The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg

Page created by Jessie Bradley
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
                                                  Office Hours: 8:30 - 3:30 Monday to Friday
                                            Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
                                             Ph: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
                                   Under the Patronage of Mary Mother of the Church

GOSPEL REFLECTION - 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                            February 17, 2019

What an audience Jesus has in today's Gospel! "A great crowd of his disciples and a large number of people from all
over Judea and Jerusalem and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon." Disciples, pagans, and devout Jews gathered
together to hear Jesus speak in the Sermon on the Mount. All of these people had something in common. God was
someone to be bargained with, and if God liked you, you were rewarded with good fortune. This Sunday, Jesus tells
us a different story. "Woe to you who are rich ? who are filled now ? who laugh ? when all speak well of you. Blessed
are you who are poor ? you who are now hungry ? when people hate you and when they exclude you and insult you."
Jesus completely flips the script on what it means to be blessed by God. What he proclaims as "woe" are states of life
we often strive for, and "blessed" are the states we work hard to avoid!

Jesus is concerned with the kingdom of God and the world to come, not the typical structures of power and
privilege. The word "now" appears often in these statements. Why? If you are well "now," that's beside the point. To
be rich in this life has no direct bearing on your immortal soul. If you're struggling "now," that's not an indication that
God has forgotten you or that - in light of eternity - you're worse off than someone else. In fact, it could be an indica-
tor that you're enduring something that will bring you to a place of greater, eternal joy in the future.

