              Thomas J. Hughes ’80                 Leonard Maley ’44                    Joseph R. Turenne ’48
   Thomas G. Devine ’67                 Bernard Hyman                        Donald T. Mathiesen ’62              Joe F. Vaughan, Jr. ’66
   Mitchell Edson ’49                   Robert D. Janosov ’55                John Mattioni ’57                    Roger A. Vaughan, Jr. ’56
   Gloria F. Elbrecht                   Mikell K. Johnson                    Richard R. McNulty                   Herbert Virgin
   Robin L. Erixon ’42                  Peter F. Johnson ’57                 Horace R. Miller ’50                 Stephen G. Ware ’71
   Mr. & Mrs. James D. Farley ’46       Neil E. Jones ’52                    Thad Miller ’73                      Frank Wennet ’42
   Robert C. Featherer ’68              Richard O. Kearns ’46                Kenneth L. Minor ’44                 Arnold H. Werner ’45
   Anthony J. Fiorelli, Jr. ’51         W. P. Keene ’62                      Milton G. Nottingham, Jr. ’44

4 |
The Edwin J. O’Hara Society
The memory and valor of Kings Pointer Edwin J. O’Hara, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for bravery, is honored through this
society. The society honors individuals whose lifetime giving reached $50,000 or more through December 31, 2017.
Lee J. Ackerman                    Donald J. Dudziak ’56               Warren G. Leback ’44               Victor J. Schisler ’64
William A. Acosta ’47              George H. Dunning ’43               V. Joan Lewick                     Norman B. Schrott ’46
Norman Albertson ’54               John O. Felker                      Robert F. Lindmark ’64             Elliot J. Shapiro ’51
Ricardo R. Alvarado ’48            Herbert J. Forthuber ’77            Rector B. Link ’45                 Fred S. Sherman ’55
Edward J. Anderson                 Walter H. Fricke ’48                Donald Liu ’62                     Cornelius Shields
Robert H. Atkinson, Jr. ’84        Nancy Ackerman Gaines               Steven Loeb                        James T. Shirley, Jr. ’65
Francis A. Augsbury, Jr. ’45       James J. Gallagher ’63              Joseph K. Lombino ’66              Donald M. Smart ’47
Ara Avak ’44                       Jerry L. Gecowets ’58               John Lucs ’61                      J. Barry Snyder ’65
James H. Baker ’45                 Albert R. Goetjen ’43               Donald E. A. Lyons ’51             Robert J. Spaulding, Jr. ’79
Rose Badgeley Trust                Alex E. Goldberger ’53              Robert J. Mader ’44                Nicholas F. Starace II ’57
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Baughman       Sigurd Golden                       William Maloney ’44                Brian D. Starer ’67
Ellen Beckett                      Manuel & Anne Goodman Trust         Joseph A. Martucci, Jr. ’70        Ivy B. Suter ’78
Peter N. Beckett ’49               Charles A. Grandjean ’55            Thomas F. McEvily, Jr. ’45         E.H. Taylor
Han D. Bhang                       Dr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Hajduk         James J. McGuinness ’53            Donald A. Toenshoff ’84
Carroll N. Bjornson ’50            Richard J. Halluska ’69             Patrick F. McInerney ’47           Douglas M. Torborg ’64
Robert E. Blake ’43                Thomas W. Harrelson ’66             Roger C. McPherson ’46             Phillip M. Torf ’44
John Bodnar, Jr. ’55               Edward A. Harsche ’62               George P. McShea, Jr. ’68          Emmanuel J. Tsavaris ’45
Joachim J. Buono ’78               Reginald M. Hayden, Jr. ’60         Franklyn W. Menser ’65             Robert E. Turner
Carol C. Calkins                   Richard Hermon-Taylor               Michael J. Miller ’77              Joseph K. Tynan ’43
Charles Callahan                   Donald S. Hitchcock ’51             Charles C. Mollard ’64             William W. Vaughan ’47
Sanford K. Carlisle, Jr. ’58       Clay T. Hoffman                     Alfred Morasso, Jr. ’48            Paul M. Verrochi ’70
Robert L. Carr ’48                 George Hoffman                      Robin G. Munden                    Michael R. Vincel, Jr. ’44
John E. Chickering ’81             Charles E. Horne III ’53            Mr. & Mrs. Scott Murphy            Florence I. Wagner
C.T. Clagett                       Robert S. Hospodar ’50              David A. Nazzaro ’62               Jules A. Wagner ’45
Mrs. James L. Clark                Dolores C. Hundt                    Glenda S. O’Connor ’85             Philip Wallach ’50
James L. Clark ’51                 John E. Hundt ’51                   Scott W. O’Connor ’83              William J. Wetzel, Sr. ’55
James C. Cook ’58                  William P. Jeuvelis ’67             David A. O’Neil ’61                Douglas White
Irwin L. Cucullu ’47               Clifford Jordan                     Richard B. Philbrick ’44           Anthony Widman
Robert P. Curt ’72                 Paul J. Kampa ’80                   Charles G. Raymond ’65             John P. Wold ’44
Donn D. Dears ’52                  Charles H. Kana ’55                 Douglas Rogers                     Frederick R. Wolke ’61
Thomas H. Delashutt                Mark M. Kane ’74                    Edmond F. Rondepierre ’52          Clifford P. Woodrick ’59
Mark Delesdernier III ’79          William E. Karlson ’82              Nan L. Rondepierre                 Stanley A. Wuchter
John F. DeSantis, Sr. ’60          James B. Keating ’51                Harold J. Russell, Jr. ’55         Donald R. Yearwood ’61
John L. Donahue, Jr. ’61           Boris W. Kostecke ’47               John P. Ryan                       George S. Zacharkow ’47
Arthur Donovan                     LoRayne Kostecke                    Marie Schegel
Alben F. Dreves ’42                Paul L. Krinsky ’50                 S.G. Schementi

