July 10, 2022 - 10:30 am - Edmonds United Methodist Church

Page created by Andrew Woods
July 10, 2022 - 10:30 am - Edmonds United Methodist Church
“The Good Neighbor” by Kelly Latimore

July 10, 2022 - 10:30 am
July 10, 2022 - 10:30 am - Edmonds United Methodist Church

The heart of our church is joining together in gratitude and praise. You are invited to join us
Sunday mornings at 10:30 am in our Sanctuary and online. On the first Sunday of each month
we share in Holy Communion, and whether or not you are a member of the church you
are welcome as a full participant. Our Foundry service is a contemplative practice based
community with Holy Communion offered at weekly gatherings on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm
in the Sanctuary.

     Sunday Worship Services                                        Serve

Childcare for babies and toddlers (up to        Our Children’s Center provides enriching and
age 3) is available during worship in the       developmentally appropriate preschool and
nursery located in the Children’s Center        daycare for children ages 2.5 through 12.
wing, or in our narthex “pray-ground”.
                                                Each week, Edmonds Food Bank assists over
Sunday School classes for children three        500 families on Monday evenings and Tuesday
years old to 6th grade meet during the          mornings with essential nutrition.
school year, but break for summer.
                                              The Thrift Shop sells low-cost clothing and
After service, share in cookies and coffee    other items each Monday, Tuesday, and
at Coffee Hour in the Wesley Room, located Thursday mornings from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
just to the right of the sanctuary.           Proceeds support mission projects locally and
Our Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, ensembles,
and soloists of our Music Ministry enrich our Volunteers in our Tutoring Program provide
worship.                                      one-on-one tutoring for children in
                                              Kindergarten through 6th Grade, Wednesday
                                              evenings from November through May. Due
                                              to the pandemic, it hopes to resume in the
                     Grow                     2022-23 school year.

                                                The Toy Shop, provides a new book, stuffed
Our Adult Spiritual Formation ministry offers   animal, and toy for over 1,000 low-income
ongoing and short-term groups, Bible/book       local children during the Christmas season.
studies, retreats, and special lectures.
                                                Join Advocates for Justice and engage in
We offer opportunities for children and         advocacy and public witness to address
families to deepen their faith through          social justice issues that affect our community
Sunday School, Youth Group, VBS, Family         and world. Along with providing information
Camp, and intergenerational worship.            and educational events, we connect
                                                members to service opportunities.
EUMC Youth is more than just a youth group
- it’s a family that welcomes and embraces
every 7th -12th grader who walks through
the door. We meet during the school year
on Sunday evenings in the Youth Hall.
Order of Service

                   Welcome! We are delighted that you are here with us today. We invite you
                   to fill out the Connect Card in the pew and place in the offering basket
                   during the Offertory Anthem. You may also point your phone camera
                   over the QR code to the left and it will take you to an online Connect
                   Card. If you are worshiping online you can also fill out the online Connect
                   Card by clicking on the link below the media player on our website at

(*) indicates you may rise in body or spirit.

                                           We Gather

Prelude			 To Walk In Faith                                                      Chris Oberfield
			David Paxton

Welcome                                                                    Pastors Ann Jacob &
                                                                     Joanne Coleman Campbell

*Call to Worship

        Gather us in, Lord, and hear our prayers.
        We have come to this place in need for healing and hope.
        Gather us in, Lord, and heal our spirits.
        We come here seeking guidance and strength.
        Gather us in, Lord, and open our hearts to receive your word.
        Open our hearts, our spirits, our souls to comprehend your word
        and follow you faithfully. AMEN

*Passing of the Peace

        The peace of Christ be with you all.
        And also with you.

                        Please greet one another with a sign of Christ’s peace
                             in a way that is comfortable for each of you.

*Opening Hymn
   Gather Us In
			Words & Music: Marty Haugen

                                   We Proclaim

Children’s Message                                     Pastor Joanne

Anthem		Equip Us for Your Service, Lord            Chamber Ensemble
			Kenneth T. Kosche

*Scripture Reading   Deuteronomy 30: 9-14 (NRSV)        Claudia Carr
			                  Luke 10: 25-37 (NRSV)
For the word of God in scripture.
      For the word of God among us.
      For the words of God within us.
      Thanks be to God.

