January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church

Page created by Daniel Moody
January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Our Vision: “To love God, uplift people, inspire hope, and grow
                                 disciples of Jesus Christ in our community and everywhere we go!”

January, 2021
                                                      “A New Playlist”
                                 How did you listen to music when you were younger? I
                                 remember after I got my first job, buying a home stereo
                                 system for my bedroom. I had a receiver where I could
                                 tune into AM/FM radio. I had a turntable on which I could
                                 play records. And after I had earned a little more money I
                                 would buy a cassette player/recorder.
                                 It was the cassette player that became the most used of
                                 these components. You see, not only could I insert a pre-
                                 recorded cassette of my favorite band or artist into the
                                 device and hit ‘Play’ and listen to an entire album’s worth
                                 of music (pausing for just a slight bit to turn the cassette
                                 over to listen to side 2!), but I could record music onto a
                                 blank tape.
                                 I remember spending hours at my stereo, recording my
                                 favorite songs from albums or the radio onto cassette
                                 tapes (which were far more portable – remember the
                                 Walkman?). These homemade tapes became known as
                                 “mix tapes” because of your ability to choose which pieces
                                 of music you wanted on them.
                                 Today most of our music is available in a downloadable
                                 form. On our electronic devices and thanks to music ser-
                                 vices like Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, or Amazon Music we
                                 can create our own playlists. We can then spend hours
                                 tuning out the “noise” of the world and tune into the mu-
In this Issue                    sic of our choosing.
Pastor Chad                1-2
Children, Youth & Family   3     But our playlists include more than music. In any given
Core Team Corner           4     day we hear dozens or even hundreds of messages from
Mission Corner             4     marketing firms hoping we’ll buy their products. We hear
Church Announcements       5     words at the office or at school that motivate us to work
January Calendar           6     harder or disparage the work we have done.

                                                                        Continued on page 2...