                                                                                                                   Donor Report 2017 | 5
   McNulty Society
   The following individuals have identified the AAF as a beneficiary in their estate and life income gifts of $10,000 or more.
   Mr. Robert J. Aimone ’57               * Mr. Anthony J. Fiorelli, Jr. ’51     Mr. Eugene W. Landy ’55                  * Mr. James A. Quigley, Jr. ’42
   * CDR Norman Albertson, USN            * Mr. Kenneth V. D. Fiske ’46          Mr. Clarke Langrall ’46                  Mr. Peter J. Rackett ’61
      (Ret) ’54                           * Mr. Howard B. Fox, Jr. ’46           * Mr. Lars L. Larsen ’44                 * Dr. William F. Railing ’45
   * Mr. Ricardo R. Alvarado ’48          Mr. Craig T. French ’70                * Mr. John J. Lawlor ’50                 * CDR Kenneth J. Randall, USN
   * Mr. James M. Ames ’49                Mr. Michael F. Gallagher, Sr. ’63      * Mr. Melvin M. Lawrence ’54                (Ret) ’42
   * Mr. Norman A. Anderson ’44           * Mr. Robert S. Gates ’45              CAPT Warren G. Leback ’44                Mr. Allan L. Redmond ’44
   * Mr. James A. Babson ’44              * Mr. Myron A. Gelberg ’50             Mr. Robert F. Lindmark ’64               * Mr. Daniel C. Reese ’44
   Mrs. Rose M. Badgeley Trust            Mr. William C. Gibson ’44              Mr. Rector B. Link ’45                   * Mr. Gerald S. Rehm ’48
   Mr. Albert A. Badger ’58               * Mr. John L. Gibson II ’45            * Mr. William P. Linthicum ’43           Mr. William J. Richards ’46
   * Mr. Jack A. Baker ’46                Mr. Thomas F. Gilmore III ’82          Mr. Joseph K. Lombino ’66                Mr. John F. Ring, Jr. ’59
   * LT Joseph M. Baker, Jr., USN         * Mr. Albert R. Goetjen ’43            * Mr. Arthur E. Lyman ’43                * Mr. Robert J. Roberts ’44
      (Ret) ’47                           * Mr. Edwin A. Goldberg ’48            Mr. Donald E. A. Lyons ’51               Mr. Roy R. Rogers, Sr. ’71
   * Mr. Frank L. Bartak ’46              Mr. Alex E. Goldberger ’53             * Mr. John G. Lyons ’50                  Mr. Stephen S. Roszel ’75
   * Mr. Albert B. Baxter ’50             Manuel & Anne Goodman Trust            * Mr. Floyd D. Mackey ’44                Mr. Michael Russak ’44
   Mrs. Ellen Beckett                     * RADM Russell W. Gorman, USNR         * Mrs. June R. Mackey                    Mr. Kenneth P. Sabol ’65
   * Mr. Peter N. Beckett ’49                (Ret) ’49                           CAPT Robert T. Madden ’59                Mr. James H. Sanborn ’59
   * Mr. Harold R. Beddows ’43            * CDR Alfred J. Grebasch, USNR         * Mr. William N. Makepeace ’46           Mr. James C. Sander ’47
   * Mrs. Mary Frances R. Beddows            (Ret) ’44                           * Mr. William A. Maki ’45                Mr. John E. Savage ’61
   Mr. Ronald W. Bell ’47                 * Mrs. Marian F. Grebasch              * Mr. Leonard Maley ’44                  * Mr. Joseph A. Sawich ’46
   * LCDR Jesse D. Boehret, USN           * Mr. Hartford N. Gunn, Jr. ’48        * Mr. John G. Marincas ’46               * Mr. John W. Schlirf ’47
      (Ret) ’45                           Mr. Robert A. Hackett ’51              * Mr. Harrison B. Martin ’44             * Mrs. Barbara A. Schlirf
   * Mr. Henry J. Bonnabel III ’44        Mr. Robert M. Haiken ’51               Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation        Mr. Ronald P. Schutz ’64
   Mr. Donn Borg ’50                      Dr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Hajduk            * Mr. Dante Mattioni ’53                 Mrs. Irmgard Sherman
   * Mr. Kavark G. Bournazian ’47         Mr. Gaylord E. Hansen ’45              * Mr. Charles S. Maxim ’44               * Mr. Robert A. Sherman ’44
   CDR Matthew J. Bowen, USN ’95          * LT Eugene R. Harris, USN (Ret) ’46   Mr. Eugene F. McCormick, Jr. ’64         CAPT James T. Shirley, Jr. ’65
   Mr. William P. Bowes, Sr. ’62          * Mr. Edward L. Hays ’45               * RADM Lauren S. McCready,               * Mr. Roger E. Showalter, Sr. ’51
   Mr. Robert P. Breen ’61                Dr. Ulysses V. Henderson, Jr. ’47         USMS (Ret)                            * Mr. Charles A. Shuttleworth ’45
   * Mr. Ira B. Brown ’49                 * CAPT Lewis J. Heroy ’44              CAPT Robert D. McEliece ’64              Mr. Clifton L. Smith ’61
   CAPT John E. Bruns, USN (Ret) ’81      Mr. Peter S. Herrick ’61               * Mr. Thomas F. McEvily, Jr. ’45         Mr. Richard R. Smith ’52
   * Mr. Melvin H. Bruns ’44              * Mr. Ronald S. Hickman ’49            * Mr. Francis D. McGarey ’48             * Mr. Thomas J. Smith
   CAPT Eric C. Bryson ’77                * Mr. Daniel C. Higgins ’62            Mr. Matthew J. McHugh ’67                * Mr. Paul H. Sonnen ’53
   * Mr. Robert P. Buonora ’51            Mr. Donald S. Hitchcock, PE ’51        Mr. Patrick F. McInerney ’47             * Mr. Alfred C. Spang ’44
   CAPT Lawrence R. Burr, USN (Ret) ’61   * Mr. Harry L. Hodges ’46              RADM Christopher J. McMahon,             * Mr. Joseph T. Stewart, Jr. ’51
   Mr. Raymond F. Butler ’44              * Mr. Mac R. Hogle ’48                    USMS ’77                              * Mr. Eugene D. Story ’47
   Mr. John D. Cameron, Jr. ’71           * Mr. Caswell F. Holloway, Jr. ’44     * RADM Richard R. McNulty,               CAPT Glenn D. Strathearn ’76
   Mr. John G. Canerot ’51                * Mr. John F. Holton ’45                  USNR (Ret)                            * Mr. Edward E. Stribling ’67
   * Mr. Robert L. Carr ’48               * Mr. Robert T. Howe ’55               * LCDR Roger C. McPherson,               * Mr. Isaac Suder ’46
   * Mr. Guy R. Carriere ’63              Mr. Thomas J. Hughes ’80                  USNR (Ret) ’46                        * Mr. Howard E. Sullivan ’58
   * CAPT William V. Cayo ’45             * Mr. Jack E. Hunger ’57               Mr. Daniel E. Meehan ’51                 Mr. James M. Textor ’74
   Mr. John Cho ’47                       * Dr. Frank L. Hussey, Jr., MD ’46     * Mr. Horace R. Miller ’50               * Mr. James G. Tompkins III ’47
   * Mr. Robert Cochran ’45               Mr. Eric Izzo                          Mr. William E. Millette ’63              * Mr. Joseph R. Turenne ’48
   Mr. Diosdado L. Cocjin ’53             CDR Dennis J. Jacko, Jr., USN ’94      Mr. James K. Monahan ’81                 * Mr. Walter T. Turling ’44
   * Mr. James E. Collins ’47             * CDR Byron C. Jackson, USNR           * Mr. Frank K. Moore ’48                 * CAPT Keith E. Van Buren,
   * Mr. Robert E. Crabtree ’48              (Ret) ’47                           * LCDR George M. Moore, USNR ’43            USNR (Ret) ’43
   * Mr. Irwin L. Cucullu ’47             * Mr. Stephen H. Jackson, Jr. ’44      Mr. John D. Noonan ’78                   Mr. Roger A. Vaughan, Jr. ’56
   * Mr. John F. Dalenberg ’45            James T. Lee Foundation                CAPT Emile E. Nordan, USN (Ret) ’50      Mr. William W. Vaughan, Jr. ’47
   * Mr. James R. D’Andrea ’44            * Mr. William P. Jeuvelis ’67          * Mr. Milton G. Nottingham, Jr. ’44      Mr. Philip Wallach ’50
   Mr. Raymond Day                        Mr. Basil D. Johnson ’47               * Mr. Charles G. Nusbaum, Sr. ’46        Mr. Sherman A. Watkins ’58
   LT Jerry E. DeHaven, USNR (Ret) ’69    * CAPT Peter F. Johnson ’57            CAPT Michael W. Oehler ’70               * Mr. Wilbur G. Wehlau ’44
   * Mrs. Jean M. Denton                  * Dr. Joseph F. Johnston ’51           Mr. Jack C. Ofelt, Jr. ’62               * Mr. Thomas Weingarten ’50
   * Mr. John R. Denton ’49               * CAPT Theodore P. Judd ’60            Dr. Arlyne O’Gara, PhD                   * CAPT Frank Wennet ’42
   * Mr. Peter Dougenis ’44               * Mr. James W. Kelly ’50               * CAPT William R. O’Gara,                LT Arnold H. Werner ’45
   Mr. Robert H. Draves, Jr. ’72          * Mr. John P. Kelly ’51                   USNR (Ret) ’50                        Mrs. Patricia H. Whitam
   Mr. Charles S. Driver                  * Mrs. Bernadette M. Kelly             * Mr. David J. Oppenheim ’44             * Mr. Robert E. Whitam ’46
   Dr. John K. Duckworth, MD ’49          * Mr. Richard G. Kent ’67              Lt Col Stephen W. Pahs, USAF (Ret) ’50   Mr. Alfred Williams ’67
   Mr. Thomas G. Eckhart ’65              Mr. William R. Kern ’48                Mr. Hollis S. Paige ’46                  Mr. Joseph A. Wilson ’45
   Dr. Mitchell Edson, MD ’49             Mrs. Margaret R. Kettenring            * Mr. Daniel L. Paolini ’53              * Mr. William R. Wilson, Jr. ’51
   Mrs. Gloria Fiore Elbrecht             * Mr. Clare B. King ’49                * Mr. Richard A. Paramore ’46            * Mr. John P. Wold ’44
   * CAPT Robin L. Erixon ’42             * Mr. David S. Kloss, USMS (Ret) ’44   * Mr. John H. Paraskevas ’44             Mrs. Judith L. Woolley McKevitt
   * Mr. James D. Farley ’46              * Mr. William Knowles                  * CAPT Ralph R. Peachman                 * Mr. Douglas C. Workman ’45
   * LCDR Richard A. Farley, USN          Mr. Jack W. Knowlton ’47               * Mrs. Susan Petersen Lubow              Mr. Walter Yarbrough, Jr. ’45
      (Ret) ’52                           * Ms. Dorothea A. Koontz               Mr. Ellsworth L. Peterson ’46            * Mr. Richard H. Yearick ’44
   * Mr. Francis D. Fellner ’52           Dr. Curtis J. Krebs, MD ’62            Mr. Asa V. Phillips III ’51              Mr. Donald R. Yearwood ’61
   * Mr. Howard F. Fern ’49               Mr. Brett C. Krippene ’61              Mr. James M. Powell ’61                  Mr. James H. Yocum ’47
   * CAPT Alfred E. Fiore ’42             * Mr. Petro Kulynych ’43               Mrs. Nora M. Quigley                     * Mr. James F. Zievers ’47

6 |                                                                                                                                 * Deceased
Admiral’s Circle
The following donors made gifts of $10,000 or more to the USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation in 2017.
Albert B. Baxter ’50, Estate       George E. Hall ’82                 Julie A. Maggart ’87                   Daniel J. Price ’59
Harold R. Beddows ’43, Estate      Eugene R. Harris ’46               Arthur H. Major ’87                    Remo Puricelli ’42
Mary Frances Beddows, Estate       Robert D. Janosov ’55              Joseph A. Martucci III ’00             Henry M. Quincannon, Jr. ’64
Russell M. Blair, Jr. ’51          William E. Karlson ’82             Donald T. Mathiesen ’62                Elliot J. Shapiro ’51
John Bodnar, Jr. ’55               Richard O. Kearns ’46              John P. McConville ’57                 Nicholas F. Starace II ’57
Robert P. Buonora ’51              Robert F. Klausner ’62             Michael J. Miller ’77                  Peter F. Suleski, PE ’60
Louis J. Carr, Jr. ’61             Eugene W. Landy ’55                Thad Miller ’73                        John A. Tompkins ’65
Edward Coll ’79                    Dale L. Livi ’80                   David A. Nazzaro ’62                   Joseph R. Turenne ’48, Estate
Mark Delesdernier III ’79          Marilyn A. Livi ’82                John D. Noonan ’78                     James H. Yocum ’47
Thomas G. Devine ’67               Floyd D. Mackey ’44, Estate        Arlyne O’Gara                          Adrian Zaccaria ’66
Donald W. Forster ’61              Mrs. June Mackey, Estate           David Osborne ’65