*Hymn of Preparation God, Speak to Me, That I May Speak
			Words: Frances Ridley Havergal, Music: Robert Schumann

Sermon			                                                        Rev. John Coleman Campbell

                                      We Respond

Sermon Response      God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me
			                  Words & Music: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

Pastoral Prayer                                                     Pastor Ann

The Lord’s Prayer

        Our Father in heaven,
        hallowed be your name,
        your kin-dom come, your will be done,
        on earth as in heaven.
        Give us today our daily bread.
        Forgive us our sins
        as we forgive those who sin against us.
        Save us from the time of trial,
        and deliver us from evil.
        For the kin-dom, the power,
        and the glory are yours,
        now and forever.

Invitation to Offering of Our Gifts and Lives

   Take My Life and Let It Be                             Chamber Ensemble
			Thomas Keesecker

*Doxology		 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
			Words: Thomas Ken, adapt. Gilbert Vieira, Music: German melody

*Prayer of Dedication
We Scatter to Serve


*Closing Hymn
   Founded on Faith
			Words & Music: Paul D. Weber

*Benediction                                                    Pastor John

Postlude		 I Sing the Greatness of Our God                   Chris Oberfield
			arr. Fred Bock

                   You are always welcome to remain seated
                            and enjoy the postlude.

Worship Notes

   Worship services are recorded for archival and streaming purposes.
   To access, visit our website at www.edmondsumc.org/broadcast.
 CCLI License # 2142934 | CCS License #11527 | ONE LICENSE #738081-A

Beyond Sunday Morning
                                                    a tour of the facility so you can see more of
 Current In-Person Covid-19 Guidelines:             our grounds and the different ways we use
 •   Wear a mask in the building.                   our building to serve our congregation and
 •   During our “passing of the peace,” we          surrounding community!
     encourage you to bump elbows or offer
     gestures from your heart.
                                                    Foundry Dinner Church | Today | 6:00 pm
 •   Singing while wearing a mask is allowed.       Join us this evening for Dinner Church in place
 •   Child care is offered in the Narthex           of our typical Foundry contemplative practice.
     at the back of the sanctuary during            Tonight our service is a liturgy of the table -
     service.                                       we will celebrate communion and partake
 •   Coffee Hour is offered after services in       in a simple meal of soup and salad. Join us
     the Wesley Room.                               as we build community, make new friends,
 •   Small groups and community groups are          and worship together! If you are interested to
     welcome to gather in the building.             be a part of the cooking, setup, or cleanup
 •   Funerals and weddings may be                   teams, contact David Hendrix, davidh@
     scheduled through the office.                  edmondsumc.org
 •   If you do not feel well, we ask that you
     stay home and join us online.                  ReNew Vacation Bible School | July 18 – 22
                                                    In-person VBS is BACK! Join us for ReNew: a
Guest Preacher - Rev. John Coleman Campbell         week of fun, growing in faith, and learning
                                                    to care for God’s creation! We need many
This morning we have a guest preacher –
                                                    volunteers to make it happen, there are lots
Rev. John Coleman Campbell! Besides being
                                                    of ways to help. To sign up or to register a
Pastor Joanne’s spouse, John is the son of
                                                    child visit edmondsumc.org/vbs. You can also
former Edmonds UMC pastor Rev. Marshall
                                                    contact Angela Molloy with any questions at
Campbell, back in the 1970s. They moved
here when John was a Junior in High School,         angelam@edmondsumc.org
and this was also his home during the years
                                                    Yardwork Volunteers Needed!
he was away at college. This congregation,
as his local church, recommended him                Our church is blessed with a large and
for ministry when he started the ordination         beautiful property, but that also means
process, a recommendation all candidates            maintainng the grounds is a big job!
need. John retired from 38 years of ministry last   Unfortunately, our Facilities Manager, Kevin
summer. Today we are able to see the fruit this     Danberg, recently injured his shoulder, so we
congregation’s recommendation and support           are in need now more than ever of capable
yielded!                                            volunteers to help with jobs like weeding flower
                                                    beds, edging grass along the sidewalks and
Guest Lunch | Today | 12:00 pm                      walk ways, trimming back hedges and trees,
Our next guest lunch will be today in the library   etc. Any amount of assistance is welcome and
at 12:00 pm, following the second service.          helpful! If you enjoy spending time outside in
Our pastors are looking forward to meeting          the yard, or you appreciate how lovely it is
any new people and answering any questions          driving up to church when our grounds look
you may have about Edmonds UMC and                  their best, please consider helping and reach
our ministires. This is a great way to get to       out to Kevin at kevind@edmondsumc.org.
know more about our community and learn
about ways you may become involved here!
Following the lunch, everyone is invited on
Weekly Game Group | Wednesdays | 1:45 to 3:45 pm   children, and youth. For more information
                                                   contact Gay Johnson at gajedmonds1325@
The Weekly Game Group meets and shares             yahoo.com.
the fun of playing a game together each
week in the Library! Open to all people            Advertise in the Edmonds UMC eNews
regardless of age, gender, or partnered status,
this group gathers believing that a simple         The eNews is published each week on Friday,
welcome to all who would play is Godly,            providing the pastors, staff, and group leaders
too. Start with a variation of Dominoes and        with an effective channel to communicate
take it from there. Each week will feature an      to our congregation and community. If you
opportunity to visit and enjoy getting to know     and your group are interested in placing a
on another as you play. For more information       communication in the eNews, you may do
contact Judy Lambert.                              so by submitting it to our Office Administrator,
                                                   Denise Williams, at denisew@edmondsumc.
Handbell Choir for People with Disabilities        org. Communications must be relevant to
                                                   the mission and goals of Edmonds UMC,
We are beginning a new handbell choir for          should be kept to approximately 75 words
people living with disabilities. The handbell      or less, and should include a clear pixel
choir will begin rehearsing in the fall on a       image, if applicable. And finally, any article
weeknight. If you or someone you know              or communication must be subbmitted to
might be interested in joining or you want to      Denise by Wednedsay, 5:00 pm, in order to go
learn more, please contact Amber Saldivar,         out in the Friday email, and is also subject to
ambersaldivar@gmail.com                            approval before being published.

