La serpiente de metal -

Page created by Donald Ortega
La serpiente de metal -
La serpiente de metal
                             DYCK, ANTON VAN
Copyright de la imagen ©Museo Nacional del Prado
La serpiente de metal -
14 de Marzo de 2021                                                 2                                           IV Domingo de Cuaresma

                 HOLY MASS                                       1100 MAIN STREET • PO BOX 187 •
Saturday/Sábado          5:00 p.m.       English                           BUDA, TX 78610
Sunday/Domingo           8:00 a.m        Español               phone: 512.312.2520 • fax: 512.295.2034
                         10:30 a.m.      English
                         1:00 p.m.       Español                  bulletin:
                         5:00 p.m.       English               
    Monday (Lunes)— Friday (Viernes)
            8:00 a.m. English                             Emergency Anointing of the Sick/ Unción de de los Enfermos
                                                    When the office is closed, the anointing of the sick is available for those in danger
  Church open Monday—Thursday for prayer            of death. Please utilize this number below only for this one sacrament. Cuando la
            7:00 a.m—5:00 p.m.                       oficina está cerrada, la unción de los enfermos está disponible para aquellos en
        Friday—7:00a.m—3:00p.m.                             peligro de muerte. Utilice este número solo para este sacramento:
   La Iglesia estara abierta de lunes a jueves
                  para oración
            7:00 a.m — 5: 00 p.m. y                              Mass Intentions: March 13– March 21
         Viernes 7:00a.m—3:00 p.m.                  Saturday         3/13         5pm             -

      SACRAMENT OF PENANCE                          Sunday           3/14         8am             +Estella Villalpando
                                                                                  10:30am         Pro Populo
      Saturdays:                  Sábados:
   3:30– 4:30 p.m.             3:30-4:30 p.m.                                     1pm             -
      Thursdays:                   Jueves:
    5:30-6:30 p.m.             5:30-6:30 p.m.                                     5pm             +Chester & Alice Kopecki
  Or by Appointment              O por Cita         Monday           3/15         8am             -
      CONTACT INFORMATION                           Tuesday          3/16         8am             -
PARISH STAFF                                        Wednesday        3/17         8am             +Vicki Riojas
Administrator        Rev. Jesse Martinez            Thursday         3/18         8am             -
Parochial Vicar      Rev. Rito Davila
Deacon               Vincent Boyle                  Friday           3/19         8am             Birthday of Msgr. Deane
Deacon               Ben Garcia
                                                                          Saturday 3/20: 5pm + Jose Luis Barrios
Deacon               Rodolfo Gonzalez
                                                              Sunday 3/21: 8 am–6th Wedding Anniversary of Alfredo & Susan
Deacon               Larry Hiner
                                                              10:30am: Cliff Williams / 1pm: +Raul Trujeque/ 5pm: Pro Populo
Deacon               John Kerrigan
Dir. of Operations   Sheri Brisco (ext. 317)
Admin. Assistant     Rosa Lopez-Wicker (ext. 301)
Music Director       Ademar Chavana (ext. 314)
Sacristan            Maria Carmen Ramirez
Custodian            Zobeyda Melendez
RE Phone             512.295.1163                                                                Favor de orar por nuestros feli-
Email              Please pray for our parishioners
                                                     who are serving in the military:             greses que están en el servicio
Director             Erik Diaz (ext. 337)
SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION                                Capt. Thomas William Rielly            Marco Antonio Montoya Casta-
                                                       son of Thomas & Chongson Rielly                        ñeda,
School Phone         512.312.2137                                                                  son of Jose & Maria Montoya
School Website                        Victor Joshua Martinez
Principal            Margaret McGettrick                 son of Victor & Alicia Martinez                  Angel Rivera,
Secretary            Leticia Gonzales                                                             grandson of Sirio & Susie Cazares
                                                               SSG Joshua Wood,
          OFFICE HOURS                                       husband of Cynthia Wood,                   Efren Alexander Reyes
        HORARIO DE OFICINA                                                                             son of Hilario & Diana Reyes
                                                           Veronica Hinojosa,
                                                      daughter of John & Mary Hinojosa                   Austin Rodriguez
    Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.                                                         son of Valentine & Maria Rodriguez
                                                              Joshua Andrade,
         Friday: 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.                      son of Jesse & Rose Andrade                 Lieutenant Colonel William
     Office Closed Saturdays and Sundays                                                                      Weedman
             La oficina se cierra los                     Sargent Michelle de León                    Husband of Melanie Weedman
             Sábados y Domingos                            Hija de Mariana Alexander
La serpiente de metal -
March 14, 2021                                 3                       Fourth Sunday of Lent