Quarterdeck Society
The following donors made gifts of $5,000 or more to the USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation in 2017.
Jack H. Anderson ’77               Herbert J. Forthuber ’77            Eugene R. Lutz ’00                    Harold J. Russell, Jr. ’55
Ronald E. Baughman ’85             Robert F. Fremont ’71               Chester Marcell, Jr. ’45              Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Salazar
Joseph G. Braunreuther ’76         John T. Hammer ’67                  Warren J. Marwedel ’66                Vielka E. Schmid ’97
Javier A. Bru ’97                  Randolph G. Johnson, Jr. ’83        John Mattioni ’57                     Donald M. Smart ’47
John D. Cameron, Jr. ’71           Neil E. Jones ’52                   Robert E. McMichael, Jr. ’62          Christina Renick Sobel
Sanford K. Carlisle, Jr. ’58       Mark M. Kane ’74                    Mark W. Mitchem ’82                   Brian D. Starer ’67
John E. Chickering ’81             Dwight H. Koops ’62                 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Murphy               Gerard J. Sullivan ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cohen            Richard R. Krahn ’74                Nicholas H. Peckham ’62               Theodore H. Teplow ’50
Sean T. Connaughton ’83            Petro Kulynych ’43                  Robert A. Penny ’77                   James M. Todd ’68
Robert P. Curt ’72                 Bienvenido L. Lim ’54               George E. Ratcliffe ’49               John P. Torkelson ’63
Donn D. Dears ’52                  David E. Lindeman ’70               Edmond F. Rondepierre ’52, Estate     Terry L. Tysseland ’64
John W. Doherty ’89                Donald Liu ’62                      Nan L. Rondepierre                    Gary S. Vogel ’88
Donald J. Dudziak ’56              John Lucs ’61                       Robert D. Rowan ’48                   Fred A. von Recklinghausen ’66
James P. Flannery II ’82

Kings Point Society
The following donors made gifts of $3,000 or more to the USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation in 2017.
Robert J. Aimone ’57               Philip E. Malone ’93                Joseph D. Schwartzstein ’96           Robert J. Tulaba ’00
Byron L. Anderson ’57              William D. Marino, MD               Wayne C. Sirois ’84                   Christopher G. Voss ’07
John O. Arntzen ’79                Joseph A. Martino ’86               Clifton L. Smith ’61                  Mrs. Florence I. Wagner
Edgar I. Barr ’57                  Margaret A. Martino ’86             Robert L. Smith, Jr. ’92              Anthony I. Wenderoth ’56
Todd A. Barr ’86                   Joseph A. Martucci, Jr. ’70         Andrew J. Sturgess, C/E ’72           David L. Wickersham, Jr. ’93
Catherine Barr ’86                 Mr. & Mrs. William McCary           James F. Tearney ’47
John Bellissimo ’94                Michael C. McFeeley ’04
David J. Berge ’85                 Robert W. McGrath, Jr. ’80
Charles M. Berman ’45              George P. McShea, Jr. ’68
Timothy P. Brennan ’87             Earl S. Mealins ’63
Thomas J. Burchill ’62             Kathleen Mealins
Mrs. James Clark                   Michael Messick ’62
Kevin P. Coyne ’77                 Charles C. Mollard ’64
Theodore C. Dawson ’52             Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mundorf
Walter B. Devine ’49               Michael E. Mussler ’78
Mark S. Eckels ’69                 Andrew L. Nowak ’96
Christopher J. Flanagan ’81        Ira H. Owens, Jr. ’82
Alex E. Goldberger ’53             Daniel L. Paolini ’53, Estate
Frederick W. Greenwald ’62         Edgar W. Phoebus, Jr. ’63
James L. Hamilton, Jr. ’77         Roger Quigg ’60
John J. Henderson ’87              Eugene A. Quinn ’60
Mark L. Hessel ’56                 Charles M. Renick ’47
Edward F. Hoffman ’69              Joseph P. Rodriguez ’71
Barry W. Ingold ’85                Stephen Rogozinski ’84
Craig P. Maggioni ’05              George C. Rothwell, JD ’58
Monica L. Malone ’93               William L. Rung, Jr. ’70

                                                                                                                      Donor Report 2017 | 7
   Polaris Society
   The following donors made gifts of $2,000 or more to the USMMA Alumni Association and Foundation in 2017.
   Colin M. Adler ’03                 Mitchell Edson ’49                       Paul M. Kessler ’79              Gerardina Pelto ’98
   Emmett C. Aepli, Jr. ’77           Christian J. Ehrhardt                    Mr. Jeremy King                  Iain A. Pelto ’98
   Michael J. Aiello ’77              Marion P. Fahnestock                     Bryon T. Knoth ’97               Henry S. Prime ’59
   Michael Alberi ’67                 John M. Falvey ’78                       Thomas R. Kolar, Jr. ’46         Mark E. Prose ’72
   Frank W. Amason ’60                Richard A. Farley ’52, Estate            Shawn F. Kucharski ’95           Jeffrey L. Qualman ’86
   Christopher D. Anderson ’94        Robert C. Featherer ’68                  Robert J. Lavinia ’70            George A. Quick ’51
   Joseph E. Anzalone ’51             Joseph L. Feinberg ’47                   Jose E. Leonard ’77              Peter J. Rackett ’61
   Stephen V. Ardia ’63               Dr. & Mrs. Robert Femia                  Francis V. Liantonio, Jr. ’83    Victor S. Radlinski ’43
   James G. Armstrong ’71             John D. Ferguson ’62                     James B. Liebertz ’66            Dr. and Mrs. Kris Rainear
   William D. Arndt ’80               John W. Fitzgerald ’89                   Robert F. Lindmark ’64           Adam M. Rapacki ’06
   Robert H. Atkinson, Jr. ’84        Robert L. Foster, Sr. ’60                Christian D. Livi ’16            Richard J. Reisert ’77
   John J. Bajor ’69                  Warner C. Frazier ’55                    Paul A. Londynsky ’80            John V. ReShore ’75
   James E. Baker ’49                 Craig T. French ’70                      Carlos A. Lopez ’82              Sean K. Ritchie ’92
   Charles R. Barnum, Jr. ’49         Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gardella               Charles Lowe ’51                 Roy R. Rogers, Sr. ’71
   Roger T. Barth ’73                 Walter R. Geist ’60                      Robert J. Lyons ’77              Gary L. Rowe ’61
   Richard E. Basso ’66               Robert E. Giffen, Jr. ’64                Robert J. Lyons, Jr. ’03         Robert L. Safarik ’61
   Gary B. Binam ’66                  Gary D. Gilbert ’71                      William G. MacIntosh ’45         Rodney E. Sall ’61
   Charles P. Bland ’60               Kim A. Gill ’67                          Michael A. MacLeod ’84           Christopher D. Salmonese ’06
   Robert J. Bodine ’45               Dr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Glass               Mr. & Mrs. David C. MacRitchie   Michael J. Schneider ’61
   Mark D. Bonatucci ’82              Milton H. Gonzales, Jr. ’76              Robert T. Madden ’59             Scott M. Settje ’79
   George P. Borawski, Jr. ’78        Dr. & Mrs. Larry I. Gottlieb             Donald J. Marcus ’79             James T. Shirley, Jr. ’65
   Richard M. Boudiette ’83           Gina M. Gottschalk ’10                   Dennis G. Marshall ’62           Andrew D. Smith ’94
   Lawrence J. Bowles ’59             Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gramegna               Mathew D. Martin ’50             Charles S. Smith ’82
   John K. Bozick ’84                 Alan L. Graves ’67                       Eugene Mattioni ’62              H. Kerner Smith, Jr. ’66
   Michael R. Bradshaw ’98            Philip H. Greene, Jr. ’78                Thomas F. McCaffery ’76          John A. Stafsnes ’66
   John C. Brennan ’93                Marion L. Griffin ’44                    Patrick H. McGroggan ’90         William E. Steiger, Jr. ’65
   Charles H. Brickell, Jr. ’57       Richard E. Grubbe ’61                    Mr. & Mrs. Keith McLiverty       VADM Joseph D. Stewart, USMS (Ret)
   Bobby L. Brooks, Jr. ’76           Roland K. Hagan ’65                      Howard T. McLoughlin ’48         Marissa A. Strawbridge ’06
   Constance L. Buhl ’81              Robert M. Haiken ’51                     Michael G. McVay ’92             Shawn P. Strawbridge ’06
   James A. Carbone ’79               Richard J. Halluska ’69                  John J. McVicar ’69              Richard P. Suriano ’53
   Frederick J. Carew III ’76         Peter H. Hames ’65                       George H. Mehrtens ’60           Alan K. Sutton ’63
   Thomas P. Carpenter ’79            Douglas A. Hard ’62                      Carl A. Miller ’68               James P. Sweeney ’70
   Michael L. Carthew ’74             Richard C. Harrell ’52                   Daniel P. Miller ’78             Eugene X. Tepper ’43
   Sheri & Douglas Charney            Thomas W. Harrelson ’66                  Kyle E. Miller ’01               James F. Tobin ’77
   Michael G. Clute, Sr. ’77          Richard J. Hartwig ’93                   Steven M. Miller ’82             Steven L. Turner ’61
   Robert G. Clyne ’82                George R. Haubenreich ’69                Bruce R. Moore ’72               Douglas V. Uhles ’70
   Michael P. Connors ’81             Louis F. Hiban III ’77                   Christopher G. Moore ’94         James A. Van der Veen ’67
   Brian C. Coyne ’00                 Charles J. Hill ’65                      Alfred Morasso, Jr. ’48          Gerard L. Voege ’60
   Martin E. Crandall ’69             Frank B. Hite ’59                        Harvey J. Mott ’68               Mrs. Susan Wagner-McKenna
   Brian S. Crawford ’92              Brian H. Hope ’65                        Don P. Murnane, Jr. ’82          Earl B. Walker ’58
   Gordon A. Crossley ’52             Bruce C. Howie ’65                       Brian F. Murphy ’94              Kevin J. Walsh ’05
   Michael B. Cunningham ’83          Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hutchinson               George C. Murphy ’77             Robert V. H. Weinberg ’69
   Ross H. Cutler ’03                 Benjamin Inouye ’10                      Dennis E. Neef ’67               Thomas A. Wesley ’77
   Richard N. Dallen ’77              Gordon E. Inouye ’65                     Eric A. Nielsen ’81              William T. Whale ’78
   David P. Delaney, Jr. ’74          Francis A. Iwancio ’71                   Jacqueline C. Nielsen ’83        Gerard W. White ’86
   Thomas J. Delaney ’86              Mr. Andrew Jablonski & Mrs. Anne         Glenda S. O’Connor ’85           Christopher S. Wilson ’97
   Timothy D. Delaney ’72                Henderson                             Scott W. O’Connor ’83            Robert R. Woelfel ’64
   Michael J. Dick ’80                Jonathan T. Jackson ’03                  Michael W. Oehler ’70            Frederick R. Wolke ’61
   Richard S. Dmochowski ’65          Charles E. Janvier ’54                   Merle G. Olmsted ’64             Clifford P. Woodrick ’59
   Mr. Robert G. Domini, Jr.          Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jennings           Norman H. Olson ’53              James V. Worth III ’63
   Leo G. Dominique ’70               Bill Jernberg ’60                        Peter A. O’Neill, Jr. ’77        Donald R. Yearwood ’61
   John L. Donahue, Jr. ’61           Stephen A. Johnsen ’67                   William J. Osmer ’76             Ralph C. Young, Jr. ’49
   Daniel J. Doty ’75                 Peter A. Junge ’65                       Charles C. O’Toole ’52           Walter C. Young ’48
   John P. Dudo ’90                   Timothy M. Keane ’77                     James L. Pacileo ’77             Evan A. Zinn ’97
   John J. Duffy, Jr. ’82             Gabrielle Giffords & Mark E. Kelly ’86   Jack C. Packard ’62              Raymond N. Zogran ’54
   Steven T. Dzitko ’81               Mrs. Meg Kerr-Cochran                    Erik S. Palin ’92

