ST. RAPHAEL'S PARISH October 3rd, 2021 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Raphael | Long Island City ...
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ST. RAPHAEL’S PARISH October 3rd, 2021 27 th S unday in Ordinary Time MISSION STATEMENT: St. Raphael’s is a parish rooted in tradition yet responding to an evolving community by evangeliza- tion in action. We seek to inspire the larger Catholic community to a more committed faith life and to heed Christ’s call of sharing time, talent and treasure for the needs of others. DECLARACION DE MISION: San Rafael es una parroquia enraizada en la tradición y a la vez responde a una comunidad que evoluciona con una acción evangelizadora. Buscamos inspirar a la comunidad católica global a que vivan una fe más comprometida y a prestar atención a la llamada de Cristo a compartir tiempo, talento y bienes con los necesitados. BAPTISM /BAUTISMO Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. You will need the child’s birth certificate. Favor de llamar a la rectoría. Necesitará el certificado de nacimiento del niño. EUCHARIST SCHEDULE MARRIAGE /MATRIMONIO Any couple wishing to marry should contact the rectory at Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm - English least six (6) months before the wedding. Sunday/Domingo 8:00 am - English Una pareja que está pensando en el matrimonio debe de 9:45 am - Korean llamar a la rectoría seis (6) meses antes de la boda. 11:00 am - English RECONCILIATION /RECONCILIACION 12:30 pm - Español Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:45pm Weekdays / Dias de semana and by appointment/y por cita. Monday - Friday 9:00 am - English MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ Lunes - Viernes 9:00 am - Inglés CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call the rectory at (718)729-8957 to make arrangements OFFICE HOURS /HORARIO for the sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes Anointing of the Sick at home. 9:00-1:00 pm & 2:00 - 4:00 pm Favor de llamar a la rectoría al (718)729-8957 para que la Saturday/Sábado persona enferma reciba la Comunión o Unción de los By appointment/Mediante cita Enfermos en la casa. You Can Find Us On Website: E-Mail: 35-20 Greenpoint Ave., L.I.C., NY 11101 Tel: (718) 729-8957 Fax: (718) 729-5238
October 3rd, 2021 — 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time FROM THE PASTOR… My Dear Brothers & Sisters, As I have been with you now for a full month I would like to show my appreciation to all of you for your warm welcome and making my transition pleasurable. This past week we celebrated the feast of the Archangels, and I ask the intercession of St. Raphael, our patron saint to continue to guide and intercede over me and the parish so we can come together and celebrate the Lord with all our hearts. This last couple of weeks I have notice that many of the vestments and liturgical books in the church were outdated, falling apart and needed cleaning. This week I had majority of the vestments cleaned and I purchased new liturgical books for both the English and Spanish community. In next weeks bulletin I will give a layout of all the new books we have purchased and will give a wonderful opportunity for parishioners to memorialize these books to a love one. I often say that “The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together”. We as a parish family can pray together at church with these beautiful books and also remember our love ones who has gone from us marked with the sign of faith. I am also looking at replacing all the votive candles stands and candles in the church. I have seen a great number of people who has great devotions to many of the saints in our church and many parishioners has spoken with me that the candles need to be fixed. There will be an opportunity also for those who would like to memorize the candle stand in the future. This Sunday we will have an opportunity to bless all the animals to honor St. Francis. Please bring your animals to church and receive a special blessing. The feast of St. Francis is on Monday, October 