This Sunday, consider your priorities. Who do we reject as not blessed, and thereby inflict woe upon ourselves? When
we encounter difficult situations in our own lives, do we see them as opportunities to remember God and lean on His
mercy and grace?
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Rev Peter Tonti PP
Parish Priest                        Getting ahead in the world is something many see as important. Success, a
Rev Jomon Poothara                   comfortable life, and worldly securities are seen as what is needed to
Associate Pastor
Rev Ronaldo Rodriguez SVD            achieve happiness. Whether or not we like to admit it, these pursuits are
Associate Pastor                     operative in many of our lives. As much as we want to believe in the Gospel,
Mrs Anne Sheehan                     we also find it hard not to cling to these other things. Unconditional trust in
Liturgy & Sacramental Co-ordinator
Mrs Denise Tuzes                     God must be first if we are going to perceive the kingdom of God. And
Visitation & Bereavement             while God does not want us to go out of our way to be miserable, Jesus
                                     clearly gives preference to those who are poor, hungry, weeping,
Mr Norm Whyte
Business Manager                     marginalized, vulnerable, and despised. When people encounter these
Mr Jeffrey Caluag                    things, they touch God. It teaches us not to get too comfortable with our
Administration & Finance
Co-ordinator                         riches and that there is much more to true life than the stuff we find so
Mrs Raquel Arriola                   important.
                                     EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP
St Joseph’s Catholic                 When I was a child, I often thought of the Church as something mystical and
Primary School                       supernatural. I wasn't wrong in my understanding of the Body of Christ, for
Principal: Mrs Kaye Beston              surely the Church has these characteristics. However, even though we speak
Ph: 4151 4771                        about the foundation of all we are as Church being the "mystery of Christ,"
St Mary’s Catholic                   Jesus became a man so that supernatural element could break into the
Primary School
Principal: Ms Madonna Davitt         natural world in a profound way. What we once could not see, we now see.          What we saw as a God in a distant place now dwelt among us. It is one of the
Ph: 4152 2167
                                     aspects of Catholicism that I have grown to appreciate the most as I have
St Patrick’s Catholic                matured: for a Catholic, the supernatural is natural. The communion of
Primary School
Principal: Mr Mark Fox               saints is heavenly and earthly at the same time.
Ph: 4152 1380                        The Beatitudes instruct us about this reality. Pope Francis reminds us that
Shalom College                       holiness is "not about swooning in mystic rapture." Holiness is about living in
Principal: Mr Dan McMahon            the real world and doing extraordinary things with our ordinary lives. Our
Ph: 4155 8111                        stewardship way of life consists of actions in the natural world that have
                                     extraordinary repercussions.
Holy Rosary Church                   Do not ever take your simple actions of generosity and love for granted. As
Cnr Barolin & Woongarra Sts          disciples called to a life of stewardship, we participate in something more
St Patrick’s Church                  profound than what we can see. We are blessed to be called to follow Jesus,
16 Powers St
                                     and we bring blessing to all those with whom we choose to share ourselves.
St Mary’s Church
Cnr Barolin & Boston Sts             -- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
St James’ Church
38 See St Bargara
                                     LIVING JUSTLY LIVING SUSTAINABLY
     OTHER CONTACTS                  This Wednesday 20th February is World Social Justice Day the focus of which
Diocesan Safeguarding                is the plight of social injustice throughout the world and to press for
Judy Pidcock: 4887 3080
                                     improvements and solutions. We can all do something locally and in Australia
The Diocese of Rockhampton
Response Line: 1800 830 113          as well as globally to remove barriers that people face because of gender,
Centacare: 1300 523 985              age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability. This might involve changing
St Vincent de Paul: 4151 5455        my/our attitude, speaking out, writing to politicians etc.
Ozcare: 1800 692 273
Towards Healing: 1800 337            PLEASE PRAY FOR
928                                  Recently Baptised: Harrison John Waters
        AFTER HOURS                  Recently Deceased: John Carlo Raz Bacus (Philippines), Judith Mary van
    Anointing of the Sick
  for Medical Emergencies            Dalen, Warrick Stuart, Patti Berry (Rockhampton), Gerald Thomas “Tom”
      Phone 4151 6666                Launchbury, Michael John Cook, Shirley Parkes,
    & follow the prompts.
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
NOTICES                                                    LITURGIES
                      WHY DO WE DO WHAT WE DO?                                         Monday 18 February 2019
                     A monthly presentation by Fr John Daly
                                                                                      9.00am St Patrick’s - Mass
          Thursday, 28 February 2019 5:30pm—6:30pm, Parish Office
                                  Topic: LENT                                          Tuesday 19 February 2019
                                                                                         9.00am St James’ - LWC
                                                                                       12.15pm Holy Rosary - Mass
Sunday, 17th February 2019 at 10.30am or Wednesday, 20th February at 5.30pm           Wednesday 20 February2019
in the Parish Office. Topic: Penance (Reconciliation)                                    8.00am Shalom - Mass
RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN STATE SCHOOLS: All returning instructors and                  5.30pm St Patrick’s - Mass
anyone interested in volunteering in this ministry are strongly encouraged to
attend the training day on 21st February 2019, 9.00am to 2.30pm at the Apostolic      Thursday 21 February 2019
Church of Qld, Ashfield Road Bundaberg. Topics: Student Protection and Code of
                                                                                      St Peter Damian, bishop, doctor
Conduct—State School Principal; Future of CRI - Karen Grenning, QCRI Co-
ordinator; Show and Tell - Fr Andrew Smith, Priest-in-Charge of Anglican Parish of         6.30am St Mary’s - Mass
Bundaberg. Morning tea and lunch provided.
                                                                                       Friday 22 February 2019
VISITATION MEETING: Thursday, 21st February 2019 10.00am at the Parish
                                                                                      12.15pm Holy Rosary - Mass
Office, 66 Woongarra St. All welcome. - Denise Tuzes
YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT (18-35 years): For any young adults across the                   Saturday 23 February 2019
Diocese, we’d love to meet you! An opportunity to take some time out and                  7.30am St Mary’s - Mass
connect at the beginning of the year. Friday evening 22nd to Sunday 24th
                                                                                           9.00am Holy Rosary -
February at the Haven Emu Park. Please email for                      Penance
more information.
                                                                                       6.00pm St Patrick’s - Mass
ADULT RETREAT: 27th February 2019, 7.00pm to 8.30pm at Atrium of the Good
Shepherd. 1st Topic - Reflection on Scripture passage Matthew 18:3.                       NEXT SUNDAY
Refreshments provided. Please RSVP to Parish Office by Wednesday, 20th
February.                                                                                   24 February 2019
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Friday, 1st March 2019 at 10.00am to be held at Good             7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Shepherd Anglican Church, 201 George St West Bundaberg. Come join us!
                                                                                              Year C (I)
WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS: If you are new to our parish, having arrived                 Hours of the Sunday,
anytime in 2018/2019, we would like to welcome you. You are invited to join us for
nibbles and drinks on Friday, 1st March 2019 5.30pm at the Parish Office,                      Te Deum
66 Woongarra St. Please RSVP to our Parish Office on 4151 6666 by 26th February
2019. We look forward to meeting you. - Denise Tuzes
                                                                                            6.00pm St Patrick’s
PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUP: Father Ray Sanchez CP and Dennis –Jeanelle
Burgen will be visiting our Parish over the weekend of 9th and 10th March 2019 to                Sunday
give talks on the Passionist Family Group.                                                   7.00am St James’
THE LITTLE BLACK EASTER BOOK: Available now in all our churches and in the                 8.00am Holy Rosary
Parish Office for $3.                                                                        9.00am St Mary’s
LENTEN DISCUSSION GROUPS 2019: If you are interested in joining a Lenten                   5.30pm Holy Rosary
Discussion Group, please write your name under your preferred group on the list
located at the front door of the Church or contact the Parish Office.
                                                                                          for next Sunday
           Disaster Appeal
                                                                                              First Reading
              A special disaster appeal collection is being taken up this weekend
                                                                                      1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23
            across the Dioceses, to particularly support those affected by flooding
                                     in North Queensland.                                     Second Reading
               You can donate via the collection this weekend or find out more             1 Corinthian 15:45-49
                          donation options on the Diocesan website.
                                                                                               Luke 6:27-38
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
                                                               by Dan McMahon
                                    Next weekend there will be a dinner held at Brothers Leagues Club on
                                    Saturday night to mark 100 continuous years of service to the Bundaberg
                                    community by the Christian Brothers. Christian Brothers High School
                                    Bundaberg welcomed its first pupils in February 1919. The last Christian
                                    Brother in that unbroken line, was Br G (Rocky) Rochford, who retired from
     SCRIPTURE                      Shalom College in December 2018. Br Joseph Hogan was the first Principal
 REFLECT & RESPOND                  at CBHS after whom Hogan House is named at Shalom.