8 |
                                                                                     ANNUAL DONOR LEVELS
                                                                                     FLYING BRIDGE         $2,000 and above
                                                                                     SEXTANT CLUB          $1,000 - $1,999
                                                                                     MARINERS CLUB         $500 - $999
                                                                                     COMPASS CLUB          $250 - $499
                                                                                     CENTURY CLUB          $100 - $249
                                                                                     DONOR                 $1 - $99

Class of 1941                         Mariners Club                Charles L. Peterson           Hollis S. Paige
Compass Club                          Warren G. Leback             Samuel M. Schlanger           John E. Sullivan
William M. Ayers
                                      Compass Club                 Class of 1945                 Mariners Club
Class of 1942                         William G. Davies, Jr.       Flying Bridge                 William F. Haynes, Jr.
Flying Bridge                         James C. Edmonds, Sr.        * Charles M. Berman           Wiley W. Stanford, Jr.
* Remo Puricelli                                                   * Robert J. Bodine
                                      Century Club                 * William G. MacIntosh        Compass Club
Century Club                          Ara Avak                     * Chester Marcell, Jr.        Edward L. Blauvelt III
Aginso Valentino                      Robert Berns                                               Russell J. Judah
                                      Leonard F. Boiteux           Sextant Club                  Frederick G. MacGurn
Class of 1943                         Edward M. Donaher            Raymond O. Botto              Joseph N. Schwartz
Flying Bridge                         Robert L. Johnson, Jr.       * Kenneth E. Duncan
* Harold R. Beddows, Estate           Gerald H. Kaffer, Jr.        * Gaylord E. Hansen           Century Club
* Victor S. Radlinski                 Myron J. Kaner               Ralph H. Hinds                Richard J. Cohn
* Eugene X. Tepper                    John B. Leary                Walter M. Maclean             Horace W. Fabing
                                      Joseph A. Macri              * Stephen G. Stringos         Donald D. Glower, Sr.
Century Club                          Howard W. Mafera                                           William S. Levy
Michael T. Campbell, Sr.              Donald Mann                  Mariners Club                 Theodore F. Low
Carroll T. Newman                     Donald H. Outsen             David H. Grover               Webb N. Morrison
                                      John J. Riley, Jr.                                         Donn F. Pennell
Donor                                 Harry S. Riley               Compass Club                  Thomas H. Reilly
Philip C. Speer                       Melvin B. Rogow              John Bereza                   Richard S. Ross
                                      Louis D. Segal               James J. Logue, Jr.           Donald R. Sperier
Class of 1944                         Michael A. Slezak            Norman F. Schoenstein
Flying Bridge                         Richard C. Wayne                                           Donor
* Marion L. Griffin                   Robert C. Wisnewski          Century Club                  Bozdar Bulovic
* Floyd D. Mackey, Estate                                          Howard G. Castor              Ray C. Pratt, Jr.
                                      Donor                        David P. Fleck
Sextant Club                          John S. Campbell             Robert H. Gulcher             Class of 1947
Robert E. Duke                        William F. Cervenka          Henry N. Helgesen             Flying Bridge
Homer E. Fenton                       Alfred J. Grebasch, Estate   William H. Hendrickson        * Joseph L. Feinberg
* Michael Russak                      Lawrence J. Hardiman III     Richard L. Simonds            * Charles M. Renick
Burt A. Shearer                       John D. Lively               Wilbur H. Vantine             * Donald M. Smart
William A. Steadley                   Malcolm S. MacIntyre                                       * James F. Tearney
* Fred Wayboer                        Robert M. McCormack          Donor                         * James H. Yocum
Floyd N. York                         Bernard Nevin, Jr.           Jack M. Beggs, Jr.
                                                                   Evan E. Clingman              Sextant Club
                                                                   Jack B. Klippensteen          * David S. Berg
                                                                   Anthony J. Mayoral            * Remer D. Martin
                                                                   Francis J. Murphy             Victor V. Mavar, Sr.
                                                                   Wesley R. Payne, Jr.          * Patrick F. McInerney

                                                                   Kenneth B. Robinson           George I. Melichar
                                                                   Daniel J. Shively             * William W. Vaughan, Jr.
                                                                                                 * Albert D. Wood
                                                                   Class of 1946
                                                                   Flying Bridge                 Mariners Club
                                                                   * Eugene R. Harris            Russell S. Baker, Jr.
                                                                   * Richard O. Kearns           Alfred Hammon
                                                                   * Thomas R. Kolar, Jr.        William H. Ollinger
                                                                                                 John A. Sullivan
                                                                   Sextant Club
                                                                   Joel A. Benson                Compass Club
                                                                   Thomas Goedewaagen            Richard L. Beebe

* Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)                                                    Donor Report 2017 | 9
                                                            Class of 1950                           * Robert M. Haiken
                                                            Flying Bridge                           * Charles Lowe
                                                            * Albert B. Baxter, Estate              * George A. Quick
                                                            * Mathew D. Martin                      * Elliott J. Shapiro
   CLASS OF 1947