January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Pastor Chad, continued..
We hear spoken or unspoken messages from family                 Children, Youth & Family Announcements
members and friends about how we are doing in our
                                                              Serious AND Fun? Is this possible? Sign up now for a
relationships. We even hear voices from our past
                                                              virtual retreat for middle school and high school kids,
reminding us of our worth, our abilities, and our
                                                              and adults who are interested, run by our friends at
                                                              The Event. There will be a live online session on
These words, messages, and voices make up the                 Wednesday, February 3 at 7pm which will have wor-
playlists of our lives. They say that we have to say          ship, games, music and important messages. Through
certain things, look a certain way, do certain things,        a special memorial we are getting the Ultimate Pack-
or be a certain way. And while they seek to be help-          age, which includes a book for each participant by Sam
ful, more often than not they distract, cause anxiety,        Eaton (@recklesslyalive on Instagram) on depression,
and overwhelm us.                                             suicidal thinking, God and living life to the fullest, as
If you’re tired of the old playlist, then our next ser-       well as some sweet swag. Statistically speaking, you or
mon series is for you!                                        someone you know will struggle with depression at
                                                              some point. If YOU think (as I do) that this will be a
Beginning Sunday, January 10, we’ll examine “A                powerful, life affirming experience then you need
New Playlist.” This new playlist will encourage us to         to reserve your Ultimate Package with Lynnette
hear Jesus in a noisy world. Jesus’ words are the             ASAP because after January 10 there are no guaran-
most truthful, the most enduring, and the most wor-           tees. Also, if you have a friend who you think might be
thy of our attention. What would it mean to create            interested, they are also invited. But Lynnette needs to
a new playlist that allows us to hear every day what          know how many, so contact her. Don't wait, do it now!
Jesus is saying? It begins by choosing which voices           In January, we will be running an online series for older
you will listen to. It means opening yourself up to           students and families called Soul Searching. You have
Jesus’ words in a new and vulnerable way.                     a soul, but do you ever think about it? What is it, even?
Here are some examples of this new playlist we’ll be          In a time when the word “soul” makes us think about
looking at in January and February:                           horcruxes or infinity stones, or dark shows streaming
                                                              questionable content, it is time to reclaim our souls, or
   The old playlist says You have to do everything.          at least what we think about them and how we take
    The new playlist says Two things are most im-             care of them. This will take the place of our regular
    portant: love God and love people.                        youth group meetings for high school at 7:30pm on
   The old playlist says You have to make every-             Sundays from January 10-31. Try the first one and see
    body happy. The new playlist says You can’t               how you like it! The groups will start with a short mes-
    make everybody happy.                                     sage then split into smaller groups if needed for some
   The old playlist says Be afraid (be very afraid).         activities and discussion. Parents and siblings are wel-
    The new playlist says Do not be afraid (put that          come, and we prefer at least one parent attend with
    one on repeat!).                                          kids in grades 5th-8th. To make sure I am prepared,
   The old playlist says There are lots of rules we          please let me know if you will be attending the first
    need to follow. The new playlist says There is            session, and if you are bringing anyone with you. I will
    one rule that will change the world – the Golden          add you to the invitation to the Google Meet once I
    Rule.                                                     hear from you.
I hope that you will join us for this powerful new            For families of kids in K-4th grade, we are starting
series. Services will continue to be offered online           January’s theme of Rules for Life: Responsibility on
until further notice.                                         January 3rd. RSVP by Monday, December 28 if you
                                                              would like a kit of materials for our online Sunday
Blessings,                                                    school gatherings at 9:30 a.m. The kits were very pop-
Pastor Chad                                                   ular last spring and make online gathering fun! If you
                                                              are interested in your kids finding out why God backs
                                                              you up on the importance of showing responsibility,
                                                              this will be a very helpful theme!
January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Children, Youth and Family...
Behind the Curtain                                                but possibly it is also getting serious and they are feel-
Allow me to give you a glimpse of what goes on be-                ing disconnected and need a life-affirming word when
hind the scenes in the world of Children, Youth and               things kind of suck (or really suck). We all need peo-
Family ministry at Holy Trinity. I read a lot: books, ar-         ple who are willing to encourage us and who we can
ticles, emails, ads and posts by other ministry leaders.          support with our encouragement. I don’t personally
I see something shiny, something I think would be                 need to be affirmed by having large groups of people
uplifting, either because it is meaningful or just fun.           flock to our events. I need for our people to know
Hopefully both. And. I. Light. Up. Oooh! The possibili-           that we are providing opportunities for them to feel
ties! I imagine our children, youth or families partici-          welcomed and to welcome others to the body of
pating in the activity, and lighting up also. I bask in           Christ, which the church is, and of which our youth
this glow for a bit and then get to work. I assess the            groups and Sunday school are a part. We need them
cost and the time commitment. I try to gauge if oth-              to have access to experiences of God’s love in wor-
ers will find it intriguing and if we have the time, skills       ship, fellowship, study, and service. This isn’t just do-
and materials to make it happen. As soon as some of               ing nice things; this is equipping them with what they
the pieces start falling into place I realize that if this        need to live a full and abundant life, especially when
thing is going to happen, we need to get people in-               things get rough. And if 2020 has taught us nothing
volved.                                                           else, it is that things can indeed get rough.
The most pressing task is usually getting people in-              Kids don’t always want to do things, even things they
formed and buying in. You won’t have anyone show-                 enjoy. Actually, I don’t love “doing things” either. I
ing up for a movie night, or a mission trip or a game             entertain myself just great all on my own. However,
night (even if there are prizes,) if people don’t know it         when left to stew in my own comfort bubble, I don’t
is happening. So, the usual process is some combina-              improve or grow. I stagnate. I calcify. I mildew. It is in
tion of an email, an announcement in the SAIL news-               connection with other people, even when it seems
letter (if the timing is right,) a post in the CYF Group          like work, that God can help us all to become closer
(private) on Facebook, and possibly a post on Insta-              to the people we were created to be; people who are
gram. If there is time, a postcard might go out. Then,            getting better at knowing and loving God and know-
when that doesn’t get responses, (and I am not com-               ing and loving others. This changes us in a good way,
plaining, I know that CYF activities cannot be the                and will change the world, which needs it.
highest priority for most people even in regular times,           So, what am I asking? Please, read the emails, etc.
let alone now,) I start texting. Which only works for             Respond, even if it is a No, or a Not this time (Yes is
people for whom I have mobile numbers and feels                   also welcome and all the other variations.) Let me
really intrusive. If you haven’t explicitly said, “Please         know the best way to reach you. Try things and give
text me reminders,” I feel like I belong in your                  feedback even if it isn’t positive (again, positive is
“blocked for spam” category. If, at this time, I only             welcome but the goal is to move toward things that
have a couple of responses I start to wonder where I              are life-giving, not time-wasting or soul-sucking.)
have gone wrong. Did I overestimate the interest the              Offer to help, if you are willing. Both youth and adults
people would have? Did I pick the wrong night? Did I              can help plan, encourage, set stuff up and pray, in
send too little or too much info, or send it at the               front and behind the scenes. The best stuff we do is
wrong time or to the wrong recipient? Were there                  ALWAYS the result of group effort, and leadership has
technical problems at any point? I usually don’t know.            its rewards, too! Take the goals of children, youth and
We have rock star kids and youth who show up and                  family ministry seriously, but also expect joy, always.
do whatever because for some crazy reason, they                   There is SO MUCH coming up the next few months.
seem to like it and I will forever love and be grateful           Your attention and participation is important, particu-
for them. But, I love the ones who don’t show up,                 larly for the Soul Searching study in January and a
too. The worst thing, in my mind, is not reaching the             very important middle school + high school virtual
kid who really wants or needs to be involved. Maybe               retreat Feb 3, but for other things as well. Please
this want or need is low-key, they are just uncomfort-            consider the options and let me know if you will be
ably bored and wanting something to do…                           there.                           ~ Lynnette

