What shall I render to the Lord?

Page created by Jeff Palmer
What shall I render to the Lord?
What shall I render to the Lord?
What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me? (Psalm

This question that King David asked has pricked my conscience
and troubled me. Indeed, what can I render to the Lord? What
shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me, since God is
all-sufficient and He needs nothing?

Charles J Ellicott (1819-1905) said this: “The best return we can
make for a gift of God is to take a higher gift. Have we thanked God
for our daily bread? Then the best return we can make is to take
the bread of life (feed on God’s word). Have we thanked Him for
our sleep? Then the best return we can make is to take His gift of
rest and peace (let God be our Shepherd). Have we thanked Him
for our health? Then the best return we can make is to seek His
gift of holiness (obey God’s command)” (Italics mine).

Therefore, it is not what I can return to God but how I may receive
and use God’s gift that matters. Let us now apply this principle to
New Testament teachings on gifts and service.

1 Peter 4:10-11 tells us that each Christian has a gift, and it is by
God’s grace. Our responsibility is to use that gift to serve others,
through God’s strength, and for the glory of God.

Second, from Ephesians 4:12-13, we learn that we are given gifts
so that the body of Christ may attain unity and may grow in
maturity in Christ.

For internal circulation only Vol 34 No 06 09 February, 2020
Therefore, we could say the best return we can make to God is to
use His gifts to serve others, because by doing so we are seeking
unity and maturity in the body of Christ.

How then do we do this in practical ways? For example:

Some members have used the gift of time to build up the body by
blessing others with their time – for example, giving others a
listening ear, babysitting, running errands for the less mobile,
supporting pastoral care, or helping in specific church projects.

Some others, besides giving in tithes and offerings, have used their
gift of financial resources to support the church in unexpected
needs, help members who are going through financial difficulties,
support worthy overseas missions work and so on.

Yet others have used the gift of faith to share their testimonies as
well as Christ’s love, speak the good news of the Gospel, encourage
and strengthen the weak in faith, and disciple new believers.

The list could go on, because God has blessed each of us with
spiritual blessings and gifts in Christ (Ephesians1:3; 4:7).

So how shall we render to God all his benefits to us? With thankful
hearts, we may do so by giving to and serving others, humbly and
cheerfully, in the love of Christ.

1 Peter 4:10-11: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one
another, as good stewards of God's varied grace… whoever serves, as
one who serves by the strength that God supplies – in order that in
everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ…

Ephesians 4:11-13: And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the
evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the
work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all
attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness
of Christ.
                                                        Dn   Lee Pang Wee
(Editorial Writers: 16 Feb – Ps Daniel Tan; 23 Feb – Dn Sim Chow Meng)

“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.
And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the
windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no
more need.”                                                      Malachi 6:10
Hermon Children and Youth Ministry – Pray for parents of the children and
youths in Hermon. Ask the Lord to guide and strengthen them in the spiritual
training of the children. Pray for wisdom and love to see to the spiritual need
as well as the physical and emotional needs of their children. Ask the Lord to
help them to persevere that they may find Him a great help and
encouragement in time of need.

Financial Resources – We thank God for His continued sustenance of all our
needs in our families and as a church. May we seek to be better stewards of
the financial resources that God provides through us.

Pulpit Ministry – May the Lord go before us as we prepare to preach through
the prison epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. May
the unfolding of His Word give us light and His Spirit enable us to apply its
relevance to our daily lives.

                          WORLD/LOCAL EVENTS
Global Health Emergency – Let us continue to pray for China and for more
global solidarity to combat the 2019-nCoV. Pray that during this outbreak,
God’s people will fix their eyes on Jesus and trust Him for protection for
themselves and also for those around them. Pray for healing for those
affected and for gospel opportunities during this period. Pray that believers’
faith and hope in Christ would give platforms for speaking of Christ.