                                                            * Theodore H. Teplow
                                                                                                    Sextant Club
                                                            Sextant Club                            * Robert E. Dickson
                                                            * Robert H. Holyoak                     Julius Melbin
                                                            Clyde L. Jacobs                         Austin R. Schroder
                                                            * Paul L. Krinsky                       * Eugene R. Schumann
                                                            Frederick J. Ludewig                    * Robert F. Taylor
                                                            * William B. Morgan
                                                            Stephen W. Pahs                         Mariners Club
                                                            Rosario P. Romanelli                    Vincent Caggiano
                                                            Robert H. Turnier                       Glenn D. Clark, Jr.
                                                            * Lawrence E. Worters, Jr.
                                                                                                    Century Club
   Harold Behmlander             Beeler C. Eskridge         Mariners Club                           Thomas S. Councell
   Donald J. Faulhaber           Edward P. Mortimer, Sr.    Herman L. Prager                        James J. DePalma
   Richard Fecteau                                          Henry J. B. Smith                       M. R. Fishkind
   Ulysses V. Henderson, Jr.     Century Club               John S. Tucker                          Paul Gatof
   Jack W. Knowlton              Adelmo Costantini                                                  Gene G. Gaye
   Alfred S. Landry, Sr.         William R. Kern            Compass Club                            Richard W. Lundgren
   Joseph S. Lenkay              Thomas W. McNamara         Donn Borg                               Barry W. Pillinger
   Robert C. Leonard             Arnold D. Pickar           James S. Crooke, Sr.
   Robert C. Whitten, Jr.        Harry M. Wagner            Earl E. Maxfield, Jr.                   Donor
                                 Leonard A. Walker          Olaf J. Todt                            George A. Fellows
   Century Club                                                                                     Cornelius W. Gilsenan
   Robert J. Fitzgerald          Class of 1949              Century Club                            LeRoy M. Kraft
   Alexander P. Hicks            Flying Bridge              Sigmund Alexander                       Pincus Leitner
   William A. Jackle             * James E. Baker           John B. Cumming                         John J. McBride
   Arthur J. Lambright           * Charles R. Barnum, Jr.   Charles L. Ellzey                       Charles E. Phelps
   Anthony R. Lucente            * Walter B. Devine         Thomas F. Gaffney                       Henry D. Rotman
   Donald Nelson                 * Mitchell Edson           Francis G. Heidkamp                     William E. Ryder
   Richard S. Parker             * George E. Ratcliffe      Robert D. Ireland
   Charles E. Schurman           * Ralph C. Young, Jr.      Douglas A. Jacobsen                     Class of 1952
   Harry Steinman                                           Paul H. Sager, Jr.                      Flying Bridge
   Ernest G. Zumbrunnen          Sextant Club               William E. Sanders                      * Gordon A. Crossley
                                 John R. Fischer            Clyde E. Teague                         * Theodore C. Dawson
   Donor                         Robert T. Keller           Walter H. Watkins                       * Donn D. Dears
   John K. Stuart                * Edward C. Lee III                                                * Richard A. Farley, Estate
   Nicholas R. Torraca           Clarence E. Spitz          Donor                                   * Richard C. Harrell
   Joseph F. Waring                                         Ralph B. Rutherford                     * Neil E. Jones
                                 Mariners Club                                                      * Charles C. O’Toole
   Class of 1948                 Donald R. Davenport        Class of 1951                           * Edmond F. Rondepierre, Estate
   Flying Bridge                 Richard J. McGuire         Flying Bridge
   * Howard T. McLoughlin                                   * Joseph E. Anzalone                    Sextant Club
   * Alfred Morasso, Jr.         Compass Club               * Russell M. Blair, Jr.                 Richard M. Andrews
   * Robert D. Rowan             Edward T. Drill            * Robert P. Buonora                     Charles D. Bucska
   * Joseph R. Turenne, Estate   John K. Duckworth
   * Walter C. Young             Brenton S. Halsey
                                 Ralph S. Rogers
   Sextant Club                  Edwin S. Sellman
   Murray Strongwater            Frank R. Vitale
                                                            CLASS OF 1952

   Norman M. Tayler              James G. Winter, Sr.

   Mariners Club                 Century Club
   James W. Bird                 Albert K. Antrobus
   William M. Connell            Robert S. North
   Norman L. Kaufman             Donald W. Seth
   George F. McGrory             Bernard P. Suchoza
                                 Rolland S. Thomas, Jr.
   Compass Club                  Robert L. Van Houten
   Robert D. Black, Jr.
   Earl A. Borre                 Donor
                                 Leland J. Ocamb

10 |                                                                * Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)
* Douglas H. Headley                  William E. Savage             Thomas Richey, Jr.           Sextant Club
* Robert J. Lasher                    Oscar L. Stewart              Jack Rosenberg               * Donald J. Albright
* George P. MacDonough III            Joseph G. Vickers                                          * John J. Buckel
Robert M. Marshall                    Donald G. Zager               Donor                        * Thomas K. Burr, Sr.
John J. Nolan                                                       Don M. Field                 * Patrick E. Buttner
* Stephen A. Rathkopf                 Donor                         Roy C. Schmidt, Sr.          * Dante K. Carpenter
* Merton W. Thayer                    Donald F. Angert                                           * John R. Chapman
* Sidney A. Thompson                  Van T. Storer                 Class of 1956                * Fred J. Coritz
                                                                    Flying Bridge                Thomas W. Farrell
Mariners Club                         Class of 1954                 * Donald J. Dudziak          * James S. Field
John N. Donnellon                     Flying Bridge                 * Mark L. Hessel             * John A. Gatti
Kenneth G. Hartman                    * Charles E. Janvier          * Anthony I. Wenderoth       * Jack E. Hunger
Glenn D. Keneipp                      * Bienvenido L. Lim                                        Douglas D. Mercer
John M. McCaffery                     * Raymond N. Zogran           Sextant Club                 * Jerome L. Morreale
John M. Roderick                                                    * Charles Gorsch, Jr.        * Joseph A. Nunziato
Phaon D. Shafer                       Sextant Club                  Albert Nitterour             Anthony P. Romano, Jr.
William F. Stehr, Sr.                 * Franklin H. Rossbach        Allen E. Ryan                * Edward H. Russell
                                      John H. Shortt, Jr., Estate   Roger A. Vaughan, Jr.        * Dana R. Schillinger
Compass Club                          * Bernard L. Stesney          * Harmon M. Williams         * Thomas G. Schroeder, Sr.
Frederick B. Anderson                                                                            * Raynor A. Smith
Frank G. Jensen                       Mariners Club                 Mariners Club                * Lawrence F. Sturzenberger
Maxwell E. Lawrence, Jr.              Irving R. Eldridge            Richard T. Bara              * Ronald A. Werner
Lawrence R. Lorden                    Herbert M. Holzer             Roger B. Nelson
Harvey P. Rodgers                     Carl T. Miller                                             Mariners Club
Richard R. Smith                      Harold L. Witsaman            Compass Club                 John J. Barton
Eugene L. Struyk, Sr.                                               Ralph F. Wickenberg          Gerald W. Brittingham
                                      Compass Club                                               Thomas J. Coughlin
Century Club                          William J. May                Century Club                 Thomas E. Edwards
Kenneth M. Christie                                                 Charles H. Gross, Jr.        Steven G. Kevlin
Louis J. Corbett, Jr.                 Century Club                  Dan J. McDonnell             Charles B. Klehr
Paul J. Cotugno                       Harold L. Essex               Richard A. Petry             Theodore Klish
                                      George L. Fotis               Carl R. Piserchia            William T. Newbery
Donor                                 George M. Kappes              Thomas E. Stratton-Crooke    Edward J. Schindo
Robert W. Dickson, Jr.                Bock W. Wong                  Robert J. Tis                Henry L. Schroeder
Walter H. Kramps                                                    James P. Walton
Fredrick H. Linke                     Donor                                                      Compass Club
Robert A. Sleiertin                   John W. Cade                  Donor                        Frank L. Apicella
Javier Ubarri                         Dino Santoro                  Don K. Hereford              Francis X. Bernard
                                      James F. Wiltshire                                         LeRoy S. Corsa
Class of 1953                                                       Class of 1957                Locke H. Glossner
Flying Bridge                         Class of 1955                 Flying Bridge                Frank M. Harsche
* Alex E. Goldberger                  Flying Bridge                 * Robert J. Aimone           Raymond E. Hirst, Jr.
* Norman H. Olson                     * John Bodnar, Jr.            * Byron L. Anderson          Roger S. Kauffman, Sr.
* Daniel L. Paolini, Estate           * Warner C. Frazier           * Edgar I. Barr              William H. Lyons
* Richard P. Suriano                  * Robert D. Janosov           * Charles H. Brickell, Jr.   Reginald R. Pattey
                                      * Eugene W. Landy             * John Mattioni              George J. Ryan
Sextant Club                          * Harold J. Russell, Jr.      * John P. McConville         Harold A. Vanderploeg
* Mauro B. Domingo                                                  * Nicholas F. Starace II
Medford G. Dyer                       Sextant Club
                                      Samuel S. Bodder
Compass Club                          * Louis A. Rossi
Winston F. Clark                      Richard W. F. Sirch
Roger M. Duke                         * Francis R. Tamaro
Edward G. Erne
                                                                    CLASS OF 1957

Ray W. Sheppard                       Mariners Club
Robert J. Shvodian                    Albert N. Garthwaite
Edward F. Sise, Jr.                   John W. Jantzen
                                      Angelo P. Ritola
Century Club                          Fred S. Sherman
Diosdado L. Cocjin
David H. Edwards                      Century Club
Edward J. Firgau                      Louis V. Broccoli
Harold R. Hanks                       Raymond O. Farris
Thomas P. Maloney                     John J. Gelke
Earl J. Miller                        William K. Myers
Richard A. Pfeil                      Frederick M. Read

* Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)                                                   Donor Report 2017 | 11
   Century Club                 Donor                    Walter R. Phelps                       * John Lucs
   Ronald H. Baer               Peter A. Bender          Kenneth M. Stevens                     * Peter J. Rackett
   Robert P. Carney             Charles R. Blivin                                               * Gary L. Rowe
   Harold R. Danzis, Jr.        Charles S. Driver        Class of 1960                          * Robert L. Safarik
   Paul T. Eldridge             John C. Lee              Flying Bridge                          * Rodney E. Sall
   Michael B. Freedman          John B. Wells            * Frank W. Amason                      * Michael J. Schneider
   Charles Grua                                          * Charles P. Bland                     * Clifton L. Smith
   William Heidelberger         Class of 1959            * Robert L. Foster, Sr.                * Steven L. Turner
   George F. Kelly              Flying Bridge            * Walter R. Geist                      * Frederick R. Wolke
   Howard A. Levy.              * Lawrence J. Bowles     * Bill Jernberg                        * Donald R. Yearwood
   William Maxwell, Jr.         * Frank B. Hite          * George H. Mehrtens
   Joseph J. McGavin            * Robert T. Madden       * Roger Quigg                          Sextant Club
   John A. Osterberg            * Daniel J. Price        * Eugene A. Quinn                      * Emmett W. Felton
   Frederick D. Presley         * Henry S. Prime         * Peter F. Suleski                     John T. Keider
   Philip H. Quarrier           * Clifford P. Woodrick   * Gerard L. Voege                      * Albert J. Monile
   Ronald J. Reyer                                                                              Joseph O. O’Connor, Jr.
   Donald E. Schwab             Sextant Club             Sextant Club                           * John E. Savage
   Ronald G. Scully             William C. Barron        John E. Banister
   Albert M. Targon, Jr.        * Charles E. Davis       David G. Hassi                         Mariners Club
   George T. C. Wilson          * Robert G. Leiz         * Frank T. Hinchy                      Robert P. Breen
                                Thomas W. Pross          Arthur F. Morton                       Dean R. Colver
   Donor                        Richard W. Twilde        * James J. Robinson                    Robert A. Coyne
   Ronald W. Adams                                       * Jonathan L. Way                      Charles N. Dammann
   William R. Johnson           Mariners Club            Henriks J. Zeile                       Ronald Innecken
   Carl J. Leuschner            David K. Baldick                                                Stephen Kramer
   John H. Mitchell, Jr.        Glenn R. Boston          Mariners Club                          Charles M. Monroe
   James P. Osbourn             George W. Collier        John F. De Santis, Sr.                 Joseph W. Ryan, Jr.
   Robert J. Roder, Jr.         John M. Fettke           David A. Harris                        Richard K. Schwender
                                John Gossner             Peter F. Hedley                        Richard P. Spock
   Class of 1958                John F. Ring, Jr.        Robert J. Muller                       George Varga
   Flying Bridge                                         Richard H. Rener
   * Sanford K. Carlisle, Jr.   Compass Club             Robert W. Solinski                     Compass Club
   * George C. Rothwell         George J. Clancy         George E. Sullivan III                 Frank J. Fleischmann
   * Earl B. Walker             Paul M. Kaufman          Roger L. Tetrault                      William E. Harriot
                                Harold B. McLaughlin                                            Peter S. Herrick.
   Sextant Club                 John P. Rocchio          Compass Club                           Edward J. Markey, Jr.
   * Albert W. Duddleston       Robert R. Rothmann       John J. Duffy                          Robert E. Rogaski
                                Joseph H. Seelinger      Joseph B. Fahrendorf                   James P. Spellman
   Mariners Club                William L. Seeney        James F. Grubiak
   Kurt F. Bredehorst           Victor E. Sosin, Jr.     George G. Leffler                      Century Club
   Fernando I. Duque            Richard A. Wirin         Paul L. Mahnen                         Jack E. Beuschel
   Robert A. Plant              Bernard C. Woessner      Michael G. Proios                      Vincent S. Brooks
   James A. Robertson                                    Edward M. Suter                        Lawrence R. Burr
   William J. Schneider         Century Club             Robert L. Troike                       Larry J. Byers
                                William P. Atkinson      John P. Walsh                          John J. Farrell
   Compass Club                 Andrew Bleakley, Jr.                                            James J. Lawlor
   Edward W. Gras               Harry D. Cannon          Century Club                           Ronald S. Mason
   Richard C. Nagle             Kenneth A. Christensen   Douglas L. Davis                       Michael W. Morrow
   Robert A. Raguso             John J. Davis III        Alfred F. Foelster                     Peter E. Palm
   John M. Sherman              William H. Holyoak       Joel L. Krinsky                        James M. Powell
                                Francis R. Kesterman     Maurice P. Lindsay                     Myron R. Renick
   Century Club                 Paul J. McCarthy         John T. McAbee                         Paul D. Rogers
   James R. Dunworth            Charles H. Norz          Raymond J. Pearl
   Floyd E. Flynn               Robert C. Parker, Jr.    John J. Rozwat                         Donor
   Raymond J. Harney            Henry F. Rogers          Thomas S. Tollefsen                    Robert A. Bornholdt
   Edward S. Karlson            James H. Sanborn         John S. Zuritis                        John R. Donaldson
   Arthur L. McEwen             Harold Schreier                                                 James R. Kaufman
   William P. Meinert           Anthony J. Scotti        Donor                                  Chris W. King
   Robert J. Meurn              Gerald F. Ursitti        Edwin K. Weiss                         George S. Martin
   Liam J. Ryan                                                                                 Richard G. Winslow
   Raymond H. Stockhoff         Donor                    Class of 1961
   David A. Surrette            Michael H. Brooks        Flying Bridge                          Class of 1962
   Robert D. Truex              Richard K. Cleveland     * Louis J. Carr, Jr.                   Flying Bridge
   Donald C. Winterich          David W. Combs           * John L. Donahue, Jr.                 * Thomas J. Burchill
                                Orval F. Karr            * Donald W. Forster                    * John D. Ferguson
                                Whitney P. Lewis         * Richard E. Grubbe                    * Frederick W. Greenwald

12 |                                                            * Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)
                                                                    Ronald J. Meiczinger         * Rol S. Hamelin
                                                                    Robert M. Shanley, Sr.       * Donald M. Moore, Jr.
                                                                                                 * Edward H. Rogaski, Jr.
                                                                    Compass Club                 * Victor J. Schisler

                                                                    Barry E. Deutsch             * Ronald P. Schutz
                                                                    Gary N. Dicer
                                                                    Martin K. Foley              Mariners Club
                                                                    Francis L. Gracon            Ross E. de Lipkau
                                                                    Darrell R. Hannan            Peter T. Devlin
                                                                    Dennis D. Kaisand            Leonard E. Engstrom
                                                                    Gunther Kaul                 Donald S. Gazdik, Sr.
                                                                    William P. McAuliffe         Kenneth B. Jesperson
                                                                    Phillip L. McCullough        Paul G. Lorenzini.
                                                                    Fred C. Schnarr              Lawrence H. O’Toole
                                                                    Gary J. Ulinskas             Stephen F. Schmidt
                                                                                                 Henry J. Winkler
                                                                    Century Club
* Douglas A. Hard                     Thomas E. Hand, Jr.           John F. Arsenault            Compass Club
* Robert F. Klausner                  Daniel G. Hansen              George I. Bruno, Jr.         Bruce P. Clinton
* Dwight H. Koops                     William A. Koubek             Bobbie Carter                David S. Field
* Donald Liu                          Curtis J. Krebs               Donald W. Clarke, Sr.        William J. Pietrucha
* Dennis G. Marshall                  Dennis A. Leventhal           Richard M. Cober             William H. Sargeant
* Donald T. Mathiesen                 John R. Leyh                  Robert E. Dell
* Eugene Mattioni                     Jack C. Ofelt, Jr.            Mason L. Flint               Century Club
* Robert E. McMichael, Jr.            Terrance A. Rees              Alan R. Fraser               Richard H. Amos
* Michael Messick                     John H. Riley                 Horace C. George, Jr.        Frederick T. Bangeman
* David A. Nazzaro                    John F. Ruck                  Charles R. Glenn             William L. Barba
* Jack C. Packard                     Raymond G. Schmidt            James O. Harner              James C. Barnes
* Nicholas H. Peckham                 William L. Spindler           Victor J. Heineman           Ted A. Blair
                                      Dale T. Welch, Jr.            William J. Henry             Marco J. Cannizzaro
Sextant Club                          William M. Wiederrecht        John E. Holst                Carl C. Clemm
James M. Alanko                                                     Ronald R. Isaacson           Gary R. Crossman
Thomas C. Atkinson, Jr.               Donor                         Gary L. K. King              Ronald J. Duddleston
John A. Bazler                        John R. Hoffman               Raymond T. Letulle           Richard C. Flegenheimer
Joseph M. Giglio                      Stephen L. James III          Charles R. Loeber            William T. Hagerman
Louis J. Ruggiero                     Lee R. Johnson                Edward J. Meenahan           Thomas S. Leeper
* Basil A. Santini                    Paul A. Miskimin              Donald D. Nowacki            John Moncure
Edwin B. Schimler, Jr.                Helwig F. Van Der Grinten     Ronald R. Osborne            Daniel W. Pedrick IV
Richard A. Sparra                                                   Donald W. Savage             Robert I. Sanders
* Charles T. Williamsen               Class of 1963                 John R. Seybert              Robert S. Sauerman
                                      Flying Bridge                 Herbert N. Sodher            Looman F. Stingo
Mariners Club                         * Stephen V. Ardia            Robert E. Sojka              Cyril L. Thiel, Jr.
Clarence A. Cook                      * Earl S. Mealins             George A. Sweger             Philip L. Tomlet III
Victor G. Gostomski                   * Edgar W. Phoebus, Jr.
Douglas R. Hoerle                     * Alan K. Sutton              Donor                        Donor
Robert L. Jacobs                      * John P. Torkelson           Thomas G. Andruss            Thomas H. Anglin III
William A. Johnsen                    * James V. Worth III          Robert K. Elders             Carl J. Mantegna, Jr.
Jerome E. Joseph                                                    Richard A. Farmer            John D. Marks
Peter Q. Retzko                       Sextant Club                  Donald R. Martin, Jr.        Michael O. Poynor
Donald W. Rohe                        * Ted A. Anderson             William E. Millette          Louis A. Unger III
                                      * Jerry H. Crosby             T. D. Moore
Compass Club                          * Alan J. De Sa               Garon N. Wickenberg          Class of 1965
Herbert N. Baker, Jr.                 * James J. Gallagher                                       Flying Bridge
James F. Corso                        * Michael F. Gallagher, Sr.   Class of 1964                * Richard S. Dmochowski
Jerry J. Holman                       * John E. Klein               Flying Bridge                * Roland K. Hagan
Franklin D. O’Toole                   * Jeffrey C. Lerbs            * Robert E. Giffen, Jr.      * Peter H. Hames
David B. Partridge                    * Jerry M. Lewis              * Robert F. Lindmark         * Charles J. Hill
Philip C. Peterson                    * Michael R. McKown           * Charles C. Mollard         * Brian H. Hope
Philip M. Seifert                     * Fred W. Reiniger, Sr.       * Merle G. Olmsted           * Bruce C. Howie
                                                                    * Henry M. Quincannon, Jr.   * Gordon E. Inouye
Century Club                          Mariners Club                 * Terry L. Tysseland         * Peter A. Junge
William P. Bowes, Sr.                 John J. Devine, Jr.           * Robert R. Woelfel          * David Osborne
Gerald R. Carroll                     Hamilton C. Fish, Jr.                                      * James T. Shirley, Jr.
Ronald R. Coles                       Lloyd R. Haugh                Sextant Club                 * William E. Steiger, Jr.
George E. Faircloth                   Ronald W. Jordan              * John C. Chivvis, Jr.       * John A. Tompkins
William E. Fry                        Daniel H. MacElrevey          * William E. Cratty

* Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)                                                   Donor Report 2017 | 13
   Sextant Club              James M. Cumiskey              Compass Club                          Gerard E. Shanley
   * Patrick J. McAllister   William F. Denkman             Holger Lukas                          Kenneth Siegman
   * John G. Winterton       David W. Dragoo                Joseph P. Maco                        Frederick T. Tirrell
                             James P. Dugan                 David L. Press
   Mariners Club             Curtis T. Fitzgerald           Donald G. Price, Jr.                  Compass Club
   Robert L. Boyer           Bobby L. Glass                 Stanley E. Smith, Jr.                 Richard S. Brooks
   Philip A. Fecher, Jr.     David H. Konopnicki                                                  Francis R. Brousseau
   Douglas V. Gaeta          Darryl G. Lloyd                Century Club                          Ronald J. Friedman
   Brendan J. Kennedy        Lawrence S. Loomer             Michael D. Cullis                     Stephen J. Griffin
   Robert N. Kromann         James E. Mason                 Frank M. Cunningham                   James M. Hoey
   John G. Nelson III        John R. McDonnell              Charles M. Davis                      Alex Keisch
   James M. Ross             Lawrence P. Paper              John K. Doherty                       Michael S. Nichols
   Donald E. Sweigart        Charles E. Richardson          Edward W. Huetteman                   Thomas H. Pace, Jr.
   Charles G. Tinnell        Benjamin A. Tomb, Jr.          John J. Jochmans                      James C. Simmons
                             William W. Tracy               Mark B. McFeeley                      Thomas A. Tribble
   Compass Club              Robert C. Webber               Rudy M. Morones                       Dean Turner
   Kenneth P. Flaks          John R. Yanosky                Charles T. Ribardo                    Stanley A. Whitney
   Ronald A. Forsberg        Herbert C. Zickwolf, Jr.       Terry A. Richardson                   James J. Wilson
   Richard J. Kahn                                          Steven D. Sivell
   David C. Lentz            Class of 1966                  John A. Thomson                       Century Club
   Norman A. Piianaia        Flying Bridge                  James L. Wood                         Joseph L. Bojko, Jr.
   Joseph B. Snyder          * Richard E. Basso                                                   Michael H. Dandrea
                             * Gary B. Binam                Donor                                 Lee E. Davis
   Century Club              * Thomas W. Harrelson          Gunther P. Keitel                     Michael J. Gifford
   Warren G. Appell          * James B. Liebertz            Philip R. Simon                       James H. Havasy
   Alden B. Badger           * Warren J. Marwedel           Gordon R. Skillman                    Paul M. Hormann, Jr.
   Joseph A. Belmonte, Jr.   * H. K. Smith, Jr.                                                   Walter G. Kaiser
   Phillip J. Brackenbury    * John A. Stafsnes             Class of 1967                         William C. Lorch
   John F. Hadley            * Fred A. von Recklinghausen   Flying Bridge                         David F. Pope
   Wayne K. Hamilton         * Adrian Zaccaria              * Michael Alberi                      Edward G. Rambeau, Jr.
   Gerard F. Havasy                                         * Thomas G. Devine                    Rick Ryan
   Jay L. Hundertmark        Sextant Club                   * Kim A. Gill                         James E. Slaughter, Jr.
   James M. Hurd             * Frank M. Belinske            * Alan L. Graves                      Gordon P. Tomat
   Walter S. Leggat          * Walter J. Gregorek           * John T. Hammer
   Franklyn W. Menser        * Thomas P. Harahan            * Stephen A. Johnsen                  Donor
   Richard P. Mesaris        * James L. Lewis               * Dennis E. Neef                      Glen F. Armstrong
   David L. Newton           * Joseph K. Lombino            * Brian D. Starer                     Donald R. Dersch
   Kenneth P. Sabol          * Richard Madenburg            * James A. Van der Veen               Lambertus D. Oldenhuis
   Michael D. Shea
   Ronald L. Shingler        Mariners Club                  Sextant Club                          Class of 1968
   Chester Skowronski, Jr.   Rupert E. Annis III            * Vertis C. Belcher                   Flying Bridge
   Glen E. Smith, Jr.        Carl W. Connell, Jr.           * Joseph J. Cox                       * Robert C. Featherer
   Michael J. Stewart        Stephen K. Koehler             * Lawrence A. DeSpain                 * George P. McShea, Jr.
   Kurt Tollefson            Barry G. Miller                * Wayne J. Hunicke                    * Carl A. Miller
   Tammo T. Wilkens          Richard A. Russell             * Frank E. Jump                       * Harvey J. Mott
   Guy W. Wolf III           Joe F. Vaughan, Jr.            * George Kalman                       * James M. Todd
                             James T. Williams              * Jeffrey W. Lamb
   Donor                                                    * Robert P. Leber                     Sextant Club
   John T. Adzema                                           * Daniel M. Maher                     * Thomas E. Fiedler
                                                            * Matthew J. McHugh                   * Donald R. Peavy
                                                            * Thomas A. Royal                     * George T. Stupski
                                                            * John G. Ward, Jr.                   * James R. Tryon
                                                            * Marvin W. Wilson
                                                                                                  Mariners Club
   CLASS OF 1967

                                                            Mariners Club                         Albert R. Galik
                                                            Terry R. Albright                     William E. Heddaeus
                                                            William S. Allen                      Peter R. Ohnstad, Jr.
                                                            Allan R. Barry                        John R. Opet
                                                            Peter A. Barton                       David J. Van Oss
                                                            Robert M. Berdahl                     Stanley R. Westover
                                                            Raymond L. Bievenour
                                                            Robert M. Butterworth.                Compass Club
                                                            Alan H. Drengler                      Burnis S. Acuff
                                                            Michael G. Hudzik, Jr.                Cary D. Beilstein
                                                            Michael F. Kubis                      James A. Harbach
                                                            Joseph M. Magnamo                     Raymond F. Hickey

14 |                                                               * Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)
                                                                  * Michael W. Oehler        Michael D. Medvec
                                                                  * William L. Rung, Jr.     Bryan W. Sinram
                                                                  * James P. Sweeney         Francis X. Thomson, Jr.
                                                                  * Douglas V. Uhles         * Richard D. Wilson