January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Core Team & Mission Corner...
               Core Team Corner                                      January Mission Of The Month
There are no new updates from the Core Team this
month. The next Core Team meeting will be held on
Zoom at 6:30 p.m. January 11, 2021.

        Church Conference Highlights
The church conference was held via Zoom on Sun-              Loaves & Fishes is a nonprofit organization serving
day, December 6 at 11:00am. Highlights include…              free, healthy meals to Minnesotans where the need
   Pastoral compensation package was approved               is greatest. They serve urban, suburban and rural
    for 2021.                                                communities through a variety of meal programs
                                                             supported by creative food sourcing, their own farm
   Inactive membership report was approved with             and gardens and food rescue efforts. Their meal
    no one being removed for 2021. Throughout                program began in 1982, with one dining site each in
    most of 2020, we were unable to verify all who           Minneapolis and St. Paul. They now serve 133
    have attended online worship so we have not              outlets in 12 counties.
    added anyone to the inactive list. We also have
    not removed anyone who hasn’t asked to be re-            Loaves & Fishes provide thousands of healthy meals
    moved. People who were on the two year inac-             daily and are the largest free meal program in Min-
    tive list were recommended for continuance on            nesota. Their meals elevate the overall health and
    the membership roll for the ensuing year.                well-being of Minnesotans while also providing
   Leadership report was approved for 2021. New             comfort and building strong communities. They
    members are still being sought for the Core              feature farm-to-table dining with produce grown at
    Team and the Staff-Parish Relations Team.                their own local farm and gardens. They rescue food
                                                             innovatively. They also strategically grow program-
   Closing remarks:                                         ming in areas of greatest need.
    As we continue with online worship and minis-
    try, and look to our future regathering, we
    would be wise to consider our community a two
    -campus church, one online and one in-person.
    We have the equipment and are getting ready to
    add live-streaming to our worship options. This
    will help us remain in tune with our growing vir-        A special Thank You to all who participated in the
    tual audience while still caring for our in-person       2020 CAP agency Hope for the Holidays Project. As
    community.                                               a congregation, we sponsored 9 families (30
All documents/reports can be requested through               people) which amounted to $1500 in gift cards to
the office by email office@htumc.org , or call               make the holidays more special for needy families
952-447-2990 to request printouts.                           in our communities. We wish to extend a special
                                                             Thank You to our Head Elf Kirsten Wagner for her
                  Thank you for donating $655                organization and help in this project. Thanks again
                   to Southern Valley Alliance               for a job well done! ~ Keith & Deb Randa
                 during the month of November.
               Thank you also to those who ordered           Thank you also to those who donated coats to the
               poinsettias to support their mission.         Emma Norton Winter Coat Drive. Jim and Liz
                                                             Weninger delivered a van full of coats to Emma
  Your donations help Southern Valley Alliance pro-          Norton estimated at $2000-$3000. A big thank you
 vide victims of domestic violence and their families        to the congregation for supporting this mission.
  with support, referrals, protection and advocacy.