Singapore – Continue to pray for our local authorities as they handle the
2019-nCoV issue. Pray for the local transmission cases as they battle the virus
and for their complete recovery. Pray also for those quarantined and that
the local transmission clusters would be swiftly contained.

                              PASTORAL CARE
Birthdays (09-15 Feb 2020) – We rejoice with our members whose birthdays
fall this week: Angela Choo, David Goh, Kerry Goh-Wong, Pauline Ann Leung,
Merlene Paik, Dominic Gan, Michael Chionh and Terrence Kaurah.
                                     09 Feb – Christine Lei/16 Feb – Deborah Engelsen

       PRAYER MEETING – Wed (12 Feb) 8.00pm @ Peter room #04-02
            Prayer leader: Eld Elgin Chan Focus: Hermon’s Facility Search

A warm WELCOME to all who are here this morning. If this is your first
time with us, please fill in a Visitor’s Card and drop it in the offering bag
during the Offertory. We invite you for fellowship after Service at the
Love Fellowship Hall on the ground floor.

A WARM WELCOME to Rev Wong Shin Hoe, our pulpit speaker this
morning. Rev Wong is currently the Senior Pastor of Hebron BP Church.
Formerly a legal professional, he entered full-time pastoral ministry
after more than 17 years in the marketplace, finally answering the call
of God on his life given as he graduated from university. Based on his
professional and pastoral experience, he believes that God has wired
him to teach. Rev Wong is married to Patsy and they have three
emerging young adult children. All the five are blessed to have good
conversations within the family.

HEALTH ADVISORY ON 2019-nCoV – Please stay and rest at home if you
have a fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat or you have been to China
within the last 14 days. As a precaution, let us refrain from physical
contact and greet each other with a smile and handwave instead of a
handshake. If you miss Service, you can access our website at
www.hermon.org.sg to listen to our worship message and to read the
bulletin. We will keep you updated of further precautionary measures
which we may take progressively.

NEW CATECHISM CLASS will start on Sun 29 Mar for 7 sessions. Time:
1.30pm-2.30pm. The Baptismal Service will be held during our Church
Anniversary Service in July. If you have been worshipping with us for
more than six months and have decided to settle in Mount Hermon as a
member by baptism (a public confession of your faith), membership
transfer (from another Bible-believing church) or re-affirmation of faith
(for children above 12 and have been baptised during childhood), please
get a form from the Steward i/c after Service today.

BRISKWALK (Sat 22 Feb) – We will meet at 5.00pm at Sembawang mrt
station. We shall be walking towards the Sembawang Hot Spring. Let’s
invite your neighbors and friends to join us. Kindly let us know if you are
able to join us. – Amy & Eld Yoo Keong

FELLOWSHIP LUNCH (free-will offering). Let us be encouraged to stay
back for fellowship over lunch next Sun 16 Feb.

HIM SEMINAR – Understanding Mental Health Biblically on Sun 23 Feb,
1.30pm-4.30pm after church service at Jerusalem Sanctuary. Speaker is
Dr Valentino Gonzales from the School of Counselling, SBC. For more
details of speaker, log in https://www.sbc.edu.sg/dr-valentino-l-
gonzales/ Registration continues today at Love Fellowship Hall after
Service. – Dn Simon Toh

ORDINATION SERVICE – We thank God that both Dn Luwin Wong and
Preacher Daniel Ho of Mt Gerizim have been affirmed by the ordination
council. Let us set aside Saturday 28 Mar at 11.00am for the ordination
service at Jerusalem Sanctuary, followed by a thanksgiving lunch. Let us
be grateful to God for providing us servants of the Gospel and rejoice with
them on their calling to ministry.

THANKSGIVING FLOWERS (March–June) – There are still some slots not
taken up. Offering thanksgiving flowers is a gesture for an answered
prayer, an expression of thanks to God or for a happy occasion. Do drop
by the Notice Board at Love Fellowship Hall and select a date. Each
bouquet is $35. Please make cash payment to that week’s floral
arranger. – Jessie Lim-Choy

MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER UPDATE – Our subsidiary member Mr Samuel
Tan Chi Tse has transferred his membership to Covenant Evangelical Free

STAFF MOVEMENT – This morning Dn Luwin Wong is preaching at Moriah
BP Church.