                                                                  Sextant Club               Compass Club
                                                                  * James K. Bidwell         Christopher J. Brennan
                                                                  * Mitchell E. Steller      Bruce K. Cornwall
                                                                  * Gary W. Strom            Dennis E. Kelly
                                                                  * David M. Whitty          Theodore F. Lopez
                                                                                             Arthur J. O’Keefe
                                                                  Mariners Club              Charles J. Reinhardt
                                                                  * Edward V. Cattell, Jr.   Martin J. Virgilio
                                                                  * Mark P. Hensley
                                                                                             Century Club
                                                                  Compass Club               Wayne K. Anderson, Jr.
                                                                  Robert T. Chambers         Joseph J. Angelo
Peter H. Phillips                     Walter L. Kirchner          Thomas E. Gibbons          William B. Ball
George A. Weller                      Joseph D. Mazzei            Martin R. Hollenbeck       Cleveland A. Callaway
                                      Paul I. Parsons             Terrence B. Jednaszewski   Barry A. Farnsworth
Century Club                          Constantine G. Proios       James W. Johnson           Patrick J. Fontana, Sr.
David W. Aldrich                      * Thomas W. Richardson      Douglas B. Laidlaw         Franklin P. Horacek, Jr.
Peter A. Eastman                      * Alexander P. Rosenberg    Delbert J. Mack            Hugh K. Howie
Raymond A. Fernandez                                              Brian M. Tully             Ronald E. Johnson
Kenneth E. Forister                   Compass Club                                           John R. Loftus
J. R. Gallagher                       Charles J. Adams            Century Club               Jerome G. Lynch
Michael D. Hado                       Randall W. Bourgeois        James D. Baker             John M. MacDonald
William A. Hamann, Jr.                Jerry E. DeHaven            Tyler V. Caruso            David J. Martyn
William H. Kirchner                   Michael Ehrmann             Donald P. Cocozza          Donald P. Montoro
Robert N. Leeper                      George D. Emmons            David L. Hiller            John M. Peake
Robert J. McClure                     Michael Frangos             Mark P. Kinard, DDS        Stuart A. Quan
David P. Mozgala                      Randy S. Longerich          Robert H. Livingston       John F. Teague
Russel N. Rehm                        Howard P. Young             Joseph F. Luchetta, Jr.    Anthony A. Yesko
Lawrence J. Rogers                                                Joseph W. MacEwen
Merrill H. Rollins                    Century Club                Bruno P. Ravalico          Donor
Ernest D. Seddon, Jr.                 Donald W. Adams             Glenn A. Sampson           Steven R. Blust
Raymond R. Smith                      Fred W. Bayles              Thomas L. Schneider        Lawrence J. Boland, Jr.
James L. Walker II                    David E. Bruderly           John M. Spear              Patrick C. Hall
James M. Ware                         Michael A. Cereno           George R. Speight, Jr.     Edward P. Meko II
Elliott E. Woods                      Michael E. Gaffney          Roger V. Swanson           Timothy J. Mockler
                                      Francis J. Garavanta, Jr.                              Paul V. Noonan, Jr.
Donor                                 Harry Harker III            Donor                      Matthew P. Sciullo
Kenneth R. Pagano                     John R. Herbert             Stephen F. Ford            Richard G. Sharbaugh
Richard J. Weigang                    Richard J. Klein            Albert W. Keller III
                                      John R. Linster             Charles S. Wassell         Class of 1972
Class of 1969                         John R. Piskura                                        Flying Bridge
Flying Bridge                         Bruce Thompson              Class of 1971              * Robert P. Curt
* John J. Bajor                       John R. Wolf                Flying Bridge              * Timothy D. Delaney
* Martin E. Crandall                  John M. Yunker              * James G. Armstrong       * Bruce R. Moore
* Mark S. Eckels                                                  * John D. Cameron, Jr.     * Mark E. Prose
* Richard J. Halluska                 Donor                       * Robert F. Fremont        * Andrew J. Sturgess
* George R. Haubenreich               Robert G. Brauns            * Gary D. Gilbert
* Edward F. Hoffman                   Robert A. Dickey            * Francis A. Iwancio       Sextant Club
* John J. McVicar                     Robert W. Hollis            * Joseph P. Rodriguez      * John L. Cascone, Jr.
* Robert V. H. Weinberg               John A. Mazza               * Roy R. Rogers, Sr.       * Rodney E. Cavalieri
                                      Albert A. Melvin                                       * Roger L. Clark
Sextant Club                          William H. Orlaskey         Sextant Club               * Lawrence D. Danner
* Richard E. Davis                    John R. Patterson           * Larry W. Kline           * Mark T. Donahue
* Richard L. Miller                                               * James B. Shellem         * Daniel K. Fuller
                                      Class of 1970               * Stephen G. Ware          * Richard H. Gabey, Jr.
Mariners Club                         Flying Bridge                                          * Larry E. Gordon
* Richard E. Boyer                    * Leo G. Dominique          Mariners Club              * Joe M. Hamby
* James J. Carney, Jr.                * Craig T. French           Robert K. Brownell         * John A. Hofbauer
Albert E. Gilder                      * Robert J. Lavinia         Richard A. Cappadona       * John D. Koski
David J. Hammes                       * David E. Lindeman         Robert W. Johnson          * Francis J. Nash
Paul M. Hanley                        * Joseph A. Martucci Jr.    Thomas J. McCabe, Jr.      * Robert M. Olsen

* Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)                                               Donor Report 2017 | 15
   Mariners Club             William M. Riley           Class of 1974                          Gary J. Franza
   Gordon L. Adams, Jr.      Mark P. Ryan, DDS          Flying Bridge                          Jeffrey P. Hakala
   * Robert O. Baker II      William H. Schell          * Michael L. Carthew                   Daniel A. Rogers
   James W. Borell, Jr.      Charles A. Stucky          * David P. Delaney, Jr.
   * John J. Colgan          Peter J. Warren            * Mark M. Kane                         Century Club
   Richard DiNapoli, Jr.                                * Richard R. Krahn                     Dale S. Dubrin
   Lawrence T. Kusek         Class of 1973                                                     Frederick L. Ebers
   Ward R. Larson            Flying Bridge              Sextant Club                           Christopher D. Hughes
   Thomas M. Leahy           * Roger T. Barth           * Francis Macchia                      Thomas A. King, Jr.
   Richard C. Lockwood       * Thad Miller              * Peter W. Mitchell                    James J. Knoepffler
   Roderic C. McKinney                                  * Thomas J. Simmers                    Robert T. Lemon II
   Kurt P. Miller            Sextant Club               * Terrence J. Stark                    Steven J. Rogovich
   Thomas J. Muzyka          * William H. Bailey                                               Gary L. Terpstra
   Michael P. Noll, Jr.      * Robert W. Cameron, Jr.   Mariners Club
   * Robert E. Pryor         * Larry P. Emerson         * Christopher T. Finnican              Donor
   James P. Reid             * Robert E. McDermott      Rodney Gregory                         Kurt E. Brown
   Robert C. Schmidt         * Michael F. McQuillan     John A. MacGinnis                      Joseph J. Kinneary
   Larry M. Sommer                                      John M. Nunnenkamp                     Edward O. McCraw
   David M. Spotts           Mariners Club                                                     Reginald E. McKamie, Sr.
   Kenneth J. Szigety        Robert A. Burhenn          Compass Club                           Louis N. Weltmann, Jr.
   Francisco J. Tirado       Robert G. Kirn             Carl U. Buscaglia
                             Kim A. Parker              Richard H. Ford, Jr.                   Class of 1976
   Compass Club              William A. Woodburn        Eric Jakobsen                          Flying Bridge
   J. S. Bartlett                                       John M. Joerger, Sr.                   * Joseph G. Braunreuther
   Joseph M. Casey           Compass Club               Gary S. Lenehan                        * Bobby L. Brooks, Jr.
   Thomas G. Davis           Leo T. Carey               Charles R. Milazzo                     * Frederick J. Carew III
   Joseph H. Forrington      Paul T. Harbach            Robert K. Nowak                        * Milton H. Gonzales, Jr.
   William B. Gibbs          Daniel T. Martin           James M. Textor                        * Thomas F. McCaffery
   Stuart M. Goldstein       James J. Murphy                                                   * William J. Osmer
   Gregory S. Hannigan       Robert S. Pearson          Century Club
   John E. Hardy             Joseph V. Rizzo            Robert S. Abromaitis                   Sextant Club
   Charles D. Johnston       Gary R. Robson             Tim E. Donney                          * Harry A. Poole, Jr.
   James M. McCormack        Kenneth J. Varall          Christopher D. Gallowitz               * Ralph W. Price
   Dennis F. O’Neill         Kurt V. Yost               Christopher J. Heizer
   Thomas Pappas                                        Kenneth Jackson                        Mariners Club
   Dennis M. Quinn           Century Club               Robert J. Phillips                     Bruce W. Anderson
   Gregory T. Rahner         William J. Abernathy       Richard G. Tetzlaff                    Robert J. Cutrona
   Patrick T. Sheehy         Francis K. Barry                                                  Paul J. Martino
   Cameron D. Simmons        James R. Brennan           Donor                                  William K. McIntire
   John O. Telesca           James P. Brennan           Norman R. Krueger                      Kenneth R. Nelson
   Wendell G. Tomasovic      Michael J. DeBoer          Paul F. O’Neill, Sr.                   Christopher S. O’Sullivan, Jr.
   Jere M. White             Steven P. Fox              Duane M. Smith                         * Elijah B. Seals
                             John L. Goode              Cordell S. Viehweg                     * David L. Stanley
   Century Club              Douglas J. Hanscom
   David P. Callan           Seth Harris                Class of 1975                          Compass Club
   John M. Clark, Jr.        Edward J. Klauke           Flying Bridge                          Peter D. Caloger, Jr.
   Dennis C. Fischer         Gregory J. Knapp           * Daniel J. Doty                       Thomas Coutu
   John B. Goode             Mark S. Kukuchek           * John V. ReShore                      Joseph S. Glaza
   Douglas W. Kaiser         James A. Kuly                                                     Robert H. Graff
   George T. Lenertz         Richard G. Peterson        Sextant Club                           Mark J. K. Lewis
   Jeffrey M. Nelson         Arthur E. Ruben            * Thomas L. Shrewsbury                 Donald F. Logan, Jr.
   Lawrence J. Rapski        Richard D. Stewart         * Brian L. Tanton                      Joseph P. Madden
   Robert E. Richards        Douglas H. Subcleff                                               Robert Nyers
   Edward A. Robinson, Jr.   Maurice Tricarico, Jr.     Mariners Club                          John G. Peterlin III
   Ronald R. Rose            Edward G. Van Hoven, Jr.   * Thomas A. Fedoration                 Stephen M. Phillips
   Preston F. Shelton        Joseph T. Vitanza          Daniel H. Kessler                      John H. Riddle, Jr.
   Richard J. Timoney        Rick A. Whinery            Donal L. Staples, Jr.                  David C. Thompson
   William M. Tracy                                     Robert J. Stewart                      Francis R. Tyszka
   Delburn N. Willsey        Donor                      Wayne B. Stiles                        Richard J. Zaleski
   Ray A. Wrice              John L. Acomb              David P. Stout
                             Michael A. Costello        * William J. Svenson                   Century Club
   Donor                     John R. Walton                                                    Thomas S. Batory
   Max A. Bishop             Harry H. Wicks             Compass Club                           Paul J. Bergman
   Robert M. Browne                                     Frederick C. Berg III                  Donald C. Farmer
   Glenn L. Marston                                     Ronald R. Bernhardt                    Peter E. Hermanns
   Donald G. McMahon                                    Donald B. Fogel                        Marc A. Kodis

16 |                                                            * Donated at least 5 cents a day (see page 3 for chart)
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