January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Church Announcements...

         2020 End-of-Year Donations                         UMW (United Methodist Women)
                                                                     for January!
In order for a donation to be credited to your 2020
       giving statement, checks must be dated                - via ZOOM - from the comfort & safety
December 31, 2020 or before and must be received                         of your own home.
     in the church office by Monday, January 4.                    Tuesday, January 12th at 2pm
                                                                           Please join us!
                   Thank you!                              As a community of women who know God,
                                                                we will share fellowship, devotions,
                 Check it Out!                                          discussion & prayer.
                                                          Please let Sharon Dougherty know you’ll join
  Our kids and families have created a large and               so she can email you the Zoom link.
colorful poster which is hung in the window by the
rear entrance of the church to encourage the folks
who use our parking lot, and we would love for you
  to check it out! It will be up through January 6.

January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity UMC
                                                                                                    (952) 447-2990
                                                Calendar Subject to Change

       Sun                    Mon                  Tue               Wed                    Thur         Fri          Sat

                                                                                                    1            2

3                        4                  5               6                          7           8            9
8:30am Online                                                8:30am Moment of Prayer
9:30am K-4th Online
Sunday School

                                                             6:30-7:15 7th/8th
5-5:45 5th/6th Youth                                         Confirmation
7:30-8:15 HS Youth

10                       11                 12              13                         14           15          16
8:30am Online
Worship                                                      8:30am Moment of Prayer
9:30am K-4th Online
Sunday School

5-5:45 5th/6th Youth                                         6:30-7:15
7:30-8:15 HS Youth       6:30pm Core Team                    7th/8th Youth
17                       18                 19              20                         21           22          23
8:30am Online
Worship                                                      8:30am Moment of Prayer
9:30am K-4th Online
Sunday School

5-5:45 5th/6th Youth                                         6:30-7:15 7th/8th
7:30-8:15 HS Youth                                           Confirmation

24                       25                 26              27                         28           29          30
8:30am Worship                                               8:30am Moment of Prayer
9:30am K-4th Online
5:00 (5/6) & 7:30 (HS)
8:30am Worship
9:30am K-4th Online                                          6:30-7:15
5:00 (5/6) & 7:30 (HS)                                       7th/8th Youth

January, 2021 - Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
16150 Arcadia Avenue SE
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372

Worship: 8:30 Online
Pastor: Rev. Chad Gilbertson
(952) 356-4616 pastor@htumc.org

Family Ministries: Lynnette Dobberpuhl
(651) 492-8188 kidsandfamilies@htumc.org

Church Admin: Tina Chant
(952) 447-2990 office@htumc.org
Church website: htumc.org

                   Our Vision: “To love God, uplift people, inspire hope, and grow disciples of
                             Jesus Christ in our community and everywhere we go.”

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