                              SUNDAY MEETINGS
                   Vocal Team Practice       8.45am–9.30am    Paul room #04-14
                   Worship Practice          8.45am–10.50am   Ebenezer Chapel
Today, 01 Mar      CG Leaders Equipping      1.45pm–3.45pm    Peter room #04-02
16 Feb, 15 Mar                                                Faith Fellowship Hall
                   YM Sunday Fellowship 1.30pm–3.00pm
01 Mar, 05 Apr                                                Hope Courtyard
01, 08, 22, 29 Mar DSG Practice              1.30pm–3.00pm    Gideon room #04-07
08 Mar             Choristers practice       1.30pm–3.00pm    Jerusalem Sanctuary

CG & Leader                           2020                 Venue
Agape Lester Cheng                    16 Feb, Sun, 1.30pm Peter room 04-02
CCK Open Care                         21 Feb, Fri, 7.30pm Room 02-03A
de Vine Jennifer Seah                 14 Feb, Fri, 9am     Eld & Mrs Tan Kim Ping’s home
El Shaddai Gillian Lim                15 Feb, Sat, 9am     Room 02-03A
Immanuel Karen Sim                    14 Mar, Sat, 10am    Gideon room 04-07
Jehovah Jireh Dns Malar Thomas 15 Feb, Sat, 7.30pm Joshua & Wendy’s home
Klema Dn Richard Yew             21 Feb, Fri, 7.30pm Moriah Sanctuary
Koinonia (Clementi) Dn Mike Fong 16 Feb, Sun, 1.30pm Room 02-03B
Koinonia (W’lands) Dn Simon Toh       16 Feb, Sun, 1.30pm Isaac room 01-05
Lakers Dawn Tan                       22 Feb, Sat, 5.30pm Leong Kam Chew & Natalie’s home
Living Water Daniel Woon              15 Feb, Sat, 7.30pm Peter room 04-02
Morning Glory Jeanette Ler-Lee        21 Feb, Fri, 9am    Peter room 04-02
Paideia Gene Tan                      16 Feb, Sun, 1.30pm Samuel room 04-08
Young Adults Dn Luwin Wong            21 Feb, Fri, 7.30pm Peter/Gideon/Samuel rooms
                                       ROOM                                FEBRUARY
Time: 11.30am–1.00pm
                                                                         Teaching Leader:
Youth (Pr 6 - Post Sec)                Peter (#04-02)
                                                                            John Chua
                                       ROOM                                FEBRUARY
Time: 11.30am–12.30pm
Faithfulness (P4-P5)                   Nehemiah (#02-04)              Ng Zhe Hui / Kenan Ng
Goodness (P1-P3)                       Abraham (#01-04)                    Choong Kai Xin
Peace (Nursery–K2)                     Jacob (#01-06)                    Inez Tan / Lydia Li
ATTENDANCE                                OFFERING AND PLEDGES
 (Last Week)           Fund            Last week        Month Total            Jan-to-Dec
Adults      216        General Fund   $12,785.65         $12,785.65            $59,811.25
Children      9
Total       225        Dev Fund        $2,037.00          $2,037.00            $20,969.10

 Issue cheque to Mount Hermon BP Church
 PayNow to UEN S88SS0035HGF1 or use QR Code on the

                       OFFERING TO DEVELOPMENT FUND
                        Issue cheque to Mount Hermon BP Church – Development
                        PayNow to UEN S88SS0035HDF1 or use QR Code on the left

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for
God loves a cheerful giver. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of
the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. (2 Corinthians 9:7, 12)