                   Mass Attendance                         Offertory
                      March 6-7, 2021                    March 6-7, 2021
                 Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM– 135       Sunday Collection– $7,793.00
                    Sunday 8:00 AM– 463                  Online- $7,796.39
                       10:30 AM– 336                    Drop Off- $9,299.59
                        1:00 PM– 380                Debt Reduction -$3,145.00
                        5:00 PM– 190               Saint Vincent de Paul-$716.00
La serpiente de metal -
14 de Marzo de 2021                                      4                                    IV Domingo de Cuaresma

                   Altar Society                                      Mass of Total Consecration /
The Santa Cruz Altar Society is in need of people to help               Misa de Consagración
with the church cleaning. As we move from the COVID           Please join thousands of Faithful throughout our Diocese
regulations to larger groups at Masses, the cleaning          to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to
needs will increase. At the present time we have only 4       Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the An-
volunteers. If you would like to give of your time and        nunciation of the Lord. Rosary and Mass will be offered
talents, you will be welcomed! Please contact Hope Pala-      on Thursday, March 25th at 6:25pm at Santa Cruz
cios at or 512-295-8698                    Church(Buda).
She will get you scheduled for a time and shown what          Por favor, únase a miles de Fieles de toda nuestra Dióce-
you will need to do.                                          sis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total
                                                              Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una
        Book Store/Tienda Religiosa                           Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor.
The Bookstore & Gift Shop is open on Sundays from             El rosario y la Misa serán ofrecidos el día jueves, 25 de
9:00AM - Noon. St. Joseph Sunday Missals are back in          marzo a las 6:25pm en la Iglesia de Santa Cruz (Buda).
stock as well as Consecration to St. Joseph . Come in and
browse for First Communion gifts for boys and girls. For                       Easter Flowers
appointment or questions call Jan Allen-Urban                 Consider making a donation for the upcoming Easter
512.576.5719. La librería y la tienda de regalos abre los     flowers and decorations. You can make your donation in
domingos de 9:00 a. M. Al mediodía. Los Misales Do-           honor or in memory of a loved one. This name will be
minicales de San José están nuevamente disponibles, así       recognized in the Easter Bulletin. Please have the dona-
como la Consagración a San José. Ven y busca regalos de       tion and names submitted by March 26th. Donations can
Primera Comunión para niños y niñas. Para cita o              be made online, by envelope, or at the church office. If
preguntas llame Jan Allen-Urban 512.576.5719.                 making it online, please make a notation who you wish to
 Stations of the Cross through the Eyes
                                                              Considere hacer una donación para las próximas flores y
                 of Mary                                      decoraciones de Pascua. Puedes hacer tu donación en
Stations of the Cross through the Eyes of Mary, another       honor o en memoria de un ser querido. Este nombre será
Lenten devotion, will be celebrated in the main church        reconocido en el Boletín de Pascua. Por favor envíe la
every Wednesday during Lent at 3 PM.                          donación y los nombres antes del 26 de marzo. Las
                                                              donaciones se pueden hacer en línea, por sobre o en la
    The Sacred That Surrounds Us” –                           oficina de la iglesia. Si lo hace en línea, anote a quién
           Adult Book Study                                   desea nombrar.
Santa Cruz is excited to announce a simple study on the
book “The Sacred That Surrounds Us” by Ascension                            Religious Education
Press. The virtual class will occur on Mondays at 7 PM        Confirmation Supper Sunday will be on Sunday, March
starting on February 22nd. The in-person study will oc-       21st at 6:30 PM in the church. Confirmación Super Sun-
cur on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM on February 24th in the          day será el domingo 21 de marzo a las 6:30 PM en la ig-
Youth Room. Please register or if you any questions by        lesia.
emailing Anna Lara at                  There is No Virtual Class for 3/14 & 3/17 due to Spring
                                                              Break. No hay clase virtual para los días 14 y 17 de mar-
                                                              zo debido a las vacaciones de primavera.
Please join us for Catholicism. A 10-part documentary
DVD film series, Catholicism is an intimate journey, cap-              Consecration to St. Joseph
turing “The Catholic Thing” in all its depth and beauty.      Please join us for the feast of Saint Joseph with Mass on
There will be 2 chances to participate on Tuesdays begin-     Friday, March 19th on the Feast of St. Joseph at 7:00
ning 16 Feb 2021; one in the afternoon (4:30-6:00 PM)         PM
and one in the evening (6:30-8:00 PM) in the Youth
Room. Choose the one that fits your schedule. We
will watch the film and discuss its impact on today's
Church. If you want more information, please call Dcn.
Vince at 512-576-4788.
March 14, 2021                                                               5                                                                                         Fourth Sunday of Lent