4th but we will do the blessing on Sunday so all can come and participate in this wonderful feast. I thank you for your support for the parish and prayers for me. Let us give praise to the Lord as a family and work together to make St. Raphael a vibrant parish for all to come. God Bless and St. Raphael, pray for us. - Rev. Paul Kim PARISH STEWARDSHIP Parish Staff/Equipo Parroquial Rev. Paul Kim, Parish Administrator Last week’s church collection offering: $3,957 Rev. Kuno Kim, Parochial Vicar Ms. Erica Herreros, Religious Educ. Plus $190 online (9/23-9/29/21) through GiveCentral Mr. Jan Wnek, Music Minister Average weekly expenses: $6,185
October 3rd, 2021 — 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions THIS WEEK for the Week Sun., October 3rd : 27th Sunday in Ordinary time Sunday, October 3rd : 11:00 am - Live-streamed English Mass 8:00 am - People of St. Raphael Parish 12:30 pm - Live-streamed Spanish Mass 9:45am - KOREAN MASS Mon., October 4th: 11:00 am - Charles Perrell Feast of St. Francis of Assisi 12:30 pm - Victims of COVID-19 Tues., October 5th: Monday, October 4th: Feast of St. Blessed Francis 9:00 am - Respect for Life Xavier Seelos Tuesday, October 5th: Wed., October 6th: 9:00 am - People of St. Raphael Parish Feast of St. Bruno & Bl. Marie Rose Durocher Wednesday, October 6th: Evening -Live-Streamed Spanish Rosary via 9:00 am - Philomene Gainyo (Lucie Gainyo) Facebook from St. Raphael Rectory by Vino Thursday, October 7th: Nuevo Apostolate 9:00 am - Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Rosary for Thur., October 7th: Blessings Received (Tangi & Bonny) Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary AND 10:30 to 12pm - Food Pantry Natalia DeSouza, 3rd Anniv. Remb. Fri., October 8th: (Nancy DeSouza) 7:00 pm - Folkloric Dance Troupe (MBH) Friday, October 8th: Sat., October 9th: 9:00 am - Daniela & Luis Lara, Anniv. Remb. Feast of Sts. John Leonardi & Denis, (Mercedes Lara) Companions & Martyrs Saturday, October 9th: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm - Food Pantry 5:00 pm - John & Kathleen Frawley, 50th Anniv. 2:00 pm - Spanish Group Baptisms Remb. (Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brady) 4:00 pm - Confessions 4:00 pm - Folkloric Dance troupe (MBH) SACRAMENT OF Food Pantry … BAPTISM: is normally open on ENGLISH: Sat., Oct. 2, 2:00 pm. Thursdays from 10:30 Despensa Prep class to be set. am to 12:00 noon, and de Alimentos SPANISH: Sat., Oct. 9, 2:00 pm. on Saturdays from 1:30 Prep class to be set. (Fumio Tanai photo) to 3:00 pm.
The National Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, invites you to join us at the Shrine or online, live streaming at 12 PM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021 10:30 AM We welcome celebrant, Most Rev. Nicholas A. DiMarzio, the Seventh Bishop of Brooklyn, and speaker Rev. John Anthony Boughton, CFR. HOW TO WATCH: Blue, Facebook, YouTube HOW TO CONTACT US Your prayer intentions will be offered at Mass. The Story of Our Lady of the Rosary Call: 866-513-1917 or 908-689-1700, Ext. 210 Email: Saint Pius V established this feast in 1573. The purpose was to thank God for the victory of FACEBOOK Christians over the Turks at Lepanto—a vic- tory attributed to the praying of the rosary. Clement XI extended the feast to the universal The development of the rosary has a long his- Church in 1716. tory. First a practice developed of praying 150 Our Fathers in imitation of the 150 Psalms. Then there was a parallel practice of praying 150 Hail Marys. Soon a mystery of Jesus’ life was attached to each Hail Mary. Though Mary’s giving of the rosary to Saint Dominic is recognized as a legend, the development of this prayer form owes much to the followers of Saint Dominic. One of them, Alan de la Roche, was known as “the apostle of the rosary.” He founded the first Confraternity of the Rosary in the 15th century. In the 16th century, the rosary was developed to its present form—with the 15 mysteries: joyful, sorrowful and glorious. In 2002, Pope John Paul II added the five Myster- ies of Light to this devotion.