                                               6    5
Date:           09 February, 2020
Speaker:        Rev Wong Shin Hoe
Sermon Title: Worship That Costs
Scripture Text: Malachi 3:6-12


The Bible’s Meaning of Tithing

Our Application today


Meditation Points:
1. Have you withheld giving or are you giving below your potential,
   whatever your reason?
2. Would you commit to honour God by your giving in hard times and
   trust Him to provide for you and your family?
3. Would you commit to earn all the money you can, save all the money
   you can, and give all the money you can, out of your love for God?
Pastoral / Ministry Staff
    Rev Daniel Tan (Pastor)
       9751 7740/O-Extn 11
             Dn Luwin Wong
                                              Order of Worship
       9230 5363/O-Extn 12                      09 February, 2020, 11.00 am
 luwinwong@hermon.org.sg                   Church Theme 2020: “Keep Strengthening Our Roots”
             Mr Zebedee Lee
       8813 8944/O-Extn 13
            Dns Tang Lai Kin   Welcome
       9842 6551/O-Extn 14
      laikin@hermon.org.sg     Call to Worship            Psalm 89:1-12
           Board of Elders     Opening Hymn               Be Exalted, O God
Eld Peter Seah (Moderator)
            Rev Daniel Tan     Opening Prayer
             Eld Elgin Chan
                               Worship in Songs           Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
           Advisory Pastor
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb
      Rev (Dr) David Wong
                                                          My Worth is Not In What I Own
              Dn Mike Fong     Offertory/Doxology
         Dn Lee Pak Choon
         Dn Lee Pang Wee       Pastoral Prayer
            Dns Justina Ng             YOUTHS & CHILDREN LEAVE FOR THEIR BIBLE CLASSES
               Dn David Oh
           Dn James Quek       Scripture Text             Malachi 3:6-12
        Dn Sim Chow Meng
          Dns Tang Lai Kin     Message                    Worship That Costs
      Dns Malar G. Thomas
                               Closing Hymn               Something for Thee
             Dn Simon Toh
            Dn Luwin Wong      Benediction/Three-Fold Amen
           Dn Richard Yew
             Administrator     Speaker: Rev Wong Shin Hoe Worship Leader: Dn Lee Pak Choon
          Ms See Siew Kee      Pianist: Chantel Tay Scripture Reader: Yeo Soon Yii Vocalists: Phoebe Li
       97477726/O-Extn 18      (ic), Angela Wong and Divina Thomas Announcer: Dn Richard Yew
   siewkee@hermon.org.sg       Pastoral Prayer/Benediction: Ps Daniel Tan PA: Daniel Woon, Edward
                               Lim, Benson Fong and Ken Lee Projectionists: Samuel Chua, Ervin and
         Sunday Service        Ernest Tay Thanksgiving Flowers: David Leong Floral ic: Jennifer Seah
      11.00am- 12.30pm         Refreshment: Jehovah Jireh CG
       Children & Youth
              Bible Class      NEXT SUNDAY’S COMMUNION SERVICE (16 FEB '20)
      11.30am–12.30pm          Sermon text: Ephesians 1:1-14 Speaker: Ps Daniel Tan Worship Leader:
         Prayer Meeting        Tan Jiahan Pianist: Lenith Cheng Scripture Reader: May Seah Vocalists:
     Every 2nd & 4th Wed       Phoebe Li (ic), Abigail Wong and Priscilla Chan Announcer: Zebedee Lee
        8.00pm–9.30pm          Pastoral Prayer/Benediction: Eld Choo Yoo Keong Communion
  10 Choa Chu Kang St 52       Elements: Fong May Yee & team PA: Samuel Chan, Joel Mak and Joseph
           #04-01 CCKBC        Ho Projectionists: Marcus Lim and Leong Kam Chew Thanksgiving
        Singapore 689284       Flowers: Ps Daniel Tan & family Floral ic: Liddy Bay Fellowship Lunch:
           Tel: 6766 8903      Immanuel CG
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