Tutoring Program Needs Volunteers!
Looking ahead to the Fall, our Tutoring
Program is looking forward to starting back up
after a long hiatus due to covid. This wonderful
ministry helps children from our community
with academic tutoring each week, as well as
providing a community meal on Wednesday
evenings. More details will be shared as the
new school year approaches, but for now the
team is looking for new volunteers to help with
coordination, meal prep, clean up, as well
as actual tutoring. For more information or to
volunteer, please contact Sylvia McDonald at

Thriftshop Volunteers Needed!
United Methodist Women in Faith are looking
for 5 to 6 volunteers to help out in our thrift
store, which is located on the lower level of
the church. Our hours are 10-2 pm, Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Thursdays. We need more
people on Mondays and Tuesdays. Men
and women are welcome. No one works
alone. Training is provided. Any help is much
appreciated. Profits go to Church projects,
mission trips, charities, and a focus on women,
In Our Thoughts & Prayers
Those with health & prayer               -Donovan Kleweno                   Those experiencing loss:
concerns:                                -Avila Arcala
                                                                            -The family of David Sizer
                                         -Our Ukrainian refugee families    -The family of Ann Brown
-Lynda Gucker
                                         -Mariah Kindel                     -The family of Andrew Hershey
-Lisa Burns
                                         -John Rodenberg                    -Dale Hoggins
-Judy Lambert
                                         -Stacy McGraw’s parents            -Beth Lanie
-Helen Cook
                                         -Pat Beaudry                       -Norma Thompson’s son, Earl
-Mary & Ivan Morrison’s niece,
                                         -Tina Barner                       -Fritz Family
                                         -Deborah Moritz
-Joyce Nicolazzi
                                         -Peggy Cousins’ brother,
-Tom Nicolazzi
-Beth Lanie

                                      Leading in Worship Today
Interim Co-Pastor                        Nursery Coordinator                Scripture Reader
Rev. Joanne Coleman                      Angela Molloy                      Claudia Carr
Campbell                                 Musicians                          Ushers
Co-Pastor                                Katy Brock, Shelly Ehni, Diana     Steve Black
Rev. Ann Jacob                           Nielsen, Evan Norberg, Danielle    Coffee Hour
                                         Reutter-Harrah, Mary Sherhart
Guest Preacher                                                              Mark Sutton, Tamara Sutton,
Rev. John Coleman                        Sound, Projection, & Video         Voni Trott
Campbell                                 Pat Cross, Corey Eriksen,
                                         Ken Pickle

            Edmonds United Methodist Church is committed
            to cultivating an anti-racist, decolonized,
            contemplative, beloved community grounded in                        Edmonds United Methodist Church
            the way of Jesus. We are proud to be a Reconciling             828 Caspers Street, Edmonds, WA 98020
            Congregation, affirming of all LGBTQIA+ people.                  425-778-2119 | www.edmondsumc.org
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