Jeremiah 17:5-8                     The Christian Brothers were founded by Blessed Edmund Rice in Ireland in
The prophet Jeremiah urged his      the very early 1800s. Edmund saw that the only way for boys to have a
fellow Israelites from Judah to     chance of breaking the cycle of poverty and dispossession was through
trust in divine providence rather
than human wisdom. Why do           education. Edmund was a very practical man. He knew, as we do today, that
you think believers today still     young people can’t learn if they are hungry. In Edmund’s first school in
trust people more than God?
                                    Waterford, he included a bakery so that the boys could get breakfast before
1 Corinthian 15:12, 16-20           classes began. The Brothers educated young men to get jobs. The other
Paul places our share in Jesus'     thing they needed to secure a position was to be able to turn up to a job
resurrection from the dead as
                                    interview well presented. So Edmund also included a tailor’s workshop in his
core to our Christian beliefs.
What might you add to this list     first school. That spirit of ‘practicality’ permeated Brothers’ schools and
of our core beliefs?                CBHS Bundaberg was no exception. In years when sectarian divisions were
Luke 6:17, 20-26                    very apparent, the Brothers worked very hard to give young men the best
We hear today of Luke's ac-         possible opportunities.
count of Jesus' Sermon on the       Catholic Education is flourishing in Australia. It is built on the enormous
Plain, which consists of both
blessings and woes. Where do        contribution of the Christian Brothers, the Sisters of Mercy and the Presen-
you see yourself in this mix of     tation sisters (in Bundaberg) and the many other religious Orders who gave
curses and blessings?
                                    their lives to education before any Federal or State money was available for
                                    education. They worked incredibly long hours, with enormous classes by
                                    today’s standards and lived on the smell of an oily rag to ensure continuity.
                                    We have so much for which to be grateful to the thousands of women and
                                    men who began Catholic education in this town, in this State and in the
                                    The Christian Brothers who served in Bundaberg did an outstanding job. But
                                    they were not without their failings at times – like everyone else. Overall
                                    their story in Bundaberg, along with the Sisters of Mercy, the Josephites and
                                    the Presentations were a great gift to generations of young women and
                                    men. Shalom College was opened in 1984 with the amalgamation of Loyola
                                    College and Christian Brothers High School. I have no doubt that the early
                                    Brothers who came to Bundaberg and the Sisters who were here before
    PARISH MISSION                  them, would be very pleased to know that the ethos of both Edmund Rice
      STATEMENT                     and Catherine McAuley is very much alive and well at Shalom. They would
 In relationship with Christ,       recognize it as one of their schools! The era of having Brothers and Nuns in
   empowered by the Holy            education is over but their legacy is profound and the example that they left
 Spirit, we serve joyfully as a     is an enormous one to live up to. The women and men who follow that
people beloved and called by        example today do their best to live out a vision for education that still
              God.                  recognized the vital importance of an education, grounded in the vision of
                                    Jesus, for young people today – just as it was in 1919.
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
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