                                             SANTA CRUZ MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS
 Agape-Ministerio                  Agustin & Lucia          512-799-2345                 Pro-Life/Gabriel Project                    Susan Nevárez                            512.923.2232
                                                                                         RCIA English                                Dcn. John Kerrigan                       214.886.8239
 Altar Society                     Martha Owan              512.394.5087
                                                                                         RCIA-Espanol                                Pdr. Rito Davila                         Church Office
 Altar Servers:Spanish             Church Office
                                                                                         Sacred Heart Men                            John Jaimes                              512.738.3114
 Altar Servers:English             Tammy Boddy              512.468.7179
                                                                                         Spanish Rosary                              Ted Rodríguez                            512.999.4267
 Art & Environment                 Michelle Moreno          512.736.2960
                                                                                         Security Ministry                           Jim Blodgett                             512-845-4788
 Bingo                             Al Garza                 512.757.3091
                                                                                         St. Vincent de Paul                         Barbara Kimbel/Cecilia                   512.415.4012
 Books & Gifts                     Jan Allen/               512.576-5719                 Society                                     Schmidt
                                   Middy Munoz
 Boy Scouts #128                   Dana White               512.773.9038
 Covenant of Love                  Bill & Mary Ann          512.963.1755
                                   Howard                                                                          Gabriel Project
 CRSP Hombres                      Yahir Alexander          512.796.8281
 CRSP Mujeres                      Mariana Alexander        512.804.8691                Are you a new mom or dad to be in need of material
 Evangelizacion/Kerigma            Zulma Herndandez         512.745.7947                and/or spiritual help? The Gabriel Project of Santa
 El Buen Pastor                    Noelia Perez             512.743.7027                Cruz is here to help! Please contact us at 1-877-938-
 Eucharistic Ministers             Angelina Garza           512.736.2960                2732 or to discuss
 Grupo Jóvenes de Cristo           Jose Macedo              512.755.5120                your situation. The Gabriel Project provides emotion-
 Guadalupana Society               Angie Verver             512.879-8783                al, spiritual, and material support for pregnant women
 Homebound Ministry                Maria Muniz              512.731-0670
                                                                                        and families in need.
 Hospitality Ministers             Tom Peña                 512.796.3154
 Knights of Columbus               Al Garza                 512.757-3091
                                                                                        ¿Es usted una nueva mamá o papá que necesita ayuda
 Lectors                           Terry Koenig             512-400-0076
                                                                                        material y / o espiritual? ¡El Proyecto Gabriel de Santa
 Legión de María                   Maria Muniz              512.731-0670
                                                                                        Cruz está aquí para ayudar! Comuníquese con nosotros
 Men of Holy Cross                 Valentin Rodriguez       512.665.8785                al 1-877-938-2732
 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano     Celia y Jose San Juan    512.709-8264                o para discutir su
 Narthex Coordinator               Tom Hughes               512.757.3573                situación. El Proyecto Gabriel brinda apoyo emocional,
 Perpetual Adoration               Jan Allen-Urban          512.576.5719                espiritual y material a mujeres embarazadas y familias
 Adoracion                         Maria Carmen             512.745.7949                necesitadas.
 Prayer Shawl Ministry             Judy Mayo                512.350.4817