CONGRATULATIONS & WELCOME TO OUR DIOCESE We have a new bishop – Bishop Robert Brennan. He’s from the Bronx and was appointed by the Pope as the 8th Bishop of Brook- lyn and queens on 9/29/21. Bishop Brennan addresses his new brother priests in Brooklyn while acknowledging the ministry and relationships he made while in the Diocese of Columbus! Click the link to watch and listen to his words: v=VIK8hK3uZxM St. Raphael’s Church Sunday Outdoor Flea Market Sunday, October 10, 2021 8am - 4pm Vendors Wanted! $35 per space 8foot spot and $10 table rental. To reserve a spot . Call (718)729-8957 or (917)405-6355 Checks are payable to St. Raphael Church. NO REFUNDS. All proceeds from cost of the spots will go to St. Raphael Church. Fill out bellow if want to participate ------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: __________________________________ EMAIL: ___________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: _____________________ CHECK AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ______ ITEMS TO BE SOLD: _______________________________________
E L R I N C O N H I S P A N O Inscripciones Al Programa de Educación Religiosa de St. Raphael ¡Ya están abiertas! Nuestra misión: La misión del Programa de Educación Religiosa de St. Raphael es única. Nos esforzamos por brin- dar excelencia en el desarrollo espiritual de cada niño ofreciendo apoyo y orientación a los padres mientras comparten su fe católica con sus hijos. La vida espiritual es el principio unificador que nutre y enriquece nuestro programa religioso. Nuestro equipo: Nuestro programa de Educación Religiosa es impartido por valiosos instructores que ofrecen su tiem- po, fe y conocimiento para servir a nuestra comunidad y a nuestros niños. Nuestro programa prospera gra- cias a la dedicación de los instructores inspiradores de nuestro personal. Este año invitamos a los padres y otras personas que puedan estar interesadas en ayudar durante el año escolar, como con diferentes actividades, como catequistas asistentes y en otros roles. Si está interesa- do, comuníquese con nuestra CRE, la Srta. Erica Herreros por correo electrónico: ericaherrerso@straphael- y concertar una cita o llamando a la rectoría: 718-729-8957. Las inscripciones están abiertas ahora y puede comenzar haciendo una de las siguientes acciones: 1. Llame a la rectoría para programar una cita con nuestra CRE Sra. Erica Herreros para completar un formulario de registro. 2. Llene un formulario que se encuentra en la parte trasera de la iglesia y déjelo en la rectoría y espere a que la Sra. Erica Herreros se comunique para programar una cita. Hable con amigos y familiares sobre nuestro programa de educación religiosa y ayude a plantar una semilla. T H I S ‘ N T H AT Recemos el santo rosario 1. Bishop DiMarzio has announced that no re- juntos después de la misa en ligious exemptions will be given to Catholics español, el primer y el tercer for the COVID vaccine, since the Vatican domingo de cada mes. has declared the vaccines morally accept- able. 2. Our Religious Education Program will start on October 17. Previous to the class there EDUCACION RELIGIOSA PARA ADULTOS will be a Parents Meeting on October 15 at No estas bautizado pero quiere bautizarse 7pm in the Michael Brenan Hall. en la Iglesia Católica? O, esta bautizado en otra fe y desea ser Católico? O, está bauti- zado Católico y necesita los sacramentos de Comunión y confirmación? El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos es el lugar para usted. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para mas información: 718-729-8957. Para Hombres: Para Mujeres: Octubre 21 al 24 Noviembre 18 al 21 Para mas información comunicarse con: Marta Ortega (917) 715-4679 Angelina Muñoz (718) 937-8459
Pray for the sick…/ Recemos por los enfermos… We list here the names of those who are ill and should be held in prayer: Carol Nordquist, Daria Lerro, Jan Wnek, James Leung, Liz Kleven, Migdalia Peña, Juan Xelo, Aleida Garces, Isa- bel Trujillo, Anaury Guzman, Joanne Lynch, Cesar Fernando Cadme, Gertrude O’Brien, Edda Azzalini, Hugh Forde, Cele Rossi, Kenny Gagot, Derry O’Leary, Robert Taft, Mimi Ryan, Ciarran McGrath, Dorothy Markiewicz, Gina Maldonado, Fanny Pinto, German Cazeres, Rita Lopez, Norma Torres, Alirio Lagos, Laura Gudiño, Luz America Zarria, Zelmira Ladeno, Peggy Ann Callanan, Charlotte Rappaport, Chris Harrington, Melissa Harri- gan, Kenneth Jonelunas, Richard and Bob Boehler, Kristin Revy, Ann Nelson, Carlos DeJesus, Melina D’Amico-Lamberson, Esther Byrne, Lidia Mirecki, Uziel Casiano, Ju- dith de Echevarria. World Mission Sunday is a day set aside for the Catholic Church throughout the world to pub- licly renew its commitment to the missionary move- ment. It is celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of October every year. It was created by Pope Pius XI in 1926 as the day of prayer for mission. Please pray and give generously during the second collection in your parish on World Mission Sun- day, October 23-24, 2021. Your offering of these spiritual and temporal resources will ensure that our brothers and sisters around the world will experi- ence the joy and hope of the encounter with Christ through the missions. Check the link bellow: PageSource/orderinfo.aspx
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