Be careful with emails, phone calls or text messages from clergy soliciting money. They are scams. If you have questions please contact the
                                                                front office.
Tenga cuidado con los correos electrónicos, llamadas telefónicas o mensajes de texto del clero solicitando dinero. Son estafas. Si tiene pre-
                                               guntas, comuníquese con la oficina principal.

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		                                For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                       Santa Cruz Catholic Church, Buda, TX                                               B 4C 05-1217
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                                                                                                                                                                            Calling                                Noel Campos
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              Topsoil, Mulch, Soil Mixes                                                                               St. John Vianney                                                                               Se Habla Español
       Commercial / Residential • Home Deliveries
         Now offering Concrete Services                                                                                                                                  Castillo Service                                                     Mention Ad:
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                                                                                                                                                                          O: 512-441-6118 C: 512-426-6016                                      $100 off full
          Prompt Professional Service                                                                                                                             Willie Castillo •                            system install

                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                                                      Natalia A. Hernandez CPA
                                                                         SAFETY SERVICES                                                                                                    Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                                                            • Tax Preparation • Accounting
                                                              Erosion Control • Retaining Walls • Ponds                                                                                     • Financial Consultation
 Call LPi today for advertising info                               Landscape Pavers • Revegetation                                                                                          • Business Reporting
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               Ramirez Accounting Service LLC
      Licensed by Texas State Board of Public Accountancy • Client Representation before IRS
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          512-448-9462                                      512-448-9787                                                                                                   INSURANCE SERVICES
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                                                                                                                        FREE FIRST VISIT
                                                                                                                           Consultation                                  Guy Bondi, Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                     • 312 W. Oltorf • 512-445-2727
                                                                                      115 Kohlers Crossing #350 • Kyle, TX
                                                                                                                                                                                        Contact The Marquez Team
                                                                                                                                    Augustin Marquez        REALTORS       Lucia Marquez, GRI
                                                     Dr. Oldham                                                        Se Habla Español
                                                                  DDS, MS                                                                                               512-769-3257              Parishioners             512-799-2345

                                                 AUSTIN BODY WORKS
                                                        Collision Repair Service                                                                                                  BARAJAS
                                                 1310 E 6th St. Austin ,TX • 512-472-3522
                                                218 South Front St Kyle, TX • 512-268-9074
                                                                                                                                                                             INSURANCE GROUP
 Quality Since 1954                     • Parishioners                                                                             Medicare questions? We have answers.
                                                                                                                                                                           Monique Contreras-Barajas
                                      Donate A Vehicle! The Road to Hope                                                                                                   Licensed Agent - Parishioner
                                                  (512) 251-6995 ext. 2 •                                                                                     P.O. box 766, Buda, 78610
                                                                                                                                                                  Office: 512-522-6412 • Cell: 956-655-7462

		                                              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                                   Santa Cruz Catholic Church, Buda, TX                                                      A 4C 05-1217
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